> Quotes
Jake: "You really think we can convert this place
into a deuterium refinery?"
O'Brien: "Absolutely! It'll take us three, maybe four weeks at
Sisko: "I hope you're planning on eating during the next three or
four weeks." |
Station Computer: "Warning! Worker revolt in
progress in Ore Processing Unit Five. Security countermeasures
Kira: "What the hell?!" |
Quark: "Well, is there anything I can do to help?"
Odo: "Not unless you have a Level Nine Cardassian security
Quark: "Let's see. I think I have everything from Levels One
through Seven."
Odo: "I only have levels One through Six."
Quark: "Well. If you'd like a Level Seven I'm sure we can make
some kind of arrangement."
Odo: "Leave me alone, Quark." |
(to Chief O'Brien while a recording of Dukat plays in
the background)
Sisko: "You know, I never knew how much this man's voice annoyed
me." |
Bashir: "Oh, the Cardassians don't miss a trick,
do they?"
Jadzia: "The ironic thing is, that field is probably there to
protect Ops ...from the hordes of rebelling Bajorans." |
Bashir: "You know, I've been here nearly three
years and I was just finally starting to think of this place as home."
Kira: "Your home was built by Cardassians, Doctor. Don't ever
forget that."
Bashir: "Well, there's not much chance of that, is there?" |
Odo: "This force field isn't
just protecting the door, it goes through the bulkheads, the ceiling,
the deck... there's nowhere for me to go."
Quark: "You're telling me I'm stuck here? With you?"
Odo: "No! I'm stuck here, with you! Believe me, a far worse
fate... and stay away from my computer!" |
Garak: "Ironic, isn't it? The only place in the
galaxy that still recognizes my access code is a Bajoran space station." |
Quark: "I should've listened to my father. He
always warned me this was going to happen."
Odo: "What, that you'd spend your final hours in jail? I could've
told you that." |
Garak: "Well tell me, Doctor, what is it exactly
about this situation that's making you smile?"
Bashir: "You, Garak."
Garak: "Hm?"
Bashir: "Just wondering how many other tailors could rewrite
Cardassian security protocols."
Garak: "I wouldn't even venture a guess. Which reminds me, those
pants you wanted altered are ready to be picked up." |
Dukat: "A short time ago I had a very strange
experience. There I was, patrolling the Demilitarized Zone, when I
received a distress signal... from me. Or at least, a recording of me.
It seems the Bajoran workers were rioting on Terok Nor. (laugh) I must
admit, it piqued my curiosity... I see! The auto-destruct program has
begun. Well, well, well. You are in trouble. Where's Commander Sisko? I
trust he wasn't vaporized, while asking for one of those raktajinos he's
so fond of?" |
Garak: "Well, you've always been shortsighted.
It's held you back, over the years. As I recall, your father had the
same flaw."
Dukat: "My father's only flaw was trusting you."
Garak: "Funny, at his trial, your father said that his biggest
flaw was that his ambition outweighed his patriotism." |
Dukat: "There is no dilemma that cannot be solved
by a disciplined Cardassian mind."
Garak: "It's not going to work, you know."
Dukat: "What are you babbling on about now?"
Garak: "I'm talking about Major Kira."
Kira: (referring to herself in the third person) "What
about her?"
Garak: "She's much too busy trying to save this station, to be
impressed with your incessant posturing."
Dukat: (indignantly) "Garak!"
Garak: And even if she weren't, she has much better taste than to
be attracted to you. You, a married man.
Dukat: "I should have executed you years ago."
Garak: "Oh you tried, remember?" |
Dukat: "Tell me something, Major. The Cardassian
neutralization emitters that were under here... I assume you deactivated
them when you took control of the station?"
Kira: "That's right, we prefer our containment fields to be
non-lethal!" |
Odo: "I suppose during the Occupation, the
Cardassians considered their security chief a security risk!"
Quark: "And I know why."
Odo: "Oh, do you?"
Quark: "It's because they knew you were an honorable man. The
kind of person who would do the right thing regardless of the
circumstances. And now, your integrity... is going to get us both
killed. I hope you're happy!" |
O'Brien: "I thought your father told you to stay
out of there!"
Jake: "If you don't tell him, I won't." |
Quark: "'A self-important
con artist nowhere near as clever as he thinks.' That's your official
security evaluation of me."
Odo: "Quark, I told you to stay away from the computer."
Quark: "Two hours ago, you told me I was the most devious Ferengi
you ever met!"
Odo: "I thought we were going to die, I was trying to be nice."
Quark: "Name one Ferengi who's more devious than I am."
Odo: "The Grand Nagus."
Quark: "All right. Name another."
Odo: "Damon Tye."
Quark: "One you personally know."
Odo: "Your brother Rom."
Quark: "My brother!"
Odo: "Your uncle Frin."
Quark: "Really?"
Odo: "Your cousin Gaila."
Quark: "Gaila? The one with the moon?" |
(to Gul Dukat, after he tries to override the lockout)
Kell: "You have lost control of Terok Nor, disgracing yourself
and Cardassia. Your attempt to escape is no doubt a final act of
cowardice. All fail-safes have been eliminated. Your personal access
codes have been rescinded. The destruct sequence can no longer be
halted. All you can do now is contemplate the depth of your disgrace,
and try to die like a Cardassian. (edit) Bashir: Have you tried to use
your code to shut down the security program?
Garak: Several times. But for some reason that I can't begin to fathom,
Gul Dukat chose not to trust me with his top level security code during
the occupation." |