Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
A runabout heads away from Bajor and back to DS9, with Sisko, Dax, Odo,
and Garak aboard. They are going home after a conference on the
Occupation. Garak (recently released from prison) is grumbling about the
way he was treated when he was only trying to provide an "opposing
philosophical view". "I thought the Bajorans bent over backwards to be
polite to you, Garak," says Sisko. But Garak is not mollified. "Giving
me a name tag that read, 'Elim Garak, former Cardassian oppressor' was
hardly polite." He thinks the Bajorans are only interested in promoting
the mythology of the "glorious Resistance".
"Odo wasn't a member of the Resistance, and he managed to attract a fair
amount of attention," Dax notes. Garak agrees that Odo seemed to have
"quite a fan club". "Don't let him get to you, Odo," Dax says. "You
should be proud of what you did during the Occupation." Odo, who has
been rather quiet, replies, "I have nothing to be proud of. I tried to
bring order to a chaotic situation, that's all." Sisko thinks he's being
overly modest. "Keeping order during the Occupation would be a tough job
for anyone. But you not only did it, you did it by earning the trust of
both sides." Odo, however, does not seem reassured; in fact, he seems
troubled, but no one picks up on it.
Sometime later, in Ops, a Bajoran officer notifies Worf that the
runabout is approaching the station. But they aren't responding to their
docking-clearance hail, and there are unusual EM signatures along their
hull. The runabout is on auto-pilot; the four lifesigns aboard are very
weak. Worf, concerned, has the runabout tractored into transporter
range. He, Bashir, and a security guard beam onto the runabout and find
all four occupants comatose.
Sisko wakes to find himself slumped against a wall on the Promenade, the
other three nearby, unconscious. The Promenade looks different, darker
and grimmer, with armed Cardassian soldiers watching Bajoran slave
workers going to and fro. Somehow, he and the others seem to have time-traveled
back to the Occupation; yet their clothing has changed to that of
Bajoran mine workers. Suddenly someone grabs Sisko's arm and yanks him
to his feet. It's a Bajoran man named Belar, who roughly rousts the
others as well. "Show some dignity. Look at you -- no wonder the
Cardassians think we're animals."
He moves off as the four of them struggle to get their bearings. Odo is
particularly unsteady. None of them know what happened, but they know
they have to get out from under the eyes of the Cardassian soldiers.
Sisko and Garak support Odo as they head toward a safer location.
Unknown to them, their bodies are actually in the infirmary, on biobeds.
Bashir notes that their level of neural activity suggests that their
conscious minds are active, but there is no response to external
stimuli. Worf tells him there were indications that the runabout was
irradiated by a class 2 plasma storm. Yet the computer does not know of
any causal relationship between plasma storms and the kind of neural
activity the patients are exhibiting, although there are many medical
records on space plasma phenomena. "It would appear that a common
phenomenon has had an uncommon effect on our people."
At an abandoned kiosk, Sisko and the others discuss their odd situation.
Their change of clothes seems to rule out mere time travel, and they
don't seem to be in a holosuite. "Humans, Trills and Changelings didn't
just stroll through Terok Nor unnoticed," notes Sisko, yet no one is
giving them a second glance, even Garak, a Cardassian in the Bajoran
sector. They can only conclude that everyone else sees them as Bajorans.
The conversation turns to what happened to put them here, but not even
Dax has any viable theories. Odo urges them all to get off the station.
Garak suggests going to the authorities, but Odo says, "Captain, the
authorities on Terok Nor will not be looking for reasons to help us.
They will be looking for a reason to interrogate us, and believe me, you
do not want to be interrogated by the Cardassians." Sisko agrees.
Dax spots Dukat on the second level, talking with another Cardassian,
and they decide to move on. As he follows, Odo glances up, and is
startled to see Dukat and the other Cardassian looking straight at him.
Then he bumps into a Bajoran man with a phaser burn in the middle of his
chest; the man says nothing but simply gazes at Odo, his eyes dead, his
face that of a corpse. Shaken, Odo catches up to the others, who ask who
that was. "I don't know." "You should," says Garak. "It was your
predecessor." Odo realizes they mean the Cardassian who was talking to
Dukat: Thrax, who was in charge of security on the Promenade before him.
This seems to indicate they're at least nine years in the past.
