Episode Synopsis
Tracy Hemenover
Sisko studies his friend, Lt. Commander Calvin Hudson, who by
his presence on this asteroid has revealed that he is a member
of the Maquis. "You should've seen the look on your face when
you saw me standing there," Hudson tells him, and Sisko
replies, "I hardly recognized you without your uniform."
Hudson takes the uniform out of a satchel and hands it to
Sisko. "Well, it's been feeling a little tight lately." Sisko
reminds him of when Hudson first put it on, the day they
graduated from the Academy.
Now, though, Hudson has found something that for him is better
than Starfleet. "These settlers, Ben -- if you saw all they
have accomplished without any help from the Federation, then
you'd fight along with them...They've traveled out here to the
back of the beyond and built homes out of the wilderness.
Maybe the Federation can turn their backs on them, but I
can't." Sisko insists that he's not asking him to. "But your
joining the Maquis isn't helping anyone. Your actions have
only endangered the treaty, and put millions of lives at
risk." To Hudson, though, the treaty is just a piece of paper.
Sisko tells him he won't get any proof from Dukat that the
Central Command has violated it. He asks where Dukat is;
Hudson gives him a long look. "I never thought I'd see the day
when you'd side with a Cardassian against me."
Sisko insists that he is trying to stop his friend from making
the biggest mistake of his life. Starfleet will come after him
and hunt him down, unless they can end the violence together.
"The violence will never end as long as Central Command
continues to smuggle weapons to their colonies," Hudson
retorts, claiming that no one wants peace more than the Maquis.
Sisko brings up the dead crewmembers of the Bok'Nor. When he
proposes that they go to Cardassia to find evidence to back up
Hudson's belief, Hudson says no. "The Federation abandoned us.
Told us to take care of ourselves. Well, that's what we intend
to do, Ben." He has a proposition of his own for Sisko: that
the Maquis be allowed to use the station to maintain ships and
store supplies. But Sisko refuses.
With genuine regret, Hudson tells Sisko, "I'm sorry we won't
be working together, Benjamin. It would've been nice. Like old
times." He stuns him, while his friends stun Kira and Bashir,
and the Maquis leave.
When Sisko returns to DS9, Dax tells him Legate Parn will be
here within the hour, and Admiral Necheyev is already here.
Sisko has O'Brien retrace the Maquis' warp trail to see if
they met any other ships in order to transfer Dukat over. Then
he goes into his office to meet Necheyev, who tells him the
Central Command has gone on military alert.
Necheyev suggests that Sisko might be better off with a
Starfleet officer in charge of security, but Sisko expresses
confidence in Odo, and assures her that they are working to
locate Dukat. But there's a bigger issue -- the Maquis. "The
Maquis are a bunch of irresponsible hotheads," Necheyev says.
As far as she's concerned, the Federation should never have
allowed the colonists to remain on the Cardassian side of the
Demilitarized Zone. Sisko says they're there, and they're not
leaving. Necheyev wonders what Hudson thinks of all this, and
Sisko refrains from telling her of Hudson's defection. "I'll
-- have to ask him."
Necheyev leaves after ordering Sisko to establish a dialogue
with the Maquis. "Establish a dialogue? What the hell does she
think I've been trying to do?" Sisko fumes to himself as Kira
enters. "Just because a group of people belong to the
Federation, it does not mean that they are saints...The
trouble is Earth," he rants, blowing off steam. "On Earth,
there is no poverty, no crime, no war. You look out the window
of Starfleet Headquarters and you see paradise. Well, it's
easy to be a saint in paradise. But the Maquis do not live in
paradise. Out there in the Demilitarized Zone, all the
problems haven't been solved yet. Out there, there are no
saints, just people. Angry, scared, determined people who are
going to do whatever it takes to survive, whether it meets
with Federation approval or not." "Makes sense to me," says
Kira, and Sisko calms down. "I'm glad someone understands."
Kira suggests that he give that same speech to Legate Parn,
whose ship just docked. But at that moment, Odo calls with the
news that he's caught one of the Vulcan's accomplices.
Sisko goes to see Quark in a holding cell. The Ferengi
protests that he had no idea Sakonna was planning to kidnap
Dukat. Seeing that neither Sisko nor Odo is in a mood to
listen to lies or excuses, Quark comes clean about the weapons
he enabled Sakonna to buy. Sisko demands a complete list, and
Quark offers to testify against Sakonna and anyone else who
needs testifying against. Getting serious, however, he has one
more piece of information. "Sakonna was on a tight clock.
Whatever she needed those weapons for, it's going to happen
within the next few days."
As Sisko starts to go, Odo expresses an interest in coming
along to help search for Dukat, and Sisko agrees. Odo asks how
long he should keep Quark in the cell; Sisko says, "Forever."
