Episode Synopsis
Tracy Hemenover
On the second level of Quark's, an alien widow named Alsia is
pouring out her heart to a handsome, younger-looking man named
Martus. She is investing her cash in a mining concession in
the Vlugtan asteroid belt, following up on her father's dream;
when the results of his survey of the belt become public,
she'll become rich. It's her "secret plan", and Alsia remarks
that she can't believe she's telling it to a man she's just
met. Martus listens and encourages, then offers to help her
out by becoming her partner. At that moment, Odo's hand
descends on Martus' shoulder. He's arresting him. Alsia
protests that they were just talking, and Odo says, "You were
talking, Madam. He was listening."
Martus Mazur is, in fact, from a race of listeners, the El-Aurians,
gifted with a natural ability to draw people out. It doesn't
work on Odo, who is hauling him to a cell for having conned an
elderly couple from Pythro V. Martus had talked them into
giving him access to their finances, ostensibly to help them
invest their savings; but he invested the money in his own
business, which promptly folded. Now his victims have signed a
Elsewhere, O'Brien enters the racquetball court he has built,
anticipating his first workout, only to find Bashir there,
warming up. The Chief hides his automatic resentment as Bashir
casually tells him he was captain of the Starfleet Medical
Academy team that won the sector championship in his last
year. As for O'Brien, he doesn't have much in the way of
formal training, but racquetball has been a pastime of his for
years. Somehow every word Bashir says sounds patronizing to
him, and he challenges the doctor to a game. Bashir serves,
and scores one right away.
Martus' cellmate is an old, ill alien named Cos, who is
snoring on his bunk; Martus is concerned when Cos seems to
stop breathing, but then the alien wakes up. "I thought you'd
died," Martus says, and Cos wheezes, "If only I could be so
fortunate." Even a listener gets tired of sob stories now and
then, and Martus doesn't want to hear Cos', but the alien
continues mournfully. Once, he had everything, and now it's
gone, "all because of this." He holds out a small handheld
gambling device and thumbs a button; the device chirps
strangely and goes quiet. Cos explains that after he obtained
it, everything he touched turned into a disaster. "Sounds like
you just had a lot of rotten luck," Martus observes, and Cos
says, "Yes, rotten luck. In the end, it all comes down to
luck." He works the device again, and this time when the
noises stop, it glows for a moment. "I won," breathes Cos, and
dies. Martus picks up the device as it drops from his limp
O'Brien returns home, furious; he lost the racquetball game.
Keiko tries to be realistic about it: "You're not a kid
anymore. It's nothing to be ashamed of. People just naturally
slow down." Her husband is far from mollified by these
comforting words as he vows a rematch. Meanwhile, Bashir is at
the replimat, telling Dax about what happened. He says he
tried to stop the game at several points by making up excuses;
he finally got out of it by having a nurse call him with a
fake emergency. Bashir is concerned that O'Brien might kill
himself trying to beat him, but more than that, he hates the
thought of humiliating a man he respects.
As Martus sits on his bunk playing with the device, which
lights up time and again, Odo comes in, disgruntled. The
Pythron couple has decided not to press charges, and Martus is
free. He goes to Quark's and plays prosecco, winning a free
drink. "My luck's running good today," Martus comments. Quark
isn't fooled by his charm or his clothes. "The 47th Rule of
Acquisition says 'Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than
your own.' Either you're a con artist or you're covering up an
empty coin purse. I happen to know it's both." But, though he
tries not to show it, the Ferengi is intrigued by the game
device that Martus keeps playing and winning. When Quark gives
it a go, however, he loses. Martus tells him that with some
replication and expansion, it might make a good addition to
the casino. Quark offers a pittance for it, but Martus wants
more. He decides to hang onto the device a while longer. "Suit
yourself," shrugs Quark.
Martus wanders off and comes to a shop which is being closed
down by a Bajoran widow named Roana. Business is good, she
tells him, but since her husband died, her heart isn't in it
any more. Martus comments that it's not the same working by
yourself, and Roana looks at him in appreciation. "You
understand," she says.
