Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
Dax is waiting in the replimat for Kira, who is late meeting her for
their appointment in a holosuite, to go antigrav sailing. As Dax is
talking to Quark about it, Kira shows up. She admits that she thinks
holosuites are a complete waste of time, but says she's "kind of"
looking forward to this activity, except for the crashing part. They are
about to head off for the holosuite when Kira is alerted to the fact
that she has an incoming communication from the Bajoran Central
It's a woman named Alenis Grem, who says she's doing a study on the
Elemspur Detention Center, and was hoping to ask her a few questions.
Kira is puzzled; she was never at Elemspur. But Alenis says the
Cardassian records indicate that a Kira Nerys was held there for seven
days. Kira says that she would remember if she had been there; then
Alenis produces an image that is definitely Kira in her younger days. As
Kira stares at the mug shot, an alien woman watches from nearby on the
Everything seems to check out. "If your memory and these prison records
don't agree, then one of them must be wrong," Odo tells Kira, who says
her memory is fine. She knows exactly where she was that week, even
though it's been ten years: she spent that winter in hiding with her
resistance cell in the Dahkur hills. The records have to be a fake. Odo
notes that according to them, she shared a cell with three other
inmates; perhaps one of them can help.
After looking up the names, Kira speaks to one of them, a man named Yeln,
who says he remembers her, even though she has never met him before in
her life. "When the Cardassians dragged you out of our cell, I gave you
up for dead. Glad to see I was wrong."
There's no way to clear this up except to go to Bajor to investigate.
Yeln may have been lying, Kira admits to Sisko as she's about to leave,
but she has to find out the truth. When she boards her ship, the alien
woman follows her.
Bashir joins Garak for lunch again. The doctor has recently returned
from Klaestron IV, and Garak says he envies him the chance to travel.
Bashir asks what's stopping him. "Space is dangerous, Doctor. You never
know what might happen." "Are you saying the Cardassian government would
have you killed if you left this station?" Bashir asks. Garak smiles.
"My dear Doctor, you do have a vivid imagination."
Sisko gets a call from Alenis Grem. Kira was supposed to have met with
her, but she never arrived. Alenis tried to contact her to reschedule,
but couldn't find her. "As far as I can tell, no one's seen her since
she left the spaceport for Elemspur." Meanwhile, in a bedroom on
Cardassia, Kira is awakened by the alien woman, on the orders of a
Cardassian man named Entek. As she is getting her bearings, she catches
sight of herself in a mirror. Her face has changed -- she now has
Cardassian features.
"We've brought you back home, to Cardassia," Entek says. Kira backs away
in horror. Entek soothingly says that they have no intention of hurting
her. "Why should we? You're one of us." "This is absurd!" Kira says
angrily. "You can mutilate me, change my appearance, but you are never
going to convince me I'm a Cardassian." Entek says he can understand.
The practice of altering the memories of long-term operatives does
ensure their safety from discovery, but it makes it difficult to
reintegrate the operatives into Cardassian society. He fully expects her
not to believe this, at least not until the medication they've given her
works to unblock her original memories.
She is Iliana Ghemor, he tells her, a field operative of the Obsidian
Order. She volunteered ten years ago for an undercover assignment on
Bajor, and was given the appearance and memories of a Bajoran terrorist
that the Order had kidnapped for that purpose. Now, though, she is home,
in the house where she was born. Kira says her home is in Dahkur
Province on Bajor. But Entek puts down a datarod, saying it contains a
personal statement she recorded before she was sent to Bajor. He leaves,
and Kira picks up a picture. The woman in it looks very much like she
does now.
Sisko, Odo, and Dax meet in the wardroom to discuss what is known so far
of Kira's abduction. A witness saw her on the road leading to Elemspur,
and a residual electrostatic charge was detected there, possibly a
transporter trace. But Dax tells him that the charge could also have
been left by a disruptor or a phaser set to kill. "I know," says Sisko.
As Kira finds that the windows have forcefields, Entek brings in someone
who wants to see her. It's an older Cardassian man, who is grumpy at
first about it having taken so long, but whose manner softens on seeing
her. "It really is you," he breathes, though Entek cautions him that her
memory hasn't returned yet. "Am I supposed to know you?" Kira asks.
