STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Begotten" #40510-510 Written by Rene Echevarria Directed by Jesus Trevino THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1996 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION October 30, 1996 STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Begotten" - 11/04/96 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Begotten" CAST SISKO SHAKAAR KIRA MORA ODO Y'PORA BASHIR DAX QUARK O'BRIEN WORF JAKE KEIKO MOLLY COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "The Begotten" - 10/30/96 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Begotten" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE SPACE AIRLOCK DEEP SPACE NINE BIRTHING ROOM HABITAT RING CORRIDOR INFIRMARY/OUTER ROOM O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS OPS PROMENADE QUARK'S REPLIMAT SCIENCE LAB SECURITY OFFICE DEEP SPACE NINE - "The Begotten" - 11/01/96 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Begotten" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ALVANIAN al-VEIN-ee-un BIOMIMETIC BIO-mih-meh-tic EXETER EX-ih-ter FENARI fen-ARH-ee FILIAN FILLY-uhn HIROMI hee-ROW-mee KORVALIAN core-VALL-uhn MORPHEGENIC MORE-foe-jen-ick SYMBALENE SIM-buh-leen TARKALEAN tar-KAY-lee-uhn TETRYON TEH-tree-on Y'PORA yeh-PORE-uh YRIDIAN yir-ID-ee-uhn DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - TEASER STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Begotten" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. 2 INT. INFIRMARY BASHIR is working at his console when ODO walks in, holding himself very stiffly. Bashir almost smiles at the sight of him -- truth is, Odo's been coming in a lot lately with all sorts of minor ailments. BASHIR Good morning, Constable. What can I do for you today? ODO It's my back... BASHIR (patient) Let's have a look. Bashir motions him to the bio-bed. ODO It happened this morning when I got out of bed... Odo lets out a gasp of pain as he sits on the bed. Bashir scans him with a MEDICAL TRICORDER... BASHIR Hmm... DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: Odo takes this as a bad sign. ODO I have Alvanian spine mites, don't I? BASHIR Actually -- ODO I'm going to be in pain for the rest of my life. BASHIR (stopping him) Odo. (calm down) You have a pinched nerve. ODO Really? BASHIR It comes from bad posture. ODO (insulted) Bad posture? Me? Ridiculous. You've never seen anyone sit so straight. And indeed, Odo is sitting up straight -- ramrod straight. BASHIR Exactly. You're carrying yourself too rigidly. ODO This is how I've always carried myself. BASHIR You didn't always have a spinal column. You're not a changeling anymore. Now that you're humanoid, you need to learn to relax. ODO That's what you said last week. BASHIR And? DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir prepares a HYPO. ODO (reluctant) It helped. That and the prune juice. BASHIR There -- you see? I know what I'm talking about. Bashir hypos Odo in the small of the back. QUARK (O.S.) Back trouble? 3 NEW ANGLE including QUARK at the doorway. ODO It's none of your concern, Quark. QUARK (to Bashir) Bad posture? Bashir nods -- ODO (to Quark) Will you get out of here! BASHIR What you need is a stretching regimen. Worf's morning exercise class would be just the thing. QUARK Forget that. I've got a holosuite program that'll take care of him. Three Orion slave girls strap you into a -- ODO Quark. QUARK Go ahead. Suffer. ODO What do you want? Quark changes his tone -- he has a deal in the works. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - TEASER 4. 3 CONTINUED: QUARK A Yridian I've been dealing with sold me something that might interest you. ODO I don't think so. QUARK You don't even know what it is. ODO I know I don't want it. QUARK In that case, can you tell me how to get in touch with the Founders? I know they'll want it. This gets Odo's attention. ODO What are you talking about? Quark pulls a glass CONTAINER out of his vest and holds it up -- it contains about a pint of SHAPE-SHIFTER GOO. Unlike the goo we've seen, this has a BLUISH tint to it and exhibits neither movement nor evanescent glint. Odo takes the container from him, studies it intently. QUARK It's a changeling -- or it was, anyway. Since it's dead, I'll let you have it for five slips of latinum. ODO It's not dead. QUARK (quick) In that case, make it ten. ODO It's sick. QUARK (quicker) Eight and we'll call it even. But Odo isn't paying attention to Quark; he's studying the goo with great interest. Quark pulls a PADD from his vest, taps in the cost, and takes the distracted Odo's hand to input his thumbprint. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - TEASER 5. 3 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Pleasure doing business with you. Quark EXITS, happy as can be. Bashir moves to Odo's side. BASHIR Odo... if that is a changeling, we'd better get it into a security field. ODO That won't be necessary. BASHIR If it gets out of that container, it could be dangerous. ODO It's not going anywhere, Doctor. It doesn't know how... it's just a baby. Bashir reacts... off Odo's intent gaze as he studies the goo, we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 6-6A. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 4 INT. INFIRMARY SISKO has joined Odo and Bashir. The goo is now sitting atop a scanner. SISKO A baby changeling? ODO (nods) Centuries ago, my people sent a hundred of us out into the galaxy so we could learn about other races. When I was found, I looked very much like this. This strikes Sisko as odd -- it's so small compared to Odo's present size. SISKO You were this... small? ODO (nods) Like a humanoid child, it'll grow. Its mass will increase as its shape-shifting abilities develop. BASHIR (off scanner) From what I can tell, it was exposed to a massive dose of tetryon radiation. I'm going to have to purge the isotopes with an electrophoretic diffuser. SISKO Get on it. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 7. Bashir nods, gestures to a NURSE. As they prepare to work on the goo, Odo and Sisko move off to the other room. SISKO Are you sure it's no danger to us, Constable? ODO (nods) When I was first discovered, I didn't know what I was, or have any memory of where I came from. I didn't even know I had the ability to mimic other forms. Sisko takes this in, but something about it strikes him as odd. SISKO Why would the Founders send such helpless creatures out into space? ODO To find out if the species they encountered posed any threat. What better way to gauge another race than to see how it treats the weak and vulnerable? SISKO I see your point. Sisko considers for a beat... SISKO How long will it be before the changeling's able to take humanoid form? ODO Several months. Why? SISKO There's a lot about your people we still don't know. The changeling could provide Starfleet with invaluable information about the Dominion. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 8-11. 