Episode Synopsis by Tracy Hemenover
Kira is having a very long and exhausting day. Problems are piling up on
top of problems. Finally, she loses it, telling Bashir he can't have a
runabout to get some medical supplies. She starts to storm off, but
Bashir stops her, asking when her last day off was. She can't remember,
and he takes her off duty as of this moment. Bashir's diagnosis is that
she's overworked and suffering from extreme stress. His prescription is
to take her to Quark's and literally order her to relax there. And if
she doesn't, they'll do this every night until she does. As Kira is
sitting there wondering what to do with herself, someone makes an amused
remark about her busy calendar. It's Commander Will Riker of the
Riker is passing through on his way to Risa, he tells Sisko. As they
talk in the commander's office, Dax and Kira talk about Riker a bit.
When Riker emerges, Dax jokes to him about a loan she made to him when
he was last here. Riker looks blank for a moment, then recovers.
Later, he "accidentally" runs into Kira on the Promenade, as she is
coming off duty. She offers to take him on a tour of the station, and he
accepts. He casually wonders if he might be able to take a look at the
Defiant; she says they can arrange that. When they come to the Defiant,
they both pass a computer identity check, and board. O'Brien is working
on the bridge, and starts to greet Riker, but Riker looks at him coldly.
"I have nothing to say to you, O'Brien. I think you know why." O'Brien
is too shocked to respond, and slinks off. Riker tells Kira it's a long
She shows him the ship's systems. Riker says he wants to see how things
are routed through the tactical displays. When Kira releases the bridge
lockout, Riker pulls out a phaser and stuns her. He then beams two
confederates, Kalita and Tamal, aboard.
Alarms go off in Ops; there's an imminent warp core breach on the
Defiant. Riker calls and says there's been an accident; a plasma conduit
has exploded. If they'll release the docking clamps, he'll get the ship
away from the station. Sisko says they'll beam them back as soon as
they're clear, and the clamps are released. The ship pulls away, but
O'Brien can't get a lock. The Defiant has raised shields, and now it
goes into warp. Once out of DS9's sensor range, Riker has his allies set
course for the Badlands. He pulls off his sideburns. "You did it, Tom,"
says Kalita. "It's not over yet," he replies.
It doesn't take Sisko and Odo long to figure out who really hijacked the
Defiant. Gul Dukat has been called to the station, and they brief him
about Tom Riker, a duplicate of William Riker who was created by a
transporter accident. Dukat asks why they're telling him this. Sisko and
Odo say they have reason to believe that Tom Riker is a member of the
Maquis. While serving aboard the USS Gandhi, he expressed some political
opinions that supported the Maquis. "Are you telling me that one of the
most heavily armed warships in this quadrant is now in the hands of
Maquis terrorists?" Dukat says incredulously. "Do you have any idea what
kind of response this will provoke from the Central Command?" Actually,
Sisko has a pretty good idea. "They'll probably want to send ships into
the Demilitarized Zone to conduct a search. We understand that. But any
entry into the zone must be a joint operation between Cardassia and the
Dukat says the Central Command won't believe this story of transporter
duplicates and security failures. They will assume that Starfleet gave
the Defiant to the Maquis, and they will use this as an excuse to send a
fleet into the Demilitarized Zone. Both Dukat and Sisko know that
Starfleet will then send their own fleet in to protect the Federation
colonies, and soon there will be a war, a prospect Dukat says he doesn't
relish. In order to prove his good faith to Central Command, Sisko says
he will come to Cardassia and help stop the Defiant. He helped design
the ship, and knows its weaknesses.
"You'll help us destroy one of your own ships?" asks Dukat. "I want to
try and disable it first," says Sisko. "I'm sure you do," Dukat
responds, "but you are in no position to bargain here, Commander. You
want to prevent a war? You come back to Cardassia with me and you help
me destroy the Defiant."
Kira, who has been put in quarters on the Defiant, is furious with
Riker, who reminds her that she was a resistance fighter and knows about
having to do what's necessary for the mission. Kira asks how far he
thinks he's going to get with this ship. "A lot farther than people
anticipate," he says. The ship reaches its rendezvous point with other
Maquis vessels, and a Maquis crew beams over. Riker orders a course laid
in for the Cardassian border. "This ship was built to fight. I think
it's time she got her chance."
Sisko arrives on Cardassia Prime with Dukat, who brings him to a war
room from where the search will be conducted. There is a Cardassian
woman present whom Dukat introduces as Korinas, an observer from the
Obsidian Order. She asks about the Defiant's weaponry, but Sisko tells
her there's something more urgent to worry about -- the Defiant's
cloaking device. Korinas says the Obsidian Order knew about that, but
Dukat is surprised and outraged that they did not share the information
with Central Command. Sisko says that the Romulans loaned the cloak to
them to be used only in the Gamma Quadrant, in exchange for intelligence
on the Dominion. "Well," says Dukat, "your Lieutenant Riker isn't likely
to respect that agreement with the Romulans. And there's no way to
locate a ship under cloak." But Sisko remembers that the Dominion
penetrated the cloak by using an antiproton beam. He can provide what
was learned about the beam from the sensor logs.
