Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
Six Bajoran monks are meeting in a cavern somewhere on Bajor. One of
them is Vedek Latha Mabrin, who welcomes them to the retreat and lights
a large suspended candle to begin a prayer ritual. Unexpectedly, beams
of light shoot out from the candle holder, focusing on each monk. Five
go out, leaving only the one on Latha. Then the candle holder fires a
disruptor beam which kills him instantly.
On DS9, Kira, still pregnant with the O'Briens' baby, is getting a
physical from Bashir, who admonishes her to take her makara herbs, which
she needs to keep her progesterone levels up. Kira has been reluctant,
because the herbs counteract the sedatives she was taking in order to
sleep; and besides, they taste horrible. Bashir tells her to just take
them. At that moment, Odo comes into the infirmary with some grim news
for Kira: Latha, who was a member of her resistance cell, has been
Kira asks if there are any suspects; Odo answers, "Too many", due to
Latha's questionable activities in the past. "Latha was a violent man,"
Kira acknowledges. "But then he found the Prophets. And the last time I
talked to him, he'd changed -- really changed." "I don't doubt that,
Major," Odo replies. "But it would appear that the violence of his past
has finally caught up with him." He promises to let her know if he hears
anything else.
When Kira goes back to her room in the O'Briens' quarters, intending to
pray, the computer tells her she has a message. As a picture of Latha
appears, an electronically scrambled voice announces, "That's one." She
plays it back over and over, trying to figure out what is going on.
Odo's investigation of the message reveals no point of origin in the
log; it arrived at almost the same moment Latha was killed. The working
theory is that it's a threat against the former members of the Shakaar
cell. Only Kira has received this message. "So obviously there's some
connection to me," she notes to Sisko and Odo. "But I don't know what it
is. I haven't even spoken to Latha in two years." Odo will be increasing
security on the station, and Kira has warned the other cell members.
"I'm sorry about your friend," Sisko tells Kira, who replies, "He died
serving the Prophets. They'll take care of him."
After a sleepless night, Kira is joined in the replimat by O'Brien. "I
couldn't stop thinking about Latha," she says. "All those firefights and
bombs he lived through, just to be killed during a religious ceremony.
You know, if I wasn't pregnant, I would be down on Bajor right now
trying to narrow down the suspects." "You're safer on the station,"
O'Brien says. "That's what's driving me crazy," she replies. "I'm
sitting here eating breakfast while someone may be hunting down my
friends. I'm a major in the Bajoran militia. I should be down there
trying to protect them." O'Brien reminds her gently of the baby she's
carrying; Kira has to admit he's right. "I guess I do have my hands full
at the moment." Just then Odo calls to let her know there's another
incoming message for her, from someone who refuses to give their name or
They go to Ops, where Sisko and Odo are trying to trace the scrambled
signal. Kira answers the com, and finds that it's a Bajoran woman named
Trentin Fala. After reassuring the others that Fala is a friend and no
threat to anyone, Kira moves to another monitor. Fala is badly
frightened by the news of Latha's death. "They're going to kill me too,
Nerys. They've been watching me." She doesn't know who. "But I can feel
it. I need to get out of here, go somewhere safe. Please, Nerys, you've
got to help me -- you always promised you'd help!" Kira tells her that
she can come to the station, where she will be safe until it's over. She
will have Worf and Dax pick Fala up from Bajor on their way back from a
When Worf and Dax arrive at Bajor (arguing about Dax's loss at Tongo),
they proceed to beam Fala up. But something goes horribly wrong. Despite
all their efforts to save the pattern, the only result is a smoking
corpse on the transporter pad, burnt to a crisp.
Kira enters the runabout later to view the body. Unfortunately, Odo
believes it was no accident; that Fala was killed by a remat detonator,
a tiny device programmed to scramble a transporter beam during
rematerialization. It could have been hidden on Fala or injected into
her without her knowledge at any time. The transporter security system
didn't detect it even though it's programmed to scan for remats.
