STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "One Little Ship" #40510-537 Written by David Weddle & Bradley Thompson Directed by Allan Kroeker THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1997 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION November 6, 1997 STAR TREK: DS9 - "One Little Ship" - 11/06/97 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "One Little Ship" CAST SISKO NOG KIRA COREY BASHIR GELNON DAX IXTANA'RAX WORF KUDAK'ETAN O'BRIEN LAMAT'UKAN QUARK ODO Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. JEM'HADAR MORN STAR TREK: DS9 - "One Little Ship" - 11/06/97 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "One Little Ship" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE QUARK'S DEFIANT RUNABOUT/ANOMALY DEFIANT BRIDGE CORRIDOR ENGINE ROOM/OPERATIONS STATION MESS HALL PLASMA DUCTS TURBOLIFT CIRCUITRY/OPTRONIC CIRCUIT RUNABOUT DEEP SPACE NINE - "One Little Ship" - 11/06/97 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "One Little Ship" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ANESTHEZINE ah-NESS-thuh-zine CORIDAN KOR-ih-dahn IXTANA'RAX icks-TAHN-ah-rahks KUDAK'ETAN koo-DAHK-eh-tahn LAMAT'UKAN lah-MAHT-oo-kahn DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "One Little Ship" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Defiant holds position, its warp engines glowing. CAMERA STARTS PULLING BACK. SISKO (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 51474.2 The Defiant has been ordered to investigate a rare subspace compression phenomenon recently discovered in Federation space. REVEAL that we're on the edge of a vast energy vortex. AS CAMERA MOVES CLOSER to the swirling light, we can see a Runabout in the foreground, about to enter the anomaly. SISKO (V.O.) Three of my officers are taking a runabout into the anomaly's vortex. A TRACTOR BEAM emerges from the Defiant and tethers the smaller ship with a band of energy. 2 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE SISKO'S in the Captain's Chair. WORF tracks the runabout from the tactical station; beside him, NOG mans the science station. KIRA stands behind them, watching with interest. N.D. Starfleet supernumeraries fill out all but the second tactical position. Kira can barely suppress a smile as she looks on. KIRA So... how small are they? NOG (all business) The miniaturization process won't begin until the runabout reaches the edge of the accretion disk. KIRA I see. And then they'll begin... shrinking? DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: NOG Yes, sir. Sisko can see that Kira is biting her lips to keep from laughing. SISKO (mock chiding) Major Kira, are you laughing at our investigation of this subspace anomaly? KIRA No, sir! SISKO Glad to hear it. WORF The data collected here could provide Starfleet with the key to creating transwarp corridors through space. It would give us a substantial tactical advantage over the Dominion. KIRA Very important research. They all look at Kira as she tries to keep a straight face, but she's not too successful. KIRA What? I'm not laughing. (beat) I'm not. (beat) Just because we're... shrinking three people down to the size of coffee cups... NOG (serious) Smaller, actually. Kira loses it -- she almost doubles over in laughter, much to Worf's annoyance and Nog's discomfort. WORF I do not see what is so humorous about... being small. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) NOG Neither do I. Kira only laughs harder, and now Sisko is fighting his own case of the giggles. DAX'S COM VOICE (garbled) Rubicon to Defiant. SISKO (regaining his composure) On screen. NOG Their visual signal's degrading, captain. We have audio only. SISKO Go ahead, Rubicon. As communication between Dax and the Defiant continues, Dax's signal becomes more and more DISTORTED and FILLED WITH STATIC. DAX'S COM VOICE We're about to enter the accretion disk. SISKO I wish I could be there with you, old man. DAX'S COM VOICE I'll send you a postcard. Tell Worf I look forward to hearing his poem... Worf reacts, embarrassed. The others look at him in curiosity. The STATIC INCREASES, obscuring Dax's words. (The words in parentheses are too garbled to understand.) DAX'S COM VOICE (continuing) I'll bet it'll be (inspiring). We'll talk to you again once we've left (the accretion disk) and reversed the (effect of compression.) Rubicon (out.) DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO Good luck, Rubicon. NOG We've lost their signal, captain. SISKO Thank you, ensign. (to Worf) Poem? WORF It is an... ancient Klingon tradition to compose a poem to commemorate an important event. Jadzia asked me to compose one for this occasion. SISKO What have you got so far? A beat as everyone looks at Worf, who's suddenly on the spot. NOG (off console) They've penetrated the accretion disk. Worf quickly busies himself at the console. Kira and Sisko exchange a look. KIRA (sotto, to Sisko) Is it my imagination, or did the kid just cover for him? SISKO This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. 3 ANGLE ON - SCIENCE STATION MONITOR (OPTICAL) which depicts an Okudagram of the runabout's position, just inside the anomaly. The runabout IS QUITE CLEARLY SHRINKING IN SIZE. WORF They're getting smaller. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: NOG Even the space within their subatomic structure is shrinking. KIRA I wonder what it feels like. 4 INT. RUNABOUT DAX at conn, O'BRIEN at Ops. BASHIR busies himself with the special instrument package mounted in the rear of the cockpit. INTERACTIVE LIGHT plays on them from the energy vortex. O'BRIEN (shifts uneasily) I don't feel any smaller. BASHIR Well, believe it or not, you're about a meter tall and shrinking fast. In a few minutes, you'll be half the size of a combadge. O'BRIEN There's a comforting thought. BASHIR (off console) The gamma ray flux is increasing. We should close the blast shutters. Dax works her panel. DAX Take a last look. We're on sensors from here on. As the blast shutters close over the windows, the INTERACTIVE LIGHT FADES AWAY. O'BRIEN Now you're certain we'll return to normal size when we leave the anomaly? DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - TEASER 6. 4 CONTINUED: DAX Our probes did. You saw the data. (looks at O'Brien) Something wrong? O'BRIEN I'm fine. (beat) I'm just not in love with the idea of... being small. Dax and Bashir exchange a grin. O'BRIEN (to Bashir) What are you smirking at? You're as small as I am. BASHIR Actually, you're sitting one-point- one-four meters closer to the focal point of the anomaly. That means you've shrunk point zero four percent more than I have. A SUDDEN MASSIVE JOLT shakes the runabout. Dax compensates quickly and the ship regains an even keel. DAX What was that? O'BRIEN (checking his panel) The tractor beam is fluctuating. Something's wrong. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - TEASER 7. 5 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE The compartment is already reeling from one devastating hit as ANOTHER EXPLOSION rocks it. An N.D. tumbles from the engineering console. The LIGHTS are at RED ALERT. WORF (urgent) The Jem'Hadar is coming around for another pass. Kira takes her place at the second tactical post. SISKO Return fire, Mister Worf. Nog, pull the Rubicon out of there. KIRA The radiation from the vortex must have masked their warp signature. ANOTHER SOLID HIT shakes the Bridge. WORF Phasers are off-line. ANOTHER HIT. KIRA (to Sisko) We're a sitting duck as long as we're tethered to the runabout. SISKO I'm not going to leave them in there if I can help it. Worf, get down to auxiliary control and target the phasers manually. Worf dashes off. NOG (struggling with his panel) I'm losing the Rubicon, sir! 6 EXT. SPACE - INSIDE THE ANOMALY (OPTICAL) The tractor beam stabilizing the Rubicon FRITZES, THEN COLLAPSES. The Runabout tumbles toward the center of the swirling vortex, getting smaller. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - TEASER 8. 7 INT. RUNABOUT The compartment BOUNCES CRAZILY, KILLING THE LIGHTS, FRYING SEVERAL PANELS, and knocking Bashir off his feet. EMERGENCY LIGHTING comes on. DAX If we're going to get out of here, I need warp power now! O'BRIEN (working) I'm on it! 8 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) The helm console EXPLODES, killing the N.D. Helmsman. Kira rushes to the console and examines what's left of the readouts. KIRA Shield generators and impulse engines are off-line, Captain. (another check) Warp engines, too. ANOTHER VICIOUS HIT knocks Kira off her feet. BILLOWING GAS spurts onto Nog from a damaged panel. He stands and struggles to seal the leak. Sisko, the only other person still functional, leaves his seat and bends to check Kira's head wound. Suddenly, SECOND IXTANA'RAX and two other heavily armed N.D. Jem'Hadar MATERIALIZE. They spread out. Sisko turns, too late to draw his phaser, as a second group of three N.D. Jem'Hadar MATERIALIZE. Ixtana'Rax steps forward, his disruptor pointed at Sisko, itching for a reason to use it. IXTANA'RAX Surrender or you will all be killed. Off Sisko, who's beginning to have a really bad day. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT ONE 9. