Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
In the Vegas holosuite, O'Brien and Bashir invite Vic to their Alamo
program, offering to transfer his matrix there. Vic demurs. "I don't
look good in buckskin." As compensation, he gets up on stage and starts
to sing a song about the Alamo. But in the middle of the song, suddenly
the lounge flickers and transforms itself into a dark, smoky, sleazy
dive full of tough-looking guys and cheap-looking dames. The music turns
brassy and lascivious. Vic, confused, tries to continue his Alamo song,
but is crowded off the stage by a chorus line of slinky showgirls. He
comes back over to Bashir and O'Brien. "What the hell?" They're as
puzzled as he is.
O'Brien is wondering if there's a fault in the holosuite parameter
files, when a voice says, "Well, look who's here. The pretty-boy singer
himself." Vic knows the man, who's called Frankie Eyes. "Let's just say
I'm here to stay," announces Frankie. "While you, Vicky-boy, are about
to take a powder." He informs Vic that he's just bought the hotel, and
Vic is history. "As of this moment, you couldn't get a job as a singing
busboy. Now are you gonna walk out of here, or do you have to be carried
out? Makes no difference to me."
O'Brien tells the computer to delete Frankie and his beefy lieutenant,
Tony Cicci, but the two characters remain where they are. He tres to
freeze the program; nothing happens, causing O'Brien to speculate that
there might be a "little problem" with the character deletion algorithm.
Cicci grabs Vic by the lapels. "Make that a big problem," says Vic.
Without any other choice, Vic says he'll start packing, and Frankie and
Cicci go to check out Frankie's new casino. "Nothing we can do," Vic
tells Bashir and O'Brien. "Frankie's a made man. Capice?" O'Brien says
they could shut down the program and reset it, but that would wipe Vic's
memory. Bashir says he'll talk to his friend Felix, who designed the
program. In the meantime, Vic will stay clear of Frankie.
On hearing about Vic's predicament, Nog vows, "If this Frankie Eyes
hurts Vic in any way, he's going to have to answer to me." Worf doesn't
understand this attitude, since Vic doesn't really exist. But he does to
the others. Bashir comes to Ops, having spoken to Felix. It seems that
his friend hid a "jack-in-the-box" buried deep in the program: a
surprise plot development, meant to keep things interesting. In order to
reset Vic's to the way it was, they have to figure out and execute a way
to get rid of Frankie. Since the program is period-specific, they can't
use modern technology to do it. They can't simply kill Frankie either,
because the mob will retaliate against Vic, and if Vic is killed, his
matrix will be eliminated from the program, permanently.
Sisko comes out of his office to see half his officers clustered around,
and isn't pleased to learn they're talking about a holosuite program.
"When do you plan on going back to work?" After he's gone, Nog tells
O'Brien to count him in. "I owe Vic. I thought losing my leg was the end
of my Starfleet career. He taught me otherwise." "He changed my life,
too. And Odo's," chimes in Kira. "Now, all we need is a plan," says
That night, Sisko has dinner with Kasidy, who seems preoccupied. She too
is worried about Vic. But Sisko just looks at her. "I guess this sounds
pretty silly to you," Kasidy says; he replies, "A little." Vic isn't
just a holosuite character to Kasidy, either, but Sisko would rather
talk about something else. She asks why he's never been to Vic's. "Does
it matter?" he says. "You like going there, and I don't. Let's leave it
at that." Kasidy can't figure him out. Sisko smiles. "Well, maybe that's
part of the attraction." "Believe that if you want to," she replies
O'Brien and Bashir knock on the door to Vic's suite, and it finally
opens to reveal a battered Vic. The suite has been trashed. As Bashir
treats the hologram's injuries, Vic groans, "A jack-in-the-box. I can't
believe Felix would do that to me." He claims at first that he slipped
in the bathtub, but then admits that Frankie sent Cicci to remind him
not to take too long packing. Vic says that he and Frankie have been
rivals since they were kids. "That Felix," says O'Brien. "When he
designs a holosuite program, he doesn't fool around." "Tell me about
it," Vic winces.
Bashir suggests that the singer take a vacation, but Vic says, "Did you
guys take a vacation when the Dominion took over DS9?...This is my life,
remember? I don't run at the first sign of trouble." Bashir assures him
they're only asking him to stay out of sight for a few days while they
come up with a plan, to get rid of Frankie Eyes. In fact, Odo and Kira
are in the lounge right now, checking up on Frankie in hopes of finding
a weak spot. "I hope you know what you're getting me into," Vic says.
"If you guys screw up, I'm the one who winds up buried in the desert."
Down in the lounge, where Odo will be looking around while Kira checks
out the casino, Kira smiles as she sees Odo staring at the dancers.
