STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Past Tense, Part II" #40513-458 Story by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe Teleplay by Rene Echevarria Directed by Jonathan Frakes THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1994 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION October 31, 1994 STAR TREK: DS9 "Past Tense, Part II" 11/02/94 - CAS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Past Tense, Part II" CAST SISKO CHRIS KIRA DANNY ODO GRADY BASHIR B.C. DAX BERNARDO O'BRIEN WEBB VIN LEE PRESTON NEWSCASTER'S VOICE HENRY SWAT LEADER Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE: "Past Tense, Part II" - 10/31/94 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Past Tense, Part-II" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEFIANT SPACE/DEFIANT TRANSPORTER ROOM SAN FRANCISCO -- SANCTUARY DISTRICT "A" ALLEY PROCESSING CENTER STREET LEE'S CUBICLE GATE CHRIS'S OFFICE BUILDING DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Past Tense, Part II" TEASER FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode begins with 90 second RECAP of Part I) 1 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - NIGHT #3 - MOMENTS LATER The tension in the room is palpable. SISKO, BASHIR, B.C. and the TWO N.D. GHOSTS stand before LEE, BERNARDO and the THREE N.D. HOSTAGES who are lined up against the windows. The Hostages are scared witless, expecting to be shot at any moment. All the Ghosts are armed, and wear their trademark hats. Outside, we hear the SOUND of the riot in progress -- people shouting, glass smashing, sirens, etc. Through the barred windows we see INTERACTIVE LIGHT cast off by distant fires. The enormous SOUND of a helicopter passing overhead can be heard, and a SPOTLIGHT flickers across the window for a moment before moving on. Bernardo is glancing around the room, as if looking for something. B.C. Hey, what are you looking at? BERNARDO Nothing... B.C. If you're looking for a way out, forget it -- (checks his badge) ... Bernardo -- you ain't going anywhere. (to hostages) None of you are. LEE (frightened) What are you going to do with us... ? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: B.C. (smiles) I'm going to let you think about that for a while... Now sit down, all of you, over there. B.C. indicates the counter. The Hostages comply, settling onto the ground, their backs against the counter. B.C. turns to one of the other ghosts. B.C. If any of them try anything, shoot'em. SISKO No one's shooting anyone. B.C. Maybe... maybe not... SISKO We need them alive. They're the only thing we have to bargain with. B.C. You think I don't know that? SISKO Just making sure. They hold each other's eyes for a beat... B.C. clearly doesn't like being challenged, and Sisko knows he's got his hands full with B.C. -- but he wants to avoid confrontation. He starts for the windows. SISKO We'd better get these blinds closed. Bashir reacts to B.C.'s questioning look. BASHIR The police could drop snipers onto those rooftops across the street and pick us off one by one. B.C. sees their point, indicates the upturned benches that are strewn around the room. B.C. We can use those benches as a barricade. Stack them up against the windows. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir moves to help Sisko, as does one of the Ghosts, who has to put his weapon down to help. When the blinds are closed -- B.C. Too bad... I kind of like watching this place burn. 2 NEW ANGLE as VIN, Bernardo's partner, suddenly steps out of Lee's cubicle, PISTOL ready. VIN Drop your weapons. B.C. and the other armed ghost are caught with their weapons at their sides -- neither makes a move to drop them. Sisko is blocked from Vin's view by the wall of Lee's cubicle. The moment hangs in the air, then B.C. breaks into a smile. Vin is a little thrown by this, nervously aims at B.C., then the other ghost... then back again. VIN What's so funny? B.C. (still grinning) You... you're dead. Suddenly Sisko makes his move, lunging forward and tackling Vin to the ground... THE FOLLOWING EVENTS HAPPEN SIMULTANEOUSLY: Sisko and Vin hit the floor and Vin's pistol goes skittering across the floor. Lee lets out an involuntary scream of fear... B.C., his adrenaline flowing, swings his gun around and aims it at her. B.C. Shut up! Which only makes her scream louder... B.C. (to Lee) I said shut up! DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: As Sisko gets a grip on Vin and pulls him to his feet, Bashir steps forward to try and calm B.C. down. BASHIR (to B.C.) Leave her alone, she's just scared. He bends down to Lee... BASHIR Calm down, no one's going to hurt you. Lee nods, trying to regain her composure... Bashir gives her a reassuring smile. Sisko now has Vin on his feet, and the armed ghost has his weapon trained on him. SISKO (to Vin) Get over there with the others. Vin, a little shaken, seems to recognize Sisko from the other day. VIN I know you... I picked you up the other day. SISKO And this is my way of saying thank you. Now get over there and sit down. He shoves Vin toward the counter, and Vin takes a seat next to Bernardo. B.C. seems genuinely impressed with Sisko... maybe he's not such a bad guy after all. B.C. Nice tackle, Bell. Ever play football? SISKO Baseball, actually... B.C. (smiles) I'd hate to be a catcher seeing you barreling toward the plate. B.C. turns to Lee. B.C. You... on your feet. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - TEASER 5. 2 CONTINUED: (2) VIN Leave her alone. B.C. is taken aback by Vin's tone, but decides to go with it. B.C. (to Vin) All right, Mouth, I will. You get up. Vin doesn't move. B.C. I said get up. SISKO (to B.C.) What are you doing? B.C. Relax. I just want to see what they're saying about us on the Net... I need his access number to log on. Sisko nods, doesn't want to make an issue of it. He's curious as well. B.C. Now don't make me ask you again. VIN Get lost. After a tense beat, B.C. smiles. B.C. After you... He starts to swing his gun around but Bernardo suddenly leaps to his feet. BERNARDO I'll do it. VIN What are you doing? Sit down. BERNARDO Hey, Vin, we're not on duty now so don't give me orders. (to B.C. and Sisko) I just want to make it home in one piece. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - TEASER 6. 2 CONTINUED: (3) B.C. Smart boy. Now get back there. Bernardo starts to cross around behind the counter, and B.C. follows. 3 NEW ANGLE as Sisko and Bashir exchange a look; Bashir indicates he wants to talk in private. They move over to the windows and resume stacking the benches. SISKO (quiet) I know what you're thinking... it's not going to be easy keeping those hostages safe. BASHIR (quiet) It's not just them I'm worried about, it's you. (off Sisko's reaction) Didn't you say Gabriel Bell died when the police stormed this building? Sisko acknowledges with a grim nod... SISKO That's right. But I'm not Bell... BASHIR No... but we're the only one's who know that... Off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/10/94 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 4 OMITTED 5 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - NIGHT #3 (OPTICAL) Sisko, Bashir, B.C. and Bernardo crowd around the Interface monitor behind the counter. They're watching a news broadcast on the riot. NEWSCASTER'S VOICE National Guard units are mobilizing now and should reach Sanctuary District "A" within the hour. Governor Chen has issued a statement saying the uprising will be quelled and the Sanctuary District secured. It's still not clear how this riot began, though rumors of mounting tensions have been filtering out of the district for weeks. B.C. (during above) This is great. We're on every channel. I bet they're even watching this in China. (reacting to the reports) What do they sound so surprised for? You treat people like animals, you get bit. Suddenly there's a commotion by the door. We see WEBB in the doorway, trying to push past a ghost. WEBB Let me through. B.C. Hey, who said you could come in here? SISKO It's okay. Let him in. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT ONE 8. 5 CONTINUED: B.C. turns to Sisko. B.C. You know this gimmie? SISKO He's a friend. B.C. nods to the ghost, who let's Webb past. Webb has heard the rumors about hostages, and isn't happy when he sees they're true. He's also surprised to see that Sisko and Bashir are involved. B.C. (to Bernardo) You... join your friends. Bernardo sits next to Vin, who frowns at him. Sisko and Bashir take Webb aside to talk in private. This takes them out of earshot of the Interface. SISKO I'm glad to see you're all right... WEBB (shakes his head) So much for our peaceful demonstration... SISKO I know this isn't what we talked about... but it's what happened -- and now we have to deal with it. WEBB How? It's a madhouse out there... and this building is crawling with ghosts. SISKO I know. That's the first thing we have to fix. I want you to go out and find some gimmies, people you know, people who can be trusted to help guard the hostages. BASHIR If we leave it to the ghosts, there's no telling what could happen. WEBB I think I know just the people you're looking for. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT ONE 9. 5 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Good. (looks at B.C.) We're going to need them. Webb nods in agreement and heads out the door. In the background, B.C. bursts out laughing. B.C. Hey, Bell. You're really missing something here. Bashir and Sisko exchange a look and then walk toward the counter. 6 INT. CHRIS BRYNNER'S OFFICE - NIGHT #3 (OPTICAL) where DAX and CHRIS are watching the same broadcast on Chris's INTERFACE TERMINAL. The Newscaster's VOICE provides the bridge between scenes. Dax is shocked by the violence and the way it's being reported, and gravely concerned because she knows that Sisko and Bashir are trapped somewhere inside. Chris is also clearly disturbed by what he's seeing. He and Dax talk as the newscast continues. NEWSCASTER'S VOICE ... Sanctuary Residents have looted the district's food distribution centers, and there are reports of at least a dozen fires. Many of the district employees fleeing the riot have been reported injured and several have yet to be accounted for. There's been no official count of injuries among Sanctuary residents, however satellite pictures show a number of possible casualties. CHRIS This is terrible. DAX I've got to get down there. CHRIS What are you talking about? DAX My friends are in there. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT ONE 10. 6 CONTINUED: CHRIS (mutes the Interface) I know. (sympathetic) But there's nothing you can do for them. DAX I have to try. CHRIS It's too dangerous, Jadzia. You could get hurt. DAX Maybe. But at least I'll have done something. I just can't sit here, watching that place burn, knowing my friends are inside. CHRIS Listen... I have some friends in the police department. When things settle down a little bit, I'll talk to them about-- DAX (cuts him off) I can't wait that long. By the time things settle down, my friends could be hurt... or even killed. They don't belong in there. None of those people do. Dax starts toward the door. CHRIS Jadzia, wait. She turns back to him. CHRIS I'll come with you. (turns off the Interface) I guess I'm getting tired of just watching, too. She nods and they EXIT together. 7 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) as it orbits Earth. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT ONE 11. 7 CONTINUED: KIRA (V.O.) First Officer's Log, supplemental. Somehow Sisko, Dax, and Bashir have altered Earth's history. We have no choice but to send an away team into the past, to try to find them, and to correct the changes to the timeline. The only problem is, we're not exactly sure where to look... or when. 8 INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) ODO watches as O'BRIEN, in his civilian clothes from "THE HOMECOMING," prepares to beam down. O'Brien's being assisted by the N.D. CREWMAN who was helping him in Part One. O'BRIEN According to our computer simulations, the degree of temporal displacement is directly proportional to the number of chroniton particles interacting with the transporter beam. Unfortunately, there's no way to know the exact concentration of particles at the time of the accident, but I've narrowed it down to ten possibilities, each one corresponding to a different time frame. One of them has to be right. (a beat) We'll just have to hope we find the right one before we run out of chroniton particles. KIRA ENTERS, also dressed in civilian clothing. She's got a small gray bandage across the bridge of her nose, hiding her ridges. She's not wearing her earring. KIRA I feel ridiculous. ODO Well, it does effectively disguise your Bajoran heritage. O'BRIEN If anyone asks, just say you broke your nose. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT ONE 12. 8 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (a beat) Better yet, don't say anything. Let me do the talking. KIRA That's fine with me. They step onto the transporter. ODO Good luck. KIRA (to the N.D.) Energize... The N.D. activates the transporter. We see the DEMATERIALIZATION begin and... CUT TO: 9 EXT. SAN FRANCISCO STREET ALLEY - PROHIBITION ERA - NIGHT as Kira and O'Brien MATERIALIZE just inside an alley. It's late, and no one's around... O'Brien immediately takes out his TRICORDER and starts scanning. O'BRIEN If this is where Commander Sisko and the others materialized, there should be a residual electrostatic charge. KIRA (hits combadge) Kira to Sisko. (no answer) Kira to Dax. Kira to Bashir. O'Brien notices a 1930's style AUTOMOBILE parked at the mouth of the alley. O'BRIEN Judging from that vehicle, I'd say we were somewhere in the mid-twentieth century. KIRA No one's responding to my hails. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT ONE 12A. 9 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (off tricorder) I'm not reading any electrostatic variance... or any distress signals. They're definitely not here... DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT ONE 13. 9 CONTINUED: (2) They share a disappointed look. KIRA How long before the transporter re- engages? O'BRIEN About thirty seconds... Suddenly a nearby door OPENS and a MAN and WOMAN pop out, dressed to the nines in the style of the time. We hear a blast of 30's-style JAZZ MUSIC for the brief moment the door was open -- they've just left a speakeasy. The couple is laughing and having a good time, but stop short when they see our people. O'BRIEN Evening... The couple just stare at Kira. After a beat. KIRA (smiles wanly) I broke my nose. The man grabs the woman's arm and they hurry away. O'Brien stifles a smile. Off this moment... 10 INT. LEE'S CUBICLE - NIGHT #3 Sisko, Webb, and B.C. are in the midst of discussing what to do with the hostages. B.C. stands in the doorway, looking out at the Processing Center, where several gimmies have joined Bashir and the ghosts in guarding the hostages. He turns back to Sisko and Webb. B.C. I've got one question for you two. What are all these Gimmies doing here? WEBB I asked them to help. B.C. And who invited you? SISKO (with authority) I did. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT ONE 14. 10 CONTINUED: B.C. (exasperated) Hey, last time I checked this was my party. That means I get to decide who's on the guest list and who's not. SISKO We needed people we could trust in here. B.C. What's that supposed to mean? SISKO How many Ghosts do you know who you can really trust? B.C. (thinks it over for a beat) One. Me. And that's enough. SISKO No, it isn't. Not here. Not now. WEBB Someone's got to guard the building, watch the exits. Keep an eye on the hostages when we need to sleep. B.C. (fiddling with his hat) Okay, okay. You made your point. Just keep them out of my hair. SISKO The important thing is to decide what we're going to do with those hostages. B.C. You don't have to worry about that. I've got it all figured out. WEBB (shaking his head) I bet you do. B.C. And just to prove I'm not a bad guy, I'm going to let you two in on it. It's simple. