There are at least eight planets in the Bajoran system.
Bajor VIII has six colonies. |
The Joranian Ostrich hides by sticking it's head
underwater and has been known to keep it there until it drowns. |
First appearance of Garak (plain and simple). |
Bilitrium is a rare crystalline element that, when linked
to an antimatter converter, is an incredible source of energy. |
The Bilitrium cylinder is to be delivered to Tahna by the
Duras sisters on the dark side of Bajor VIII's lower moon. It isn't
known how many moons the planet has. |
The Kohn-Ma are a Bajoran terrorist organization who
assassinated the Bajoran First Minister a month before this episode. |
Admiral Rollman is Sisko's current superior officer. |
The Duras sisters are apparently in desperate need of
funds after the events of "Redemption,
Part I and
Part II" [TNG]. |
The station's third runabout, the Ganges, is seen in this
episode. |
Bashir is partial to Tarkalean Tea. |
Kira still has nightmares about the raids on the Haru
Outpost. |
The Gold-Pressed Latinum Currency is first mentioned in
this episode. |