Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
Another Gratitude Festival has just ended on DS9, where the Orb of
Contemplation sits in the Bajoran shrine. Sisko had insisted on the
festival being held despite the circumstances. "War or no war, we have a
lot to be grateful for." After he leaves the Promenade to take part in a
ceremony, Odo approaches Kira to try to explain his side of things: Kira
is angry with him for having arrested a vedek who was fundraising on the
Promenade without a license. She's not in a mood to discuss it, and a
defeated Odo finally leaves her alone.
In the wardroom, Admiral Ross stands before Sisko and announces that he
is being awarded the Christopher Pike Medal of Honor, in recognition of
his "remarkable leadership and meritorious conduct against the enemy,
and in particular for personal acts of bravery displayed during the
battle to retake Deep Space Nine." Everyone else looks on proudly as
Sisko accepts the accolade. After congratulations are given, Ross has
some words alone with Sisko: Starfleet has finally decided to go on the
offensive against the Dominion. And they have chosen Sisko to plan the
invasion of Cardassia.
Later, Dax and Worf finally come down from the holosuite, having stayed
in there past their allotted time. They were talking. "It is a private
matter," says Worf. Dax smiles. "We're thinking about having a baby!"
Worf looks pained. "It was a private matter." After Worf is called away,
Bashir reminds Dax that he had told her when she and Worf married that
it would not be easy for them to have a child together. Quark pipes up
that he's afraid the kid would look like his father. "Well, I hope she
does," declares Dax, flouncing off. Quark and Bashir both look
crestfallen. "A baby -- do you have any idea what this means?" says
Bashir. Quark nods forlornly. "That their marriage is going to last a
lot longer than we thought."
Sisko has made his choice. The Chin'toka system, he tells Ross and
Martok, has only five squadrons of Jem'Hadar attack ships defending it.
"It appears you've found the weak spot we've been looking for," observes
Martok, who isn't happy at the prospect of having to convince the
Romulans to join them. But Ross points out that there's little chance of
success without their help. "We will succeed," Martok says. "Mark my
words. By this time next year, the three of us will drink bloodwine in
the halls of Cardassia's Central Command."
On Cardassia, Weyoun warns Damar that he's spreading their forces too
thinly. Damar has sent more ships to the Romulan front, which Weyoun
believes has left Chin'toka vulnerable. "Not as vulnerable as you
think," replies Damar, who shows Weyoun the unmanned orbital weapon
platforms, protected by regenerative forcefields, that are being
deployed at that system. This mollifies Weyoun. Then a glinn enters with
news that they have a problem.
It's Dukat, who enters the room, much to the surprise of Weyoun and
Damar. "Isn't anyone going to welcome me home?" He assures Damar that he
doesn't hold him responsible for Ziyal's death. "You may have fired the
phaser, but it was Benjamin Sisko who forced your hand. And that's why
I'm here. The time has come for me to take my revenge against the good
captain." Weyoun is dismissive. "We're in the middle of a life-and-death
struggle for the control of the entire Alpha Quadrant, and all you care
about is quenching your petty thirst for revenge. You haven't changed a
bit, have you?" "On the contrary," announces Dukat, "I'm a new man. I no
longer have a need for conquest or power. I'm far beyond all that. I
exist in a state of complete clarity. A clarity I intend to share with
the universe."
Getting impatient, Weyoun orders him removed, but Damar intercedes,
asking Dukat what he wants. "To give you what you desire above all
else," Dukat replies. "The Alpha Quadrant." He's looking for a certain
Bajoran artifact that was "appropriated" during the Occupation. "Let's
just say, it will make it possible for Dominion reinforcements to come
through that wormhole and destroy Captain Benjamin Sisko and the
Federation once and for all."
