Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
Quark is in heaven. A young woman named Emi is not only giving him
oo-mox, but she wants to buy the one hundred gross of self-sealing stem
bolts he has sitting in a cargo bay. Quark is in no hurry to close the
deal; he's too blissed out. But then there's a chime at the door.
Instead of the Saurian brandy Quark ordered, it's Rom, who urges Quark
to leave immediately, along with Emi. As Quark is arguing with him,
Grand Nagus Zek himself, accompanied as always by Maihar'du, enters the
room. "What does Zek want with me?" Quark asks in panic. Rom glances at
the baggage Maihar'du is carrying. "Looks like he's moving in with you,
Bashir is called to the wardroom, where he is surprised to see Sisko,
Dax, and several other officers. "The Federation Medical Council has
announced the nominees for this year's Carrington Award," Sisko says,
and reads off a PADD. "And the nominees are Dr. April Wade of the
University of Nairobi, Healer Senva of the Vulcan Medical Institute, Dr.
Henri Roget of the Central Hospital of Altair Four, Chirurgeon Ghee
P'Trell of Andoria, and Dr. Julian Bashir, Chief Medical Officer of
Starbase Deep Space Nine." Bashir is confused, having been unaware that
he was even up for consideration, but Dax tells him she submitted his
name through a friend of Curzon's. "So how does it feel to be the
youngest nominee in the history of the Carrington award?" asks O'Brien,
and everyone looks at Bashir eagerly. "It feels...good," he says
uncertainly. Bashir then gulps down his champagne and makes a quick
Talking to Dax a few hours later on the Promenade, Bashir explains that
he does feel honored to be nominated. "I just don't want everyone to
make a big deal out of it." Dax is enthusiastic, and can't understand
why he's not. Bashir is certain he's not going to win. Besides, "do you
know what the average life expectancy of a Carrington Award winner is?
Five years. Ten at the very best. And do you know why? Because the
Carrington Award is intended to be the crowning achievement for a
lifetime in medicine. April Wade is a hundred and six. The last time she
was nominated, three years ago, people said it was premature." He is far
too young for this, he insists. "Now, put my name up for nomination in
seventy years, and I promise you, I will get very excited. But until
then, I don't plan on giving it much thought." "That's a very mature
attitude," Dax says in surprise, and promises not to mention it again.
"So who do you think is going to win? Wade or P'Trell?"
While Zek has taken over Quark's quarters, Quark has been obliged to
stay with Rom, whose place is a pigsty. It's Nog's duty to keep it
clean, but Nog is off visiting his grandmother. Quark orders Rom to
clean up the mess. Then, to his outrage, he recognizes some things in
the room that belong to his bar. He decides that he will do a complete
inventory as soon as Rom's done cleaning. But Rom refuses. "I work for
you all day, brother. But here, I'm the boss. If you want this place
cleaned up, do it yourself." "What I want is my own quarters back," says
Quark. Rom agrees, since Quark has some annoying habits of his own.
"That does it," declares Quark. "I've been accommodating long enough. If
the Nagus wants to stay on the station, he's going to have to find
someplace else to live!"
Rom is nervous. No one has seen the Nagus since he arrived. Quark forces
Rom to be the one to disturb him. "Zek likes me, so I can't afford to
get on his bad side. On the other hand, he barely acknowledges your
existence. So you have nothing to lose." He hits the door chime and
ducks back out of sight. Then Zek opens the door. Far from being
incensed at the disturbance, he seems positively merry. "I've been
hoping someone would drop by. Now, come right in!" Quark quickly rejoins
Rom, and Zek welcomes them both in. "I've got something very exciting to
show you both."
The room has been thoroughly stripped of furniture; Zek says it was
getting in the way of his work. He then shows them a book. "You are
about to read the shining triumph of my life. The one thing I'll always
be remembered for." Zek hands Quark the book and invites him to open it.
"'The Rules of Acquisition, Revised for the Modern Ferengi' -- you
rewrote the Rules of Acquisition?"
Zek floats off to await Quark's opinion. Quark is excited. "We'll be the
first Ferengi to benefit from Zek's wisdom. The knowledge contained in
this book could make us both rich beyond our wildest dreams." He eagerly
turns the first page. "The first Rule of Acquisition is...'If they want
their money back...give it to them.'" Quark and Rom look at each other
in confusion, then at Maihar'du, who is sobbing in the corner.
