Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
As Sisko and Jake sit down to dinner one night, Jake mentions that he
has some good news: Captain Kasidy Yates is back on the station. She's
the freighter captain he told his father about (in "Explorers"). Jake
offers to invite her over for dinner tomorrow night. "I know you want me
to meet her, and I will," Sisko tells his son. "Just let me handle it my
It's busy in Quark's, and Quark is disgruntled because Rom gave Nog the
night off to study for his Starfleet Academy entrance exam. "Don't you
see? That's how it begins. All it takes is for one impressionable
youngster to join Starfleet, and the next thing you know, a whole
generation of Ferengi will be quoting the Prime Directive and abandoning
the pursuit of latinum. It's the end of Ferengi civilization as we know
it, and it's all your fault." "Relax, brother," says Rom. "Nog isn't
going to destroy the Ferengi way of life. He just wants a job with
better hours."
At that moment, a Ferengi with an air of importance enters the bar.
"Brunt, FCA," he announces. The FCA is an abbreviation for the Ferengi
Commerce Authority, and Brunt is here to serve Quark with a Writ of
Accountability, which he puts on the wall. Rom quickly shoos everyone
out of the bar.
Some time later, Quark and Rom watch nervously as Brunt goes over their
finances. Quark even decides to come clean about his profits for the
tulaberry wine franchise. But that's not what Brunt is here about. After
Quark bribes him, he announces that Quark is charged with violating the
Ferengi Trade Bylaws, subsection 1027, paragraph 3. Which, Quark learns
after buying a copy of the bylaws, involves improper supervision of a
family member. "You are being held accountable for the criminal
activities of one Ishka, daughter of Adred, wife of Keldar." Ishka --
who is Quark's and Rom's mother -- is charged with earning profit.
Quark goes to Odo's office to tell him he's holding the constable
personally responsible for the safety of his bar and possessions. He's
going to Ferenginar to take care of some business: he's required by law
to get his mother to admit wrongdoing, make reparations, and name her
accomplices. "I have no intention of spending my latinum to make
restitution for her crimes. I will wring that confession out of her if I
have to." "This is your mother you're talking about?" Odo asks. "Don't
remind me," Quark says.
Sisko is in Ops when Dax slyly asks him if he's met Captain Yates yet.
Dax herself has been introduced to her by Jake. "What did you think
about her?" Sisko asks. Dax smiles. "Let me just put it this way, if I
were Curzon, I'd have stolen her from you by now." "That's one of the
reasons I'm glad you're not Curzon anymore," Sisko remarks.
Rom joins Quark as he is about to leave the station. He wants to come
along, but Quark is against it. He's sure Rom will only take their
mother's side. "Somebody has to," Rom says. "After all, she is our
mother." Quark gives in, but tells Rom to stay out of the way.
They arrive at their family home on Ferenginar with Brunt. Quark is less
than enthusiastic about being here; he hasn't been back in twenty years,
and if he had his way, he would have been gone another twenty. Rom looks
around at the well-appointed room. "Mother certainly has been acquiring
quite a few new things -- doubtless with the generous stipend you give
her," he adds quickly for Brunt's benefit. Brunt presents the formal
list of Ishka's infractions, and tells Quark that if he can't obtain a
confession, she will be placed in indentured servitude, and Quark will
be required to make restitution for her crimes.
Ishka enters then. To Quark's shame and Brunt's horror, she is wearing
clothes. "Mother, get undressed this instant!" Quark orders her, but
Ishka does no such thing. She has no qualms about speaking directly to a
strange man (Brunt), and she certainly has no intention of signing any
confession. "You have three days to get your house in order," Brunt
warns Quark, and exits. Quark tries, but Ishka is defiant. Rom smiles
fondly as she leaves the room. "Same old Moogie."
Back on DS9, O'Brien and Bashir are trying to get through the lock on
the door of the bar, so that they can get their "lucky" dartboard, while
Odo looks on. When Sisko comes along, the conversation turns to Kasidy
Yates. "Exactly how many people has Jake told about this woman?" Sisko
wonders. "Everyone," replies O'Brien.
