The border between the Paqu and Navot is the Bajoran
river Glyrhond, located in one of the harshest areas of the planet. |
The Cardassians directed the flow of the Glyrhond river
during the Occupation for use in mining operations. |
The Dal'Rok has been threatening the unnamed Bajoran
village every year after the harvest for as long as the people can
remember. |
The Dal'Rok can only be turned away by five nights of
story-telling by the Sirah. |
It's discovered that the Dal'Rok is created from an orb
fragment which gave physical form to the villagers' fears. |
The Paqu avoid contact with outsiders. |
According to the Navot leader, Cardassian replicators
make a fine Iarish pie. |
Quark hosts Sisko's conference between the Paqu and Navot
by providing them with Bajoran, synthales, Gamzian wine (see "Q-Less")
and a Trixian bubble juice. |
Kira orders a double stardrifter at Quark's. |
Apparently humans stopped playing baseball on Earth
hundreds of years ago (see "If
Wishes Were Horses".) |
Jake says that Buck Bokai was the greatest-ever pitcher
in baseball (see "The
Big Goodbye" [TNG], "If
Wishes Were Horses".) |
Bashir is O'Brien's superior in the station chain of
command. |