Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
At Quark's, Rom looks longingly across the bar at Leeta as she presides
over another game of Dabo. He tells his brother that today's the day.
When Leeta goes on her break and comes over to say hi, he'll ask her
out. But when Quark gives him a dry run, Rom loses his nerve and fumbles
his way through his request. He claims he can do better. However, when
Leeta comes over on schedule, says hi to Rom, and waits expectantly, all
Rom can say is, "Hello, Leeta...'Bye." He flees. Leeta is disappointed.
"I must be doing something wrong." Quark suggests (lying through his
teeth) that Rom may not be interested in her.
Over in the corner, Bashir and O'Brien are playing darts; O'Brien is
winning. The conversation turns toward having children, and O'Brien
suggests that Bashir should give it a try someday. "I'm not exactly the
family type," Bashir demurs. Just then a voice behind them says, "Doctor
Bashir, I presume?" They turn to see a man in a Starfleet engineering
uniform standing there. "That's me," Bashir says. The man looks at him.
"I'm Louis Zimmerman, Director of Holographic Imaging and Programming at
the Jupiter Research Station. And I'm here to make you immortal."
Zimmerman (who has a certain arrogant attitude) explains to Sisko why
he's here, with Bashir standing nearby. He is the creator of the
Emergency Medical Hologram, designed to supplement doctors during
emergencies. (DS9 has no EMH due to incompatible Cardassian equipment.)
Now Starfleet has assigned Zimmerman to create a program designed to
actually operate as a full-time doctor in places where life support or
living space is at a premium and the mission does not require the doctor
to leave sickbay. And Bashir has been selected to provide the living
template for this Longterm Medical Hologram.
"It is quite a feather in my cap," Bashir admits, obviously not knowing
whether to be flattered or embarrassed. "It is nothing less than a shot
at immortality," declares Zimmerman, who begins reeling off his
requirements. Sisko assures him they'll be taken care of, and
congratulates Bashir. "I know I speak for everyone on the station when I
say we're really very proud of you."
O'Brien rigs up some holo-projectors in the infirmary as Bashir fills
out a long and extremely detailed questionnaire. Zimmerman explains that
the LMH has to be able to interact naturally with the patients, and
therefore, he needs to know all of Bashir's personal likes and dislikes,
down to his eating preferences at various ages during his childhood.
"Think of it, Julian," O'Brien puts in. "If this things works, you'll be
able to irritate hundreds of people you've never even met." Zimmerman
asks them to suspend their banter so he can begin optical parameter
scans. "Just stand there and look like a doctor...if you can."
That night, Bashir and Zimmerman look down at Leeta as she's running her
Dabo table. Zimmerman is fascinated, and even more so when Bashir tells
him she's his ex-girlfriend. Just then, Leeta looks up at Zimmerman and
smiles. His heart going pitter-pat, Zimmerman says he'll have to add her
name to the list of interviews. He tells Bashir that he'll be conducting
in-depth interviews with Bashir's friends, colleagues, and family
members in order to build a rounded psychological profile for the LMH.
Bashir tries to hide his sudden concern. "I wonder if you'd do me a
favor and consider not interviewing my parents." When Zimmerman,
surprised by the odd request, asks why, Bashir explains, "To be blunt,
um, we're not close. We haven't been for many years. And I would
consider it a personal favor if you would sort of leave my parents out
of it." Zimmerman assures him that he understands. But when Bashir
leaves, the engineer promptly makes an entry on his PADD. "Note: Contact
subject's parents immediately."
Later, Zimmerman activates his first version of the Bashir-model LMH,
which Bashir inspects. He thinks it looks about right except for the
eyes; they lack "that zest for life that greets me in the mirror every
morning." "This is a test run. I can assure you that the final product
will be 'zesty'," Zimmerman tells him dryly. He activates his EMH (modeled
on himself, with a very similar personality) in order to load in the
basic database and software of the original program. The EMH is a little
concerned by the prospect of being replaced, especially by the
holo-Bashir. "He doesn't even look old enough to be a doctor." The
proto-LMH speaks up. "If you'd like my advice, you should delete this
program. Now that I'm here, why would you need an archaic piece of
software like him?"
The holographic repartee ends when Zimmerman deactivates the EMH. The
next job is to build a new set of algorithms based on Bashir's
"scintillating personality" as Zimmerman sarcastically puts it. "I hope
you're more interesting than you seem," the holo-Bashir tells his
original. "I'd hate to be boring." "There may be no preventing that,"
Zimmerman says. "But we'll see what his friends have to say."
