Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
Sisko and Kira are teamed up in a hunt for a Changeling loose on the
station. They sweep a set of quarters with their phaser rifles, and move
on to another. There, before they can react, a chair covering quickly
morphs and escapes, turning into a bird and flying toward the Promenade,
where Bashir is leading the teams. When he hunkers down beside the shop
directory, an arm grabs him. It's Odo, morphing from the surface of the
directory as O'Brien comes up and aims a rifle at him, and Sisko and
Kira arrive. The drill is over.
Sisko has dinner that night with Kasidy, who is back on the station, and
approves his newly shaved head. She also comments on the unusual number
of maintenance crews in the docking ring. "Let's just say we're
preparing a few surprises just in case the Dominion comes through the
wormhole," he tells her. Kasidy has heard that the Cardassians have
sealed their border. Just as the two of them start to get down to more
personal matters, Sisko is called to Ops.
The Klingon flagship, the Negh'Var, has decloaked, and a General Martok
wants to speak to Sisko. He requests shore leave for his men, which
Sisko grants, whereupon a whole task force of Klingon ships appears.
Quark's is soon full of Klingons, but they're unusually quiet, which
makes Quark nervous. "Have you ever met a quiet Klingon before? And look
at the way they're watching the room. It's like they're picking out
targets." Bashir tries to reassure him that the Klingons are allies.
Martok has beamed over to the station for a meeting with Sisko and Kira.
First, Martok insists that they all cut their hands to prove they're not
Changelings. Satisfied, he says the task force has been sent to fight
alongside the Federation against the Dominion, but Sisko tells him
there's been very little sign of Dominion activity around the wormhole.
"They will come," says Martok with certainty. "And when they do, we will
be ready for them."
Kira later reluctantly visits a holosuite spa with Dax, who is trying to
encourage her to exercise her imagination. At the same time, Odo and
Garak are having breakfast; or actually, Garak is having breakfast while
Odo shams drinking coffee (using his own substance to fashion the cup
and liquid). Garak is troubled by rumors of uprisings and civil
disturbances within the Cardassian empire. As they are talking, Odo sees
Morn being hassled by a group of Klingons, led by one named Drex. The
Constable intervenes and suggests that the Klingons move along. "As long
as you wear that Bajoran uniform, we're allies," Drex tells him. "Make
sure you never take it off."
A little later, Garak enters his shop and finds Drex there with four
other Klingons. "Let me guess, you're either lost or desperately
searching for a good tailor," Garak says. "Guess again," Drex announces,
and punches him. The others close in.
Bashir patches Garak up in the infirmary, surprised that the Cardassian
isn't pressing charges. Garak says there was no harm done; Bashir points
out that they broke his clavicle and seven ribs. "But I got off several
cutting remarks which no doubt did serious damage to their egos," Garak
tells him. "...I'm serious, Doctor. Thanks to your ministrations, I'm
almost completely healed. But the damage I did to them will last a
lifetime." But he is puzzled as to why the Klingons beat him up.
The station receives a distress call from the Xhosa, Kasidy's ship,
which only left an hour ago. Kasidy says they're under attack, then her
signal is jammed. Sisko leaves on the Defiant to the rescue, and find
the Xhosa caught by a Klingon bird-of-prey in a tractor beam. The
Klingon commander, Kaybok, claims he has orders to search all vessels
attempting to leave Bajoran space, for shapeshifters. His orders are on
the authority of Gowron and the Klingon High Council. Kira objects that
the Klingon High Council has no jurisdiction here, and Bajoran law
prohibits unwarranted search and seizure in Bajoran territory. But
Kaybok insists he has his orders. He cuts transmission and prepares to
board the Xhosa. The Defiant fires a warning shot, causing Kaybok to
hail them. "We are your allies." But when Sisko orders phasers locked,
Kaybok finally releases the tractor. "Gowron will hear of this," he
Martok comes into Sisko's office as the captain and Dax are talking,
slams a Klingon dagger down onto the desk, and leaves. Dax identifies it
as Kaybok's, and says it means Kaybok is dead. Sisko guesses that the
next confrontation won't be resolved so easily. "Curzon told me once
that in the long run, the only people who can really handle Klingons are
Klingons. Get me Starfleet Command." Some days later, Lt. Commander Worf
arrives on the station and is greeted by O'Brien. Quark sees them, and
watches them go. "Just what the station needs, another Klingon."