"Whoever did this has a sophisticated understanding of our security
protocols," Dax notes. "And a vendetta against the Shakaar resistance
cell," adds Kira. Fala wasn't an official member, she explains; she
cleaned floors in the Cardassian records office in Dahkur province, and
passed information to the Shakaar cell for years. "She was always so
afraid, afraid she'd be caught and executed. But she never stopped. I
told her once I thought she was braver than all of us, because she had
to live with her fear every day. Even after the Occupation was over, she
didn't want anyone to know that she was secretly helping us. She was
worried that someone would come looking for her for revenge." "Looks
like her fears were well founded," Sisko comments sadly.
Walking down the Promenade, Kira hears the scrambled voice again,
announcing, "That's two", and repeating the words over and over. It's
coming from Quark's, specifically a Cardassian PADD which the bartender
"found" coded for her (in a brandy shipment), and which he
"accidentally" activated. Kira takes the PADD and sees a picture of Fala.
In the security office, Odo theorizes that Fala was killed for providing
information to the Shakaar that led to an attack, probably one in which
the killer was either injured or lost someone important to him.
Furthermore, he believes it must have been an attack in which Kira
played a prominent part. As he and Kira are talking, all of Odo's
monitors go fuzzy; someone is accessing the database, and Odo can't
trace it. When the static clears, the monitors display a picture of a
Bajoran man, with the scrambled voice announcing, "That's three."
Kira recognizes the man in the photo as Mobara, another member of the
Shakaar, who is now in Musilla Province, at a university engineering
school. After Odo sends an emergency message to the authorities there,
he notices Kira's worry and fatigue and asks if she's all right. "No,
I'm not all right," Kira snaps at him. "I haven't slept in three days,
someone is killing my friends, and my back -- " She catches herself,
realizing Odo is only trying to help, and apologizes. Getting a message
that the authorities haven't been able to contact Mobara, and that
they're sending a search party, Odo suggests that Kira go back to her
quarters and rest; the search may take several hours. Kira wearily
She arrives at the O'Briens', with a deputy named Brilgar acting as her
bodyguard. When Kira goes into her bedroom, she hears a thump and a
crash from the outer room. Silently, she grabs a phaser and creeps back
out into the darkened living area, ready for anything; only to find that
Furel and Lupaza are there. Lupaza has subdued Brilgar -- that was the
noise. Once Kira explains Brilgar's presence, Lupaza lets him up, and
the deputy gives them some privacy.
Furel and Lupaza beamed in after stowing away on a transport, and
defeating the security system. "I should have you both thrown in the
brig," Kira tells them. "But I'm glad to see you." After a little
pregnancy chat, she tells them the situation with Mobara. Lupaza
declares that the reason they're here is to find out who's killing their
friends, and "take care of it". "I can't send you out like some
assassination squad," Kira exclaims, but Furel and Lupaza are
determined. All she has to do is give them a name.
Kira argues that they should leave this to the authorities. "Maybe you
feel that way now," says Lupaza. "But trust me, when you find out who
killed Latha, and Fala, and maybe now Mobara, you're not going to want
to leave it to someone else. You're going to want him dead, and you're
going to want us to do it." Kira changes the subject to the box they've
brought her, which turns out to be full of fresh makara herbs. She tries
not to show her distaste at the gift. They're discussing sleeping
arrangements (Furel and Lupaza want to stay right here to protect her)
when O'Brien walks in and is nearly shot. "Miles, we have houseguests,"
Kira tells him.
Sometime later, in Sisko's office, Odo updates the captain. Mobara has
been found, killed by the detonation of a micro-explosive implanted
behind one ear; Odo thinks the killer used another hunter probe to
inject him. He also discounts the possibility of it being a professional
assassin, as they would never send anonymous messages. "No, our killer
is someone with a very personal stake in this -- someone who is trying
to make a point to Major Kira." "And once he decides to drives this
point home?" Sisko asks, knowing the answer. "He'll try to kill her
too," Odo affirms.