4 CONTINUED: (2) ODO That being the case, I'd like to be allowed to work with it -- teach it how to shape-shift. SISKO I can't think of anyone better qualified. (considers) But you might want a little help. Maybe you should contact Doctor Mora. ODO Mora? Why? SISKO He managed to find a way to communicate with you. He obviously knows what he's doing. Odo doesn't necessarily agree with this assessment. ODO Maybe so. But I'd prefer to do this alone. Sisko hears the restrained emotion in Odo's voice, decides to back off. SISKO It's your call. (lightly) But it's always nice to have someone around to help change the diapers. ODO (dry) I'll keep that in mind... Sisko EXITS. Odo moves to the doorway that leads to the examining area, watches as Bashir and the Nurse work on the changeling. We can see on his face how much he wants them to succeed. 5 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 6 OMITTED DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 12. 7 INT. INFIRMARY Bashir is showing Odo the goo, which is still on the scanner. It now has that yellowish tint we're used to seeing in Shape-shifter goo. BASHIR The purge was nearly a hundred percent effective -- the concentration of isotopes is almost negligible. Odo is immensely relieved, looks down at the goo as if it were a baby in a crib. ODO It certainly looks healthier... Bashir gets ready to leave. BASHIR I'd better go check on Kira. Did you hear? She's in labor. ODO (distracted) Mm-mm... Bashir sees the look on Odo's face, then glances down at what looks to him like a blob of yellow goo... BASHIR (smiling) I guess you've got your own baby to think about. Odo catches himself, looks up. As Bashir heads for the door -- BASHIR There's still a small degree of instability in its morphogenic matrix. I'm hoping it'll level out. I set the computer to monitor for biomimetic fluctuations just in case. ODO Thank you, Doctor. BASHIR Good luck. And with that Bashir EXITS. Odo turns his attention back to the goo. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 12A. 7 CONTINUED: ODO (gently) How do you feel -- better? He looks down at it with an almost serene expression. ODO I realize you can't understand a word I'm saying, but that doesn't matter. I know you're aware of me. You see, I was once like you. I spent months in a lab being poked and prodded by a scientist who didn't even realize I was a lifeform. I was just a specimen, a mystery that needed to be unraveled. He never talked to me. It didn't occur to him. I didn't know what I was, or what I was supposed to do. I was lost, alone. Odo watches as the goo undulates slightly. He leans in closer, intent. ODO But it's not going to be that way for you. I'm not going to make the same mistakes that were made with me. (beat) Come on, I want to show you something... Off this moment... OA INT. BIRTHING ROOM (FORMERLY SC. 10) These guest quarters have been set up as a traditional Bajoran birthing room. The standard furniture has been removed and replaced with PILLOWS, wall TAPESTRIES, and a small SHRINE with burning INCENSE. Kira is wearing a cross between a hospital gown and a ornate ROBE. She's sitting on a waist-high TABLE with an inclined back support. Bashir is completing a scan of her... Y'PORA -- the Bajoran midwife -- stands at the foot of the table, wearing traditional ROBES. O'Brien and KEIKO stand to either side. Each has a traditional Bajoran NOISEMAKER in their hands -- Y'Pora a CABASA type device, Keiko a beaded GOURD, and O'Brien, a small GONG. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 12B. OA CONTINUED: In solemn, rhythmic succession, they each play their device-for a beat so that we hear a series of sh-sh's, rattles, and gongs. O'Brien, however, never quite manages to hit the gong in the same place twice, so it sounds slightly off-kilter each time. He's doing his best, despite the distraction posed by the cloud of incense that keeps wafting toward him, irritating his eyes and lungs. Kira is practicing some kind of controlled breathing exercise keyed to these sounds, and it's up to each of them to carry the rhythm consistently so she can enter a state of deep relaxation. Sh-sh, rattle, clink... sh-sh, rattle, clank... sh-sh, rattle, clunk -- this last tone is so flat Y'Pora opens her eyes and looks at O'Brien. She starts another cycle: sh-sh, rattle, clink... sh- sh, rattle, clank... sh-sh, rattle -- OB O'BRIEN SNEEZES (FORMERLY SC. 11) from the incense as he taps his gong, eliciting a clatter. Y'Pora and Keiko do their best not to get thrown off by this, and Kira doesn't seem to notice she's lost -- in her breathing. After a beat, O'Brien leans in toward Keiko and Bashir and they move off a few paces, maintaining the rhythm throughout. O'BRIEN (quiet) Something's wrong... Kira told me this would only take about an hour. BASHIR For Bajoran women, giving birth is all about being relaxed... KEIKO (glancing at the gong in his hand) He's right, Miles... that's why it's important for us to keep the rhythm... O'Brien nods as if to say "yeah, yeah" -- completely missing the hint. O'BRIEN I don't think she's going to relax until Shakaar gets here. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 12C. OB CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (Cont'd) (annoyed) I called almost six hours ago; it takes less than half that to make the trip from Bajor. KEIKO He's the First Minister of Bajor -- he's a busy man... BASHIR So am I... I've got three surgeries scheduled this afternoon. I'll try to pop in later. Bashir EXITS... KIRA (far away) Y'Pora... the baby... he's moving... Keiko and O'Brien exchange a look, finally, something's going to happen... Y'PORA (softly) Relax... breathe... it won't be long now. Sh-sh, rattle, clink... Sh-sh, rattle, clank... sh-sh, rattle -- OC A SWOOSH (FORMERLY SC. 12) as the door OPENS and SHAKAAR rushes inside, every bit the panicked "husband." SHAKAAR Sorry I'm late -- Even Y'Pora can't ride out this interruption -- she stops the proceedings. O'Brien is annoyed because it looks like a few hours' work just went down the drain. Shakaar doesn't notice, he only has eyes for Kira. She smiles as he moves to her side. SHAKAAR How are you? She nods that she's all right. SHAKAAR I threw you off, didn't I? DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 12D. OC CONTINUED: O'Brien nods to himself -- KIRA It's all right, I'll get back on track. I'm glad you're here. As if to say "lets get started," O'Brien taps his gong... Y'Pora picks up the rhythm with a shake of her cabasa, and they're off... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 13. 