Rom reads aloud some more of the revised Rules, which are in a similar
non-Ferengi-ish vein. Quark nearly passes out from the distress of it
all. Trying to make sense of it, he thinks perhaps Zek is testing them.
He tries seeing if there's a code involved; holding the pages up to the
light; even licking them. "Maybe the Nagus has gone insane," suggests
Rom. "Nonsense," says Quark. "The Nagus is the most brilliant Ferengi
alive. I've modeled my life after him. Don't ever let me hear you speak
that way about him again...It has to be part of some brilliant, twisted,
devious plan. The Nagus isn't like you and me, Rom. He thinks ten,
sometimes twenty, steps ahead. These Rules are probably the key
component in some vast plot to seize financial control of the entire
quadrant." Quark decides the best thing to do is to wait for Zek to
reveal his plan. "Until then, we have to act as if we know nothing." "I
can do that," says Rom.
Later, Zek enters the bar and buys everyone a drink. Quark asks why, and
the Nagus replies, "It will make everyone happy. And that will make me
happy." When Quark mentions that he has some new Hupyrian beetle snuff,
Zek says he's lost his taste for it. "By the way, Quark, I just met the
most lovely young female. She came by your quarters, looking for you."
Quark is happy to hear that Emi's family's ship has arrived with the
latinum to buy the stem bolts. But then Zek tells him that he informed
Emi how to get some wholesale. "What am I going to do with a hundred
gross of stem bolts?" Quark wonders in dismay. Rom admits to Zek that
he's confused, and Zek understands. "It'll take some time to get used to
the new ways." He takes Rom off to explain.
O'Brien and Bashir have finally gotten tired of racquetball and taken to
playing darts in a cargo bay. As Bashir takes aim, O'Brien remarks, "I
guess the smart money's on Wade or P'Trell." Bashir's dart bounces off
the rim of the board. O'Brien continues to chat about it casually as he
takes his turn, and Bashir agrees, through gritted teeth. "I mean, I
know you're talented," O'Brien goes blithely on, "but I bet there's
doctors all over the Federation saying, 'Julian Bashir? Who the hell's
he?'" Another of Bashir's darts bounces off. "Chief, you are absolutely
right," says Bashir, making a mighty effort not to show his annoyance.
But he gets his revenge. "So -- how much longer is Keiko going to be on
Bajor?" This time, O'Brien's throw goes clang.
Quark enters his quarters to find they've been transformed into an
office, full of subspace communications links and his Ferengi waiters,
headed up by Rom. "You're looking at the sector headquarters for the
Ferengi Benevolent Association," announces Rom proudly.
Horrified, Quark drags Rom off by the ear. Rom protests that he's the
senior administrator, and that the Nagus said he's going to mold him
into "a new kind of Ferengi. An evolved Ferengi." "Evolved into what?"
asks Quark. Rom isn't sure, but according to the Nagus, the answer is in
the new Rules of Acquisition. "He told me, 'Rom, it's time for the
Ferengi to move beyond greed.'" This is the most ridiculous thing
Quark's ever heard. "There's nothing 'beyond greed!' Greed is the
purest, most noble of emotions!" Then Rom tells him that he, Quark, has
been made the co-chairman of the association. After it is established,
the Nagus will return to the homeworld to announce the New Rules of
Acquisition on the Grand Steps of the Sacred Marketplace. And Quark and
Rom will be there. "We'll be there all right," Quark says. "And we'll
probably be right alongside of him when they throw him from the spire of
the Tower of Commerce...Don't you see, Rom? There's something terribly
wrong with the Nagus. And we have to help him before he gets us all
Zek cheerfully submits to medical examination by Bashir, who pronounces
him to be in excellent health. But Quark insists there must be something
wrong, and Bashir has to perform more tests. Bashir refuses, and Quark
looks at him in disgust. "I can't believe you're supposed to be one of
the five best doctors in the Federation. If you ask me, you're a quack.
No wonder everyone says you don't have a chance to win the Carrington."
Zek gives Bashir a strip of latinum for his trouble, which Bashir
finally accepts on the suggestion that he donate it to charity if he
likes. "And you say he's not sick," says Quark reproachfully.
Zek then invites the doctor to a ceremony tomorrow night at the Bajoran
shrine. "I intend to give a gift to the Bajoran people." But he won't
say what this gift is. "It's a surprise. You'll find out tomorrow night
like everyone else." The Nagus leaves the infirmary. "We have a lot of
work to do before then. So many needy people, so little time."