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT ONE 15. 10 CONTINUED: (2) B.C. (Cont'd) We trade the hostages for our freedom. We get amnesty, a handful of credit chips, and a flight to... anywhere we want. Personally, I'm thinking Tasmania. SISKO (deadpan) Tasmania. B.C. (defensive) Errol Flynn was born there. (a beat) You go where you want; I'll go where I want. WEBB Yeah, and as soon as we step off the plane, they lock us up. SISKO Besides, we can't just think about ourselves. There're ten thousand people living in here. B.C. Yeah, well they can find their own hostages. WEBB No, Gabe is right. This is an opportunity. To make ourselves heard. To let people on the outside know what's going on in here. SISKO You want to make demands, I'll give you some demands. We tell them if they want the hostages back, they've got to close down the Sanctuaries. WEBB That's right. And reinstate the Federal Employment Act. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT ONE 16. 10 CONTINUED: (3) B.C. (sarcastic) Sounds good to me. Why don't you have them throw in some silk shirts and a penthouse in Singapore while you're at it? (a beat) Jobs. You guys want jobs? When are you going to figure it out? There are no jobs. Not for us, anyway. SISKO They'll find us jobs. They'll have to. After tonight, they won't be able to ignore us anymore. B.C. considers for a beat. B.C. All right, we'll do it your way; see what happens. I'll log onto the Interface. I'll tell them we want the District closed. See what happens. SISKO Not you. (points to Webb) Him. WEBB Funny, I would've nominated you. B.C. (offended) What? Is something wrong with me? I can be as eloquent as the next guy. SISKO I'm sure you can. But they won't be able to dismiss Webb as easily as they would you or me. He's got the face. He's got the family. He's the guy next door. And that's what they need to see. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT ONE 16A. 11 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - NIGHT (OPTICAL) Webb is in front of the monitor, straightening his jacket. Sisko, Bashir, and B.C. watch from nearby. On the screen, the following words appear: INTERFACE TERMINAL 42976, SIMULTANEOUS OUTPUT, ALL TAKERS DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT ONE 17. 11 CONTINUED: WEBB Here we go. (to Terminal) My name is Michael Webb. I used to be a Plant Manager at ChemTech Industries. I'm speaking for the residents of Sanctuary District "A." We're holding six hostages... we don't want to hurt them... all we want is -- Suddenly the screen goes dead. Everyone reacts. BASHIR What happened? SISKO Someone's cut off our access to the Interface... B.C. starts stomping around the room, trying to burn off his frustration. B.C. I knew it! I knew this was a waste of time. They don't care. No one cares about us. Vin decides to try and exploit the moment. VIN Why should they? You're all a bunch of losers. B.C. What did you say? BERNARDO He didn't say anything. VIN (to B.C.) You heard me. I called you a loser. Because that's what you are. And this time, you're going to lose big. SISKO Okay, that's enough. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT ONE 18. 11 CONTINUED: (2) VIN (to Sisko) Check your E-mail, buddy. You're a loser, too. BASHIR If you want to get out of here, you'd better hope you're wrong. BERNARDO Quiet down, Vin. You're only making things worse. VIN I just want these guys to know what they're in for. I bet the National Guard's already got this place surrounded. And sooner or later, they're going to roll right in here, and you people won't even slow them down. B.C. turns to Sisko. B.C. (perfectly rational, re: Vin) I really think we should kill this guy. Suddenly the Interface terminal BUZZES. Everyone freezes... stares at it. VIN Maybe you'd better talk to the police first. Webb activates the Interface Terminal. A woman's face appears on screen -- DETECTIVE PRESTON. She's standing by a military style truck just outside the sanctuary gate. PRESTON Mister Webb, I'm Detective Preston of the S.F.P.D... Webb is not entirely able to keep the anger from his voice. WEBB Did you shut off our access to the Interface? Preston's tone is measured, reasonable -- she's trying to cool the situation off. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT ONE 19. 11 CONTINUED: (3) PRESTON I'm afraid that's department policy in these types of situations. But it does give us a chance to talk one- on-one... Webb looks to Sisko, who nods. WEBB (to Preston) All right, let's talk. PRESTON First, I want to see the hostages. WEBB What for? PRESTON I need to make sure they're okay. You said you weren't going to hurt them... I need to know I can count on that. B.C. They want to see a hostage, let's show them a hostage. B.C. grabs Lee, yanks her to her feet and drags her into around the counter so that she's visible to the monitor. He holds a gun to her chest. B.C. (to monitor) Take a good look, lady. We've got five more just like her. And if we don't get what we want, they're going to get hurt. Reactions... Sisko and Bashir... Webb... and Preston on the monitor -- B.C. has just made a bad situation worse... off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT TWO 20. ACT TWO FADE IN: 12 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - NIGHT #3 - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Everyone stands motionless, unsure what to do. Sisko moves toward the counter, behind which B.C. is holding Lee. Sisko is carrying a shotgun, but doesn't aim it at B.C... SISKO (even) I think you've made your point. B.C. and Sisko face off for a beat. B.C. (to Preston on monitor) Have I, Detective? PRESTON I'd say so... B.C. Good... PRESTON Now if you don't mind, I'd like to speak to Mister Webb again... B.C. Why would I mind... ? B.C. leads Lee back out from behind the counter, and Webb resumes his conversation with Preston. WEBB All right, Detective, I'm here. PRESTON Your friend has quite a temper... WEBB That's because he's angry... we all are. 13 NEW ANGLE as Sisko throws an arm around B.C.'s shoulder. SISKO B.C., let me ask you something... DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT TWO 21. 13 CONTINUED: Sisko starts to lead him over toward the entrance to Lee's cubicle. B.C. Go ahead. SISKO Why do I get the feeling you're not going to be happy until you've hurt one of those hostages? B.C. I've got to admit, the thought is tempting... it might alleviate some of the stress I'm feeling... SISKO I think you'd better find another way to deal with your stress... it's sure to be a lot healthier for you in the long run... B.C. hears the implied threat, but doesn't address it directly... B.C. (flip) No kidding... (beat) Let me ask you something... (reaching for his hat) You think it looks better like this... (flips brim down) -- or like this? Sisko realizes full well that B.C. is letting him know he's not intimidated by him -- so he restates his threat in the same veiled language. SISKO It's your head... and your decision... The tension is broken by Webb, who's finished talking to Preston and has now approached them. WEBB Hey, Gabe... Detective Preston wants to meet with me... SISKO When? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT TWO 22. 13 CONTINUED: (2) WEBB Now... by the main gate. SISKO Mind if I join you? WEBB I was hoping you'd say that. Sisko tosses his shotgun to Bashir... SISKO Keep an eye on the hostages... BASHIR Got it. (beat) Good luck. CUT TO: 14 EXT. SANCTUARY DISTRICT GATE - NIGHT #3 On the Sanctuary side of the gate, some twenty yards back, sanctuary residents stand behind a makeshift barricade, as if defying the authorities to retake the sanctuary. Sisko and Webb stand talking with Preston in the no-man's land between the gate and barricades. Preston's friendly, sympathetic and open... a good negotiator who's been in tense situations before. PRESTON ... it's been a long night. You two must be exhausted. WEBB We're okay. We could use some breakfast come morning. