Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
Three months after the first shots of the war were fired at DS9, the
Defiant is part of a diminished fleet that has just finished yet another
grueling battle with the Dominion. "Three months of bloody slaughter,"
gripes O'Brien. "And what have we got to show for it? Not a damn thing.
Engage, retreat, engage, retreat. Just once, I would've liked to have
gotten a look at their backs." Everyone is tired and grouchy, and there
has been no word yet from the 7th Fleet, which was sent to engage the
Dominion at the Tyra system.
Bashir treats Garak for a bruise sustained during the last combat, as
they discuss the odds of the Federation's survival, which Bashir has
calculated with his genetically enhanced intelligence. According to the
doctor, their chances are only 32.7 percent. Garak dislikes the calm way
in which Bashir makes that grim statement. "You're not genetically
engineered, you're a Vulcan." "If I'm a Vulcan, then how do you explain
my boyish smile?" Bashir asks. Garak gives him a look. "Not so boyish
any more, Doctor."
Dax and Sisko are talking about where they'll be sent next when they're
joined by Martok and Worf. It's the first time Worf and Dax have seen
each other in five weeks, but almost the first full sentence out of
Worf's mouth is a complaint about her arrangements for the wedding.
However, they get that straightened out, to the relief of Martok, who
has been hearing about it for weeks. Finally the engaged couple go off
to "catch up on" things, before a somber Bashir enters with the news
that they've been ordered to report to Starbase 375 for reassignment.
And there is finally word about the 7th Fleet: only 14 ships out of 112
made it back. "We can't keep taking those kinds of losses, sir. Not if
we expect to win this." "Thank you, Doctor. That'll be all," replies
Sisko. As soon as Bashir leads Martok off to treat his injured arm,
Sisko slams down his raktajino cup, letting out his anger.
Back at Deep Space Nine, or Terok Nor, as Gul Dukat insists on calling
it, Dukat and his adjutant Damar enter the wardroom to find Weyoun in
conversation with Kira. Weyoun is pleased no end by the news Kira has
just given him, that Bajorans are returning to the station. Damar tells
Dukat he's doubled security patrols. "What's the matter, Dukat?" asks
Kira with mock sweetness. "Afraid we'll take the station away from you
again?" "You're welcome to try," sneers Damar.
Weyoun tries to smooth things over by telling Kira to feel free to bring
him any suggestions she might have. Kira has one for him immediately:
reinstating the station's Bajoran security force, and giving them back
their weapons. Dukat claims that the Cardassian and Dominion troops can
handle any trouble that arises; Kira points out that Weyoun had promised
the same arrangement that Bajor had with the Federation, equal
responsibility for security. However, Dukat is firm, and Weyoun suggests
diplomatically that they let the matter rest for now. He stops Kira as
she is about to leave, to ask her about Odo. "Is he aware that I'm doing
everything I can to strengthen the bond between the Dominion and the
Bajoran people?" "Why don't you ask him yourself?" Kira replies. Weyoun
backs down. "No, no. I wouldn't want to bother him. Good day, Major."
Once she's gone, and Damar has been dismissed, Weyoun turns the
discussion to the minefield, which has yet to be dismantled; every time
they destroy or deactivate a mine, its neighbor replicates a
replacement. Thus, the Dominion can't get its reinforcements through the
wormhole. "There's no need for panic," Dukat assures Weyoun. "We are
winning the war." "For the moment, yes," replies Weyoun. "But to defeat
the Federation, we're going to need reinforcements and new supplies of
Ketracel-white. Soon." "Weyoun, I said I will deal with the minefield,
and I will," replies Dukat.
Quark's is full of Cardassian soldiers, drinking and gambling while the
Jem'Hadar simply sit and observe, stone-faced, as Quark tries to entice
them with a game of Dabo or a complimentary holosuite hour. "Tough
crowd," he mutters at last, giving up. Meanwhile, Kira is telling Odo
about her meeting with Weyoun. She believes Dukat wants to eventually
reopen the labor camps. Though neither of them trust Weyoun, they're
grateful that at least he's keeping Dukat in line, and that the Vorta
apparently genuinely wants to honor the treaty with Bajor. When Kira
mentions that Weyoun seemed very concerned about what Odo thinks of him,
Odo says, "I try not to think of him." "He'd be hurt to hear you say
that," Kira replies. "I'll have to mention it to him."
They both have to smile at that thought. Kira admits that the only times
she can smile these days is when she's with Odo. "When I talk to you,
things don't seem as bad. When I think of Dukat in the captain's office,
the fact that the Federation seems to be losing this war, and we're
sitting here doing nothing -- " Odo reminds her that there's nothing
they can do right now except bide their time. "It's like Captain Sisko
said. Bajor must be kept out of the fighting." "And who am I to argue
with the Emissary?" Kira finishes.
Quark joins them, with a drink on the house for Kira. The Ferengi is
pleased with the crowd in his bar. "You know, I never expected to say
this, but as occupations go, this one's not so bad...Look around. Do you
see any ghetto fences dividing the Promenade? Or exhausted Bajoran slave
laborers, sprawled on the ground after a grueling day in the ore
processing center? Do you hear the cries of starving children? I don't.