The Defiant reaches the Cardassian security perimeter, and cloaks, as
Kira, in her quarters, notes the red alert. She begins opening a panel
in the replicator. In the Cardassian war room, there is a perimeter
alert, and a monitor screen shows a ship that a nearby outpost
identifies as the Defiant. Dukat orders warships to converge there, but
Sisko wonders why they're not cloaked. He looks at the sensor
information, as the Defiant begins to attack the outpost. Sisko urges
Dukat not to pull ships off the border to pursue the Defiant into the
Demilitarized Zone. The ship is a decoy, sending out a fake warp
signature identical to that of the Defiant in order to draw the
Cardassian patrol ships out of position.
Now, another outpost detects the Defiant with an antiproton beam. This
is the real Defiant; it decloaks and attacks the outpost, as Dukat
orders the gul pursuing the decoy to break off and head there. But
they're too late, and contact is lost with the outpost. The Defiant
recloaks, with its last known heading putting it on course for the heart
of Cardassian space. "Commander Sisko," says Korinas, "you should be
commended. I only wish we had someone with such keen tactical instincts,
who could have prevented this invasion of our territory." Dukat doesn't
react to the subtle slam.
Riker tells Kalita to adjust the cloak's resonance frequency so that the
Cardassians can't detect them again. He orders a course set for a
shipyard, but then the ship rocks. The cloak is offline; two plasma
conduits have blown out in the crew quarters section. "Looks like Major
Kira's been busy," says Riker.
As Kira is having her burned arm and shoulder treated by Tamal, Riker
tells her they'll be able to recloak in 30 minutes. He has moved the
ship into a nebula, where they will be undetectable. Riker reminds Kira
that she's spent most of her life fighting the Cardassians. Kira replies
that she fought them because they invaded her home. "You don't live in
the Demilitarized Zone. You don't have family there. Why are you in this
fight?" Riker says, "Because people are dying in the Demilitarized Zone,
and Starfleet isn't doing anything about it." Kira tells him that his
hijacking the Defiant will only raise the stakes. The Cardassians will
set a fleet after him, and kill more people hunting him down than they
did in the border raids. "You're assuming the Defiant is going to stay
in the Demilitarized Zone," says Riker, and takes her to the bridge,
where he can keep an eye on her.
Things are quiet in the war room; there has been no sign of the Defiant.
Sisko is thinking out loud about the problem, but notices Dukat isn't
listening. Dukat admits he was thinking about his son's eleventh
birthday, which is today. He had promised to take him to an amusement
center, and had wanted to make the time to spend with the boy. Sisko can
relate to that. "You just hope that one day later they'll look back and
say, 'Now I understand. Now I know why he did that.'" "When my son looks
back on this day," replies Dukat, "the only thing he'll remember is that
a Federation officer on a Federation ship invaded his home, and kept his
father away from him on his eleventh birthday. And he won't look back
with understanding. He'll look back with hatred. And that's sad."
Tamal tells Riker that the cloak is operating normally, but due to the
plasma conduit damage, there is a slight neutrino leak in the port
nacelle, which the Cardassians might be able to detect. Riker says it's
a chance they'll have to take. He orders a course for the Omekla III
shipyard, trying to keep the Cardassians guessing as to what he's doing.
Kira asks why, and Riker levels with her. He tells her that the Maquis
have heard rumors that hardline Cardassian elements are trying to scrap
the Federation treaty. "We got our hands on an intelligence report
outlining a suspected military buildup in the Orias System. A secret
buildup that even the Central Command isn't aware of." He's convinced
that they're building an invasion fleet, and he does not intend to let
them finish it.
Kira observes that he's not very good at being a terrorist. He seems
more worried about politics than actually hurting Cardassians. Why isn't
he out destroying every Cardassian outpost along the border? Riker says
the stakes are higher than that. "Not for the Maquis, they're not,"
insists Kira. "Because the Maquis are terrorists, and the only thing
terrorists care about is attacking the enemy. I know, I was a terrorist.
And if I'd had this ship then, I would've destroyed Deep Space Nine. I
would've hit the Cardassians so hard they would have screamed for peace,
but I certainly wouldn't have gone flying off into the middle of
Cardassia on some wild goose chase." "I guess we're different kinds of
terrorists," says Riker. Kira looks at him. "No, you're trying to be a
hero. Terrorists don't get to be heroes." "We'll see," he says.