Worf reports to Sisko. Since the destruction of the Enterprise, he has
been on extended leave at a Klingon monastery on Boreth. Sisko asks
where he'll be stationed next. "I am considering resigning my
commission," Worf tells him. But until he makes his decision, he will do
his duty, which is to find out what the Klingon task force is up to.
Worf then goes into Quark's and surprises the Ferengi by ordering, not
bloodwine, but prune juice. O'Brien and Bashir are playing darts, and
O'Brien introduces his two friends to each other. Kira and Dax come down
from the holosuite, dressed in medieval clothes; they are introduced to
Worf as well. They are talking when Drex and a couple of other Klingons
enter the bar, and Worf goes over to them. He proceeds to punch Drex out
and take his dagger.
Later, Worf is unpacking when Martok comes to his quarters for his son's
dagger, and Worf gives it to him. "Now that you are here, I have no
further need of it." "You robbed my son of his honor just to get my
attention?" Martok asks. He wonders what he has done to earn Worf's
disrespect, and Worf gives him a list. Martok says he is here carrying
out Gowron's orders. Starfleet will get an explanation soon enough. "My
mission will determine the fate of the Klingon Empire. Interfere, and
you risk destroying us all."
Dax finds Worf fighting in her Klingon exercise holosuite program, and
calls for a bat'leth of her own. They spar, until Dax finally goes down.
"Feel better? I take it your conversation with General Martok didn't go
all that well." Worf says he has tried contacting Gowron, the emperor,
and his brother on the High Council, but no one will speak to him. Dax
suggests that perhaps there's a Klingon around here who owes his family
a favor. So, later, Worf has a drinking session with an old Klingon
named Huraga who was a friend of his father's, and asks him the real
reason for the task force's presence. "I suppose you have a right to
know," says Huraga. "You are a Klingon warrior, and it would be wrong to
keep you away from battle. And it's going to be a glorious battle."
Afterwards, as Worf broods at the railing of the Promenade, Odo
approaches. He knows Worf's learned something, and he's aware of Worf's
attempts to reach his contacts. He also understands all too well what
it's like to be caught between two worlds. "Frankly, Mr. Worf, I don't
care which choice you make. But you owe it to Captain Sisko to let him
know which side you're on, before it's too late."
Worf finally makes his report to Sisko: the Klingons are planning to
invade Cardassia. There has been an uprising there, overthrowing the
Central Command and turning power over to civilian authorities. Gowron
and the Klingon High Council are convinced that the coup was engineered
by the Dominion. They have no proof, except the suspicion that civilians
could not have overthrown the Central Command without help. The Klingons
believe they are acting to protect the Alpha Quadrant. Sisko has Dax
contact Martok. Worf chooses to be present during the meeting, even
though it will let Martok know who told Sisko their plan.
At the meeting with Martok, Sisko tells him he wants the attack called
off. There is no proof of Dominion involvement, and the Federation
Council will not support the plan. Going ahead with it will jeopardize
the treaty. Martok finally says he will consult with Gowron. When he
beams back to his ship, though, the station intercepts a message from
him to the fleet, saying "Begin" in Klingon. The Klingon ships go to
warp, headed for Cardassia.