Without warning, the four of them are flanked by two Cardassian
soldiers, one of whom orders Dax to come with them. "What's she done?"
demands Sisko, and the soldier says, "Nothing, yet." Garak steps up and
attempts to bribe the soldiers, but they look up toward Dukat, who is
watching them. The soldier who spoke then punches Garak in the face,
dropping him. "Tempting offer. Maybe next time. This one's been
selected." "I'll be all right," Dax says quickly; the three men watch
helplessly as she is dragged away.
In the infirmary, Worf calls Bashir's attention to Garak. There is a
thin stream of blood trickling from the Cardassian's nose. Bashir
observes that there seems to have been some unusual activity in Garak's
delta waves at the moment his septial capillaries burst. He guesses that
it might be the result of a psychosomatic response. "But what is causing
all this?" Worf asks. Bashir answers, "At the risk of repeating myself,
I just don't know."
Next to the fence separating the Bajoran section from the rest of the
Promenade, Sisko wonders what Dax's being "selected" means. Odo says it
could be anything; Garak thinks that first they need to find out who
they're supposed to be. He happens to have pickpocketed a comp-link from
the soldier who hit him. In a slightly more private area, Garak works
the device, using one of his high-level security codes. "If my nose
didn't hurt so much, I'd tell you a fascinating story about how I came
to possess it."
Using the device, Garak determines that Sisko is a 38-year-old Bajoran
electronics engineer named Ishan Chaye. As for himself, Garak is a
55-year-old artist named Jillur Gueta. Then Garak starts to check on Odo,
who unexpectedly interrupts, his eyes haunted. "I'm a bookkeeper.
Forty-six years old. I have a wife and two sons in Rakantha Province.
And my name is Timor Landi." Sisko and Garak, astonished, ask how he
knows that, but as Odo is struggling with how to answer, Quark's voice
"Congratulations, gentlemen. You get to work today. And you'll be
laboring in the finest establishment on the station. My establishment.
Twelve hours of work, two five minute breaks, one slip of latinum each.
Let's go." When they aren't quick enough for Quark's tastes, the Ferengi
turns sarcastic and condescending. Reluctantly, the three follow him
towards the bar. "How much damage would it do to the timeline if Quark
were to suffer a mysterious accident?" Odo asks Sisko, who replies, "I'm
not sure. But maybe we should conduct a little experiment and find out."
Dax is brought into the presence of Dukat, who asks her name. Thinking
quickly, she tells him it's Leeta. She does her best to play the part of
a frightened Bajoran woman, and obediently turns around so Dukat can
look her over. "She'll do," Dukat tells the soldier, who leaves. Dukat
has Dax pour them both some kanar, then notices that she's trembling.
"Despite what you may have heard, I'm a fair man, Leeta. Rest assured,
you have nothing to fear from me. I did not bring you here to be
abused." "Then why am I here?" Dax asks. Dukat commences posturing,
talking about how lonely his position is, and about how he needs a
"friend". "Ironic, isn't it? That I should choose a simple Bajoran girl
to share my inner thoughts with. But as you get to know me, Leeta, I
think you'll find that I'm a complicated man." Dax plays along. "You're
different than I imagined." "To the beginning of your education," he
smiles, lifting his glass.
Sisko, Odo, and Garak are working as Quark's cleanup crew after hours.
Garak comments in a low voice to Sisko that he remembers the Occupation
as being a bit more tidy. "The Bajorans were much more suited for this
sort of thing than we were. Servile work is in their nature." "I'll
remember to mention that to Major Kira when we get back," Sisko replies
drily, to which Garak says, "There are exceptions to every rule." Odo, a
little way off, looks up and sees three Bajorans -- Ishan, Jillur, and
Timor -- walking along the Promenade, looking like corpses with phaser
burns in their chests; all of them stare silently at Odo as they pass in
slow motion. The eerie vision makes Odo nearly drop the tray he's
carrying. As Sisko and Garak join him, he looks up again; the three men
are gone.
When Sisko asks if Odo's all right, Odo gives him an excuse about the
smell of the dirty dishes making him sick. Sisko takes the opportunity
to inquire how Odo knew his persona's name was Timor Landi. Hesitantly
at first, Odo replies, "I recognized the other two names from the
security files kept during the Occupation. Timor, Ishan and Jillur were
the names of three Bajorans who were accused of attempting to
assassinate Gul Dukat on the Promenade." "Half the Resistance tried to
kill Dukat," Sisko notes. But Odo says, "These three were innocent.