Sisko realizes he knows where the Defiant is going. Its attacks have
been designed to draw Cardassian ships away from one particular sector,
leaving it defenseless. Dukat doesn't know of anything valuable there;
no Class M planets except Orias III, which is uninhabited. Yet Sisko
insists that everything points there. He suggests that Dukat send at
least one ship to that system. But as Dukat is doing so, Korinas
suddenly says no. "That sector is under direct control of the Obsidian
Order, and you will not enter it." She won't say why, except that the
matter is classified, and any warship sent into the Orias system will be
destroyed. "Are you saying that you will fire on another Cardassian
ship?" Dukat asks, incredulous. "What I am saying," Korinas tells him,
"is that the Obsidian Order will take whatever steps are necessary to
protect the Orias system. And so will I."
Out of Korinas' earshot, Dukat tells Sisko he's spoken to some friends
in Central Command, and the Obsidian Order isn't giving them answers
either. The Order theoretically answers to the Detepa Council, as does
the military, but in practice, both are autonomous. A message comes in
that a warship, the Kraxon, has detected an unusual neutrino signature
in their sector, which looks like radiation from a damaged warp plasma
relay. They're scanning with antiproton beams. From the location, Sisko
guesses that the Defiant is in a position to make a run for the Orias
system. Dukat says that until they know for sure that Orias is their
target, he can't risk pulling ships away from other potential targets to
chase a neutrino signature.
Kira warns Riker that if he tries to run for the Orias system, the ships
that are scanning for them will see their neutrino signature, and he'll
have a small fleet chasing him. "They can chase me all they want," says
Riker, "as long as they don't catch me." The Defiant sets off for Orias;
Dukat orders ships to pursue the neutrino signature. When the Defiant
draws within sensor range of Orias, Riker orders a full scan of the
Korinas tells Dukat the Defiant will never make it to Orias, and
suddenly three Cardassian warships appear in the system, headed for the
Defiant, which is trapped between them and the other ships that are
pursuing it. Dukat realizes that if the three ships were military, he
would know about them, which leaves the Obsidian Order. The Order is
forbidden to have ships or military equipment of any kind. Korinas
merely smiles and walks out.
Riker is prepared to fight his way to Orias. Kira argues that that will
slow them down, and the ships pursuing them will catch up. "Not even the
Defiant can win against those odds." "We have come too far to quit now,"
says Riker. Kira reminds him he's an experienced Starfleet officer. The
smart move is to run while they still can.
"Maybe that's what an experienced Starfleet officer would do," retorts
Riker. "Maybe that's what Will Riker would do, but it's not what I'm
going to do. I'm going to continue the mission." Kira realizes what this
is really about for him. "It's not the mission you're thinking about, is
it? Or even the colonists in the Zone. This is about you, isn't it? You
and that other Will Riker out there, the man with your face, your name,
your career. You are looking for a way to set yourself apart, some way
to be different." Riker smiles, though she senses she's right. "You
shouldn't go fishing today," he says. "You won't catch anything." He
tells Kalita, "Take us in."
Sisko proposes to Dukat that if he wants to know what's going on in the
Orias system, there's a way to find out, by giving Riker a chance to
surrender. The Defiant's sensor logs can give Dukat the information he
wants. Riker will surely turn over the logs in exchange for the ship,
and his crew over to the Federation. Dukat says he can't let a group of
terrorists invade Cardassian territory and walk away. "Then you must
decide which is important to you," says Sisko. "Your sense of Cardassian
justice, or the information contained in the Defiant's sensor logs."
Dukat does want the information, but someone has to pay, "and I don't
want that someone to be me." He's willing to hand over the Maquis and
the ship. Riker, however, will have to be brought to Cardassian justice.
That and the information might be enough for Central Command. Sisko says
he might be able to get Riker to agree to that, on the condition that
Dukat arranges a sentence other than death. Dukat says he'll have to
clear that with the Ministry of Justice, but it appears the deal is
The Defiant enters battle against the Obsidian Order's ships, and does
some damage, but three more ships appear. Then a message comes in from
Dukat and Sisko, who tell Riker the terms they've worked out. Riker will
be tried and convicted in a Cardassian court, and sentenced to the Lazon
II labor camp for life. Riker recognizes that a non-death sentence must
have taken some doing. He thinks it over. "Tom," Kira urges, "there's no
reason for you to continue. They're offering you a way out. The only
reason not to take it is because you want to die." She points out that
there may be a lot more ships waiting ahead to take them on. "Be a
Starfleet officer one last time. Think of your crew. You may want Tom
Riker to go out in a blaze of glory that they talk about for the next
ten years. Don't drag them along with you."
Riker makes his decision, and accepts the terms. Sisko tells him to
surrender the Defiant to one of the pursuing ships, as the ones ahead
are not under Dukat's control. Dukat has ordered the Kraxon to put her
shields around the Defiant. Riker gives the order to go to that ship,
and there is a tense moment until finally the Obsidian Order ships go
back to the Orias system. Riker has the logs transmitted to the Kraxon.
He will beam over there, turning command of the Defiant to Kira. "I'm
holding you personally responsible to see that these people get a fair
trial," he tells her. She gives her word. "We'll get you out of there,
Tom. I promise you that." Riker kisses her, and then calls the Kraxon to
be beamed over. And Kira tells his crew to set course for the