Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
O'Brien and his apprentice Jake are working in an ore processing unit,
in preparation for converting it into a deuterium refinery. Jake is
deleting the Cardassian files from the computer, and as soon as he's
done, O'Brien will show him how to download the new operating system.
Sisko comes in to remind them that it's dinnertime; Jake says they're
almost done. But he runs into problems deleting one of the files. It has
no name; nor is there any indication of what it is. O'Brien decides to
transfer it to the central Ops database and analyze it in the morning.
"Unauthorized computer entry detected in Ore Processing Unit Five," says
the computer suddenly. "Enter access code." O'Brien enters his code, but
the computer rejects it. He tries to shut it down, and in response,
every door in the room slams shut. "Warning," the computer announces in
Ops as well as the ore processor. "Worker revolt in progress in Ore
Processing Unit Five. Security countermeasures initiated." "What the
hell?" says Kira.
Sisko and O'Brien are trying to open the doors when a recording of Gul
Dukat appears on the monitors. "Bajoran workers, your attention please.
Your attempt to seize control of this facility is going to fail. You are
valuable workers and we wish you no harm. However if you do not return
control of this unit to your Cardassian supervisors, we will be forced
to take action." Dukat gives the workers eight minutes to decide.
The doors' magnetic seals have been activated by the computer. Kira
calls Sisko to ask what's going on, and he says they seem to have
tripped some kind of automated security program. Dax tries to beam them
out, but the computer asks for an access code. "If this security program
thinks there's been some kind of worker's revolt," Bashir guesses, "then
it must also think the station is still under Cardassian rule. So it's
probably waiting for us to enter an emergency code." "One that the
Cardassians never bothered to give us when they left," says Kira in
Odo calls Ops to say that his Cardassian access codes are still valid;
he is attempting to override the security program, but it will take
time, and he's not sure his clearance is high enough. As he works, Quark
enters the office, asking what this is all about. "Not now, Quark," Odo
says. "I'm busy." Quark asks if he can help, and Odo says not unless he
has a level 9 Cardassian security clearance. Quark believes he has
everything up to level 7, which surprises Odo, who only has up to level
6. Quark offers to arrange to let him have level 7; Odo says, "Leave me
alone, Quark." "Oh, no," the Ferengi says. "There's something very wrong
going on, and this is the safest place on the whole station. I think
I'll stay right here."
Sisko tries and fails to open the maintenance hatch on an ore chute, and
O'Brien can't find a way to disable the program from where they are.
Dukat's image appears again. "Bajoran workers, your time is running out.
But it's not too late. You can still surrender and save your lives."
Getting a bright idea, Sisko addresses the computer and surrenders.
Dukat's image comes back on and says that Cardassian security will
arrive to take them into custody. Sisko guesses that the program will
wait for Cardassian security to enter the all-clear, which gives them a
bit of time.
There is a large pipe leading from the floor to the reactor, which was
where processed uridium used to flow down to a secondary facility to be
purified. Jake finds that it's not locked. Since the pipe would have
been filled with molten uridium, there was no need for any security
measures there. As the skinniest person there, Jake volunteers to crawl
up the pipe to the ore chute and open the hatch from the inside. At that
moment, Dukat's image appears once more and warns them that unless they
surrender to Cardassian security in four minutes, he will be forced to
release neurocine gas into the ore processing facility. "I can do it,"
says Jake, and squeezes into the pipe.
Guided by the other two, Jake finds the access port and the handle for
the hatch, and opens it just as the gas begins to filter into the room.
Sisko and O'Brien hurriedly climb up the ladder and close the hatch
behind them. In Ops, as Kira and Dax are working, the computer
announces, "Warning. Workers have escaped from Ore Processing Unit Five.
Initiating stationwide counterinsurgency program." The doors slam shut,
and Dukat's image warns the Bajoran workers, "I will not allow this
rebellion to succeed. If you do not surrender immediately, I will be
forced to kill every Bajoran on this station."
Sisko, O'Brien, and Jake find themselves in a small room that was used
to separate uridium ore from the rock and dump unprocessed ore down a
chute through which they have just crawled. There is an ore cart next to
the chute, and the door is sealed. They try calling out via their
combadges, but something seems to be interfering with the signals.
