Episode Synopsis
Tracy Hemenover
It's the day after the fourth anniversary of the death of
Sisko's wife. Disturbed by the fact that it almost passed by
unnoticed, Sisko comforts his son, who has woken up from a
nightmare, and then goes down to the darkened Promenade to
wander around and look through the viewports. There, he
unexpectedly meets a lovely alien woman, who comments on the
beauty of the stars. Sisko replies, and before long they are
having a conversation. Her name, she says, is Fenna. Something
about her piques Sisko's interest. "That's one of the great
things about this station," he comments. "You never know
what's going to happen next, or who you're going to meet."
Fenna wishes she could stay longer, though she admits she's
not sure where she's going. As Sisko offers to show her the
station, he turns around, and she's gone.
Though he's puzzled by this occurrence, Sisko is in a chipper
mood the next morning. Dax calls from the science lab to tell
him that Professor Seyetik is there. When Sisko arrives, Dax
tells him that Seyetik is inside the flux generator. Sisko is
startled: the man could be killed in there. But then, Seyetik
is a terraformer, as Dax reminds him. "You can't tell a
terraformer anything. It's an amazing talent, bringing dead
worlds to life. But humility and common sense aren't part of
the job description." However, Seyetik emerges unscathed to
greet Sisko warmly; the professor has an ego the size of Bajor,
but is energetic and genial. He is here because of his next
project, which is reigniting a dead star called Epsilon 119.
"This will be my crowning achievement. Giving birth to a star
-- even I'll have a hard time topping that one."
Later, as Sisko has lunch with Dax, she notices that he seems
preoccupied, but leaves without prying. He goes to the
viewport, and is startled to see Fenna again. Sisko asks where
she disappeared to last night, and she says she had to go. But
now she wants to take up Sisko's offer of a tour of the
station. He obliges, shows her the view from one of the upper
pylons, and invites her back tomorrow; she accepts.
He asks her to tell him about herself. "There's not much to
tell," she says, and when he says he wants to hear whatever
there is, she is evasive. "I can't." Suddenly nervous, she
hurries out of the airlock and into a turbolift, and is gone
before he can follow.
Sisko barely picks at his breakfast with Jake the next
morning, and Jake, out of the blue, asks, "Dad, are you in
love?" He notes that his dad is showing all three of the signs
Nog told him about -- daydreaming, loss of appetite, smiling
all the time. "I just want you to know," Jake adds seriously,
"that if you are in love, it's all right with me." He asks
what she's like, and all Sisko has to say is that she's
"really interesting." Jake then asks when he'll get to meet
her; Sisko says it's a bit early for that. He thinks she likes
him too, but the problem, he admits, is that she keeps
Sisko goes to the security office to ask Odo a personal favor:
he's looking for someone, a woman. However, when Odo asks for
details, there is very little Sisko can give him -- just her
name, and a description; no surname, no species, no ship that
she arrived on. The Constable looks at him askance; Sisko's
not being very helpful. Sisko says he thinks she may be in
trouble of some sort. "What kind of trouble?" Odo asks, and
then answers his own question. "Let me guess -- you don't
know." It's not much, but he'll do what he can. Later,
apparently unable to stand the suspense any more, Dax corners
Sisko in his office. She saw him with a woman last night on
the Promenade, she tells him, and wants to know all about it.
But Sisko says there's nothing to tell.
The senior staff accept an invitation from Seyetik to dinner
aboard the Prometheus, the ship on which he arrived and which
will take him to Epsilon 119. Seyetik is expansive as usual:
"A great terraformer needs the green thumb of a gardener, the
eye of a painter, and the soul of a poet -- and of course, it
doesn't hurt to be a raging egomaniac." "Which makes you
eminently qualified," says Kira; Seyetik cheerfully agrees. He
steps out to fetch his wife Nidell, and when he returns with
her, Sisko is startled to see that she is the spitting image
of Fenna. "Now we have something to talk about," Dax whispers.
They talk quietly later after dinner, while Seyetik gives the
other officers his recipe for the dish they had. Sisko notes
that Nidell doesn't seem to recognize him. When he manages to
get a moment alone with her, and tells her it would have been
easier if she had told him she was married, Nidell says she
doesn't understand. She's never met him before tonight. "I
suppose you never told me that your name was Fenna?" he asks.
Nidell reacts subtly, but covers up. "Commander, obviously you
have mistaken me for someone else." "Seems that way, doesn't
it?" he says.
In Ops a bit later, Sisko admits to Dax that this is the first
time since Jennifer that he's felt drawn to someone. Odo
arrives to tell him that he hasn't been able to find any
record of anyone matching the description Sisko gave; Sisko
says he's found the woman, and Odo, curious, asks where. Sisko
says on the Prometheus. But Odo tells him that's impossible.