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT TWO 23. 14 CONTINUED: PRESTON (smiles) Breakfast for ten thousand? That's a lot of take-out... but in the interest of friendship, I'll do what I can. (a beat) Now, how about returning the favor and letting me have one of the hostages? WEBB No hostage, no food -- is that what you're saying? PRESTON Not at all. You'll get the food either way. But giving up one of the hostages would show good faith... besides, you'd still have five left. Webb seems about to agree, turns to see what Sisko thinks. SISKO Those hostages aren't going anywhere until we get what we want. Preston is disappointed, but rolls with the situation. PRESTON Which is what? SISKO We want the Sanctuaries closed down... and the Federal Employment Act reinstated. Preston reacts... this is not what she was expecting to hear. PRESTON That's asking a lot... DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT TWO 24. 14 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I don't think so. All we want is to get out from behind these walls... to stop having to depend on handouts... Webb, who might've been vacillating for a moment, is now with Sisko. WEBB That's right. All we're asking for is a chance to get back on our feet again. We don't deserve to be locked up in here. After a beat... PRESTON Obviously I can't promise anything, but I'll see to it that the Governor hears your demands. SISKO You do that. He looks over at Webb, and they walk away... Preston watches them go as she mulls over what to do. 14A EXT. OUTSIDE SANCTUARY DISTRICT GATE - NIGHT #3 as Preston exits the Sanctuary. She speaks with a National Guardsman. PRESTON Put me through to the Governor... CHRIS (O.S.) Excuse me -- 15 NEW ANGLE revealing Chris and Dax, wearing some sort of high-clearance BADGES on their lapels. CHRIS Are you Detective Preston? PRESTON Yes... CHRIS Chris Brynner. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT TWO 25. 15 CONTINUED: PRESTON (recognizing the name) You run Channel Ninety. CHRIS That's right... and I have a favor to ask. PRESTON A favor? CHRIS This is Jadzia Dax. Two of her friends are trapped in there. PRESTON (to Dax) Are they hostages -- I have a list of names... DAX They're not hostages, they're residents... and I have to find them. PRESTON I know how you feel, but I can't let you inside. DAX I need to see if -- PRESTON (firm) It's out of the question. DAX But they don't belong in there... PRESTON As far as I'm concerned, the only people who don't belong in there are those hostages. (a beat) Now if you'll excuse me... She turns away to talk to one of the soldiers. CHRIS I'm sorry... I wish there was something else we could do. DAX There has to be. Suddenly Chris's cellular phone RINGS. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT TWO 26. 15 CONTINUED: (2) He grabs the phone from his pocket. CHRIS Brynner... He reacts to something on the line... CHRIS I'm fine, don't worry. Dax steps out of his peripheral vision... when he doesn't seem to notice, she slips away between the trucks. CHRIS Relax, I'm surrounded by a battalion of National Guardsmen. Besides, we're just about to leave. He shuts the phone and turns back to where Dax was standing... she's gone. He reacts, looks around... CHRIS Jadzia... ? He heads off in the wrong direction to try and find her... Off this moment... 16 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - LATE NIGHT #3 THREE N.D. GIMMIES guard the hostages... they're armed, but don't feel the need to aim their weapons at them. Most of the hostages are only half-awake; even Vin is too busy brooding to cause problems. B.C. and a ghost stand by the window, peeking out through the blinds. Webb is seated on the floor across from the hostages, trying to grab a few minutes of sleep. Bashir crosses over toward Lee's cubicle. 17 INT. LEE'S CUBICLE where he finds Sisko seated, lost in thought. SISKO Something wrong? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT TWO 27. 17 CONTINUED: BASHIR You tell me. You haven't said a word since you came back. Sisko nods, lets out a breath... SISKO I had the chance to save one of the hostages... Webb was willing to let one go, but I stopped him. BASHIR You had no choice... according to history none of the hostages were freed until the police stormed the Sanctuary... SISKO I know... but that doesn't make it any easier... Bashir nods, then leaves Sisko alone with his thoughts... 18 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - NIGHT #3 as Bashir crosses past the hostages, he sees that Lee is sitting slightly apart from the others, rocking slowly back and forth. He approaches her... She looks up when she sees him... scared... BASHIR Are you all right? She hears the lack of menace in his voice... relaxes a bit... But Bashir can see that she looks ashen, has broken into a sweat. He reaches to touch her forehead and she recoils instinctively. Vin reacts -- VIN Hey, leave her alone. BASHIR (to Vin) I'm a doctor. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT TWO 28. 18 CONTINUED: BERNARDO (dismissive) Sure you are. Lee looks at Bashir, remembering. LEE You were here the other day, weren't you? BASHIR That's right. He studies her eyes for a beat, checks her pulse. BASHIR Are you hypoglycemic... ? She reacts to the accuracy of his diagnosis. LEE You... really are a doctor? BASHIR (nods) Why didn't you say something? LEE I was afraid to. Bashir frowns, realizing how frightened she must be. BASHIR I'll see about getting you some medicine. In the meantime I'll try and find you a chocolate bar or something. Lee indicates Sisko, who's ENTERED from the cubicle. LEE Wasn't he here with you... ? BASHIR Bell? (off her nod) Yes, we came in together. Lee concentrates as if trying to remember something. LEE He gave me a false name, didn't he... ? Bashir has to think fast to cover. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT TWO 29. 18 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR Well... yes. He got himself into a little trouble a while back and he didn't want you to put his real name in the computer. Lee acknowledges, she's heard this type of story before. LEE When I first started working here, I processed a woman who had a warrant out on her for abandoning her kid. She couldn't take care of him, so she left him with a family she worked for over in the Marina. I felt so sorry for her I didn't log her in... I just let her disappear into the Sanctuary. BASHIR That was very kind of you... LEE Almost got fired when my supervisor found out. BASHIR What happened to the woman? LEE I don't know... but I think about her all the time. (beat) Ever since then I've just... done my job, you know? And tried not to let it get to me. BASHIR It's not your fault things are the way they are. LEE Everybody tells themselves that... and nothing ever changes... Bashir nods, not sure what to say. A quiet moment between them and we... DISSOLVE TO: DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT TWO 30. 