The invasion force starts to assemble at DS9, and a meeting is held in
which Romulan Senator Letant expresses his skepticism, and Martok
accuses him of cowardice. The others work to convince the Romulans of
the soundness and timing of the plan. Sisko argues that the Alpha
Quadrant defenders have to force the enemy to retreat. "I know it won't
be easy. I know that we will pay a heavy price for every system we take
from them. But, in the end, that's the only way to drive the Dominion
out of the Alpha Quadrant. And that is the goal we all share. Klingons,
humans and Romulans."
Bashir and Quark have both been gripped by melancholy ever since hearing
of Dax's plan to have a baby with Worf. Together they drown their
sorrows and listen to Vic Fontaine singing "Here's to the Losers". Vic
sympathetically guesses the cause of their mood. "It's simple. You take
one beautiful, happily married filly, add the possibility of her giving
birth to a foal, and what's it leave you? A couple of lovesick stallions
that never got out of the starting gate." He encourages them to move on
to "greener pastures". "Lucky for you, space is big. There are a lot of
other nice girls out there, with or without spots. Capice?" Bashir and
Quark leave feeling marginally better. "Nice guys, but absolutely
clueless," Vic remarks to himself.
At dinner with his father, Jake deduces that the Romulans have agreed to
the invasion. "So when do we leave?" he asks. He is a journalist, after
all. Sisko, of course, is against letting him come along, but Jake then
says he'll go with Martok and get a Klingon perspective. Finally Sisko
gives in: Jake can come on the Defiant. "Don't worry, Dad," his son says
after they embrace. "We'll watch out for each other."
Suddenly Sisko is in Ops, facing Worf -- only it's not Worf. "The Sisko
is of Bajor." "It is where he belongs," intones another Prophet in the
form of Martok. An Admiral Ross Prophet is there as well as a Letant
one. Through all the typical scenery changes and enigmatic
pronouncements, the Prophets tell him it's dangerous to walk a different
path. "The Sisko must not leave the chosen path." "The Sisko is of Bajor."
"It is where he belongs." "Why is it dangerous to leave?" asks Sisko.
"And how will it affect Bajor? You have to tell me!" He gets no answer
to that before the vision ends.
Ross briefs Sisko, Martok, and Letant on what Starfleet Intelligence has
discovered about the orbital weapon platforms being deployed at
Chin'toka. They are not yet operational, but they will be in two or
three days. It's clear that the Alpha Quadrant alliance must launch the
invasion before that time; they will leave first thing tomorrow.
After the meeting, Ross asks Sisko what's troubling him. Sisko confesses
that he had a vision from the Prophets last night, and that they told
him not to go to Cardassia. There was no concrete reason given, just
that it was dangerous. Ross cuts to the chase, asking if Sisko is asking
permission to stay behind; Sisko replies that it's not about what he
wants, but what the Prophets want. "That's not a good enough answer,"
Ross says. "Not from a Starfleet captain." "The Prophets don't see me as
a Starfleet captain," Sisko explains. "They see me as their Emissary."
"That's the problem, isn't it?" Ross replies. "For the past six years,
you've tried to be both. And up to now, I've been patient, I've indulged
you, I've gone out on a limb for you many times. But this is it. You've
got to make a decision. You're either the Emissary or a Starfleet
captain. You can't be both." After a moment, Sisko tells him he'll be on
the Defiant at 0500.
The enemy has learned of the combined fleet massing at DS9, but Damar
insists they have nothing to worry about; the weapons platforms will be
online in time. Dukat comes in at that moment with an ancient box
containing the artifact. "Behold -- the key to victory." As the others
watch skeptically, Dukat takes out the little figurine and sets out
candles, explaining that he has been studying the ancient Bajoran texts.
"The sad truth is, we wasted our time fighting the Bajorans, when we
should have been fighting their gods...You see, we have an ally we never
knew we had." Chanting, he snaps the figurine in two. An energy vortex
swirls out and enters Dukat's body, slamming him against the wall. When
he opens his eyes, they have turned blood-red. Dukat is now possessed by
a pah-wraith.
