Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
Kira chairs a weekly meeting in the wardroom between Worf, Odo, O'Brien,
and Senator Cretak, the Romulan liaison, who complains that Romulan
ships are continually given low priority for repairs. Kira decides to
have O'Brien bump a couple of other ships from the top of his list, to
accommodate them. Cretak says she will be gone next week, to the
conference on Romulus.
Garak has lunch with Bashir, who will be leaving soon for Romulus; Garak,
as usual, is coy about his own time there on assignment for the Obsidian
Order. As for Bashir, he doesn't expect anything nearly so intriguing.
He will be giving a talk on Dominion biogenic weapons, chairing a
seminar on Ketracel-white, and attending a meeting on a proposal to
transfer 25 Federation hospital ships to Romulan control. "I trust that
Starfleet Intelligence will be sending someone along to make good use of
this opportunity," Garak says. To him, the trip is a chance to gather
intelligence on the Romulans, but Bashir tells him, "They're our allies,
Garak. And with any luck, this could be the beginning of a entirely new
friendship between our peoples."
The tailor is disappointed in Bashir's optimistic idealism. "But I live
in hope that one day you'll come to see this universe for what it truly
is, rather than what you'd wish it to be." "I shall endeavor to become
more cynical with each passing day," Bashir smiles. "Look gift horses
squarely in the mouth and find clouds in every silver lining." "If only
you meant it," says Garak.
That night, Bashir wakes from a deep sleep to find Sloan, the head of
Section 31, sitting calmly in a chair in the doctor's bedroom. "Hello,
Doctor. It's good to see you. I hope you're well-rested. Section 31 has
an assignment for you."
Warned that he won't be able to summon security, Bashir asks Sloan what
he wants. Sloan repeats that Bashir has an assignment. The fact that
Bashir never asked to join Section 31 is a trivial detail; he passed the
test, and he's a member whether he likes it or not. Sloan says that
Section 31 is interested in the Romulus conference, but with the Tal
Shiar handling security, they can't use technical assets, so they'll
have to rely on organic ones like Bashir. Bashir is to gather data on
the Romulan leadership. "You want me to spy on an ally," Bashir says.
Sloan corrects him. "To evaluate an ally -- and a temporary ally at
that." He goes on to state his belief that after the war is over, with
the Dominion forced back to the Gamma Quadrant, the Cardassian empire
occupied, and the Klingons recovering, that will leave only the
Federation and the Romulans to vie for control of the Alpha Quadrant.
Bashir is incredulous. "This war isn't over, and you're already planning
for the next." Sloan hopes his report will be equally well put, but
Bashir states again that he doesn't work for Sloan. "You will," Sloan
states confidently. "It's in your nature. You are a man who loves
secrets. Medical, personal, fictional. I am a man of secrets. You want
to know what I know. And the only way to do that is to accept the
assignment." Sloan then exits through the door, but when Bashir rushes
out after him with a phaser, only Ezri is in the corridor, wondering
what's going on.
Bashir tells Sisko about his encounter with Sloan. Of course, there's no
indication of how Sloan got on the station, or where he went. Sisko has
spoken with Admiral Ross, who agrees that the conference is too
important to cancel. Bashir will still be going there, and Sisko tells
him to carry out his "assignment". "We might have an opportunity here we
can turn to our advantage." Officially, Starfleet Command claims they
plan to investigate Section 31, but unofficially they've quietly let the
matter drop. But now, there's a chance to get someone on the inside.
Bashir is to play along, make it seem as if he's come around to Sloan's
way of thinking. "One more thing, Doctor," Sisko warns. "Remember, this
isn't a game. Section 31 is very dangerous. If Sloan even suspects that
you are really working for us -- " "I understand," says Bashir. Sisko
wishes him good hunting.
Bashir attends a cocktail reception aboard the Bellerophon, the starship
on which he, Admiral Ross, and Cretak, among other people, are going to
Romulus. Ross chokes on the Romulan ale (he's probably the only officer
in Starfleet who hasn't had it before, despite the embargo), but says
he'll manage, and Bashir remarks, "Never say die." Cretak asks about the
odd expression; Sloan breaks into the conversation to tell her its
origin. Bashir barely manages to cover his surprise as Sloan introduces
himself as Wendell Greer, assistant director of the UFP department of
cartography. Pretending to be meeting Bashir for the first time, Sloan
asks to speak with him about the Bajoran sector, and takes him aside.