Kira, meanwhile, is studying voiceprints from the messages, with the
help of Dax and Nog, whose well-honed Ferengi ears detect that they are
probably composites of words from different speeches. Dax slowly manages
to screen out the electronic interference. Finally it becomes clear. The
voice is Kira's.
An alarm goes off, indicating an explosion in the habitat ring -- in the
O'Briens' quarters. As the others are reacting to the emergency, Kira
rushes down there. Two guards as well as Brilgar try to stop her from
opening the quarters, as there's been a hull breach, but Kira isn't
thinking straight. After knocking the guards down, she reaches the door,
and collapses unconscious.
Kira wakes in the infirmary, to the news that she suffered a placental
laceration, which was repaired by Bashir. The doctor gently tells her
that Furel and Lupaza are dead, killed instantly; O'Brien wasn't there.
When Odo comes in, Kira stares at her earring as she tries to come to
grips with the loss of her friends by recounting how she joined the
resistance. At 13, she was hanging around the Shakaar camp when she
volunteered to take part in an ambush; Lupaza spoke up for her inclusion
even though everyone else thought she was too young and small. Kira
recalls the cold, the fear, and the relief at not letting the others
down; and how Lupaza made her her earring afterwards out of metal from
the Cardassian skimmer they destroyed.
Odo simply listens quietly, letting her tell the tale, until finally she
asks how it happened. He tells her that it was a hunter probe, attached
to the hull of a freighter; it detached itself, found its targets, and
exploded. Odo's sources on Cardassia have given him a list of possible
suspects. He would like to narrow it further before she sees it. "You
afraid I'm going to take the names and go charging off after them?" she
asks. Odo admits, "Something like that." Kira concedes that he's
probably right. After promising her that he'll find the person who has
done this, Odo leaves.
As soon as he's gone, Kira stands up, calls for an emergency transport
to the security office, and arrives before Odo gets there. Quickly, she
gets the list from the computer, and has herself beamed away. Odo
arrives a moment later, sees his chair moved slightly, and immediately
realizes what has happened. Kira, meanwhile, is now on a runabout
leaving the station. There is no way to anticipate where she is headed,
as she erased the names after taking them. Sisko orders the Defiant
prepared to follow whatever trail can be found.
Having eliminated three of the names, Kira goes to a planet near the
DMZ, on which lives the fourth suspect, a Cardassian named Silaran Prin.
She beams down to the converted cargo container that he apparently uses
as a house. As she is exploring, a Cardassian appears from the shadows;
she shoots at it, only to discover that it's a hologram. Then she is
stunned by a phaser blast.
When Kira wakens, she is lying in a chair, unable to move; she is being
held by a restraining field, in a pool of white light. A disembodied
voice begins reciting an odd narrative. "A creature born within the
comforting anonymity of darkness awakens in the harsh truth of daylight.
It squirms in the glare, afraid of the light that pins it to the chair
like a needle through its heart. Its heart beats faster...Panic starts
to creep into its soul. Does it understand? Or is it so blinded by the
light that it can think only of returning to the velvet cloak of
darkness? No matter. Perhaps it is better that it doesn't realize how
close death has come. But make no mistake there is no escape. It has
reached the end, and soon it will die." It would seem that she has found
the killer.
The weird little story continues. Kira refuses to show any sign of fear.
"I'm not afraid of you," she challenges. "I'm not some coward who's been
sending anonymous messages and bombs to murder innocent people."
Suddenly her captor steps into view -- Silaran Prin, a middle-aged
Cardassian whose face and body have been horrifically disfigured on one
side. "No, Kira!" he hisses. "I didn't murder anyone. You did! You
killed them all."
Having managed to get him to show himself, Kira suggests that they talk.
