Episode Synopsis
Tracy Hemenover
Sisko and O'Brien are in the runabout Rio Grande, surveying
star systems in a sector near the wormhole, looking for Class
M planets suitable for colonization. Sisko asks O'Brien to
take Jake on as an apprentice in engineering, with an eye to
preparing him for a career in Starfleet, and O'Brien is
agreeable. As they are talking, he spots what they are looking
for, a planet in the Orellius Minor system. He detects human
lifesigns, yet there is no record of a colony there. They hail
the colony, but get no response; O'Brien detects a low-level
duonetic field, and thinks it may be interfering with
They beam down, and materialize in a forest, where they find
that their tricorders don't work. Neither do communicators or
phasers. As they are discussing this development, a voice
calls out, "Don't move!" There is a young man armed with a
longbow, aiming an arrow at them. They raise their hands.
An older man who is with the archer realizes they are from
Starfleet, and greets them in a friendly manner. He is Joseph,
and the archer is Vinod. Their group had been on its way to
settle on Gemulon V over ten years ago when their ship
developed life support problems, and they had to land for
repairs. They were unable to leave because all their systems
failed. "We've been stuck here ever since. And I guess you are
too now," says Joseph. Sisko says it shouldn't take long for
his people to rescue them. O'Brien puts in that they can get
the colonists out of here as well, but Joseph says this has
become home.
They make their way to a village near a grounded Federation
ship, formerly the Santa Maria, that has been converted into a
shelter. There is a field nearby, with people working, who
stop what they're doing to greet them. A woman named Alixus (Vinod's
mother) approaches with a smile and welcomes them. Sisko and
O'Brien begin telling people some of what's been going on in
the Federation since they've been out of touch. Joseph is
interested in hearing about runabouts, since he was the
engineer of the Santa Maria.
Sisko mentions the duonetic field, and Alixus says they
detected it too before landing. They couldn't track down the
source without functioning tricorders, but Alixus believes the
astatine deposits in the swamps might explain it. She looks
around proudly at the others. "But we've done pretty well
without our tricorders and EM converters and comlinks, haven't
we? After all, the human body is a powerful tool." She goes
on, about how, without technology, they've rediscovered their
capabilities. "It hasn't been easy. We've had some bitter
winters, and we've lost some dear friends. But we're very
proud of what we've accomplished here." Another woman,
Cassandra, asks if they will leave when Sisko and O'Brien are
rescued, and Alixus says everyone will have to decide that for
themselves. As for herself, she will never leave; the
community means too much to her.
Alixus invites Sisko and O'Brien to stay with them. "The only
thing we ask is that you contribute. We all work for our
supper. You'll be surprised how much sweeter it tastes when
you do." As they go to find sleeping space, Alixus speaks to
her son. "Two more strong, healthy men, Vinod. That can mean
an awful lot to this community."
On DS9, Kira gets a message that Admiral Mitsuya is coming to
discuss Cardassian foreign policy, which Dax says is an excuse
to get Sisko into a poker game. They call the Rio Grande, but
get no response.
Sisko is in a cubicle reading an old-fashioned book when
O'Brien enters. The book is by Alixus, who is a prolific
author with opinions on everything. In it, she says she has
spent her life examining the human condition. And her
prognosis is not very good: according to her, "the common
conceit that the human species has evolved over the last
several centuries is ludicrous. What gains we have made have
come at the cost of our own core identities. Man has lost
touch with his true power." "Sounds like it took a crash
landing for her to find her paradise," O'Brien comments.
O'Brien hasn't been able to find anything on the ship to help
them restore contact with the runabout. Joseph says they threw
it all away. They had to abandon their dependence on
technology. But he says they're better for it, and have
revived the spirit of community. Cassandra interrupts to tell
Joseph that Meg's fever is worse.
