Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
On the bridge of the Jem'Hadar ship, Weyoun has the prisoners taken away
and secured in a cell, together. "They may wish to physically comfort
each other on the long trip back to Cardassia. I find inter-species
mating rituals fascinating to watch." After Ezri and Worf are hauled
off, Weyoun belatedly introduces Damar to the Breen general, Thot Gor.
Damar still resents the fact that he wasn't told they were meeting the
In the corridor, the Female Changeling takes a moment to morph away the
signs of her illness before entering the bridge to graciously greet the
Breen, mentioning that she's sure they'll sign the treaty in a few days.
Damar complains that he hasn't even seen this treaty, but Weyoun shushes
him. Meanwhile, the Founder is telling Thot Gor, "The alliance between
the Breen Confederacy and the Dominion will end this destructive war
that has torn this quadrant apart. With the Breen at our side, the
Federation will not be able to stand against us. They'll be erased from
the face of the galaxy."
Later, Damar gets a chance to see the treaty, and is incensed by the
unspecified territorial concessions that the Cardassians are to make to
the Breen. Weyoun tells him he needn't worry; he need only sign the
document. After the Breen help them win the war, there will be plenty of
territory for the Cardassians. He suggests that Damar talk to Thot Gor.
"I don't trust him or his people," Damar fumes. "The Founders should
never have agreed to give away Cardassian territory without my consent!"
"I'm sorry, I think I misunderstood you," Weyoun says coldly. "It
sounded as if you were implying that Cardassian territory doesn't belong
to the Founders. Surely that isn't what you meant."
Without any other choice, Damar backs down. But there is another matter
bothering him: the Klingons have attacked Septimus III. Damar is
concerned that the Cardassian troops there won't survive without
reinforcements. Weyoun smoothly assures him that the situation will be
dealt with. "We will not allow your brave soldiers to perish in vain.
You have my word."
Martok has a conference with Sisko, expressing his confidence that
Septimus III will fall within a week; the Klingon then turns the subject
to "the war at home...a long, grueling, intoxicating war." He's
referring to Sisko having just married Kasidy. Martok reminisces about
when his wife Sirella first moved into his home.
Winn and Dukat are relaxing post-coitally in bed, happily eating
breakfast and planning the "restoration" of Bajor. "A sacred
responsibility," Winn says, going over to look at herself in a mirror.
"...I pray that I'll have the strength to do what the Prophets are
asking of me." Dukat plays up to her ambition, and they share the
resolution not to let Sisko stand in their way.
In their cell, Ezri and Worf have been hung upside down from the
ceiling. Worf says they must get back to the station and warn Starfleet
about the Breen. Ezri agrees. "There's just a few problems. We're on a
Jem'Hadar ship, heading in the wrong direction, hanging upside down,
and..." "And what?" "I think I'm getting spacesick," Ezri says
Kasidy returns from a run, telling her new husband about the sudden
regard she has gained from her Bajoran crewmates since marrying the
Emissary. "Welcome to the club," says Sisko. He tells her about an
annual ceremony he's been performing to bless the women on the station
who want to become mothers; people have been asking that the Emissary's
wife perform it this year -- this week, in fact. Kasidy refuses. "I've
got to draw the line somewhere. I married you, I didn't convert. And I'm
not going to start acting like I suddenly believe in the Prophets."
Sisko tells her he doesn't want her to do anything she's not comfortable
with; she goes off to take a shower. "And so the battle begins," Sisko
murmurs to himself.
Worf and Ezri are now in a holding cell on Cardassia, no longer upside
down. They try to remove a small pin from the bunk, which leads to
bickering, and back to the sore subject of their night together. "I was
seduced and betrayed," Worf says, declaring that she obviously desired a
physical relationship with him from the start. Ezri has a few things to
say about his ego, and things deteriorate until they're interrupted by
Weyoun, who enters with Damar and a couple of guards.
Weyoun wants to clarify a few issues from their interrogation by the
Breen; he threatens to turn them over to Damar, who informs them that
they are to be tried as war criminals, found guilty, and executed. But
that sentence can be reduced to life imprisonment if they cooperate.
When Ezri speaks up defiantly, Weyoun smiles, holding up a PADD. "You
know, my dear, it would be such a shame for you to die without the good
Dr. Bashir knowing how you felt about him." Suddenly Worf grabs the
Vorta's head and twists it; Weyoun falls dead.
As the guards subdue Worf, Damar bends over Weyoun, and begins to laugh.
"Overconfidence. The hallmark of the Weyouns. Maybe the Founders should
eliminate that from your genetic recipe next time," he tells the corpse.
Then, to Worf, "They'll just make another copy of him, you know. You
should have killed me. There's only one Damar." He tells Worf to
consider the offer; the execution is in two days.
"Who are you?" Winn asks Dukat as they sit together drinking wine. He is
relieved to find she means she wants to know more about this "simple
farmer" who shares her bed. Then suddenly Winn has another vision, of
aliens in the forms of Sisko, Kira, Solbor, and Odo. She tells them
she's ready to learn what she must do. "I give myself to the Prophets in
all things." The aliens comment that she does not understand. They close
around her, their eyes glowing red. "Give us your allegiance, Kai Winn
Adami." "Restore us to our rightful place in the Celestial Temple."
