Episode Synopsis
Tracy Hemenover
Jake is working on a science project as his father enters
their quarters. The project is growing Bajoran katterpods in
order to find out which hybrid yields the biggest root. Sisko
can't help thinking that it's a little unambitious. He asks
what kind of science project Jake would want to do if he could
do anything he wanted. Jake first thinks of learning to pilot
a runabout; his second choice is to visit the Gamma Quadrant
and do a planetary survey. Sisko agrees. "It'll be like a
vacation. A working vacation."
Later, Sisko discusses station business with Kira and Dax,
including the scheduled arrival of a starship, the Odyssey,
whose captain Dax doesn't get along with. Jake enters the
office with some news: Nog is having trouble coming up with a
project, so Jake invited him to the Gamma Quadrant with them.
"Dad, if Nog doesn't get a good grade on this science project,
he's going to drop out of school. And I can't let that
happen." Sisko is disappointed -- he was looking forward to
the chance to spend time alone with his son. But Jake really
wants to help his friend, so Sisko reluctantly agrees.
A depressed Morn is staring into his drink, and Quark is
offering to listen to his troubles, when the Ferengi suddenly
rushes off to talk to Odo. Quark has proposed using the
station's com monitors to sell merchandise, an idea Sisko has
rejected. "Maybe it's because he doesn't like you," Odo
guesses. "Don't be ridiculous," Quark says. "Major Kira is the
one who doesn't like me. Sisko -- " "Doesn't like you either,"
Odo finishes. As Quark is trying to think of a way to change
Sisko's mind, Nog comes up to tell his uncle he will be going
to the Gamma Quadrant with Jake and Sisko. "How lucky for
you," Quark says, sensing an opportunity. Morn is left staring
after them, forgotten.
Entering the Rio Grande, Nog is eager to learn how to fire the
phasers. "Look, Dad," Jake says, "I know this isn't exactly
the trip you planned on. But you'll see, Nog's a great guy."
He promises his father won't even know Nog's along. Then Quark
shows up, complete with luggage. Nog, who is as surprised as
anyone, asks what he's doing here. "What's it look like? I'm
going with you."
Quark does some fast talking to Sisko. "No offense -- some of
my best friends are hew-mons. But my brother Rom isn't as
liberal as I am. Let's face it, he's never been comfortable
about Nog's friendship with your son." Sisko says he can tell
Rom not to worry; he'll take care of Nog. "And I promise I
won't try to corrupt him with my human values." "I know that,"
Quark says in a what-can-you-do voice, "but Rom is convinced
all humans look down upon Ferengi. And by allowing me to come
on this trip, you can help prove him wrong. He is wrong, isn't
he?" Sisko finally agrees, not because of Quark's persuasion,
but because he sees how important this is to Jake. "All right.
But let's get going before anyone else shows up."
In the Gamma Quadrant, the four of them find a lush green
world, much like an earlier Earth. "This is as close to
paradise as you're going to get," Sisko comments to Quark.
"All you need to do is to allow yourself to see it." "I'll
tell you what I see in two words," Quark replies. "Exploitable
resources." He's not exactly happy with the place; all this
nature gives him a rash on the lobes. Sisko suggests that
he'll be more comfortable on the runabout. "And miss all the
fun?" Quark exclaims. "Never! Besides, I'm really looking
forward to our getting to know each other better."
A bit later, though, as he and Sisko sit beneath a tree while
the boys collect samples, Quark complains constantly about the
heat, the humidity, the bugs, and the "stench" of the flowers.
But still, he's happy, he claims, that they're talking like
this. "There's nothing like facing the wilderness to bring
people closer." "The answer is still no, Quark," Sisko says,
referring to the advertising idea. Quark vigorously tries to
sell him on it anyway, but Sisko walks off toward the boys,
who are doing fine and have accomplished quite a bit.
That night, they all enjoy a campfire and a meal of jambalaya
-- that is, everyone enjoys it but Quark. Sisko and Jake lay
back for a bit and bond over remembering a camping trip they
once took with Jennifer. But they are interrupted by Quark,
whose sleeve has caught fire as he was trying to pick a bug
out of the cookpot. Sisko puts out the flames. "Look, do us
all a favor -- sit down and try to stay out of trouble." "What
did I do?" demands Quark; Nog, embarrassed by his uncle's
behavior, hisses and rushes off, followed by Jake, who wants
to make sure he's OK.
As far as Quark is concerned, of course, it's Sisko's fault.