The interviews begin, with Zimmerman asking Bashir's colleagues and
friends questions about their impressions of their chief medical
officer. One by one, they all speak of Bashir's youthful eagerness and
ambition, his occasional tendency to run off at the mouth, his early
pursuit of Dax. O'Brien praises him quite warmly (after being assured
that Bashir won't read the interview). Morn is included, but can't seem
to think of anything to say. When Zimmerman comes to Leeta, however, he
concludes by asking her to dinner.
Rom happens to see them eating and talking that night at Quark's, and
can't resist tuning his hearing to eavesdrop on what they're saying.
There's a definite flirtatious tension going on at that table. Dismayed,
Rom heads up to the table and asks to speak with Leeta. "It's very
important." Leeta excuses herself to step aside with him. She waits for
Rom's message with eagerness that goes over Rom's head as the Ferengi
loses his courage. "I want to ask you if...I want to...I...uh...I wanted
to ask...if tomorrow morning would be a good time for me to fix your
replicator." Disappointed again, Leeta says that would be fine, and goes
back to the table, not seeing Rom's dejected expression.
Bashir is in Sisko's office when Dax comes in, smiling. "I'm sorry to
interrupt, sir, but there are a couple of visitors here looking for
Julian. And I thought he might want to see them right away." She waves
in a middle-aged human couple who smile happily at Bashir; Bashir looks
shocked. "Oh, my God." "Hello, Jules," the woman says. Slowly, as if
trapped in a bad dream, Bashir introduces them to Sisko. They are
Richard and Amsha Bashir, his parents.
As Sisko and Dax chat with them, plainly tickled to meet Bashir's
parents, the only one who doesn't seem thrilled is Bashir. Richard says
that right now he's involved in landscape architecture. "I love the idea
of working on projects that thousands of people will enjoy long after
I'm gone. They're my legacy, my gift to succeeding generations. Aside
from Jules here, of course." Bashir's level of tension only rises as
they talk about him. His mother, a bit more sensitive to his mood,
finally suggests that they save it for another time. Bashir is not
pleased to learn that they came here in response to an "urgent" request
from Zimmerman. He can't get them out of the room fast enough.
Bashir goes down to the infirmary to confront Zimmerman, who is
unapologetic. "Like it or not, they're an important part of your
background, and I need to interview them." Bashir fumes, but can do
nothing about it.
Leeta is wrapped in a towel, having just showered, when she answers the
door to find Zimmerman there, holding a bouquet. As she's changing in
the other room, he tells her that the manager of the cafe at Jupiter
station is quitting, and they need a new person. He has already spoken
with the commanding officer; the job is Leeta's if she wants it. Leeta
is so surprised that she steps back into her living room for a moment,
naked. Zimmerman has a hard time keeping his composure.
Finally dressed, Leeta is overwhelmed by the offer. She's never run a
business, barely knows how to tend bar, and doesn't know anyone there.
Zimmerman suggests that she could stay with him. "Given time, you might
begin to feel more. Just as I do. Besides, you said you liked cerebral
men, and at the risk of sounding immodest, I have a towering intellect.
Come with me, Leeta. Please. I promise you won't regret it. I know I
won't." He graciously tells her to take all the time she needs to think
about it.
Bashir, of course, is obligated to have dinner with his parents. It's a
very tense meal, with Amsha trying to ease the strain a bit, but not
having much success as Bashir reminds his father how he was terminated
from a previous job as steward on a passenger transport, and Richard
recalls with a slight edge how Julian chose "frontier medicine" over
research on Earth. Amsha changes the subject, asking about the
interviews. Bashir tells her that Zimmerman is building a complete
psychological profile of him. "He's going to be asking you all sorts of
questions. Try to keep your answers as brief and to the point as you
can. You don't want to give him any openings to probe into any awkward
areas...Try not to take this too lightly. He's going to be asking
detailed questions about my childhood, and if you're not careful -- "
Richard's temper flares at the suggestion that they're "going to slip
up, say the wrong thing, get us all in trouble." "Look, I've got a lot
at stake here," Bashir retorts. "My whole career could be destroyed if
Zimmerman gets wind of our little secret." His father doesn't take
kindly to that. He and Amsha could go to prison. Bashir retorts that
that's why he wants them to take this seriously. "Oh, so now we're not
taking it seriously," Richard exclaims. "We're not as bright as he is.
We don't have your gifted intellect, so we can't see the perfectly
That's it for Bashir. He gets up. "This is exactly why I haven't been
home in three years." He leaves the quarters, his father's accusation
that he can't stand being in the same room with them ringing in his
ears. Alone in the corridor, Bashir slumps down against the wall, his
head in his hands.
Leeta gives Rom the news about the job offer, and that she hasn't made
up her mind yet. It's another opportunity for Rom to say what's in his
heart, but he can't. "If I had a reason to stay, I'd stay," Leeta hints.
