Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
Continuing from "In
Purgatory's Shadow"...
The Defiant undocks from the station, with Kira in command and Dax at
helm. It's joined by two runabouts and Dukat's Klingon bird-of-prey -- a
pitiably small defense force against the masses of Dominion ships that
have just come through the wormhole and are hanging nearby. A few more
moments of tension -- and then suddenly the Dominion ships simply turn
away and leave. Their heading is straight for Cardassia.
Unexpectedly, Dukat's ship breaks formation and follows them. Kira hails
him to tell him not to be a hero. "Your concern is touching, Major,"
Dukat replies. "But I think you misunderstand me. I'm not attacking the
Dominion fleet. I'm joining it." He explains that he has a confession to
make: he has been negotiating with the Dominion over the last few
months. "And as of last week, Cardassia has agreed to become part of the
Dominion." "You can't be serious," Kira says in disbelief. But it's all
too true. "Goodbye, Major," Dukat tells her with a smile. "You and I on
the same side. It never seemed quite right, did it?" With that, his ship
warps away.
In Internment Camp 371, the female Romulan prisoner keeps watch at the
door as Martok and Bashir show Worf and Garak where Tain's transmitter
is, in a crawlspace accessed by popping open a panel in the wall. Worf
proposes that they change the coordinates and message to contact the
runabout and have it beam them off. It will take someone with Garak's
expertise. "If you can't do it, nobody can," Bashir tells Garak, who
looks into the hole and tries not to let his lack of enthusiasm show.
"It's nice to feel needed." Just then a com voice announces that all
prisoners are to assemble immediately.
Deyos, the Vorta in charge of the camp, surveys the prisoners, and tells
the Cardassians among them to step forward. "I am pleased to announce
that hostilities between our peoples have ended. As of today, Cardassia
has joined the Dominion. Therefore, you are all being sent home.
Congratulations on your new status as Dominion citizens." Garak,
surprised, makes eye contact with Bashir. This could be an opportunity.
But as Garak starts to leave with the others, Deyos stops him and tells
him he's staying. Garak is confused. "The last time I checked, I was a
Cardassian." "But not a very popular one, I'm afraid," Deyos replies.
"At least not with the head of the new Cardassian government." Garak
asks who that is. "Gul Dukat," Deyos tells him.
Dukat makes a speech which is broadcast all over Cardassia and subspace.
He proclaims that the Dominion recognizes them as the true leaders of
the Alpha Quadrant, and that the only ones with anything to fear are the
enemies of Cardassia and the Dominion. Within five days, Dukat
continues, the Klingons in Cardassian territory will be dead or driven
out, and the same goes for the Maquis. "Cardassia will be made whole.
All that we have lost will be ours again. And anyone who stands in our
way will be destroyed."
"Somebody tell me this is a bad dream," says Dax, watching with the
other DS9 officers on a monitor. Kira says she has a vow to make too.
"The next time I see Dukat, I'm going to kill him." Sisko brings the
meeting to more immediate matters: namely, who sabotaged the graviton
emitters. O'Brien notes that the beam had the opposite effect from what
was intended: the wormhole's spatial matrix is more stable than ever,
and there is no way they can collapse the entrance now. The Dominion can
send ships through at will.
The Bashir Changeling suggests that it's time for blood screenings.
"Obviously we have a Changeling infiltrator on the station." Kira
mentions that Odo has told her a Bajoran maintenance engineer has been
missing since the fleet arrived. Sisko orders blood screenings and
phaser sweeps. The Changeling in their midst doesn't bat an eye at this.
Garak has begun work, and has been in the wall for an hour. He tells
Bashir this would make a perfect interrogation chamber. Bashir and the
others quickly put the panel back on the wall when the female Romulan
indicates company coming. Ikat'ika and a couple of guards enter. "It's
time," the First tells Worf, who replies that he's ready. He and Martok
follow the Jem'Hadar out. Bashir starts to open the wall again, but is
stopped by the female Romulan -- there's a Jem'Hadar standing nearby
outside, too close for comfort.
Worf is led to the fighting ring, with Martok giving him a few words of
advice. Whenever Worf falls, he has to touch one of the posts or forfeit
the match. Ikat'ika orders his men to observe and analyze the fight.
"Soon, we will face his people in combat. The lessons you learn here
will ensure victory. Victory is life." The fight begins.