"Time for a less subtle approach," Kira decides, and aims her phaser at
the control panel next to the door leading to the corridor. She fires,
taking out the control, and Bashir helps her pry the door open; but
there's a forcefield blocking the way out. "The Cardassians don't miss a
trick, do they?" says Bashir with grim humor. Dax says, "The ironic
thing is, that field is probably there to protect Ops from the hordes of
rebelling Bajorans." She works on the computer to try to regain control
of it. "You know," Bashir comments, "I've been here nearly three years,
and I was just finally starting to think of this place as home." "Your
home was built by Cardassians, Doctor," Kira reminds him. "Don't ever
forget that." "There's not much chance of that, is there?" he rejoins.
Odo and Quark are also trapped. Reading his tricorder, Odo has found
that there is a forcefield surrounding his office, through the
bulkheads, the deck, and the ceiling. He can't shapeshift out. Quark
looks at him in dread. "You're telling me I'm stuck here -- with you?"
"No," says Odo. "I'm stuck here with you. Believe me, a far worse fate.
And stay away from my computer," he orders Quark, as the Ferengi starts
messing with it.
Sisko, O'Brien, and Jake try using the ore cart as a battering ram
against the sealed door, but they can't even dent it. Then Sisko notices
some leftover uridium ore scattered around the room. Uridium is highly
unstable, but O'Brien notes that in its raw form, one needs a strong
electrical charge to detonate it. He and Sisko break handles off carts
to use to get into a light fixture so they can yank out some electrical
Dax is still working on the computer when a small forcefield flashes on,
burning her hands. As Bashir is treating her, the computer voice begins
speaking again. "Warning, security in the Operations Center has been
compromised. Initiating counterinsurgency program level two." This is
followed by another recording of Dukat. "Attention Bajoran workers. Your
failure to surrender is forcing me to take stronger measures. In five
minutes, we will begin pumping neurocine gas into the Habitat Ring.
Think of your families as you consider your course of action. All
Cardassian personnel should evacuate the area immediately." "The Habitat
Ring," Kira says in horror. "There have to be hundreds of people trapped
in their quarters out there."
"I believe that's the point, Major," says Garak, standing at the door
that Kira and Bashir had pried open. He speaks an access code; the
forcefield turns off, but reactivates as soon as he steps inside.
"Ironic, isn't it? The only place in the galaxy that still recognizes my
access code is a Bajoran space station." Kira suggests urgently that
Garak get out to the habitat ring and start evacuating people; however,
Garak tells her that his access code lets him move about the station,
but the forcefields reappear as soon as he passes through a doorway. He
has tried several times to shut down the security program. "But for some
reason I can't begin to fathom, Gul Dukat chose not to trust me with his
top level security codes during the Occupation."
The only way to stop the neurocine gas, he says, is to destroy the life
support system. Kira objects at first, but Bashir says Garak is right --
the gas is released through the life support system. They can save
everyone for twelve hours, in which time they hopefully will be able to
regain control of the station. Kira makes the decision, and destroys the
life support console. "Warning," says the computer. "Counterinsurgency
program level two has been interrupted. Initiating counterinsurgency
program level three."
Dukat's image appears on all monitors throughout the station. "My fellow
Cardassians, I regret to inform you that Bajoran workers have gained
control of this station. In all likelihood, I am dead or otherwise
incapacitated. But rest assured, this station will not be allowed to
remain in Bajoran hands. However, it is my duty to inform you that if
you do not regain control within two hours, the station will be
destroyed." In Ops, the computer announces that the self-destruct
sequence has been initiated.
While Odo has been checking the rest of the security complex for a way
out, Quark tries firing a phaser at the door forcefield. Odo comes back
and takes it away from him. "I should have listened to my father," Quark
says in defeat. "He always warned me this was going to happen." "What?"
says Odo. "That you'd spend your final hours in jail? I could've told
you that." "No," Quark answers. "He warned me never to leave home. He
said there were plenty of business opportunities right outside my door.