Tearing his eyes away, Odo goes to the bar, where Cicci is telling a
story to a couple of his buddies. When they laugh at the punchline, Odo
joins in. Meanwhile, Kira is at the blackjack table, where Frankie steps
up and helps her out by rejecting the cards she's dealt until she gets a
21. He introduces himself, and flirts with her; she flirts back, and
they go on to roulette. Odo has made progress as well, ingratiating
himself with Cicci and his crowd by doing a little shapeshifting trick
involving picking up a glass without moving his arm. Cicci is impressed.
"So where you from again?" "Bajor," replies Odo. "That's in Jersey,
right?" "Right."
Odo and Kira brief everyone (Vic, Bashir, O'Brien, Ezri, Nog, and Kasidy)
on what they've learned. Frankie was sent to Vegas by a Carl Zeemo, a
name Vic knows. "Been around forever. Likes to pretend he's a sweet old
man, but he's meaner than a junkyard dog." Zeemo gave Frankie the cash
to buy the hotel, in return for being sent a percentage of the casino's
earnings (the "skim"). In six days, Zeemo is coming to pick up the first
payment and look over his newest acquisition.
"What would happen to Frankie if he didn't give Zeemo his skim?" O'Brien
wonders. And a plan is born. Bashir sums it up. "All we have to do is
see to it that Mr. Zeemo doesn't see a penny of that money." To do that,
they're going to rob the casino. Vic is dubious: the money is kept in a
safe in the countroom, which is guarded 24 hours a day. Even if they get
past the guard, there are still the two countmen inside. But his friends
are determined. Kira says she'll get a look at the safe; the others will
figure out ways to deal with the guard, the countmen, and anything else
that comes up. They all declare themselves agreed. "Let me get this
straight," says Vic, incredulous. "You're going to knock over the casino
and swipe a cool million from the mob?" "Vic, you want your lounge back
or not?" O'Brien asks. Put that way, all Vic can do is shrug. "Deal me
Frankie is so taken with Kira that he lets her watch the casino's
profits being counted in the countroom. Meanwhile, Kasidy butters up the
guard while she plays a slot machine; and Odo gets Ezri a job as a
waitress. As Cicci is talking to them, he sees Vic, and goes over to
threaten him, but Vic says he wants to talk to Frankie and try to work
things out. Vic pleads with Frankie to bury the hatchet. He can bring
high rollers into the casino. Kira subtly aids Vic, and Frankie tells
him to bring in a couple of players, then they'll talk.
Sisko has an argument with Kasidy. "You're telling me that virtually my
entire senior staff is a part of this nonsense?" "You're supposed to
help your friends when they're in trouble," Kasidy retorts. "And Vic,
hologram or not, is in trouble. Not that I expect you to care." Sisko
says it's not about Vic. When pressed, he finally tells her what his
problem is: the fact that in the real 1962, black people weren't welcome
in places like Vic's. "It wasn't an easy time for our people, and I'm
not going to pretend that it was."
"Baby," Kasidy tells him, "I know that Vic's isn't a totally accurate
representation of how things were. But it isn't meant to be. It shows us
the way things could have been. The way they should have been." "We
cannot ignore the truth about the past," Sisko insists. But Kasidy
doesn't see it that way. "Going to Vic's isn't going to make us forget
who we are or where we came from. What it does is remind us that we are
no longer bound by any limitations, except the ones we impose on
The would-be casino robbers convene in Vic's suite again to discuss a
problem. They need one more person, and neither Quark nor Worf is likely
to help. Without a high roller that Vic can bring in to draw a crowd and
keep everyone's attention off the countroom, the whole plan will fall
apart. "And we certainly can't let that happen," Sisko announces,
walking into the room. "Now exactly what do you need me to do?"
Now that they have all the participants they need, the group goes over
the plan once more. Kira will vamp Frankie, keeping him away from the
casino and the countroom. Sisko and Vic will draw a crowd at the craps
table. One of the countmen, Al, takes a six-minute break at precisely
11:45 each night to phone home, during which the other countman, Howard,
has a martini brought in. Ezri will bring him that martini, making a
stop at the poker table, where Bashir will slip a few drops of ipecac
into the drink. After Ezri leaves the countroom, Kasidy will keep the
guard busy by accusing O'Brien of stealing her chips. When Howard rushes
out of the countroom to be sick, Nog, posing as a maintenance man, will
enter the countroom and crack the safe. And Odo, who was the tray Ezri
took into the countroom, will be there to help Nog scoop out the cash
and take it away. Everyone is confident that it will go smoothly. Since
Zeemo is due in two days, the caper will take place tomorrow night.
Over the next day, the crew prepare themselves, practicing their roles.
Finally, they're ready. They make an impressive sight, trooping through
the Promenade, into Quark's and up to the holosuites, dressed in full
1960's regalia. Quark and Morn watch. "I'm telling you, Morn," Quark
remarks, "something's going on in Vic's that we don't know about."
