Episode Synopsis
Tracy Hemenover
At an airlock where a Cardassian freighter, the Bok'Nor, is
docked, a man named William Samuels, dressed in a Starfleet
uniform, opens a panel in the ship's hull. A bit later, the
Bok'Nor requests permission to depart, and Dax acknowledges as
she and Kira chat about her dinner plans with a Gallamite
named Captain Boday. As the ship moves away from the station,
Dax notices something on her console, and urgently warns the
Bok'Nor to shut down its engines, but it's too late. The ship
explodes, with no survivors.
O'Brien and Kira go out in a runabout to analyze sensor
readings on the debris, and find nothing unusual immediately;
Kira can't believe the Cardassians have waited this long for
an official explanation. Sisko asks if he can at least tell
Starfleet it looks like an accident, and O'Brien says he
wouldn't do that quite yet. Bajoran outposts have been put on
alert for retaliatory strikes, and the provisional government
has made a statement disavowing responsibility. O'Brien finds
traces of a mercassium compound -- a synthetic composite used
in shield generator construction by the Federation, who hasn't
shared the technology with anyone.
Dax realizes that the explosion must have been caused by an
implosive protomatter device, designed to match the ship's
impulse signature. Just before the explosion, she picked up a
sudden increase in their fusion rate, and there is no sign of
a malfunction in the ship's engines. O'Brien will get a high
resolution spectra of the impulse debris to confirm it.
Lt. Commander Calvin Hudson arrives; he is Starfleet's attache
to the Federation colonies in the new Demilitarized Zone, and
an old friend of both Sisko and Dax. Hudson says they haven't
seen any unusual deployment from the Cardassians along the
border. He and Sisko chat a little in the commander's office
before getting down to business, and Hudson comments, "You
can't imagine how my life has changed since the Federation
abandoned these colonies." He says his presence there is a
joke. "I'm supposed to help these colonies function under the
terms of the new treaty. Now Ben, what the hell does that
Sisko says he thought the colonists wanted to stay. Hudson
tells him that the treaty gave away their land to the
Cardassians, land that they had invested their lives in. They
couldn't leave. The treaty was a bad trade, Hudson feels. The
Cardassians were happy to leave their colonists on the
Federation side, because they knew the Federation would
protect them, but they won't do the same in return for the
Federation colonists on their side. Sisko tells him the two of
them are supposed to assess the potential risk to the treaty
posed by the destruction of the Bok'Nor. Hudson says there is
none: the Cardassians like what they got from the treaty, and
won't risk it by sending forces into the Demilitarized Zone.
On the Promenade, Samuels meets with a Vulcan woman named
Sakonna, who tells him quarters have been arranged, and to
keep a low profile until his ship arrives. But as Samuels
moves away, two aliens follow him. Sakonna heads off to
Quark's and approaches the Ferengi, who thinks at first she's
here to arrest him, but instead she has a business
proposition. Quark perks up; Sakonna says it's a private
matter, one she'd prefer not to discuss here. Quark offers to
do so over dinner later, and she agrees. As she walks off,
Quark says to himself, "And by the way, I'd love to melt that
cold Vulcan heart of yours." Meanwhile, Samuels is abducted by
the two aliens.
Sisko enters his quarters, expecting Jake to be there, but
instead finds Gul Dukat, who says he's here as a friend.
Concerned that something's happened to Jake, Sisko calls Kira
to have her locate him, as Dukat tells him he arrived as an
unregistered passenger on a Kotakian freighter and slipped in
by using his knowledge of the station. Kira calls back to say
that Jake is with Nog and he's fine.
Reassured, Sisko asks what Dukat is doing here. "You have a
problem," says Dukat. He is here unofficially, without even
the knowledge of Central Command, to help him find the truth
about the Bok'Nor. Dukat says he already knows who's
responsible: "You are. Oh, not you personally, Commander. I
know you to be an honorable man. You're not one to sneak
around attaching implosion devices to impulse engines. But,
believe it or not, there are those of your brethren who are
willing to do such things -- morally superior human beings and
other members of the Federation." Sisko asks if he's supposed
to take Dukat's word for that, and Dukat says, "Of course not.
It's my job to convince you, so you can clean up your own
house, instead of forcing us to do it for you -- which would
certainly endanger the new treaty." He tells Sisko they'll
need a runabout; they're going to the Volan colonies. "The
Demilitarized Zone?" asks Sisko, surprised, and Dukat smiles
ruefully. "Not so demilitarized, I'm afraid."