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scene 9 INT. RUNABOUT The compartment is shrouded in shadow and smoke, illuminated by EMERGENCY LIGHTS only. Blackened panels SPARK intermittently. Someone COUGHS. Dax climbs back into the pilot's chair, bleeding from her cheek. She struggles to reorient herself. DAX Chief? O'Brien's bruised face rises from the dark floor. He coughs again. DAX You okay? O'Brien eases himself into the seat beside her and begins working the controls and checking displays. O'BRIEN I think so. A disheveled Bashir reaches them, medkit in hand. DAX Julian? BASHIR (nodding) I'm fine. You're not. Bashir begins checking Dax with his tricorder. O'Brien tweaks a control, then bangs lightly on the edge of the panel. THE CABIN LIGHTS COME ON. DAX That's better. O'BRIEN That was the easy part. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT ONE 10. 9 CONTINUED: DAX The good news is we're still alive, so we must have escaped the anomaly. O'Brien climbs out of his seat and unlimbers a tool kit. As he does, Bashir slips into the seat O'Brien just vacated and begins closing Dax's injury with a dermal regenerator. O'BRIEN The bad news is that external sensors and the com system are down. I can patch around some of the damage, but it'll take time. O'Brien removes a scorched panel and begins to work. Dax tries another command on her console, then sighs. DAX Add the blast shutters to your list. I can't get them open. Bashir finishes closing her wound. BASHIR There you go. Good as new. DAX (re: the regenerator) I don't suppose that thing'll work on our communications system. O'BRIEN I'm picking up the Defiant's transponder signal. We can home in on it. DAX (works the panel) Going to one-quarter impulse. Chief, either open these shutters or give me external sensors -- whichever's quicker. I need to see where we're going. 10 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) FIVE N.D. JEM'HADAR are attempting to repair the severely damaged stations. All of them stand, ignoring the chairs. Jem'Hadar THIRD LAMAT'UKAN labors over the science station; Ixtana'Rax mans the helm. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT ONE 11. 10 CONTINUED: His formidable bearing indicates a deep-seated weariness. On the viewscreen, the Dominion attack ship is visible, just off of the Defiant's starboard bow. The Bridge door opens and Jem'Hadar FIRST KUDAK'ETAN strides in. He's an imposing figure, with vigor to his stride and an utter certainty that every step he takes is the right one. At his appearance Ixtana'Rax and the others snap to attention. IXTANA'RAX The bridge is secure. Kudak'Etan comes to a stop beside the Captain's Chair. He pauses to regard it as if it is an alien object, which it is. He reaches out and gives it a push, watching with fascination as it slowly swivels. KUDAK'ETAN Tactical report. IXTANA'RAX Their bridge officers are confined in the mess hall; other survivors in the cargo bay. We will have impulse power back on line in thirty minutes, but it will take several hours to restore warp capability. KUDAK'ETAN It must be gratifying for an "Elder," to end his career with a victory. (sarcastic) I feel privileged to be here with you at such a moment. Ixtana'Rax regards Kudak'Etan with distaste. He's earned his title, but hearing it from this man grates on him. IXTANA'RAX There is still much to do before we declare victory. Until we leave Federation space, we are vulnerable to -- KUDAK'ETAN (hard) I am the First. And I have declared victory. The First tries to stare down his Second and firmly establish his dominance here. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT ONE 12. 10 CONTINUED: (2) But Ixtana'Rax doesn't play that kind of game and he shrugs off Kudak'Etan easily. IXTANA'RAX That is, of course, your prerogative. KUDAK'ETAN (to the Third) Open a channel to the Vorta. Third Lamat'Ukan works a control panel and then the image of a Vorta -- GELNON -- appears on the viewscreen, looking off camera. JEM'HADAR VOICE (O.S.) We have the boarding party. Gelnon picks up his virtual reality headset, places it on his head and switches it on. He does not yet turn toward the camera on the Jem'Hadar bridge. The image from the Defiant's Bridge is projected from the VR device into his eye, so he does not need to face us to address his men. GELNON Ah, First. Your report? KUDAK'ETAN The Defiant is ours. GELNON (smiles) Good. Very, very good. I must admit, I was initially quite skeptical about you and the other new Jem'Hadar bred in this quadrant. But this is a most impressive debut. (he turns toward camera) Wouldn't you agree, Elder? IXTANA'RAX (even) The takeover of the ship was competently executed. GELNON (enjoying it) Do I detect a note of jealousy in your voice? I'm sure it must be difficult for you to watch a new race of Jem'Hadar beginning to supplant you and the other members of the old guard. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT ONE 12A. 10 CONTINUED: (3) IXTANA'RAX I serve the Founders. If it is their will to create a new race, that is the order of things. GELNON But... ? DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT ONE 13. 10 CONTINUED: (4) IXTANA'RAX But the Jem'Hadar bred here in the Alpha Quadrant have not proven themselves superior to those from the Gamma Quadrant. At least... not yet. KUDAK'ETAN (angry) Not yet? It was the Alphas who made this victory possible. If not for us, you would've never -- GELNON You two can argue about this on your own time. (to the First) First, how long until you restore warp power? KUDAK'ETAN I am about to assess the damage. I will make a complete survey of the ship and give you a report in one hour. GELNON Very well. I await your report. The communication terminates and the Viewscreen returns to the image of the Dominion ship. Kudak'Etan turns to his Second. KUDAK'ETAN Bring me Captain Sisko. Ixtana'Rax doesn't want to be needlessly confrontational, but is hoping to steer this kid in the right direction. IXTANA'RAX I would suggest to you that his execution can wait until we have completed repairs to the ship. KUDAK'ETAN I'm not going to execute him. Ixtana'Rax looks at him in surprise. KUDAK'ETAN Are you about to question my orders... Second? DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT ONE 14. 10 CONTINUED: (5) There's only the slightest hesitation before he gives the professional answer. IXTANA'RAX No. Obedience brings Victory. KUDKA'ETAN And Victory is Life. Ixtana'Rax nods and EXITS. Kudak'Etan turns to his Third. KUDAK'ETAN Find the ship's transponder and shut it down -- I don't want anyone tracking us. And get these chairs off the bridge. 11 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL Worf paces the room like a caged tiger. Sisko leans against one wall, lost in thought. All of our crew have been stripped of their combadges. They're frustrated and edgy. Kira sits at one of the mess tables, allowing Nog to clean her injury with a napkin. He hits a sensitive spot. She winces and pushes his arm away more brusquely than she intended. KIRA That's enough. Thanks. WORF (still pacing) I should've foreseen this. I should have sent out reconnaissance probes to scan for enemy ships. Or a shuttle. Or re-calibrated our sensors. If I had, Jadzia would... Worf falls silent, raises his fist as if to slam it into a bulkhead, then lowers his clenched fingers to his side. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT ONE 15. 11 CONTINUED: NOG None of that would've done any good. The Jem'Hadar approached us from the anterior angle of the anamoly; their warp signatures were-- Worf whirls on Nog, who immediately clams up rather than face the Klingon's wrath. KIRA (to Worf) He's only trying to tell you it's not your fault. WORF I do not need him to tell me anything. SISKO Everybody, relax. First of all, we don't know what happened to the Rubicon. They might've gotten out of the anomaly on their own. If they did, they could be halfway home and in a lot better shape than we are. So let's just hold off analyzing our mistakes for now. KIRA If they restore warp power, we'll be analyzing them in a Dominion prison camp. Her words spark the germ of an idea in Sisko's mind. SISKO Restoring warp power may not be so simple for them. It took us a week just to learn how to pilot one of their ships. So we might still have a chance to retake the Defiant. But we can't do anything unless we get out of this room. (looks at them) Suggestions? DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT ONE 16. 11 CONTINUED: (2) The door opens, drawing everyone's attention as an N.D. Jem'Hadar ENTERS, weapon leveled. Sisko steps toward the door, putting himself in front of his troops. Second Ixtana'Rax ENTERS. IXTANA'RAX Captain Sisko. Come with me. Beat. SISKO Just sit tight, everyone. I'll be back. Sisko gives an encouraging glance to his people, then heads for the door. 12 INT. RUNABOUT Dax carefully pilots the craft with Bashir now at ops. O'Brien has his hands full of circuitry at an open panel. His wounds have been tended. BASHIR We've lost the Defiant's transponder signal. DAX (working controls) Coming to full stop. O'Brien shifts, checks something. O'BRIEN The problem's not on our end. They must have stopped transmitting. He returns to his repairs. DAX I can't keep flying blind, Chief. O'BRIEN (finishes his repairs) Try the shutters. She does. A satisfying SERVO HUM greets her. DAX Nice work. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT ONE 17. 12 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Ask and ye shall receive. 