Episode Synopsis
Tracy Hemenover
The Harvesters are a deadly biomechanical gene-disruptor used
by both the T'Lani and Kellerun as a weapon in their
centuries-long war. Now the two races have made peace, and
Bashir and O'Brien are on a T'Lani cruiser, where for a week
they have been helping T'Lani and Kellerun scientists in their
search for a way to destroy the stockpile of Harvesters.
O'Brien, at a monitor, sips at a mug of coffee as Bashir and
the scientists prepare to test yet another method. They're all
tired, though Nydrom, a T'Lani scientist, points out that it
took ten years to develop the Harvesters; they've only been
working to eliminate them for a week. This time, though, the
latest sequence works, and as everyone exchanges triumphant
smiles, Sharat, the Kellerun ambassador, pays a visit.
"I knew if our people stopped killing each other and worked
together, we could put an end to these horrible weapons," says
Sharat. "This is a symbol of the new future we have embarked
upon." He thanks Bashir and O'Brien for their assistance. "But
eliminating the Harvesters is only half the task. We must make
certain that all scientific data concerned with them is wiped
out as well." O'Brien says he's purged all files in the
databanks of both races pertaining to the Harvesters. All that
is left to do is to destroy all the remaining canisters.
Bashir and O'Brien call the station with the good news; Sisko
says he's already heard from the T'Lani and Kellerun
ambassadors, and congratulates them. They've been invited to a
celebration on T'Lani Prime, and Sisko will expect them back
the day after tomorrow.
Later, O'Brien watches from a circuit control panel as Nydrom
hands Bashir the last canister, saying it's ironic that the
war would finally end here, above T'Lani III, a planet
decimated by the Harvesters. Just as the canister is placed in
the genetic bath, two Kellerun soldiers burst in with phaser
rifles and begin shooting, killing Nydrom and the rest of the
scientists. During the attack, O'Brien ducks behind the
genetic bath as it shatters; a blotch of gel splatters the arm
that he has put up to protect himself. The attackers are
knocked unconscious, and O'Brien disables the door mechanism.
He calls the Ganges for transport, but communications to the
runabout are being jammed. O'Brien uses the transporter pad in
the lab, programming it to overload after he and Bashir beam
down to the surface. They dematerialize as more soldiers bang
on the door.
Sharat and the T'Lani ambassador, E'Tyshra, arrive on DS9 with
some sad news: O'Brien and Bashir are dead, killed in an
accident when O'Brien apparently inadvertently tripped a
security device in the computer. Everyone in the room was
killed by a pulse of radiation. Sharat says he returned to the
ship afterwards and checked the internal security sensors; he
gives Sisko a data clip with a recording of the incident. Both
Sharat and E'Tyshra express their profound sorrow, and say
that Bashir and O'Brien will both be honored as heroes on
their worlds.
The dead heroes, meanwhile, find a deserted military command
center in the middle of a bombed-out city on T'Lani III,
stocked with food and medical supplies which O'Brien checks
out with his tricorder and pronounces safe. Bashir says they
have to find a way to warn the T'Lanis that the Kelleruns have
broken the treaty. O'Brien wonders why the Kelleruns waited
until the Harvesters were destroyed to make their move. They
guess that perhaps the Kelleruns hadn't turned over all their
Harvesters, or they may believe they can defeat the T'Lani
with conventional weapons. O'Brien advises that they stay put;
if they run, they will be easier to pick up on sensors. They
have to stay alive long enough for Sisko to find them, but
that won't be for at least another day, since Sisko thinks
they're on T'Lani Prime celebrating.
O'Brien finds a com system in the room. It looks dead, but
perhaps he can get it working and they can contact the T'Lani
from here. He looks for a backup power supply. Bashir, who
took engineering extension courses at Starfleet Medical, wants
to help, but O'Brien says the best way he can help is to let
him do his job. Bashir busies himself inventorying the
On DS9, Sisko shows the recording to the other officers. In
it, things unfold more or less as they did in actuality,
except that O'Brien is working at the monitor instead of the
circuit control panel. Just after he sips from his coffee, an
alarm goes off, signaling that a security program has been
activated. O'Brien tries to shut it down, but then the screen
whites out. And the DS9 officers stare at the monitor in shock
and grief. Sisko tells Kira quietly to contact Bajoran medical
officials to send them a doctor until they can get a
replacement from Starfleet. Dax is to tell Starfleet about the
accident and that they will need a new CMO and chief of
operations. Sisko will handle informing Keiko of her husband's
As O'Brien pokes into the com system -- seeming weary and a
bit warm -- and Bashir keeps watch, they get into a
conversation about women and marriage. Bashir mentions that he
has been in love, and that he doesn't think marriage is fair
to the wives. "I mean, look at us. Our lives are constantly in
danger. There's enough to worry about without worrying about
the wife and kids at home worrying about us. I'm sorry, Chief.