Rom serves dinner, saying that Moogie isn't feeling well. "Wait a
minute, that's not bad," Quark says. "We could say she's having
emotional problems. We might even be able to get the FCA to drop the
charges in light of her illness." But Rom tells him she only has a
slight rash due to the clothing. Quark is reminded of the many things he
resents about his mother. "Remember how the other children used to tease
us about her? 'Your mother won't chew your food. Your mother talks to
strangers.' It's like she went out of her way to embarrass us. Not to
mention Father. Oh, I remember there were nights when I would find him
sitting, slumped in this chair. He'd say to me, 'Quark, I don't know
what I'm going to do about that female.' No wonder he never earned much
profit. He was too busy worrying about her." "I thought Father did all
right," protests Rom. "He could've done a lot better, if she'd just
behaved herself, showed him the respect he deserved," Quark shoots back.
"She may have dragged Father down, but she's not doing the same to me.
It's time someone put her in her place."
"Have anyone in mind for the job?" Ishka taunts, entering. Quark tries a
slightly different tack: "Imprinting the confession doesn't take away
from your achievement. Just admit to what you did and tell the FCA the
name of any male who might have helped you." Rom asks what exactly she
did, and Quark says she took some of the monthly stipend he sends her
and invested it in a Hupyrian beetle farm. She made three bars of
gold-pressed latinum. "Isn't the FCA overreacting a little?" asks Rom.
Quark replies, "It doesn't matter whether it's one slip or a hundred
thousand bars, females are not allowed to earn profit...Because it's the
law. And without law, society would descend into chaos." "If you ask me,
this society could use a little chaos," Ishka shoots back. "Not if I
have anything to say about it," Quark declares, and mother and son glare
at each other. Rom smiles. "Gee, I wish Father were alive. Then it'd be
just like old times -- sitting around the family table, eating tube
grubs, discussing important issues of the day."
Quark tries reasoning with his mother. "Mother, please, for our family's
reputation, for your sons' financial future, please, imprint the
confession." "I can't," Ishka says. "I wish you could understand,
Quark." "I understand perfectly," Quark says angrily. "You're a selfish
female, who never cared about this family, about Father, or about me!"
Rom has a talk alone with his Moogie, who takes her clothes off just for
him, to make him more comfortable. He tells her it would mean a lot to
Quark if she imprinted the confession. "I know he can be headstrong and
overbearing -- not to mention mean, and insulting, and rude -- but he's
not all bad. He works hard. You should see the bar. It's thriving." "I'd
like to," says Ishka. "But Ferengi tradition doesn't allow females to
travel." Rom pleads with her, saying this could destroy everything Quark
has worked for. "You always were a good boy," Ishka tells him. "I don't
think Quark knows how lucky he is to have a brother as loyal as you."
"He knows," replies Rom. "He just doesn't like showing it." He offers to
convince Quark to increase her monthly stipend, but Ishka says it's not
about money. "It's about pride. And knowing I'm just as capable of
earning profit as any male. Don't you see, if I imprint that confession,
I'll admitting that what I did was wrong. I'm not going to do that. I'd
rather be sold into servitude." Tenderly, she offers to sharpen his
teeth for him.
Sisko finally goes to meet Kasidy Yates, who is supervising her crew as
they load some cargo into her ship. The cargo is unstable biomatter, and
she can't beam it aboard since her transporter is behind the times. "My
son has told me a lot about you," Sisko says at last. She smiles. "Well,
I think Jake fancies himself something of a matchmaker." Kasidy has to
take care of something, but suggests that they have coffee tomorrow
Early in the morning, Rom finds Quark at a computer, looking bleary-eyed
and grim. "Mother's been busy," he comments. It turns out Ishka earned a
lot more than three bars of latinum -- she's been conducting
transactions all over the Ferengi Alliance, using dozens of aliases. "Do
you know what this means?" "It means Moogie's got the lobes for
business," says Rom. "Even if I sold everything I have," Quark finishes,
"I couldn't come close to paying back what she's earned. I'm ruined."
Then Quark goes quiet. "I'm so proud of you, Quark," Rom offers. "I
mean, other people in your situation might overreact and lose their
temper, make a bad situation worse. But not my brother. You're too smart
for that. You're going to sit there and study the problem, and then come
up with a clear, simple solution." Quark says he already has. "I'm going
to kill her."
He stomps off toward their mother's bedroom, and catches her working on
a PADD, trying to hide some more assets. But she boldly admits to her
activities. "Since when does a Ferengi have to make excuses for making
profit?" she challenges. She claims that Quark is jealous of her, just
like his father, who never amounted to much because he wouldn't take her
advice. It deteriorates from there, and Quark finally turns to leave.
He's going to the FCA with what he knows.
