Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
Quark is in trouble. He has gained access to the station's wall monitors
and used them to post advertisements for his bar, complete with jingle
("Come to Quark's/Quark's is fun/Come right now/Don't walk, run!"). Kira,
O'Brien, and Odo are not amused. Worf is downright furious: Quark has
also altered the replicators on the Defiant so that drinks come in mugs
with the bar's logo that sing the jingle when tipped. Kira pulls Quark
up by the lapels. "If all your little advertisements aren't purged from
our systems by the time I get back from the Gamma Quadrant, I will come
to Quark's, and believe me, I will have fun." Suddenly nervous, Quark
gets to work helping O'Brien.
Kira leaves on her Gamma Quadrant bio-survey mission with Dax and Bashir.
The doctor is bubbling over with enthusiasm. "Those little points of
light out there are the great unknown, beckoning to us. I wish I could
visit every one...Is it my imagination, or are the stars a little
brighter in the Gamma Quadrant?" "Is it my imagination, or has Julian
lost his mind?" Dax deadpans.
Some hours later, they receive a fragmented emergency signal from a
planet that has been attacked with massive destruction and heavy
casualties. The signal is from the Teplan system, just outside Dominion
space. "Let's hope the Jem'Hadar know that," comments Kira as she sets a
new course.
Bashir and Dax beam down to a bombed-out shell of a city, populated by
humanoids who all have blue welts on their faces. Obviously this is the
aftermath of whatever crisis prompted the distress signal. A cart rolls
by, piled with bodies. Suddenly a woman named Norva staggers toward
Bashir and Dax, her welts a livid red. "Help me," she pleads, and
collapses. "Don't let me die here. Take me to Trevean." Learning that
she means the hospital, Dax goes to find out where it is. As Bashir
tends to Norva, a young man named Epran approaches. "The Blight's
Quickened in her. There's nothing you can do. You should leave here.
Now. Go back to where you came from and forget about this place."
Bashir's painkiller has little effect on Norva, though he figures this
Blight isn't a danger to him or Dax, who has returned with her hair
down. She has traded her hairclip for a ride to the hospital. They
arrive there with Norva, but it doesn't look like any hospital they
know. An attendant takes charge of Norva. Bashir and Dax note two groups
of people centering around individuals who also have red welts. Trevean
appears, and one of the individuals, a man, thanks him. "Yesterday when
I woke up, I saw that it had finally happened. I had Quickened. I always
thought I'd be afraid. But I wasn't, because I knew I could come here."
He describes his preparations for this moment. "Thank you, Trevean, for
making this day everything I dreamed it could be." The man then holds up
a goblet, and drinks from it.
Trevean speaks to Dax and Bashir, telling them it was too late for Norva.
If she had come sooner, he could have helped her. "Then there is a
treatment for the Blight?" Bashir asks. "There is no cure," replies
Trevean. "It's always fatal." Bashir doesn't understand. Learning that
Bashir is a doctor who says he has access to sophisticated diagnostic
equipment, Trevean says, "We had sophisticated equipment once. Do you
think our world was always this way? Two centuries ago, we were no
different from you. We built vast cities, traveled to neighboring
worlds. We believed nothing was beyond our abilities. We even thought we
could resist the Dominion. I see you've heard of them. Then take care
not to defy them, or your people will pay the same price we did. The
Jem'Hadar destroyed our world, as an example to others." He shows them a
baby, which bears the blue welts. "More than anything, the Dominion
wanted my people to bear the mark of their defiance. So they brought us
the Blight. We're all born with it, we all die from it."
They are still talking when the man who drank from the goblet starts to
convulse. Bashir rushes over, ignoring Trevean's command to stop, and
tries to examine the man, but the people there pull him away. "Can't you
see he's dying?" demands Bashir. "Of course he's dying," Trevean says.
"He came here to die. People come to me when they Quicken. I help them
leave this world peacefully, surrounded by their family and friends." He
explains that he gives them herbs that cause death in minutes, which is
better than dying slowly. In fact, he gave them to Norva as well. Bashir
is shocked. "I thought this was a hospital, and that you were a healer."
"I am," Trevean replies. "I take away pain." Since Bashir has disrupted
the man's death, Trevean asks him to leave. Too shocked to argue, Bashir
and Dax do so.