"Do I have a reason to stay?" Rom struggles with it. "I...I don't know,"
he says at last. Leeta takes it the wrong way. "Is that all you can
say?...Thanks, Rom, you've been a big help." Rom sadly watches her go.
"You're welcome," he says to himself, heartbroken.
Bashir is standing in the middle of the surgery when his parents come
in. Amsha tells him that his father has something he wants to say. "It's
a stressful time for all of us," Richard begins, "and maybe I said some
things I shouldn't have." For some reason, Bashir seems confused, but
his parents press on. They would never do anything to jeopardize his
career. "I give you my word," Richard continues, "that at no time in our
interview with Dr. Zimmerman will we ever mention or even hint at the
fact that you were genetically enhanced as a child."
"Jules, you can trust us," Amsha adds. "Your father and I have kept the
secret of your DNA resequencing for almost twenty-five years, and we're
not going to let it out now." Richard puts in, "But I would just add
that, despite what the authorities would like us to believe, genetic
engineering is nothing to be ashamed of. You're not any less human than
anyone else. In fact, you're a little more." Amsha pleads for them all
to just try to get through this. Bashir just looks at them and says,
"All right." After they leave, O'Brien and Zimmerman enter from the
adjacent room with shocked looks on their faces. "Who were those
people?" the holo-Bashir asks.
The first reaction of the real Bashir when O'Brien tells him what
happened is anger, that they "set up" his parents to make fools of
themselves. O'Brien protests that they just walked in while the program
was running, and Zimmerman thought it would be a good test. "Look, I'm
sorry about this. I wish it had never happened, but it has, and now
we've got a problem...Julian, Zimmerman's going to file a report saying
that Dr. Bashir is unsuitable for computer modeling because of his
suspected genetically enhanced background. Do you know what's going to
happen when that report gets back to Starfleet Medical?" That stops
Bashir cold in his tracks. He knows very well what will happen. "There's
going to be a formal investigation, which will lead to my eventual
dismissal from the service."
O'Brien stares at him. "Then it's true? You're -- " "The word you're
looking for," Bashir says calmly, "is 'unnatural', meaning 'not from
nature.' 'Freak' or 'monster' would also be acceptable." He sits down
heavily and begins telling O'Brien a story he has never told anyone.
When he was six, he was small for his age, awkward, and lagging far
behind the other children in school. "I didn't really understand what
was happening. I knew that I wasn't doing as well as my classmates.
There were so many concepts that they took for granted I couldn't begin
to master. And I didn't know why. All I knew was that I was a great
disappointment to my parents."
So, just before he turned seven, his parents took him to Adigeon Prime,
where he was given a series of treatments over a two-month period. "And
my entire world began to change." Bashir explains that his I.Q. hand-eye
coordination, vision, stamina, reflexes, height, and weight were all
artificially improved by a technique called accelerated critical neural
pathway formation. "In the end, everything but my name was altered in
some way." Finally, he returned with his parents to Earth, where he was
enrolled in a new school using falsified records, and where he became
the star pupil. "There's no stigma attached to success, Chief," Bashir
says with a bitter smile. "After the treatments, I never looked back.
But the truth is, I'm a fraud."
"You're not a fraud," O'Brien tells him stoutly. "I don't care how many
enhancements your parents had done. Genetic recoding can't give you
ambition or a personality or compassion or any of the things that make a
person truly human." But Bashir points out that Starfleet Medical won't
see it that way. What his parents did was illegal, and any genetically
enhanced human is barred from serving in Starfleet or practicing
medicine. "Once the truth comes out, I'll be cashiered from the service.
It's that simple." The only thing Bashir can see to do now is to resign,
before Zimmerman files his report. "It's over, Miles. I always knew this
could happen. Now it has."
Rom sits miserably in Quark's, nursing a drink. "I should have told her
how I felt." Quark says it's a good thing he didn't. He reminds Rom of
Nog's mother, Prinadora, and the story of how Rom signed a standard
five-year marriage contract with her father, but then fell in love with
her and wanted to extend it. Prinadora's father used the extension to
swindle Rom out of all his money. As for Prinadora, she left him and Nog
behind for a richer man. "Leeta is not Prinadora," Rom exclaims. To
Quark, there's no difference. "She's a female, Rom. And the one constant
in the universe is, females are trouble." He offers Rom the use of a
sexual holosuite program to take his mind off his problems.
After Bashir tells his parents that their cover has been blown, Richard
makes plans for a legal fight, but Bashir says he doesn't want to drag
this through the courts. His father insists that they come up with a new
plan. "Yes, let's come up with a new plan!" Bashir says. "That's the way
we do things in this family, isn't it? We don't face our problems, we
come up with new plans. Don't like your job? Move on to the next one.