Rom chases after him, determined not to let him hurt their mother. But
Quark is enraged because Ishka insulted their father. Rom, though,
points out angrily that she's right. He stayed home a lot longer than
Quark did, so he knows the truth about Keldar. "He went from one bad
deal to the next, one failure after another. He couldn't hold onto
latinum if you sewed it into his pants!" Quark, furious, tackles him,
and the two of them get into a huge knock-down-drag-out, letting out
years of pent-up frustration and sibling rivalry. Finally Ishka comes in
and breaks it up. "If your brother wants to go to the FCA, let him," she
tells Rom. She looks at Quark. "Go on. What are you waiting for?" Quark
In the antechamber of Brunt's office in the Tower of Commerce, Quark
performs all the requisite bribery before being allowed to sit down.
"Tell Brunt I need to talk to him now. I have information that could
shake the very foundation of the Ferengi Alliance." Rom then enters, out
of breath, saying he has a message from Moogie. She will share her
profits with Quark, fifty-fifty.
Quark goes back home with Rom and apologizes to his mother; she accepts.
When he mentions dividing the profits fairly, however, she is surprised.
Rom had told her Quark would let her keep all of it. "So I lied to both
of you," Rom says. "I had no choice. It was the only way to get the two
of you talking again." He tells both of them off. "Quark, you should be
ashamed of yourself. I've seen you treat Cardassians with more respect
than you show your own mother. And Moogie, if Quark can uncover your
hidden investments, eventually the FCA will too. And then all that
profit will be lost. Think about that for a moment. Now, neither of you
is going to leave this room until you've settled things. Is that clear?
And no shouting!!! I'm going to take a nap." Both Quark and Ishka look
after him in astonishment.
Ishka notes how much like their father Rom is. "You enjoy insulting
Father, don't you?" Quark says. "I'm not insulting anyone," Ishka
replies. "I'm just being honest. Rom's a lot like his father. And you, I
suppose, are a lot like me." She was the one who helped Quark memorize
the Rules of Acquisition, after all. "Rom knows them just as well as I
do," Quark points out. "But you understand them," Ishka tells him. "Rom
never did. And neither did his father. But even if Keldar didn't know
the first thing about profit, he knew everything about family. He was a
good husband, and a wonderful father. And I loved him for that. The way
I love Rom -- and the way I love you." She then says finally that if it
will make Quark happy, she will give back the money and imprint the
confession. Touched, Quark hugs her. "Oh, Moogie, I love you."
In the replimat on DS9, Sisko and Kasidy have their coffee, and it
appears to be going well, but he can't help but notice that she seems a
little preoccupied. She admits that when they made their plans she had
forgotten she had a previous engagement. Her youngest brother is a
colonist on Cestus III, and she had promised to listen to the subspace
transmission from him that she's expecting tonight. Kasidy mentions that
last time, he had torn some ligaments in his knee. "He was doing
something called sliding into second."
Sisko perks up in astonishment. "Sliding into second?...That sounds like
baseball." "You know about baseball?" she asks. And finally the
conversation takes off. It turns out Kasidy's brother is participating
in a revival of baseball on the colony. They go to her quarters to
listen to the transmission, which is an audio recording of a game her
brother played. From an upper railing, Jake watches with a triumphant
Brunt is there as Ishka, naked and mockingly subservient, imprints the
confession and gives him the PADD. "No one can outsmart the FCA," Brunt
intones, satisfied, and adds, "Your mother's confession will serve as a
warning to females all over the Alliance." "Oh, I don't think anyone has
to know about this," Quark says, putting a sack of latinum on the table.
"After all, what would people say if they knew a female had earned that
much latinum?" "I shudder to think," says Brunt, pocketing the latinum.
"Goodbye. I sincerely hope I never see any of you again." "The feeling
is mutual," Quark tells him.
As soon as Brunt is gone, Ishka puts her clothes back on, and Quark
makes ready to leave, promising to call once in a while. When he goes
out, Rom stays behind a few more minutes. "I'm glad to see you two are
finally getting along," he says. Ishka agrees that things will be a lot
better between them now. "As long as he doesn't find out you only gave
the FCA a third of your profits," Rom grins.
Ishka is philosophical. "If you ask me, a third was too much. But it's
my own fault for not hiding it better." As for the rest, "I've got it
hidden so well, I'll be lucky if I can find it." She tells Rom to take
care of his brother, and watches with affection as he departs.