"Talk and lies won't help you," Silaran replies. "You're in the light,
and the light reveals the truth. And the light shows me no regret in
those eyes, no compassion." "You want me to feel compassion for you?"
Kira demands, incredulous. "You murdered five people. What compassion
did you show to them?" Silaran, however, is quite lost to reason. The
fact that she doesn't know what she's supposed to be repenting for only
confirms her guilt in his eyes. "You did this to me, and you don't even
know who I am."
"So you were wounded during an attack I carried out when I was part of
the resistance," Kira deduces. "And I'm supposed to feel guilty? We were
at war, Silaran. Fifteen million Bajorans died during the Occupation,
and you want me to feel sorry for you?" "No!" Silaran insists, furious.
"I wasn't part of your war. I was an innocent. I wasn't even in the
military. Do you know what I did on Bajor? I was a servant. I cleaned
uniforms for Gul Pirak." Pirak, Kira remembers, was commander of a
weapons depot, who executed 15 Bajoran farmers for refusing to display
the Cardassian banner. In retaliation, the Shakaar cell carried out the
bombing of Pirak's house; all of the people Silaran has killed
contributed to that particular attack. But Kira was the one who placed a
plasma charge outside Pirak's bedroom window, vaporizing the entire east
wing and killing 12 Cardassians, including Pirak and his family; 23
others were crippled. "Don't you feel guilty?" Silaran asks fiercely.
"Don't you feel ashamed of what you did?"
"None of you belonged on Bajor!" Kira retorts. "It wasn't your world!
For fifty years, you raped our planet and you killed our people. You
lived on our land and you took the food out of our mouths, and I don't
care whether you held a phaser in your hand or you ironed shirts for a
living. You were all guilty, and you were all legitimate targets!" To
Silaran, however, this simply makes her an indiscriminate murderer. "I
was a soldier," she points out. "You're just a bitter old man out for
revenge." "I am bringing the guilty to justice," Silaran counters. "And
unlike you, I take care to protect the innocent. I could have killed
every monk in that cavern, or everyone on the runabout, or half the
population of Deep Space Nine, but I didn't. Only the guilty have died.
And that is why although your actions have condemned you, the life of
your child will be spared."
Retreating into the shadows again, Silaran goes back to his "story".
"The creature's diseased mind cannot understand its plight. Its
imagination is too limited to perceive the truth. It cannot be saved.
But there is still hope for the child. It can be taken from the womb and
raised in the light." Desperate, Kira protests that he can't force her
to give birth now without harming the child, which needs to remain
inside her for three more weeks. "We both agree this baby is an
innocent. Don't put him at risk. Please, Silaran!" "Don't worry," he
says. "I promise that I'll take care of the child. And that I'll teach
him the difference between darkness and light."
Kira sees the laser scalpel as he picks it up and prepares to cut into
her abdomen. Frantically, she pleads to be given a sedative. He pauses.
"All right. I'll show more mercy than you have. Take a good look at my
face, Kira. I want it to be the last thing you see." Silaran applies a
hypospray; Kira goes limp. "The creature slept, dreaming its dark
dreams, and happy to be out of the light. The innocent life it held
would awaken in brilliance, and never know darkness again." But as soon
as Silaran deactivates the restraining field and is about to start
slicing, Kira comes to life. There is a brief fight; she finally is able
to grab her phaser and shoot him dead.
Not long afterwards, Sisko, Odo, and Bashir beam into the room and find
her sitting quietly near the body. Bashir scans her, ascertaining that
she has a large amount of sedative in her system, but the makara herbs
she has been taking have counteracted the effect. Odo asks Kira why
Silaran gave her a sedative.
"He wanted to protect the innocent, and separate the darkness from the
light," Kira says slowly, a distant look in her eyes. "But he didn't
realize the light only shines in the dark. And sometimes innocence is
just an excuse for the guilty." At last she stands up. "Let's go home."