Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
O'Brien briefs Sisko, Martok, Admiral Ross, and a Romulan general named
Velal on something that happened during the battle in which the Alpha
Quadrant fleets were defeated at Chin'toka. By some fluke, there was one
Klingon ship that was not disabled by the Breen's energy-dissipating
weapon, because of an adjustment made to its warp core. Martok has
already ordered all Klingon ships to make the same adjustment.
Unfortunately, the Starfleet and Romulan ships are still vulnerable. It
will be a while before they can come up with a way to counteract the
weapon. In the meantime, the Klingons will keep the enemy off balance by
engaging them in small battle groups.
The discussion turns to the other factor the Dominion now has to contend
with: Damar's resistance movement. There is hope that it will grow, but
they will need to adjust their tactics to small-scale hit-and-runs,
sabotage, and the like. Since Damar doesn't have experience with that
type of campaign, Sisko decides they need to send him someone who does.
Kira is incredulous when Sisko tells her he wants her to go teach
Damar's forces how to fight a resistance campaign. Not only is it
ironic, but Kira points out that Damar murdered Ziyal. Sisko says she'll
have to put her feelings aside; the fact is, they need Damar. "The
Dominion knows they have to stop his rebellion before it spreads. And
it's up to you to see that they don't. It's as simple as that." He
suggests that Garak can use his contacts to help locate Damar, and that
Garak might be a useful member of her team. "Damar and Garak -- should
be an interesting mission," notes Kira wryly.
In the infirmary, Bashir builds up to asking Odo a favor: "I need to
borrow a cup of goo." He wants to study Odo's morphogenic matrix in
order to see if he can synthesize organic tissue that can become
whatever is needed, for purposes of organ replacement. "It's for a good
cause." Odo reluctantly gives the sample, which he warns he will want
back when he returns, as he is going with Kira and Garak.
Winn does a credible acting job as she tells a security officer to do
whatever it takes to find Solbor. After the officer is gone, she and
Dukat talk. Winn is cold towards him. "Do you really think I could let
myself be touched by a man whose hands are stained with the blood of my
people?" But she's still committed to releasing the pah-wraiths. Dukat
offers to help study the book, but Winn says the Text of the Kosst
Amojan is for her eyes alone. She tells him to leave her, which Dukat
does with as much dignity as he can.
Gowron is due at DS9 for a ceremony in which Martok is to be inducted
into the Order of Kahless. As Sisko and Ross discuss this, Kira and
Garak come in with the news that Garak was able to contact Damar, who
let them know his location and requested assistance. Garak brings up a
concern of Damar's about Kira leading the mission. While Damar is
willing to put his feelings aside, his men might see her uniform as an
affront, and it could undermine his authority. It looks as if they'll
have to send someone else, but Sisko says there's another way around the
In due order, Kira is given a Starfleet uniform and temporary commission
as Commander; and as they talk in Odo's office with Garak, Odo undergoes
a change as well, morphing his Bajoran uniform into the outfit he "wore"
during the Occupation (seen in "Necessary Evil"). "I wonder if Dr.
Bashir could help us with that nose of yours?" Garak jokes to Kira, who
says, "I'm only willing to go so far. Damar's men are just going to have
to get used to the idea of having me around." "Oh, they'll tolerate you,
to a point," Garak replies. "If I were you, I'd watch my back."
At Damar's secret cavern base somewhere in Cardassian space, Rusot and
Damar confer about their diminishing food supplies; Damar says Garak is
bringing some Federation replicators. Rusot is disgusted at the thought,
and particularly at the idea of having to take help from a Bajoran
terrorist. Damar acknowledges that he hated Kira when he served on Terok
Nor, but those feelings are a luxury he can no longer afford. He asks
for Rusot's support; Rusot reluctantly agrees.
Gowron arrives on DS9, greeted by Sisko, Worf, Martok, and Ross. The
Chancellor isn't happy to see Worf, but since Martok has accepted him as
his brother, he says generously that what's past is past.
In the infirmary, Bashir tells O'Brien, as he begins to run tests on
Odo's sample, that he asked Ezri why she's been avoiding him, but was
called away before she could answer. He has contrived to have her come
here to discuss some test results. When Ezri arrives, O'Brien makes a
graceful exit.
With studied casualness, Bashir offhandedly asks what she had been about
to tell him the other day. "Well, I guess now is as good a time as any,"
Ezri replies, steeling herself. She awkwardly explains what happened
when she and Worf were away, including when "one thing led to another".
Bashir stops her, saying it's all right; he wishes them all the
happiness in the world. Ezri is trying to correct his misunderstanding
of the situation, and tell him her real feelings, when Bashir responds
to a beep from his console and looks at the monitor. "Oh, my God," he
Bashir contacts the runabout on which Odo, Kira, and Garak are headed
for Damar's base. He has bad news for Odo. "The disease that's killing
your people -- you're infected." Bashir guesses that Odo must have
contracted it when he last Linked with the Female Changeling. Kira
protests that Odo doesn't have any symptoms. But Bashir tells them it
may not be long before symptoms start to surface.