Dax finds the distress beacon, which has its own power source and has
apparently been repeating its message for 200 years. "There's nothing
for us to do here," Bashir says, resigned. "We should go." But then a
voice calls, "Are you really a doctor?" They turn to see a young
pregnant woman who was present at the hospital, and who says she's never
met a doctor before. The woman converses with them, saying her name is
Ekoria, and that she's due in two months. "Did you come here to help
us?" "Nobody around here seems to want our help," says Bashir. "I do,"
Ekoria tells him. "And I know others who would welcome it, too."
Just then, Kira calls to say that sensors have just picked up two
Jem'Hadar ships headed their way. Bashir and Dax beam back up to confer.
The Jem'Hadar seem to be on a patrol route, and Kira is ready to go. But
Bashir says they can't leave these people. A Starfleet relief mission
will take too long to put together. He's confident he can do here what
he's done on previous medical missions. Kira decides that she will take
the runabout to a nearby nebula to hide for a week while Bashir and Dax
The equipment is set up in Ekoria's living area in a tenement house. Dax
sees a painting of the city as it might have looked before the
destruction; Ekoria tells her it was done by her husband, who died last
winter after leaving a mural on a building. Bashir announces he needs to
run a complete biospectral analysis on an asymptomatic individual, which
Dax translates: it means he needs a volunteer. Ekoria is willing,
especially when Bashir offers to scan her and show her a picture of her
unborn baby.
It doesn't take Bashir long to isolate the virus, which means he can
analyze it and eventually tailor an antigen. Seeing his and Dax's
enthusiasm, Ekoria comes to a decision, and starts setting out food. She
admits to Dax that she's been saving it for when she goes to the
hospital to die. "Something tells me I'm not going to need it anymore."
Next, Bashir needs people who have Quickened, so that he can study the
progression of the virus. But no one is interested in volunteering. He
bumps into Epran, who has Quickened, and they talk; Epran is bitterly
sardonic. "I'd invite you to my death, but we don't know each other that
well." "What if I told you there was a chance you didn't have to die?"
Bashir asks, and a small crowd starts to gather. Epran is openly
skeptical of Bashir's claim that he is working on a cure, and it won't
cost them anything, but Ekoria defends Bashir. "He can help us. Listen
to him."
Bashir tells everyone he needs Quickened volunteers. "What will you do?"
asks Epran. "See how loud we scream when the Blight burns through us?"
To prove his skill and sincerity, Bashir heals the broken arm of a young
boy, which gains him some points. Then Trevean steps out from the crowd.
"Fixing a broken bone and curing the Blight are two different things."
"I know that," says Bashir. Trevean speaks loudly. "Others have come
here with promises of a cure. They stirred up hope, took food and
clothing in exchange for their elixirs. But their promises were always
lies. And all those who believed them came to me in the end, begging for
release." Bashir protests that he's not making any promises. "Take care
that you don't," Trevean warns. "We have dealt with people who give
false hope before. Believe me, their deaths made the Blight look like a
Despite this, Bashir continues his work, trying to chart the life cycle
of the virus. "Maybe you should go home," Ekoria says. "Maybe my people
don't deserve your help." "They've just been suffering so long, they've
lost hope that things can be better," Bashir says, but Ekoria tells him,
"It's more than that. We've come to worship death. I used to wake up and
look at myself in that mirror, and be disappointed I hadn't Quickened in
my sleep. Going to Trevean seemed so much easier than going on living."
But she doesn't feel that way now. She wants to live, to raise her son.
Then Dax arrives; she has actually managed to collect some volunteers,
including, amazingly, Epran. "I canceled my death for you," he says
almost accusingly as he offers his arm. "I was really looking forward to
Bashir's makeshift clinic grows, and he creates an antigen, which he has
Ekoria administer via hypospray. Things seem to be going well, although
Dax has to put Epran in an inhibitor field when he stops responding to
cordrazine. Bashir goes out to take a break; Ekoria joins him after a
while, and they converse about medicine. He tells her about his first
patient, a teddy bear named Kukalaka that he had as a little boy, and
kept repeatedly patching up. Bashir admits that he still has the bear in
his room.
