Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
Continued from "The Search, Part I":
Odo gazes in shocked wonder at what he has been searching for all his
life: his people, who gaze back with benign regard. "You really are just
like me, aren't you?" he finally says. The female shapeshifter, who
seems to be acting as spokesperson, answers yes. And yes, this is his
homeworld. She understands why he can't remember it; he was still
newly-formed when he left. Odo asks if he has family, and if he can meet
them; the female indicates the lake. "You already have. We are all part
of the Great Link." Happy for her friend, but sensing he's a bit
overwhelmed, Kira urges him to simply enjoy the moment.
Odo asks what this Great Link is, and the female tells him, "The Link is
the very foundation of our society. It provides a meaning to our
existence. It is the merging of thought and form, the sharing of idea
and sensation." Odo seems a bit disturbed by this. "I've lived a very
solitary life," he admits. The female shapeshifter says that's
unfortunate, but necessary. "But now, that part of your life is over.
You're home." Despite the objections of a male shapeshifter, who says
Odo's not ready, she extends a hand toward Odo. "He needs to remember,
if only for a moment." Slowly, Odo takes her hand, and both hands morph
into liquid, merging. When the female withdraws a moment later, Odo
appears to be almost entranced. "I allowed him to experience the Link,"
the female explains to Kira, who finally manages to get Odo's attention,
and asks him what happened. "I'm not sure," he says softly. "But I know
one thing. She's right. I am...home." And he smiles.
Sisko and Bashir are in a shuttle, having abandoned the Defiant during
the Jem'Hadar attack. Now, they are in a situation nearly as precarious
as the one they left, with engines, sensors, and life support all failed
or failing. Suddenly the little vessel jolts, and stops. After an
anxious moment, the hatch opens to reveal O'Brien and Dax, who they
thought had been captured by the Jem'Hadar. "We've been searching for
you for days," says O'Brien, and Dax adds that ships are still looking
for the others. Meanwhile, they will be taken back to DS9. "There are
big things happening there, Benjamin," Dax says. "I think you're in for
a surprise."
Odo and Kira have been waiting for a few hours in what looks to be a
garden. Odo is restless: "I finally return home and they still treat me
like an outsider." But Kira points out that she's the outsider here.
"I'm the one they don't trust, not you." "How perceptive, Major," says
the female shapeshifter, approaching them. "If our history has taught us
anything, it is to avoid contact with solids whenever possible."
"Solids", she explains, is their name for "monoforms like yourself, who
will never know the joys of the Great Link." Knowing when she's not
wanted, Kira tells Odo she will try contacting Sisko and the others from
the shuttle; but the female shapeshifter says they can't allow any
communications to be sent from here. "We value our isolation."
Odo is nonplused to learn that he apparently was meant to "make use of"
this garden by assuming the shapes therein. "To become a thing is to
know a thing," the female tells him. "To assume its form is to begin to
understand its existence." When he still doesn't get it, she looks at
him with sympathy. "Living among the solids has damaged you far worse
than I realized. It has left you ignorant of the gifts you possess." She
promises she will help him learn. "But in the end, this is another
journey you'll have to make on your own. And when it is over, you'll be
ready to take your place in the Great Link." She hands Odo a rock, and
walks off. Kira approaches again, and says she will try to contact Sisko,
camouflaging her signal as radiation, a technique she taught the
commander. "Good luck," Odo says, contemplating his rock.
Sisko and the others arrive back at DS9 and are greeted by Admiral
Necheyev, with the news that a delegation from the Founders is already
meeting with representatives from the Federation Council and a dozen
other Alpha Quadrant alliances. "We're hoping to have a treaty signed
within a matter of days. And we have you to thank for it." Sisko passes
the credit to Dax and O'Brien, who, it seems, were turned over by the
Jem'Hadar to the Founders; and the Founders were easily convinced of the
Federation's goodwill. The admiral acknowledges the risk. "But both the
Federation Council and Starfleet Command believe it's one worth taking."