19 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - DAY #4 - EARLY MORNING where Sisko is guarding the hostages... the others are asleep, against walls, in the cubicles, wherever they can find a place. Sisko is lost in thought, mulling over the situation. Carrying a shotgun, he crosses over to the window area... 20 CLOSE ON VIN pretending to be asleep. He sees that Sisko isn't watching, and slowly gets to his feet. He takes a step toward the door... glances to make sure Sisko isn't looking, then moves again... Sisko senses the movement and turns... catches sight of Vin making a dash for the door. SISKO Hold it! Vin stops in his tracks... B.C. and a few of the others wake at the noise... B.C. quickly trains his weapon on Vin. Sisko reacts, swings his shotgun over to put B.C. in his sights. SISKO Don't. B.C. freezes... he looks at Sisko, defiant... B.C. Give me one reason why not. SISKO All right... Sisko pumps a shell inthis gun's chamber with a loud CLICK. Off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT THREE 31. ACT THREE FADE IN: 21 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - DAY #4 - EARLY MORNING - CONTINUOUS Vin in B.C.'s cross-hairs, B.C. in Sisko's... after a beat -- B.C. You going to shoot me, Bell? I don't think so. SISKO Think again. B.C. I thought we were on the same side, here. SISKO We are, but you get on my nerves... and I don't like your hat. (beat) Now... put the gun down. B.C. holds his aim. VIN (egging him on) And then you and I can see how tough you really -- SISKO (cutting Vin off) Shut up. (to B.C., firm) Put it down. There's a tense beat as B.C. defies Sisko... then Webb steps along side B.C. WEBB You heard the man. Webb reaches out and lowers the barrel so that it points toward the ground. B.C. shakes his head as if in disappointment. B.C. You gimmies... no sense of fun. B.C. backs off... Vin mutters something under his breath. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT THREE 32. 21 CONTINUED: VIN Punk... B.C. doesn't hear him, but Sisko does -- he grabs Vin by the collar. VIN Hey... Sisko drags him toward Lee's cubicle. 22 INT. LEE'S CUBICLE as Sisko slams Vin up against the wall. SISKO Listen closely because I'm not going to say this again. The next time you try something stupid I will make you regret it. VIN You trying to scare me? SISKO I'm trying to save your life, and the lives of every hostage in that room. And mister, you're not making it easy. VIN If you're so concerned about our welfare why don't you let us go? Sisko stares at Vin, realizing that in some ways he probably represents the attitude of most people outside the Sanctuary. SISKO You really don't know what any of this is about, do you? You work here, you see these people every day -- how they live -- and you just don't get it. VIN What do you want me to say... that I feel for them... that they got a bad break? (beat) What good would it do? SISKO It'd be a start... DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 10/31/94 - ACT THREE 33. 22 CONTINUED: We see what might be the beginning of a small crack in Vin's armor... SISKO Now get back out there and keep your mouth shut. And as Vin walks out of the room, hold on Sisko, hoping maybe he got through to him... 23 EXT. SAN FRANCISCO STREET - NIGHT (OPTICAL) "The summer of love." Kira and O'Brien MATERIALIZE in the same alley we saw in Act One, but now a brightly painted VW BUS is parked against the wall. LOUD Hendrix-style acid ROCK BLASTS from inside the closed van. Sixties style posters advertising concerts and flower power are plastered on the brick walls of the alley. O'Brien takes out his TRICORDER and starts scanning. Kira hits her combadge, and has to shout to be heard over the music. KIRA (loudly) Kira to Sisko. (no answer) Kira to Dax. Kira to Bashir. O'BRIEN (off tricorder) I'm not picking up any residual electrostatic charge. Kira can't hear him because of the music. KIRA What? O'BRIEN (louder) I said I'm not picking up any residual electrostatic charge. KIRA (not hearing) What? Suddenly the music stops abruptly, before O'Brien can adjust his volume -- DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/01/94 - ACT THREE 34. 23 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (louder) They're not here. Just then the van doors open up and a cloud of incense smoke wafts out, revealing a HIPPY COUPLE. The girl holds a fistful of daisies in her hand. Both pairs are equally surprised to see one another... there's an awkward moment, then the girl smiles and hands each of our people a daisy. KIRA (playing along) Thank you... The HIPPY GUY gives them a beatific smile and flashes them the peace sign. Kira and O'Brien exchange a quick look of puzzlement, then return the gesture... Just then Kira and O'Brien start to DEMATERIALIZE. O'BRIEN Uh-oh... The couple watch our people disappear without alarm... taking it in with trippy awe. HIPPIE GUY Wow... Off their blissful expressions... 24 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - DAY #4 Everyone is sitting around eating breakfast sandwiches and juice, pulled from large paper bags that have been distributed. Sisko takes some over to the hostages. Bashir ENTERS with Webb's son DANNY. Bashir is carrying a small paper bag. WEBB Danny... BASHIR He was outside looking for you. Bashir crosses away, toward Lee. WEBB (to Danny) Your mother and Jeannie... are they okay? DANNY They're fine; they're with the Petersons. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/07/94 - ACT THREE 35. 24 CONTINUED: WEBB So what are you doing here? DANNY I wanted to be with you. WEBB All right, you can stay for a while... but when I tell you to go, I don't want any arguments. Danny acknowledges with a nod. 25 NEW ANGLE where Bashir has just administered Lee's medicine with an AIR SYRINGE. BASHIR I found this glucajen in what was left of the clinic. You should be feeling better soon. LEE Thank you... Bashir glances over and sees that Bernardo is looking at a wallet-sized PHOTO of his wife and kids. BASHIR Is that your family? Bernardo isn't sure he wants to talk to his captor, but decides to answer anyway. BERNARDO Yeah... Bernardo starts to put the photo away. VIN Let him see. Bernardo shrugs and hands Bashir the photo. He studies it for a beat, smiles. VIN Nice looking bunch, huh? BASHIR Absolutely. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT THREE 36. 25 CONTINUED: BERNARDO Right now those two kids are sitting home wondering if they'll ever see their dad again. BASHIR I realize this won't make what you're going through any easier... but something good will come from all this. BERNARDO (skeptical) You think they're just going to close down the Sanctuary and let you walk out of here? Bashir wishes it were that simple, but he knows a lot of people are going to die before this is all over. BASHIR No... but I know that someday there won't be any need for places like this. LEE I hope you're right. (a small smile) Even though it'll mean I'll be out of a job. There's a quiet beat. BERNARDO I just want to get home, you know? BASHIR I know... so do I. Off Bashir's pensive features... 26 EXT. NEAR THE SANCTUARY DISTRICT GATE - DAY #4 where Preston is talking to Sisko and Webb, halfway between the resident's makeshift barricade and the main gate. PRESTON The Governor has assured me that if you let the hostages go, the charges against you will be reduced to incitement to riot. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/01/94 - ACT THREE 37. 26 CONTINUED: WEBB That's it? What about closing the Sanctuary, what about jobs? PRESTON The Governor intends to form a committee to look into the problems facing District residents. SISKO So what you're telling us is that nothing is going to change. PRESTON I wouldn't say that. But change takes time. SISKO You've run out of time. PRESTON Gentlemen, if I were you I would seriously consider taking this offer. SISKO Or else what? PRESTON The Governor is not going to let this situation continue forever. The implied threat in Preston's statement hangs in the air for a beat. WEBB (with resolve) Tell him that if he wants to see those hostages again, he's going to have to do better... And with that, Sisko and Webb move away... Hold on Preston for a beat, her hope for a peaceful solution fading... 27 NEW ANGLE following Sisko and Webb as they walk. SISKO Tough talk... DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT THREE 38. 27 CONTINUED: WEBB (simply) I was bluffing... SISKO (smiles) I couldn't tell. WEBB (smiles) I hope she couldn't either. As they head back for the Processing Center... 28 EXT. SANCTUARY STREET - DAY #4 Somewhere deep in the district. The street is deserted... the residents are either in hiding or manning the barricades along the perimeter. 