However, no one knew that at the time, and Dukat wanted to make an
example of them. So he had them led out onto the Promenade, and publicly
executed." Garak and Sisko instantly realize what this means. "If we're
them," says Sisko, "we'd better find a way out of here, before Dukat
makes an example out of us."
They are still working when Thrax comes in and starts badgering Quark
about a visit the bartender had this morning from a Talavian freighter
captain named Livara, who is a known smuggler. Quark plays innocent,
telling Thrax that Livara came here to try to unload a shipment of
maraji crystals, but he doesn't have a market for them, so he sent the
captain on his way. Thrax warns Quark that if he finds out he's been
dealing in illegal crystals, he'll hand Quark to the Order himself.
"I see you're not the first man around here to keep Quark on his toes,"
Sisko remarks to Odo. However, Garak has been surreptitiously checking
something on the comp-link, and he has found a discrepancy. Captain
Livara happens to have been a Romulan spy who didn't start working in
this sector until seven years ago. But seven years ago, Odo was the
security chief, not Thrax. Looking at the date, Garak has confirmed that
this is indeed seven years ago. Thrax shouldn't be here. "None of this
any makes sense, Garak," Odo retorts. "Now I suggest we concentrate on
finding a way out of here. That's our priority." They can all agree on
that, but the question is how. Sisko remembers a signal Kira told him
about that the Resistance used to set up meetings.
After they're released from Quark's and back in the Bajoran ghetto,
Sisko makes the signal, which consists of turning a vase upside down on
a shop counter before they head for the soup kitchen to eat and wait.
There, they catch sight of Dukat entering the Bajoran ghetto with Dax.
Sisko is relieved to see she's all right at least. Garak sneers at Dukat.
"Just another swaggering, self-important Gul with too much vanity and
not enough ability." "Maybe, but he's no fool," Sisko observes, seeing
the guards on the upper level.
Odo is about to eat a spoonful of soup when he gets a glimpse of his
hands. They're both covered in blood. He drops his spoon in shock. When
Sisko asks if he's all right, the blood is gone. Shaken, Odo says the
spoon just slipped out of his hand. At that moment, they are joined by
Belar. Sisko tells him they need to get off this station; Belar is
harsh. "We're not a commuter service. If you're running from a dispute
over chemicals or women or smuggling, you're on your own. If you've
killed one of the spoonheads...that's a different matter." They are
still talking when suddenly there is an explosion a short way away.
Dukat and Dax are both lying unconscious and injured on the deck.
Instinctively, Sisko rushes over to Dax. "Captain, no!" Odo shouts, but
it's futile, and he's forced to chase after Sisko. Belar discreetly
exits, while Garak attempts to do so as well. As Sisko is checking Dax,
Odo grabs him, almost in a panic. "We can't stay. They'll take care of
her, but we must go!" It's too late. A squad of Cardassians slam them to
the ground. Garak is caught too.
The three of them are put together in a holding cell. Thrax comes in
with a PADD to read off the sentences the various prisoners are facing.
He comes to the cell with Odo, Sisko, and Garak. Addressing them as
Timor, Ishan, Jillur, he notes the crime they're accused of, attempting
to murder Gul Dukat with a chambered plasma grenade. Sisko protests that
there were witnesses who saw them eating at a table when the grenade
went off, but Thrax counters that none have come forward.
"Why should the witnesses risk their lives for three strangers?" Odo
asks. "They're out there, but you have to go look for them." Thrax,
however, notes the various items of evidence against them. Traces of a
plasma grenade component were found on them (the stuff is also a
cleaning solution that they were using in Quark's); they all have ties
to the Bajoran underground (who doesn't by now?); and according to the
guards' reports, they were found over Dukat's body, trying to strangle
him. "Interrogate the troops yourself," Odo pleads. "Don't just take
their report at face value." He urges Thrax to run a ballistic analysis,
which will show that the grenade couldn't have come from their position.
But as far as Thrax is concerned, the case is closed; there is
sufficient evidence for conviction. Odo argues that it's all
circumstantial. "Go beneath the surface. Conduct a real investigation!"
"This investigation is over. Your case is going before a special
tribunal this afternoon. You will be informed of the sentence just
before it meets." Thrax turns and leaves, ignoring Odo's desperate plea
to talk to him alone for a moment.