"You've managed to attach yourself to the delegation; why do you need
me?" wonders Bashir, but Sloan waves the question aside. He tells Bashir
there's a PADD in his quarters, which he is to read, and Sloan will join
him at 2200. Later, Bashir dutifully reports to Ross about Sloan, and
tells the admiral he thinks it's too dangerous to let Sloan set foot on
Romulus. "On the other hand, if we move against him now, we'll lose any
hope of penetrating Section 31," Ross says thoughtfully. Sloan's access
at the conference will be limited, so it shouldn't be hard to keep tabs
on him; and it's imperative to find out what he's up to.
In his quarters, Bashir gives Sloan a briefing on some Romulan
officials, including Praetor Neral and Chairman Koval of the Tal Shiar,
whom Section 31 suspects in the death of Vice Admiral Fujisaki. Koval
hasn't been elevated to the Continuing Committee, which the head of the
Tal Shiar usually is. This is probably due to his opposition to the
Federation alliance. It so happens that Cretak has been lobbying for the
open seat.
Sloan mentions a rumor that Koval has Tuvan syndrome, an incurable
degenerative neurological disease affecting mostly Vulcans, Romulans,
and Rigellians. If Koval is ill, it would be a weakness that could
hamper his chances. "Is that what I'm here for, a diagnosis?" Bashir
asks. "What's the matter, Sloan, doesn't Section 31 have its own
doctors?" Sloan tells him that Section 31's doctors aren't genetically
enhanced; they need equipment which the Romulans won't allow at the
conference. Bashir argues that he can't make a diagnosis by simply
looking at a man, but Sloan counters, "Your genetically enhanced friends
determined that Gul Damar killed a woman just by watching him give a
political speech. I'm sure you can do better than that."
Bashir thinks he knows now what Sloan's goal is: to find a way to use
Koval's illness to keep him off the Continuing Committee. "I suppose it
would be naive of me to point out that interfering in the internal
affairs of a sovereign power is explicitly forbidden by the Federation
charter." Sloan won't confirm or deny Bashir's suspicion, but says that
if Koval comes to power, he will argue for the Romulans to break the
alliance with the Federation. Bashir protests, but Sloan cuts him off.
"Let's make a deal, Doctor. I'll spare you the ends-justify-the-means
speech and you spare me the we-must-do-what's-right speech. You and I
are not going to see eye to eye on this subject, so I suggest we stop
discussing it." He advises Bashir to get some rest; he will need his
wits about him.
On Romulus, at the reception that opens the conference, Bashir meets
Koval, who is interested in the Quickening, whether the virus can be
replicated, and how to introduce it into a population. Bashir admits he
knows basically how to do this. After Koval walks off, Cretak comes up
to him and observes, "You're going to make a very fine operative,
Doctor." She means that Koval rarely speaks with anyone in public.
Bashir chats with her for a few minutes. Cretak won't say whether she
agrees with those who say the alliance is only a momentary truce. She
does tell Bashir that she and Koval have different views. "Which are?"
"State secrets," she says with a smile.
Koval attends Bashir's lecture on the Quickening, after which Sloan
speaks to the doctor, who tells him about Koval's interest. "It's not
news to me that the head of the Tal'Shiar is interested in biogenic
weapons," Sloan says. "Pull your head out of the sand and take a look
around, Doctor. These are not nice people we're dealing with here." He
wants to know the diagnosis on Koval. Bashir believes Koval may indeed
have Tuvan syndrome, in the very early stages, and if he does, he has
about 20-25 years to live. Sloan asks if there are any instances in
which the disease accelerates without warning; Bashir replies that there
are, in less than five percent of cases. Then Sloan asks if anything can
trigger the acceleration. This sets off Bashir's alarm bells. "Never
mind," says Sloan. "Thank you, Doctor, you've been very helpful."
Bashir goes to Ross with his suspicion that Sloan is contemplating the
murder of Koval, in the hopes that Cretak will win the empty seat on the
Continuing Committee. Ross is appropriately indignant, though he says
Cretak would be better than Koval. He will have Sloan confined to
quarters, but it may not solve their problem, because there may be
another Section 31 agent in the delegation.
Then Bashir gets a brainwave: Sloan could have an accomplice on Romulus.
He seems to know a lot about the inner workings of the Romulan
government; also, to make Koval's disease accelerate, he will need to
expose him to nadion radiation, and only a Romulan would have a chance
to maneuver Koval into that situation. Bashir says they have to warn the
Romulans. "And how am I supposed to explain Section 31 to the Romulans?"
demands Ross. "All hell would break loose if they hear that there's a
rogue Federation agency running around plotting assassinations. It could
bring the alliance down. Besides, all we have is speculation at this
point." He tells Bashir no. He will have Sloan arrested, then inform
Starfleet Command of the situation. Bashir is to do nothing until he
hears from him.
