Sisko: "I guess it's time to meet Major Kira."
O'Brien: "Sir, we you ever served with any Bajoran women?"
Sisko: "No, why?"
O'Brien: "I was just wondering, sir." |
Sisko: "Is something bothering you, Major?"
Kira: "You don't want to ask me that, Commander."
Sisko: "Why not?"
Kira: "Because I have a bad habit of telling the truth! Even when
people don't want to hear it."
Sisko: "Perhaps I want to hear it."
Kira: "I don't believe the Federation has *any* business being
Sisko: "The provisional government disagrees with you."
Kira: "The provisional government and I don't agree on a lot of
things, which is probably why they sent me to this god-forsaken place!" |
Sisko: "That's enough!"
Odo: "Who the hell are you?"
Kira: "Odo, this is our new Starfleet commander."
Odo: [To Sisko] "I don't allow weapons on the Promenade. That
includes phasers." |
Picard: "Commander, yes! Please, come in! Welcome
to Bajor."
Sisko: "It's been a long time, Captain."
Picard: "Have we met before?"
Sisko: "Yes, sir. We met in *battle*. I was on the Saratoga at
Wolf 3-5-9." |
Odo: "The man is a gambler and a thief."
Quark: "I'm not a thief."
Odo: "*You* are a *thief*." |
Quark: "Commander, I've made a career when to
leave. And this Bajoran provisional government is far too provisional
for my tastes. When governments fall, people like me are lined up...and
Sisko: "There is that risk. But then you are a *gambler*, Quark."
Odo: "And a thief." |
Sisko: "Sisko. Ben Sisko. I just graduated from
Starfleet Academy. I'm waiting for my first posting."
Jennifer: "Aah, a junior officer."
Sisko: "Yeah."
Jennifer: [Laughs] "My mother warned me to watch out for junior
Sisko: "Your mother is going to adore me." [Laughs]
Jennifer: [Laughs] "You're awfully sure of yourself."
Sisko: "It's not everyday you meet the girl you want to marry."
Jennifer: "Do you use this routine a lot with women?"
Sisko: "No, never before...and never again."
Jennifer: "Sure." |
Quark: "What'll you have, Commander?"
Sisko: "How's the local synthale?"
Quark: "Ah, you won't like it. I love the Bajorans, such a deeply
spiritual culture, but they make a dreadful ale. Never trust ale from a
god-fearing people or a Starfleet commander who has one of their
relatives in jail." |
Sisko: "He's a little *young* for you, isn't he?"
Dax: "He's twenty-seven, I'm twenty-eight."
Sisko: "*Three-hundred* twenty-eight, maybe."
Sisko: "Did you tell him about that slug inside of you?"
Dax: "Yes, Benjamin, he know's I'm a Trill. He finds it
fascinating. He's never met a joined species before."
Sisko: "I wonder if he'd been as fascinated if you still looked
the way you did the last time I saw you."
Dax: "Perhaps not." |
Picard: "This is your favorite transporter room,
isn't it?"
O'Brien: "Number three, yes, sir."
Picard: "You know, yesterday, I called down here, and I asked for
you without thinking. It won't be quite the same."
O'Brien: "It's just a transporter room, sir."
O'Brien: "Permission to disembark, Captain."
Picard: "Permission granted." |
Dukat: "Good day, Commander."
Sisko: "Gul Dukat."
Dukat: "Excuse my presumption, but, this was my office only two
weeks ago. I'm not used to being on this side of the desk. I'll be
honest with you, Commander. I miss this office. I was not happy to leave
Sisko: "Drop by anytime you're feeling homesick."
Dukat: "You're very gracious." |
Sisko: "Dax, we might have just discovered the
first stable wormhole known to exist." |
Kira: "Constable."
Odo: "This is a security matter, I'm in charge of security."
Kira: "Security here on this station. I cannot justify taking you
into this wormhole. We have no idea what we're dealing with in there. It
could become--"
Odo: "Major...I was found in the Denorios Belt. I don't know
where I came from ....no idea if there are any others like me. All my
life I've been forced to pass myself as one of you, always wondering who
I really am. Well the answers to a lot of my questions may be somewhere
on the other side of that wormhole." [Pause] "You coming?" |
O'Brien: "Is the station's inertial mass low
enough to break orbit?"
Computer: "Procedure is not recommended."
O'Brien: "Damn it, I didn't ask for an opinion. Just tell me
whether or not we can get enough thrust with only a partial field
Computer: "Affirmative."
O'Brien: "All right, *thank* you." |
Jasad: "I am Gul Jasad of the Cardassian Guard,
Seventh Order. Where is our warship?"
Kira: "With any luck, they're in the Gamma Quadrant, on the other
side of the wormhole."
Jasad: "What wormhole? Our sensors showed no indication of a
wormhole in this sector."
Kira: "That's because it just collapsed."
Jasad: "What?!" |
Kira: "Red alert. Shield's up."
O'Brien: "What shields?" |
Jasad: "This is your answer?"
Kira: "You don't think Starfleet took command of this space
station without the ability to defend it, do you?"
Jasad: "Defend it?" [Laughs] "Your space station could not
*defend* itself against *one* Cardassian warship."
Kira: "You're probably right, Jasad. And if you were dealing with
a Starfleet officer they'd probably...admit...we have a hopeless cause
here. But I am just a Bajoran, who's been fighting a hopeless cause
against the Cardassians ... all her life. So if you want a war...I'll
give you one!" |
Picard: "I suspect that the sight of their warship
being towed by a Federation Runabout took their heart out of their
Sisko: "We're not done with the Cardassians yet. Not with the
strategic importance of that wormhole."
Picard: "Well, you put Bajor on the map, Commander. This will
shortly become a leading center of commerce and of scientific
exploration. And for Starfleet, one of our most important posts." |
Bashir: "Where can someone practice with his
phaser around here?" |
Quark: "New rules?!"
Kira: "You can't cheat every customer who walks through the door
anymore, Quark. You're our community leader now."
Quark: "Well, perhaps we could discuss these new rules...over a
Kira: "If you don't take that hand off my hip, you'll never be
able to raise a glass with it again." |
Quark: "Ohh, I love a woman in a uniform!" |