Sisko and O'Brien enter a room where a woman lies unconscious,
being treated by Alixus with herbs. She is suffering from a
disease caused by an insect bite. The colonists have searched
everywhere for the right fungus or root. O'Brien says the
medical kit on the runabout could take care of this, and Sisko
says they have to find a way to restore the comlink, but
Alixus tells them that would be a waste of time. When O'Brien
speculates that he may be able to modify their communicators
to run off the duonetic field, Alixus interrupts. "If you want
to put your efforts to good use, search the forest for
something else we might use."
Sisko protests that this is primitive medicine, and Alixus
takes him outside. "Talk like that isn't constructive," she
says. Sisko wants to get to his ship; Alixus replies that if
the colonists had had that attitude over these ten years, they
wouldn't have survived. "An interesting philosophy," Sisko
says, "and while we're debating it, a woman is dying." Alixus
won't have him disrupting the community, and tells him not to
bring up the rescue party again. Until and if they come, Sisko
and O'Brien will have to do things her way. "I'd strongly
advise you get rid of that uniform. By midafternoon, it gets
hot in the fields."
At DS9, Dax reports to Kira that the Rio Grande has been
spotted by a Romulan ship. The runabout was traveling at warp
two with no one on board. They start off to investigate.
Sisko and O'Brien are still in their uniforms as they work in
the field and Vinod espouses his mother's philosophy. He
mentions that everyone else was surprised by the full flavor
of non-replicated food; he wasn't, because his mother never
let him eat from a replicator. O'Brien jokes to Joseph about
what Keiko would say if she could see him now. Then they
notice a 4'x4' metal box in the compound, being opened to
release a young man named Stephan who has been inside,
roasting in the sun as punishment for having stolen a candle.
"Is this part of your philosophy of life too?" Sisko asks
Alixus, who says surely he's had to discipline his crew
members. "All of us, including Stephan, approved this form of
punishment as necessary and fair." Stephan seems truly
contrite, and Alixus sends him inside to rest. "In time,
you'll understand that this is a simple and effective way to
maintain law and order in our community." After she walks
away, Sisko tells O'Brien to find a way to adapt the energy
from the duonetic field.
Sisko is preparing for bed that night when Cassandra comes
into his cubicle, asking if he needs anything. "Alixus has
reminded us all that it wasn't easy for us at first either.
She's told us to be patient with you." She offers to massage
his sore muscles; when he politely refuses, she insists. He
grabs her hand gently. "Did she send you here to make love to
me?" he asks.
He goes to Alixus' cubicle to confront her about it. She
admits sending Cassandra. "I think you're contemptible," Sisko
says angrily, but Alixus claims Cassandra had come to her out
of concern for him. Looking at one of her books, Sisko
comments that it seems Alixus never did have much use for
technology. "It's interesting how you happened to crash on a
planet that fit your philosophy of life so well." Alixus
wonders how she can help him to see that her way is better.
"Perhaps good, hard work is the answer." She tells Vinod that
Ben will be standing watch tonight.
Sisko endures this, and in the morning speaks to O'Brien, who
doesn't believe the duonetic field is generated by the
astatine deposits. Alixus asks if Sisko will be able to work
his shift in the fields today, and O'Brien protests, but Sisko
says he'll work. Alixus advises him again to change into more
comfortable clothes, and adds that Meg seems better.
In their runabout, Dax and Kira find the Rio Grande. Rather
than try to transport over with both ships at warp, Dax
suggests a "rope trick", capturing the Rio Grande with a
tractor beam. The trick works, and they beam over.
By high noon, Sisko is exhausted, and angered when he learns
that Alixus is rationing the water as a punishment to everyone
for his actions. A bell rings, and he goes to the center of
the compound with the others. Alixus announces sadly that Meg
has died. "Her dedication to this community and to us was an
inspiration. Which is why I find myself so troubled today by
an act that by its very nature defiles her memory." Vinod
brings O'Brien forward. Alixus tells everyone that O'Brien was
discovered trying to activate his technological devices to
return to his ship.
Joseph objects, saying he's sure O'Brien only wanted to get to
the medical equipment. Alixus thanks him for bringing that up,
"so all of us could see the true danger these two represent."