Sisko meets with Legate Parn, who is waiting for him with Kira.
When Sisko tells the legate that they are doing all they can
to find Dukat, Parn surprisingly says their efforts are
appreciated but unnecessary. He claims Central Command has
learned that Dukat was the leader of a small group of officers
who were sending weapons to the Cardassian colonists,
operating entirely without Central Command's knowledge.
They've arrested the co-conspirators. As for Dukat, the Maquis
can have him. It makes no difference if the Maquis kill him or
Central Command does. "How do we know they won't use Dukat's
death as an excuse to send troops into the Demilitarized
Zone?" asks Kira. Parn gives Sisko his word that there will be
no retaliation; Cardassia has no desire to go to war again
with the Federation.
Sisko tells Parn he found their talk very enlightening, and
the Legate leaves. Neither Sisko nor Kira believe a word he
said. But now Sisko knows that the Central Command is
definitely smuggling weapons into the Demilitarized Zone.
Amid Dax's report of escalating violence in the Demilitarized
Zone, O'Brien says he was able to plot the course of the
Maquis ship that took Dukat. There are no signs of any other
vessels along the route, but they passed five Class M planets.
Sisko has Odo and Bashir meet him at the runabout pad, but
first, Kira wonders why they should risk their lives for Dukat,
who is responsible for so many deaths. "The Central Command
wants him dead," says Sisko. "That's reason enough for us to
want him alive."
In a cavern on a small planet, Sakonna is trying to gather
information from Dukat via a Vulcan mind meld, but it's not
working; Dukat is shielding his thoughts. "You people really
do not do this very well, do you?" he taunts. He claims the
Maquis don't have the commitment or the strong stomachs to do
what's necessary. Sakonna agrees that they do not have the
Cardassian gift for torture; Amaros adds that they need to
know where Central Command is sending the next weapons
Sisko, Odo, and Bashir arrive at that moment. Reluctant to
shoot, Sisko tries to talk to the Maquis, but Dukat,
impatient, starts a struggle, which leads into a firefight.
When Amaros tries to flee, Odo whips out his arm and lassoes
him. The Maquis are rounded up, except for Amaros, whom Sisko
releases with a message: "Tell Cal Hudson I haven't told
Starfleet anything yet. Tell him we can still solve this thing
together, but we're running out of time. Tell him I still have
his uniform. He can have it back anytime he wants."
Back in his guest quarters on DS9, Dukat is eating and
recovering when Sisko drops by. The prisoners will be tried
under the Federation code of justice, and if found innocent,
they will be freed. "How barbaric," Dukat comments. "On
Cardassia, the verdict is always known before the trial
begins. And it's always the same." Sisko asks why bother with
a trial, and Dukat explains, "Because the people demand it.
They enjoy watching justice triumph over evil, every time.
They find it comforting." There's no chance of trying an
innocent man by mistake, he claims, because Cardassians don't
make mistakes.
But there's one thing that puzzles Dukat: the fact that he was
rescued by Sisko and not Central Command, and that the station
was not surrounded by Cardassian ships demanding his return.
Sisko says they did get a visit from Legate Parn. "He said
that you were the one responsible for smuggling weapons into
the Demilitarized Zone. That if the Maquis didn't execute you,
the Central Command would. After a comforting trial, I'm
sure." Dukat is stunned; it seems he is no longer in favor
with his planet's leaders. And now he tends to believe that
the Central Command really were smuggling weapons to the
colonists, something they never bothered to tell him. Dukat
suggests that he and Sisko work together to stop the
smuggling, and the Maquis. Sisko agrees, and Dukat thanks him
for the rescue. "I'm sure you would have done the same for
me," Sisko says.
A briefing is held in Ops, with Dukat present. Odo reads off
the list of weapons bought by Sakonna, but notes that he
hasn't been able to get anything out of her yet. Dukat guesses
that the Central Command is using a Xepolite free trader to
smuggle the weapons. And so he, Sisko, Kira, and O'Brien go
out in a runabout to find one. The Xepolite ship naturally
doesn't respond to their hails; the runabout's scanners can't
penetrate their hull, and their shields are up, preventing
boarding. Finally, they fire a phaser across their bow, which
gets their attention.
The captain claims to be carrying five kilotons of wheat
husks, and denies Sisko's request to beam aboard and see what
that looks like. Dukat, however, orders him to cooperate, and
gives him fifteen seconds to lower his shields or be
destroyed. The panicky Xepolite finally complies.
In the holding cell they are sharing, Quark reproaches Sakonna.