"I guess Rom was right after all. You don't like Ferengi, do
you?...You Federation types are all alike. You talk about
tolerance and understanding, but you only practice it towards
people who remind you of yourselves. Because you disapprove of
Ferengi values, you scorn us, distrust us, insult us every
chance you get." As they're arguing, suddenly a young alien
woman comes racing out of the darkness and stares at the two
of them.
When Sisko tries to talk to her, she knocks him off his feet
with a kind of telekinetic sphere that she conjures up, and
demands to know how many Jem'Hadar there are. "We don't know
who you're talking about," Sisko says, getting up. "We are not
your enemies." "Then you'd better run," says the woman. But
then four scary-looking reptilian humanoids materialize and
aim weapons at them. "It's too late," says their leader, whose
name is Talak'talan. "You're done running." "This has not been
a good day," Quark summarizes.
Jake and Nog come back to find the campsite deserted; Jake
notices unfamiliar bootprints in the dirt. Nog is all for
beaming up to the runabout, but Jake decides to track his dad
and Quark with the tricorder. Meanwhile, Sisko and Quark are
sitting in a containment cell inside a cavern with their
fellow captive, who now sports a hi-tech collar around her
neck. Quark blames her. "This is your fault! They were after
you, not us! Why don't you say something to them? Tell them
you've never seen us before!" She is silent, and Sisko tries
to calm Quark. "You don't scare me," the Ferengi says
defiantly. "And you know why you don't scare me? Because I'm
already more scared than I've ever been in my life!"
Sensing that the woman is the key to escape, Sisko speaks for
her benefit. "Right now, I'd say she's even more scared than
you are...She's obviously been running from these people for a
while. She's probably been through a lot. She doesn't know who
we are, what we're about." There is no response, and the
thought of Jake looking for them motivates Sisko to examine
the security field surrounding them. "Don't," says the woman.
"The security barrier will kill you." Sisko asks how she knows
it's lethal, and she says, "Because everything about the
Jem'Hadar is lethal." When Sisko introduces himself, she gives
him her name, which is Eris. The Jem'Hadar, according to Eris,
are the most feared soldiers in the Dominion. "The Ferengi
have been trying to open up trade negotiations with the
Dominion for almost a year now," Quark says. "We've never
heard of the Jem'Hadar." "Then you've been fortunate," says
Sisko asks why anyone deals with the Dominion, if they're so
dangerous. "The Dominion decides that you have something that
they want," Eris tells him, "and then they come and take it,
by negotiation or by force." She relates that her world,
Kurill Prime, was offered entry into the Dominion because of
her people's telekinetic abilities. When they refused, the
Dominion sent the Jem'Hadar, who seized control of the planet.
She was on a ship coming home, and fled, but they followed, in
order to make an example of her family, since her mother had
opposed them. The collar, Eris says, suppresses her abilities;
without it, she might be able to break through the security
field. Sisko starts to examine it. "Even if we do get past the
barrier," Eris tells him, "no one ever escapes from the
Jem'Hadar." "Luckily for us, they seem as sure about that as
you do," Sisko replies, pointing out that they've been placed
together and are lightly guarded. He begins trying to pry off
the casing on the collar's locking mechanism.
At dawn, Jake and Nog come to the perimeter of the Jem'Hadar
camp. Nog comments that they don't look very friendly. "I wish
we could get closer," says Jake; Nog replies, "I don't think
they'll look any friendlier close up." They try to figure out
what to do.
Quark is yelling to their unseen captors, wheedling, bribing,
and apparently not accomplishing anything, until Talak'talan
comes in. "Quark is hard to ignore," Sisko tells Eris with
satisfaction. He introduces himself and asks why they're being
held. "That's not my concern," says Talak'talan. "Then why
won't you let us go?" Sisko asks. "Because the Founders don't
want you released," is the answer. Sisko asks who the Founders
are. "That's not your concern," Talak'talan says. Quark tries
a bribe, but the Jem'Hadar nearly crushes his ribcage, then
tosses him away.
Sisko wants to meet these Founders, but Talak'talan says those
aren't his orders. "He can't take us to the Founders because
they don't exist," says Eris. "They're a myth." "The Founders
exist," Talak'talan retorts. "They created the Dominion." He
eyes Sisko and Quark. "A Ferengi and a human. I was hoping the
first race I'd meet from the other side of the anomaly would
be the Klingons." Sisko says he's sorry to disappoint him.
