Episode Synopsis
Tracy Hemenover
Bashir arrives back at DS9 from Starbase 41. With him is Arjin,
a young Trill candidate who is nervous about the prospect of
meeting Dax. He admits that when he learned that his field
docent would be Jadzia Dax, he asked for reassignment. "Dax is
famous for breaking initiates," he says. He is in the midst of
telling Bashir how only the "best and the brightest" qualify
for joining, when they arrive at Quark's and find Dax playing
Tongo with Quark and some of his waiters; she wins. Arjin is
surprised -- this is not the Dax he expected. She offers to
teach him Tongo, but when he hesitantly indicates it was a
long trip, she takes him to his quarters, leaving behind
several disgruntled Ferengis.
Arjin appears at Dax's quarters the next morning, only to find
an athletic alien answering the door and telling him she's in
the shower. Dax comes out dressed only in a towel, noting that
Arjin is early. She tells him to come in and wait while she
dresses; stiffly, embarrassed by the assumptions forming in
his mind, Arjin does so as the alien man leaves. Dax has Arjin
get her a Black Hole from the replicator, and comments that
she's sore; she's been having a morning wrestling workout.
Dressed now, Dax wonders what they're going to do while he's
here. "I was under the impression that field training
consisted of -- " begins Arjin, but she stops him. "I know all
about field training. Jadzia went through it a few years ago."
She tells him to call her not ma'am, but Jadzia. "If you think
that's appropriate," Arjin says uncomfortably. "Oh, I'm sure
it isn't appropriate at all," she says. "But then, I hate to
be appropriate."
In Ops, O'Brien and Kira are hunting a vole -- one of a
population of pesky critters that the Cardassians left behind.
They have been spreading out over the station since people
started moving into their hiding areas; they seem attracted to
electromagnetic fields, and they gnaw on the conduits. "Phasers
on stun, Mister O'Brien," Sisko says. Dax enters with Arjin
and makes introductions before joining the vole hunt. "So
you're the one who picked the black marble," Sisko says,
explaining that, "Field training with Dax was the nightmare of
the Initiate Corps." "That was Curzon," objects Dax, and hands
Arjin a stunned vole.
Arjin accompanies Dax later on a runabout trip through the
wormhole. He tells her he finished fifth level flight training
last month, and knows that Dax didn't finish her third level
until her last year of training. "You've been studying up on
me, Arjin," she says. "I can't say that I blame you. I did the
same thing when I found who my field docent was going to be."
In fact, it was Curzon Dax. Arjin asks how she managed to
impress him. Dax levels with him: she's not Curzon. She's not
out to make this difficult for Arjin, and he doesn't have to
impress her. After a beat, however, Arjin asks again how she
impressed Curzon. "I didn't," Dax says evenly. "Curzon
recommended that my initiate period be terminated."
At that moment, the runabout shudders, due to impact with a
subspace interphase pocket of unknown nature. There is
something caught on the nacelle: a glowing mass of protoplasm,
which the computer can't identify.
O'Brien and Kira continue to look for ways to round up the
voles. He's come up with a directional sonic generator that
will be uncomfortable to their ears. Quark arrives, indignant,
with a dead vole that had run right across a Dabo table. He
holds them responsible for vermin control. While telling him
about the sonic generator, O'Brien accidentally points it at
Quark, who squeals in agony and is temporarily deafened.
The runabout returns, and Dax reports that they've picked up
some "subspace seaweed" that they couldn't remove without
causing further damage. She asks O'Brien to set up a
containment chamber in the lab, so she can study it under more
controlled conditions once they get it off the runabout.
Meanwhile, she offers to take Arjin to dinner.
At the Klingon restaurant, Dax exuberantly joins the chef in
the last line of his song. Arjin isn't exactly happy with the
food. Dax asks him why he didn't say something. "Speak up for
yourself while you're here, okay?" She has Arjin tell her a
little about himself; he says his father, a pilot instructor
who died last year, sponsored him. His father desperately
wanted a child of his to be joined, but had no other goals for
them. Dax asks, "And what about your goals?" Arjin isn't sure
what he'll do; he figures he'll get guidance from the symbiont.
"The symbiont's influence is very strong, Arjin," Dax tells
him, "but you're the host. You've got to be strong enough to
balance that influence with your own instincts. If you can't,
the symbiont will overwhelm your personality." And Arjin knows
he's screwed up.