"I hope you're happy." He suggests that she just tell Sisko
what he wants to know. Quark goes on to say he knows the
Cardassians can't be trusted, and the Central Command would
love to destroy the Federation colonies in the Demilitarized
Zone; but he believes the Maquis' position is illogical -- a
word which gets Sakonna's attention. "You want to acquire
peace. Fine. Peace is good. But how much are you willing to
pay for it?" he asks. "Whatever it costs," says Sakonna, and
Quark tells her peace can be bought at a bargain price right
now. He spells it out for her. Since it's known now that the
Central Command is smuggling weapons to their settlers, every
ship approaching the Demilitarized Zone will be searched. With
everyone armed, no one has a clear advantage. "So the price of
peace is at an all-time low. This is the perfect time to sit
down and hammer out an agreement. Don't you get it? Attacking
the Cardassians now will only escalate the conflict and make
peace more expensive in the long run. Now I ask you, is that
logical?" Sakonna looks thoughtful.
Sometime later, Sisko gives Dukat the news: Sakonna has told
him there is a concealed weapons depot located within a
civilian population center, which the Maquis plan to attack
within the next 52 hours. However, Sakonna said she didn't
know which colony this was. Dukat says he can find out. Sisko,
meanwhile, will go to Volan III to try to talk some sense into
the Maquis.
A meeting is going on when Sisko enters, carrying a satchel,
to give the Maquis a message. "There is a treaty currently in
place between Cardassia and the Federation. If you make
yourself an enemy of Cardassia, you'll make yourself an enemy
of the Federation." He lets them know that he knows of the
planned attack, and advises them to call it off. "Because I'll
be waiting there. And I will stop you." Hudson enters then,
with several armed Maquis, and says it was a rousing speech.
"I suppose my best rebuttal would be to kill you." Sisko puts
the satchel in front of Hudson; it contains his uniform.
"You always were an optimist," Hudson comments. Sisko says he
has reason to be. Now that the shipments of Cardassian weapons
have been stopped, there's no need for the Maquis any more.
They can work together on a peace agreement with the
Cardassian colonies. Hudson tells him it's too late for that;
they're in a war here. Sisko warns him one more time that if
the Maquis attack that depot, they'll have to get through him
first. Hudson's answer is to fire his phaser at the satchel,
disintegrating it.
Dukat's sources have informed him that the weapons depot is on
Bryma. They will have to intercept the Maquis before they're
picked up on the colony's sensors; otherwise, the colony will
send for Cardassian reinforcements, and there will be a
full-scale war. O'Brien suggests hiding sensor probes in the
system's Oort cloud, and Odo notes that according to Sakonna,
the Maquis only have two ships capable of mounting the weapons
she bought. Sisko says they will try to talk first, and if
that fails, shoot to disable. "How noble," Dukat comments. "I
hope the Maquis will be as obliging to you."
With Sisko and Dukat in one runabout, Kira and Dax in another,
and O'Brien and Bashir in the third, the officers go to the
Bryma system and wait. Sisko is sure the Maquis will be here:
the longer the wait, the more likely it is that the weapons
depot will be moved. Finally, two Maquis ships are spotted by
O'Brien. Sisko contacts Hudson to tell him to turn his ships
back before someone gets hurt; Hudson says he was going to say
the same thing to Sisko. "Please, Ben. Don't make me open fire
on you." The Maquis begin evasive maneuvers, and the runabouts
lock on with tractor beams.
Hudson fires on the tractor beam emitters, and reluctantly,
Sisko gives the order to fire back. The battle continues,
until finally Hudson's weapons array is damaged, and he turns
to flee. Dukat urges Sisko to fire, but Sisko opens a channel
one last time. "It's over, Cal." "For now, anyway," Hudson
acknowledges. "Next time, tell Starfleet to send someone else.
It doesn't feel right, you and I shooting at each other." He
refuses to stand down. "You run now and I won't be able to
protect you," Sisko says desperately. "...You're throwing away
your entire life." "And beginning a new one," Hudson counters.
"I'm going to miss you, Ben. You've been a good friend."
"So have you," Sisko says sadly, after Hudson cuts
transmission. He then has to force Dukat away from the phaser
controls. "I thought you were strong, Commander," Dukat says
angrily. "You're not. You're a fool. A sentimental fool." "I
said I'd stop the Maquis and I have," Sisko tells him. "But I
will not kill a good man for defending his home." Dukat looks
at him reproachfully. "You disappoint me." Sisko, however, is
unmoved. "Don't expect me to lose any sleep over it."
Back in his office, with Dukat going back home, Sisko receives
a communique from Starfleet, congratulating him for his good
work, and thanking him for preserving the peace with the
Cardassians. However, he tells Kira that he's not sure if he
has prevented a war, or only delayed the inevitable.