7A INT. REPLIMAT where Odo is sitting at one of the tables. SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. He's brought the goo here so he can "show" it some of his world, but he doesn't want people coming up and asking questions, so he's put it in a glass MUG and is acting as if it were a beverage. ODO This is the Replimat. Humanoids come here to eat. They -- we, rather -- need to ingest nutrients. Odo sees someone notice him, picks up the mug and pretends to take a sip. After they turn their attention away from him... ODO This is my home. It's a space station. People of many different species live here together. Once you've learned to take humanoid shape, I'll show you everything. You can live here, too, if you want. It's a fascinating place. WORF (O.S.) Constable -- 7B NEW ANGLE to include Worf, standing nearby. WORF Why are you talking to your beverage? Odo frowns, embarrassed. ODO It's not a beverage, it's a changeling. Worf reacts -- he's heard about Odo's find, but he finds this all a bit strange. WORF (sitting down) Why did you bring it here? DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 13A. 7B CONTINUED: ODO I wanted it to see the station. (to the goo) This is a Klingon. Worf decides to stay out of it. WORF I came to talk to you about the Ferengi. ODO (to the goo) He means Quark. I suppose you'll have to meet him sooner or later. WORF I believe he has been tapping into the station's computer and downloading secured information. ODO (to the goo) That's illegal. Worf's brow furrows in consternation, he wants Odo's undivided attention. WORF We need to set up a data reversion trace. ODO (to the goo) I'm chief of security, that's my job. WORF If we can apprehend him, it may be possible to revoke his licence and force him to close his establishment. ODO (to the goo) Quark runs a bar. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 13B. 7B CONTINUED: (2) WORF Odo. ODO What? Worf contains his annoyance, stands. WORF Thank you for your time. With a last look at the goo, Worf EXITS. ODO (to the goo) As you can see, Klingons are a bit short-tempered. Off this mcment... 7C INT. SCIENCE LAB where Odo is pouring the goo into a large, shallow Petri DISH. The goo doesn't fill the dish like a liquid, but thickens up to form an irregular shape inside it. ODO There... doesn't that feel better? There's nothing like spreading yourself out after being cooped up in a jar. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 13C. 7C CONTINUED: Odo smiles down at the goo... ODO You have no idea of the marvels that are in store for you. Do you know what you are? You're a changeling. A Shape-shifter. You can be anything. A Tarkalean hawk, soaring through the sky. Or a Filian python, burrowing deep beneath the ground. It's all yours for the taking. Odo is thoughtful for a beat, watches the goo move slightly. ODO I was never a very good Shape-shifter -- if you could see the face I'm stuck with, you'd know what I mean -- but I think I can be a good teacher. You'll be better than I ever was. And I promise, I'll never treat you the way I was treated. Never. The goo seems to move slightly toward Odo, and he takes it almost as an acknowledgement of what he's said. The SOUND of the door SWOOSHING open breaks the moment. MORA (O.S.) Odo. Odo turns to see DOCTOR MORA in the doorway -- although he tries not to show it, it's clear that Odo is not happy to see this man. ODO Doctor Mora... what are you doing here? Mora is looking past Odo toward the changeling behind him -- DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT ONE 14. 7C CONTINUED: (2) MORA I heard about the changeling. I came to help. This is definitely not what Odo had in mind... 8 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 15. ACT TWO FADE IN: 9 INT. SCIENCE LAB Mora looks past Odo, his eyes on the goo atop the table -- he starts toward it, fascinated. MORA Is that it? Odo seems tense as he watches Mora move past him to peer at the goo. The expression on Mora's face is remarkably similar to the look on Odo's face when he first saw it himself. MORA Remarkable... Mora gauges its size like the scientist he is. MORA It looks a bit larger than you were. There must be what, a quarter of a liter? ODO I suppose so. MORA (a bit disapproving) You haven't measured? ODO What difference does it make how big it is? MORA It could make a great deal of difference. Its size could be an indication that it's already exercised its shape-shifting abilities. Mora's right, and Odo doesn't like it one bit. He steers the conversation elsewhere. ODO I thought you were on Earth, working with Starfleet on new ways to detect changeling infiltrators. MORA (nods) Fortunately, I happened to be on Bajor visiting my parents when I got word of your find. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 16. 9 CONTINUED: Mora finally tears his attention away from the goo and turns to Odo. MORA How are you, Odo? I've been worried. ODO Worried? MORA I heard your people had taken away your ability to shape-shift. ODO Thank you for your concern. But I'm fine. MORA I knew you were going to say that. (smiles knowingly) You never want to give anything away. Even though it's all right there on your face. Odo looks away, he doesn't like being read like this. MORA Well, why don't we get started? We have a lot of work ahead of us. Mora turns his attention back to the goo -- ODO Actually, doctor -- MORA I told Starfleet that I won't be coming back for a few weeks. ODO That may have been premature. Mora picks up a BIO-PROBE with the intention of inserting it into the goo. MORA It'll take at least that long to get the changeling to respond to -- ODO Don't do that. Odo snatches the probe from Mora. Mora looks him up and down, surprised by his outburst. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 17. 9 CONTINUED: (2) MORA I see you still have trouble controlling your temper. Odo sets his jaw -- Mora has a way of getting under his skin. MORA I just wanted to determine its mass. ODO (controlled) Doctor Mora... I understand that you want to help, but I'm going to do this alone. Mora smiles in a way that Odo finds condescending. MORA Alone? But, Odo... you don't know the first thing about teaching a changeling how to shape-shift. ODO I'll muddle through somehow. You did. Mora ignores this barb, takes another tack. MORA It's too warm in here. A changeling's morphogenic matrix is most malleable at seventeen degrees Celsius. ODO (dismissing this) I used to be able to change my shape in almost any temperature. MORA But why not make it easy for the changeling. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 18. 9 CONTINUED: (3) MORA (Cont'd) (driving home his point) It took me weeks to determine the optimal temperature, humidity, even the light level. Don't you think that's information you could use? ODO (reluctant) I suppose I could take a look at your reports. MORA You're free to, of course. But I was never one to keep extensive records. I always wanted to move on to the next test. ODO Believe me, I remember your "tests" very well. Mora realizes what's driving Odo MORA Ah, that's what this is all about. You still resent the things I did to induce you to shape-shift. I know they weren't pleasant for you, but really, Odo -- I'd have hoped you'd have moved past that by now. I'm disappointed. Odo stiffens -- Mora has a way of making him feel like a child. ODO I have my own ideas about how to teach the changeling. MORA Really? I take it they're less... invasive? ODO Exactly. MORA Hmm. Odo studies Mora for a beat -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Begotten" - REV. 11/05/96 - ACT TWO 19-21. 