Suddenly Dax rushes out to get Bashir. Epran's condition has worsened
drastically. The virus is mutating, and Bashir examines him with a
micro-cellular scanner. To the doctor's horror, Epran's welts spread
under the scanner beam. The mutation is caused by the EM fields from the
instruments. And others are starting to be affected as well.
Frantically, Bashir, Dax, and Ekoria shut down the equipment, but it's
too late. Epran's heart stops; he dies as Bashir does CPR. Trevean
enters the room. "What have you done?" The patients begin calling out
for Trevean, who commences going to each one and administering his
poisonous herbs. Bashir protests, but can do nothing to stop him.
The next morning, he looks over the room full of bodies, devastated by
what has happened, and blaming himself. "I'm going to tell a little
secret, Jadzia. I was looking forward to tomorrow, to see Kira again and
casually asking, 'How was the nebula? Oh, by the way, I cured that
Blight thing those people had.'" Dax tries to comfort him. "It's not a
crime to believe in yourself, Julian." "These people believed in me,"
Bashir retorts, indicating the bodies. "And look where it got them.
Trevean was right. There is no cure. The Dominion made sure of that. And
I was so arrogant, I thought I could find one in a week." Dax's voice is
hard as she replies. "Maybe it was arrogant to think that. But it's even
more arrogant to think there isn't a cure just because you couldn't find
As Bashir wanders the street, the natives look at him with reproach; one
person spits. Dispirited, Bashir comes to the mural that Ekoria's
husband painted. "I'm glad you got a chance to see it before you left,"
Ekoria says, behind him. Bashir turns, and sees that her welts are red.
She has Quickened. "I thought I'd make it. I really did." "I'm sorry,"
Bashir says. She smiles. "Don't be. You gave me hope. I hadn't felt that
since before my husband died." Ekoria gives him a kiss on the cheek, and
walks away. But Bashir calls out to her to wait.
Up on the runabout, he tells Kira and Dax that he can't leave these
people. Seeing how important this is to him, Kira tells him to contact
the station whenever he's ready. "You know what worries me, Julian?" Dax
remarks. "That without me, you won't have anyone to translate for you."
She wishes him luck, and Bashir beams back down with his equipment.
He moves back into Ekoria's room to nurse her through Quickening. She's
weak and bedridden, and Bashir can't figure out why there's no trace of
the antigen in her bloodstream. But he doesn't give up. He makes a salve
for her welts, and notes that in two more weeks he can induce labor.
Ekoria is determined to live at least that long.
One night, Trevean comes to her when Bashir has gone out to get
supplies. He gently offers to end her suffering. "Your child will have
known nothing but peace." Ekoria looks tempted, but says no. "He
deserves a chance to live." Bashir returns, surprised to find Trevean
making a house call; Trevean says he was concerned that Ekoria might be
too weak to come to him. "I don't understand why you're so obsessed with
death," Bashir says. "From what I've heard, you've lived with the Blight
longer than anyone." "Yes," Trevean replies, "and I've seen more
suffering than anyone." He tells Ekoria goodbye, and that he hopes she
lives long enough to see her baby. "Trevean means well," Ekoria tells
Bashir. "He's a kind man, in his own way."
Finally, the baby is born. The effort spends the last of Ekoria's
strength. As Bashir is wiping away the blood, he notices with
astonishment that the child is completely free of the welts. Now he
realizes why the antigen never showed up in Ekoria's bloodstream; it was
all absorbed through the placenta. "He doesn't have the Blight!" Ekoria
holds her son for a moment, smiling, then dies.
Everyone is stunned by the sight of the baby, including Trevean. Bashir
tells him that every pregnant woman should be inoculated as soon as
possible. He will teach Trevean how to make the antigen, and Trevean is
eager to learn so that he can undertake the huge task, which he sees as
a privilege. Hope spreads throughout the community as Trevean displays
the baby, and Bashir watches from a distance.
Back at DS9, though, Bashir won't stop trying to find a cure. "People
are still dying back there," he tells Sisko, who replies, "Yes, but
their children won't." "That's what I keep telling myself, sir," says
Bashir, but it's clearly not enough for him. He goes on working into the