Quark resorts to having Rom try to break into the Grand Nagus' personal
shuttle. He has to know what Zek is giving to the Bajorans. Then
Maihar'du arrives and catches them. But instead of shooting them, he
opens the hatch and beckons them inside, where he shows them a Bajoran
ark. "It's one of the missing Bajoran Orbs, Rom," Quark says in awed
recognition. "An Orb of the Prophets."
This explains everything to Quark, though he's not sure how. Rom
suggests opening the ark to see if there's really an orb in there. While
Quark is struggling with him to keep him from opening it, the box opens,
and suddenly Quark finds himself sitting on top of a spinning Dabo wheel
in his bar.
"What's the matter, Quark? Spinning out of control, are we?" asks Zek
nastily, nearby. He spins the wheel; then Quark is at a table with the
Orb ark before him. He opens it to find Zek's head inside. "Looking for
answers? You couldn't find them if they were dangling from your lobes!"
Another change of position. "Where is that old Quark cleverness I've
heard so much about? Or are you so paralyzed with fear that you can't
think straight?" Zek appears at the railing of the third level. "Answer
me, Quark. What are you so nervous about? Don't you think change is
worth dying for? All I want is a little leap of faith." He jumps off,
and Quark moves to catch him, but finds himself holding the ark instead.
"Nice catch," says Zek, behind the bar. "That's the wonderful thing
about mysteries. Sometimes the answers just fall from the sky." Quark is
then back on the Dabo wheel, holding the Orb ark. "What do you have to
lose?" taunts Zek. "Open it." Quark does, and finds the new Rules of
Acquisition inside.
Quark comes back to reality. He now realizes what happened. "They did
it. They put the idea for the New Rules into Zek's head. They changed
him somehow." He tries to get Maihar'du to talk, but the Hupyrian
servant just bursts into tears again. Quark decides to break into Zek's
personal logs.
A bit later, Quark leaves the ship with Rom and Maihar'du. He has
learned that Zek obtained the Orb from a contact on Cardassia III, and
went to the wormhole, where he stayed inside for only a few minutes,
then came to the station. "In his personal logs, Zek said that the
future was looking very bright indeed. Don't you get it? According to
Dax, the wormhole aliens can see through time. The Nagus must have
thought that he could convince them to let him see the future. That way
he could anticipate economic changes throughout the galaxy." "The
opportunity for profit would have been enormous," breathes Rom. "But
instead he created the New Rules of Acquisition. Why?" Quark doesn't
know, but he knows something went wrong, and he has an idea how to set
it right. "Does it involve me?" asks Rom. "Not really," says Quark. Rom
smiles. "I like it."
Bashir is working on a PADD in the replimat when Odo joins him. The
constable says confidentially that he's heard -- through a long chain of
wives of cousins of friends of friends -- something Bashir might find
interesting. "Dr. Wade is not going to win the Carrington." "Not you
too," says Bashir wearily. He tells Odo that if this is true, the only
one with reason to celebrate is Ghee P'Trell. Odo points out that the
field is wide open; even Bashir could win. "I didn't think I was going
to win before," Bashir insists. "And I don't think I'm going to win
now." "Is that a fact?" Odo says. "Then why have you been working on
your acceptance speech?" Bashir looks at him in shock. "How did you
know?" Odo gives him a triumphant little smile. "Just a guess." He
leaves Bashir sitting there with egg on his face.
Zek is working in Quark's quarters, about to send a relief shipment to a
planet plagued with solar flares, when Quark, Rom, and Maihar'du enter.
"How can I help you, boys?" he asks brightly. Maihar'du promptly puts a
huge sack over his head, and they hurry down the corridor. "Don't worry,
Quark. I forgive you," calls Zek from inside the sack. "You hear that?"
Quark says to Rom. "We have to help him."
They bring Zek aboard the Nagus' shuttle. "Brother, this is a very brave
thing you're doing," Rom says in admiration. "Taking the Nagus back to
the wormhole. I wish I could come with you. But I can't. Goodbye." He
quickly retreats, and Quark shoos Maihar'du out as well. With a
reassurance to Zek -- who is humming happily to himself -- Quark
prepares to launch the shuttle.
He pilots it into the wormhole, stops, and opens the sack. Zek isn't
angry at all, and notes that the ship is rocking, which is what happened
when he was in here the first time. "The wormhole aliens are delightful
people, but they like their privacy." Quark asks how he made contact,
and Zek tells him to open the box containing the Orb. "Better hurry. I
got the dampening field on this ship for a substantial discount."