9 CONTINUED: (4) ODO You don't think I can do it, do you? MORA I didn't say that. Mora is playing Odo to the hilt, knowing full well how badly he wants to prove himself to his teacher. MORA The truth is, I'd be fascinated to see what you have in mind. Mora has thrown down a challenge he knows Odo can't refuse. ODO In that case, why don't you stay and observe? MORA If you insist. Mora has gotten exactly what he wanted, and Odo doesn't even realize it... 10 thru OMITTED 12 12A INT. BIRTHING ROOM It's been hours now, and everyone's tired. Sh-sh... rattle... clink... sh-sh... rattle... clank -- Suddenly Kira lets out a GASP of pain. KEIKO What's wrong? KIRA I don't know... it's like a cramp or something. Y'PORA You shouldn't be feeling any pain. Y'Pora scans her with a BAJORAN TRICORDER. She seems a bit dismayed by her findings. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 22. 12A CONTINUED: Y'PORA Well... it appears that you're not going to be having the baby today. KIRA What? Y'PORA You were in labor too long. O'Brien glares at Shakaar -- O'BRIEN (under his breath) I wonder why... But Y'Pora glances meaningfully at both O'Brien and Shakaar. Y'PORA For whatever reason... you weren't able to fully relax. Your system had to stop producing endorphins before they accumulated to toxic levels. SHAKAAR When will she have the baby? Y'PORA It could be a few more days, or a few more weeks. KIRA Weeks? If I don't have this baby soon, I'm going to lose my mind. Y'PORA If you want, you can go see Doctor Bashir and have him -- KIRA (firm) No. I want to have this baby the traditional Bajoran way. KEIKO We're a hundred percent behind you. Aren't we, Miles? O'Brien's thinking about the idea of going to Julian, until Keiko nudges him. O'BRIEN Absolutely. KIRA (to Shakaar) Can you stay for a while? DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 23. 12A CONTINUED: (2) SHAKAAR (smiles) I'll have to rearrange my schedule, but I think so. Y'PORA Nerys, return to your quarters and rest. I'll come by and see you later. As Y'Pora passes Shakaar -- Y'PORA You... be punctual next time or don't come at all. O'Brien looks pleased -- he couldn't have said it better himself. Y'PORA (to O'Brien) And you... practice. As if to demonstrate, Y'Pora flicks the gong with her finger, and for the first time, it gives off a distinctive PING that we can tell is how it's supposed to sound. off O'Brien's look as she EXITS... 13 INT. SCIENCE LAB Odo places a MARBLE into the flat Petri dish in which the goo forms an irregular puddle. As Mora watches, he gently rolls the marble around the perimeter of the dish as he talks to the changeling. ODO This is a sphere. It's one of the most basic forms in nature. See how it rolls? Interesting, isn't it? Mora watches skeptically, moves closer just to make sure nothing is happening. ODO You're blocking my light. He's not, really, but Mora moves off to the side anyway. ODO (to the goo) Now... this won't hurt a bit... DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 24. 13 CONTINUED: He carefully pours the goo into a glass SPHERE. Once done, he leans in close, speaks to the changeling. ODO This is also a sphere. Feel its symmetry... the softness of its shape... the sameness. He gives the changeling a moment to feel the sphere, then pours the goo back into the dish. He sets the sphere aside, turns to the goo. ODO Now you try it... He waits for a beat. Mora watches, doubtful. After a beat, Odo rolls the marble into the dish. ODO Here's a little reminder. Odo sits and waits. Behind him, we can see on Mora's face that he thinks Odo is going to be waiting a long time. After a moment, Odo leans in and talks to the goo. ODO I realize you prefer to remain shapeless... believe me, I remember how relaxing it could be. But you have to learn to take other forms. It's what changelings do. It's immensely rewarding. I remember the first time Doctor Mora here coerced me into taking the shape of a cube with one of his electrostatic gadgets. Once I did it, and he turned the infernal thing off, I was perfectly content to stay a cube for hours. It was fascinating -- all those right angles. of course, he had other plans. The next thing I knew, he had me spinning around in a centrifuge. Mora fights the impulse to retort. A moment, then Odo uses this supposedly offhand mention of the cube as a cover to move on from what is clearly an unsuccessful effort. He reaches and takes a glass CUBE, shows it to the goo. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 25. 13 CONTINUED: (2) ODO If you're not interested in a sphere right now, we can always try a cube. Off Mora's face as he rolls his eyes... DISSOLVE TO: 13A CLOSE - THE SPHERE that Odo set aside earlier... a beat, then Odo's hand slides the cube over next to it... 13B CLOSE - MORA controlling his impatience. 13C CLOSE - THE SPHERE AND THE CUBE as Odo slides a PYRAMID next to them... 13D CLOSE - ODO pouring the goo into another form with great care... 13E THE THREE ABOVE SHAPES and a handful more clustered around them... a beat, then Odo's hand slides an OCTAGON next to them... 13F CLOSE - MORA biting his tongue. 13G NEW ANGLE Odo has the goo in a tall glass CYLINDER that's sitting upside down on the Petri dish. (NOTE: there's more goo now -- the "exercise" it's had has caused it to expand.) Mora watches, coming to his wits end. ODO (to the goo) Now... all you have to do is hold this shape. Ready? DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 26. 13G CONTINUED: Odo lifts the cylinder straight up, but to his dismay, the goo glug-glugs its way out the bottom and spreads itself out onto the dish. Odo stares at it, trying not to give Mora the satisfaction of showing his disappointment. ODO All right... you're starting to catch on... Off Mora's exasperation... DISSOLVE TO: 14 thru OMITTED 14A 15 INT. SCIENCE LAB where Mora is alone, scanning the beaker of goo with a TRICORDER. After a beat, Odo ENTERS and reacts to the sight of him. ODO What are you doing? MORA I'm just measuring its volume. The two men have been at this for a week now, and Mora's patience has worn thin. MORA It's been almost a week and it's only grown seventeen percent. After three days in my lab, you were twice this size. ODO Maybe I was anxious to grow up so I could get out of there. Mora ignores this, sticks to his point. MORA My point is that you've made no progress. By this time, I'd already gotten you to mimic half a dozen simple forms. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 27. 15 CONTINUED: ODO I'm trying to gain its trust, not teach it tricks. Mora slaps the tricorder down on the table in frustration. MORA It's a shame you're not a changeling anymore -- you could just link with it and teach it everything it needs to know. ODO (defensive) You make it sound like it's my fault. MORA It might very well be. Odo bristles at this notion, but Mora continues with a scientist's dispassion -- MORA Let's face it, Odo, your shape-shifting abilities were somewhat limited. That may be why your people were able to force you to take humanoid form. Odo stiffens -- ODO That's pure speculation. MORA Why don't we run some tests and find out? Odo breaks into a knowing smile... DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 28. 