13 THROUGH THE RUNABOUT WINDSHIELD (OPTICAL) As the shutters slowly open to reveal a huge white gleaming wall of metal about ten feet in front of the runabout's nose, extending beyond their view in all directions. 14 DAX, BASHIR AND O'BRIEN (OPTICAL) stare out the windshield, dumbfounded. O'BRIEN What the hell is that? DAX Some kind of wall. O'BRIEN In the middle of nowhere? BASHIR (peering up and to the right). Wait a minute. There's a symbol up there. Bashir stands, presses close to the glass and cranes his neck. Through the windshield beyond him, a line of black paint arcs away. BASHIR It looks like... a large black circle. DAX Anything else? BASHIR Hold on. Bashir peers out the window, recognition dawning. BASHIR Chief, you're not going to like this... DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT ONE 18. 15 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) From behind the port rear quarter of the Rubicon, looking at the great white wall. CAMERA PULLS AND TRACKS TO REVEAL that the huge black circle painted on the wall is actually a period -- part of the giant black letters that spell out "U.S.S. DEFIANT." The wall is actually the port warp nacelle cover of the Defiant itself. Its size dwarfs the Runabout. CONTINUE PULLING BACK to show the tiny Runabout's scale against the looming immensity of the damaged warship. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 16 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The shrunken Runabout hangs in space next to the big period after "U.S.S." on the Defiant's nacelle cover. 17 INT. RUNABOUT Dax, Bashir, and O'Brien still gaze out the window toward the massive Defiant. O'BRIEN (glares at Bashir) I thought you said we'd return to our normal size when we left the anomaly. BASHIR We should have. DAX (realizing) We didn't leave the anomaly by the same path that we entered it... BASHIR ... so the process failed to reverse itself. O'BRIEN Are you telling me that I'm going to be... O'Brien holds his hand up, thumb and index finger separated by an inch. O'BRIEN (continuing) ... this bloody tall for the rest of my life? Bashir brings his own hand up next to O'Brien's, the thumb and forefinger separated by only four tenths of an inch. BASHIR This bloody tall, actually. (a beat) Don't worry. All we have to do to regain our normal size is re-enter the anomaly and follow our original trajectory back out. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 20. 17 CONTINUED: This isn't sounding very reassuring to O'Brien. He fidgets irritably. O'BRIEN In theory. BASHIR (concedes) In theory. DAX Tell you what isn't a theory -- we're going to need the Defiant's help to re-enter the anomaly. BASHIR With communications out, how do we get their attention? DAX (joking) We could fly up to a window and knock. O'Brien thinks for a moment... then seems to get an idea. O'BRIEN (indicates size) Well, if we're this big... He then holds up both hands to indicate a diameter of two and a half inches. O'BRIEN (continuing) ... that means the Rubicon is about this big. BASHIR More or less. O'BRIEN Well, the Defiant's aft plasma vent is... O'Brien increases the diameter of his hands to eight inches. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 21. 17 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (continuing) ... this big. DAX Are you suggesting we take the Runabout inside the Defiant? O'BRIEN Why not? Getting past the anti- backflow valve may be a bit tricky. But we'll have a better chance of getting someone's attention inside than we will sitting out here. DAX (smiles) I love it. Let's go. 18 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE All of the chairs have been removed. Kudak'Etan stands at the helm, evaluating the repairs. The starboard door opens and Sisko ENTERS, escorted by Ixtana'Rax. Kudak'Etan has his back to them. Third Lamat'Ukan turns from the engineering console. LAMAT'UKAN The engineering team reports that we can restart the impulse engines in twelve minutes. KUDAK'ETAN Good. Ixtana'Rax nudges Sisko forward with the point of his disruptor. They come to a halt just behind Kudak'Etan. The First continues to work his console for a moment, then turns to face the captain. KUDAK'ETAN Captain Benjamin Sisko. The one the Bajorans call the Emissary. Kudak'Etan steps closer, appraising the captain. Ixtana'Rax watches the exchange with keen interest and Kudak'Etan knows it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 22. 18 CONTINUED: KUDAK'ETAN I am First Kudak'Etan. In a strange way, you are the reason I exist. If you had not eliminated our fleet in the wormhole, there would have been no need to breed Alpha Quadrant Jem'Hadar. SISKO You didn't bring me here to say "thank you." KUDAK'ETAN No. The impulse engines sustained only minor damage in our attack, but the warp drive has been severely damaged. I need your technical expertise in order to repair it. (to Ixtana'Rax) Take the captain to the Engine Room and let him begin the necessary repairs. IXTANA'RAX That's a mistake. Giving him access to the Engine Room will only give him an opportunity to retake the ship. (looks at Sisko) In fact, he's working on a plan at this very moment. KUDAK'ETAN (sarcastic) I was not aware that telepathy was a Gamma characteristic. IXTANA'RAX I know what he's thinking because it's exactly what I would be doing in his position. You should kill him now, before he has a chance to put his plan into motion. KUDAK'ETAN (hard) You are the Second. I am the First. Do not presume to tell me what to do. Ixtana'Rax shuts up, but he clearly hasn't given up his position. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 23. 18 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I'm glad that you two have sorted that out. Now, what makes you think I'm going to help you? KUDAK'ETAN Your choice is to repair the warp drive or watch me execute your crew one at a time. Sisko sizes up the First for a moment -- this kid seems a little too sure of himself. Kudak'Etan waits for a response, then decides to increase the pressure. KUDAK'ETAN (harsh, to Third) Have Sixth Duran'Adar select one of the prisoners for execution and bring him to the bridge! SISKO (quickly) I can't do this job alone. I'm going to need some of my crew. KUDAK'ETAN How many? IXTANA'RAX (quickly) First. I... "strongly suggest" that you refuse this request. SISKO (to Second) You have the weapons. Are you afraid you can't handle a few unarmed prisoners? IXTANA'RAX I won't be baited by a prisoner. (to First) And you shouldn't either. SISKO (shrugs) Okay. I'm in no hurry to reach a Dominion prison camp. You want me to teach your men how to repair the warp drive, that's fine with me. We'll begin with the primary command and control systems -- that should take about six hours. Then we'll work our way up to basic engineering theory for a class seven warp drive, then -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 24. 18 CONTINUED: (3) KUDAK'ETAN Enough. You may have the three other Bridge officers, but that's all. (to Ixtana'Rax) And I am not interested in any more of your "suggestions." Now take him to the Engine Room. Ixtana'Rax looks at him for a moment, shakes his head slightly, then pushes Sisko out the starboard door. Kudak'Etan turns back to the helm. 19 INT. DEFIANT - PLASMA DUCTS (OPTICAL) The four-inch-long Rubicon negotiates its way through a long, gracefully curved cylindrical corridor about eight inches in diameter. Magnetic coils encircle the shaft every few meters, glowing dully against its metal- composite surface. Occasional clear inspection ports open into dark chambers beyond. 20 INT. RUNABOUT O'Brien's back in the Ops seat next to Dax. Bashir stands behind them, observing through the windows. DAX So where are we, Chief? The Chief points to... 21 A MONITOR on it is an Okudagram depicting a section of the system. The Chief points to one of a cluster of pipes. O'BRIEN We've just about reached the bi- polar flow junction. (beat) I think. BASHIR You think? DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 25. 21 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I'm not used to seeing things from this... perspective. O'Brien studies the Okudagram for a moment. O'BRIEN Once we reach the flow junction we should be able to go up into the secondary warp plasma feed and then exit through the diagnostic panel. BASHIR (looking outside) This conduit is filthy, Chief. Don't you ever clean in here? DAX All right, all right. Let's not badger the chief. O'BRIEN Thank you. BASHIR Sorry. It was very... small of me. O'Brien and Dax throw him a look... 22 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR Ixtana'Rax escorts Sisko to the turbolift and presses the control panel. The door opens and he nudges Sisko inside. 23 INT. DEFIANT - TURBOLIFT The doors close. Instead of giving the lift a command, Ixtana'Rax turns, grabs Sisko by the jacket front and slams him up against the wall. IXTANA'RAX Whatever it is you're planning -- don't. I'll be watching you and at the first sign of treachery I'll kill all three of your bridge officers. SISKO I'm a prisoner. I have no intention of -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 26. 