Entek introduces the man as Legate Tekeny Ghemor, her father. "My father
died on Bajor, fighting Cardassians," Kira maintains. Ghemor asks to be
left alone with her, and Entek goes out. "I've missed you, Iliana,"
Ghemor says, and seems genuinely hurt by her rejection. But he backs off
to let her rest.
On DS9, Garak intercepts Bashir as he is closing the infirmary, and
tells him he has some important news about Major Kira. Kira, meanwhile,
is systematically searching Ghemor's house for surveillance devices.
Ghemor comes in and assures her the device is not on. Since he is a
member of Central Command, it is only activated at his request. He has
brought her some breakfast, and watches as she looks at a bone carving
which Iliana made for him. "Your daughter was talented," acknowledges
Kira. Ghemor tells her she should have been an artist, but she was
determined to join the Order. "Personally, I think Cardassia could use a
few more artists." He then mentions her mother, and is disappointed when
Kira says her mother was an icon painter who died of malnutrition when
she was three; Ghemor says she was an inquisitor at the central
university. "This is my fault," he says sadly. "I never should have let
you go on that mission. I could have prevented it. A well-placed word
here, a favor from a friend there. You never would have known. But you
were so determined to go, so proud that you'd been chosen, that I didn't
have the heart to stop you. Your mother never forgave me."
Kira looks at him for a long moment. "You're good," she finally says.
"Really good. The house, the food, the stories. It's all very
convincing. But I don't believe a word of it." But Ghemor's pain seems
sincere as he tells her, "Iliana, I just want you to know, I'm sorry."
Garak is questioned in the security office by Sisko and Odo, and he's
none too happy. He tells them there's nothing they can do; if Kira is
being held by the Obsidian Order, retrieving her is impossible.
"Impossible for us, maybe" Odo says, "but not for you." "I'm afraid you
overestimate my abilities," Garak says. "I hope not," Sisko retorts.
"Because I intend to put those abilities to the test. The three of us
are going to Cardassia." Garak is incredulous. "Commander, if I were
allowed on Cardassia, do you really think I'd be living here?" But Sisko
mentions that certain ministers in the Bajoran government want him off
the station; Odo adds that rescuing Kira will help improve Garak's
standing there. When Garak asks why he should care what the Bajoran
government thinks of him, Sisko says, "It seems to me if someone were in
trouble with the Cardassian Central Command, a Bajoran space station
under Federation control might just be the safest place in the galaxy."
Garak is trapped.
With that settled, Sisko tells him that the Defiant's shield harmonics
have been reconfigured to make the ship appear to be a Kobheerian
freighter on long-range sensors. "I'll go along on your fool's errand,"
Garak says at last. "But I want one thing to be perfectly clear. I have
no intention of sacrificing my life to save yours. If it looks like
we're in danger of being captured, if there's any sign of trouble at
all, you're on your own." "Mr. Garak," Sisko says, "I believe that's the
first completely honest thing you've ever said to me." "How perceptive
of you, Commander," Garak replies.
"Iliana" still doesn't remember anything, Ghemor tells Entek, who says
the medication should have worked by now. He wants to ask her some
questions, and Ghemor is clearly worried about this. The Legate finally
goes to another room, remarking pointedly that he'll be nearby to remind
Entek not to harm her.
After some time, Kira is still being questioned by Entek, and calmly
lying through her teeth, until he finally tries another tack. He doesn't
want to hurt her, he says, and calls off for something which he says
will convince her to take his words seriously. "Did you know that the
Obsidian Order saves everything that comes into its possession? You
never know what might prove useful." A stretcher is beamed in, with a
body on it covered by a sheet. Entek pulls the sheet back, and Kira
looks at herself, dead, with her familiar Bajoran features, looking like
she did ten years ago.