"Reject the false Prophets." "Walk our path, and embrace your own
destiny." "Feel our love -- the love of the pah-wraiths."
"No!" Winn screams, horrified. Shaken and almost hysterical, she tells
Dukat to have Solbor bring her the Orb from the station shrine. "I must
bare my soul to the Prophets and beg their forgiveness." Dukat asks if
that's wise, but Winn repeats her order. Dukat leaves, and smiles to
himself as he walks down the corridor.
"Well, hello!" Damar chuckles when the new Weyoun clone walks into the
Dominion headquarters. "I'm glad to see you find the death of my
predecessor so amusing," Weyoun says sourly; Damar replies, "You
misjudge me. I miss him deeply. Here, let's drink to Weyoun Seven."
Weyoun, unamused, asks about the prisoners' execution, which Damar says
is set for tomorrow afternoon. They haven't signed the confessions.
"Maybe you should talk to Worf again," Damar chortles.
But his mirth turns to anger when Thot Gor comes in, and Weyoun lets him
access a classified Cardassian database. Damar's protests fall on deaf
ears; Weyoun tells him the decision was made by the Founder, who has
also decreed that Damar's military recommendations will from now on be
submitted to her through Thot Gor. It's obvious that the Dominion is
bending over backwards to cater to the Breen, at the expense of the
Cardassians. Damar is furious, but helpless to do anything about it.
"Make plans to do exactly as the Founder instructed, or you can schedule
an execution for yourself as well," Weyoun orders.
Ezri and Worf put their escape plan into motion, managing to short out
the door, grab weapons, and shoot three guards, but Worf is injured in
the leg, and Ezri refuses to leave him. They are quickly recaptured.
In Quark's, watched by O'Brien and Bashir, Quark pours a drink for an
empty chair -- his way of keeping vigil for Ezri until she returns.
Bashir is brooding, lost in thought. "Funny, I was just starting to -- "
"Starting to what?" O'Brien asks. Bashir looks a little far away. "I
don't know. But there was something -- something about her, wasn't
there? Something that made me happy, anyway. She was this old soul, and
yet so young at heart, and...and...I don't know what I'm saying." He
wanders off distractedly.
Solbor finally brings the Orb of Prophecy to Winn's quarters. The old
man is silently displeased when Winn dismisses him but not Dukat. Winn
faces the orb, opens the tabernacle -- and nothing happens. "The
Prophets show me nothing," she breathes, devastated and lost. "They
won't speak to me. They have forsaken me, because I have been in
communion with the evil ones." Dukat decides that this is the time, and
reveals that the pah-wraiths, not the Prophets, led him to her. The pah-wraiths
are not evil; they want to make Bajor strong.
Winn can't believe what she's hearing. She screams at him to get away
from her. Dukat clasps her wrists. "Enough! The Prophets have done
nothing for you. During the Occupation, they turned their backs and let
our people suffer...You've sacrificed everything for them, and how have
they rewarded you? They've appointed an alien Emissary. They've rejected
you at every turn. Even now they won't speak to you." Weeping, she calls
for Solbor; he covers her mouth. "The pah-wraiths will give you
everything you've ever dreamt of -- the power, the adoration of the
people. In spite of your protestations of humility, that's what you
really want. Admit it. Stop pretending to be something you're not. Take
what they're offering you."
Finally Winn breaks free, glaring at him. "Get out." "Go," replies Dukat
harshly. "Crawl back to your Prophets. Beg their forgiveness. Live the
rest of your life in Sisko's shadow." He leaves behind a shattered and
desperate woman who sits on the floor, staring at the orb. "I'll do
anything you ask," she pleads. "You need only give the word. Have you
nothing to say to me? Am I so offensive to your eyes that I don't exist
for you anymore? There must be something I can do to prove to you that
I'm still worthy of your love." No visions come; no answers.
There is only one person Winn feels she can turn to for guidance; so it
is that Kira finds herself summoned to the Kai's quarters in the middle
of the night. Winn confesses that she has strayed from the path the
Prophets laid down for her. She will do anything to earn their
forgiveness. Seeing the genuine pain in the woman's eyes, Kira takes her
hands. "The worst of us can be redeemed...I'm not a Vedek, but it seems
to me that you have to set aside the things that led you astray --
ambition, jealousy." She urges Winn to turn away from temptation, give
herself over to the Prophets. "Everything will change once you step down
as Kai, you'll see."
Winn stares at her. Despite her remorse and need for redemption, she
can't find it in herself to give up her power. She rationalizes, saying
that Bajor needs her, that she can better serve the Prophets if she
remains Kai. "If the Prophets wanted me to step down, surely they would
have told me so." Kira looks at her sadly, knowing that Winn will never
change after all. "They don't always use words to make their wishes
known. Sometimes they speak to us by touching our hearts. But only you
would know if they've done that." However, Winn simply isn't capable of
being that honest with herself. "But Bajor needs me," she insists. "Good
night, Eminence," Kira says quietly, and leaves.