In desperation, O'Brien has contacted a Cardassian officer for
advice on how to remove the voles. The Cardassian isn't very
helpful, and in fact seems pleased by the station's
predicament. "You've got the station. You've got the voles. By
the way, their mating season begins in about six weeks." He
adds that the Federation could always withdraw from Bajor.
O'Brien cuts him off. Dax hands him a present from Bashir: a
flute, accompanied by a note: "It worked in Hamlin." "Very
funny," growls O'Brien.
As Dax plays chess with Sisko, they talk a little about the
"seaweed", which has been safely transferred to the lab. Sisko
asks about Arjin, and it's clear that Dax has reservations.
She's not sure what Arjin would have to offer a symbiont; she
finds him somewhat arrogant, and the fact that he's riding his
father's ambitions troubles her. But she doesn't want to
confront him about it. Her job is to show him what it's like
to function as a joined Trill. And she won't do to Arjin what
Curzon did to her. But Sisko points out that Arjin won't be
chosen if he doesn't measure up. "So, you're not doing him any
favors by avoiding a confrontation, are you? Curzon was tough.
Maybe even abusive in his own charming way. But he always
demanded the highest standards of excellence from these host
candidates." "You don't know what he did to me," says Dax, and
Sisko reminds her that she made it through the program. "No
thanks to him," she scowls. "Are you sure?" asks Sisko.
Meanwhile in the lab, voles have gotten into the circuitry,
and the forcefield surrounding the protoplasm fails. Sisko,
O'Brien, Dax, and Arjin convene there to assess the damage.
Dax doesn't know yet if there's any threat. "Take those
phasers off stun, Chief," Sisko says, re: the voles. "No more
Mister Nice Guy." Dax and Arjin, who has some astrophysics
background, are left alone to work on analyzing the mass.
Hesitantly, Arjin starts trying to fix things by mentioning
some goals of his which he obviously made up. Dax calls him
out, saying she thinks he's telling her what she wants to
hear. "I'm worried about you, Arjin," she says frankly. Seeing
everything he's worked for slipping away, Arjin starts to get
angry as Dax goes on. "Look, you've gotten this far by
anticipating every demand of the program and performing above
everyone's expectations, am I right?...And I'm telling you
that from this point on, that's not going to be good enough."
Arjin finally speaks up for himself. He feels betrayed. Dax
understands. "But this isn't about me. This is about the
standards for Trill hosts. The opportunity is too rare and too
important to waste on the wrong candidate." She doesn't know
that he is a wrong candidate, but she felt it only fair to
tell him her concerns. Arjin loses his restraint. "Standards
for Trill hosts? That is really incredible coming from you.
I've never seen any host in my life who is as far below those
standards as you are, ma'am. No wonder Curzon Dax tried to
terminate your training." He storms out.
Dax gives the results of her analysis later to Sisko and the
others in Ops. The mass is expanding, with a very specific
growth pattern that the computer recognized as the expansion
patterns of a universe. What they have is a proto-universe in
its earliest stages of formation, and as it grows, it is
disrupting their own universe. She does not know what will
happen if they try to take it back where it came from; the
wormhole's verteron nodes could interact with its energy
fluctuations and cause a devastating reaction. But if they
don't do anything, Bashir notes, it will eventually obliterate
this system and beyond.
They can't contain it without destroying it, though Kira
doesn't see the problem with doing just that. Dax believes
they can create a forcefield that will contain it and cause it
eventually to self-destruct through implosion. The collateral
shock waves will most likely destroy the lab, so Sisko orders
the evacuation of that section. O'Brien will have the
containment field ready by the next expansion.
Arjin has gone to Quark's to drown his sorrows, certain that
he has destroyed his whole future. "Never trust a Trill,
Quark," he says. "They're...two-faced." Quark thinks at first
that the lad has had his heart broken by Dax in a romantic
sort of way, but no, Arjin is talking about the initiate
program and how he's blown his chances for joining. Quark
commiserates: as a young man, he was apprenticed to a district
sub-nagus. "I licked his boots like you couldn't believe. He
loved me. I was his golden boy. I was on the high road to the
top of the Ferengi business world, and then it all fell
apart." The cause of his downfall? Rule of Acquisition #112:
"Never have sex with the boss's sister." He was fired. Arjin
asks how he recovered, and Quark says he never did. "You only
get one shot at the latinum stairway, and if you miss it, you
miss it. Welcome to the club, son." And Arjin feels even more
miserable than before.