"It's a fake," she insists. "A clone, a hologram. For all I know, this
whole place is a holosuite." Then Entek tells her about the time she was
in the Bestri Woods and accidentally killed a mother hara cat. Kira
never told that story to anyone. "I know about it because we placed that
story in your memories, Iliana. Just like we gave you every other memory
you have. What we couldn't extract from the real Kira, we got from other
prisoners, or just invented ourselves." Kira stares at him, a hint of
doubt finally beginning to creep into her mind. Entek goes on to point
out that she must know that everything he's said the Order has done is
perfectly within their capabilities; and that if she's not Iliana, why
would he be doing this? "Believe me, if I wanted to extract the
information from you, I'd have it already. I don't want to do that. I
care about you. You were one of my best students. Watch the recording.
Think about what I've said. Because the Order won't wait much longer."
A little later, Kira manages to override the forcefield generator in the
window, but Ghemor catches her, informing her that she tripped a silent
alarm. In an almost pleading voice, he tells her she'd never get off
Cardassia. "In the end, you'll only make things worse for yourself. I
can only do so much to help you." "If you want to help me," Kira says,
"get me off this planet. I will never cooperate with the Order.
Eventually, they're going to realize that. They will interrogate me, and
I won't survive."
"I promise you that will never happen," Ghemor says. "I'll never allow
the Order to harm you. No matter what you decide, I won't let them hurt
you. I only ask one thing. Before you make your decision, I beg you,
watch the recording Entek gave you. It's the only way you'll ever really
know the truth." He leaves, knowing he might never see her again, and
Kira is torn. Finally, she plays the recording. It's Iliana, who says
she is going in for surgery tomorrow. "I'm going to miss Cardassia. But
I know what I'm doing is right. The terrorism on Bajor has to be
stopped. Father doesn't want me to go. Mother just looks unhappy all the
time. I hope someday they understand. I want them to be proud of me."
The Defiant is en route, with Sisko dressed in civilian clothing. Odo
brings Garak to the bridge after catching him someplace where he
shouldn't have been. At that moment, two Galor-class warships are
detected, heading their way. The ships hail the Defiant, and Sisko uses
the communications holofilter to pose as a Kobheerian captain. He claims
to be carrying a shipment of Kobheerian toranium to Cardassia. The gul
wants to board the ship, as Maquis activity in this sector is on the
rise, and all incoming ships are to be stopped and searched.
Garak suddenly steps forward and tells Dax to drop the holofilter. "I
can get us out of this, if you let me talk to them." Sisko okays it.
Garak proceeds to bluff, claiming this is a priority mission and giving
a clearance verification code. "By the authority of the Central Command,
you are ordered to turn your ships around. Erase all records of this
encounter from your logs and talk of it to no one. Is that clear?" The
gul retreats, flustered. "Mr. Garak, I'm impressed," Sisko tells him.
Garak passes it off. "Just something I overheard while I was hemming
someone's trousers."
Kira is undergoing another session with Entek, and it's taking its toll.
She is on the breaking point as Entek fires question after question at
her. Finally Ghemor comes in and sternly tells Entek that it's over. He
invokes his authority as a member of Central Command, and Entek
reluctantly backs off. "Iliana, I'm afraid the next time we talk, it
will have to be at the Order's facilities."
Ghemor asks if she's all right. Without a word, Kira goes over to the
mirror, staring at her Cardassian face, and for the first time wondering
if Entek and Ghemor might be telling the truth about who she is. She
touches the mirror, then pounds it with her fist, breaking it. Ghemor
catches her as she falls to her knees, weeping in despair. She doesn't
have the energy to push Ghemor away as he holds and comforts her. "I'm a
selfish old man," he says. "I can't keep you here any more, no matter
how much I want to. Entek will never rest until he's broken you. If he
takes you to Order Headquarters -- we must get you away from Cardassia."
She asks why he would do that for her. "You're my daughter, Iliana,"
Ghemor says tenderly. "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. Even --
even if it means losing you again."
Later, Ghemor brings her a present, a bracelet that belonged to Iliana's
mother. "I want you to have it, to remember her by," he says, insisting
that she take it. Then a young Cardassian enters, and Ghemor introduces
him as Ari, who is here to help her get off Cardassia. "I have friends
who can arrange things," Ghemor adds. "Friends who think the same way I
do." "The Obsidian Order and the Central Command have been given too
much power over our lives. We're going to change that," Ari adds
fervently, and Kira realizes with a shock that they are dissidents.