Sisko calls a senior staff meeting. They have been ordered not to get
involved until the Federation Council can speak with Gowron. Yet they
feel a need to do something to warn Cardassia. There is some possibility
that the Klingons are right, and Cardassia has been taken over by the
Founders. But Worf points out that that's not the real issue. The
invasion of Cardassia is simply an excuse to fight, and there's no way
to know if the Klingons will stop there. They may even attack Bajor in
order to control the wormhole. O'Brien sums it up. "The way I see it, we
only have two choices, both of them bad. If we stand by and do nothing,
we run the risk of being the Klingons' next target. But if we disobey
Starfleet orders and warn the Cardassians, we may end up starting a war
with the Klingons."
Garak is surprised to get a call from Sisko asking to see him in the
wardroom. He's to bring his tailor's kit. When Garak arrives, Sisko
tells him he'd like to be measured for a new suit, and as Garak
complies, goes on talking to his officers. In this way, they "let slip"
to Garak about the invasion. Garak then speaks to Dukat over subspace.
Dukat is incredulous. "Garak, you have got to talk to Sisko. Tell him he
has to find some way to stop the Klingons. Cardassia has enough problems
right now." They trade insults for a bit, but Garak finally reminds him
that the Klingon fleet will arrive at Cardassia in less than an hour.
The station monitors transmissions indicating that the Cardassian fleet
has mobilized and is resisting the Klingon fleet. Sisko speaks to the
Federation Council, and announces grimly to his staff that the council
has condemned the invasion. In response, Gowron has cut off diplomatic
relations with the Federation and withdrawn from the Khitomer Accords,
meaning that the peace treaty has ended. Just then, a Klingon ship
decloaks. Gowron is on board and wants to speak with Worf.
Gowron tells Worf he understands what he did. He has a proposal for him:
he wants Worf to accompany him. "What better way to redeem yourself in
the eyes of your people? Come with me, Worf. Glory awaits you on
But Worf refuses. He can't abandon his post or his oath to Starfleet.
Gowron is surprised, and furious. Is this how Worf repays him for
restoring his honor? "It is true I owe you a great debt," Worf says. "I
would give up my life for you. But invading Cardassia is wrong, and I
cannot support it." Gowron warns him that he will no longer be welcome
in the Klingon Empire; his family will be removed from the High Council,
stripped of its titles and lands. "You will have nothing." "Except my
honor," declares Worf. Gowron glares at him. "So be it."
In Quark's, Worf reminisces a bit with O'Brien about the old days on the
Enterprise. He has decided to resign from Starfleet, he tells the Chief,
who is surprised. He's not sure what he'll do afterwards, since he's
made an enemy of Gowron and every other Klingon. "This uniform will only
serve to remind me of how I have disgraced myself in the eyes of my
people." And the sooner he leaves DS9, the better, so as not to be a
liability to Sisko.
But Sisko says he can't accept his resignation at this time. As long as
the fighting continues between the Klingons and Cardassians, he needs
Worf here. Kira comes in then with word that the Klingons have broken
through the Cardassian fleet and will reach Cardassia Prime in 52 hours.
Sisko decides to have a talk with the Cardassians.
He is surprised to find himself speaking with Dukat, who has abandoned
Central Command and become chief military advisor to the Detepa Council.
"It seemed like a good idea at the time," he says. Sisko urges him to
get the council members to safety, and offers to help escort them out of
the war zone. Now it's Dukat's turn to be surprised, but he agrees to
meet Sisko at a rendezvous point. After the communication ends, Sisko
acknowledges Worf's concern that if the Cardassian government really has
been taken over by the Founders, they'll be helping them escape. "That's
the chance we'll have to take." He orders Worf to report to the Defiant.
As Sisko is about to leave himself, Kasidy catches up to him. She just
got back, and has to leave tomorrow; their timing has not been too good
lately. Kasidy finally kisses him. "Don't get killed," she says. A few
minutes later, the Defiant heads out, cloaked. Bashir brings up the
point that the treaty with the Romulans forbids them to use the cloak in
the Alpha Quadrant, but when Sisko indicates it's the only way they'll
reach the rendezvous in one piece, the doctor says, "Well, I won't tell
the Romulans if you don't." Meanwhile, back at the station, Kira and
O'Brien are working on finishing some upgrades that were motivated by
the threat of the Dominion.