Finally, the Jem'Hadar outside the barracks moves away for a closer look
at the fight, and the female Romulan signals that it's clear. Instantly,
Bashir opens the wall back up and helps a shaky, sweating Garak out.
"That was thoroughly unpleasant," the Cardassian says, but claims he's
fine, just a bit lightheaded. Bashir examines him and tells him perhaps
he should wait until tomorrow. However, Garak wants to get back to work
so they can get off this rock. Bashir decides to simply let him rest for
five minutes, and take a break every hour from now on.
Worf wins his first match. "Was that the best you have to offer?" "He
was our youngest and least experienced," Ikat'ika tells him. "I promise
your next opponent will provide more of a challenge."
On DS9, Ziyal is staring out one of the Promenade windows. "I keep
hoping that the wormhole will open," she admits to Kira. "That Garak's
runabout will come through and everything will be all right again...My
father says Garak's dead." "Right now I wouldn't believe your father if
he said rain was wet," Kira tells her frankly. Ziyal is in a thoughtful
mood. "I used to think my father was a hero. That even when he did
something bad, he had a good reason." "Everyone has their reasons," Kira
says. "That's what's so frightening. People can find a way to justify
any action, no matter how evil." "You think my father is evil?" Ziyal
asks, having a hard time believing it. Kira looks at her with sympathy.
"I think you can't judge people by what they think or say. Only by what
they do." Ziyal has to accept that.
Chancellor Gowron's flagship, the Negh'Var, arrives at DS9, requesting
permission to dock with their wounded. "I have a feeling the Klingons'
war against the Cardassians has taken a turn for the worse," Sisko
notes. He meets a somber Gowron as the Chancellor is being treated in
the infirmary for a burned hand. "This is a dark day, not only for the
Klingon Empire, but for the Alpha Quadrant itself," Gowron says. Sisko,
never one to miss an opportunity, asks what they're going to do about
it; Gowron answers that the Empire will pull out of Cardassian space,
fortify their own and prepare to fight to the death. "Maybe there's a
better way," Sisko tells him, holding out a PADD containing the Khitomer
Gowron is dubious. "The treaty between the Federation and the Klingon
Empire is dead." "But we can bring it back to life again," Sisko
replies. If Gowron will bring his fleet here to join the Starfleet task
force that will be arriving... "Then we could stand united against the
Dominion," Gowron finishes, seeing the sense of it. He presses his thumb
to the PADD, agreeing to the reinstatement of the treaty. "Think of it,"
he tells Sisko. "Five years ago, no one had ever heard of Bajor or Deep
Space Nine. And now all our hopes rest here. Where the tides of fortune
take us, no man can know." "They're tricky, those tides," Sisko says.
The Bashir Changeling watches all this impassively. Then he goes to a
runabout, opens a panel, and starts to work.
Worf defeats yet another Jem'Hadar. "Five matches, and five victories,"
Martok exults. "You truly have the spirit of Kahless within you."
Ikat'ika promises more tomorrow. Back in the barracks, Bashir examines
Worf and finds three or four broken ribs. "A body, even a Klingon body,
can only take so much punishment." Worf insists that he will keep
fighting, and Martok supports him, saying it is the only "honorable"
thing to do.
Garak continues his work inside the wall, talking to himself as his
light source flickers. "Get a hold of yourself, Garak," he scolds.
"After all, you haven't had one of these attacks in years. Yes, this is
a tight, enclosed space. Yes, there's not a lot of room to move. But a
disciplined mind does not allow itself to be sidetracked by niggling
psychological disorders like claustrophobia." He goes on in an effort to
convince himself to keep working. "Focus on the job. You're the only
person who can contact the runabout. People are depending on you. Ziyal
is depending on you. You promised her you'd come back. And that young
lady has had quite enough disappointments in her life without you adding
to them. So control yourself. You're stronger than this."
The light goes out on him. Panicked, Garak starts pounding on the wall.
The others hurriedly open it up, and Bashir calls to him but gets no
answer. He finally crawls in to drag Garak out, where the Cardassian
lies on a bed, nearly catatonic. Unfortunately, as Bashir notes to Worf
and Martok, despite Garak's claustrophobia, there is simply no one else
who can reconfigure the transmitter.