But no, I had to follow the seventy-fifth Rule of Acquisition: 'Home is
where the heart is, but the stars are made of latinum.'" Quark goes on
to lament his lot. "A lifetime of scheming and plotting, wheeling and
dealing, and what has it got me? One measly little bar." He has an uncle
who owns thirty, he says, and his cousin Gaila owns a moon.
"Come on, Quark," says Odo. "You've done all right for yourself...I've
met a lot of Ferengis in my time, and the truth is, though some of them
may have been more wealthy, I've never met one more devious." Quark
looks at him in surprise. "Really?" "Would I lie?" "I guess not. Thank
you, Odo. That means a lot to me. Now can I have the phaser back?" "No."
Garak is working at Dax's station. His code will activate any terminal;
unfortunately, that's the extent of his access. He can find out exactly
what's going on, but he can't do anything about it. Dax suggests
rewriting his code to match Dukat's, to fool the computer into thinking
that he's Dukat. The computer would scan his DNA pattern to confirm,
Garak says; but Dax thinks of disconnecting the sensors in Ops so that
the computer can't do that. Garak gets to work while Dax, her hands
still injured, will direct Kira in working to disable the sensors. Garak
runs into another problem: the computer keeps challenging his identity.
Suddenly the computer voice comes on again. "Warning. Unauthorized use
of command code. Initiating counterinsurgency program level four." One
of the replicators activates, and a multifaceted lens appears, firing
phaser blasts around the room. Everyone dives for cover as a crewmember
is vaporized.
Sisko and O'Brien finally get the faceplate off the light fixture, and
O'Brien spots a power cable. With Jake, they all begin packing the
uridium around the doorframe. In Ops, the lens continues to shoot at
anyone who peeks out from their cover. Bashir nearly gets his arm shot
off trying to get Kira's phaser for her. Into the midst of all this, Gul
Dukat himself beams into Ops and looks around at the situation; the lens
ignores him. "Let me guess, someone tried to duplicate my access code."
He explains that a short time ago he was patrolling the Demilitarized
Zone when he received a distress signal from himself.
Dukat nonchalantly checks a console. "I see. The auto-destruct program
has begun. Well, well, well. You are in trouble." He can enter his
command code and end the program, he says. "Then do it!" yells Kira.
"All in good time, Major Kira, all in good time," Dukat replies. "But
first, there are a few things we should discuss." He orders tea from the
replicator, and the lens disappears to be replaced by a cup, but it
reappears when Bashir tries standing up. Kira angrily asks what Dukat
wants. "You'll find I don't react well to that tone of voice, Major,"
Dukat says, and then laughs when he sees Garak under a console. "Ah,
Garak, groveling in a corner. That alone makes the trip worthwhile."
Garak stands up, realizing that the computer is targeting only non-Cardassians.
He and Dukat exchange a few bitter words about their past, until Kira
interrupts. Dukat invites her into the commander's office for a private
talk, and deactivates the replicator so that she can follow him.
Inside, he tells Kira that he thinks it's time to re-establish a
permanent Cardassian presence on the station. "I can deploy troops from
my ship immediately. And in return, I'll solve your current dilemma."
Kira objects. "Dukat, you and I both know neither Bajor nor the
Federation will ever honor an agreement negotiated under a death
threat." "I don't expect them to be happy about it," Dukat says, "but
once my troops are in place, I think you'll find it very difficult to
get them to leave."
Kira puts it another way. "I will destroy this station before I ever
give it back to the Cardassians." Dukat looks at her. "Yes, I'm sure you
would. But would you allow two thousand people aboard this station to
die, just because you don't like...us?" He notes that there are thirty
minutes left until the self-destruct; he will beam back to his ship to
let her think it over, and be back in 25 minutes.
Dukat calls to his ship for transport, but nothing happens. Suddenly a
recording of another Cardassian, Legate Kell, appears on the monitors. "Dukat,
if you are seeing this recording, it means you tried to abandon your
post while the station's self-destruct sequence was engaged. That will
not be permitted. You have lost control of Terok Nor, disgracing
yourself and Cardassia. Your attempt to escape is no doubt a final act
of cowardice. All failsafes have been eliminated. Your personal access
codes have been rescinded. The destruct sequence can no longer be
halted. All you can do now is contemplate the depth of your disgrace.