Bashir and O'Brien have their rematch, and the Chief is even
angrier than before, realizing that Bashir is deliberately
missing shots. "You think I'm stupid, too?...I don't need your
charity. Next time, you either play your best game or you
don't play." Bashir watches him go, frustrated; he's only made
things worse.
Quark buttonholes Odo on the Promenade: "He can't do this! I
have an exclusive contract! I want him arrested!" He's talking
about the new gambling club Martus has opened up, in the place
of Roana's former shop. Martus looks at Quark smugly as people
stream through his doors. Quark appeals to Sisko, who says
that a few bribes to the Cardassians does not constitute a
contract in the eyes of the Federation. As Quark is insisting
that he wants Martus stopped, they come upon the El-Aurian
heading to his club with Rom, who is deserting Quark in
exchange for a one-quarter partnership.
In his club, Martus is approached again by Alsia, who looks
worried. The Vlugtan government has accepted her bid, but
won't finalize the transaction until she commissions a study
on the effects of the mining on intersystem navigation. She
has only a week to do the study, but she can't afford it. The
only answer is to find an investor. It really is Martus' lucky
day. "I'll do everything in my power to keep your dream
alive," he vows.
A little later, Martus, who is beginning to think he can do no
wrong, is nuzzling a Dabo girl when he spots his financial
backer, Roana, entering, a fraction before she sees him. He
proposes a toast, and then marriage as well, and shows her the
larger versions of his gambling device which he has installed
at his club.
Quark plays prosecco again and again in his deserted bar, and
loses again and again. Meanwhile, in Ops, Dax is happily
astonished when a computer file she has been looking for
suddenly shows up. At the racquetball court, O'Brien is dazed.
He has just fallen, having actually slipped on the ball while
it was in flight. O'Brien wants another game, but Bashir is
called to the infirmary. The doctor apologetically tells
O'Brien he just doesn't enjoy the game as much he used to, and
hopes the Chief can find another opponent. O'Brien is left
He goes to Quark's, which is completely empty except for him
and Quark. "A listener," the Ferengi grumbles. "So what? So he
listens. I can listen. I can listen as well as anyone." He
asks O'Brien what happened, and the Chief says he fell down.
"See. I'm listening. Nothing to it." O'Brien goes on to tell
him about the racquetball game, and Quark slowly perks up,
getting an idea. "The aging champion...versus the daring
challenger...Come one, come all...Welcome to Quark's!"
Kira's day isn't so hot. Her terminal self-destructs and loses
a report she's been working on for weeks, including the
backups. Sisko remarks that he's heard a lot of bad luck
stories in the last few hours, and the infirmary is full of
people who have suffered minor accidents. Kira scoffs, saying
we all make our own luck, and promptly trips and falls.
Meanwhile, Martus is not happy when all his gambling devices
come up winners at once, and he has to pay off dozens of
patrons. And Quark suddenly begins winning at prosecco.
Later, O'Brien and Bashir are both called to Quark's for
supposed emergencies, only to be greeted by a crowd, and Quark
exuberantly announcing something. "If it's action you want,
you've come to the right place! Excitement -- we've got it
all! Thrills and spills! Victory and defeat! Look no further!
We've got it all!" He's talking about "a legend on both sides
of the wormhole...Miles 'The Mechanic' O'Brien!" and "the
challenger -- he's fast, he's deadly, he's Julian Bashir. They
call him 'The Doctor'! The grudge match of the galaxy!"
O'Brien and Bashir look at each other in bewilderment as Quark
goes on to tell the crowd that the "noble competitors" have
insisted that half the house's winnings be donated to the
Bajoran Fund for Orphans. And a few monks smile happily at
O'Brien and Bashir.
