Episode Synopsis
Tracy Hemenover
There is a violent plasma disruption raging in the Denorios
Belt, and DS9 has been evacuated again, with only a skeleton
crew remaining, consisting of the senior officers. O'Brien and
Odo make the rounds of the airlocks, sealing them off and
checking the outer bulkheads. After O'Brien checks in to the
other officers in Ops, Odo hears something in a nearby
airlock, and they find Quark there. The Ferengi, who had
"volunteered" to stay but was ordered to remain in the bar,
claims that he came here to say goodbye to his brother,
although Odo points out that Rom left three hours ago. Quark
spins a sob story about missing him already, and heads off
down the corridor. O'Brien and Odo follow, not seeing a device
Quark has planted inside the airlock.
In Ops, Dax detects a vessel headed for the station. It hails
them, and a voice says the ship is a cargo vessel that has
been severely damaged by the storm and needs emergency
assistance. There's too much interference to transport the
crew over, and they are barely able to lock on with a tractor
beam, but the ship is brought into a docking bay. Sisko tells
O'Brien to meet the refugees with Odo.
At the docking bay, O'Brien opens a hatch on the ship, and a
woman (Mareel) comes through, distracting O'Brien by coughing
until a Klingon (T'Kar) emerges after her and points a phaser
at O'Brien while the woman covers Odo. They herd them out into
the corridor, followed by another Klingon (Yeto) and a very
nervous-looking Trill (Verad). O'Brien protests that they just
saved their lives, and T'Kar sneers something about the
"ever-helpful Federation". The intruders take the combadges
off O'Brien and Odo, and force Odo to morph into a container
by threatening O'Brien's life. Then, with O'Brien in tow, they
take the sealed container to the infirmary. While Yeto leaves
to get Quark, T'Kar tells Bashir to put the container in a
stasis chamber, or he will destroy it. Learning that Odo is in
there, Bashir does as he is ordered.
The intruders then take both Bashir and O'Brien as human
shields to Ops, where Sisko weighs the situation and
surrenders. Mareel, after squeezing Verad's hand and telling
him it'll be all right, helps him disable the primary and
backup systems, while O'Brien quietly tells his colleagues
what happened. He has his suspicions about how the intruders
got past the security systems in the docking ring, and
mentions finding Quark there. "When this is over, Quark and I
are going to have a little talk," Kira promises. Sisko sees
that Dax is watching Verad, and asks if she knows him; she
shakes her head.
When Yeto enters the bar, Quark remarks that he sees
everything went off according to plan. He's got the liquid
data chains he was going to sell, but Yeto does not give him
the latinum. Instead, he levels a disruptor at Quark, who
realizes he's been had.
Sisko finally approaches their captors to ask what they want.
It appears that Verad, surprisingly enough, is the instigator.
He stutters that he's sorry about this, and it will be over
soon if everyone cooperates. Just then Quark is shoved into
Ops by Yeto, and pretends not to know what's going on; Mareel
stops Kira from killing him. Sisko asks Verad what he wants,
and Verad says, "I want Dax." Sisko says she's not going
anywhere with Verad. "No, no," Verad replies. "I -- I don't
want the girl. I only want what is rightfully mine, what
should have been mine years ago. I want Dax." Dax speaks up.
"The symbiont, Benjamin. He's come to steal my symbiont."
Bashir exclaims angrily that if Jadzia's symbiont is removed,
she'll die. "He knows that, Doctor," says Sisko calmly. Verad
says he doesn't have any choice. He spent his whole life
trying to qualify to be joined, sacrificing everything, only
to be rejected by the Symbiosis Evaluation Board as
"unsuitable". Dax tells him that it's nothing to be ashamed
of; only one Trill in ten is chosen. "That's easy for you to
say," Verad retorts. "They chose you."
Kira asks why Dax in particular, and Verad says his research
showed that the Dax symbiont was the best match for him. But
Sisko guesses there's another reason: Dax's proximity to the
wormhole, through which Verad undoubtedly plans to escape. Dax
tries to tell Verad that there could be many reasons why he
wasn't selected, but Verad is determined. "All they've done is
condemn me to a life of mediocrity. Well, I refuse to accept
that. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life dreaming
about what I could have been, what I should have been. I
deserve more. And I'm going to get it."
The captors try to force Bashir and Dax to the infirmary, but
Bashir says he won't have any part of this. Verad says he
understands, then turns around and phasers O'Brien in the
shoulder. "There. You see? I've taken the first step. Even if
I don't get what I want, my life is over. So either you help
me, or you and your friends will die." Dax makes her choice.
She tells Verad, "He'll help. I don't want anyone else hurt
because of me." Verad promises her that no one else will be
hurt. Dax then pleads with Bashir to do as they say. After
Bashir is allowed to treat O'Brien's wound first, he very
reluctantly agrees to go to the infirmary to perform the
Kira promises Dax this isn't over. Dax looks at Sisko,
anticipating his words. "I know, Benjamin. You'll do
everything you can. And just in case it isn't enough, I want
you to know, it's been fun." She is led off by Yeto while
Mareel kisses Verad on the forehead and wishes him luck.