Kira enters Odo's office to tell him that she'll be leaving with the
task force in the morning. Odo blurts out an apology about the vedek,
and is surprised to learn she's no longer angry about that. For her
part, Kira is nonplused when she realizes that Odo had thought their
argument signaled the end of their relationship. She still thinks he was
wrong, but she tells him she wants to spend her last night on the
station with him. They kiss. Relieved, Odo holds her hand. "You know,
Nerys, observing humanoid relationships and being in one are very
different things."
The time of departure arrives, and Dax, who is being left in command of
the station, sees the others off. Kira tells Dax that she said a prayer
for her and Worf at the shrine last night, about their having a baby.
Dax is touched. She tells Worf they have a lot of "work" to do when he
gets back. "I wish I was going with you." "You are, in here," he tells
her, indicating his chest. Dax smiles. "I love it when you get
romantic." They kiss passionately, then he leaves. And with Garak on
board as well, to help liberate his homeworld, Sisko gives Nog the order
to move out.
The Alpha Quadrant forces are nearing Chin'toka, but the weapons
platforms are not yet online. The battle begins with the Klingons
engaging a wing of Jem'Hadar, who slam their fighters into the Klingon
ships, inflicting considerable damage and buying time to get the weapons
platforms operational. The Federation and Romulan forces open fire on
the platforms. Several are destroyed, but the others then come to life,
letting loose a massive barrage of photon torpedoes which find their
marks, blowing several Federation and Romulan ships to dust.
Weyoun is well pleased, though he's not sure of Dukat's claim that the
pah-wraiths will make it possible for the Dominion to bring
reinforcements through the wormhole. "All this talk of gods strikes me
as nothing more than superstitious nonsense." "You believe that the
Founders are gods, don't you?" Damar points out, but Weyoun declares
that that's different. "The Founders are gods." Wisely, Damar shuts up.
The attackers are unable to penetrate the shields of the weapon
platforms. But Garak has noticed that none of the platforms has a power
generator. This means that they must be controlled from a central
source. O'Brien goes to work on a way to find that source and destroy
Back on DS9, Bashir tells Dax that the enzymes he's given her are
working, which means it's possible she and Worf can have a baby. Dax is
overjoyed, and hugs him, telling him what a good friend he is. Before
going to work, she will stop by the Bajoran shrine. As he watches her
go, Bashir genuinely feels glad for her.
Dax enters the shrine, standing before the ark of the Orb of
Contemplation. "I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly," she says to
the air. "I don't come here a lot. To be perfectly honest, I feel more
comfortable thinking of you as wormhole aliens. But Kira believes you're
much more than that. Maybe she's right, I don't know. But if you are
Prophets, and you're listening, I just want to say -- " Just then she
hears something, and turns to see Dukat materializing there.
It happens very quickly. Before Dax can draw her phaser, Dukat reaches
out his hand, and the pah-wraith within him shoots out a blast of
energy. Dax is caught squarely in it. It raises her off the floor for
several seconds as she convulses helplessly in its grip. Then, it slams
her unmoving body down. Dukat steps past her and opens the orb ark. The
same energy bursts out again to pierce the orb, which brightens, then
goes dark. Dukat collapses, the wraith having left him. And outside the
station, the wormhole opens -- then implodes.
Light years away, on the bridge of a ship engaged in heavy battle, Sisko
is hit by a wave of inexplicable weakness, and staggers backward. "I
think I felt the Prophets reaching out to me. Something's wrong."
O'Brien tells him he's found the power generator controlling the
platforms, but Sisko is in no shape to give orders. Kira takes over
while Jake takes his father to his quarters. "Don't worry, Captain.
We'll get the job done."
Dukat gets to his feet, looking down at Dax's broken body. "I know this
is small comfort, but I never intended you any harm." He then taps a
Dominion transporter device on his arm and dematerializes.