Bashir confronts Quark, saying they haven't agreed to
anything, and Quark understands. "Think of the children. The
monks have already made a down payment on new blankets for the
winter. Ah well, I'm sure the little ones can huddle together
for warmth..." The doctor and the chief realize there's no way
out, and Quark smiles triumphantly at Martus across the
Dax, in Ops, loses her program again, and Kira returns, none
the worse for her tumble, saying even more people have come
into the infirmary. Dax wonders if there's a connection
somehow between the accidents and the increase in system
failures. Kira is skeptical, but Sisko says there must be a
logical explanation. If it's a virus or spatial disruption, it
must be something that affects people and machinery, Dax
notes, and Sisko orders her to look into it.
Now Martus' club is deserted, and as Martus is seeking
"comfort" in the arms of his Dabo girl, Roana walks in, and
this time she catches him red-handed. "Don't think I didn't
see through you right from the start," the widow spits, her
pride wounded. She still holds the lease on this place, and
she wants him out by tomorrow. "And take those damn things
with you," she adds. Rom moans that he never should have left
Quark. Martus thinks he has the answer, however, and gives
Alsia the profits from his club. She is delighted. But when
Martus tests his luck by playing one of his devices, he loses.
O'Brien psychs himself up for the match with Bashir, with
Keiko looking on and handing him his gear. She gives him a
handkerchief scented with her perfume, and kisses him
passionately. "Kick his butt," she says. In the infirmary,
Bashir is loosening up when Quark enters, bringing what he
says is a token of thanks from the monks -- a medicinal brew
which is supposed to impart great energy. Bashir's curiosity
is piqued. He analyzes the brew, and finds that it contains
huge quantities of an anesthetic. Realizing he's been found
out, Quark says that everyone has been betting on Bashir. If
Bashir wins, there won't be any profits, and he can't donate
anything to the monks. Bashir refuses to throw the match. He
warns Quark that he will provide the blankets for the children
regardless, or else.
Dax finds something unusual: over 80% of the neutrinos on the
station are spinning clockwise, as opposed to half clockwise
and half counterclockwise. This isn't the cause of the
accidents, but a symptom of the same problem. "Something very
strange is going on," she says.
The racquetball match begins, and Quark gives the
play-by-play. O'Brien does fantastically well, while Bashir
seems to be disastrously off his game. At Martus', Alsia was
supposed to meet him there to tell him how the bid went, but
she is late, and Rom is furious that Martus gave her all the
profits. Martus passes it off as expenses; Rom has had it. He
heads for the door, and back to Quark. "At least then I'll get
cheated by family."
The one-sided match continues, until O'Brien cuts off the
transmission, over Quark's protests. He tells Bashir there's
something wrong -- he's making shots he couldn't have made 15
years ago, when he was playing every day. And Bashir can't hit
anything. They try tossing the ball against the wall, twice,
and both times it favors O'Brien, who calls Ops. He and Bashir
demonstrate to Sisko and Dax. For someone to be that lucky,
Dax says, is not impossible, but very improbable. "Someone or
something on this station is distorting the laws of
She and Sisko follow the spinning neutrinos to Martus' club,
and to his devices. "So that's what he meant," Martus muses on
hearing their conclusions, recalling the alien who "gave" him
the original. "When you win, it makes you lucky, and when you
lose..." Yet Dax notes that people have been affected whether
they were playing the machines or not. Martus admits that he
replicated larger versions of the small device. He doesn't
know how to turn them off, but Sisko and Dax have a solution
to that. They destroy the machines with their phasers.
As for what to do with Martus, Sisko says unfortunately he
doesn't have anything to charge him with. But Odo, entering,
says he does. The elderly Pythron couple have decided to press
charges after all.
In a holding cell once more, Martus looks up happily as Alsia
is ushered in by Odo, but is confused when the constable puts
her in a cell as well. Quark enters and explains that Alsia
just tried to scam him. "Asteroid mining. To think anyone
would be foolish enough to be taken in by that old trick." He
offers to get Martus out, and smiles. "Taken in by one of your
own victims, and no one to turn to but me. I can't remember
when I've been so entertained." Martus has hit rock bottom. He
begins to bargain for how much Quark will loan him in exchange
for his leaving the station. It's music to Quark's ears. "Go
on," he says. "I'm listening."