23 CONTINUED: IXTANA'RAX The First may be a fool, but I am not. SISKO Then it's a pity for you that you're not the First. Ixtana'Rax gives him an ironic smile and then releases Sisko. IXTANA'RAX I was... until two days ago. If we had captured you while I was in command... we wouldn't be having this conversation. (beat, then to com) Deck two, section five. The Turbolift begins to move. Sisko straightens his uniform. SISKO So what happened? IXTANA'RAX He is an Alpha, I am a Gamma. His DNA and psychological profile are specifically designed for combat in this quadrant. The Founders believe that makes him a better leader. SISKO What do you believe? IXTANA'RAX (ironic) I believe I've given you enough information already. The Turbolift stops and the doors open. Ixtana'Rax indicates that Sisko should exit first. After a beat, Sisko heads out, Ixtana'Rax right behind him. CUT TO: 24 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) The ship hangs in space. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 27. 25 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Gelnon's image is back on the viewscreen. He wears his VR device. This time he faces his Bridge camera and his eyeline tracks Kudak'Etan on his VR device. N.D. Jem'Hadar continue to work at various damaged stations, and stand ready for orders at helm and engineering. Kudak'Etan faces the viewscreen from the Captain's Station. KUDAK'ETAN We have restored impulse power, and the warp drive will be operational in five hours. GELNON Excellent. It's good to see my faith in you has not been misplaced. The Founders will be pleased. Kudak'Etan bows his head slightly in acknowledgment of the Vorta's praise, feeling that it's richly deserved. GELNON (continuing) If you require no more assistance, I will resume our mission to Coridan. (sallow smile) Let's hope the Federation's dilithium miners will be as surprised to see us as the Defiant's crew was. KUDAK'ETAN Victory is Life. GELNON Indeed. The communication terminates, restoring the viewscreen to an image of the Dominion ship. First Kudak'Etan watches with satisfaction as the Dominion attack ship fires up its drive and moves away. The First turns to his crew. KUDAK'ETAN Set course for the closest Dominion outpost. Engage impulse engines. The helmsman and engineer work their panels. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 27A. 25A INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM Worf and Nog are clearing a jumble of scorched wreckage from the floor in front of a wall panel in the starboard alcove. Nog tries to pick up a large, burnt- out part. NOG (to Worf) Can you give me a hand with this? Worf moves to help him as a Jem'Hadar walks by. NOG (sotto) How do you tell the Alphas from the Gammas? WORF The captain said their upgrades were internal. (beat) When I get a chance, I'll kill a pair of them and look inside. NOG (fretful) If they're breeding Jem'Hadar in this quadrant, the Dominion won't have to worry about bringing any reinforcements through the wormhole. WORF True. NOG Then that means the Jem'Hadar will outnumber us before too long. WORF They probably do already. NOG Great. Worf notes the Ferengi's anxiety and attempts, in his own way, to reassure him. WORF Don't let it concern you. It will only be a problem for you if you survive this mission. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 27B. 25A CONTINUED: NOG (swallows hard) I'm glad you're not morale officer. 26 INT. DEFIANT - PLASMA DUCTS (OPTICAL) As the Rubicon navigates the tunnel, the magnetic coils encircling the chamber start PULSING, GLOWING MUCH BRIGHTER. A DISTANT RUMBLING begins to sound. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT TWO 28. 27 INT. RUNABOUT O'Brien reacts in concern. O'BRIEN Uh, oh. DAX What is it? O'Brien anxiously begins scanning the Okudagram of the plasma system. O'BRIEN The magnetic plasma guides are heating up. DAX (worried) They must've initiated the impulse prestart sequence. BASHIR What does that mean? DAX It means this entire conduit is about to be filled with superheated plasma. BASHIR When you say superheated... O'BRIEN Unless I can find another way out of here, we'll be vaporized. Is that clear enough? BASHIR Crystal. The RUMBLE begins to permeate the Runabout. O'Brien continues to work at top speed. 28 INT. DEFIANT - PLASMA DUCTS (OPTICAL) More and more coils are warming up all around the Runabout as it zips through the cramped conduit... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/.9/98 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 29 INT. RUBICON (OPTICAL) The little ship hurtles past the pulsing, glowing guide coils which we can see through the windows. Dax is piloting and O'Brien is looking quickly between the view out the windows and the Okudagram on the monitor, trying to recognize landmarks and navigate. O'BRIEN (to Dax) There's a distribution manifold coming up... take the left conduit, then make a quick right into the relays. DAX (piloting) Left, then right. BASHIR I hope you know where you're going, Chief. O'BRIEN So do I. O'Brien keeps cross-checking what he can see outside against the Okudagram. O'BRIEN Through the relays... there's an inspection hatch coming up on the right. Now if I can figure out a way to open the hatch... An alarm goes off on Dax's panel. DAX We're out of time. 30 INT. DEFIANT - PLASMA DUCTS (OPTICAL) The Runabout races toward us, with PLASMA ROARING up behind it. 31 INT. RUNABOUT As before. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 30. 31 CONTINUED: BASHIR What about the hatch? DAX We'll have to open it the old- fashioned way... As she works her panel... 32 INT. DEFIANT - PLASMA DUCTS - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) the Runabout races around a bend, the plasma nearly upon it... the hatch is up ahead... the Runabout BASHES INTO the hatch... 33 thru OMITTED 34 35 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM (OPTICAL) The twin doors of the plasma inspection hatch OPEN and the Runabout EMERGES into the room. The doors swing SHUT behind the runabout, cutting off a thin tendril of PLASMA, which dissipates in the room. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 31. 36 INT. RUNABOUT As before. They breathe a collective sigh of relief. BASHIR Let's... not do that again. DAX No promises. (beat) So where are we, Chief? O'BRIEN We should be in the Engine Room... near the warp core. They peer outside... DAX Right. There's the core. Looks like the warp drive is off-line. BASHIR Quite a mess. I wonder what happened? 36A INT. ENGINE ROOM - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) The Runabout is near the towering warp core which conceals the entire starboard side of the room from view. The Engine Room is DIMLY LIT and littered with burnt parts and disassembled panels. 37 OMITTED 38 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM - WIDE The dim glow of the damaged warp core is one of the few sources of light remaining in the battle-scarred room. Various panels have been removed and lean against the bulkheads in the b.g. The room is filled with the SOUND of repair work (which presumably covered the noise of the runabout's entrance into the room). At the moment, NONE of the following people can be seen from the Runabout's position: -- Kira is on her knees behind the warp core adjustment console on the starboard side of the room, working inside an open panel with a tool. -- Nog is also working at an open panel on the starboard side of the warp core, elbows deep in optical cabling and damaged circuitry. -- Worf is working beneath the master systems display console at the front of the room. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 32. 38 CONTINUED: -- Sisko has a tricorder out and is scanning the interior of the operations station, which has several panels open. -- Ixtana'Rax is pacing the room, watching our people carefully and monitoring their work. -- An N.D. Jem'Hadar is watching everything from the catwalk above. THREE other N.D. Jem'Hadar are present: a "Fifth" is working on an open panel on the port side of the warp core, one is standing near the door, and a "Seventh" is following along with Ixtana'Rax. 39 ON KIRA As she works to repair the damaged circuitry. Two sets of Jem'Hadar BOOTS appear in front of her. She looks up to see Second Ixtana'Rax and an unarmed N.D. Jem'Hadar Seventh. IXTANA'RAX What are you doing? KIRA Re-aligning the dilithium articulation frame. IXTANA'RAX (indicates the Seventh) Instruct him on how to complete the re-alignment. KIRA It'll take longer to explain, than it will to -- IXTANA'RAX Then explain it quickly. Now give him the tool. Kira has little choice. She hands the tool over after a beat, and Ixtana'Rax strides off. The Seventh kneels down next to Kira and looks at her attentively. A beat as Kira stares at her new pupil. KIRA All right. Start by decoupling the lateral microbrace... DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 33. 40 INT. RUNABOUT - OUT THE WINDOWS (OPTICAL) The little ship is RISING up past the port warp core console (which is the mirror console to the one Kira is working on). As the console clears their view, the massive HEAD of the Jem'Hadar Fifth is suddenly REVEALED. The Fifth is on his knees, working on a damaged component, and doesn't immediately notice them. 41 INT. RUNABOUT The crew reacts. DAX That's not good. Dax quickly stabs her control panel. 