A little later, though, Bashir is in the Bellerophon mess hall when he
overhears two of the ship's officers talking. An admiral has been found
slumped over his desk, having suffered an aneurysm. Bashir asks the
officers which admiral, and they say it was Ross. In shock, Bashir
starts to head for sickbay, but then he sees Sloan sitting there calmly
sipping a drink. Sloan smiles.
Feeling alone, with no one on his side, Bashir turns in desperation to
Cretak. He tells her the story, and that he needs her help. "I have
reason to believe that Sloan has an accomplice within the Romulan
government. Someone who's going to help him carry out his
assassination." Cretak notes that Koval has been saying there's a
traitor in the senate. But since Section 31 is working to advance
Federation interests, they are the Federation's responsibility. Bashir
agrees. "That's why I'm doing everything I can to stop them."
He will try to convince Sloan that Koval doesn't have Tuvan syndrome,
but since the plan may already be in motion, the only way to stop it is
to find the accomplice. Cretak can get him a copy of Koval's personal
database, which may contain a list of potential suspects. "You are
asking me to hand over secret documents!" Cretak exclaims, but Bashir
counters, "I'm asking you to put aside three centuries of mistrust
between our peoples, and help me stop a murder. Senator, if we can't
reach out and bridge the gulf that is between us, if we can't trust each
other, a man will die, and we will be partially responsible. I need your
help. Please."
Bashir tells Sloan he's not convinced Koval has Tuvan syndrome; there
are other diseases with the same symptoms. The best way to confirm the
diagnosis is to examine him, which Koval won't agree to. Sloan asks if
he could do it by running an analysis of a skin sample. Bashir can have
his hand treated with a microcellular adhesive, which will take the
sample the next time he shakes hands with Koval. Bashir has no choice
but to agree.
At the forum, Bashir manages to get Koval to shake his hand, offering to
resume their discussion of the Quickening, but Koval says Bashir has
answered all his questions. However, he would like a word with him on
another matter, in private -- somewhere more "comfortable" than the
lecture hall.
Bashir goes with him, and finds himself in a Tal Shiar interrogation
room. Koval makes Bashir sit in a chair so they can have their "private
talk". He wants to know why Bashir is really on Romulus, who he's
working for, and who is helping him. An agent attaches a device to
Bashir's head; when Bashir raises a defensive hand, the agent backhands
him. "This can be painful or not," Koval says. "That's up to you,
Doctor. Either way, I will know what you know."
Because of Bashir's genetic enhancements, however, the mind-scanning
device doesn't work. Koval says he has other methods at his disposal,
but it would save trouble if Bashir simply told him the information.
Bashir, exhausted, pants that Koval hasn't asked any questions. "I think
you know what I'm interested in," Koval replies.
He has Bashir taken back to the forum, where Praetor Neral and seven
other senators are waiting. "Dr. Julian Bashir," announces Neral. "you
are appearing before the Continuing Committee of the Romulan people."
Cretak is there as well, facing charges for attempting to access a Tal
Shiar database without proper authorization. "The Senator has told the
Committee a remarkable story. Since you are a key figure in her story,
we are most eager to hear your version of events."
Bashir makes a hard decision. "What I'm about to say may be shocking. It
may even damage the relations between our two peoples, but it's the
truth." He tells the Committee about the plot to assassinate Koval, and
about Sloan and Section 31. In conclusion, he says that he contacted
Cretak to enlist her aid in stopping the assassination. Neral asks why
her; Bashir replies that he had no one else to turn to, and he respects
Cretak. He goes on to outline his suspicion about the traitor. When
Neral asks Cretak why she didn't come to him with the information,
Cretak replies, "I was afraid that if word of this plot got out, it
would destroy the alliance. I decided to keep my own counsel. I regret
that decision." "As well you should, Kimara," Neral says.
Koval steps forward: he's got another witness. A couple of agents drag
in a battered-looking Sloan. "Praetor, this is the man known as Sloan.
Unlike the doctor, his mind is quite susceptible to our data retrieval
methods. Under questioning, he has confirmed much of what the doctor and
the senator have told you. With one important exception: there is no
Section 31." He says that Sloan actually works for Starfleet
Intelligence, and was a protege of Vice Admiral Fujisaki. Believing that
the Tal Shiar had murdered Fujisaki, Sloan sought vengeance by inventing
Section 31, so that Starfleet Intelligence could be held blameless for
Koval's death. To make the murder look like an acceleration of Tuvan
syndrome, Sloan needed a doctor, so he "recruited" Bashir and arranged
for him to be invited to the conference. Then Sloan made the mistake of
coming to Romulus himself, unaware that his identity was known to the
Tal Shiar.