In the lab, Dax is still studying the proto-universe, and
reacts to something she sees. After an exchange of scientific
techno-talk with the computer, she goes to Ops as they're
preparing to establish the containment field. She tells Sisko
she's not sure he'll want to do this now. She has found
indications of life in the proto-universe.
Bashir and Odo join the discussion as Dax presents her
findings. Kira argues that microbes and voles are lifeforms
too, but they have no compunctions against killing them;
however, Dax says there could be intelligent life in the
proto-universe. Time might very well be moving at a different
rate in there, allowing evolutions of whole species. O'Brien
says they have to implement the containment field now or
never; the universe will expand in two minutes. Sisko tells
him no, they won't put up the field. The lab is evacuated, and
repair crews moved into position as the proto-universe grows,
causing a hull breach. There will be another expansion in five
hours, and by tomorrow the station will be gone.
Kira speaks up for destroying the proto-universe. As far as
she's concerned, it's like stepping on ants. Odo says they
would be committing mass murder. But neither he nor anybody
has a better idea. Sisko says he'll take an hour to decide.
"One hour to make a decision that could mean the life or death
of a civilization," Sisko muses in his personal log. "Or the
end to our own. My mind keeps going back to the Borg -- how I
despised their indifference as they tried to exterminate us.
And I have to ask myself, would I be any different if I
destroyed another universe to preserve my own?" He goes to his
quarters and has a talk with Jake, who, thinking his dad
already knows, confesses he's in love -- slowly, it comes out
that the object of his affection is a Dabo girl. Though he's
not happy at this revelation, Sisko has other things on his
mind, and agrees that Jake can invite her to dinner sometime
Dax finds Arjin, still in Quark's. "Let's just get this over
with, okay?" he says morosely. "Just use a sharp blade so I
won't feel it." But Dax instead tells him her own story.
Before joining, she, Jadzia, was extremely shy, quiet, and
withdrawn. She was brilliant and got top grades, but had never
lived outside the candidate program. Then she met Curzon, who
made her life miserable for two weeks, then recommended that
she be terminated from the program. "She went back a different
woman. She found her voice and reapplied. She tore through the
program with a passion, a vengeance. And in the end, the
administrators chose her for joining." Arjin asks how she got
the Dax symbiont, and Jadzia says she requested it on hearing
Curzon was dying. She's not sure why Curzon didn't object.
"Except as I've come to know Curzon's dark sense of humor, I
have a feeling the irony might have appealed to him."
She gives Arjin an earnest look. "Jadzia Dax is not Curzon Dax.
But I am Dax, and I'm slowly coming to terms with what that
means to me. Sometimes it means gambling or wrestling.
Sometimes it means waking up an initiate before he slides into
the middle of the pack and gets overlooked." "You're giving me
another chance?" Arjin asks, hope rising at last. Dax tells
him only he can do that. "You can't simply do this anymore to
meet other people's expectations -- not your father's, not
your teachers', not mine. You need to discover what Arjin
wants, out of life and out of joining."
Sisko then comes in to tell Dax that he's decided to have her
try to take the proto-universe back through the wormhole. She
says it'll take perhaps two hours to come up with a
containment field that will block out the verteron node
radiation. Sisko leaves her to get started, and Dax turns to
Arjin. "Wouldn't hurt to have a level five pilot along."
Two hours later, the containment field is in place. O'Brien
would be happier if they could test it, but Sisko doesn't
think there's time. The runabout is ready, Dax and Arjin are
aboard, and the proto-universe is beamed into it. They take
off, and enter the wormhole. Very carefully, they navigate
through, managing to avoid touching the verteron nodes, and
make it to the other side. "This is going to look very good on
your initiate record, Arjin," Dax approves. And they take the
new universe back to its point of origin.
Sometime later, Dax walks Arjin to an airlock gateway on the
Promenade for his trip home. He apologizes for what he said to
her in the lab. "That was the first time you were being honest
with me," Dax says, forgiving him. Arjin tells her that she's
nothing like he had expected. "I'm nothing like I expected,"
she says. "Life after life, with each new personality
stampeding around in your head -- you get desires that scare
you, dreams that used to belong to someone else. I wouldn't
recommend it for everyone. But in time, I might recommend it
for you. When you're ready."
"I know what I have to do," says Arjin, and she kisses him on
the cheek, wishing him luck. As he goes out, Dax smiles. "I'm
not Curzon," she says to herself with a triumphant smile.