42 THE JEM'HADAR (OPTICAL) The four-inch-long Rubicon is right next to his head. The Runabout's engines make a LOW FREQUENCY HUM coupled with a SOFT WHOOSH that's easily lost in the ambient noise of the room. In a quick burst of speed, the little ship zips up and out of frame just as the Jem'Hadar turns to see what the noise might have been. He decides it was nothing, turns back to his work. 43 OMITTED 44 INT. RUNABOUT The crew catches their breath. Dax takes charge. DAX Okay, the ship has been boarded. Chief, I need visual sensors as fast as you can give them to me. O'Brien slips from his chair to work under the dash. O'BRIEN Right. Julian, give me a hand down here. Bashir moves to assist. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 34-36. 45 thru OMITTED 47 47A INT. ENGINE ROOM - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) The little ship is now up near the ceiling and safely hidden from view among the outcroppings. 48 INT. RUNABOUT As before. O'Brien finishes his work. O'BRIEN (to Dax) Okay, you should have visual sensors now, and the com system is back on-line. Dax works a panel and they all look at... 49 A MONITOR (OPTICAL) On it is a visual sensor feed from the Rubicon's position high above the port aft corner of the room. We can see Sisko, Worf, Nog, and two or three Jem'Hadar from this vantage. DAX They're forcing our people to repair the warp drive... BASHIR Why's the captain going along with it? DAX Good question. But, if I know Benjamin, he's up to something. (to O'Brien) Can you give me a tight shot of the operations display? O'BRIEN I think so. O'Brien works the controls and the image on the monitor PANS and MAGNIFIES BY STEPS into a view of the forward operations technical readouts (where Sisko is working). A Jem'Hadar's head passes through the shot. Dax, O'Brien, and Bashir all study the readings. DAX (smiles, to O'Brien) You see what I see? O'BRIEN (nods) Very clever. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 37. 49 CONTINUED: But their joy is short-lived as Dax sinks back into her chair with a sudden realization. DAX The only problem is, it's not going to work. O'BRIEN The bridge control lockout? DAX (nods) The security codes are hard-wired into the encryption circuitry. BASHIR Is anyone going to let me in on this conversation? O'BRIEN The captain's trying to take control of the ship from Engineering. O'Brien works a control again and the visual image on the monitor reverts to the WIDE SHOT, showing Worf, Sisko, Kira and Nog at work again. (NOTE: the shot on the monitor can PAN and MOVE as O'Brien works the controls and narrates the action for Bashir.) O'BRIEN (pointing them out) Kira's the only one actually working on the warp drive, and it doesn't look like she's in much of a hurry to get it done. DAX I think Worf's trying to cover their tracks. It looks like he's sending false signals through the computer system. O'BRIEN Nog is the key. He's trying to override the bridge lockout and release the codes. Once he does that, the captain can run the entire ship from the operations console. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 38. 49 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (Cont'd) (concerned) Nog's a smart kid, but he doesn't know the Defiant's security protocols like I do. It'll take him weeks to release the command codes from down here. BASHIR Can we do anything to help him? O'BRIEN Not from the engine room. If we could get to the bridge we could release the codes from there. BASHIR How? DAX One thing at a time. First, we have to leave the engine room without getting caught. She works her panel. 50 INT. ENGINE ROOM - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) The Rubicon moves along the ceiling. 51 FROM ABOVE THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) As the little ship cruises to starboard along the ceiling, we see Ixtana'Rax in conversation with the Fifth at the warp console at the port side of warp core. 52 OMITTED 52A INT. ENGINE ROOM - WIDE Showing our people working away at their repairs. The Jem'Hadar are watching our people, and no one notices... DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 39. 52B THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) as it carefully moves through the Engine Room and finally zips down toward the floor. 53 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM - OPERATIONS STATION Boiling with frustration, Ixtana'Rax strides over to Sisko. He fixes his reptilian eyes upon the captain, but Sisko continues to tweak the circuitry, as if oblivious to his presence. IXTANA'RAX Why is the Klingon working on the plasma display subsystem? SISKO (without looking up) Because I told him to. IXTANA'RAX That system has nothing to do with warp drive operation. SISKO Maybe not on Dominion ships, but I'll need to use the display to monitor warp plasma stability. 54 THE DECK ALONG THE STARBOARD WALL (OPTICAL) The Rubicon darts from hiding place to hiding place among the panels, parts and tools as it makes its way toward the forward door. It swerves behind a snarled bundle of burnt-out cabling just as a GIANT JEM'HADAR BOOT STOMPS PAST. 55 THE JEM'HADAR SEVENTH who's wearing the boot continues on, carrying a tool back toward Kira. 56 INT. ENGINE ROOM - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) The Runabout has now ducked behind the open tool case the Jem'Hadar Seventh just used. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 40. 56A INT. RUNABOUT Dax, O'Brien and Bashir are looking out the window. O'BRIEN Now what? DAX Now we wait until someone walks out that door. 57 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM - OPERATIONS STATION Ixtana'Rax's suspicions are getting the better of him. He decides to make another change and he signals to the N.D. Jem'Hadar up on the catwalk. IXTANA'RAX (to N.D) Sixth. The N.D. snaps to attention. IXTANA'RAX Relieve the Klingon. Take over the repair of the display subsystem. The Fourth nods and begins making his way down the ladder. IXTANA'RAX (to Sisko) Give the Klingon another task. SISKO Why? IXTANA'RAX Because I said so. Just then, the starboard door opens and Kudak'Etan ENTERS. KUDAK'ETAN (to Sisko) Why isn't the warp drive on-line yet? IXTANA'RAX (re: Sisko) He's stalling. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 41. 57 CONTINUED: SISKO (angry) Stalling? Your Second is the one who's slowing down the work. He countermands my orders, arbitrarily reassigns my crew -- I can't get any work done in here. KUDAK'ETAN (to Ixtana'Rax) You were told to watch them, not interfere with them. Ixtana'Rax regards his superior with a cool expression. IXTANA'RAX (to Kudak'Etan) You're playing right into his hands. Don't you see that? Kudak'Etan thinks about it for a beat. He's not sure which of them to listen to, and decides to split the difference. KUDAK'ETAN Captain Sisko, you have thirty minutes to restore warp power, or... (points to Kira) I will kill her, and then another of your crew every fifteen minutes until you do. (to Ixtana'Rax) And you will no longer interfere with their work. Kudak'Etan abruptly turns and heads for the door. Ixtana'Rax shakes his head sadly as his leader walks away. 58 INT. RUNABOUT Dax, O'Brien and Bashir are watching Kudak'Etan (o.s.), biding their time and waiting for the right moment. DAX Okay... get ready... when he activates the door sensor, we'll -- Suddenly an enormous SHADOW falls over them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT THREE 42. 59 THE JEM'HADAR SEVENTH (OPTICAL) Is now standing next to the tool case. The tiny Runabout is nearly touching his ankle. The Jem'Hadar begins to KNEEL down, begins reaching out with his hands, and just when it looks as though he's going to grab the Runabout... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FOUR 43. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 60 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM (OPTICAL) Continuous from Act Three. The Jem'Hadar Seventh reaches down and slams the lid of the box closed. 61 THE SEVENTH (OPTICAL) He lifts the tool case and stands. From this angle the Runabout appears to have vanished. CAMERA TRACKS LEFT TO REVEAL the tiny Runabout hiding close to the opposite side of the toolbox, and out of the Seventh's view. As the Seventh starts back toward the warp core, the Runabout zips forward toward... 62 THE DOORWAY (OPTICAL) The door is closing rapidly behind the retreating Kudak'Etan. At the last second, the little Rubicon BANKS SHARPLY and slips through the opening by a whisker. The door snaps shut behind it. 63 INT. RUNABOUT Our crew peers out the window. BASHIR (to Dax) Nice bit of piloting. DAX If you liked that, you're going to love what's coming up next... As she works... 64 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM Sisko glances over at the Second, who now paces irritably near the port systems display. Worf is entering command codes into the warp control pedestal. Sisko moves aft and hunkers down next to Nog, who is halfway buried in a circuit compartment. Sisko leans in to observe. Nog has several junction boxes open, but is now alternating his concentration from his PADD to a small manual data input. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FOUR 44. 