15 CONTINUED: (2) ODO You're just dying to get me into one of your contraptions, aren't you? MORA I'm trying to help. ODO I'm not about to submit myself to another round of your experiments. MORA Everything I did to you was for your own good. True, some of the tests I subjected you to proved inconclusive -- ODO The vacuum chamber springs to mind, the cytoplasmic separator... and come to think of it, the protein decompiler, too -- MORA How could I know until I tried? By the Prophets, Odo, I wasn't even sure you were a lifeform. ODO I wasn't sure about you either. MORA Once I realized you were sentient, the Cardassians wanted to know everything about you. I was under enormous pressure to get results. (with pride) And I did. My techniques worked. The fact that you're standing here whining about them is proof. ODO You enjoyed watching me suffer. MORA Do you really believe that? How pathetic. If it weren't for me, you'd still be sitting on a shelf somewhere, in a beaker labeled "unknown sample." DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 29. 15 CONTINUED: (3) ODO If it weren't for me, you'd be a nobody -- Starfleet wouldn't hire you to judge a science fair. MORA I'm getting a little tired of standing around watching you. But I can't seem to pull myself away. I'm too curious to see what preposterous thing you'll try next. (re: the goo) Who knows, maybe after a few months, it'll get so tired of your incessant chatter it'll actually do something. ODO You'd love to get your hands on it, wouldn't you? You could sell tickets on the Promenade. (with a flourish) Doctor Mora's Chamber of Horrors -- open for business. Odo turns to the door like a carnival barker... ODO Come on in... Odo stops when he sees Sisko standing in the doorway... there's an uncomfortable moment as the two men wonder how long he's been standing there. ODO Captain... Sisko gives nothing away. SISKO How's it going, gentlemen? ODO (stretching the truth) Making progress. SISKO Glad to hear it. I was just talking with Starfleet Command. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 30. 15 CONTINUED: (4) SISKO (Cont'd) They want you to establish communication with the changeling as soon as possible. MORA At the rate we're going, that's still a long way off. SISKO Better not be too long, otherwise Starfleet is going to want to take over the project. ODO (alarmed) Sir? SISKO As long as you're making progress, there's nothing to worry about. Sisko heads for the door. SISKO By the way, Starfleet would like you to file daily reports for their review. ODO Understood, sir. SISKO Carry on. Sisko EXITS, leaving a troubled Odo. After a beat, Mora turns to him... MORA Well... now you have an idea of the kind of pressure I was under. Mora lets this sink in for a beat... DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT TWO 31. 15 CONTINUED: (5) MORA I brought my old equipment up from Bajor. Maybe it's time we started unpacking it. Off Odo's look as he realizes he going to have to yield to the inevitable... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Begotten" -REV - 11/01/96 -ACT THREE 32-35. ACT THREE FADE IN: 16 thru OMITTED 21 22 INT. SCIENCE LAB where Mora has set up one of his apparatuses -- a shallow, square DISH fitted with a CONTROL PANEL that operates an electrostatic bottom. We can see that the device brings back unpleasant memories for Odo, although he does his best to hold them in check. MORA Whenever you're ready. ODO (to the goo) Don't worry, you'll get through this... Odo pours the goo, now grown to about two pints, into the dish, where it forms an irregular puddle. He turns to Mora, nods that he go ahead. MORA No, no -- I'm just an observer. The truth is, Mora wants Odo to have to do it himself. Odo swallows back his discomfort, reaches and activates the controls. A BLUE CIRCLE appears in the center of the dish. The changeling, off to one side, does absolutely nothing. Mora studies the controls, realizes why. MORA Odo, it won't respond to anything less than six millivolts. Odo hesitates... ODO (torn) There must be some other way. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT THREE 36. 22 CONTINUED: MORA Spare the rod, spoil the child. (off Odo's look) Without discomfort, the changeling is perfectly content to stay in its gelatinous state. It'll just lie there, never realizing it has the ability to mimic other forms, never living up to its potential. (beat) Six millivolts isn't going to harm it. Once it realizes there's no charge inside the circle, the procedure will be over. A moment, then Odo reaches and works the controls. 23 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) The goo immediately starts to send out tendrils, as if trying to find a safe place to be. Odo turns and looks at Mora, who's watching with his scientific dispassion. Mora notices his gaze -- MORA Checking to see if I'm enjoying myself... ? Odo can see that he's not; embarrassed, he turns his attention back to the goo. As they watch, a TENDRIL finds the circle... ODO (to the goo) That's it... you've found it... A moment, then the goo quickly MOVES to fill the blue area, forming itself into a perfect circle so as to avoid the charge. Odo breaks into a wide grin, but Mora doesn't let him enjoy the moment long. MORA I smiled the first time you did that... little did I know you'd end up hating me for it. (all business) Shall we move on? The smile fades from Odo's face as he realizes the point Mora is trying to make... ODO Why not. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Begotten" - REV. 11/06/96 -ACT THREE 37-37A. 23 CONTINUED: As Odo and Mora set to work... 23A EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 23B OMITTED 23C INT. KIRA'S BEDROOM as Shakaar appears in the doorway and takes in the scene. Kira is lying down as O'Brien works on her legs -- he pours some OIL from a tube onto them, kneads it into her skin. Shakaar sees that they haven't noticed him -- trying not to let the scene bother him, he clears his throat. Kira looks up, smiles when she sees him. KIRA Edon... O'Brien greets him with a nod, concentrates on his work. Shakaar would like nothing more than a few minutes alone with Kira, but seeing that she needs this massage, doesn't mention it. He moves to take a seat next to her. SHAKAAR How're you feeling? Kira, never one to complain, puts her best face on it. KIRA I'm all right. My feet are a little swollen. O'BRIEN (as he works) A little? They've never been this bad. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/90--ACT THREE 37B. 23C CONTINUED: Shakaar does his best to ignore O'Brien -- SHAKAAR There's a zero-grav tumbling performance on the Promenade tonight -- want to go? KIRA Well, maybe. O'BRIEN You can't be standing around for an hour. Shakaar is a bit exasperated by the situation, but tries to be polite. SHAKAAR Chief, would you mind leaving us alone for a minute? O'BRIEN (working) I'm almost done. SHAKAAR I'll take over. Without waiting for O'Brien's response, Shakaar places a hand on Kira's leg, starts massaging. O'Brien watches, concerned that he's not doing it right. KIRA I think it's time. But the men don't hear her. O'BRIEN You have to do it harder. SHAKAAR I know what I'm doing. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT THREE 38. 23C CONTINUED: (2) KIRA It's time. O'BRIEN You have to work your way up the leg. KIRA It's time! A moment as the two men look at her, then it hits them both -- It's time! They look at each other, the onset of panic in their eyes. Off this moment -- CUT TO: 24 OMITTED 25 INT. SCIENCE LAB where Odo and Mora are working with the changeling, which has expanded to about half a gallon. They've got it in an upside-down CYLINDER centered on a BLUE CIRCLE of the same diameter, indicating that as presently positioned, the changeling is receiving no electrostatic charge. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT THREE 39. 25 CONTINUED: ODO (to the goo) If I were you I'd hold this shape... otherwise you'll be in for a little shock... 26 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As Odo lifts the cylinder straight up and off the changeling... the goo starts to SAG, as if about to release its shape, but realizing that it'll receive a charge if it spreads outside the circle, it MORPHS into a solid column of goo, centered on the safe blue circle. Though pleased, this time Odo is more circumspect in his reaction. MORA This is a smart one... I had to do that three times before you caught on. Odo turns and looks at him... ODO Actually... (enjoying this revelation) The first two times I didn't hold the shape on purpose. MORA You're not serious. ODO I suppose I didn't want to give you the satisfaction. This, more than any jab Odo has taken at Mora, hurts. He truly hadn't considered that Odo was actually resisting his efforts to teach him. MORA Well... if you're lucky, someday this changeling will give you the satisfaction of saying, "Thank you, you did so much for me." (pressing his point) Then again, maybe it'll just end up leaving the way you did. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT THREE 40. 26 CONTINUED: MORA (Cont'd) Without any warning, it'll just announce that it's striking out on its own -- and you'll never hear from it again. Odo looks away -- he knows he hurt Mora when he left, but he's not about to admit it. MORA I'm going to get something to eat... As he turns away, a MORPHING SOUND gets his attention. He and Odo turn toward the column of goo and react -- 27 OMITTED 28 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) To their amazement, it starts to MORPH up and out of the Petri dish to form a single thick TENTACLE. As the two men watch with fascination, the tentacle gropes its way toward them, as if trying to sense where they are. It comes to within two feet of Mora, hangs there for a moment as if taking him in, then turns its attention to Odo. A beat, then something extraordinary happens... a FACE starts to form on the tentacle's leading surface. The features are vaguely defined, Odo-like -- but it's clear that the creature has formed eyes and is peering curiously at Odo. They look at each other, face to face for a beat, then Odo smiles... as quickly as it formed, the goo returns to the Petri dish and settles back into its gelatinous form... Off Odo and Mora as they react to this surprising turn of events... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FOUR 41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 29 INT. SECURITY OFFICE as Odo and Mora ENTER. They're both excited about what happened, but Odo is less demonstrative, and has some PADDS to look over from work that's piled up. MORA And the eyes! Incredible. ODO For a minute there, I thought it was going to say something. Odo picks up a PADD off his desk. MORA Put that down, we're celebrating. Part of Odo wants to, but his meticulous nature is pulling him the other way. ODO It's just that I've fallen behind on my security reports these last few days. MORA You can catch up later. Aren't you excited about what happened? ODO Of course I am. MORA Tomorrow, we can start exposing the changeling to simple life- forms so that it can mimic them. Algae, fungus -- in a few days, maybe even an invertebrate. Odo sets down the PADD, getting caught up in Mora's enthusiasm. ODO I can't wait until I can actually talk to it. There's so much I want it to see, so much I want to share. MORA You'll get the chance sooner than you think. The changeling is developing far faster than you did. DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FOUR 42. 29 CONTINUED: Odo looks up sharply -- this seems like another jab from Mora, but this time, Mora backpedals. MORA I didn't mean that as a criticism. If anything, it's a compliment. Odo looks at Mora, unsure what he's saying. Mora swallows back his pride, comes out with it. MORA I was wrong. Your approach to communicating with the changeling was sound. Don't you see? It was reaching out to you. It was curious about you. The first time you did anything even close to that was when you formed a tentacle to slap my hand away from the control panel. ODO I remember. I wanted you to stop zapping me. The memory takes them both back, and despite the mixed feelings it brings back, they both find themselves smiling at it. MORA You've formed a connection with that changeling. (with regret) That's something I never managed to do with you. ODO (quickly) That's not true. (beat) I respected you. MORA You feared me. Odo dismisses this impatiently -- ODO You didn't know what I was. You were experimenting on what looked like a lump of organic residue. And that's what I'd still be if it weren't for you. This last statement just tumbled out of Odo's mouth unbidden -- but there it is, and Mora knows it's as close as Odo can come to making the admission. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FOUR 43. 29 CONTINUED: (2) MORA You don't know how much it means to me to hear you say that. Odo looks away, uncomfortable with the emotion of the moment. MORA I'm sorry. I know that sort of talk makes you uncomfortable. Mora smiles ruefully... MORA I suppose it's my fault, in a way. If I hadn't poked and prodded at you so much, you might have ended up with a less... forbidding disposition. ODO Something tells me that no matter what we do to that changeling, it's going to have a more pleasant disposition than mine. (a beat) It's just the way I am. A moment between the two men... MORA Well... I'll let you get to work. Odo nods, and Mora turns and starts for the door. ODO Doctor Mora. Mora stops, turns to see Odo crossing to the Replicator. ODO Two glasses of champagne, please. (beat) We're celebrating... DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Begotten" - REV. 11/06/96 - ACT FOUR 44-45. 29 CONTINUED: (3) He turns to Mora... who breaks into a smile. Off this moment... 