Episode Synopsis
Tracy Hemenover
It's late at night on the Promenade, and all is quiet, except
in Quark's. There, Quark, Rom, three waiters, and Dax are
engaged in a lively game of Tongo. Dax wins, again. It's a
legacy of her last host, Curzon, she explains proudly. Rom
says wistfully that he prefers a Ferengi female -- "one who
never wears clothes, never talks back, and never plays Tongo."
As Dax begins the game again, one of the waiters whispers to
Rom, who says this isn't the proper time. But the waiter holds
a hand out to Quark, asking him to try one of the peas in it.
It's a way to double his beverage profits, he says. Quark eats
one, and without thinking, takes a drink. The waiter explains
that these are Gramilian sand peas, which cause anyone who
eats them to become thirsty without realizing why. Quark can
replace his complimentary dishes of lokar beans with them.
Impressed, Quark studies the waiter, who says his name is Pel.
"'Free advice is seldom cheap'," he says, quoting the 59th
Rule of Acquisition, but Pel comes back instantly with the
22nd, "'A wise man can hear profit in the wind.'" He says he
took a job here because he wanted to learn from the best --
Quark. Quark is reminded of the 33rd Rule, which he and Pel
quote together: "'It never hurts to suck up to the boss.'"
They laugh, and just then a call comes in on Grand Nagus Zek's
personal subspace frequency. Quark immediately answers it,
toadying up to Zek as is expected. Zek tells him that he would
like Quark to be his chief negotiator in the Ferengi expansion
into the Gamma Quadrant -- an opportunity to make more profit
than Quark has ever dreamed of.
Sisko and Kira have a meeting with Zek in Sisko's office; Zek
wants to hold a business conference on the station with the
Dosi, a race from the Gamma Quadrant. Kira is openly skeptical
of Zek's intentions, and warns him that if he cheats the Dosi,
she'll see to it he never sets foot here again. Zek asks if
Bajor could use 50,000 kilos of brizeen nitrate -- a
fertilizer, which he's willing to let them have. Even Kira
finds that a hard offer to refuse, and Sisko agrees, though he
still asks for Zek's assurances that the Dosi will be treated
fairly. He persuades the Nagus to give (not sell) the nitrate
to the Bajorans, if he wants to conduct business here.
In Quark's quarters later, Zek tells him that the opportunity
he has in mind can be summed up in one word: tulaberries,
which are the main ingredient in tulaberry wine. Quark is to
purchase 10,000 vats from the Dosi, and it will become the
most popular drink in their sector. This is a chance to get a
Ferengi foot in the Gamma Quadrant door, as Quark tells Rom
later. Pel, however, throws in a hint of caution by quoting
the 48th Rule: "'The bigger the smile, the sharper the
knife.'" If the negotiations fail, he says, the Nagus needs
someone else to take the blame. Rom is incensed, and jealous
that Quark is paying so much attention to this waiter. He
suggests that Quark will need a consultant, obviously meaning
himself. Quark agrees, but gives the job to Pel instead. Pel
accepts for 20 percent.
After work, Pel goes into his quarters and gets ready for bed.
He takes off his synthetic ears, revealing a pair of much
smaller ones, and removes his jacket. Pel is actually a woman.
The Dosi arrive at DS9, and one of them is tossed through the
airlock. "Don't worry, just a minor disagreement," says
another, Inglatu. He and a woman named Zyree look frankly
contemptuous of Quark as they sit around a table later in
Quark's quarters, and Quark makes his offer. Inglatu is
willing only to part with 5,000 vats, but Quark tells him that
10,000 are needed by the Ferengi to set up their distribution
network. The Dosi are not happy; they would rather be speaking
directly to Zek. Pel says stoutly that if they want to do
business with the Ferengi, they'll have to talk to Quark.
Inglatu finally says they'll think about it.
Maihar'du brings Kira a gift from Zek, a gold-pressed-latinum
earring. Kira protests that she can't accept it, but he
ignores her and leaves Ops. Dax rather admires the effort. She
enjoys the Ferengi, she tells Kira, and admits they have their
faults, but "once you accept that, you'll find they can be a
lot of fun."
Zek joins the Tongo game with the other Ferengi and Dax, and
tells Quark he's decided 10,000 vats aren't enough. He wants
100,000. Quark protests that he's not even sure the Dosi will
agree to sell 10,000. Pel intervenes, telling Zek it's a
brilliant idea. "No wonder Quark says you're a genius." Dax
and Zek watch as Pel accompanies Quark to get more tube grubs.