The battle still rages, the invasion task force losing more and more
ships to the weapons platforms. The Defiant approaches its target, a
small moon, and fires, but its phasers dissipate as they strike the
moon's shields. O'Brien, however, comes up with a very creative
solution. He can use their deflector array to imprint a Federation warp
signature on the generator's energy matrix, fooling the platforms into
firing on their own power source. Kira gives him the nod. After some
more evasive maneuvers, O'Brien's trick is ready. Suddenly the platforms
begin redirecting their fire at the moon, which explodes. All the
remaining platforms stop firing.
Martok immediately makes plans to transport ground troops to the
system's two planets. Just then O'Brien tells Kira, "Major, we're
receiving a priority-one transmission from Deep Space Nine. It's from
Julian." A look of dread comes over Kira's face. Somehow she knows the
news isn't good.
Weyoun is livid. "This is a disaster!" he shouts at Dukat, who is on his
stolen shuttle. "Federation soldiers have landed on Cardassian soil. And
now you're telling me the wormhole is gone? And with it any chance of
getting reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant." Dukat maintains that
they've still achieved a great victory. "The Bajoran people have been
cut off from their gods, perhaps forever." "How does that help us?"
Damar demands. "Because Sisko has been cut off from the Prophets as
well," Dukat tells him. "And without the Prophets, he's just another
Starfleet captain." That doesn't make Weyoun feel any better, but Dukat
asserts that it will.
The Defiant has rushed back to DS9, where the air is solemn as Worf and
O'Brien make a beeline for the infirmary. A little Bajoran girl, Sahgi,
stops Sisko. "Emissary! My mother says all the orbs are dark, that the
Prophets have abandoned us. You have to find them, Emissary. You have to
ask them to come back." "I will try," Sisko manages. Shaken, he heads to
the infirmary with Jake and Kira. There, O'Brien, Odo, and Quark are
Finally Bashir emerges from surgery, his face grave. "I managed to save
the Dax symbiont. We have to get it to Trill as soon as possible. There
was nothing I could do for Jadzia." Everyone is shocked by the grim news
of the loss of their friend. Sisko goes in, and finds Dax clinging to
life while Worf holds her hand.
"I'm sorry," Dax whispers to her husband, who tells her to save her
strength. "Our baby would have been so beautiful." With that, she dies.
Worf lets loose a Klingon death howl, and begins chanting in Klingon.
The next day, just before the funeral, Sisko enters the cargo bay, where
Jadzia's body rests in a casket adorned with the Federation banner. He
has to talk to her one last time. "When I first met you, you told me
that my relationship with Jadzia Dax wouldn't be any different than the
one I had with Curzon Dax. Things didn't work out that way. I had a hell
of a lot of fun with both of you. But Curzon was my mentor. You -- you
were my friend. And I am going to miss you. I should have listened to
the Prophets and not gone to Cardassia. Then maybe you'd still be
alive." In anguish, he asks, "Why aren't you still here, Jadzia? I need
you to help me sort things out. Something's happened to the Prophets,
something that's made them turn their backs on Bajor, and I'm
responsible. But I don't know what to do about it. How to make it right
again. I've failed as the Emissary, and for the first time in my life,
I've failed in my duty as a Starfleet officer. I need time to think,
clear my head. But I can't do it here. Not on the station. Not now. I
need to get away, and find a way to figure out how to make things right
again. I have to make things right again, Jadzia. I have to."
Later, Sisko leaves his office, carrying a shoulder bag, telling Kira
the station is all hers. He is taking a leave of absence, and he's not
sure exactly how long he'll be gone. His officers assure him they'll be
waiting. Then Sisko turns to his son. "Let's go home, Jake." The two of
them descend in the turbolift.
Kira walks into the captain's office, and looks at the desk. "I was
afraid of that," she tells Odo. "He's not sure he's coming back...His
baseball. He took it with him."
On a warm Louisiana night, Sisko sits at the back of his father's
restaurant, cleaning clams. He'll be in in a little while, he tells
Jake. Then he reaches for another clam.