Mareel stays with T'Kar to cover Sisko and the rest as Verad
goes to the fulfillment of his dream.
Jadzia and Verad are prepped for surgery, but Verad refuses to
let Bashir put him under with a delta wave inducer. He wants
to stay awake, and to watch the procedure through a monitor.
Bashir can use a neuro-electrical suppressor. Verad calls
Mareel and threatens to have her kill the hostages, and Bashir
finally agrees, taking the delta wave inducer to Jadzia. He
tells her softly that he's sorry. "Don't blame yourself,
Julian," she tells him. "You did everything you could." As she
falls asleep, he says quietly, "Forgive me."
The hostages whisper among themselves about Jadzia's chances
for survival, until T'Kar kicks O'Brien and snarls at them to
stop talking. There is a struggle, which Mareel ends by
sticking a phaser barrel in Sisko's back, subduing him.
Meanwhile, in the infirmary, Bashir slowly cuts the cord
connecting the symbiont to Jadzia, and places it on Verad's
abdomen. Verad's face lights up with the memories and wisdom
flooding into him.
In Ops, Quark asks Kira in a low voice what everyone is
waiting around for; Kira coldly asks him if he has any
suggestions. Quark protests that he's not a military
mastermind. "I'm just a victim of circumstance." Kira wonders
just how the terrorists got past the security grid, and tells
him he's crossed the line this time. "You sold us out, and now
Dax may die because of it."
Mareel tells Kira she doesn't want to have to hurt anyone;
Kira retorts, "Tell that to Jadzia." "That's different," says
Mareel, who maintains that Verad doesn't have any other
choice. As for her reasons, she says she owes Verad. She is
from the streets of Khefka IV, where she worked in an
"accommodation house" while Verad was a communications clerk
at the Federation consulate. He brought her to Trill when he
was recalled, and she's been with him ever since. "If there's
anything I can do for him, I'll do it." "Even if it means
losing him?" asks Sisko, seeing how much Mareel obviously
loves Verad. He tells her that Verad won't be the person she
knows any more after the surgery. Mareel dismisses this; she
knows he'll be smarter and more confident, but he'll be the
same in all the ways that matter. Sisko insists that Verad
will be an entirely different person; but Mareel is firm. She
won't betray Verad. "I love him, and I'm going to stand by
him, no matter what."
"I never doubted it," says Verad, re-entering Ops. He is far
more sure of himself now, more serene, without a hint of his
former timidity as he announces that he is now Verad Dax.
In the infirmary, Bashir is working to save Jadzia's life, and
tells Yeto to run a dermal regenerator over her wound. The
Klingon looks at him as if he's nuts, and asks why bother.
"She let herself be slaughtered like a mindless t'gla. If she
wanted to live, she should have fought back." Bashir says that
Jadzia did what she did to save her friends, and Yeto counters
that she is a fool and deserves her fate. Angrily, Bashir
informs him that he doesn't care about Klingon philosophy,
Jadzia is dying and Yeto will help save her. The Klingon
actually smiles, impressed by Bashir's nerve, and complies.
Jadzia wakes up, and Bashir tells her tenderly that the
operation was a success. "I feel so alone," she whispers,
scared and vulnerable. Devastated by what he's been forced to
do, Bashir promises fiercely that they will get the symbiont
back, and he won't let her die.
The intruders have what they wanted, but now they're waiting
for the plasma storm to subside before they can be on their
way. Sisko approaches Verad and deliberately begins talking to
him as if he's the Dax he knows, reminiscing about the things
they've done together. Verad responds in kind, smiling and
calling him Benjamin. Then Sisko brings up the time they
discovered the wormhole. "One of Jadzia's proudest moments,"
Verad says, his smile fading. He doesn't want to discuss it,
and says that Jadzia will live on in him. Sisko counters that
Jadzia's memories may live on, but as for Jadzia herself, she
will die, and Verad will have killed her. "You think I don't
know that?" Verad says. But he promises to make up for it,
with the knowledge and help he will bring to the worlds of the
Gamma Quadrant. Sisko says he has a better idea. "Help Jadzia."
Verad says it's too late, the integration has begun.
Mareel interrupts, telling Verad that Sisko is just trying to
confuse him. Verad says it's all right, and points out to
Sisko that the symbiont is still weak from the operation and
may not survive another one so soon. Sisko is willing to risk
it. Mareel asks why Verad is wasting his time with Sisko, and
Verad snaps, "Because he's my friend. Now go watch the
others." Taken aback, she obeys; Verad turns back to Sisko.
"We are still friends, aren't we, Benjamin?" Sisko says Verad
can prove it by coming down to the infirmary with him, but
Verad, with a hint of guilt, says he can't. "Then you're not
the Dax that I know," Sisko tells him coldly. "Our friendship
is over."