And try to die like a Cardassian." Dukat stands there in shock. He's now
trapped with everyone else.
Dukat tries aborting the self-destruct sequence, to no avail. "Even your
own computer program turns against you," Garak laughs. "I always knew
your shortsightedness would be your downfall." Kira cuts the ensuing
exchange of insults short and asks Dukat what he can tell them about the
self-destruct sequence. Dukat says that when the countdown is complete,
the computer will order the main fusion reactor to disengage the
reaction stabilizers, causing it to overload and destroy the station.
They discuss the problem further, and realize that they need a way to
deactivate all the forcefields at the same time so that they can get to
a control junction for the laser fusion initiator and disengage it.
Sisko, Jake, and O'Brien finish packing the ore around the door, and
take cover while O'Brien takes out the power cable and hands it to Sisko
to do the honors. Sisko throws it at the packed uridium, and the
resulting explosion forces the door open.
Everyone in Ops is still trying to figure out how to eliminate the
forcefields. As Garak is calling Dukat out on his attempts to flirt with
Kira, Dax finally gets an idea. If they overload the power supply grid,
it might short out the forcefields, and possibly even eliminate the
dampening field that has been keeping them from using communicators.
Dukat asks if the Cardassian neutralization emitters, used for
containment fields, are still in place; they are. Dax realizes what his
line of thinking is: they can use the emitters to overload the power
grid. Kira authorizes it.
Sisko, Jake, and O'Brien have made it out into a corridor, and
encountered the forcefields. Sisko thinks of the turbolift shaft; they
can climb it to Ops. They start working to pry the lift doors open.
Meanwhile, Dax and Dukat finally short out the power grid, eliminating
the forcefields. Kira tries her combadge and is finally able to contact
Sisko. She gives him the news about the self-destruct sequence, which
will take place in ten minutes, and the plan to disengage the laser
fusion initiator. Sisko tells her he and O'Brien will handle that, and
orders her to evacuate the station. Jake insists on going with his
Kira calls Odo to bring him up to date as well. The forcefields around
the security office are still in operation, however. Odo realizes
they're on a separate system from the others. Quark wonders why go to so
much trouble to keep people out of security. "It's not to keep people
out," Odo says, "it's to keep me in. I suppose during the Occupation the
Cardassians considered their security chief a security risk." Quark says
he knows why. "It's because they knew you were an honorable man, the
kind of person who would do the right thing regardless of the
circumstances. And now your integrity is going to get us both killed. I
hope you're happy."
On his way down a corridor with Jake and O'Brien, Sisko thinks there may
not be time to disengage the fusion reactors; what if they directed the
explosion into the shields? O'Brien says that's not a bad idea. They
find their way blocked by wreckage; a plasma conduit has blown out, and
there's no way around it. O'Brien knows of a maintenance conduit
adjacent to this corridor, which they can use to get around this and to
a reactor control junction. But the conduit is full of smoke, the walls
rimmed with green fire. Sisko and O'Brien tear off part of their
undersleeves to protect their hands, and crawl in, after Sisko tells
Jake firmly to stay put.
Sisko goes in first. As O'Brien follows, he is knocked out by another
plasma explosion. Sisko reaches a hatch and finds the reactor control
junction. He calls O'Brien, but gets no response. Jake hears his voice,
and crawls into the conduit, dragging O'Brien out. The Chief looks at
Jake. "Jake, I thought your father told you to stay out of there." "If
you don't tell him, I won't," says Jake. Sisko is working at the
junction when the reactors finally overload. The fusion explosion is
channeled through the shields and out into space.
Odo nods in satisfaction as his office door finally opens. He turns to
Quark to tell him he can leave now, but Quark is at the computer,
reading his own file. "'A self-important con artist who's nowhere near
as clever as he thinks he is.' That's your official security evaluation
of me." "Quark, I told you to stay away from the computer," Odo reminds
"Two hours ago you told me I was the most devious Ferengi you ever met,"
Quark complains, hurt. "I thought we were going to die," Odo says. "I
was trying to be nice." Quark asks him to name one Ferengi who's more
devious than he is. And Odo begins reeling off names as they walk off
down the Promenade.