Episode Trivia

Alpha Red priority mission was a designation used by the Cardassian Central Command to indicate a secret mission of high importance.
Anti-grav sailing was a recreational activity which used vehicles equipped with Anti-gravs to travel through scenic terrain. Jadzia Dax once invited Kira Nerys to go anti-grav sailing in a holosuite. The holoprogram would have taken place on the colony of New Mecca, and featured the Great Erg.
Staff at the Bajoran Central Archives undertook research projects based upon the information stored there. Alenis Grem worked at the Archives, and in 2371 she was involved in a study of records pertaining to the Elemspur Detention Center.
When Kira Nerys was in the Bajoran resistance, she went on a long-range reconnaissance mission here. One day, she thought she saw a Cardassian soldier and fired but she had instead killed a mother hara cat nursing her young.
Legate Tekeny Ghemor was a secret supporter and leader of this movement. He was exposed in 2371 by the Obsidian Order and fled Cardassia. He left to live among the Mathenites, whose government had offered him sanctuary.
The Dahkur Hills, also referred to as the "Hills of Dahkur Province", were a mountain range in the Dahkur Province of Bajor. Its features included: Kola Mountain, Tanis Canyon, Ratosha Pass and Serpent's Ridge. In 2361, Kira Nerys and the Shakaar resistance cell spent the whole winter in the Hills with very little supplies hiding from the Cardassians.
Desegranine was a Cardassian drug used to reverse memory loss. The drug was used by the Obsidian Order during the 24th century to help its undercover agents remember their true identities. When used, memories began to resurface within a few hours.
The Eighth Order was a division of the Cardassian military. Gul Benil was a commander in the Eighth Order in 2371 when he was under orders of the Central Command to stop and search all ships entering Cardassian space due to increased Maquis activity in the sector under his jurisdiction.
The Elemspur Detention Center was a Cardassian prison in operation during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. While working on a study of the prison in 2371, Bajoran archivist Alenis Grem discovered records that showed that Kira Nerys had been incarcerated there in 2361 for seven days.
Tekeny Ghemor served Kira Nerys some hasperat he replicated for her, telling her "it's only good when it's warm."
Kira Meru, Kira Nerys's mother, was an icon painter.
Kira Taban, Nerys' father, died calling out her name, a fact that still haunted Nerys years later.
Around 2371, the Klaestrons developed a new burn treatment technology. That year, Doctor Julian Bashir visited Klaestron IV to review the new technology noting that it "has to be seen to be believed."
The Kobheerians appear to maintain a relationship with the Cardassians, as Kobheerian freighters were allowed to travel somewhat freely in Cardassian space in the late 2360s and early 2370s; however, not without the occasional search.
The Mathenites are a civilization. They offered asylum to the Cardassian Legate Tekeny Ghemor in 2371.
The Obsidian Order was responsible for the abduction and surgical alteration of Kira Nerys, in an operation to expose Legate Tekeny Ghemor as a sympathizer to the Cardassian dissident movement.
Commander Benjamin Sisko took the USS Defiant into Cardassian space with modified shield harmonics to disguise it as a Kobheerian freighter. When approached and hailed by a Galor-class warship commanded by Gul Benil, Sisko used a holofilter to disguise himself as Captain Viterian and identified his ship as the Rak-Miunis.
The screech rhino is a very large alien mammal that can typically weigh 3,000 tons.
When the USS Defiant posed as the Kobheerian freighter Rak-Miunis, Benjamin Sisko claimed that they were carrying Kobheerian toranium intended for military use on Cardassia Prime.