Odo refuses to go back to the station. He intends to see the mission
through, and Bashir says there's not much he can do for Odo at this
point anyway, though he's running tests on the sample, and will ask
Starfleet Medical for results of the tests they ran on Odo a few years
back. Hopefully he'll be able to figure out how the virus works, which
may lead to a cure. Odo stoically goes back to piloting the runabout
under Kira's worried eye.
Dukat sneaks into Winn's office at night and opens up the Text. As he
starts to read, a symbol on one of the pages glows, and suddenly an
energy tendril bursts out of it, hitting him in the eyes. Winn hears his
howl of pain and rushes in. Gasping, Dukat tells her he can't see. "I
warned you," says Winn. "The Text of the Kosst Amojan is for my eyes
Martok's induction into the Order of Kahless takes place with the
typical Klingon ritual bloodletting and bloodwine. Gowron tells Martok
that he's borne the burden of the war for a long time; Martok replies
that he does it gladly, and will fight until victory is theirs. But
Gowron has something else in mind. He wants to take a more active role
in the war. "As of today, I'm assuming direct command of our forces."
Startled, Martok asks if Gowron is unsatisfied with his performance.
Gowron says he wouldn't have given Martok this honor if he were
unsatisfied. "You should be happy! You're a warrior again. No more
meetings, no more reports to file. You'll be out there, savoring the
heat of battle. I envy you! I intend to see an end to this war, and
soon. The Dominion will rue the day they heard my name!"
Bashir talks via subspace to Ensign Weldon, an officer stationed at
Starfleet Medical, who says the files Bashir has requested are
classified. Finally he puts Bashir through to his superior's superior,
Commander Hilliard. Hilliard seems helpful at first, and asks how Odo
contracted the disease; Bashir says presumably when he Linked with
another Changeling. "You're saying that he's been in contact with the
enemy?" asks Hilliard. Bashir says it was over a year ago. He has done
his own scans of Odo, but he needs Starfleet's records as a point of
comparison so he can find a cure. Inexplicably, Hilliard then reiterates
that the files are classified; he can't release them to anyone with less
than Sigma 9 clearance. He also says he can't understand why Bashir
wants to cure a disease that has infected the enemy.
"The Founders have nothing to do with it," Bashir replies, starting to
lose his temper. "Odo's life is at stake!" "Odo, who by your own
admission has been known to consort with the enemy," Hilliard retorts.
He's not interested in circumstances. Citing the risk that if Bashir
finds a cure, it might end up in the hands of the Dominion, he advises
Bashir to drop the matter; otherwise he'll refer it to Starfleet
Bashir recounts the bizarre conversation to O'Brien. "He practically
accused me of being a traitor, made it sound like I was in league with
the Dominion just because I wanted to help Odo." O'Brien is as mystified
as he is; perhaps Hilliard is spooked by the Breen attack on Starfleet
Headquarters. Bashir decides to ask Sisko to request the files.
Hopefully the captain has Sigma 9 clearance, whatever that is.
Kira, Odo, and Garak arrive at Damar's base, where Damar greets them;
both he and Kira are determined to make the best of this situation. "The
Cardassian people won't forget the Federation's generosity," Damar says,
of the replicators and supplies they have brought. Garak smiles. "How
nice. And now that the formalities are over with, let's try to remember
that our enemy is the Dominion, and not each other." "I don't need to be
reminded who my enemies are," Rusot replies coolly, looking at Kira.
Kira gives the Cardassians a rundown on how to organize a resistance.
She recommends breaking it up into cells of ten to twenty people each,
so that their ability to compromise the others if captured is limited,
and so that the Dominion won't be able to wipe them all out in one blow.
Rusot argues against scattering their resources, but Kira's words make
sense to Damar. Moving on to possible targets, Odo begins to tell them
about a weapons depot, which, Rusot protests, is defended by a
Cardassian garrison. Kira tells them she also was reluctant to attack
facilities where Bajorans were working, but she did it anyway, because
they were working with the enemy. "We're not Bajorans," sneers Rusot.
"We don't kill our own." "Well, then you might as well just give up
right now," Kira says frankly. "Because the minute that the Dominion
realizes that you will not attack your own people, they will station a
Cardassian at every base they have...Anyone who's not fighting with you
is fighting against you." Odo and Garak back her up. Finally, Damar
makes the hard choice, and consents, over Rusot's objection.
Thanks to Sisko's Sigma 9 clearance, Bashir now has the files he wanted,
which have more data than he expected. As he works, O'Brien asks how
things went with Ezri. "Don't ask," says Bashir, who explains that Ezri
and Worf are involved, though he admits she didn't say that in so many
words. But O'Brien tells him he had a drink with Worf the other day, and
Worf said they were just friends. Bashir supposes it's possible he
misunderstood her.
Bashir then notices something odd on the monitor. The dispersal pattern
in the resonance scan is the same as one he saw seven years ago, when
Dr. Mora shared his data on Odo with him. The scan came from when Mora
first discovered Odo; but the date says it was done when Odo was at
Starfleet Medical, and it's impossible for two different scans to have
the same dispersal pattern. Bashir is stunned. "Someone took Dr. Mora's
results and built up a phony medical workup around them. This isn't
Odo's file. They sent a fake."