She tells Sisko that a Founder has asked to see him.
Sisko enters a room and is surprised to find a male of the same species
as Eris (see "The Jem'Hadar"). His name is Borath, and he admits that
Eris too was a Founder, "though she couldn't very well admit it while
you were pointing a phaser at her." Sisko can't help but be a little
skeptical of Borath's good intentions. Borath says he doesn't blame him.
"But you must understand that we were only trying to defend
ourselves...We felt threatened by your incursions into the Gamma
Quadrant." "And now?" Sisko asks. Borath smiles. "Commander, you risked
your life to bring us a message of peace and friendship. We chose to
accept your offer. Would you rather we refused?" Sisko has to admit that
he wouldn't. "Good. Because believe me, Commander, an alliance between
the Dominion and the Federation will be beneficial to both our people."
Somehow, however, Sisko has a hard time buying it.
On the Promenade, Garak catches up to Bashir and welcomes him back,
saying lunch hasn't been the same without him. "Hopefully things'll
start getting back to normal around here," says Bashir, but Garak is not
optimistic. "There's an old saying on Cardassia: 'Enemies make dangerous
friends.' And I fear the Dominion will make a very dangerous friend
indeed." When Bashir asks if this is Garak's own opinion or that of
Central Command, Garak says the Central Command is in favor of the
treaty. "Which, as far as I'm concerned, only justifies my fears." They
then run into T'Rul, who says she tried to speak with the Federation
negotiating team but was refused entry. She wanted to protest the
exclusion of the Romulan Empire from the treaty negotiations; every
other great Alpha Quadrant power was invited except them. "There must be
some mistake," says Bashir. T'Rul says darkly, "The mistake is thinking
the Romulan Empire will stand by and allow such a betrayal to go
unchallenged. Believe me Doctor, if a treaty is signed without our
approval, it will mean war." As she leaves, Garak looks at Bashir.
"Still feel that I'm worrying about nothing, Doctor?"
Kira begins trying to send her message, but the computer tells her it
can't transmit the signal due to external interference on all
frequencies, interference which is a result of thermal radiation from a
subterranean power source, located under the planet's surface. The
computer can't identify this source, because of an unknown substance in
the surrounding rock. Odo stops by to see how she's doing, and she asks
him if he has any idea what the power source can be; he doesn't. Kira
notices how depressed he seems. "I have spent the last two hours
shapeshifting," he tells her. "Rocks, flowers, trees. I have been
everything in that garden...And nothing. Oh, I can become a rock, all
right, but I have no more of an idea what it is to be a rock than I did
before." "I'm not really sure what that means," says Kira. Odo looks
even more miserable. "I'm not sure either. And that's...unfortunate.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to return to my bucket."
Sisko speaks to Necheyev about the exclusion of the Romulans from the
peace talks. The admiral says it was at the request of the Founders, who
felt the Romulans would be a disruptive influence. Sisko is concerned,
but the admiral tells him if the treaty is signed, they'll never have to
worry about the Romulans again. "After all, what chance would they have
against the combined power of our new alliance?" "They wouldn't have
much of a chance at all," says Sisko. The admiral assures him that the
Federation carefully weighed all the options before entering into these
peace talks.
"Why do you dislike humanoids so much?" Odo asks the female shapeshifter
as they sit together in the garden. "I know they have their flaws, but
I've found many of them to be kind, decent people." "Like Major Kira?"
she asks, and he says yes. "Then you've been more fortunate than most
Changelings." The name Changelings is one their people adopted in
defiance after it was used against them by solids as an insult. The
female goes on to tell Odo that long ago, their people roamed the stars,
peacefully seeking knowledge, but were too often met with suspicion,
hatred, and violence. Finally, they escaped their persecution by making
a home here.
Odo asks why he was sent away. "Because," the female says, "even in our
isolation, we desired to learn more about the galaxy. You were one of a
hundred infants sent off to gain that knowledge for us." The desire Odo
has always felt to find his origins was implanted in him, to ensure that
he would find his way home. And Odo is the first one back, thanks to the
wormhole. They weren't expecting any of the explorers to return for
another three hundred years.