Now don't get me wrong, I miss the Federation, too. All I'm saying is,
things could be a lot worse." After he goes, Odo tells Kira, "I hate to
say this, but he's right. The Dominion seems determined to prove that it
can be a friend to Bajor." "If it's such a good friend," replies Kira,
"why are there no Bajoran security officers on the station?"
The Defiant is at Starbase 375, where Sisko confers with Admiral Ross,
in an office which the Admiral unexpectedly says he hopes Sisko finds
satisfactory. Sisko exclaims that he had thought he was here for an
assignment briefing. "I'm afraid you're going to be here for a lot
longer than you think, Captain," Ross tells him. "As of right now,
you're no longer in command of the Defiant."
Sisko talks to Dax about it later. Ross didn't say why they've been
taken off the Defiant, but they'll be getting their new assignment soon;
the crew will at least be staying together. Since Sisko has a couple of
free hours, Dax suggests that it might be a good time to contact his
father. "You haven't spoken to him for months. And Jake is his
grandson." "How do I explain that I evacuated every Federation citizen
off Deep Space Nine, except his grandson?" Sisko wonders, torn. Dax
tells him he'll think of something.
"You did what?" Joseph Sisko demands, frightened and angry, when Sisko
finally gives him the news. Sisko tries to tell him it's not as bad as
it sounds, and that it was Jake's choice to stay behind. "I'll bring him
back, Dad. I promise." But it might be a while before he can do that; he
doesn't know where he'll be sent next. Joseph is not comforted by this,
or by his son's honest admission that the war isn't going well. "You
know, there's something I just don't understand. You're always telling
me that space is big. That it's an endless frontier, filled with
infinite wonders...Well, if that's the case, you would think it would be
more than enough room to allow people to leave each other alone." "It
just doesn't work that way," Sisko says sadly. "It should. But it
Jake, meanwhile, is not only fine, but boldly pestering Weyoun for an
interview, for the Federation News Service. Weyoun, however, refuses; he
has read Jake's previous articles, which he believes to be biased
against the Dominion. "You keep referring to us as the station's, quote,
occupying force, unquote...It has a negative connotation. All your
articles are filled with pejorative terminology, which is why I've been
forced to withhold their transmission." The dose of reality hits Jake
like a bucket of cold water. "What about freedom of the press?" "Please,
tell me you're not that naive," Weyoun says. If Jake wants his articles
to make it off the station, he will have to write a more "balanced"
perspective. "I won't write Dominion propaganda," Jake tells him. Weyoun
smiles. "I would never dream of asking you to. All I want is for you to
keep an open mind." Jake declares that his mind is open, so how about
the interview? Weyoun would rather wait to let Jake prove his newfound
lack of prejudice. "You keep writing; I'll keep reading."
Admiral Ross briefs Sisko, Dax and Bashir on the new mission. They are
to destroy what Starfleet Intelligence believes to be the Dominion's
main storage facility for Ketracel-white, without which the Jem'Hadar
will die. As for how they will be able to infiltrate Cardassian space
without the Defiant's cloaking device, Ross says they have something
better. He shows Sisko and company a Jem'Hadar warship -- the same one
that they captured last year (in "The Ship"). It has been restored to
working order. The next step is for Sisko and crew to learn how to
operate it.
Two weeks of training later, the crew is relatively ready for the
mission, and conducts a series of final checks. It's not a comfortable
ship; there are no chairs, no replicators, no viewscreen, and no
sickbay. Bashir has had to set up a makeshift sickbay in his quarters,
for lack of a better place. At last, however, they prepare for
departure, along with Garak, whose knowledge of Cardassian territory
might prove useful. With a somewhat shaky beginning, the ship gets
underway; Sisko wears one of the virtual headsets meant for the Vorta
and the Jem'Hadar First to use to see outside.
Dukat calls Kira to his office. The Gul has long been interested in her,
and now he wants to "venture beyond station business". Kira wants
nothing to do with him or his need for her to tell him how "happy" they
are to have him back. "I've got better things to do than to stand around
and help you play out one of your little fantasies." He blocks her path.
"You feel I've betrayed you." "Not just me," she retorts. "Everyone.
Even your own people." But in his mind, of course, Dukat's actions were
all perfectly justified. "Cardassia was on the edge of an abyss, Major.
The war with the Klingons left us a third-rate power. My people had lost
their way. I've made them strong again." Kira points out that he's sold
them to the Dominion, but Dukat believes that in return, Cardassia will
have the entire Alpha Quadrant. "I could make things very pleasant for
you here, Kira." "You could start by doing something about your breath,"
Kira replies, not giving an inch. Dukat smiles. "I'm a patient man. I
can wait."
Finally, she can't help but explode. "Wait for what? What do you think
is going to happen here, Dukat? That you're going to wear me down with
your charming personality? That I'm going to be swept off my feet by
that insincere smile? Are you really so deluded that you actually
believe that we're going to have some kind of intimate relationship?"
For reply, Dukat touches her cheek in a nauseatingly presumptuous
gesture. "We already do." Staring at him with pure hatred, Kira slaps
his hand away and storms out.