Dukat and Dax are back in his office, after being treated; he says he
feels better than the last time. It's his fourth assassination attempt.
"Maybe you should find another job," Dax says innocently, and he
chuckles. "Maybe I should." He observes her eating, which she says she
doesn't get to do like this often. Dukat claims he has wanted to
increase rations to the Bajorans for some time, but the Resistance makes
it impossible. "You really want to help my people, don't you?" Dax says,
still playing along. "Yes, of course," he replies, going to the window.
"The Bajorans are -- well, they're like my children, I suppose. And like
any father, I want only what's best for them...Bad manners are the fault
of the parent, not the child. My weakness is I'm too generous, too
forgiving. My heart is too big." Dax comes up behind him and knocks him
unconscious. "And so is your ego," she mutters, getting to work on the
In the cell, Garak is practicing his spiel while Odo stares despondently
at the floor. Sisko, however, has been thinking. "Tell me about Thrax,"
he asks Odo, suddenly. "...Something about his background. He seems
unusual. Doesn't have that casual brutality I've come to expect from
Cardassian security officers. What makes Thrax different?" "I wouldn't
know," Odo replies. "He was gone by the time I came aboard the station."
Sisko pounces on that. "Which brings up a good point. Why is he here
now? Garak said that you were the security chief during this time."
Odo is uncharacteristically evasive. "You're implying that I should know
the answers, that I'm holding back information." "I'm saying that maybe
you know more than you think you do," says Sisko. "You lived here, on
Terok Nor. You're supposed to be out there now instead of Thrax. Think,
Odo. There might be some connection between you and what's happening
here." Odo says he doesn't know.
Before Sisko can press further, there is a small explosion that blows a
hole in the wall of the cell. Dax looks in. "Miss me?" she grins. The
three men follow her out; they all head for Dukat's personal shuttle.
Dax says, "I've got their computer tied up in knots. I don't think
they'll be able to -- " But at that moment, Thrax and two soldiers cut
them off. Dax fires her phaser and kills one of the guards; the other
wounds her. The fight progresses. Sisko is engaged in combat with Thrax,
and is getting the upper hand when suddenly Thrax actually morphs and
slithers through a vent.
"A Changeling?" exclaims Garak. "We'll figure that out later," Sisko
says. They step into the airlock, only to inexplicably find themselves
back in the cell, all four of them. "We just got the word," the soldier
who "selected" Dax tells them. "Your execution's been scheduled for
nineteen hundred. That's two hours from now." He leaves.
Odo paces as the others talk over this development. How can Thrax be a
Changeling when the Founders don't know about the wormhole yet? How did
they end up back in the cell? Sisko, Garak, and Dax are all beginning to
think that all this has something to do with Odo, and his disavowals of
all knowledge only increase their suspicions. "You've been acting
strangely ever since we first woke up on the Promenade," Sisko points
out. "Continually distracted, depressed and agitated." He and Garak both
remind Odo that he knew the details of the case like he was there, yet
he couldn't have been. "Everything seems to lead back to you and I want
to know why," says Sisko. At that moment, Thrax appears. "You said you
wanted to see me?" he says to Odo, who is actually relieved, and follows
him out.
In the security office, Odo tells Thrax, "You're about to make a very
serious mistake." Thrax is skeptical. "Because you're innocent, of
course. All of you." Odo tells him to compare this attack with recent
bombings on Bajor; there have been four very similar incidents which he
and the others could not have been involved with. Thrax, however,
replies that that proves nothing, and under Cardassian law, the burden
of proof is on the accused. Therefore, the investigation is over. Odo
insists that Thrax's job is to find the truth, not obtain convictions.
Thrax locks eyes with him. "You want the truth? All right. The truth is
that none of you would be accused, none of you would even be here if the
Bajorans weren't fighting the Cardassians. It's futile. The Occupation
has lasted for fifty years, and it will probably last another fifty." He
contends that things would be easier on the Bajorans if they simply
accepted "their place in history". It's like talking to a wall, but Odo
keeps trying. "We are talking about the attempt on Gul Dukat's life, not
the socio-political ramifications of the Resistance," he points out, but
Thrax is unmoved. "It's all part of the same problem. When your people
resort to terrorism and violence, they're fighting against order,
against stability, against the rule of law, and this must be stopped."
"There is more to life than the rule of law," Odo argues. Thrax replies
coldly, "It has been my observation that only the guilty make that kind
of statement."