The Klingon fleet has arrived at DS9; the Starfleet task force is still
on its way. Kira reports that Odo has found that the security blocks on
the industrial replicator were overridden, but the saboteur was not
caught, nor do they know what he replicated. Sisko orders security
details to pull double shifts, with help from Gowron's troops. "Klingons
helping to protect Deep Space Nine. What an interesting concept," Kira
comments, to which Sisko replies, "These are interesting times, Major."
A message comes in from Dukat. Sisko goes into his office to converse
with the new head of the Cardassian government, a government which Sisko
says he doesn't recognize. Dukat tells him that he feels obliged toward
Sisko for saving his life, and in return, "I'm going to return the favor
and give you a chance to save your precious Federation. All you have to
do is convince them to follow Cardassia's example." Sisko gives this
notion the consideration it deserves. Dukat says, "I'm afraid you'll
like the alternative even less...A few days ago, I swore all Cardassia
lost would be regained. That space station you're so fond of was built
by Cardassia...Either surrender the station, or I'll take it by force.
The choice is yours." Sisko simply looks at him defiantly. "If you want
to retake this station, Dukat, you are welcome to try."
Martok brings a battered and exhausted Worf back to the barracks after
another round of combat. The general is very impressed with Worf, and
plans aloud to have a song made about him. "Right now, the only part of
the song that I wish to hear is the verse that tells of our escape,"
Worf grunts. Bashir notes that they'll have to come up with a new plan.
"That won't be necessary," says Garak, getting up, shaky but determined.
"The original one will work. I just have to finish what I started. After
all, a verse about the Cardassian who panicked in the face of danger
would ruin General Martok's song." He crawls back into the wall. Even
the two Klingons have to admire his bravery in doing so.
Quark is more than a little glum at the prospect of the Dominion perhaps
taking the station over. "The Jem'Hadar don't eat, don't drink, and they
don't have sex," he tells Ziyal. "And if that wasn't bad enough, the
Founders don't eat, don't drink, and they don't have sex either. Which,
between you and me, makes my financial future less than promising."
Ziyal tries to cheer him up. "It might not be so bad. For all we know,
the Vorta could be gluttonous, alcoholic sex maniacs." Quark goes away
contemplating what their favorite food might be. Meanwhile, the
Starfleet task force enters Bajoran space.
Worf stands with Martok at the fighting ring, ready for another combat.
Deyos remarks to Ikat'ika that the Klingon's thirst for battle is
fascinating. "You fight because that is what you were designed to do.
All that motivates him is some barbaric sense of honor." "And that is
something you will never understand," Ikat'ika replies shortly. He tells
Worf he has found him a worthy opponent: himself. The battle is joined.
Worf is getting the worst of it as Garak goes on working in the wall.
The female Romulan alerts Bashir that Jem'Hadar are coming to their
barracks. There's no time to get Garak out. Three Jem'Hadar enter, their
leader demanding to know where Garak is. Bashir says he's outside. This
earns him a rifle butt to the head. The Jem'Hadar begin searching the
room. Garak hears what's going on, and stays perfectly still. Bashir
asks what they want with Garak; the officer says, "He is to be put to
death." One of his subordinates finds the metal tool that the prisoners
have been using to open the wall. "If you wish to live, explain this,"
the officer tells Bashir.
The massed fleets are getting into position at DS9; Sisko orders the
runabouts and the Defiant deployed as well. Kira once more takes command
of the Defiant, with Dax at helm. But one of the runabouts (the Yukon)
is manned only by the Bashir Changeling, its crew dead on the floor.
Meanwhile, Sisko is amazed and pleased when a Romulan force arrives and
asks to join the fleet. Kira calls to report Dominion and Cardassian
ships entering Bajoran space, their ETA in 10 minutes.
Bashir keeps his cool. "It's either a self-sealing stem bolt or a
reverse ratcheting router. I'm just not sure." The Jem'Hadar officer
disintegrates the male Romulan and threatens to do the same to the
female. Then one of the others takes the tool and starts to open the
panel. Inside, Garak is working frantically.
Worf is still fighting, but barely able to stand. When he falls, Martok
urges him to stay down; honor has been satisfied. However, Worf
struggles up and touches a post, resuming the fight. Deyos tells
Ikat'ika to finish it.