I just feel that way. A lot of career officers feel that way."
"Well, you career officers don't know what you're missing,"
says O'Brien. Bashir steers close to dangerous territory when
he brings up the subject of O'Brien's marriage, but backs off
when he sees how annoyed the Chief is by his too-personal
O'Brien covers himself with a tarp, arousing Bashir's
curiosity. The Chief feels cold, but the room is warm, and he
is also looking pale. Bashir scans him, and finds the spot on
his arm where he was splattered. "You've been infected by the
Harvesters," he tells O'Brien gravely.
Sisko breaks the news to Keiko, who takes it with apparent
composure. She wants to see the recording, and Sisko says
he'll have it sent to her. "Miles was a fine officer and a
fine man," Sisko tells her sincerely. "I'll miss him." He
leaves Keiko alone, at her request.
O'Brien continues to work feverishly at the com panel, and
Bashir gives him another anabolic supplement. Finally, though,
the Chief has to quit; his eyesight is getting fuzzy. Bashir
makes him sit down while he takes over, and O'Brien begins
talking the doctor through the repairs.
Kira and Dax share a quiet drink at Quark's, with O'Brien and
Bashir on their minds. Dax remembers that she still has
Julian's medical school diaries, which he had given to her to
read, so that she could understand him better. "He told me
that they were about his innermost thoughts -- his struggle to
graduate top of his class, his dreams of having a career in
Starfleet, his constant fear of failure." But Dax never got
around to reading them. "I suppose I should send them to his
parents," Dax says, but Kira tells her she could keep them. "I
think he'd like that. He cared a great deal about you." Dax
agrees, and says she cared about him too.
Quark comes up to them with three drinks, two of which he
gives Dax and Kira on the house, so they can toast the memory
of the doctor and the Chief. "To our dear departed comrades.
We may have had our differences, but I'll say this for them --
and it's the highest tribute I can think of. They were good
customers. They always paid their bar bills on time." He then
quotes the 57th Rule of Acquisition: "Good customers are as
rare as latinum. Treasure them."
Later, Keiko enters Ops with the data clip, and an urgent
expression on her face, asking to see Sisko. She shows him,
Kira, and Dax what she has spotted: the moment where O'Brien
sips the coffee. According to the time index, it's late
afternoon, and Keiko says that Miles never drinks coffee in
the late afternoon, because it keeps him up all night. She is
adamant about this, and Sisko decides to explore the
possibility that the recording was altered. He and Dax will
leave right away to bring the Ganges back.
Bashir is still working on the panel, with the guidance of
O'Brien, whose condition is worsening. To keep alert, he asks
Bashir about his past love. Bashir tells him the story of his
romance with Palis Delon, a brilliant, gorgeous ballerina, as
he manages to get some power into the console, though there is
still no response from the transmitter. He begins retuning the
RF oscillators, and finishes the story. When he graduated, he
was offered a job by Palis' father, the head administrator of
a medical complex in Paris. But he chose to stay in Starfleet.
"Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I think to
myself, will I ever find anyone that wonderful again?" He
reports that the oscillator is working, but the frequency is
fluctuating. When O'Brien tries to rise to take a look, he
can't feel his legs.
Dax and Sisko arrive at T'Lani III, and Sisko tells E'Tyshra,
who is aboard the T'Lani cruiser, that he wants to see for
himself where the accident took place. The ambassador agrees.
Dax says while Sisko is on the cruiser, she will take a look
around on the Ganges.
Bashir finally gets the com system working, though the signal
is still weak, and sends a distress signal, set to repeat
every two minutes. They'll just have to hope that the T'Lani
find them before the Kellerun do. O'Brien is now fading fast,
and he tries to give Bashir a message for his family; Bashir,
determined to be optimistic, doesn't want to hear it. O'Brien
tells him he's wrong about marriage. "You're the one who's
always talking about adventure. Well, marriage is the greatest
adventure of all. It's filled with pitfalls and setbacks and
mistakes, but it's a journey worth taking, because you take it
together. I know Keiko's been unhappy about us coming to the
station. We still argue about it. But that's all right,
because at the end of the day, we both know we love each
other. That's all that matters."