They leave together, and banter a bit about Sisko's
unwillingness to illuminate the controls at Dukat's seat. Long
range sensors pick up a distress signal from a Federation
merchant vessel, under attack by two Cardassian ships. Dukat
says that's not possible. His people would not violate the
treaty. Sisko can't raise the merchant ship, and sets course
to the coordinates. The Cardassian ships appear to be
shuttlecraft of some sort. Dukat seems baffled that Cardassian
shuttles would attack a Federation ship; he guesses that
they're from the Cardassian colonies in the Demilitarized
Zone. Angry, he has Sisko open a channel, and orders the
shuttles to disengage, but there is no response. He threatens
to open fire on them, and they still don't answer.
Another ship approaches, one with a Federation signature, yet
Sisko doesn't recognize the configuration. They don't answer
hails either. The new ship fires on the Cardassian ships, and
destroys them. "Now do you begin to see, Commander," Dukat
says grimly, "that without any help from either one of us,
they've managed to start their own little war out here."
Sakonna arrives for her dinner with Quark, who has strived to
give the setting a certain romantic ambiance, though he claims
it's meant to be conducive to business. Sakonna says she will
respect his cultural idiosyncracies. "I will drink the wine.
But I won't dance." "Come on," Quark cajoles. "Somewhere
inside that cool, controlled exterior of yours, there's a wild
woman screaming to get out." They discuss the similarities
between the Rules of Acquisition and the Vulcan Bill of Rights
as the food is served, and Quark toasts her, then finally asks
what her business proposition is. When she tells him she
wishes to procure weapons, he chokes. "You're a gun runner?!"
Not seeming to notice, Sakonna says she is prepared to pay in
latinum and will need a continual supply. "You're not like
other Vulcans, are you?" Quark says shakily.
As Sisko and Dukat enter the meeting house on Volan III, Gul
Evek is there, justifying the Cardassian ships' actions to
Hudson and a few of the colonist leaders, including a woman
named Kobb and a man named Amaros. Evek says the Federation
ship was carrying weapons through the Demilitarized Zone;
Hudson says it was taking medical supplies to Soltok IV. "Do
you deny that the Federation is engaging in organized
terrorist activities against the Cardassian people?" Evek
says. "Deliberately undermining this treaty?" "The Federation
does not conduct secret wars," Sisko puts in. The argument
continues, until Evek says they have a confession from the
"Federation terrorist" responsible for the destruction of the
Bok'Nor. He produces a PADD and a data clip. On it, Samuels
appears, looking very much like a tortured prisoner of war as
he reads off a statement of confession.
Hudson says they'll want to talk to Samuels, and Evek calls to
have him brought in. Two Cardassians enter with a body bag on
a stretcher. "Unfortunately, he committed suicide in his
cell," Evek says. The meeting dissolves into chaos.
Left alone with Sisko, Hudson says sadly that he knew Samuels,
who farmed his land for twenty years until the Federation told
him to give it all to the Cardassians. Sisko says it was
people like him who made both sides realize that some
accommodation had to be made so that the colonists could stay.
"The Cardassians have no intention of allowing these people to
stay," Hudson argues. "They will either force them out, or
they will kill them. It's already started. Not a day when
there's not some random act of violence against our people.
Every Federation colonist knows you do not go out alone at
night. Can you imagine living under that kind of fear?" And
the Cardassian authorities won't help; they actually joined a
mob that stoned two Federation colonists three days ago. Sisko
says the Federation can take that up with the Cardassians at
the highest levels. "Well, that will help a lot," Hudson says
sarcastically. "The word is the Cardassian High Command is
arming their colonists to the teeth." He wonders if the
Bok'Nor was transferring weapons to someone else for the
Cardassian colonists. Sisko says if it was, the transfer was
made before the ship reached DS9; the cargo holds were empty.
Thinking about Samuels, Sisko asks, "Is there something larger
going on here, Cal? Are these colonists organizing some kind
of terrorist campaign?" If they are, Hudson says, they aren't
going to tell him about it. "But I'll tell you one thing, Ben,
between you and me. Those people have every right to defend
themselves. When the Federation said goodbye to them, they
left them no other choice."
Sisko heads back to DS9 with Dukat, who admits to knowing
about Samuels' confession, but not about his death. "I told
Evek he was a fool to let Samuels die. A good interrogator
doesn't allow his subject to die. You lose the advantage."
"That's all you're interested in, isn't it?" Sisko shoots.