The Defiant comes across the wreckage of some Cardassian vessels, and
though Bashir wants to scan for survivors, they can't without decloaking.
Sisko decides to go on. They finally approach the rendezvous point, to
find Dukat's ship under heavy fire from three birds-of-prey. "Two
decades of peace with the Klingons," Bashir notes, "and it all comes
down to this." Sisko has no choice but to attack, especially since an
attempt to warn off the Klingons only makes the Defiant a target as
well. Sisko speaks to Dukat and tells him to power up his engines and
prepare to follow them to DS9; but Dukat has no engines left, not to
mention shields or weapons. Sisko tells him in that case to prepare to
evacuate, even though the Defiant will have to drop its shields to beam
them over.
The weapons officer is injured, and Worf takes over her station. Since
shooting at the Klingons' engines has not been effective, Sisko tells
him to target at his discretion, and Worf does, destroying one of the
Klingon ships. Another decloaks to take its place. Sisko has the
transporter room stand by, and tells Bashir to prepare to receive
casualties, who will be subjected to blood screenings, just in case
Martok was right. It will take at least two minutes to evacuate Dukat's
ship, Dax warns, and the Defiant may not last that long without shields,
but Worf suggests a modulated tractor beam to deflect some of the
Klingons' disruptor fire, which works. They are finally able to start
transporting, even though the Defiant is taking a pounding. Once the
council members and Dukat are aboard, Sisko orders shields up and cloak
activated, but the cloak is no longer working. "That should make the
trip home a little more interesting," comments Sisko. As the Cardassian
ship explodes, the Defiant takes off for DS9, with two Klingon ships in
Dukat is not happy to be obliged to undergo a blood screening by Bashir,
but he complies, and goes to the bridge, with a security escort. Sisko
loses his bet with Dax that Dukat will thank them for the rescue before
he starts complaining.
Back at the station, Garak enters the bar and finds a depressed Quark,
who bemoans the fact that he didn't follow his cousin Gaila's advice and
become a weapons dealer. "So now, Gaila owns his own moon, and I'm
staring into the abyss. And the worst part is, my only hope for
salvation is the Federation." He has Garak try some root beer; Garak
reluctantly does so, and proclaims it to be vile. "I know," says Quark
morosely. "It's so bubbly and cloying and happy." "Just like the
Federation," Garak says, seeing Quark's point. "But you know what's
really frightening?" Quark goes on. "If you drink enough of it, you
begin to like it." "It's insidious," says Garak. "Just like the
Federation," Quark concludes. But when Garak asks, "Do you think they'll
be able to save us?", Quark says gloomily, "I hope so."
The Defiant makes it back to DS9, with the Klingon ships still on their
tail. There is no time like the present to test the new systems, Sisko
tells O'Brien. As the Defiant prepares to dock, a Klingon fleet
approaches. Starfleet has sent a relief force, but they won't be able to
get here soon enough; the Klingons are raising shields and charging
weapons. "Battle stations," orders Sisko.
As the station prepares for battle, Odo and Bashir converse a little,
knowing that each of them may well get involved in personal combat. Odo
then goes to the Promenade to direct people to shelters, but Quark wants
to defend his bar. He has a box containing a disruptor pistol. But when
he opens it, he finds a note from Rom, saying he used parts from the
disruptor to fix the replicator. "I'll kill him," says Quark. "With
what?" asks Odo.
Meanwhile, Garak joins Dukat to protect the council members; Dukat
doesn't want his help, but Garak draws a Cardassian phaser and stands
beside him. "Who would've thought that the two of us would be fighting
side by side?" "Just remember, when you fire that thing, you're aiming
it at a Klingon," Dukat growls.
Martok contacts Sisko to demand that he surrender the Cardassian council
members. "They're not Founders, Martok," Sisko says. "We tested them.