The virtual headset has given Sisko a headache; it wasn't designed to be
worn by a human. Since they saw Dukat wearing one during the attack on
DS9, Garak suggests that perhaps Cardassian physiology is more
compatible. Therefore, he could wear one too, to relieve Sisko from
doing so continually. It sounds good to both Sisko and Bashir, so Garak
dons the other headset, just before Nog announces the approach of a
Federation starship, the USS Centaur. Sisko barely has time to recognize
the name, and that it's captained by an acquaintance of his named
Charlie Reynolds, before the Centaur opens fire.
They can't open a channel, with the com system taken out. But they don't
want to return fire, either. So they run, hoping the Centaur won't
pursue them into Dominion territory. However, the Centaur does just
that, firing all the way and damaging one of the Jem'Hadar ship's
guidance thrusters. Finally Sisko has no choice but to turn and fight,
though he targets the Centaur's weapons array only, not wanting to
strand Reynolds on the wrong side of the border. The Centaur at last
breaks off and goes to warp, headed back to Federation space. In a
moment, Sisko's crew learns why: three Jem'Hadar ships are headed their
way. They streak past in pursuit of the Centaur. There's nothing Sisko
and company can do to help; they can only hope that the Centaur will
make it back. Sisko orders a return to course.
Kira tells Odo in his office about her unpleasant meeting with Dukat,
who she notes is convinced he's already won. Odo says that for the time
being, Dukat has indeed won. "Look at me. I don't know why I bother to
sit here every day. I don't even have a security force to patrol the
Promenade." "Then ask for one," Kira says suddenly. "Demand that they
reinstate your Bajoran deputies." She suggests that Odo bypass Dukat and
ask Weyoun directly. "As far as he's concerned, you are a god. And that
gives you power. But what good is power if you're not willing to use
After Weyoun has given the Jem'Hadar their white, Dukat comments on the
power play involved. Then Damar shows Odo in. Weyoun immediately turns
subservient as Odo presents his demand, for his Bajoran security
officers to be reinstated and put back in charge of security on the
Promenade. Weyoun immediately agrees, over Dukat's objections; Odo says
he'll have his officers report to the armory. He starts to go, but
Weyoun's voice stops him. "Now that I've done something for you, perhaps
there's something you'd consent to do for me."
When Odo confers with Kira again later, she is dubious about his news:
he has agreed to become a member of the station's ruling council,
alongside Dukat and Weyoun. Odo will now have a voice in station policy.
But Kira thinks Weyoun is using him to validate the Dominion's control
of the station. "I thought we were using him," Odo tells her. "I know
the danger, Major. I've had to walk this line before, during the
Cardassian Occupation. I can do it again. But this time I won't be
alone. I'll have you to help me." "That's right, you will," Kira finally
says, taking his hand in affirmation of their friendship. Odo smiles.
"Then this is a victory after all." "I suppose it is," she says. "But
for some reason, it just doesn't feel like one."
Sisko and crew arrive at a small asteroid, home to the Ketracel-white
storage facility, and get in line as the facility dispenses the needed
enzyme. The asteroid is surrounded by a security net, which must be
momentarily deactivated and reactivated to allow each ship to be
resupplied. O'Brien has 84 canisters ready to be beamed down, one of
them containing 90 isotons of enriched ultritium, which should be enough
to take out the entire facility and anything else within 800 kilometers.
After the ship ahead of them leaves, Garak handles the routine of
requesting 84 full canisters of white, and all seems to be going
smoothly. Sisko tells O'Brien to set the detonator for three minutes.
That's cutting things close, but it means the Jem'Hadar won't have time
to detect the explosive before it goes off. They beam down their
canisters, including the one with the explosives, and receive full ones
from the facility. Garak acknowledges receipt and requests clearance for
departure. But suddenly the security net is raised; the facility doesn't
respond to their repeated request for clearance. There are only one
minute and 30 seconds to detonation. It's unlikely the facility has
found the bomb this quickly, but no one knows why they're not being let
go. The facility simply tells them to stand by; for what, they don't
It will take a couple of minutes to punch through the net, time they
don't have. Sisko thinks fast. The net will go down when its power
generator is destroyed. If they're moving fast enough at the moment of
detonation, they can avoid getting caught in the explosion. Bashir beats
Dax's computer in figuring out the timing. Dax sets the computer to
pilot them. But with a little less than 22 seconds to go, the bomb
suddenly goes off early.
Dax hurriedly takes back helm control to get them out of there. The ship
scoots away from the blast, its tail nearly engulfed before it can
escape. But they manage to get out of the radius of destruction, the
facility now a smoking cinder behind them. They're alive. However, now
they have other problems. They're on auxiliary life support, deflectors
are down, the guidance system is shot, and worst of all, they've lost
the warp drive. "Forgive my ignorance," says Garak, fearing the answer,
"but if we don't have warp drive, how long is it going to take us to
reach the closest Federation starbase?" "A long time, Mister Garak,"
Sisko says resignedly. The Cardassian asks how long. Everyone looks to
Bashir, who grimly announces, "Seventeen years, two months, and three
days -- give or take an hour."