Episode Synopsis
Tracy Hemenover
Vedek Bareil walks slowly down an eerily different Promenade.
He is startled to bump into the corpse of a hanged man
dangling from a crossover bridge. Then he sees Kira
nonchalantly playing springball nearby, and asks her to help
him. She casually slices through the rope with a knife; the
corpse drops, and Bareil recognizes it as Prylar Bek. "No it's
not," Kira says. Bareil looks down again, and finds that he's
looking at his own dead body. "It's you." With that, Bareil
closes the doors of the ark holding the Orb of Prophecy and
Change, ending the very disturbing vision.
On the station, visiting Kira, Bareil looks out into space as
she wakes up and comes to him, embracing him. She wishes he
could stay longer, and he says, "All right, I will." Kira
reminds him that he can't do that, because in two days he's
going to be elected Kai. "Oh, that," Bareil jokes. They banter
a bit about whether or not she'll vote for him, then Kira
grows serious. "I may not always agree with your
interpretations of the prophecies, but I think you will make a
wonderful Kai. Besides, everyone knows you were Kai Opaka's
personal choice to succeed her." Bareil says he could never
replace Opaka. His duties will make it hard for them to
maintain their relationship, but they promise each other that
they will make it work.
Vedek Winn is on the station as well, preaching to a group of
children as Bareil and Kira walk up to her. Winn and Bareil
take note of their radically different viewpoints on the
sacred texts, and Bareil mentions his knowledge that Winn has
been keeping a close eye on his activities lately. Winn says
so has everyone else. "After all, the common wisdom is that
you are destined to be the next Kai." But she adds that the
Prophets may surprise them all. Kira makes no secret of her
animosity for Winn as she remarks that now that she knows
Winn's here, she'll have Odo increase security; not for Winn's
safety, but to avoid the violence that occurred the last time
she was here.
A little ways down the Promenade, an old Bajoran man, arriving
off a transport, bumps into another Bajoran, Eblan, who
excuses himself and walks on, then turns back in recognition.
"Kubus Oak. You worked for the Cardassians." A crowd begins to
gather as Kubus tries to escape. Then Odo arrives and asks
what's going on. Eblan tells him to see for himself, and Odo
too recognizes Kubus. "Secretary Kubus. Last I heard, you were
living on Cardassia." "I decided it was time to come home,"
says Kubus simply, and Odo tells him, "Welcome back. You're
under arrest." Kubus doesn't protest as he is led off, as if
he had feared it wouldn't be so easy. He glances at Winn, who
is watching.
Back on Bajor, Bareil experiences another Orb vision. This
time, he is at the Vedek Assembly, and he has just been
elected Kai. Kai Opaka steps up and says, "Be at peace, my
child. You must be strong, now more than ever." Winn warns him
to be careful. "The path she walks is a narrow one. See that
you don't stumble." Bareil protests that he doesn't deserve to
walk in Opaka's path. "You must," she says. "It is your
destiny." Prylar Bek steps up, holding a box. "Accept this
gift from the Prophets." When Bareil opens it, a snake is
coiled inside. "Take it, my child," Opaka urges. "Its venom
will make you stronger." Bareil grasps it, and it turns into a
hangman's noose.
Odo enters the holding area where Kubus is sitting in a cell.
Kubus, once the special liaison between the Cardassian
Occupation Forces and their pawns in the Bajoran government,
tries to excuse his actions by saying he served the only
recognized government on Bajor during the Occupation. "If it
wasn't for us, the situation on Bajor would have been ten
times worse than it was." But Odo remembers Dukat telling him
that Kubus was his favorite Bajoran. "Really?" Kubus says. "I
never could stand that arrogant tyrant." "You hid your
feelings well," says Odo. Kubus replies that it kept him
Kira arrives, with loathing in her eyes, to hear Kubus'
request to be allowed to return home to Bajor. She denies it,
and he questions her authority to make that decision. "The
decision has already been made," Kira informs him. "In the
Ilvian Proclamation, every Bajoran who was a member of the
Cardassian Occupational Government was sentenced to exile.
