Episode Synopsis
Tracy Hemenover
Bashir and Garak discuss the fine points of Cardassian
literature as they wait in line at the crowded replimat. Garak
has lent Bashir a novel, which the doctor admits he found a
little dull. Disappointed, Garak doesn't seem to be quite in
his usual serene mood today, and rubs his temples a couple of
times, as if struggling against a headache. When he grabs his
forehead in an intense stab of pain, Bashir immediately
becomes concerned. But suddenly Garak's expression clears. "I
assure you, I'm in perfect health." He starts to go back to
their subject, but winces at another wave of agony.
Bashir has seen enough. He tries to take Garak to the
infirmary, but Garak refuses. When Bashir suggests that he
humor him, Garak retorts, "Frankly Doctor, I'm a little tired
of humoring you. There's nothing wrong with me that a little
peace and privacy wouldn't cure." With great dignity, he walks
away, leaving Bashir wondering what is going on.
The doctor describes Garak's unusual behavior to Dax as he
diagnoses a sick plant for her. He is frustrated. "It's that
damned Cardassian evasiveness of his. I mean, keeping me
guessing about his past is one thing, but when it comes to his
health, I don't know. Why can't he just tell me what's going
on?" Dax observes that he seems to be taking this rather
personally. Bashir admits he probably is. He and Garak have
been lunch companions once a week for more than a year; he
would think Garak would trust him by now, at least a little.
"Why should he?" asks Dax. "It's not like you two are really
friends." "No, of course not," Bashir admits. "I suppose when
it comes right down to it, I don't trust him either. I mean,
for all I know, the man is a Cardassian spy."
Late that night, however, Bashir is on the Promenade when he
overhears a conversation between Quark and Garak. It seems
that they are doing business together, for the first time,
only Bashir can't ascertain what the deal is for. Quark
promises Garak that he'll get his merchandise. "Soon, Quark,"
Garak says. "I can't wait much longer." After Garak leaves,
Bashir confronts Quark, who says he's helping Garak get a new
sizing scanner. Bashir doesn't believe him, but decides not to
pursue the matter.
The next day, Bashir is finishing up treating Sisko for a
minor sore throat when O'Brien comes in, responding to
Bashir's request to see him. Bashir has been trying to access
the old Cardassian medical files; O'Brien tells him they would
have been deleted along with everything else when the
Cardassians purged the system before they pulled out. He might
be able to recover them, but it would take two or three weeks.
Which is too long for Bashir's purposes. Just then, Quark
calls him to the bar.
Garak is there, swigging kanar, quite drunk and obviously
still in pain. Bashir gets him to give him the bottle, and
surreptitiously hands it back to Quark while he suggests that
he and Garak go somewhere quiet. But first he has to stop at
the infirmary. Garak is not too drunk to realize what he's up
to, and refuses again to go. However, he then crashes to the
floor, the pain hammering him into unconsciousness as he
pleads, "Make it stop...make it stop." Bashir orders an
emergency transport to the infirmary.
Finding a small implant deep inside Garak's brain, Bashir
turns to Odo, who worked under the Cardassians, for a possible
answer as to what it's for. Odo doesn't know, and guesses that
it might be a punishment device, but Bashir says that based on
the amount of scarring in the surrounding tissue, the implant
has been there for years; as far as he knows, Garak has only
been in pain for the last few days. However, he has a feeling
Quark may know what it is, and tells Odo about the
conversation he overheard. Thoughtfully, Odo says Quark has
sent several coded messages to Cardassia Prime in the last few
days. He tells Bashir to meet him in Security after the bar
closes, which is when Quark always makes his calls.
Right on schedule that night, Quark speaks to Glinn Boheeka,
an old friend of his who was once assigned to the station. Odo
and Bashir listen in as, after a bit of reminiscing, Quark
tells him he needs a piece of Cardassian bio-technology and
the schematics relating to its installation. Boheeka is
agreeable, and Quark sends him the requisition code. But when
Boheeka tries to look it up, his eyes widen in alarm. "I'm
ruined! My career is over." The code is for classified
biotechnology. Boheeka can only hope that "they" won't trace
the request back to him. When Quark asks who, Boheeka looks up
with an expression of dread. "The Obsidian Order." Quark
quickly cuts the transmission.
The Obsidian Order, Odo tells Bashir, is the eyes and ears of
the Cardassian Empire. "It is said that a Cardassian citizen
cannot sit down to a meal without each dish being duly noted
and recorded by the Order." "What happens if you eat something
that doesn't meet with their approval?" asks Bashir. "People
have been known to disappear for less," Odo says ominously.
Bashir wonders if the Obsidian Order put the implant into
Garak's head, while Odo has another question: if it's a
punishment device, why is Garak trying to get hold of another
one? Bashir speculates that maybe he's trying to find a way to
get rid of it. In any case, Odo wants to have a talk with
Garak when the Cardassian wakes up. So does Bashir -- but when
he gets back to the infirmary, Garak is gone.