Sometime later, with Verad in the commander's office, Mareel's
mind seems to be elsewhere, and Sisko decides to take
advantage of what he knows she's thinking. She's seen for
herself how different Verad is, how differently he treats her
now. Mareel insists nothing's changed between them, but for
some reason she is reluctant to go up and talk to Verad. "He
needs you," Sisko tells her, and she loses her temper, saying
that's enough. Verad comes out to see if there's a problem,
then goes back in after seeing that Mareel still has things in
Suddenly, Quark, who has been playing with a coin, rolls it
away across the deck, and when T'Kar watches it, the Ferengi
jumps him, trying to strangle him. Mareel holds Sisko and Kira
back as the absurd struggle between the huge Klingon and the
seemingly crazed Ferengi continues. Quark is finally hurled
against the Ops table and curls up, holding his ear in
apparent agony. Verad, coming out again, tells Mareel to take
him to the infirmary.
Bashir, examining him, says at first that the damage is
superficial, but then Quark makes eye contact, and the doctor
clues in. Since Ferengi ears are so sensitive, he says, he
will have to run some tests.
The intensity of the storm has dropped, and Verad says it's
almost over. He tells Mareel when she returns that he couldn't
have done this without her, and goes over the plan. He will go
through the wormhole; she and the Klingons will make sure no
one stops him, then follow. Yet she clearly senses something
wrong in his embrace, and when he tells her to wait for him at
the rendezvous point. Her kiss is hesitant, and Sisko,
watching, picks up on this.
In the infirmary, Quark continues to moan as if he's dying,
and Bashir hands Yeto an instrument, telling him to hold it
against Quark's ear. The Klingon, angry at being treated like
a nurse, practically jabs it in. Quark moans for real. Behind
the Klingon's back, Bashir prepares a hypo, and then injects
Yeto, who goes down. "Thank you, Doctor," says Quark. "I feel
better already." Bashir immediately removes Odo's container
from the stasis chamber, and Quark sets to work picking the
lock, which finally opens. "It's a gift," Quark shrugs
The storm has now decreased enough to allow safe passage to
the wormhole. Verad calls Yeto, who doesn't respond. Realizing
that Bashir must have overpowered him, and that Odo may be
free, Verad decides to head for the ship with T'Kar. Mareel
says to take a hostage; Sisko offers himself, but Verad
chooses Kira instead. Kira goes willingly, saying that if
Odo's free, there's no way they'll escape. Verad looks at
Sisko with some regret. "Well, Benjamin, I guess this is
goodbye. Not many friendships last over two lifetimes. I wish
we could have made it three." Sisko tells him they'll see each
other again.
Mareel is alone with Sisko and O'Brien. Sisko says he hopes
Mareel likes it at the rendezvous point, because she'll be
waiting there a long time. Mareel finally shows signs of
cracking as she admits that the original plan was for Verad to
get there first and wait for her. "He lied to me. He's never
lied to me before. He's not coming. He doesn't need me
anymore." "No, you're wrong," Sisko says. "He does need you,
now more than ever." There's only one way to save both Jadzia
and Verad, he tells her, and that is to remove the symbiont
from Verad, while there's still time. Mareel wavers, then
finally makes her decision. She gives Sisko her phaser. "If
you hurt him, I'll kill you," she promises. "I don't doubt
it," he says.
Verad and T'Kar arrive at the docking bay airlock with Kira.
There is no ship there, however, and Odo, morphing out of the
shape of a tool cart that was sitting in the airlock, says
that's because he released the docking clamps. Kira goes into
action, attacking T'Kar, while Verad fires at Odo, misses, and
runs for it. T'Kar is about to shoot Kira; Odo chooses her
over chasing Verad, and between the two of them, he and Kira
bring the Klingon down.
Verad finds Sisko waiting for him, phaser in hand, blocking
his way to a runabout. Verad says that Sisko won't shoot him
and risk killing the symbiont. "What's one girl's life,
compared to eight lifetimes of knowledge and experience?"
Confidently, Verad lowers his own phaser. "Goodbye, Benjamin."
He steps past Sisko, but then turns around to find Sisko is
still aiming his weapon. "Don't call me Benjamin," Sisko says,
and fires.
When Verad regains consciousness, Mareel is looking down at
him, and he is on a surgical bed in the infirmary. The
symbiont is back where it belongs, Sisko tells him. Across the
room, Bashir is reviving Jadzia. "So close," Verad says
brokenly. "I had it. I had it. And now, I'm alone." Mareel
tells him he's not alone. She'll always be there. But he sinks
into despair, an empty look in his eyes.
Meanwhile, Jadzia wakes up, and Sisko hugs her. "I remember it
all, Benjamin," she says somberly. "Everything he thought,
everything he did. And it's so sad. I guess he'll always be
with me."