Your name was number four on that list. Personally, I think
you all got off too easy." Kubus pleads that he's an old man,
without many years left. "What's the harm of letting me live
them out on Bajor?" But under Kira's questioning, he admits
that he used to sign the work orders that sentenced countless
Bajorans to death in the mines. Not once did he refuse to sign
any of them. "And that's why you can never be allowed to set
foot on Bajor again," says Kira. "Because if you do, it would
dishonor the memory of every person you sentenced to death."
In the commander's office, Sisko receives a visit from Vedek
Winn, who claims to be troubled by the perception, "however
inaccurate", that relations between them are less than
friendly. "I suppose the question we have to ask ourselves,"
says Sisko, "is whether or not that perception is inaccurate."
Winn looks at him innocently. "Don't tell me that you,
yourself, Emissary, believe that you and I are -- how shall I
put it -- " "Enemies," Sisko supplies, speculating that
perhaps her last visit to the station, when she publicly
stated that he was here to destroy her people, might have
something to do with it.
Winn claims that her words were misinterpreted on that
occasion. "What I was really saying -- what I have always
maintained -- is that you, Emissary, were sent here by the
Prophets, to challenge our long-held beliefs." Just to make
sure there are no further misunderstandings, Sisko asks if
he's right to assume she no longer considers the Federation
Bajor's enemy, and that she supports Federation membership for
Bajor. Winn admits she had some concerns, but now she sees
that the Federation's presence is necessary, and if Bajor's
joining the Federation is the will of the Prophets, she won't
oppose it. Which doesn't really answer Sisko's questions, but
he's satisfied for now. He says, "I'm glad you said that, and
I would be grateful if you would tell it to the Bajoran
This gives Winn the opening she was looking for. She suggests
that they could address the Vedek Assembly together. Sisko
says it's an excellent idea. Perhaps next week. Winn asks why
wait? "Unfortunately," he tells her, "if we were to appear
together in public before the choosing, it might be
misconstrued as an endorsement of your bid to become the Kai."
Winn says she doubts that. "It's common knowledge that you
support Vedek Bareil. Although I have been pleasantly
surprised that you haven't made any public statement to that
effect." Sisko says that the election of the Kai is strictly
an internal Bajoran affair, and as a Federation officer, he
would never interfere. "What an enlightened philosophy," Winn
smiles. She gave it her best shot, but at least she knows he
won't be supporting her opposition.
Sometime later, Odo calls Kira with the news that Kubus is
about to leave for Bajor; Vedek Winn has granted him
sanctuary. Kira orders Dax, who was about to clear Winn's ship
for departure, to belay that. Then Kira heads down to
security, where Odo informs her that Kubus requested a private
meeting with Winn, after which Winn used Odo's computer to
access information from the library system, then called the
provisional government to inform them she was granting
sanctuary to Kubus. Odo gets the computer to show them what
Winn looked up: a dossier on Prylar Bek.
"Why would Winn be interested in another Bajoran
collaborator?" Kira wonders. Odo says Bek and Kubus knew each
other; Bek was liaison between the Cardassians and the Vedek
Assembly while Kubus was secretary to the Occupational
government, and they spent quite a bit of time together. Winn
also accessed information on the Kendra Valley massacre, in
which 43 Bajoran freedom fighters, including Kai Opaka's son,
were ambushed and killed after Bek gave the Cardassians the
location of their camp. Bek made a full confession in his
suicide note.
Winn interrupts, wishing to speak to Kira, who remarks that
Winn is the last person she would expect to help Kubus, unless
he had something Winn needed. Winn says her needs are no
concern of Kira's. She wants her ship to be allowed to depart
immediately. Kira tells her Winn is free to leave, but she
can't allow any ship with Kubus aboard to leave without
undergoing a thorough security check, one that could take days
or even weeks. "Very well," says Winn after thinking for a
moment. "It seems the Prophets have decided you will have a
part in this after all. In exchange for sanctuary, Kubus has
agreed to provide the name of the man responsible for the
massacre at Kendra Valley." Bek, she says, was a pawn who
killed himself to prevent the discovery of the real traitor --
Bek's superior, who ordered him to betray the location of the
rebel camp: Vedek Bareil.
Kira, shocked, says no one will believe Kubus' accusation.