Bashir uses his medical clearance to enter Garak's quarters,
and finds him there, looking like hell and injecting himself
with 30 cc's of triptacederine -- an incredibly massive dose,
yet it does nothing to relieve Garak's pain. Bashir insists
that Garak come back to the infirmary. "Oh, I don't think so,"
the Cardassian replies. "Believe me when I tell you there's
nothing you can do for me." Revealing his knowledge of the
deal Garak made with Quark, Bashir informs him that Quark
couldn't get the requested item. "Ah, well," Garak says.
"Maybe it's for the best." Then he crumples in agony once
"I think you'll find that I'm experiencing some slight
deterioration of my cranial nerve cluster," he tells Bashir,
who scans him and notes that it's not so slight. The doctor
wants to get him to the infirmary, but Garak says he has no
intention of putting himself on display for the Bajorans on
the station. "It's not your pride I'm worried about," Bashir
informs him. "It's that implant you're carrying around inside
your head...It's some sort of punishment device, isn't it?"
Garak laughs hollowly. "Punishment device? I suppose in a way
that's what it's become." He is reluctant to say more, but
Bashir says if Garak will tell him what it's for, maybe he can
figure out a way to remove it. "It's hopeless, Doctor," Garak
says heavily. "Believe me, it can't be removed...That's the
whole point. If it could be easily removed, it would be
useless." Garak finally explains that the implant was given to
him by Enabran Tain, head of the Obsidian Order. Its purpose
is to trigger vast amounts of natural endorphins, in order to
enable him to withstand torture. "I do hope you appreciate the
irony, Doctor. The sole purpose of the implant was to make me
immune to pain." Bashir asks why it's malfunctioning now, and
Garak tells him, "It was never meant for continuous use."
Asked what he means by that, Garak levels with him. "Living on
this station is torture for me, Doctor. The temperature is
always too cold, the lights always too bright. Every Bajoran
on the station looks at me with loathing and contempt. So one
day I decided I couldn't live with it anymore. And I took the
pain away." He created a device to enable him to trigger the
implant at will, which he only did for a few minutes a day at
first, but his need for it grew greater and greater until
finally he turned it on and never turned it off. Now, after
two years of continuous usage, it is breaking down. And Garak
can't shut it down because his body has become dependent on
the unnaturally high level of endorphins created by the
Bashir tries to exhort him not to give up hope, but Garak
already has. "Has it ever occurred to you that I might be
getting exactly what I deserve?" he asks. "No one deserves
this," Bashir says. Garak rolls his eyes. "Please, Doctor. I'm
suffering enough without having to listen to your smug
Federation sympathy. You think because we have lunch together
once a week, you know me? You couldn't even begin to fathom
what I'm capable of." "I'm a doctor," Bashir tells him.
"You're my patient. That's all I need to know." But he's
wrong, Garak says. He tells Bashir a little story, of when he
was a gul stationed outside the Bajoran capital during the
Occupation, when, shortly before the withdrawal, some Bajoran
prisoners escaped his custody. His aide, Elim, tracked them to
a shuttle about to depart for Terok Nor. Elim was aboard it
when Garak had the shuttle destroyed. Because one of the
passengers happened to be the daughter of a prominent military
official, Garak was stripped of his rank and commission, and
exiled from Cardassia. "So now you know, Doctor. I hope I
haven't shattered too many of your illusions."
Bashir doesn't care about anything Garak's done in the past.
He won't let him die. He will help Garak through the
withdrawal, but he needs to turn off the implant. Garak,
resigned and barely hanging on, at last tells him where the
triggering device is.
After turning off the implant, Bashir sets up some monitoring
equipment in Garak's quarters while his patient sleeps. He
fends off Odo -- who wants to question Garak about some old
murders he suspects were committed by the Obsidian Order --
and spends the next several hours in that room. He wakes up
from a doze to hear Garak awake and crying; the tears are
replaced by a gradually building rage as the Cardassian
suffers through the height of the pangs of his withdrawal.
"Look at this place," he sneers. "It's pathetic. To think that
this is what my life has been reduced to. This sterile shell,
this prison." He smashes a vase and violently turns a desk
over. "What a waste these past two years have been! There was
a time, Doctor, oh, there was a time when I was a power. The
protege of Enabran Tain himself. Do you have any idea what
that means?" Garak goes on to rant about how he threw his
future away. He didn't have a shuttle shot down to stop a
prisoner escape, he now claims. He and Elim were interrogating
five Bajoran children when he simply got cold, hungry, and
tired of the whole exercise, and let the prisoners go. He was
exiled. "They left me to live out my days with nothing to look
forward to but having lunch with you."
"I'm sorry you feel that way," Bashir says calmly. "I thought
you enjoyed my company." "Oh, I did," says Garak, still
raving. "That's the worst part. I can't believe that I
actually enjoyed eating mediocre food and staring into your
smug, sanctimonious face. I hate this place, and I hate you!"