In the Dominion briefing room, Damar is with Weyoun when he sees news on
his monitor, that Septimus III has fallen. An entire order was wiped out
there. Damar is beyond enraged by the casual way in which 500,000 of his
people were sacrificed by the Dominion. Weyoun claims their loss wasn't
in vain; they forced the Klingons to commit resources to capture a
strategically worthless planet. "If they were truly loyal Cardassians,
then they died willingly for the Dominion. There can be no greater
sacrifice." "How many more sacrifices will my people be asked to make?"
Damar demands. Weyoun looks at him coolly. "Your people, Damar? We are
all one with the Dominion. Vorta, Cardassian, Jem'Hadar, the Breen -- we
all serve the Founders, and we will all make whatever sacrifices they
deem necessary."
Seething, Damar stalks out as Weyoun and Thot Gor turn their backs on
him. He goes to his quarters, takes a drink, and pours another. Then he
catches sight of his reflection in a mirror -- and hates what he sees.
Suddenly, he flings the drink at the mirror.
In the holding cell, Ezri can't help but dwell on the direness of her
and Worf's situation. Worf, for his part, is still bitter towards her.
"Do you really think that I would disobey orders and risk my life so
that I could seduce you?" she asks, exasperated. "I hate to burst your
bubble, Worf, but it wasn't that good." Worf does not appreciate the
humor. Ezri has had enough. "Are you angry at me for something I did, or
because I'm not Jadzia? Let's cut right to the heart of the matter. Do
you love me? Me, Ezri?" Worf says he made his feelings clear on Goralis
III. "What is it, Worf?" she asks. "Could it be that you're feeling just
a little guilty because you don't have the same feelings for me that you
did for Jadzia? If that's true, then maybe we both made a mistake back
on Goralis. So maybe we both should be forgiven." "This night would be
better spent preparing ourselves for the next life, instead of rehashing
the mistakes of this one," Worf replies.
The next day, they are still waiting in the cell when Worf finally
breaks the silence. He tells her she is right. "I do not love you as I
loved Jadzia...I dishonored myself." He admits that on Goralis, he
allowed himself to see Jadzia instead of Ezri; and Ezri in return says
that the part of her that is Jadzia wanted to be close to him. "I
realize Jadzia saw physical love differently than I do," Worf says. "To
her it could mean many things, but to me it was a deeply spiritual act.
When I made love to you, my motives were not spiritual. It was an
unworthy impulse."
Ezri looks at him compassionately. "Worf, we're not gods or prophets.
We're people. We make mistakes. There is one other thing I want you to
know. I honestly didn't realize how I felt about Julian. I would have
never hidden something like that from you." "I believe you," Worf says.
"And I do not hold any malice toward you, or Dr. Bashir." They shake
hands, reconciled as friends "and more". "It appears all we have left to
do is to be executed," Worf observes. Ezri smiles wryly. "Sounds like a
lazy day to me."
The door opens; Damar is there with two Jem'Hadar guards. "It's time."
They haven't gone five steps from the cell, however, when Damar shoots
the guards dead. Worf and Ezri are dumfounded as the Cardassian leader
informs them that there's a ship waiting with the information they'll
need to get past the security checkpoints. Asked why he's doing this,
Damar says, "I want you to give a message to the Federation. Tell them
they have an ally on Cardassia." Worf asks why they should trust him;
Damar replies that they can trust him or stay here and be executed. "I
vote for option one," says Ezri. They take the phasers he offers them,
and make tracks.
When Weyoun learns of the escape, Damar is pokerfaced as he reminds him
that the Vorta was the one who put the Jem'Hadar in charge of the
detention area. Weyoun is worried about how he'll report this to the
Founder. "I'm sure she'll understand," says Damar. "But if she doesn't,
I look forward to meeting Weyoun Nine."
Dukat comes back to Winn's quarters, having been summoned there.
Quietly, Winn recalls the first time she saw the wormhole open, and how
everyone else said they felt the love of the Prophets. She herself felt
nothing, a fact she's never admitted to anyone. "They've never spoken to
me, never offered me guidance, never trusted me with the fruits of their
wisdom. And now, I'm supposed to step down as Kai in order to be blessed
by them. No! I have worked too hard, waited too long to give it all up
now." Dukat stokes the fire. "You shouldn't have to. Merciful gods don't
ask their children to make such sacrifices." Winn's face grows hard.
"The Prophets have turned their backs on me, after all I've done for
them, all the pain I've endured for them." "They are not worthy of you,
Adami," he agrees.
"I'm a patient woman," Winn continues. "But I have run out of patience.
I will no longer serve gods who give me nothing in return. I'm ready to
walk the path the pah-wraiths have laid out for me." Dukat smiles. He
has her. They vow that they will walk that path together, and no one
will be able to stand against them. "Those who dare to try," Winn says,
"the Federation and its Vedek puppets, the false gods and their precious
Emissary -- they'll all be swept aside, like dead leaves before an angry