"Such loyalty must be expensive," Zek remarks; Dax replies,
"You can't buy that kind of loyalty." Meanwhile Pel is
encouraging Quark. It occurs to Quark to ask why Pel is being
so nice to him. "For twenty percent of your profits, why
else?" says Pel.
Dax's curiosity has definitely been piqued by Pel, and she
joins her the next day in the replimat, saying that she was
impressed by Pel's show of loyalty to Quark. "Any other
Ferengi would have let Zek pick him to pieces. But you're not
like any other Ferengi I've ever met." They talk further; Dax
says she loves Quark, and Pel says, "So do I." Dax pursues
this admission; she's seen the way Pel looks at Quark. "Does
he know?" she asks. "He doesn't even know I'm a female," Pel
says. Dax is stunned.
Pel explains that Ferengi women aren't allowed to leave the
house, wear clothes, or learn to read. But she wanted more.
"I'm as smart as any man. So I made myself a pair of synthetic
lobes and became one." She came here to acquire profit -- but
there's one thing she hadn't planned on, she confesses.
"Falling in love with Quark," Dax sums up. Her only piece of
advice to Pel is that there's more to life than profit. Just
then Quark rushes up and tells Pel it's time for negotiations
to begin again.
Kira returns the earring to Zek. It's lovely, she says, but
she can't keep it. "Then I suppose a night of wild passionate
romance is out of the question?" asks Zek, disappointed, and
gives her a flick on the backside as she departs. "Dax must be
crazy," she mutters. Quark comes up to tell Zek that the
negotiations have failed. He made the offer to buy 100,000
vats, and the Dosi stormed out of the room and off the
station. Zek berates Quark, but Pel steps in. They'll get the
tulaberries, she declares. They will travel to the Dosi
homeworld in the Gamma Quadrant, taking Zek's ship. Zek
finally agrees.
On the way, Quark and Pel wonder why Zek wants 100,000 vats
instead of the original 10,000. Pel thinks that Zek knows more
than he's letting on, and promises to tell Quark if she
figures it out. "So far the only thing I've done right is pick
you as my consultant," Quark says gratefully, and Pel comes to
a decision. "Quark, there's something you should know." Quark
tells her he knows what it is; Pel's hopes rise until he adds
that twenty percent is what she agreed to, and that's all she
gets. "'Never place friendship above profit,'" he says,
quoting Rule #21. Pel hides her disappointment.
Odo has a chat with an overwhelmed Rom, who is running the bar
in Quark's absence. Rom doesn't even know when Quark will be
back. He vents his frustration about Pel, who in his view is
stealing Quark's affections. Odo comments that Rom is better
off, but Rom asks if Odo would let someone steal his brother.
Odo says he doesn't have one; Rom asks, "But if you did?" Odo
considers it. "I suppose if I did have a brother, even one as
worthless as Quark, I wouldn't let anyone come between us."
This gets Rom thinking. Later on, he breaks into Pel's
quarters, searches, and finds her box of spare lobes. He
The Dosi meeting hall is full of activity, and Quark and Pel
stand there alone, feeling lost. Zyree tells them this is
where opportunities are made. The Dosi are serious about
profit, she remarks as someone shoots someone else nearby.
"Very serious." When Inglatu shows up, Quark gathers up his
courage to approach him, insisting that they finish their
discussion. Inglatu says Quark is starting to annoy him. Quark
gets the attention of the entire room when he upsets the wine
keg, and Inglatu says all right, he can have 10,000 vats.
100,000 are impossible, he says. Quark declares he's not
leaving until he gets that amount. "Fine. Then stay," Inglatu
Quark and Pel prepare to settle down for the night, in the
same room. A nervous Pel tries to stall, but Quark doesn't
want to hear it. He's exhausted and wants to sleep. Pel
proposes a toast, and the wine she has drunk starts to go to
her head. In the midst of reviewing the day's events, she
tells Quark, "You have a very nice smile." Quark is startled,
but even more startled when Pel kisses him on the lips.
She starts to try to explain herself, but at that moment Zyree
enters the cubicle. Thinking something is going on, she offers
to come back later, but the last thing Quark wants right now
is to be alone with Pel, and he convinces Zyree to stay. Zyree
gives them some advice: Inglatu can't sell them 100,000 vats,
because there isn't that much on the planet. But for a price,
she can put them in touch with someone who does have that
amount: the Karemma, an important power in the Dominion.
"Let's just say, if you want to do business in the Gamma
Quadrant, you have to do business with the Dominion."