64 CONTINUED: SISKO Any luck, ensign? The Ferengi enters his latest PADD calculation into the data input. NOG (sotto) Not yet, sir. The system's always three steps ahead of me. Every time I get past the primary security net, the secondary kicks me back out... and then the codes are reset, and I have to start all over again... He finishes his entry, watches with forlorn hope as the unit blips, blinks... and finally rejects it. NOG ... like that. Nog tosses the PADD onto the floor of the circuitry compartment in frustration. NOG (continuing) Do we have a backup plan in case this doesn't work? SISKO (sotto) Yes. I'll destroy the ship. Nog looks at him to see if he's serious -- Sisko's expression is deadly serious and Nog picks up his PADD again. NOG There are still a few algorithms I haven't tried yet. Sisko gives him an encouraging pat on the back and then moves off as Nog redoubles his efforts. 65 KIRA Is working at an open panel near the starboard base of the warp core. The Seventh is handing her a tool from the tool kit he brought to her. KIRA (absently) Thanks. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FOUR 45. 65 CONTINUED: She uses the tool on some circuitry for a moment, then notices Sisko is approaching. She and the captain exchange a look -- he wants to talk to her. KIRA (to Seventh) Okay. I'm ready to connect the deuterium injector. Go to the plasma relay and power it up slowly, just like I showed you. The Seventh nods and moves off to a console on the far side of the room. Kira keeps working as Sisko squats down next to her. KIRA (sotto) I'm about ten minutes away from initiating the prestart sequence on the warp drive. How's Nog doing? SISKO (sotto) Not good. You need to find another problem. Kira lets out a long breath at that. She sees something in the open panel and turns to call out to the Seventh. KIRA (to Seventh) Too fast! Re-initialize the system and start again, but do it at about half the speed this time. The Seventh nods and goes back to work. KIRA (sotto, re: Seventh) He's not stupid. He's already got the entire command and control system committed to memory. I can't keep him fooled forever. SISKO In a battle of wits between you and him -- I'll bet on you every time. KIRA What kind of odds are you giving? DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FOUR 46. 65 CONTINUED: (2) Sisko smiles and moves off, leaving Kira to her work. 66 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Kudak'Etan proceeds down the passageway with an authoritative stride. He reaches a juncture and pauses for a moment, slightly suspicious. Does he hear something? He turns to look down the adjoining hall and we discover the Rubicon is keeping tight formation just behind his head, matching every move. He sees nothing and continues along his original path, the Runabout maneuvering smoothly to remain behind him. LAMAT'UKAN'S VOICE First? 67 OMITTED 68 ANGLE Showing Lamat'Ukan approaching from a connecting passageway. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FOUR 47. 68 CONTINUED: When Lamat'Ukan reaches Kudak'Etan, we can see that the Runabout is nowhere to be found. LAMAT'UKAN I've realigned the targeting sensors. There were errors in the tracking subroutines. KUDAK'ETAN (surprised) You were not ordered to check the targeting sensors. LAMAT'UKAN I thought it a wise precaution... in case we encountered an enemy ship on our way home. Kudak'Etan looks at him, and we're not sure if he's annoyed or pleased for a moment... then he nods his head in satisfaction. KUDAK'ETAN Your initiative pleases me. It's a trait that the Gammas lack. LAMAT'UKAN The Gammas have many flaws. KUDAK'ETAN When we return from this mission, there will be need for a new Second. I will recommend you to the Vorta. LAMAT'UKAN (proudly) You will not be disappointed. KUDAK'ETAN I'm sure that I won't. It'll be Alphas like us who will determine the future of this quadrant. That will be the new order of things. Kudak'Etan continues on toward the bridge. Lamat'Ukan lingers for a moment, enjoying the afterglow. Kudak'Etan ENTERS the bridge and the door closes after him. Lamat'Ukan then moves off down the corridor. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FOUR 48. 68 CONTINUED: (2) After he passes, WE TILT UP and see that the Rubicon has attached itself to the CEILING, UPSIDE DOWN. 69 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) The crew (who appear upside down to us) stares out the window at the closed door of the bridge. O'BRIEN Looks like we need another ticket into the bridge. BASHIR So how long do we wait for someone to open the door? DAX (manipulating her panel) We don't. 70 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM Worf and Sisko stand at the warp control pedestal, ostensibly comparing PADDS to the readouts on each side of the device. WORF (sotto) I cannot access the auto-destruct system without drawing attention. The Jem'Hadar Fifth passes close behind Worf. Sisko's eyes indicate the danger and they busy themselves with their readouts until the soldier is out of earshot. SISKO (sotto) Plant a computer virus in the warp plasma subprocessor. Set it to cause a core breach once the ship reaches warp one. WORF (sotto) Understood. Sisko nods and moves away. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FOUR 49. 71 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR - THE BRIDGE DOOR (OPTICAL) The Runabout hovers a foot away from the door's control panel. 72 INT. RUNABOUT The crew peers out the window. O'BRIEN Don't hit it too hard, you could shatter the control panel. DAX Don't worry. I've got a light touch. BASHIR Not according to Worf. 73 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR - THE BRIDGE DOOR (OPTICAL) The Runabout rams the door's control panel. 74 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Kudak'Etan stands at the Captain's Station, working a console. Behind him, the starboard door opens. He glances back at it, puzzled because no one enters. Kudak'Etan walks over to the doorway, looks outside... sees nothing. 75 ON THE DECK (OPTICAL) The Runabout zips between Kudak'Etan's legs, races over to the conference table at the rear of the Bridge, then climbs to hide under the bottom of the table. 76 THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) From this vantage, we can see that Helm, Tactical, and Engineering are now on-line and manned by N.D. Jem'Hadar. Another continues repairs near the viewscreen, which shows a starfield as the ship proceeds on impulse power. 76A INT. RUNABOUT Dax, O'Brien and Bashir size up the situation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FOUR 49A. 76A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Well, we certainly can't release the control lock while the First has his hand on it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FOUR 50. 76A CONTINUED: (2) DAX Can we bypass it? O'Brien realizes he can, and instantly hates the idea. O'BRIEN (irritably) I suppose I could reroute the encryption subprocessors manually. He stares out the window. Dax and Bashir exchange a look -- what's bothering him? DAX But... ? O'BRIEN But, I'll have to leave the ship to do it. And I have to say I'm not fond of the idea. I can think of about a thousand ways a one- centimeter man could get fried walking around inside a circuit housing. BASHIR Relax, Miles. You couldn't go outside even if you wanted to. You wouldn't be able to breathe. The oxygen molecules out there are almost two thousand times bigger than anything your hemoglobin can assimilate. You'd suffocate. O'BRIEN (relieved) Oh. Well, that takes care of that idea. DAX Unless... (beat) Circuit housings are airtight. I could beam a bubble of compressed oxygen down ahead of you and it would expand to fill the housing. BASHIR Should work. The air would be thin, but you'd be able to breathe for about twenty minutes. O'BRIEN And then? DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FOUR 51. 76A CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR You pass out. O'BRIEN You mean "we" pass out. (off Bashir's look) You're coming with me. 77 INT. OPTRONIC CIRCUITRY #1 (OPTICAL) Bashir and O'Brien MATERIALIZE. They pause to check their bearings. O'Brien looks at his PADD, scowls at the diagram. He looks up at their surroundings, and as he does, we PULL BACK to reveal that our Starfleet heroes are but tiny figures at the base of a vast forest of multicolored components, isolinear chips and encryption subprocessors, all interconnected by a glowing matrix of pulsing optronic filaments. O'BRIEN This might take longer than I thought. 78 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 79 thru OMITTED 81 82 INT. OPTRONIC CIRCUIT - CONTINUOUS A concerned O'Brien tries to match the circuitry that surrounds him with the diagram on his PADD. O'BRIEN (to himself) All right. If we beamed into the primary safeties junction, then we should see a cluster of hueristic subprocessors next to a rectilinear expansion module. He looks around, scrutinizing the circuitry. O'BRIEN The question is, what does a rectilinear expansion module look like when you're one centimeter tall? BASHIR I haven't the faintest idea. Bashir looks up at the translucent, glowing chips, which tower another twenty feet above his head. He's caught up in the wonder of the moment. BASHIR But it's amazing, isn't it? Like we're standing in the middle of an optronic forest... Bashir takes a step backward to get a better view of the chips in front of him. O'Brien finally thinks he recognizes something and checks it against his PADD. O'BRIEN All right. It looks like we have to go... (looks up) Julian -- stop! Bashir freezes. Without realizing it, he has almost backed into another one of the chips. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 52A. 82 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN That chip behind you is carrying twenty microamps of electric current. Not very much... BASHIR (suddenly aware) ... but enough to fry every synapse in my tiny little body. (tense smile) Thanks for the safety tip. O'BRIEN Just step straight forward, away from the chip. (Bashir obeys) All right, you're clear. Bashir lets out a sigh of relief. O'BRIEN Now stay right behind me. And don't touch anything without asking. BASHIR Believe me, I won't. O'Brien leads them off through the circuitry. 83 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Third Lamat'Ukan enters with the distinctive case of Ketracel White. The eyes of the bridge crew follow him as he sets the container carefully on the table under which the Rubicon still hides. He then faces his First. LAMAT'UKAN The White. Kudak'Etan steps over to the table and acknowledges Lamat'Ukan's report with a nod. Then he turns to his crew. KUDAK'ETAN It is time. 83A FROM UNDER THE TABLE - RUNABOUT'S POV (OPTICAL) The helmsman and engineer turn to face the First. As if choreographed, the other Jem'Hadar leave their posts and move efficiently aft, toward CAMERA. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 52B. 84 INT. RUNABOUT Dax regards the approaching soldiers with dismay. She taps her combadge. DAX How's it coming, Chief? 85 INT. OPTRONIC CIRCUITRY #2 O'Brien and Bashir have stopped in another section of the circuitry. Both are showing the effects of the long hike in thin air. O'Brien gazes at the vast optronic labyrinth, his forehead beaded with sweat. Noticing the Chief's preoccupation, Bashir hits his combadge. BASHIR We're... making progress. Aren't we, Chief? O'Brien jerks his eyes toward Bashir and touches his own combadge. O'BRIEN I'm still trying to locate the... security protocol interlinks. Shouldn't be... much longer. 85A INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) A forest of Jem'Hadar legs can be seen out the windows. DAX The sooner the better. Things are getting a little crowded up here. 85B INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE At the aft table, the Jem'Hadar watch eagerly as the First unlatches the complicated lock on the container. The top rises, revealing the tubes of White. Kudak'Etan removes five and hands them to his Third. KUDAK'ETAN Here. The other Jem'Hadar, including Lamat'Ukan, exchange startled glances. They are used to the liturgy that the Vorta normally performs, and are unsettled by Kudak'Etan's informality. Lamat'Ukan decides he'd better respond as he was trained to.  DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 53. 85B CONTINUED: LAMAT'UKAN We pledge our loyalty to the Founders from -- Kudak'Etan cuts him off with an annoyed wave of his hand. KUDAK'ETAN We are all Alphas here. Our loyalty is demonstrated by our actions, not our words. Lamat'Ukan regards the faces of the other Alphas, fiercely proud to be part of this new order. He nods and begins handing out the vials. 85C INT. OPTRONIC CIRCUITRY #2 - RESUME O'Brien consults his PADD, working hard to conceal his mounting disorientation. O'BRIEN All right... now... He looks around, completely bewildered. BASHIR Miles. (beat) We're lost, aren't we? O'BRIEN Yes, we're lost! (smacks the PADD) I can draw these circuits in my sleep. But I've never seen them from this... perspective. O'Brien presses a palm to his forehead in an effort to calm himself. BASHIR Disorientation is one of the... effects of... hypoxia -- lack of... oxygen. Need to focus... on a... landmark. Bashir points toward something offscreen. BASHIR There. That large isolinear chip. (peers up) Number eight-five-nine-six-six- stroke delta. What is it? DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 54. 85C CONTINUED: O'Brien looks, then shakes his head in frustration. O'BRIEN Julian, there are two dozen six- six-delta's in the asymmetric encryption circuits alone. BASHIR Okay. Then what's... He searches for the closest unique item. His eyes center on a four-way shunt that connects four fiber optic cables. BASHIR (continuing) ... what's that down by the base? O'BRIEN (exasperated) A four-way interlink shunt. BASHIR So that would mean that the chip is... O'BRIEN (stares at the component) I don't know... I told you, they all look the same! BASHIR All right... then... don't look at it. O'BRIEN What? BASHIR Close your eyes... and use your memory. O'Brien reluctantly does so. BASHIR Okay... a four-way shunt at the base of a... (reads off chip) ... eight-five-nine-six-six-stroke- delta... isolinear chip would have to be where? DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 85C CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (thinking hard) The only four-way shunt near a six- six-delta is... at the base of... the master differential relay. O'Brien opens his eyes and looks at the components. Confidence flows back into him. O'BRIEN That has to be it. BASHIR So the... interlink we want has to be... ? O'BRIEN (he starts forward) This way. Bashir follows him. 86 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM The Second and the Seventh are deep in conversation at the console amidships at the warp core as Sisko crosses to Kira, who is working at the forward Operations station. We cannot hear what the Jem'Hadar are saying. SISKO (sotto) We've got trouble. They're cross- checking the diagnostic protocols. KIRA (sotto) Has Nog made any progress? Sisko glances over at Nog, who's still working feverishly. SISKO Not yet. 87 INT. OPTRONIC CIRCUITY - CLOSE ON O'BRIEN He's wrestling an optronic FILAMENT -- a translucent tube as thick as a fire hydrant, pulsating with colored light -- into a SOCKET. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 56. 87 CONTINUED: Once O'Brien gets the filament in place, he TWISTS it, and the filament LOCKS into place. He leans against the socket for a moment, panting and sweating. More effects of hypoxia are starting to manifest themselves -- short, rapid breathing, slightly blue lips, dizziness and fatigue. O'Brien struggles to stay conscious and he turns to see... 88 BASHIR (OPTICAL) who's working across the way from O'Brien. Bashir is struggling mightily to UNLOCK another filament. He can barely speak. BASHIR Stuck... O'Brien moves to help. With his added force they TWIST the filament and it is released from the socket. Multi- colored light sprays from the ferruled ends of the filaments. BASHIR Which... one... ? O'Brien looks around at the empty sockets across from them, trying to orient himself, but it's not easy. He finally points to one. O'BRIEN That... no. (points to another one) That. BASHIR You... sure... ? O'Brien hesitates, then nods. They begin to drag the filament, but it's like dragging a heavy firehouse in their present condition. Finally they shove the filament into the socket. They push it into place... TWIST it, but instead of locking, the filament pops back out again. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 57. 88 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Dammit! (groping for words) Again... then... I'll... O'Brien pulls out his phaser and Bashir seems to understand what he means. It takes all of his effort, but Bashir manages to shove the filament back into the socket. O'Brien then FIRES a short controlled BLAST into the junction, FUSING the parts together. Bashir tests the joint with a hefty tug. It holds and Bashir collapses onto the deck. O'Brien sags against the wall and hits his combadge, he's just one short step away from passing out. O'BRIEN (panting) Rub... Rubicon... mi... mi... mission... complete... 89 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM - NOG He's still cranking data into the keyboard when the blinkies change and Nog's eyes suddenly light up. He can't quite believe it. NOG Oh, I am good. But before Nog can do anything further, the Jem'Hadar Seventh grabs him by the back of his jacket and yanks him away from the keypad. IXTANA'RAX (O.S.) (over above action) All of you, step away from the consoles. Right now! 90 THE ENGINE ROOM The Seventh half-drags the Ferengi toward the forward operations station, where the Fifth herds the rest of our Defiant crew into a line facing the station. Kira comes to a stop against the wall by the starboard engineering display. Worf moves in next to her, and then Sisko. The Sixth has his weapon trained on our crew from the catwalk. Below him, Ixtana'Rax considers the readouts on the warp control pedestal. (NOTE: There is now an N.D. Jem'Hadar Fourth in the room as well.) DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 58. 90 CONTINUED: The Seventh thrusts Nog roughly into line next to Sisko, then starts for the pedestal. Nog leans close to the captain. NOG (sotto) Captain. I did it! I don't know how, but I released the command codes. SISKO (sotto) Well done. What we need now is a diversion before they go to warp. IXTANA'RAX Silence! 91 INT. RUNABOUT O'Brien and Bashir are now back in the runabout, gratefully sucking in the air and feeling much better. O'Brien works one of the side consoles while Dax looks over his shoulder. O'BRIEN All the Defiant's command functions have been transferred to Engineering. (frowns) But nothing's happening. BASHIR Maybe the captain hasn't realized he has control of the ship yet. Beat. DAX Or maybe he's in trouble. The First was called to the engine room a few minutes ago. They exchange a look and then Dax and O'Brien quickly move back to the pilot controls. 