"It's too late for apologies," Talak'talan tells him
implacably. "The Dominion will no longer stand by and allow
ships from your side to violate our territory." He asks
questions that deliberately let Sisko know that the Dominion
is already fairly well informed about the Alpha Quadrant. "We
gain more knowledge every day. And now we have you to help us
learn more." "I don't plan on telling you anything," Sisko
says, but Talak'talan tells him he won't be asking the
questions. When Sisko asks who will, Talak'talan smiles. "I
was really hoping to meet a Klingon." He leaves, and Quark
grumbles, "Well, now that we're all friends, I feel so much
Jake and Nog beam back up to the Rio Grande, where Jake has
the computer scan for human and Ferengi lifesigns. The
computer locates them, but can't beam them up because they are
inside a spatial distortion field. "I knew it couldn't be that
easy," Nog groans. They decide to try going back to the
station for help; however, in order to disengage autopilot and
lay in a course for the wormhole, the computer asks for an
authorization code that Jake doesn't know. When a vessel
approaches from the planet's surface, Nog panics. "Computer,
evasive maneuvers! Fire phasers! Launch torpedoes! And escape
pods!" But the ship enters warp and leaves without taking
notice of them. Jake decides they have to shut down the
autopilot. "I guess we'll find out how much I learned working
for Chief O'Brien."
Back at the station, with the Odyssey due in eight hours, a
ship comes through the wormhole. It doesn't answer hails.
Talak'talan beams into Ops, and O'Brien immediately activates
a containment field. Calmly, Talak'talan informs them that
their commander has been detained for questioning by the
Dominion, indefinitely. "Commander Sisko will serve as an
example of what happens to anyone who interferes with the
Dominion...Coming through the anomaly is interference enough.
Unless you wish to continue to offend the Dominion, I suggest
you stay on your side of the galaxy."
Dax says, "You're making a mistake if you think that detaining
Commander Sisko will stop us from exploring the Gamma
Quadrant." In answer, Talak'talan walks through the security
field, giving Kira a Bajoran PADD which he says contains a
list of vessels they have destroyed for violating their
territory. Kira asks where he got the PADD, and Talak'talan
says from the Bajoran colony in the Gamma Quadrant. "You
should be proud. I hear they fought well, for a spiritual
people. I hope we won't have to repeat this lesson." As Kira
stares at him in shock, the Jem'Hadar beams away. O'Brien
can't establish a tractor beam on his ship, which seems to
have deflectors of an unknown technology. The ship goes back
through the wormhole.
Sisko finally manages to get the casing open on Eris' collar,
and probes inside with her brooch pin, finding that it
contains a multiple locking system. He tells her that after
they escape, they can use Jake's communicator to signal the
runabout and beam off. After that, Eris is welcome to
accompany them back to the Alpha Quadrant, where Starfleet
will be interested in hearing whatever she can tell them about
the Dominion. "I'd be glad to tell them all I know," Eris
Not getting anywhere with the lock, Sisko asks Quark to take a
look. "Sure," the Ferengi says angrily, complaining about
being ordered around. "You know, Commander, I think I've
figured out why humans don't like Ferengi." "Not now, Quark,"
says Sisko, but Quark has a full head of steam. "The way I see
it, humans used to be a lot like Ferengis. Greedy,
acquisitive, interested only in profit. We're a constant
reminder of a part of your past you'd like to forget...But
you're overlooking something. Humans used to be a lot worse
than the Ferengi. Slavery. Concentration camps. Interstellar
wars. We have nothing in our past that approaches that kind of
barbarism. You see? We're nothing like you. We're better."
Having got that out of his system, he takes the pin. "Now if
you'll excuse me, I have a lock to pick."
Jake has dug out myriad components from a panel in the
runabout cockpit, and tries taking out another one. This
triggers a red alert, and the computer warns of an imminent
warp core collapse before Jake hurriedly puts it back,
stabilizing things once more. He removes another component,
and now the autopilot is finally disengaged. The boys smile in
triumph, but when Jake orders the computer to lay in a course
for the wormhole, it can't comply, because the automatic pilot
system is not functional. They'll have to try and fly it
The Odyssey has arrived at DS9, where Captain Keogh briefs the
officers that Starfleet is suspending traffic through the
wormhole until the Odyssey can investigate the threat of the
Jem'Hadar. Sisko's return is, of course, a top priority. "If
you're going to try to rescue them," says Dax, "then we're
coming with you." Keogh doesn't think that's wise, since only
Kira and O'Brien have much combat flying experience. But he is
finally convinced. O'Brien has already started equipping the
two remaining runabouts with extra photon torpedoes; Dax
mentions offloading nonessential personnel from the Odyssey.