30 INT. BIRTHING ROOM Kira is on the table as before, breathing deeply and trying to relax. Y'Pora stands at the foot of the table, Shakaar at the head, and O'Brien and Keiko are at either side. It's clear from everyone's energy level that they've been at this a while now. Y'Pora, Keiko and O'Brien are trying to establish the rhythm, but O'Brien can never seem to get the same sound from his gong. Ssh-sh, rattle, CLINK... sh-sh, rattle, CLANK... sh-sh rattle PING -- finally, he got it right. As if in response, Kira lets out a soft moan of pleasure. The midwife places a hand on Kira's belly, takes stock of the situation... Y'PORA The baby's turned... it's time. O'Brien reacts -- if he'd know this was going to do the trick, he would've practiced earlier. Y'Pora reaches and bends Kira's knees, pulls the robe up just above them. She motions that everyone can come around to the end of the table, then twists her Cabasa... Y'PORA Awake child... As she moves to the end of the table, Keiko rattles her gourd... DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FOUR 46. 30 CONTINUED: KEIKO We await you with love... Shakaar taps the gong... SHAKAAR And welcome you into the world.... As the rhythm continues without words, O'Brien comes around from the head of the table, but Shakaar blocks his path. SHAKAAR (quiet) Why don't you stay there? O'BRIEN I can't see from here. SHAKAAR Exactly. O'Brien realizes Shakaar doesn't want him to see Kira's nakedness. O'BRIEN Look, it's my baby. Y'Pora scolds them -- Y'PORA Shh. But they keep at it -- SHAKAAR I think it would make Nerys uncomfortable. O'BRIEN She's been living in my home for the last five months. KEIKO Ouiet. SHAKAAR What's that supposed to mean? O'Brien tries to move around him, but Shakaar won't let him. O'BRIEN I missed Molly's birth, I'm not about to miss this one. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FOUR 47. 30 CONTINUED: (2) Finally Kira's eyes shoot open. KIRA I'm trying to have a baby here. They turn to her -- KIRA I'm sick of this ridiculous little competition you two have going. If either one of you says another word, you're going to have to leave. But neither man can contain himself. O'BRIEN SHAKAAR Fine, tell him to Just tell him to let me -- to stay where-- KIRA That's it. Get out. Both of you. SHAKAAR O'BRIEN Nerys -- Kira -- KIRA Go. O'BRIEN You're joking. KEIKO (firm) Does it sound like she's joking? Stunned, they head for the door... The two exiled men cast one last penitent glance back at Kira, then EXIT to -- 31 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR As they lean against the wall sullenly... O'BRIEN Nice going. SHAKAAR Do me a favor -- next time you have a baby, leave my girlfriend out of it. But they're too shocked and depressed to keep fighting... DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FOUR 48. 32 INT. QUARK'S - It's late, the bar is closed. Quark is coming in from the back room, a PADD in his hand, muttering to himself as he calculates the day's receipts. QUARK -- comes to... (works PADD) Three hundred and twenty-four... (disappointed) I'm going to have to start watering the drinks again... A SOUND from behind the bar gets his attention. He comes down the stairs and sees Odo behind the bar, pulling a bottle from a shelf. QUARK Constable? ODO Quark! QUARK What are you doing back there? ODO What does it look like? QUARK We're closed. ODO Have a seat. Quark figures Odo is up to something, settles into a chair warily. He watches as Odo mixes up some elaborate concoction in a PITCHER, all but whistling as he works. QUARK You're in a good mood. ODO Yes, I am. QUARK Which means you're probably about to arrest me on some trumped up charge. Nothing Quark says seems to bother Odo, he's as happy as we've ever seen him. ODO Not at all. I'm buying you a drink. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FOUR 49. 32 CONTINUED: QUARK (suspicious) Why? ODO Because Doctor Mora went to bed, and I still feel like celebrating. Quark watches Odo uneasily -- QUARK What are you up to? ODO I'm happy, Quark. Can't you just accept that? QUARK No. It doesn't fit. If you're happy, something's very wrong in the world... (growing agitated) ... the center cannot not hold. Odo pours a glass for Quark. ODO There we go. QUARK I've got it -- you're getting back at me for selling you that sick changeling. ODO Actually, I should thank you. QUARK If you want the money back, just say so. ODO It changed my life... (holding up his glass) To you, Quark. QUARK (snapping) All right, all right -- I confess. I don't know what I did, but I did it. Just stop, I can't take it anymore. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FOUR 49A. 32 CONTINUED: (2) Odo ignores Quark's panic, asks almost wistfully -- ODO Do you ever think about having children? DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FOUR 50. 32 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK (taken off guard) Huh? ODO I never did. It seemed like too much trouble. But fate dropped one into my lap. And now... I couldn't be happier. (a beat) Cheers... Odo clinks his glass against Quark's, who knocks back his drink. ODO It's strange... over the past few months, I came to accept the fact that I'd never have any contact with my people again. They'd rejected me, turned me into a humanoid. And a part of me was lost forever. (smiles) But that little ball of goo sitting in that lab changed everything. I feel like I'm experiencing what it is to be a changeling again. And somehow, being a solid doesn't seem so bad anymore. Quark holds out his glass -- QUARK Fill me up. As Odo pours Quark another glass, his COMBADGE BEEPS. COMPUTER VOICE Security Chief Odo, please acknowledge. ODO (concerned) Go ahead. COMPUTER VOICE The lifeform being monitored is displaying biomimetic fluctuations beyond stated parameters... DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FOUR 50A. 32 CONTINUED: (4) ODO Have Doctor Mora meet me in the Science Lab. COMPUTER VOICE Acknowledged. Odo rushes out, his features grim -- DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FOUR 51. 33 INT. SCIENCE LAB as Odo rushes in to find a concerned Mora scanning the goo in its container. ODO What's happened? As Odo approaches, he sees that the goo has returned to its former size and sickly BLUE COLOR... MORA It's morphogenic matrix is destablizing... Mora turns to Odo, his features grave. MORA It's dying... This hits Odo like a kick in the stomach... off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 34 INT. INFIRMARY Bashir and Mora are scanning the changeling as Odo looks on, feeling anxious and helpless. BASHIR (off tricorder) Its lifesigns are fading. The radiation may have damaged its cytoplasm in some way we weren't able to detect. Bashir and Mora share a grim look as they consider their options. Odo can't contain his anxiety ODO There must be something you can do. MORA We could try an enzymatic induction -- that might stabilize the biomimetic fluctuations. BASHIR It's worth a shot. ODO It has to work, it has to. MORA Odo, please... Why don't you wait outside. We'll do what we can. Mora leads Odo toward the other room... with a last look at the changeling, he EXITS. 35 INT. BIRTHING ROOM where Kira is now very near giving birth, she's deeply relaxed, blissful. KIRA (far away) I feel... so good... Keiko smiles down at her... KEIKO You're doing great, Nerys. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FIVE 53. 