Sisko scans the lab on the T'Lani cruiser, and asks if
E'Tyshra has been able to learn more about the device that
caused the accident. She says not yet, but they're working on
it. Sisko then asks if the clip could have been altered before
Sharat showed her the recording, and E'Tyshra innocently
wonders why Sharat would alter the clip. "Commander, the
T'Lani and the Kellerun have finally made peace. That peace
cannot survive unless both sides trust each other." Sisko
beams over to the Ganges, where Dax has found that someone has
wiped five seconds from the runabout's log. However, there
were traces of a remote transport command in the memory core.
The time index shows that the command took place three minutes
after the accident -- which means that either O'Brien or
Bashir was alive at that time.
O'Brien is still declining, almost on the verge of death, and
Bashir gives him something to help him breathe. Then E'Tyshra
arrives with two T'Lani soldiers. Bashir greets her with
relief, and then Sharat enters the room with a few Kellerun
soldiers. Bashir realizes, to his shock, that the two
ambassadors are in this together.
E'Tyshra and Sharat explain that the scientists were killed to
ensure the success of the peace agreement. "It's not enough to
simply destroy the Harvesters," says Sharat. "We have to be
sure no one can ever recreate them." E'Tyshra adds, "The only
way to do that was to eliminate everyone who possessed such
knowledge, including the two of you." Bashir protests that he
and O'Brien have no use for the Harvesters, but the
ambassadors are determined. They do not want to take even the
slightest risk of the knowledge being used. Bashir and O'Brien
will, however, have the consolation of knowing they died for a
noble cause.
O'Brien demands to be allowed to die on his feet, and Bashir
helps him up. "Been an honor...serving with you," the Chief
wheezes to Bashir, who is touched. "Thank you, Chief. That
means a lot to -- " And both of them are beamed up to the
Ganges by Sisko and Dax.
Bashir is immensely relieved to see his commander, but O'Brien
is now unconscious and will be dead inside of an hour unless
they can get him back to the station. Bashir stabilizes him,
and tells Sisko and Dax of the plot between the T'Lani and
Kellerun governments. They ignore the hails of the T'Lani
ship, and try to send a distress signal, but subspace
communications are being blocked by a broad band inversion.
Sisko asks if the inversion is affecting sensors as well, and
Dax confirms this. "Which means theirs are useless too," Sisko
E'Tyshra and Sharat, on the T'Lani cruiser, see one of the
runabouts veer off, and order a warning shot fired. Sisko
hails them. By firing on the runabout, he informs them, they
have committed an act of war. Bashir and O'Brien have no
intention of using their knowledge. "Their intentions are
irrelevant," Sharat says. "The fact is, the threat remains as
long as the knowledge exists." Sisko asks if they're willing
to kill him and Dax too; they know nothing about the
Harvesters. Sharat tells him they'll do whatever they have to.
E'Tyshra gives Sisko one minute to turn over Bashir and
O'Brien. "You want them? You're going to have to take us all,"
says Sisko.
The runabout turns back toward the cruiser, and the T'Lani
captain detects that it's preparing to fire. The cruiser
shoots it, and the runabout explodes. As the cruiser is about
to take the other runabout in tow, however, they find that
it's not there. E'Tyshra and Sharat realize that Sisko and the
others must have transported to it while the cruiser's sensors
were down, and piloted the first runabout by remote. They've
O'Brien convalesces in the infirmary on DS9, as Keiko hands
him a coffee mug painted by Molly. Bashir tells O'Brien how
much he appreciated what the Chief said back on T'Lani III,
"that it was an honor serving with me." He returns the
compliment. "You know, Mrs. O'Brien, they say that when two
people face death together, it creates a bond that cannot be
broken." O'Brien interrupts, annoyed, and Bashir leaves him
alone with Keiko, who is reproachful. "He saved your life, you
know." "He's never going to let me forget it," O'Brien grumps.
Spending all that time with Bashir was hell, he says. He could
use some coffee. Keiko looks at him in surprise. "Miles, you
never drink coffee in the afternoon." "Sure I do," he says.
"You do?!"