Winn asks if she wants to risk the consequences of a
collaborator becoming the next Kai. But she's not intending to
condemn Bareil without proof; she was going to conduct a quiet
investigation. "But I didn't know who to trust with such a
delicate assignment. Until now." "You want me to do your dirty
work for you," Kira realizes, incredulously; Winn claims all
she cares about is the truth. Kira says she'll find it, but
she wants Winn to keep Kubus' charges secret until she's had a
chance to determine Bareil's innocence -- or guilt. She will
share whatever she finds out with Winn. Winn agrees.
Kubus tells them both his story. Bek, he says, was no
collaborator, just a messenger between the Cardassians and the
Vedek Assembly. Kubus relates that in the weeks before the
massacre, Bek seemed tense, and was in constant communication
with someone in the Vedek Assembly. He doesn't know who that
was, but says that the day after the Kendra Valley "incident",
Bareil came to visit Bek on the station. Kubus heard shouting
through the bulkhead, and when he saw Bareil leaving, the
vedek looked upset. Bek hung himself the next morning. It's
obvious to Kubus that they were working together, and that
Bareil forbade Bek to confess, so Bek took his only way out.
Kira argues that that is pure conjecture. "There have to be a
dozen explanations for why Bareil came to see Bek." "And it's
up to you to find out which of these explanations is true,"
Winn says.
Kira has a rather awkward talk with Bareil via subspace.
Bareil confirms that he did visit Bek that day, but that
doesn't make him a collaborator. "I know that," Kira says.
"It's Vedek Winn who needs convincing." Winn is determined to
ruin him, she warns. Bareil tells her that there is no reason
to worry. "I had nothing to do with the massacre. And Winn
will never be able to prove otherwise." As for why he visited
Bek, the prylar was seeking spiritual guidance due to his
overwhelming guilt at his betrayal of the rebel base. Bareil
can't reveal what Bek said, due to confidentiality. Kira
promises that she will prove to Winn that he's innocent.
Kira visits Odo in his office, where the security chief finds
that all records of communication between the station and
Bajor were purged during the Cardassian withdrawal. But he
will try to access the files of the Vedek Assembly through the
Bajoran central archives. Kira sits wearily on Odo's desk,
looking deeply troubled; she tells a concerned Odo that she's
fine, but then confesses what's bothering her. "He says he's
not guilty. I know he's not guilty." "But you're afraid he's
guilty," Odo surmises.
"I love him, Odo," Kira says softly. Odo looks up, seeming
slightly taken aback -- maybe even a little...disappointed?
But he covers. "I was just wondering when you were going to
figure that out. You humanoids -- when it comes to emotional
attachments, you never see the obvious." He then announces
that he's into the Vedek Assembly archives. Kira has him try
to retrieve the communications records between the station and
the Assembly for the week leading up to the Kendra massacre;
Odo finds that those records have been sealed. There is no
indication of who sealed them, but when Kira asks who could
have that kind of authority, Odo says, "Only a Vedek."
Quark is reluctantly paying a Dabo girl her wages when Odo and
Kira come into the bar. The Ferengi instantly becomes
paranoid. "Between the two of you, I'm developing a
persecution complex," he declares, figuring out that they want
something from him. Kira says they just need him to bypass a
security seal. "Isn't that illegal?" Quark asks; Odo hmphs,
"Spare us." Quark demands written authorization. He's certain
that when things go wrong, he'll take the fall for it. "'No
good deed ever goes unpunished,'" he says, quoting Rule of
Acquisition #285. But he finally complies, and shoos them off
while he works.
As they wait, Odo points out to Kira the spot on the crosswalk
bridge where Bek hanged himself before dozens of witnesses. He
notes that he and Bek were passing acquaintances, and from
what little he knew of him, Odo always thought of Bek as a
good man. "A good man does not betray his own people," Kira
replies, but Odo looks at her meaningfully. "The one thing
I've learned about humanoids is that in extreme situations,
even the best of you are capable of doing terrible things."
Then Quark calls them back over. He's broken through the
security seal, only to find that the file is empty.
In Ops, Kira has O'Brien try to reconstruct the transmission
records. Unfortunately, the Chief doesn't think he can
unscramble the fragments in time to do her any good. But he
can possibly find out who erased it, from a fragment of the
retinal scan noted by the authorization subroutine. He does
so, and on the monitor, the image of an eye slowly appears.
When O'Brien cross-references it with the main archive to see
whose eye it is, he gets a match. And a picture of Vedek
Bareil appears on the screen.