He's checked the de-embarkation logs, and no one except
Seyetik has left the Prometheus during the entire time it's
been docked.
When Sisko goes home to his quarters, Fenna appears in the
corridor, and greets him happily. He tells her he just had
dinner with someone that looked exactly like her; she seems
honestly confused. "I don't suppose you have a twin sister, do
you?" he asks, and she replies, "Not that I know of." She
continues to be evasive about where she came from and what
she's doing here, but one thing is certain: she does seem to
return Sisko's feelings. "When I came here, I thought I was
looking for a place, somewhere I belonged, but I was wrong. I
wasn't looking for a place. I was looking for a person. I was
looking for you." Fenna kisses him, and he allows himself to
kiss her back. Then, with a look of terror, she fades away
before his eyes.
Sisko decides to go along on the Prometheus when she starts
for Epsilon 119. Dax asks him if this is a good idea, and
Sisko says he needs answers. "The key to Fenna's disappearance
may be on that ship." The Prometheus gets underway; Seyetik is
a bit melancholy. "Commander, my entire life has been a series
of escalating triumphs. It's what I live for, knowing that no
matter what I achieve, there's always another triumph waiting
for me." But now he's reminded of a famous Klingon poem: "So
honor the valiant who die 'neath your sword/But pity the
warrior who slays all his foes." Seyetik goes on to tell Sisko
about when he terraformed New Halana, and met Nidell, the
daughter of a local dignitary. It's plain that he loves his
wife, and Sisko observes that she must love him. "She does,
Commander," Seyetik says, somberly. "Don't ask me why. But she
When Sisko finds Fenna in his guest quarters, he calls Dax,
who scans her and says she doesn't read any cellular structure
or DNA patterns, just pure energy. Fenna doesn't know what
she's talking about. Sisko leads her to Seyetik's quarters,
where they find that Nidell has collapsed, in shock. Nidell is
dying, and Seyetik stares at Fenna. "Fenna," he says. "I
should have known."
Nidell had promised him Fenna would never come back, Seyetik
says angrily. Fenna is stunned when she sees Nidell. "She
looks like me." "Of course she looks like you," Seyetik says.
"She is you. The real you." He explains to Sisko that Fenna is
an illusion, created by Nidell's subconscious. Nidell is a
psychoprojective telepath. Sisko has Dax take Fenna away so he
can talk to Seyetik, who deflates in sorrow.
"Nidell doesn't even know this is happening," he says. "In
times of deep emotional distress, Halanans sometimes lose
control of these abilities. And my wife is very emotionally
distraught." Fenna appeared once before, three years ago, and
Nidell almost died. "You may have noticed, Commander, that I
tend to invoke strong emotions from people, particularly my
wives. Oh, they all start out loving me, but a few years of
togetherness soon cures them of that. The others all had the
good sense to leave me." Sisko asks what keeps Nidell with
him, and Seyetik says sadly that Halanans mate for life. "She
can never leave me, no matter how much she might want to."
After Sisko tells Fenna this, she protests that she has never
seen Seyetik or Nidell before; she's as real as Sisko is. But
she has no answer when Sisko asks where she came from, how she
got to DS9. She doesn't have a single memory of her life
before they met. Fenna wonders if Nidell dies, what will
happen to her. "You'll no longer exist without her," Sisko
says. "But you can save her. Give her back the life she gave
to you." "I don't know how," Fenna says, but Sisko tells her
he's seen her go back to Nidell three times.
Fenna is scared. "But even if she lives, then I die. And
everything that you and I have dies with me." "Fenna," Sisko
tells her sadly, "what we have is a dream. I wouldn't trade it
for anything, but it's still just a dream. Nidell's dream."
Fenna kisses him one last time, saying she loves him and she
always will.
Dax calls Sisko to the bridge. Seyetik has launched a
shuttlepod full of protomatter toward the star, with himself
aboard. Sisko tells him he doesn't have to do this; they know
how to save Nidell. But Seyetik is determined. "This is the
only way I can really set her free. I owe her that." He enters
the gravity well of the star, and they can't bring him back
with a tractor beam, since Seyetik disabled it. Seyetik tells
them where to find his self-written obituary. "Let there be
light!" he shouts, as his transmission breaks up, and the sun
flares into life again. And Fenna disappears.
Nidell recovers, with no memory of Fenna's experiences, and
approaches Sisko on the Promenade, to tell him goodbye and
thank you. She is going home to New Halana, for good. "I wish
that I could remember Fenna, what she did, how she felt, but I
can't. I'm sorry." "That's all right," Sisko tells her. "I can
remember for both of us."
Then Nidell asks him what Fenna was like. Sisko looks into her
eyes for the last time. "Fenna? She was just like you."