Both men know it's not something Starfleet Medical would do. However,
there is an organization that will stop at nothing to protect the
Federation: Section 31. "They don't want me to find a cure. They're
afraid the Founders will get hold of it," Bashir realizes. O'Brien
completes the thought. "And to keep that from happening, they're willing
to let Odo die."
Martok broods in his office. "First he gives me a medal, then he takes
over my command. It makes no sense." It does to Worf, however: Martok is
seen as the savior of the Empire, a name Gowron wants for himself.
Martok exclaims that he has no interest in politics. He has earned his
position, while Gowron schemed his way into power. But he decides that
regardless of Gowron's motives, it's their duty to help him defeat the
Dominion. "I am honored to be part of your House," says Worf.
During a mealtime at Damar's base, Rusot and another officer, Seskal,
are watching Kira and Odo. Garak cautions them against bringing up the
matter on their minds, which he says is not a proper subject for
discussion since they're supposed to be getting along. But Rusot and
Seskal ignore him. "Odo, when you were the head of security on Terok
Nor, what did you think was going to happen to the Bajoran prisoners you
arrested?" Seskal asks. Though Kira tells him he doesn't have to answer,
Odo finally does so. "I expected that my prisoners would be dealt with
justly, but I soon came to realize that Cardassians have little interest
in justice." Seskal then asks why he didn't resign in protest. Kira
tosses her plate down, demanding to know what he's getting at, though
Odo tries to calm her.
"I believe you've struck a nerve," Rusot says to Seskal triumphantly.
"Apparently Commander Kira doesn't like to be reminded that her lover
collaborated with her enemies." "Odo wasn't a collaborator," Kira grits,
but Rusot says it depends on one's definition. Odo tells Kira it's not
worth it; Garak supports him, and finally Kira says evenly, "I guess we
have a difference of opinion," and stalks out. Garak tells Rusot they
were lucky; she would have killed them. "I only wish she had tried,"
Rusot smirks.
Odo follows Kira to their quarters, where she knocks over a cargo box.
He sympathizes with her feelings, but says the Dominion is their enemy,
not Rusot. "I don't need you to remind me of that," she flares, and
immediately apologizes. She goes to find a cooling unit so she can be
more comfortable in the hot cavern. Odo starts to pick up the box she
knocked over, and catches sight of his hand. It has begun to peel -- he
is now showing symptoms of the disease. When Kira returns, Odo quickly
morphs his hand to smoothness again and pretends nothing's wrong.
Winn takes a certain pleasure in informing the blinded Dukat that the
doctor can't find anything wrong with his eyes. "The pah-wraiths have
taken your sight in punishment for your arrogance. Only they can give it
back to you." Dukat protests that he only wanted to study the book to
see if he could help, but Winn knows better. The truth is that he was
trying to find out if he could release the pah-wraiths without her. She
rejects his plea to pray with him for forgiveness, and calls a security
officer to put him out on the street. "You need a lesson in humility.
I'm going to see that you get it." Winn smugly tells Dukat that as a
blind beggar, he'll surely win enough sympathy to be able to buy food
and shelter. "You may return when you've proved yourself worthy, and
your sight has been restored." Dukat is helpless to resist as he is
taken away.
Worf and Martok have a meeting with Gowron, who announces that rather
than hold the line and wait for the Federation and Romulan fleets to
become operable again, the Klingon fleets will take the offensive on
their own. Worf and Martok protest; they're barely holding the line as
it is, and need every ship to defend the border. They're outnumbered
twenty to one. "What of it?" exclaims Gowron. "The element of surprise
will be on our side!" He won't hear any other opinions. "We'll be the
saviors of the Alpha Quadrant. The glory will be ours, and ours alone."
Bashir works into the night with O'Brien acting as sounding board. The
doctor has decided not to tell the Captain, because Sisko will have to
report it to Starfleet Command, and Section 31 will be alerted. Quark
brings them coffee; he's heard about Odo's illness, and figured it was
the least he could do. Of course, he doesn't want word of his concern to
get back to Odo. O'Brien says it'll be their little secret.
Having mapped the life cycle of the virus, Bashir is now trying to
figure out when Odo was infected. The computer's results are puzzling:
apparently Odo was infected over two years ago, and Bashir was wrong to
assume that he contracted the disease from the Female Changeling.
Finally the computer comes up with a date: 49419, almost three years ago
-- the same day Odo underwent the tests at Starfleet Medical.
Both Bashir and O'Brien come to a horrifying conclusion: Section 31
created the virus, and infected Odo with it, so that through him, his
people would also become infected. "31 isn't just trying to stop us from
finding a cure -- they're trying to cover up the fact that they set out
to commit genocide." O'Brien points out that Section 31 must also have a
cure. "We have to find a way to get our hands on that cure," Bashir
says. O'Brien adds grimly, "Before 31 gets their hands on us."