"It's different than I imagined it would be," Odo admits. The female
gazes into his eyes. "Whatever you imagined, I promise, it will be
better." Once more she takes his hand, and Odo's look is one of pure
revelation as the two of them slowly melt together, completely, until
they become a single column of shimmering liquid.
A bit later, Kira enters the garden, and addresses the scenery, in case
Odo is practicing his shapeshifting there. She says that she is going to
try to find the source of the interference; if she can't find and
neutralize it, she will have to leave to search for Sisko and the
others. "I'm really glad you made it home, Odo," she adds, softly. "I
know everything's going to work out just fine...I don't believe it. I'm
talking to a tree. You're probably not even here, are you?" Not hearing
any answer, she walks away and goes under the world's surface, where she
finds a large metal door embedded in the rockface, with a
complicated-looking lock system. "Why would shapeshifters need a door?"
she wonders to herself. The computer can't scan the area due to
O'Brien and Bashir sit together at Quark's, where the Ferengi is in a
very good mood, having overheard two Jem'Hadar saying that the peace
agreement is about to be finalized. Quark now thinks the Jem'Hadar
aren't so bad, especially since it turns out they like Dabo. "You see, I
have a dream. A dream that one day all people -- human, Jem'Hadar,
Ferengi Cardassians -- will stand together in peace, around my Dabo
tables." "You're a real visionary, Quark," says Bashir. Just then
O'Brien is jolted from behind by a Jem'Hadar officer, who claims O'Brien
is in his way, and doesn't like his sarcastic apology. A fight breaks
out. "Gentlemen, please, remember my vision?" pleads Quark, but the
combatants ignore him.
Bashir goes to O'Brien's aid, and is nearly choked to death for his
trouble. Then Eddington enters to break it up, and lets the Jem'Hadar
walk out, much to Bashir's outraged consternation. "Our orders are to
give the Jem'Hadar a wide berth," Eddington explains. He's aware of
station regulations, but says the Jem'Hadar are not, and they have to
allow them time to get used to them. "So in the meantime, they're free
to do whatever they want?" Bashir demands. "Remember that before you get
into another brawl with them," Eddington says.
Having dinner with his son, Sisko is preoccupied, barely touching his
food. The negotiations are taking place behind closed doors, and he
feels left out of the loop. Dax then storms in, holding a PADD with
orders saying she's been transferred to the Lexington as science
officer. And Bashir calls, saying he needs to talk to him about the
A little later, Sisko bursts into the room where Admiral Necheyev is in
a meeting with Borath. "I want to know why my science officer's been
transferred without my consent. I want to know why my Chief of
Operations is lying in the infirmary while the Jem'Hadar who beat him is
free to walk the station. And I want to know why the Federation is
willing to risk a war with the Romulans to form an alliance with a group
of people that we hardly know and barely trust!" Borath tells the
admiral she should tell Sisko what he wants to know. "The Federation,"
the admiral says, "is pulling out of this sector. All Starfleet
personnel currently stationed on DS9 will be reassigned to other posts.
Yourself included." Bajor will be the responsibility of the Dominion,
which will be running this station. "And you're telling me that the
Bajorans have agreed to this?" Sisko asks incredulously; Borath says
they're confident Bajor will not object.
"And if they do object, what then?" Sisko asks. "You send in the
Jem'Hadar?" "The Jem'Hadar are used only against our enemies," Borath
tells him soothingly. The Dominion will protect Bajor, and the wormhole
as well. "It's the price of peace, Benjamin," Necheyev tells him. Sisko
smolders. "Well, if you ask me, the price is too damned high! What is
the Federation supposed to get out of all this?" "Our friendship," says
Borath. "Isn't that enough?" Necheyev adds that Sisko will be promoted
to Captain, but Sisko isn't interested. He wants to speak to the
Federation negotiating team before the treaty is signed. However,
Necheyev tells him it's too late: the treaty was signed late this
afternoon. "It's the beginning of a new era, Commander," Borath
announces. "And you helped make it possible. Congratulations."