"The advantage." Dukat reminds him that Samuels was
responsible for the deaths of 78 crewmen on the Bok'Nor. Sisko
asks what the Bok'Nor was transporting, and Dukat says it had
delivered 14 metric tons of golside ore to the Regulon system.
It didn't go anywhere near the Demilitarized Zone. Sisko
points out that they could have rendezvoused with somebody.
"Commander," says Dukat, "I know you'd love to find some
justification for this mass murder to ease your Federation
conscience. But if the Bok'Nor was carrying weapons, I would
know. And on the lives of my children, I swear to you, it was
Quark tells Sakonna that her merchandise will be ready
tomorrow, but she says she must leave the station tonight. Her
plans have changed. Quark says then his source will have to
have the merchandise ready earlier than expected. Sakonna will
have the latinum brought to his quarters.
Back on DS9, Sisko tell Dukat he can stay in a guest suite
while arranging passage back to Cardassia. A Starfleet
security guard will meet him there. Sisko returns to Ops,
where O'Brien confirms that the Bok'Nor was destroyed by an
implosive device from the Federation. Frustrated about the
whole situation, Sisko goes into his office, and when Kira
follows, tells her there is no threat of Cardassian reprisals
to Bajor.
Kira asks if they're facing a war here; Sisko only knows that
the colonists have to be stopped. She wonders whether he might
be playing into the Cardassians' hands. "I've got people out
there killing people, Major," he retorts. "You suggest I turn
a blind eye to that?" The colonists chose to live with the
Cardassians, Sisko argues. "Well, I didn't!" Kira argues right
back. "But I lived with them for twenty-six years before the
liberation came. Every Bajoran lived with them, in constant
fear. I know what those colonists are going through. Most of
all, I know that the Cardassians can't be trusted to keep
their side of the bargain in this treaty."
"So you'd suggest the Federation not keep our side of the
bargain either," Sisko says. Kira retorts, "I can tell you one
thing for certain. The Cardassians are the enemy, not your own
colonists. And if Starfleet can't understand that, then the
Federation is even more naive than I already think it is."
The guard outside Dukat's quarters is approached by Sakonna
and a man named Niles, in a Starfleet uniform, claiming to be
his relief. Sakonna then neckpinches the guard. Niles tells
Dukat that he has a message from Sisko. They are to escort him
to an airlock; another bomb has been found and disarmed on a
Cardassian freighter. Dukat follows them. They are met at the
airlock by Amaros and another colonist. Dukat realizes what's
going on, and attempts to escape, but he is stunned by a
phaser, and dragged off through the airlock.
The DS9 officers discuss the situation while Sisko speaks
intensely to an admiral in his office. When he comes out, Kira
tells him the guard has described his assailants. Odo is
trying to find anyone they might have contacted here. Two
ships left the station last night, a Bardeezan merchant ship,
which went through the wormhole, and a Galador freighter,
which is on a trade route between Galador II and Farius Prime.
Guessing Dukat's abductors would be taking him back to the
Demilitarized Zone, Sisko has Dax check the Galador ship's
registry. O'Brien finds its warp signature; it was still
headed for Farius Prime when it left sensor range. He
transmits the signature over subspace, in hopes that someone
might spot them. Dax announces that she has found the ship's
registry to be forged.
That's all Sisko needs to hear. He prepares to leave for the
Demilitarized Zone with Bashir and Kira, telling Odo to send a
message to Hudson. Kira picks up a general transmission from
the Demilitarized Zone, where a group is taking credit for
Dukat's abduction. The group calls itself the Maquis.
Sisko, Bashir, and Kira head out. O'Brien gives them the news
that a Klingon freighter has spotted the ship in question,
which has changed course for the Badlands. The Badlands are an
area along the Cardassian border, avoided by ships due to
frequent plasma storms. Bashir asks what they will do if they
catch up to the ship, and Sisko replies they will get Dukat
back by any means necessary. "Even if we have to fire on our
own people?" Bashir asks, and Sisko is silent.
The warp signature leads to a Class M asteroid, where Bashir
detects human lifesigns, but no Cardassians. They beam down,
to what looks like a campsite in a jungle, where several
colonists have congregated. Phaser rifles are aimed at the
newcomers. Then Hudson, out of uniform, emerges, signalling
the others to disarm Sisko and company. "I'm glad to see you
had no trouble finding us, Ben," he says. "It seems that one
disaster after another keeps bringing us back together again."
To be continued...