Don't like the law? Find a way to get around it. But whatever you do, do
not accept responsibility!" Richard accuses him of acting like a spoiled
child. "You better grow up right now or you're going to lose
"You mean you're going to lose everything," Bashir retorts coldly.
"You're going to lose your only real accomplishment in this life: me.
You said before -- I'm your legacy, your proud gift to the world. Well,
Father, your gift is about to be revealed as a fraud, just like
you...You used to be my father. Now you're my architect. The man who
designed a better son to replace the defective one he was given. Well,
your design has a built-in flaw -- it's illegal." Richard lashes back
that it's easy for him to judge them, but what they did was save him
from a lifetime of underachievement. Bashir protests that he was six
years old, and they didn't give him a chance to improve on his own.
"Jules Bashir died in that hospital because you couldn't live with the
shame of having a son who didn't measure up!"
Amsha defends herself and her husband. "That's not true! We were never
ashamed of you! Never!" She says he doesn't know what it was like for
them, or how they used to worry that his learning problems might be
their fault in some way. "You can condemn us for what we did, you can
say it's illegal or immoral, or whatever you want to say. But you have
to understand that we didn't do it because we were ashamed, but because
you were our son and we loved you." Seeing the genuine emotion in her
eyes, Bashir relents, realizing that he's misjudged them for years about
their reasons for doing what they did. He embraces his mother. "What do
you want us to do?" she asks. Bashir tells them, "Nothing. I'm going to
visit Captain Sisko in the morning. I'll explain the situation to him,
and tender my Starfleet resignation...I just want to leave the station
However, when Bashir enters Sisko's office the next morning, he is
surprised to find both his parents there, along with the image of Rear
Admiral Bennett (courtesy of the holo-communicator). Sisko explains that
Bashir's parents came to him and told him everything, and he contacted
Admiral Bennett. Bennett adds that they have just now reached an
agreement, one that will let Bashir retain his commission and practice
medicine. "I'm going to prison," Richard tells his son. He will serve
two years in a minimum security penal colony in New Zealand. Bashir is
thunderstruck at first, but Bennett tells him it was his father's own
Bashir's instinct is to protest, but his father interrupts him. "This is
my decision. I'm the one who took you to Adigeon Prime, and I'm the one
who should take responsibility for it." Bashir has to concede, though he
wonders if two years isn't a bit harsh. "I don't think so," says
Bennett. "Two hundred years ago, we tried to 'improve' the species
through DNA resequencing, and what did we get for our trouble? The
Eugenics Wars. For every Julian Bashir that can be created, there's a
Khan Singh waiting in the wings -- a 'superhuman' whose ambition and
thirst for power have been enhanced along with his intellect. The law
against genetic engineering provides a firewall against such men, and
it's my job to keep that firewall intact." Richard will report to
Bennett's office when he arrives back on Earth. And Sisko gives Bashir
some time to be alone with his parents and to absorb events.
Later, Bashir escorts his parents to the airlock and says a heartfelt
goodbye to them. He even offers to come and visit Richard at the penal
colony. Perhaps even more importantly, he hugs and thanks his father,
who smiles and says philosophically that at least now he'll have time to
work on his architecture.
Leeta and Zimmerman are about to board the same transport as the Bashirs
when they're stopped by a strange sound down the corridor, getting
skids to a stop beside them. "Wait!...Leeta. Don't go." "Why not?" asks
Leeta. Rom finally says it. "Because I love you. And I want you to
For answer, Leeta drops her bag. It's what she's been wanting to hear.
"I love you too, Rom." And she gives him a long, deep kiss, before
looking up at Zimmerman. "Oh, Doctor, I'm sorry." Zimmerman smiles and
tries to play the gracious loser. "No. Don't be. True love should always
win. I'm happy for you. Really." Leeta attempts to make him feel better
by telling him there's someone out there for him. "I don't think so,"
says Zimmerman. "Perhaps I'm better suited to a life of solitary
research -- " Just then a beautiful alien woman passes him, boarding the
transport. Zimmerman perks up and follows her. Leeta and Rom barely even
Bashir and O'Brien are back playing darts, and the doctor is losing.
Suddenly a thought hits O'Brien. "You haven't been letting me win, have
you?...You said your hand-eye coordination had been genetically
enhanced." "Well, maybe I have been letting you win, a little bit,"
Bashir confesses. O'Brien is insulted. He tells Bashir to "really play".
In response, Bashir quickly throws three darts, which all end up in the
bullseye. O'Brien looks at them, then at Bashir. He makes a decision,
and firmly steers Bashir to the back of the darts area. "All right. From
now on, you play from over here. I'll play from up here. If that doesn't
work -- we'll try a blindfold."