92 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM The Fifth now stands next to the Engineering display, guarding the prisoners. Ixtana'Rax stands between the Defiant's crew and the forward operations console. Kudak'Etan is facing his Second and he's not happy. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 59. 92 CONTINUED: KUDAK'ETAN How long has the warp drive been repaired? IXTANA'RAX At least one hour, maybe longer. Kudak'Etan stares at the prisoners, then back at his Second. KUDAK'ETAN And they managed to conceal it from you. IXTANA'RAX You ordered me not to interfere with them. KUDAK'ETAN I also told you to watch them carefully. IXTANA'RAX If we had assigned Jem'Hadar to do the repairs, as I said -- KUDAK'ETAN I'm not interested in your excuses. Kudak'Etan turns to the Seventh at the Operations Station. KUDAK'ETAN Bring the warp drive on-line. IXTANA'RAX Wait! The Seventh hesitates, looking from the Second to the First, not sure what he should do. Kudak'Etan holds up his hand to indicate the Seventh can wait. IXTANA'RAX Before we activate the warp drive we should check the entire system for possible sabotage. KUDAK'ETAN That would take hours. Every minute we spend in Federation space exposes us to detection and attack. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 60. 92 CONTINUED: KUDAK'ETAN (Cont'd) (sarcastic) And I would hate for your last mission to end in failure, "Elder." (nods to the Seventh) Do it. The Seventh works the panel. The warp core RAMPS UP TO A HEALTHY GLOW. KUDAK'ETAN When you have sufficient engine power available, bring us to warp four. Kira, Nog, Worf and Sisko exchange glances. KIRA (sotto) At least we're going to take them with us. KUDAK'ETAN (to the Second) Secure them with the other prisoners. The First strides toward the door as Kudak'Etan motions for our heroes to begin moving. 93 KUDAK'ETAN (OPTICAL) He reaches the Engine Room door. As it opens, the First's eyes widen at the sight of the tiny Rubicon rocketing straight toward his head! He dodges out of the way and starts to bring up his disruptor. Everything happens very quickly. Kudak'Etan FIRES at the Runabout, but misses. 94 THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) A tiny PHOTON TORPEDO rips out from the ship and HITS the Fifth as he turns toward it. He spins and falls to the deck, stone dead. 95 KIRA dives for the dead Jem'Hadar's weapon. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 61. 96 KUDAK'ETAN (OPTICAL) has turned his back to the prisoners as he tries to shoot the little ship. Big mistake. Worf leaps on him, throws an arm around his throat, and snaps the Jem'Hadar's neck. The Fourth takes a phaser shot at Worf, but misses. Worf goes after him in a brutal hand-to-hand fight -- 97 INT. RUNABOUT The crew is at battle stations, working feverishly. O'BRIEN Dax! At the upper rail! DAX I've got him. 98 OVER THE UPPER GUARD'S SHOULDER (OPTICAL) The Runabout banks and climbs toward him. The guard shoots at it and misses, sending... 99 SISKO AND NOG ducking out of his line of fire. 99A THE JEM'HADAR ON THE CATWALK (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY SCENE 103) FIRES at the Rubicon and the runabout is forced to bank and turn to avoid the blasts. 99A INT. RUNABOUT As the ship lurches and turns, the three occupants hang on for dear life. DAX (working) This guy is really starting to get on my nerves. BASHIR I've got torpedo lock! DAX Fire! DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 61A. 99A THE RUNABOUT as it swoops toward the Jem'Hadar on the catwalk and FIRES a torpedo at him. The torpedo catches him in the chest and he topples over the railing to the Engine Room deck, his disruptor bouncing toward... 99B SISKO AND NOG (FORMERLY SCENE 104) Nog dives for the weapon, while Sisko heads for the forward Ops station. 100 SECOND IXTANA'RAX aims his weapon at Sisko. 101 KIRA (OPTICAL) She comes up to a kneeling position with the disruptor and pulls the trigger. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 62. 102 IXTANA'RAX (OPTICAL) He takes Kira's BLAST full in the chest and goes down. 103 thru OMITTED 104 105 AT THE OPERATIONS CONSOLE (OPTICAL) As Sisko approaches it, the unarmed Seventh lunges at him and takes a swing. Sisko deflects the blow and pivots the Jem'Hadar toward Kira, who shoots him. Sisko turns and begins entering command codes into the console. 105A WORF Kills the Jem'Hadar Fourth. 106 NOG stands. He swivels the disruptor around, looking for trouble. 107 THE ENGINE ROOM - WIDER (OPTICAL) Kira rises to her feet. Worf has the First's disruptor and covers the doors. All the Jem'Hadar are down. Sisko is working the Ops console. SISKO I'm flooding all compartments except the engine room with anesthezine gas. (to Kira) Get that virus out of the computer before somebody on the bridge decides to engage the warp drive. Kira begins working another console. Sisko walks over to where Ixtana'Rax sits on the floor, his back against the warp control pedestal. The Second clutches his wound, his breathing labored, his eyes focused intently on the body of Kudak'Etan. Finally, he becomes aware of Sisko's presence and looks up. SISKO (re: Kudak'Etan) He should've listened to you and killed me when he had the chance. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 62A. 107 CONTINUED: IXTANA'RAX He was a First... they don't need to... listen. Obedience brings... Victory... and Victory is... DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 63. 107 CONTINUED: (2) Then the struggle ends. Life ebbs out of his eyes and he slumps over, dead. Sisko turns away in time to see the little Rubicon whiz by, then arc up into a perfect Immelmann turn and come to a stop about six inches in front of Worf's nose. SISKO (smiles) Mister Worf -- I think your wife's here. 107A THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) From over Worf's shoulder, we can see the tiny figure of Dax waving at Worf. 107B RESUME WORF As he smiles. 108 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The Defiant is again docked at the station. SISKO (V.O.) Captain's Log, Stardate 51492.3. After completing repairs, we were able to return to the anomaly and successfully restore our runabout and its crew to their normal size. The surviving Jem'Hadar have been transferred to a Federation P.O.W. camp. 109 INT. QUARK'S Dax is sitting at a table, as Worf sits down with a PADD in his hand. DAX Is that your poem? WORF Yes. A Ferengi waiter comes by the table. WORF Bloodwine. Beat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 63A. 109 CONTINUED: DAX Can I hear it? WORF It's not finished. DAX Please? Just the first line? WORF All right. But this is my first poem. DAX I understand. WORF I have worked very hard and very long on this. DAX I know. WORF And I do not wish to be... ridiculed. DAX I promise. WORF (grudging) Very well. (reads with majesty) "This is the story... of the little ship... that took a little trip." (serious) What do you think? She blinks at him, not sure what to say. DAX It's... uh... well... it rhymes. She looks at him for a moment, all innocence... then she notices that there's a twinkle in his eye and a smile lurking around the edges of his mouth... and she suddenly realizes that he's putting her on. DAX You're putting me on! She grabs the PADD from his hand as he lets out a laugh. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 63B. 109 CONTINUED: (2) DAX There's nothing on this PADD! As Worf laughs and she begins to laugh with him, we move to the bar, where Bashir and O'Brien stand, telling their story to MORN and a wide-eyed DABO GIRL. QUARK stands behind the bar, polishing glasses. BASHIR (milking the drama) Suddenly, there, right in front of us, was this immense Jem'Hadar! ODO ENTERS and joins them, peering curiously at the two. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 64. 109 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN He looked as tall as a Seltan Carnosaur. We were so close you could see the veins throbbing in his eyeballs. Odo stands behind the two men and looks them up and down, as if he's noticed something incongruous. Bashir glances at him, mildly irked by the Constable's intense gaze. O'Brien presses on with the tale and Bashir tries to ignore Odo. O'BRIEN (using his hands to demonstrate) We swung around and ducked behind the operations console. I knew that the first thing we had to do was get our sensors back on-line. So I told Julian -- BASHIR (fed up, to Odo) Something wrong? ODO Are you sure that you've returned to normal size? O'BRIEN (unsettled) Of course. ODO Hm. BASHIR Why? ODO You both appear to be a couple of centimeters shorter than the last time I saw you. O'Brien and Bashir exchange a nervous glance -- each trying to see if the other looks any smaller. ODO A changeling notices that sort of thing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "One Little... " - REV. 1/9/98 - ACT FIVE 65. 109 CONTINUED: (4) QUARK (chiming in) I wasn't going to say anything, but you do look a little on the... petite side. Bashir sets his drink down, looking steadily at O'Brien. BASHIR Infirmary. Bashir and O'Brien hustle out. Odo watches them go, a thin smile stealing onto his lips. Quark steps up to the bar, beside him. QUARK And they say you don't have a sense of humor. Odo gives him a look, and we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END STXT