In the Changelings' garden, Kira watches an Arbazan vulture land nearby
and morph. It's Odo, looking absolutely radiant with happiness. He just
now actually felt what it was like to be the bird, and Kira smiles as
she listens to him rhapsodize about the experience. "I'm so happy for
you," she tells him sincerely. "So, I guess this means you'll be staying
here a while." Odo finally comes down from the clouds long enough to
look at her and realize that this could be the last time he sees her for
a long time. "I've enjoyed working with you, Major," he says solemnly.
"I've enjoyed working with you, too," Kira says with feeling. "But
before we say good-bye, I need your help one last time." She tells him
she has found the power source, behind a door. Odo is as puzzled as she
is; his people have no need for doors. Both of them wonder who could be
using it.
Garak joins a brooding Sisko at the replimat. "I just wanted to tell you
how impressed I've been with you during these past two years. You've run
this station with strength, dignity and compassion. Well done." Sisko
thanks him. There are rumors that Bajor has formed a pact with the
Romulans against the Dominion and their allies. "So much for my peace
mission," says Sisko wryly. Garak tells him that he shares his feelings
about this treaty. "I've thought about it a great deal, and the only
explanation I can find is that our leaders have simply gone insane." But
neither one of them can do anything about it, the tailor adds
meaningfully. "After all, you have your orders and as for me, well, I
wouldn't dream of opposing the wishes of the Central Command. Pity."
Sisko agrees. "Mr. Garak, I never knew we thought so much alike." "Life
is full of surprises, Commander," Garak says.
Suddenly, they look up at a commotion further down the Promenade. T'Rul
rushes up and heads for Sisko and Garak, pursued by two Jem'Hadar
soldiers, one of whom fires on her. The Romulan falls dead into Sisko's
arms, and Sisko attacks the soldiers. However, he is soon knocked cold.
A bit later, Dax, Bashir, and Garak enter the security office, where
Eddington is sitting at Odo's desk. As Dax and Bashir argue with him,
Garak knocks Eddington out with a hypospray. "I'm sorry, but we are
pressed for time," he explains. He and Bashir hide Eddington while Dax
goes to get Sisko out from his holding cell. Garak admits that "after
years of hemming women's dresses, a little action is a welcome change of
pace." "I hope you'll still feel the same way an hour from now," Sisko
notes, having just been sprung.
Dax tells him O'Brien is waiting for them at the Rio Grande with a full
complement of photon torpedoes. She has anticipated that Sisko wants to
make sure the Dominion stays on their side of the galaxy, and the only
way to do that is to collapse the entrance to the wormhole. "Well, I
guess this means the end of our Starfleet careers," says Bashir. But
Garak points out practically that "it's a little foolish to worry about
your careers at a time like this, when there's a good chance we're all
about to be killed."
Odo examines the door Kira found, which looks to him as if it's meant to
keep something in rather than keep people out. He morphs his hand into
the locking mechanism.
Sisko and company are racing to the runabout pad when they are stopped
by two Jem'Hadar, and Garak instantly turns his phaser on Sisko. "I'm
glad to see the plan is going as scheduled," he says smoothly to a
Jem'Hadar, who asks what plan. "You mean no one told you? You see, I
pretend to be their friend, and then I shoot you." Whereupon he does
just that. But then Garak himself is hit by a phaser blast from another
team of Jem'Hadar. "Doctor, I'm afraid I won't be able to have lunch
with you today," he says weakly, and dies. Sisko drags Bashir away as
Dax covers them.
They make it to the runabout, and leave the station; as they prepare to
launch torpedoes, Necheyev hails them and orders them to stand down and
return to the station. Borath threatens to send the Jem'Hadar after
them. "Go right ahead," says Sisko. "But you better warn them not to
expect any reinforcements for about seventy years." The runabout dives
at the wormhole, which opens, and the torpedoes are launched. The
wormhole explodes into blinding white light.