"Lieutenant, have you ever thought of serving on a starship?"
asks Keogh. "I'm happy where I am," replies Dax. "Good," says
the captain. He tells Kira to be ready at 1300.
A bit later, Kira and Odo have a calm-before-the-storm moment
as they both get ready to leave on the mission. Odo admits he
wants to keep an eye on Quark, who he would rather see in jail
than in the hands of the Dominion. Kira affectionately tells
her friend to keep his head down, and he returns the
sentiment. The runabouts leave, dwarfed by the Odyssey as they
arrive in the Gamma Quadrant, where all seems to be quiet, and
they begin searching.
The Rio Grande, meanwhile, is wobbling through space as Jake
tries to pilot it and argue with Nog at the same time. But
then the cavalry arrives -- they are found by the Odyssey and
the other two runabouts. Jake tells them about his father and
Quark being taken prisoner. O'Brien beams over, and
immediately sees the mess they've made of the autopilot
system. But he reassures Jake that they'll save his dad.
Quark works on Eris' collar, remarking that there might be a
market for this device in the Alpha Quadrant, and finally gets
it open. Eris rips it off and tells them to stand back. She
blasts the containment field with her sphere, and they're out.
Sisko takes out a guard as Quark pockets the collar, then
Sisko passes him the guard's rifle, which Quark uses to shoot
another guard. The three of them hurry out of the cavern.
Three Jem'Hadar ships arrive to intercept the Odyssey and the
runabouts. O'Brien tells Keogh he'll have to break formation,
and wants to try locating Sisko. Keogh gives him ten minutes.
The space battle is joined; the Odyssey takes the brunt of the
attack, with the remaining two runabouts trying to take the
pressure off.
Quark lags behind Sisko and Eris, exhausted, as they run
through the forest. Sisko doesn't want to leave him behind as
Eris suggests. "We never would've gotten away from the
Jem'Hadar without him." "Thank you, Commander," Quark says.
"I'm glad someone around here appreciates me." Then they are
beamed up to the Rio Grande, and reunited with the boys. "This
has turned into some science project, huh, Jake?" Sisko says
in relief, while Quark angrily tells his nephew, "Nog, you're
never going on a field trip again!"
The other runabouts manage to take out a Jem'Hadar ship, but
one of them is damaged too. The Odyssey's situation is getting
worse, and Keogh is ordering the runabouts to fall back when
their communications array is hit. As the Odyssey and the
runabouts begin to retreat, one of the remaining Jem'Hadar
ships plunges at the Odyssey, crashing right into it. The huge
starship is destroyed along with its attacker. "We were
retreating," O'Brien says, in shock. "There was no need for a
suicide run." "They're showing us how far they're willing to
go," Sisko says grimly.
As the Rio Grande docks back at the station and everyone else
has disembarked, Quark holds Sisko back, showing him the
collar. "We need to talk." Somewhat later, Eris is in Ops,
remarking in wonder about being on the other side of the
galaxy. "You'll get used to it," says Sisko, entering with
Quark and ordering everyone away from her. Quark displays the
collar. "I've been looking over this collar of yours. I
thought if I replicated it, I might be able to turn a tidy
profit. Imagine my surprise when I discovered there's nothing
in here. It's just a complicated locking device." "Which means
you could have used your telekinetic abilities at any time,"
Sisko adds. "So the question is, why didn't you?"
Eris drops her innocent facade. "You seem to already know the
answer," she says coolly. Sisko does indeed. "The Jem'Hadar
wanted us to escape, didn't they? That was the plan all along,
for us to bring you back here, so you could spy on the
Federation." "Well done, Commander," Eris says patronizingly.
Sisko guesses aloud that she's one of the Founders; Eris looks
at him with amused contempt. "You think the Founders would
waste their time with you?" When Odo tries to take her into
custody, Eris tells Sisko, "You have no idea what's begun
here." And with that, she hits a concealed device and
O'Brien can't find where she might have gone to -- no ships
are nearby, and she's not on the station. "She'll be back,"
Kira says. "The question is who she'll bring with her."
Sisko's voice is grim with foreboding. "If the Dominion comes
through the wormhole, the first battle will be fought here.
And I intend to be ready for them."