"Goodbye, Iliana," Ghemor says sadly. "I love you."
But something about this is bothering Kira. "Wait -- this is wrong...No,
don't you see? The fact that you're a dissident, that you're willing to
help me -- no, that can't be a coincidence." Why, she wonders, did Entek
go to all this trouble? "It's not me he's after," she realizes. "What if
the Order suspects your involvement with the dissidents?"
Ghemor says it's impossible; they couldn't have any evidence of his
activities. "But they could still suspect you," Kira says. "And without
any evidence, they wouldn't dare interrogate you, would they?...Which is
why they had to make you betray yourself. Which is why they kidnapped
me. Because I resemble your daughter, and they knew you would never
stand by and watch me be tortured. They wanted you to do this. They
wanted you to try and rescue me." "Very astute, Major," says Entek,
coming in at that moment with an armed team. "You couldn't have done any
better if you were one of us."
Ghemor tries beaming away with Ari and Kira, but Entek informs him
there's a transporter suppression field over the area. Ari charges, and
is killed for his trouble. "You don't know how long I've waited for this
day," Entek smiles. "Imagine, in one bold stroke, the Obsidian Order
will unmask a traitor in the Central Command and shatter the entire
dissident movement. And we have you to thank for it." He goes on to say
happily that now they will be able to purge the government of all
disloyalty. As one of the others prepares to torture Ghemor, Kira makes
a move, but is stopped by a phaser in her back. "Major, your testimony
would make for a more dramatic trial, but I'd be willing to dispense
with it if you give us any trouble," Entek threatens.
"The Major is the least of your problems, Entek," Garak calls out as he
enters the room with Sisko. Sisko tosses down a satchel which morphs
into Odo, who disarms Entek. The other soldiers surrender, and Kira gets
their weapons. Entek almost seems more surprised to see Garak than he is
by anything else. "Garak, what are you doing here?" "I got homesick,"
says Garak.
"Don't worry, he's on our side...I think," Kira tells Ghemor. Garak
looks at her. "Major, I don't think I've ever seen you looking so
ravishing." He says he still has some friends on Cardassia, and tells
Entek, "You will, no doubt, derive years of enjoyment trying to
determine exactly who they are." As Sisko and Ghemor leave, Entek asks
Garak why he's helping these people. "Up until now, the Order was
satisfied to let you live in exile, but now -- " Garak says he'd almost
forgotten what a pleasure it was to be with other Cardassians. "Though
I'd like to stay and listen to you bluster, I simply don't have the
time." He turns; Entek draws a phaser; Garak turns back and vaporizes
him. "A pity. I rather liked him."
Sometime later, Kira, whose Bajoran features have been restored, walks
down a docking ring corridor with Ghemor. She tells him that according
to Bashir, her genetic structure is entirely Bajoran. Yeln has
disappeared, and is now thought to be a Cardassian agent, who probably
altered the detention center records. Kira wonders why Entek didn't
simply bring back Iliana; Ghemor says it's because Iliana's memories
would have returned, and she would have cooperated with Entek. "But they
knew that you'd resist, and that I'd be forced to try to get you off of
Cardassia." He has to believe Iliana is still alive, and that someday he
will find her. For now, the Mathenite government has offered him
sanctuary, and he is going there.
Ghemor has a bit of "fatherly advice" for Kira. "That Garak fellow who
helped you, who helped us -- don't trust him, Nerys. Ever. He's a
dangerous man, and he'd betray you and all of your friends in an instant
if he thought it would help him." Kira says she'll keep an eye on him.
She returns his wife's bracelet to him. "It doesn't belong to me. I
can't keep it." But Ghemor places it back in her hand. "No. I want you
to have it. You may not be my daughter, but until I find Iliana, you're
the closest thing I have to family."
Kira is touched. "I want you to know something. In spite of whatever I
might have said, I realize now you're an honorable man. And I think your
daughter must have loved you very much." After a long parting look,
Ghemor climbs the stairs into the airlock, leaving Kira holding the
bracelet tightly in her hand.