The DS9 people go to work: Kira flirting with Frankie at the bar, Kasidy
and O'Brien playing blackjack, Bashir playing poker and ordering a
martini from Ezri, and Sisko and Vic at the craps table, building up an
audience. They see Al, the countman, going to make his phone call, right
on schedule. "We have lift-off," observes Vic.
Ezri serves Bashir his drink -- and that's when complication number one
happens. A passer-by bumps into her, spilling both Bashir's drink and
the one intended for Howard. Bashir salvages the situation by getting
Ezri two more martinis off a nearby tray. He puts the ipecac in one, and
Ezri continues on her way with the doctored martini.
Complication number two: the second countman is not Howard, but another
man, who says he's not thirsty. Thinking quickly, Ezri uses reverse
psychology, asking if she can have the drink instead. To spite her, the
countman picks up the glass and drinks it all.
Seeing Ezri leave the countroom, Kasidy goes into action, grabbing the
guard and hysterically accusing O'Brien of stealing her chips. O'Brien
vigorously protests his innocence. Meanwhile, the second countman rushes
out, and Nog darts inside the countroom. As Odo morphs from his tray
form, complication number three occurs: Nog discovers that the safe has
an auto-relock tumbler. He'll never be able to get through it in four
minutes, which is all they have left before Al returns.
Frankie notices that Kira keeps looking at her watch, and hasn't touched
her drink. He starts to suspect that something is going on, but before
Kira has to answer any awkward questions, Frankie's attention is
diverted, by complication number four: Mr. Zeemo arrives a day early,
flanked by two bodyguards and a blonde bimbo. Zeemo wants to see the
countroom right away. Frankie is about to show him there when Kira
breaks in. "Mr. Zeemo, it's a great honor to meet you." "I know," says
Zeemo. Her attempt to stall proving unsuccessful, Kira can only watch as
Zeemo, Frankie, and their entourages make their way toward the countroom.
Nog has been frantically working the combination for eight minutes, way
over the time limit, and is getting nowhere. Meanwhile, Kasidy and
O'Brien are still playing out their little drama with the guard. Sisko
is wondering what's keeping Nog and Odo, when Vic spots Al hanging up
the phone and starting to return to the countroom. Bashir, holding a
full house, quickly folds, and intercepts Al, telling him Frankie is
waiting for him in the lobby. Al heads there instead, sweating bullets.
"You've gotta be kidding me," groans Vic, seeing Zeemo and company on
their way to the countroom. Sisko keeps playing while Vic approaches
Zeemo's blonde. "Nina? Is that you?" She is naturally confused as Vic
chatters on, pretending to know her, while Zeemo grows ever more
impatient. "Who's this, your grandpa?" Vic asks her. It's the last
straw. Vic feels Cicci's heavy hand on his shoulder. "Now you've done
Frankie orders Cicci to bury Vic, while he, Zeemo, and company start
again for the countroom. This time, it's Sisko who saves the day.
"Everyone's a winner!" he shouts, tossing handfuls of cash into the air.
Chaos reigns as almost everyone scrambles and dives after the bills,
grabbing as much as they can. Bashir adds his contribution as well.
Zeemo's path is blocked.
At last, Nog opens the safe. "Piece of cake," he grins. Odo starts
filling his "suitcase" with money. Outside, the guard finally gets tired
of Kasidy's story, and calls another guard over to take O'Brien to
security, since he can't leave his post. O'Brien is dragged away to be
strip-searched. At that moment, Kasidy sees Odo and Nog emerge from the
countroom, and promptly collapses into the guard's arms, crying about
how she needed that money to buy a gift for her mother. Odo and Nog,
finding their path blocked, choose another route and make their getaway.
"Funny way to run a casino," comments Zeemo. Kira speaks up. "What are
you waiting for, Frankie? Why don't you show Mr. Zeemo the countroom?"
Frankie does, telling his boss on the way that they've been making money
hand over fist. "I just hope you brought a big enough briefcase," he
brags. Then he opens the safe, only to find that it has been cleaned
out. "Where's my money?" Zeemo demands. And DS9's officers watch
triumphantly as the mob boss and his entourage walk out through the
casino, marching Frankie to his doom.
Vic's lounge returns to its original ambiance. "Say goodbye to Frankie
Eyes," Odo remarks with deep satisfaction; Kira tells Bashir to tell
Felix that they've shut the lid on his jack-in-the-box. Champagne is
passed around, as O'Brien returns, putting his coat back on. He doesn't
want to talk about where he's been. Vic tells him and Bashir to count
him in, next time they fight the battle of the Alamo. He holds up a
glass. "To the best friends a hologram ever had. I owe you, big time."
To cap off the evening, Vic gets up to sing, and to everyone's surprise,
calls Sisko to join him on the stage. The crew listens happily to their
captain's mellow voice as the two men sing a swinging duet rendition of
"The Best is Yet to Come".