29 CLOSE ON A MANHOLE COVER as it moves... is lifted out of place from underneath and pushed aside. A hand reaches up to get a grip, and Dax pulls herself up and out. She looks around, sees no one, and replaces the cover... She starts down the street, taking in the dilapidated surroundings. A beat, and then a dim, GRADY, steps out of a building into the street behind her. He watches her, his intentions unclear... 30 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - DAY #4 (VPB) Sisko and Bashir are working on the Interface terminal behind the counter, trying to get on-line. They're frustrated because no matter what they try, they can't get past a basic menu screen. SISKO Try opening that menu. Bashir touches the screen with the stylus. BASHIR (frustrated) It just brings me back to the same screen. There doesn't seem to be any way to get past the lockout and log onto the Net. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT THREE 39. 30 CONTINUED: SISKO There has to be. BASHIR How can you be certain? Sisko lowers his voice so no one can hear. SISKO Because according to history, the residents were able to get onto the Net and tell their side of the story. Millions of people watched. BASHIR No one here's been able to get past the lockout. SISKO Maybe it was Bell... and if he did it, we have to also. Suddenly there's a commotion by the door. B.C. appears. B.C. Listen up, everybody. A couple of dims just brought us a little present. A Ghost marches Dax into the room (her combadge is missing). Sisko and Bashir react... they're stunned to see her... off this moment we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT FOUR 40. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 31 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - DAY #4 - CONTINUOUS Sisko and Bashir are relieved to see she's all right, but they also realize they have to protect their cover stories. Like them, Dax hasn't slept all night, and it shows. B.C. I don't know about you fellas... but I'm in love. BASHIR Jadzia... Everyone reacts to his calling her by name. Dax is surprised not just to see Bashir, but by the fact that he's carrying a shotgun. DAX Julian... B.C. (to BASHIR) You know her? Bashir and Dax move together, take each other by the arms. B.C. (to Webb) Story of my life... all the good ones are taken... BASHIR (re: Sisko) You remember my friend Gabe... ? Dax reacts, tries to play along. SISKO (stepping forward) Gabe Bell... it's good to see you again. They shake hands... DAX It's good to see you... B.C. Allow me to introduce myself... DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT FOUR 41. 31 CONTINUED: He removes his hat, holds it to his chest in a sincere, if courtly, gesture. B.C. (to Dax) Biddle Coleridge... Dax acknowledges with a smile. VIN (amused) Biddle? B.C. Hey. Sisko shoots Vin a look. VIN (backing off) I didn't say a word. DAX (to Bashir and Sisko) I've been looking all over for you. WEBB You obviously don't live here... so how did you get inside? DAX I managed to recode my I.D. card so I could get past the Sanitation Department checkpoint. B.C. You crawled in through the sewers? (off her nod) She must really like these guys. BASHIR You should sit down. You look exhausted. He indicates Lee's cubicle, and the three move away. Hold on Webb and B.C. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT FOUR 42. B.C. (shaking his head) Too bad... (off Webb's questioning look) I really think me and her could've had something special... He puts his hat back on his head, moves away... TIME CUT TO: 31A INT. LEE'S CUBICLE - DAY #4 where Dax is seated in Lee's chair; we pick her, Sisko and Bashir up in mid-conversation. DAX -- so what you're saying is that even if I could get you out of the Sanctuary, you wouldn't leave. SISKO Those hostages have to be protected, whatever the cost. Dax acknowledges, she understands the stakes. BASHIR You said that one of the men who brought you here took your combadge... DAX That's right. And it's set to emit a subspace distress signal. SISKO Julian, I want you to help Dax find the men who took her combadge... and then I want you both to get away from this place. DAX But if the Defiant locks on to my distress signal... and we're not together... SISKO As soon as the hostages are in police custody, I'll try to get back to the beam-in site. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT FOUR 43. 31A CONTINUED: SISKO (Cont'd) (beat) If for some reason I can't make it, you'll have to leave without me. A long moment as this sinks in. BASHIR Sir, obviously Jadzia has to leave... if something happened to her, it wouldn't take a doctor long to figure out she wasn't human. (beat) But you're still going to need help keeping the hostages alive, so if it's all the same to you... I'll stay. Sisko considers for a beat, then smiles. SISKO All right... (beat) See if you can get her combadge back... (glances at wall monitor) I'll keep trying to log onto the Net. BASHIR (off Dax's reaction) The police cut off our access. DAX That's one problem I might be able to help you with. Off Sisko and Bashir's curious looks... CUT TO: 32 EXT. SANCTUARY DISTRICT STREET - DAY #4 as Dax and Bashir make their way down the deserted street. BASHIR Do you really think you can convince your friend to put us on the Net? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT FOUR 43A. 32 CONTINUED: DAX It'll take some persuading... but I think he'll do what's right... They approach the door to a building, the same one Grady stepped out of in Act Three. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/01/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 32 CONTINUED: (2) DAX This is it. The men who took my combadge brought me here before they took me to the Processing Center. They start up the steps... 33 INT. SANCTUARY BUILDING - DAY #4 as Dax and Bashir ENTER. It's a repaint of the hallway and staircase we saw in Part One. The place is deserted... Suddenly they hear the faint SOUND of a combadge CHIRPING. It's coming from underneath the stairwell. BASHIR Hello? After a beat, a small VOICE replies. GRADY'S VOICE There's nobody here. Dax and Bashir exchange a look over this improbable remark. BASHIR We just want to talk. Grady comes out from under the stairwell, holding the combadge in a grimy hand... He looks scared. Suddenly Grady waves his hands in front of his face. GRADY Woosh! (smiles) I'm invisible. Bashir and Dax realize this guy is out of it. DAX If you say so. Grady reacts, eyes them suspiciously. GRADY You can see me? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT FOUR 45. 33 CONTINUED: BASHIR Just barely. GRADY That's okay. As long as they can't see me. DAX Who? Grady points toward the ceiling. GRADY The aliens. They'll suck your brains out... right through your ears. Bashir and Dax exchange a look... DAX I know... you see, I'm an alien, too... Grady's studies her features for a beat. GRADY I thought so... but you're a good alien. DAX I'm here to protect Earth from its enemies. But I need that piece of jewelry you're holding to do it. Grady looks down at the combadge in his hand. GRADY (grave) I understand... here, take it. (hands it to her) Good luck. DAX Thank you. And remember, don't tell anyone about this. Dax and Bashir start to move away. GRADY I won't... don't worry. Off Grady's face as he watches them leave... DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT FOUR 46. 34 EXT. SANCTUARY STREET - DAY #4 Bashir and Dax approaching the manhole cover from which she first emerged. The street is deserted. DAX This is where I came in... Bashir helps her lift the lid off. She turns to him, concerned about what's going to happen to him. DAX Julian... take care of yourself. BASHIR We'll see you at the beam-in site. She nods, though she's not sure she believes it... then starts down the manhole... off Bashir's face as he watches her go... 35 INT. CHRIS BRYNNER'S OFFICE - DAY #4 where we pick up Chris and Dax in the middle of a heated discussion. CHRIS Let me see if I understand what you're asking me to do. You want me to override a government block, violate my Interface operating license, and turn my channels over to a bunch of criminals. DAX They're not criminals. CHRIS I know that, Jadzia, but they're acting like criminals. They've got guns, they've taken hostages... DAX So why do you think they're doing it? Don't you want to know? Don't you think the public deserves to know? CHRIS You're asking me to break the law. DAX I'm asking you to give those people a voice. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT FOUR 47. 35 CONTINUED: DAX (Cont'd) (a beat) Chris, sooner or later, the government is going to retake the Sanctuary District. When that happens, a lot of people are going to die. And unless the public learns why the Sanctuary residents did what they did, all those deaths will be for nothing. Chris is torn... he can't ignore what Dax is saying... off his features as he struggles to decide what to do... then... CHRIS (shakes his head) You know, I'll probably lose my license for this... (smiles) But at least I'll get good ratings. Dax smiles back. She knew that she could convince him to do the right thing. 36 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - DAY # where we see a gimmie, HENRY GARCIA, standing behind the counter, talking into the Interface terminal. We see that a line of gimmies stretches from behind the counter and out through the door... waiting their turn to tell their stories to the millions of people watching. Henry is a little nervous knowing that so many people are watching him, but he speaks with a simple, honest sincerity. HENRY ... my name is Henry Garcia... and I've been living here two years now... I came to San Francisco to work in a brewery... but they laid a bunch of us off when they got some new equipment... and so I ended up here. 36A NEW ANGLE Sisko and Bashir stand with B.C. and Webb, watching as Henry continues. Sisko and Bashir are satisfied that history is playing out the way it's supposed to. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT FOUR 48. 36A CONTINUED: HENRY I've never been in trouble with the law or anything... I don't want to hurt anybody... I just want a chance to work and live like regular people... Henry finishes and moves away, and as the next person in line gets in front of the Terminal we cut to -- 37 EXT. OUTSIDE THE SANCTUARY DISTRICT GATE - DAY #4 where Preston is standing by the closed gate, talking to someone on a CELL PHONE. Soldiers and policemen are in the background. PRESTON Governor, I understand your concern... but I think the use of force would be premature at this time. (a pause as she listens) I am aware that there have been disturbances in other Sanctuary Districts, but we have to think about the hostages. (listens) I know. I've heard the rumors, too. But that's all they are, rumors. If you just give me another chance to talk with Webb and Bell... (listens) Yes, sir. Of course. We'll do our best. She hangs up the phone, turns to one of her assistants, her features grave. PRESTON The Governor's made up his mind. We move in at oh five hundred. Off her expression we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT FIVE 49. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 38 INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL) as Kira and O'Brien step off the transport platform and approach Odo at the console. They look like they've just had some sort of close call. ODO No luck? KIRA Afraid not. O'BRIEN Well, we know one thing. They arrived before the year twenty-forty-eight. ODO How can you be sure? O'BRIEN Because we were just there. And that wasn't the mid-twenty-first century that I read about in school. It's been changed. Earth history had its rough patches, but never that rough. KIRA If we limit our search to dates before twenty-forty-eight, how many possibilities does that leave us. O'Brien checks the console. O'BRIEN According to my calculations, three. But we've only got enough chroniton particles for one more try. KIRA Pick one, Chief. And let's hope you get lucky. There's a beat as O'Brien tries to decide, then he programs a series of commands into the transporter controls. O'BRIEN That's my best guess. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT FIVE 50. 38 CONTINUED: KIRA That's good enough for me. She and O'Brien step up onto the platform. KIRA Energize. The N.D. works the controls. We see the DEMATERIALIZATION process begin and... CUT TO: 39 EXT. SAN FRANCISCO STREET - DAY #4 Kira and O'Brien are in the same area Sisko and the others were found in Part I. It's late, and no one's on the street. O'Brien takes out his TRICORDER and starts scanning. Kira hits her combadge. A few PASSERSBYS take notice of the oddly dressed pair. KIRA Kira to Sisko. No response. O'BRIEN (excited, off tricorder) I'm picking up a combadge distress signal. It's Dax. Kira reacts to this good news, hits her combadge again. INTERCUT AS NEEDED: 40 INT. CHRIS BRYNNER'S OFFICE - DAY #4 Dax is alone... having fallen asleep on the couch watching the Interface. On the monitor we see a newscaster standing in front of the sanctuary gate -- the sound is off. KIRA'S COM VOICE Kira to Dax. Dax stirs, hurriedly fishes through her bag... she pulls out her combadge, activates it. DAX (to com) Kira... DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 11/01/94 - ACT FIVE 51. KIRA'S COM VOICE Dax, am I glad to hear your voice. DAX Where are you? O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE We should be in the exact location where you beamed in. DAX I'll meet you there. KIRA'S COM VOICE Are Sisko and Bashir with you? DAX No... I'll explain everything when I see you. END INTERCUT ON STREET: KIRA The transporter is set to automatically retrieve us in about a minute. You'd better deactivate your combadge. DAX'S COM VOICE Acknowledged. Kira and O'Brien deactivate their combadges with a double click. O'BRIEN We'll reactivate them tomorrow in time for the next beam out. Kira and O'Brien glance around to see that a MAN walking a small DOG is staring at them... he looks away when he sees them notice him, moves off. KIRA Should be an interesting day... Off this moment... 41 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - LATE NIGHT #4 Sisko and Bashir are watching the hostages. Most everyone else is asleep. VIN -- best ball club I ever saw? VIN The ninety-nine Yankees, no doubt about it. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT FIVE 52. 41 CONTINUED: BERNARDO Get out of here. The fifteen Kings could've taken them any day. (turns to Bashir) Am I right? BASHIR I wouldn't know. I prefer tennis, actually. They turn to Lee. LEE Soccer... VIN It's up to you, Bell. SISKO I don't think there's any question. The Kings. Fifteen was Buck Bokai's rookie year. VIN (dismissive) And that's all they had going for them. Just then B.C. ENTERS, looking tense. B.C. I've been up on the roof... looks like another National Guard unit just arrived. Something's going on out there. Sisko and the others react to this news. SISKO (to hostages) All right, everyone on your feet. WEBB What are you doing? SISKO (indicating Lee's cubicle) They'll be safer in there. (to hostages) Let's go. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT FIVE 53. 41 CONTINUED: (2) As the hostages file in to Lee's cubicle, Webb approaches Danny, who's sleeping in a corner... SISKO (to Bashir) I want you in there with them. Make sure they keep their heads down. BASHIR (nods) I'll see if I can find something to block the doorway. 42 NEW ANGLE Webb gently wakes Danny... WEBB Danny, wake up... Danny stirs, looks at his dad with eyes full of sleep. Webb tries to keep the tension from his voice. WEBB Time for you to go. DANNY But I want to stay here with you. WEBB I'll meet up with you later. Danny moves to give him a hug... and Webb crushes him to his chest... holds him for a long beat... WEBB Tell your mom that I love her... and give your sister a kiss for me. (they separate) Go on, now... Danny looks at his dad, knowing that this might be the last time he sees him. After a beat, he heads for the door. As he passes B.C., he stops him. B.C. Hey, kid. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT FIVE 54. 42 CONTINUED: Danny stops, looks at him. B.C. takes off his hat and sets it on Danny's head. B.C. Yeah, I thought so. It looks good on you... now get lost. Danny leaves, and B.C. and another Ghost lock the door behind him. B.C. turns back to face the room, pumps his shotgun. B.C. What the hell. It's probably raining in Tasmania, anyway. He grins defiantly at Webb, who looks down at the shotgun cradled in his arm... then looks over at Sisko, who's stationed himself in front of Lee's cubicle. They exchange a look of solidarity... there's something in Sisko's demeanor that seems to give Webb the strength he needs to see this through to the end. 43 INT. LEE'S CUBICLE - CONTINUOUS where Bashir and the hostages are crouched down... Bashir looks over at Lee... her eyes are closed... she's praying silently... Lee's desk has been moved into the doorway. 44 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - CONTINUOUS Webb starts to cross behind the counter. WEBB (to Sisko) I'm going to talk to Preston, find out what's going on. As Webb starts to work the Interface terminal we begin to hear a steady, rhythmic SOUND from outside... he stops working, and like everyone else listens intently in order to identify it -- as it grows louder, we realize it's the sound of approaching helicopters... Reactions... Sisko, Bashir, Vin, B.C.... and finally -- WEBB (softly) My god... Suddenly the windows EXPLODE inward... the force of the blast takes down two of the FOUR N.D. gimmies/ghosts. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 10/31/94 - ACT FIVE 55. 44 CONTINUED: The police have shot concussion bombs through the window, and smoke quickly begins to swirl around the room. What occurs next happens in a blur of action -- The doors on either side of the room burst open and SWAT Team Officers pour in, carrying rifles with laser-scopes -- red beams cut across the room -- and shots ring out. Webb is shot in the chest... his eyes go wide in disbelief... he falls dead... having never even lifted his weapon... With a defiant yell, B.C. starts firing back... but is immediately cut down... 45 INT. LEE'S CUBICLE - CONTINUOUS The hostages huddle in fear... Bashir moves to comfort Lee... Vin suddenly leaps to his feet... VIN Stop shooting, dammit! We're okay! 46 INT. PROCESSING CENTER - CONTINUOUS as Vin appears in the doorway... a red targeting beam becomes visible on his chest... Sisko sees it, leaps in front of Vin -- a bullet slams into his shoulder... Sisko goes down... Vin sees another cop heading his way... VIN I'm a hostage, you idiot! Vin crouches next to Sisko... As quickly as it began, the firing ends. All the Sanctuary Residents are dead or badly wounded. The SWAT Team continues scouring the room for signs of resistance... confiscating weapons... Outside, we hear the SOUNDS of the police and National Guard sweeping into the Sanctuary -- shots firing... tear gas canisters hissing... people shouting... The SWAT Leader talks into a microphone that juts out from his helmet. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT FIVE 56. 46 CONTINUED: SWAT LEADER Blue leader, this is team one... the Processing Center is secure... Two SWAT men push past Vin... start leading the hostages out of Lee's cubicle... VIN What's wrong with you people; you could've gotten us all killed. SWAT LEADER There were rumors you were dead. VIN Do I look dead to you? SWAT LEADER Our orders were to pacify the building... VIN (looking around at the bodies; sarcastic) Well you certainly did a good job. Bashir is lead out by the SWAT Officer, he drops down to examine Sisko... a SWAT Officer tries to stop him, but Vin shoves him away. VIN Leave him alone. The SWAT Leader holds up his hand as if for quiet, listening to his helmet radio. SWAT LEADER I copy... (to his men) There's trouble on second street... Vin grabs two confiscated shotguns from one of the SWAT Officers and tosses one to Bernardo, who stands nearby. VIN (to SWAT Leader) Go pacify second street. Officer Calvera and I can handle things in here. SWAT LEADER All right. (to his men) Let's move. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/09/94 - ACT FIVE 57. 46 CONTINUED: (2) Before the SWAT Team EXITS, Vin gets a MEDKIT from one of them... brings it to Bashir... VIN (re: Sisko) How is he? BASHIR Lucky... he'll live... Sisko looks up at Vin and manages to pull him down closer... SISKO (with gallows humor) Next time I tell you to stay down... VIN (smiles) Gotcha... SISKO (to Bashir) What about Webb? Bashir helps Sisko to his feet, Sisko staggers over to Webb and kneels down next to him. He looks at Webb's dead body for a long beat. Off this moment... DISSOLVE TO: 47 EXT. SANCTUARY STREET - DAY #5 just outside the Processing Center. Two Military Trucks like those we saw outside the main gate are parked in the street. THREE NATIONAL GUARDSMEN stand around, taking in the carnage around them... the bodies of Sanctuary District residents are scattered around the street... MEDICAL PERSONNEL are tending to the wounded... Sisko and Bashir are brought out by Vin and Bernardo... Bashir helps support Sisko, who is clearly in pain from his wound... all four men seem stunned by the number of casualties... VIN (softly) How could we have let this happen... DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/09/94 - ACT FIVE 57A. 47 CONTINUED: BASHIR The question is... how do we stop it from happening again... Vin and Bernardo ponder the question for a moment... DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT FIVE 58. 47 CONTINUED: (2) BERNARDO (to Vin, re: Sisko and Bashir) So what do we do with them? VIN I don't know... SISKO You could let us go. Vin thinks for a beat. VIN (simply) All right. BERNARDO (objecting) Vin... VIN They saved our lives back there. Bernardo can't argue with this. BERNARDO How will we explain what happened to them? VIN (to Sisko and Bashir) Give me your I.D. cards. Bashir and Sisko hand them over. VIN We'll switch these with two of the casualties. As far as anyone will know, you both died here. (to Sisko) That okay with you, Bell? SISKO (simply) Thanks... VIN My pleasure. BERNARDO Come on, let's get you out of here. They move off... VIN Anything else we can do for you? DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - REV. 11/02/94 - ACT FIVE 59. 47 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO There is one thing. VIN Name it. SISKO Tell people the truth about what happened in here. VIN I would've done that anyway... As the four men move away... DISSOLVE TO: 48 EXT. SPACE - THE DEFIANT (OPTICAL) in orbit of Earth. KIRA (V.O.) First Officer's Log, Supplemental. Upon returning to the present with our missing crewmembers, we were relieved to discover that the timeline had been restored. 49 INT. DEFIANT QUARTERS where Sisko is reclined on the lower bunk in his sleepwear, recovering from his wound. There's a CHIME at the door. SISKO Come in. The door OPENS to reveal Bashir, now in uniform. He's carrying a PADD. BASHIR How do you feel? SISKO Better. BASHIR (re: padd) I thought you'd want to see this... I found it in the historical database. He hands Sisko the PADD. Sisko looks at the screen, reacts. DEEP SPACE: "Past Tense, Pt. II" - 10/31/94 - ACT FIVE 60. 50 INSERT - THE PADD where we see a picture of Sisko (taken during the negotiations with Preston), with some text underneath -- the name Gabriel Bell is clearly visible. 51 RESUME SCENE as Sisko lets the image sink in for a beat. SISKO (wry) I'm not looking forward to explaining this to Starfleet Command. BASHIR (smiles) Well... at least it's a good picture. Sisko manages a small smile... BASHIR Commander... after seeing a little bit of the twenty-first century... there's one thing I still don't understand... how could they have let things get so bad... ? SISKO That's a good question... I wish I had an answer... Off their thoughtful features we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END