Bareil is having another orb vision. He is being hailed as the
new Kai, but then finds himself facing Bek. "I trusted you. I
needed you. And you let me die." Bareil is then embraced from
behind by a woman, who turns out to be not Kira but Winn, who
tells him, "You will be rewarded." Then Kira appears. "Accept
this gift from the Prophets," she says, and plunges a dagger
into his belly. Bareil collapses into the arms of Kai Opaka,
who holds him tenderly. "May the Prophets comfort you, my
child. May they comfort us all." And Bareil dies.
He closes the ark of the Orb, just as Kira enters the temple
chamber. "Did you really believe I wouldn't learn the truth?"
she asks. "Truth is not always easy to recognize," Bareil
replies. Kira asks him why he erased the transmission reports.
She knows the answer, but won't believe it until she hears it
from him. "Don't make me do this," he pleads. "I don't have
any choice," Kira says. "Winn is waiting to hear from me. Do
you really want me to tell her that you ordered Bek to give
the Cardassians the location of that resistance base? That you
are responsible for the deaths of those forty-three people?
That you killed Kai Opaka's son?"
Without any other alternative, Bareil confesses. "The
Cardassians were determined to eliminate all resistance in the
Kendra Valley. If someone hadn't told them the location of
that base, they would have wiped out every village in the
area. That would have meant the death of twelve hundred
innocent Bajorans. I could not allow that." Kira looks at him
in anguish and betrayal. "There had to have been another way.
I believed in you. I defended you. And Winn was right all
along. And now she's going to destroy you." "No," Bareil says
sadly. "I've destroyed myself."
Kira returns to the station, and Ops, in time to receive a
subspace call from Winn. Figuring she might as well get it
over with, she opens a channel. Winn's face smiles at her from
the monitor. "I must congratulate you on a job well done. I
knew the Prophets were right in picking you to assist me." She
goes on to say that Bareil has just made a surprise
announcement to the Vedek Assembly. He has withdrawn from the
elections. "I know this is painful for you, child. But you've
done a great service for all of Bajor. Whoever is chosen
tomorrow as the new Kai will owe you a debt of gratitude."
As Kira ends the transmission, something is bothering her. "It
doesn't make sense," she tells Dax. "Vedek Bareil is an
honorable man. He wouldn't hide from the consequences of his
actions by covering them up. I'm missing something." She tells
O'Brien she needs to get back into the Vedek Assembly
It's sometime later, and the election for Kai has been held. A
triumphant Winn emerges from the Vedek Assembly room, and Kira
bows her head. Winn grasps her ear. "Your pagh is strong, my
child. Be at peace. In time you will learn I am not your
enemy." As an afterthought, she adds, "Oh, and tell Commander
Sisko I must postpone appearing with him before the Assembly.
At least, for now." She leaves, and Kira resumes waiting until
Bareil finally comes out, reacting in surprise to seeing her.
"You forgot to erase the transit files," Kira tells him. "You
did a wonderful job erasing the transmission records, but you
forgot all about the transit files. The files that prove you
weren't a collaborator." "Let it rest," Bareil says. "It's
over now. The people have chosen Winn." Kira says he didn't
have to withdraw. The transit records show that he was on a
personal retreat at the Dakeen monastery during the week
before the massacre. Moreover, he had no contact with anyone
during that time. Therefore, he could not have ordered Bek to
reveal the location of the Kendra Valley encampment. "You were
covering up for someone else. Someone who meant more to you
than me. More to you even than becoming Kai." Bareil pleads
with her to stop, but she won't. "Who else meant that much to
you? It had to be Kai Opaka. Opaka knew where the resistance
cell was located, because her son was a member. She was the
collaborator, wasn't she?"
Bareil has no choice but to confirm it. "She sacrificed her
own son to save a thousand people. I had to protect her." "So
instead of you, we have Winn to lead us," Kira says. "...The
question is, where will she lead us?" "Down paths she cannot
possibly imagine," Bareil tells her. "She's going to need our
help along the way, even if she doesn't realize it yet." Kira
wonders what will happen to the the two of them; Bareil asks
what she wants to happen. For answer, she kisses him. Holding
hands, they go off to pay her respects to the new Kai.