Odo decides he has no choice but to tell the truth, even though he
doesn't know what the consequences will be. "We are not terrorists.
We're not even Bajorans. There's been a temporal displacement of some
kind. We don't belong in this time. We're from the future."
Astonishingly, Thrax doesn't bat an eye. "I know," he says simply. Odo
stares at him. "You know? Then what are you going to do about it?" "What
I am supposed to do," Thrax says. "Nothing more, nothing less. The
question is, what are you going to do...Odo?"
Suddenly Odo is on the second level of the Promenade, looking at one of
the crossover bridges, where Sisko, Garak, and Dax are lined up, hands
bound, about to be executed. Thrax tells Odo it's out of his hands. On a
nearby balcony, Dukat is making a speech. Odo is desperate to end this
nightmare, to correct what he knows is about to happen. "They haven't
done anything! They don't belong here!" "It's already happened, Odo,"
Thrax tells him. "But this isn't what happened!" Odo insists. "It wasn't
these people." No one pays attention. A soldier takes out his phaser and
aims at Sisko.
"No! I'm not going to let this happen! Not again!" Odo finally takes
action. He knocks the phaser out of the soldier's hand, and faces Thrax.
"You can't execute them. You don't even belong here! I do."
Things change again. Odo is standing alone, with Sisko, Dax, and Garak
nearby; all of them are in their normal clothing. On another crossover
bridge, they see Dukat with the Cardassian soldiers, and the three
prisoners, Timor, Ishan, and Jillur, who one by one are shot and killed.
Nearby, watching with detachment, is another Odo, wearing Thrax's
uniform. After the prisoners are dead, the Cardassians fade away, as
does the other Odo.
"That's exactly how it happened seven years ago," Odo explains heavily,
staring at the spot. The darkest secret of his past is now laid bare.
"It was you all along?" asks Sisko. "Yes," Odo admits. "I was chief of
security on the Promenade. I was the one who charged those men with a
crime they didn't commit. And I was the one who turned them over to
Dukat." He says that three days after the executions, there was another
bombing on the Promenade. It was identical to the one that almost killed
Dukat. "Timor, Ishan and Jillur were innocent. All the evidence was
there -- the inconsistencies in the reports of the soldiers who arrested
them, a pattern of bombings, the ballistics -- it was all there from the
beginning. But I was too busy, too concerned with maintaining order, and
the rule of law. I thought of myself as the outsider, the shapeshifter
who cared for nothing but justice. It never occurred to me that I could
fail. But I did. And I never wanted anyone to know the truth: that seven
years ago, I allowed three innocent men to die."
At that moment, Sisko, Dax, and Garak vanish. And Odo finds himself in
the infirmary, waking up alongside the others.
Two days later, Bashir visits Odo in the security office to give him a
PADD. He has figured out more or less what happened. The four of them
were locked into a version of the Great Link. Though Odo is human now,
Bashir has found residual traces of morphogenic enzymes in his brain;
apparently they were activated by the plasma storm, initiating a
telepathic response. Odo's mind instinctively reached out for other
changelings, to form the Link, but all it could find were Sisko, Dax,
and Garak. "And just before the accident, I was thinking about the
executions," Odo realizes. "Somehow being in the Link must have forced
me to relive it, and admit the truth of what I'd done." "It would make a
fascinating paper," Bashir says; Odo gives him a dark look. "Although I
don't intend to write one," the doctor adds quickly.
Kira appears in the doorway, and Bashir makes a graceful exit. This was
not a moment Odo was looking forward to, as he faces the disappointment
in her eyes. Kira says that when she read the report, she was stunned.
She tried giving it time to sink in, but it's been two days now. "I
still don't know what to think." "I'm guilty," Odo replies, painfully.
"What more is there to say?"
"Maybe nothing," she says. "Maybe a lot. I believed in you. A lot of
people did. You were special. You were the one man who stood apart from
everyone else, the one man who stood for justice. Now what?" "Now, I'm
just another imperfect solid," he answers. Kira finally nods. "Okay. The
Prophets know I'm not perfect. I guess the truth is that anyone who
lived through the Occupation had to get a little dirty. But I need to
know that no other innocent people died on your watch, Odo. That this
was the only time." But Odo can't give her the promise she wants. He can
only tell her honestly, "I'm not sure. I hope so."