The "Hutet Labor Camp" was located on Cardassia IV. |
Kira told Sisko she was going to Lamenda Prime to bring
back mineral samples when in fact she was going to Cardassia IV. |
The Subytts were involved in smuggling defective
isolinear rods to Bajor. |
Kira used the cover of a Lissepian transport - the
Martuk - during her mission to Cardassia IV. |
Li Nalas tried to stowaway on the Tygarian freighter
Nanut but was discovered by the first officer of the freighter,
Romah Doek. |
The Black Hole is a beverage served at Quark's. |
Li Nalas fought a famous battle against several
Cardassian Guls in the Sahving Valley on Bajor. |
Sisko enjoys jacarine peel in his raktajino. |
Kira claimed she was transporting an urgent shipment of
rulot seeds to Cardassia IV. |
Jake Sisko has been trying to figure out how to hit
Gibson's fastball in the holosuite, named for Bob Gibson - a powerful
pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team. |
Everyone makes a big deal about the sacrifice of the
Bajorans who stay behind so Li Nalas can escape. Why not beam the
stragglers on board while flying off? Are they dead already? |