Koval asks Sloan why he took the risk of being discovered. Sloan glares
at him. "I had to make sure nothing went wrong. And I wanted to watch
you die." "You broke the cardinal rule of our profession," Koval tells
him. "You allowed business to become personal." Koval then tells the
committee that there's no way to tell if Bashir was trying to kill him
or save him; as for Cretak, it's well known that she would welcome
Koval's death, if it meant she could join the committee.
"That is a lie, Koval," says Cretak. "I was trying to save your life."
"Then you're simply a fool," Koval replies. "You let a Starfleet
Intelligence officer manipulate you into committing an act of treason."
Neral rules that Cretak is guilty of conspiring to commit treason; her
sentence will be determined later. Bashir will be returned to the
Bellerophon, while Sloan is remanded to the Tal Shiar for further
interrogation. "No!" shouts Sloan, who tries to grab the weapon of one
of the guards. Koval whips out a phaser and vaporizes him.
Bashir can't sleep that night. Suddenly he gets up and goes to see Ross,
who is back in the Bellerophon briefing room, feeling much better. "I
have a question," says Bashir. "Where's Sloan?" Ross says he's dead, but
Bashir repeats the question. Looking at him for a long moment, Ross says
this discussion will be off the record, and they take off their
Ross asks Bashir how he knew. "The man Koval described was not the same
man who recruited me into Section 31," Bashir says. "Anyone clever
enough to pull the wool so completely over my eyes wouldn't have been
caught by the Romulans that easily." What made everything fall into
place was the realization that Ross was the one who planted the idea of
the accomplice in Bashir's head. He didn't want to tell the Romulans
about the assassination plot; he ordered Bashir not to contact DS9; and
then he had a convenient aneurysm, leaving Bashir with no one to turn to
except Cretak. "Where is he?" Ross admits that Sloan was supposed to
have been beamed away a split second before the phaser beam hit, but the
admiral doesn't know if it worked.
Bashir has another question: "How long has Koval been working for
Starfleet?" Ross says Koval has been an informant for the Federation for
over a year, but he doesn't know when the chairman started working with
Section 31. The Federation, Bashir now knows, has a mole in the highest
levels of Romulan government. And Cretak? She will be dismissed from the
senate, probably imprisoned, but hopefully not executed. "You set her
up!" Bashir exclaims angrily. "She was an innocent woman, and you let
Sloan destroy her! Why? She believed in the alliance. She was on our
side!" Ross corrects him. Cretak is a patriot who would have pushed for
peace with the Dominion if she thought it would serve the interests of
For Bashir, this is the last piece in the puzzle. Thanks to this setup,
Koval's recommendation that Romulus stay in the war will be all the more
convincing. "And how long have you worked for Section 31?" Bashir asks
the admiral, who replies that he doesn't. It's more of a temporary
alliance. "I don't like it," Ross says grimly. "But I've spent the last
year and a half of my life ordering young men and young women to die. I
like that even less." "That's a glib answer," Bashir accuses. "And a
cheap way to avoid the fact that you've trampled on the very thing that
those men and women are out there dying to protect. Does that not mean
anything to you?"
"'Inter arma enim silent leges'," quotes Ross. Bashir translates. "'In
time of war, the law falls silent' -- Cicero. So is that what we have
become? A twenty-fourth century Rome, driven by nothing other than the
certainty that Caesar can do no wrong?" Ross does not reply. He puts his
combadge back on. "This conversation never happened. You're dismissed."
Bashir picks up his own combadge, and leaves.
In his own quarters on DS9, Bashir once more wakes up to see Sloan
silhouetted by the window. "Are you expecting applause?" the doctor asks
bitterly. "Have you come to take a bow?" Sloan says he just wanted to
say thank you. "For what?" Bashir asks. "Allowing you to manipulate me
so completely?" "For being a decent human being," Sloan tells him.
"That's why we selected you in the first place, Doctor. We needed
somebody who wanted to play the game, but who'd only go so far. When the
time came, you stood your ground. You did the right thing. You reached
out to an enemy, you told her the truth, you tried to stop a murder. The
Federation needs men like you, Doctor. Men of conscience, men of
principle, men who can sleep at night. You're also the reason Section 31
exists. Someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn't
share your sense of right and wrong."
"Should I feel sorry for you?" Bashir mocks. "Should I be weeping over
the burden you're forced to carry in order to protect the rest of us?"
Sloan only smiles and gets up. "It is an honor to know you, Doctor. Good
night." He leaves. Bashir calls security, but then he hesitates,
realizing it's futile. "Never mind," he tells Odo. "My mistake." He lies
back down, but can't sleep.