You were wrong." Gowron steps up beside Martok. "It is of no
consequence. All that matters is, the Alpha Quadrant will be safer with
the Klingon Empire in control of Cardassia." Martok warns Sisko that the
lives of everyone on the station are at risk. "I'm aware of that,"
replies Sisko. "But maybe you're not aware of what you're risking. We've
had a year to prepare this station for a Dominion attack. And we're more
than ready." He has 5000 photon torpedoes aimed at them right now.
Gowron shouts something in Klingon which Worf translates as, "Today is a
good day to die."
The battle begins, with the station fighting back against the Klingon
ships with photons and phasers blazing. Two shield generators are
disabled, and Klingon boarding parties begin beaming on. There is a
major fight in Ops, as well as on the Promenade. Dukat and Garak are
busy, with Garak commenting that he finds interrogations much more
civilized than this. In Ops, the defenders manage to overwhelm the
Klingons, though Kira is wounded. Odo reports that the Klingon troops
elsewhere are contained for the moment. Another wave of Klingon ships is
coming in, but Dax detects the Starfleet force, which will arrive in 15
Sisko hails Gowron, who says, "Captain, your shields have been weakened,
your station boarded, and more Klingon ships are on their way. Surrender
while you can." "I don't think so," counters Sisko. "My shields are
holding, your boarding parties are contained, and my reinforcements are
closer than yours. You're facing a war on two fronts. Is that what you
really want?" Worf urges Gowron to end this now, as the Klingon empire
can't fight both the Federation and Cardassia. Martok insists they will
not surrender.
"This is exactly what the Founders want," Sisko replies. "Klingon
against Cardassian, Federation against Klingon. The more we fight each
other, the weaker we'll get, and the less chance we have against the
Dominion." Worf chimes in. "Kahless himself said, 'Destroying an empire
to win a war is no victory.'" Finally, Gowron, seeing the wisdom of
this, finishes the quote. "'And ending a battle to save an empire is no
defeat.'" He decides to stand down, over Martok's objections, and to
halt the advance of Klingon ships into Cardassian territory. "But let
your people know," he warns Sisko, "the Klingon Empire will remember
what has happened here. You have sided against us in battle. And this we
do not forgive, or forget."
The battle is over, and things start to get back to normal. Worf is in
his quarters packing to head off for the Nyberrite Alliance when Sisko
comes in, bringing his discharge papers. The captain remembers how he
too once came close to resigning from Starfleet. Worf asks why he
changed his mind. "I finally realized that it wasn't Starfleet I wanted
to get away from," Sisko tells him. "I was trying to escape the pain I
felt after my wife's death. I thought I could take the uniform, wrap it
around that pain and toss them both away. But it doesn't work like that.
Running may help for a little while, but sooner or later the pain
catches up with you, and the only way to get rid of it is to stand your
ground and face it."
"But wearing that uniform must remind you of what you have lost," Worf
comments. "Sometimes," Sisko concedes. "But it also reminds me of what
I've gained. And who I am. Oh, I can throw away the uniform, resign my
commission, run all the way to the Nyberrite Alliance. But it really
wouldn't matter. A Starfleet officer. That's what I am, and that's what
I'll always be." Worf finally decides that perhaps Starfleet can still
be his home. Sisko offers to talk to the captain of the Venture.
"Perhaps that will not be necessary," Worf says. Somewhat later, now
wearing red, he reports for duty as DS9's new Strategic Operations
Sisko announces that he has spoken to Dukat, who has returned to
Cardassia Prime with the Detepa Council. "Who'd have thought I'd help
save the Cardassian government?" remarks Kira. Odo notes that Dukat will
probably take credit. As they're talking, Dax receives a priority one
message from Starfleet Intelligence. The Klingons are refusing to give
up several of the Cardassian colonies they seized, and are fortifying
their positions. "Looks like the Klingons are here to stay," says Kira.
"Maybe they are," Sisko replies. "But so are we."