35 CONTINUED: Y'Pora smiles excitedly as she stands poised between Kira's legs... even though she's probably seen this a thousand times before, it still awes her every time... Y'PORA Here he comes... Kira smiles, looks up at Keiko. KIRA Keiko... would you do me a favor? CUT TO: 36 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR where O'Brien and Shakaar are diligently ignoring each other, slumped against the wall on opposite sides of the corridor. The door OPENS and Keiko pops her head out. KEIKO Kira says you can both come back in if you promise to behave. For a moment, the two men are too stunned to reply. Then they're both on their feet in a flash. They meet at the door as they both try to ENTER at the same time. For a moment we think they're going to start at each other, but they check themselves, and each man graciously motions that the other go first. O'BRIEN After you. SHAKAAR No -- after you. O'BRIEN (gesturing) Please. KEIKO Will you two get in here... you're going to miss everything. The two men file inside... DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FIVE 54. 37 INT. BIRTHING ROOM Y'Pora is at the foot of the table, ready to deliver the baby. O'Brien and Shakaar take their places next to Keiko. Shakaar casts a glance O'Brien's way, tries to let go of his discomfort over his presence at the foot of the table. Y'PORA That's it, Nerys... relax -- let it come... As O'Brien and Shakaar watch the off-screen birth continue, we get the sense that neither man was quite prepared for what he's witnessing -- a beat as they exchange a glance, then they both gulp back a swallow. 38 THE CAMERA PANS across the array of smiling faces as they watch the birth: from Shakaar to Keiko, then O'Brien... When the camera reaches Y'Pora, she smiles, and we hear the off-screen SOUND of a baby crying. She reaches down, and a beat later, lifts the -- 39 SQUIRMING INFANT into FRAME... KEIKO (taking his arm) Look at him, Miles... O'BRIEN He's beautiful... Off the joyful faces of all gathered... even O'Brien and Shakaar share a smile. 40 INT. PROMENADE where Odo is pacing anxiously outside the Infirmary. It's morning now, and Supernumaries can be seen on the Promenade. After a moment, Bashir appears in the doorway. Odo looks at him, hoping against hope he has good news. ODO Well... ? BASHIR There's nothing we can do. I'm sorry. It won't be long now... DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FIVE 55. 40 CONTINUED: A moment as this sinks in, then Odo pushes his way past Bashir into -- 40A INT. INFIRMARY where Mora is waiting for him. He puts a comforting hand to Odo's shoulder... a beat, then Odo moves to look at the goo... 41 NEW ANGLE as Odo approaches the goo, which is barely moving now. 42 CLOSE - ODO as he looks down at it, anguished. A moment, then he reaches down and out of frame. 43 NEW ANGLE Odo has taken the goo into his cupped hands... its movement is ebbing, its life is slipping away... ODO (softly) Please, don't die... there's so much I want to show you. I was going to teach you how to become a Tarkalean Hawk... remember? As he looks down at it, the goo stops moving... 44 OMITTED 45 WIDER (OPTICAL) A moment, then the goo suddenly ABSORBS itself into the palms of Odo's hands. A beat as Odo looks down at his now empty hands in confusion and amazement. Bashir immediately flips open his TRICORDER. MORA (to Odo) What happened, where did it go? BASHIR (off tricorder) It somehow integrated itself into Odo's body... DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FIVE 56. 45 CONTINUED: Odo suddenly staggers back, nearly falls -- MORA (alarmed) Odo -- Odo recovers, looks at Mora and Bashir... BASHIR What's wrong? Odo doesn't answer, a realization is dawning... ODO It can't be... MORA What... ? Odo turns, and MORPHS toward the door -- becoming a TARKALEAN HAWK in midair. 46 INT. PROMENADE as the Condor EMERGES from the Infirmary and arcs up into the air... people react to the sight of the magnificent bird flying along the curved expanse of the room... 47 NEW ANGLE as the bird banks off, flies along the ceiling 47A ODO'S POV As the bird glides high above the Promenade. 48 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as the creature lands on a quiet stretch of the upper level and MORPHS into Odo. He stands, his arms stretched out above him, elation on his features -- he's a Shape-shifter again. A moment, then the cost of his transformation hits him -- the changeling's death. His joy starts to give way to a deep sense of sorrow and loss... DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FIVE 57. 48 CONTINUED: Off Odo as he struggles to make sense of these conflicting emotions... 49 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FIVE 58. 50 thru OMITTED 52 53 INT. DOCKING RING - AIRLOCK Shakaar and Kira are leaning against the bulkhead, grabbing a last few minutes together before he leaves. SHAKAAR This might be a good time to take some leave and come down to Bajor for a while. KIRA Maybe in a few weeks. Right now, I feel like staying around here. Shakaar nods that he understands... SHAKAAR So you can be close to the baby... Kira nods, and he can see the tinge of sadness in her eyes. SHAKAAR He's a good-looking boy. KIRA (proud) He is, isn't he? COM VOICE All passengers bound for Bajor should board at this time. KIRA You'd better go. Sensing her melancholy, he gathers her in his arms... SHAKAAR I've got a few minutes left. Off this moment... 54 INT. DOCKING RING - CORRIDOR as Odo accompanies Mora to the mouth of the airlock (we don't see Kira and Shakaar inside). DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FIVE 59. 54 CONTINUED: Mora turns to him, asks gently -- MORA So... how does it feel to be yourself again? Odo can't get past the cost of what happened. ODO I just wish it hadn't happened the way it did... MORA I'm sorry. If it helps, think of it as a gift -- something the changeling wanted you to have. Odo is able to take some solace in this thought, but there's something else he wants to say to Mora. DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FIVE 60. 54 CONTINUED: (2) ODO I think I finally understand how much I meant to you... and what you must've gone through when I left. Mora hears the sadness in his voice, wants to make him feel better. MORA You had to find your own way in the world. ODO I should've included you in my life. MORA You still can. A beat, then Odo smiles, extends his hand... Mora takes it, then pulls him into a hug... MORA Take care of yourself, Odo... After a moment, they separate, and with a last look between them, Mora EXITS through the airlock. Just then, Kira ENTERS and sees Odo. She know's what happened, looks at him with sympathy. ODO I thought the O'Briens were having a party. KIRA (nods) Shakaar and I stopped by. But I didn't feel like celebrating. ODO Oh? KIRA I got into this because the O'Briens' needed my help -- I never wanted a baby. But right now... I just wish I could hold him in my arms and never let go. Odo nods thoughtfully... DEEP SPACE NINE: - "The Begotten" - REV. 11/12/96 - ACT FIVE 61. 54 CONTINUED: (3) ODO I think I know how you feel, Nerys... KIRA Want to take a walk? Odo nods. Off the image of Odo and Kira walking down the corridor, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END