Odo gets the door open; inside, he and Kira find three Jem'Hadar
soldiers with weapons at the ready. They are led to a room inside the
cavern, and are astonished to see their missing crewmates -- Sisko, Dax,
Bashir, O'Brien, and T'Rul -- all unconscious and hooked up to alien
devices attached to their heads. Borath is there, and bids them come in.
He explains that "we" are conducting an experiment, "to see how they'd
respond to an attempt by the Dominion to gain a foothold into the Alpha
Quadrant. We were curious to see how much they'd be willing to sacrifice
in order to avoid a war." Kira asks what they've found out.
"Unfortunately, they're proving to be just as stubborn as I feared,"
Borath says. "I'm glad to hear it," Odo says, and Borath looks at him.
"You are? Well, that is a problem. But, thankfully, it's not one I have
to solve."
"But I do," says the female shapeshifter, who has entered the room. She
admits calmly to Odo that yes, she knew about this. "You belong to the
Dominion, don't you?" says Kira. "Belong to it?" the female says.
"Major, the Changelings are the Dominion." Odo stares at her in stunned
realization. "You're the Founders."
"Ironic, isn't it?" the Founder says. "The hunted now control the
destinies of hundreds of other races." They created the Dominion
"because what you can control can't hurt you. So, many years ago we set
ourselves the task of imposing order on a chaotic universe." Odo asks
how they can justify so many deaths. "The solids have always been a
threat to us," claims the Founder. "That's the only justification we
need." "But these solids have never harmed you," says Odo. "They travel
the galaxy in order to expand their knowledge. Just as you once did."
"The solids are nothing like us," the Founder maintains.
And Odo looks at her with sadness as he realizes what he must do. "No, I
suppose they're not. And neither am I. I've devoted my life to the
pursuit of justice. But justice means nothing to you, does it?" The
Founder tells him, "It is not justice you desire, Odo, but order, the
same as we do. And we can help you satisfy that desire in ways the
solids never could. This will all become clear to you once you've taken
your place in the Great Link."
"No," says Odo. "I admit this Link of yours is appealing. But you see, I
already have a Link, with these people." He orders Borath to remove the
devices from Sisko and the others, and bring them their combadges.
"They're leaving, and so am I." The Founder looks at him in genuine
sorrow. "It has taken you many years to find your way back home. Are you
really willing to leave it again so soon?" "Unless you intend to stop
me," Odo says. She looks shocked. "No Changeling has ever harmed
another." Odo tells her implacably, "Whatever you do to them, you're
going to have to do to me."
The Founder actually backs down, and tells Borath that the prisoners are
free to go, though she promises Odo that next time they will not be so
generous. Sisko and the others wake up, groggy and confused to find
themselves here instead of on the runabout, or dead in T'Rul's case.
Borath tells them their ship is in orbit, and they may beam up whenever
they're ready. Odo tells Sisko to return to the Defiant, and Kira adds
that she'll make sure Odo gets back to the ship. Finally, Sisko
acquiesces, and the five former prisoners beam up.
Odo walks with the female Founder back to the shores of the Great Link.
She hopes one day he will return and take his rightful place in the
Dominion. "Your Link to the solids won't last. You will always be an
outsider." But, hard though it is, Odo has accepted his decision to
reject his people. "Being an outsider isn't so bad," he tells her. "It
gives one a unique perspective. It's a pity you've forgotten that."
The Founder thinks perhaps she'll visit him one day. "The Alpha Quadrant
seems wracked with chaos. It could use some order." But she can wait
until "the time is right." She looks at him with regret. "We will miss
you, Odo. But you will miss us even more." With that, she becomes part
of the Great Link once more.
Kira joins Odo as he gazes out at the home he has found and then lost
again. She takes his hand, looking into his eyes, and hits his combadge.
"Kira to Defiant. Two to beam up."

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