As the Jem'Hadar soldier opens up the panel, his fellows are distracted
from the prisoners. Suddenly the Breen, who up until now has been
utterly unmoving and silent, grabs the officer's sidearm and vaporizes
him with it. The other prisoners make short work of the remaining
Jem'Hadar, though the Breen is disintegrated. "My people have a saying,"
the female Romulan tells Bashir. "Never turn your back on a Breen."
Bashir asks Garak how many circuits are left; the answer is three.
"Well, work fast," the doctor advises. "Because pretty soon we're going
to be up to our necks in Jem'Hadar."
Thrown to the ground, Worf drags himself to a post. "Enough, Klingon,"
says Ikat'ika. "You have proven your worth." Worf ignores him, despite
Martok's urging. He touches the post, slowly gets to his feet, and
swings weakly at Ikat'ika, who steps back but doesn't retaliate. Deyos
asks what he's waiting for. "It's over," declares Ikat'ika, over Worf's
objection, and the Vorta's. The Jem'Hadar does something entirely
unexpected. "I yield," he declares, to the Vorta's astonished outrage.
"I yield," Ikat'ika repeats. "I cannot defeat this Klingon. All I can do
is kill him. And that no longer holds my interest." "Shoot them both,"
Deyos tells another Jem'Hadar, who raises his weapon.
In the wall, Garak flicks a switch. Worf and Martok dematerialize just
as the Jem'Hadar fires. They arrive on the runabout, as do Bashir, Garak,
and the female Romulan. Garak begins piloting; Worf is led to the back.
"You did well," he tells Garak, who replies, "So did you."
At DS9, the officers look out in confusion. The Dominion fleet should be
here by now, but they see nothing. O'Brien and the Defiant read their
warp signatures; however, there's nothing to lock onto. As O'Brien tries
to get them some targets, he receives a priority one message from the
Gamma Quadrant. It's Dr. Bashir. Sisko has the computer locate the
doctor; the computer says he's not on the station, and his last known
location was runabout pad E. Instantly, Sisko issues new orders to the
Defiant. They are to find the Yukon and destroy it. Dax reports that the
Yukon is headed for the Bajoran sun.
The Defiant fires on the Yukon as the Bashir Changeling is activating a
device on board. The shields hold, due to some unauthorized
modifications the Changeling has made. Dax detects elements indicating
that there is a bomb on the Yukon, which if it explodes in the sun,
could trigger a supernova, wiping out the fleet, the station, and Bajor.
Kira decides to go to warp to catch up to the runabout, even though
doing so within a star system is considered dangerous.
The Bashir Changeling is surprised when the Defiant zips up to the
runabout and snags it with a tractor beam, pulling it off course. At
that moment, the runabout explodes. Sisko, realizing that the supernova
would have wiped out the Dominion fleet as well, has O'Brien scan for
the warp signatures again. They're gone. The signatures were faked, as
part of an elaborate trap to destroy DS9 and Bajor and take out the
Alpha Quadrant fleets without firing a shot. "Tell our friends out there
to stand down. Armageddon will have to wait for another day."
Garak is happily reunited with Ziyal, who kisses him. O'Brien is
thunderstruck to learn from Bashir that he's been hanging out with a
Changeling for over a month, though he teases Bashir by saying he should
have realized because the Changeling was much easier to get along with.
And Dax welcomes Worf back, telling him his opera collection is intact,
"more or less".
Gowron and Sisko finalize the details of a new agreement: there will now
be a permanent Klingon military presence on DS9, though Sisko reserves
the right to choose the commander. He turns to Martok, noting that Worf
thinks highly of him. Martok indicates that he returns the sentiment.
"Then I can't think of a better man for the job," says Sisko. "If you'll
take it." "I would be honored," Martok replies.
Sisko then gets another message from Dukat and takes it in his office.
The Cardassian head of state congratulates him on preventing an enormous
death toll from the supernova. When Sisko points out that Ziyal would
have been killed as well, Dukat says that she made her choice, and as
far as he's concerned, she's no longer his daughter. "You know, Dukat, I
thought you'd changed in the last five years," Sisko remarks. "I see I
was wrong." "One man's villain is another man's hero, Captain," Dukat
replies. "...What I did, I did to make Cardassia strong again. And mark
my words, Captain. I succeeded. You may have escaped defeat this day,
but tomorrow -- " "We will see about tomorrow," Sisko declares. Dukat
agrees. "Yes, we will."