Quark opens the box, and finds himself in a white void; then sees images
flashing before him. Finally he meets the wormhole aliens, who take the
forms of Bashir, Dax, Kira, Rom, Sisko, Maihar'du, and Emi. "It is
corporeal." "A physical entity." "Not another one." They ask if "the
Sisko" sent him, but Quark says he's here to talk about the Nagus.
"The Zek wanted to know the outcome of the game before it was played,"
intones an alien. "At first we did not understand the Zek's request,"
another says. "The Sisko said that corporeal beings value their linear
existence." "But the Zek wanted to understand events outside the
restrictions of linear time," says yet another. They tell Quark that Zek
explained to them the idea of gain and profit. "We found the concept
aggressive." "Adversarial." "Dangerous. We could not comprehend how any
species could lead such a barren existence." So they looked back into
Ferengi history, discovered a time when they were not so greedy, and
returned Zek to that state.
Quark demands that they put the Nagus back to how he was. Instead, the
aliens consider doing to Quark what they did to Zek. But Quark insists
there's nothing wrong with acquiring profit. "Look, I don't know how you
people live, but all of us corporeal, linear whatevers have certain
things in common. And one of those things is the need to improve
ourselves. Our ambition to improve ourselves motivates everything we do.
Without ambition, without -- dare I say it -- greed, people would lie
around all day, doing nothing. They wouldn't work, they wouldn't bathe,
they wouldn't even eat. They'd starve to death. Is that what you want?
Are you so isolated and detached that you would sit back and allow the
extinction of every corporeal being in the galaxy?"
"Your argument is specious," points out an alien. "Changing you will not
result in the termination of all corporeal existence." "All right, so
maybe I exaggerated a little," admits Quark. The aliens agree to alter
him, but Quark desperately argues, "If you don't want to have any more
contact with the Ferengi, that's fine with me. But by altering me, you
won't be avoiding contact, you'll be encouraging it. My people are very
inquisitive. And if you change me, they're going to want to know what
happened. And they're going to come here to find out. Just as I came to
find out what happened to Zek." "That is linear," one of the aliens
muses, seeing the point. "And potentially very annoying to you," Quark
tells them. "But on the other hand, if you leave me alone, and put the
Nagus back the way he was when you met him, I guarantee that you'll
never have to talk with another Ferengi again. So what do you say?"
"Linguistic communication is tiresome," says another alien. And Quark is
transported, mid-rant, back to the shuttle. Zek asks if he's all right.
"I think so," Quark says. "What about you?" "Stop toadying up to me,
Quark," Zek says irritably. "It's revolting. Just get me out of here. I
have an Orb to sell to the Bajorans." Quark looks at him in joy. "Did
you say sell?" "I'm going to make them pay through the nose!" Zek
cackles with avaricious glee. "And speaking of nose, where's my beetle
The moment has come for the Carrington Award winner to be announced, and
Bashir stands with everyone else in the wardroom, trying to act
nonchalant. "And the winner is...Dr. Henri Roget." The DS9 officers
deflate in disappointment, and give Bashir their condolences. "You seem
to be handling this well," whispers Dax to Bashir, who continues to
smile at the others. "Believe me, I'm not," he admits.
The Grand Nagus, now restored to his normal awful self, heads for his
ship with Quark, Rom, and a happy Maihar'du. "Remember what I said,
Quark. If anyone asks, you have no idea what happened to the charity
money...And you're sure you destroyed every last copy of the revised
Rules of Acquisition?" "The only place the new Rules exist is inside my
head," says Rom; before Maihar'du can tear his head off, Quark quickly
says, "Don't worry. Within a week, he'll have forgotten them all." "He'd
better," grumps Zek, and shuffles into the airlock without another word,
though Maihar'du pats Quark on the head in gratitude.
Rom is disappointed that the Nagus never thanked Quark. "He doesn't have
to thank me," Quark says. "He's the Nagus." But he does add wistfully
that it would have been nice to have made some profit out of all this.
Rom smiles. "That's all right. I made enough profit for the both of us."
The Ferengi Benevolent Association was funded with Zek's personal
fortune, and he was the senior administrator. "You embezzled money from
the Nagus?" Quark realizes, shocked. "Surprise," Rom grins.
"Father would be proud," Quark says in admiration, and the two brothers
walk off.