She continues with her speech, turning this into an
inspirational moment. Seeing the punishment box being opened,
Sisko protests, "You're not going to put him in there." Alixus
says no, she's not. She is holding Sisko responsible as
O'Brien's commanding officer, and Sisko is the one she is
putting in the box. Sisko looks at her evenly, then calmly
walks to the box and climbs inside. It is shut and barred, and
sits baking in the hot sun.
Dax and Kira are on the Rio Grande, investigating what
happened. Dax finds that the hull has been exposed to high
temperatures and gamma radiation, and retraces the ship's
course to Orellius Minor. Someone tried to destroy the ship by
flying it into the star, but the trajectory was off, and the
ship was flung away in a random direction. They take the other
runabout in tow and set course for the Orellius system.
Vinod brings a shaky, parched Sisko to Alixus' cubicle. Alixus
is all concern. "This is painful for me, too. I want so much
to give you water, to let you lie down, sleep. But I can't.
Not without your help." Sisko is silent as she tells him she's
not expecting a miraculous conversion, but she wants him to
show that he's open to change. "A good start would be to get
rid of the uniform." She pours a cup of water, and says once
he's changed into the clothes she's leaving him, he can drink,
and so can everyone else. Alixus leaves, and Sisko eyes the
water. A few minutes later, he staggers outside, and everyone
watches in awe, including Alixus, as he struggles over to the
box, climbs back into it, and closes it.
O'Brien is more determined than ever to find a way off this
planet. When Joseph catches him in his work station, the
former engineer realizes what he's up to. O'Brien says he's
figured out a way to get to the source of the duonetic field,
and Joseph finishes the thought. "You want me to look the
other way while you leave." "She'd put you in the box,
wouldn't she?" O'Brien says. He tells Joseph to look down at a
hematite deposit he's found, and promises this won't hurt.
Joseph complies; O'Brien gently knocks him unconscious. "I owe
you one, my friend," he says, and slips away.
He uses the old-fashioned water/needle/tree-bark compass trick
to find what he is looking for: a black metal box with a panel
of high-tech electronics -- working electronics. It is the
source of the duonetic field. Just then, an arrow thunks into
a nearby tree, coming from Vinod, who pursues him. O'Brien
takes off his uniform tunic to use as a diversion, and brings
Vinod down. "Well, you finally got one of us out of our
uniform," he comments.
He takes Vinod captive and brings him back to the compound,
shouting at Cassandra to get Alixus. O'Brien then fires his
phaser -- which is working again -- at the lock of the
punishment box, and gets Sisko out. The colonists bring water
at his request. "Do you know why this phaser is working now?"
O'Brien asks them rhetorically. "Because I shut down the
duonetic field that was stopping it from working. An
artificially created duonetic field."
Sisko taps his combadge and calls the Rio Grande, but there is
no response. Alixus says she destroyed it. She helped invent
the duonetic field, and has control of it. Her community is
stunned as she admits freely that she deliberately caused the
life support problems that forced their ship to land here. She
had chosen this planet months in advance.
"You lied to us," says Cassandra. "You've been lying to us for
ten years." "Yes," says Alixus. "But perhaps a lie can lead to
a more important truth." She points out the accomplishments of
the community. "What of the dead?" asks Sisko, reminding her
of Meg and the others who have died to prove her theories.
Alixus says she is prepared to go with him to take her
punishment, but argues that she accepted from the start that
there would be casualties. She would even have let her own son
die if that was to be. "For the sake of the community. I did
it all for the community."
At that moment, Kira makes contact with Sisko, who tells her
to stand by for multiple transports. There is room for
everyone on the runabouts, O'Brien offers. None of the
colonists move, however. Joseph speaks for them. "Miles, this
is our home. Whatever Alixus may be guilty of, she did give us
our community. I'm not sure if we'll leave the device on or
off now that we know it's there, and we'll have to decide if
we want to establish contact with the outside world. But
Alixus is right. We have found something here that none of us
is willing to give up."
With that, Sisko and O'Brien beam up, taking Alixus and Vinod
into custody. After they're gone, two children stare at the
punishment box.