Bashir tries to get him back into bed, but Garak utterly loses
control, his attack turning physical. As Bashir defends
himself while trying not to hurt him, Garak finally seizes up,
and Bashir calls for an emergency medical team.
He works to stabilize Garak, whose lymphatic tissues are
accumulating toxins even though the implant has been turned
off. By studying computer analyses of all biochemical samples
taken from Garak in the past 39 hours, Bashir determines that
the molecular structure of his leukocytes has been altered.
There isn't time to synthesize them, and Nurse Jabara suggests
turning the implant back on to keep Garak alive another week
or two.
"No," Garak says, waking up. "I won't allow it. I never want
that thing turned on again." Bashir says he understands, but
he doesn't know what else he can do for him. "You've done
enough, Doctor," Garak says warmly. "More than I deserve." He
offers to tell Bashir the truth, and Bashir smiles. "I've
about given up on learning the truth from you, Garak." But
Garak tells him earnestly, "Don't give up on me now, Doctor.
Patience has its rewards. Now listen carefully."
This time, the tale he tells is of himself and Elim, who
wasn't his aide but a friend, closer than a brother. Together
they became very powerful within the Obsidian Order, until
there was a scandal over escaped prisoners, with rumors flying
that Garak might be accused. By that time, Tain had retired to
the Arawath colony. Garak did everything he could to make Elim
look guilty, only to discover that Elim had already done the
same to him. He was destroyed, sentenced to exile. "And the
irony is, I deserved it. Not for the reasons they claimed, but
because of what I had tried to do to Elim. My best friend."
Bashir, moved despite his skepticism, asks why Garak is
telling him all this. "So that you can forgive me, why else?"
Garak says simply. "I need to know that someone forgives me."
Bashir takes his hand. "I forgive you, Garak. For whatever it
is you did." As Garak thanks him and falls asleep again,
Bashir tells Nurse Jabara that he will be back within 52
hours. He's going to the Arawath colony, "to find the man
responsible for this."
Some time later, Bashir beams down into the library of Enabran
Tain, a graying Cardassian who greets him amiably by name.
Bashir is startled that Tain knows it, and Tain says,
"Information is my business." He is the reason for Bashir's
lack of trouble getting here; he alerted the military that the
doctor was coming. Bashir is taken aback to realize that Tain
even knows his beverage preference, not to mention the fact
that Garak is ill.
Tain asks just how sick Garak is, and Bashir tells him he's
dying. "And you're trying to save him?" Tain asks. "That's
right," Bashir says. "Strange," muses Tain. "I thought you
were his friend." He says that Bashir should let him die.
"After all, for Garak, a life in exile is no life at all." But
Bashir has come this far. He tells Tain that he needs to know
how to synthesize replacement leukocytes for Garak. "And you
think I'd have access to that kind of information?" Tain asks.
"Information is your business," Bashir responds coolly.
"Besides, you're the one who ordered him to put that implant
in his head, aren't you?"
"I never had to order Garak to do anything," Tain counters.
"That's what made him special. So, you're saying if you don't
get this information, Garak dies?" "That's right," confirms
Bashir. Tain seems to come to a decision. "Well, we can't
allow that, can we?" He will make sure the data is transferred
to the station's computers. Bashir thanks him, but Tain tells
him not to. "I'm not doing Garak any favors. He doesn't
deserve a quick death. On the contrary, I want him to live a
long, miserable life. I want him to grow old on that station,
surrounded by people who hate him, knowing that he'll never
come home again." "What a lovely sentiment," Bashir says
sarcastically. "And it's from the heart, I assure you," Tain
tells him.
There is just one thing Bashir has to ask before he goes: what
really happened to Elim? Tain chuckles. "I see that Garak
hasn't changed a bit. Never tells the truth when a lie will
do. That man has a rare gift for obfuscation. Doctor, Elim is
Garak's first name."
A few days later, Bashir is eating lunch by himself when he is
joined unexpectedly by Garak, who was supposed to be still in
bed. The Cardassian explains that he couldn't stand being
cooped up in the infirmary any longer, and blithely asks how
the I'danian spiced pudding is today. Bashir is incredulous.
"Is that all you have to say for yourself? How can you just
sit there and pretend that the last ten days never happened?"
Garak smiles. "I for one, Doctor, am perfectly satisfied with
the way things turned out. And I see no need to dwell on what
was doubtlessly a difficult time for both of us." He adds that
he just had a talk with Odo, who seems to believe he was once
in the Obsidian Order, but of course Garak told him he was
mistaken. Then Garak presents him with a dataclip containing
another Cardassian novel.
Bashir still would like to know the true answers about Garak's
past, and Garak says he's given him all the answers he's
capable of. "You've given me answers, all right," says Bashir.
"But they were all different. What I want to know is, out of
all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which
ones weren't?" And Garak gives the doctor his familiar knowing
smile. "My dear Doctor, they're all true." "Even the lies?"
asks Bashir.
"Especially the lies."