On Zek's ship later, Quark thinks aloud that when Zek talked
about the biggest opportunity in Ferengi history, what he
meant was not tulaberries but the Dominion. He was just using
the Dosi. Pel tries to bring up the subject of what happened
between them, but Quark is in denial that anything happened at
all. Defeated, Pel says perhaps this Dominion is some kind of
planetary alliance or trading consortium. "Whatever it is,
it's important," says Quark. "And I want a piece of it."
Back in his bar, Rom tries desperately to get Quark's
attention, and Quark keeps shooing him away while he talks to
Zek. Zek pretends innocence at first when Quark says the trip
had nothing to do with tulaberries. He asks if the word
"Dominion" means anything to Zek. "What have you found out?"
the Nagus inquires eagerly. Most of his information consists
of little more than hints and rumors, "but it's enough to
convince me that whoever learns the secret of the Dominion,
whatever that may be, will learn the secret of the Gamma
Quadrant." He adds that unfortunately the Dosi don't seem to
know very much; he'd hoped they would lead him to someone who
does. Such information would be worth a lot to him.
"What if I told you I could arrange a meeting between you and
a powerful member of the Dominion?" Quark asks cunningly. Zek
says if Quark can do that, he'll earn a percentage of every
Ferengi opportunity in the Gamma Quadrant. Quark gives him the
name: the Karemma. Zek smiles. "I always knew you had the
lobes for business." Finally Quark lets Rom draw him aside to
tell him his news. When Quark looks to Pel in disbelief, she
confirms it, and Quark faints.
In the infirmary, Quark wakes up with Rom hovering nearby.
After Bashir leaves, he grabs his brother, who says he hasn't
breathed a word; he thought it was best if Quark told Zek.
Quark says no one's going to tell Zek, even though what Pel
has done is against Ferengi law. If Zek learns Quark was
deceived by a female, Quark will be ruined. Rom still wants to
tell Zek, in order to save Quark from himself, and Quark
dangles the bar in front of him as incentive to never reveal
the truth about Pel. "Pel? What about him?" asks Rom.
Pel, no longer wearing her synthetic lobes, is in her quarters
when Quark comes in and urgently tells her to put them on
before someone sees her. He tells her she's going as far away
from this station as possible. "What did you expect?" he asks
reproachfully, and then offers her ten bars of latinum to help
start her new life. "If you're going to pretend you're a man,
act like one. Take the profit." Pel stands her ground. "This
is not about profit anymore," she says. "It's about love." She
wants him to admit he cares about her.
"What difference does it make if I do?" Quark says roughly,
torn. "You'd never be happy being a Ferengi wife." Pel says
they can go to the Gamma Quadrant, where no one will care if
she wears clothes or not. "I'd care," he tells her. There's
nothing more to say, and Pel starts packing.
As Quark shares a celebratory meal later with Rom and Zek, his
low spirits turn to alarm when Pel enters and says she
couldn't leave without saying goodbye to the Nagus. Zek says
generously that he sees a big future for her. "You certainly
have the lobes for it." Quark tries to stop Pel, but she tears
off her fake ears. "You like my lobes? ...Then you can have
them!" Zek recoils in horror. "Does this mean I don't get the
bar?" whispers Rom to Quark.
"So, tell me more about my big future," taunts Pel, a woman
with nothing to lose. Zek says she has no future, and reminds
Quark that taking business advice from a female is a violation
of Ferengi law. Quark says he didn't know she was a female,
and Zek retorts, "Stupidity is no excuse." But Quark turns the
tables on him, asking what people will say when they find out
Zek allowed a female to represent him in a business
negotiation. When Zek protests that he didn't know, Quark
parrots his phrase back at him. "Stupidity is no excuse." "I
see your point," concedes Zek. He decides that Pel's identity
will remain secret, but it will cost Quark his Gamma Quadrant
"I hope you're satisfied," Quark says to Pel, who says she's
sorry, but it's time Zek learned that women are as capable of
acquiring profit as men. She tells him she's booked passage on
an Andorian transport. Then she kisses Quark. If she can't
have him, she says, she'll take the latinum.
Afterwards, at the bar, Quark asks Dax if she's up for another
night of Tongo. "Haven't you lost enough for one day?" asks
Dax sympathetically, and says that Pel stopped by to see her
before leaving. She'll miss her, and so will Quark. "You
really think I'd let anyone come between us?" Quark asks with
a lascivious grin. Dax looks at him evenly. "Nice try, Quark,
but I know you better than that." And as she leaves, his smile
fades into a look of genuine regret.