STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Fascination" #40513-456 Story by Ira Steven Behr & James Crocker Teleplay by Philip LaZebnik Directed by Avery Brooks THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1994 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION October 10, 1994 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Defiant" 10/06/94 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Fascination" CAST SISKO LWAXANA TROI KIRA BAREIL ODO BASHIR QUARK DAX O'BRIEN JAKE KEIKO MOLLY Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES N.D. BAJORANS STAR TREK DEEP SPACE NINE: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Fascination" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE SISKO'S QUARTERS REPLIMAT PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL DOCKING RING CORRIDOR SECURITY OFFICE TURBOLIFT KIRA'S QUARTERS O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS QUARK'S/SECOND LEVEL CORRIDOR WARDROOM SURGERY STAR TREK: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Fascination" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ALMATHA AL-mah-thuh ERMAT ER-mot NEKESIL nuh-KEH-sill REDAB REE-dab REGULUS REG-you-lus (hard "G") SEBARR suh-BAR. zimm ZIM HASPERAT HAS-per-uht PELDOR JOI PEL-door JOY BAJORAN BLESSING: TESRA PELDOR IMPATRI BREN. BENTEL VETAN ULLON STEN. TESS-ra PEL-dor im-POT-ree BREN. BEN-tell VEY-tahn 00-lon STEN. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Fascination" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS JAKE is lying slumped on the couch, looking thoroughly miserable. He's spinning a fancy Bajoran earring around on his finger, looking at it like it's the cause of all his troubles. SISKO ENTERS looking relaxed and happy. SISKO I didn't expect to find you here. I thought you'd be down on the Promenade, helping Mardah put up decorations for the Bajoran Gratitude Festival. JAKE That was the plan... but it turns out I don't have much to be grateful for. And with that he holds up the earring so that Sisko can see it. SISKO Isn't that the earring you... JAKE Bought for Mardah. Yeah, you want it? Maybe you could give it to Major Kira for her next birthday or something. Sisko sits down and puts on his concerned look, though at least a part of him is relieved at what he's sure has happened. SISKO All right, tell me all about it. JAKE Mardah's gone, Dad. She got accepted to the Science Academy on Regulus Three. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: SISKO That's a good school. JAKE It's three hundred light years away. SISKO Jake, you're sixteen; take my word for it, you'll survive. Jake looks unconvinced. SISKO (continues) Now you can either wallow here in self-pity, or go off to the Gratitude Festival and try to have a good time. JAKE Right now, I'd rather wallow. SISKO You're entitled. But remember, you're a sweet, good-looking guy... (smiles) Just like your old man. 146:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (Cont'd) Sooner or later, you'll find someone else. Who knows... maybe you'll meet someone tonight at the Festival. JAKE Yeah, sure. SISKO Jake, the whole point of the festival is to put your troubles behind you and make a new start. JAKE I could use one. (makes his decision) Okay... I'll go. Jake says this with such solemnity that Sisko can't help but smile. SISKO (claps Jake on the shoulder) That's the spirit. JAKE But I'm not going to have any fun. 2 INT. REPLIMAT BASHIR and O'BRIEN are sitting together, drinking coffee. The Replimat is empty, except for the two of them. BASHIR Nervous, Chief? O'BRIEN What are you talking about? BASHIR That's your fifth cup of coffee in twenty minutes. O'BRIEN I didn't know you were keeping track. BASHIR Ah, nervous and irascible. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Look if you hadn't seen your wife and child for two months, you'd be irascible, too. BASHIR Believe me, I'm looking forward to Keiko and Molly's visit just as much as you are. O'BRIEN I doubt that. BASHIR How many games of racquetball have you and I played in the last two months? O'BRIEN Oh, I don't know... fifteen, maybe twenty. BASHIR Try seventy. I've been keeping track of that, too. And you know what all those games have proved to me? (a beat) That I'm a poor substitute for your wife. O'BRIEN I could've told you that sixty games ago. (a beat) The thing is... they're only going to be here for two days. That's barely time to say hello. And then they're back to Bajor for four more months. BASHIR Four months. That's probably another hundred and fifty games of racquetball. I don't know if my elbow can take that kind of abuse. Maybe you can convince her not to leave. O'BRIEN Oh, no. I can't do that. I'm the one who suggested she go on that agrobiology expedition in the first place. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - TEASER 5. 2 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (Cont'd) We're just going to have to make the best of the little time we have. (determined) Which means we can't afford to waste a second of the next two days. And Julian, whatever you do, don't tell her how miserable I've been without her. I don't want her feeling guilty. BASHIR My lips are sealed. (a beat) So when are they getting here? O'BRIEN Twenty minutes. (beat) I don't know about you, but I could use another cup of coffee. O'Brien gets up to get another cup. Bashir shakes his head. He senses disaster approaching. 3 INT. PROMENADE The Promenade has been decorated with numerous brightly colored banners. Aside from a few Bajorans who are installing a large circular brazier on a platform in front of the Bajoran Temple, there's basically no one around. KIRA is watching the preparations when ODO approaches her. KIRA Peldor Joi, Odo. ODO Peldor Joi to you, too. It's hard to believe the Promenade is this empty at midday. KIRA Calm before the storm. In a few hours, this place will be packed with Bajorans celebrating the festival. ODO Actually, I was thinking I might join you this year. KIRA Really? DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - TEASER 6. 3 CONTINUED: ODO I don't see why not. My Bajoran deputies never work during the Gratitude Festival; why should I? (a beat) Besides, if I'm going to live here with you humanoids, I may as well immerse myself in your rituals. KIRA Who knows, you might even enjoy yourself. ODO I suppose there is that possibility. KIRA Maybe we'll see each other later. ODO I'd like that... if you're not too busy being the Presider of the Festival. KIRA For you, I'll make time, Odo. Odo smiles, pleased. KIRA Just look for me. I'll be with Bareil. Odo tries to hide his disappointment. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - TEASER 7. 3 CONTINUED: (2) ODO Oh, I thought he'd be celebrating the Festival on Bajor. KIRA So did I... but I'm glad I was wrong. He's coming in on the next shuttle. ODO Then you'd better go. It'll be here soon. Kira realizes she's lost track of time. KIRA You're right. I'll see you at the festival. Odo nods as Kira races off. Odo watches her go, the faintest trace of regret on his face. 4 INT. DOCKING RING CORRIDOR Kira arrives at the airlock and finds O'Brien already waiting. KIRA Chief? O'BRIEN (surprised to see her) Major. O'Brien nods toward the airlock. O'BRIEN (explaining himself) Keiko. KIRA Bareil. O'BRIEN Good luck. KIRA You, too. 5 NEW ANGLE As the door opens and BAREIL EXITS. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - TEASER 8. 5 CONTINUED: BAREIL Nerys. He goes to Kira and they kiss. BAREIL I'm so glad to see you. KIRA I've missed you. BAREIL I've missed you, too. 6 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN As he watches Kira and Bareil's happy reunion. This is exactly what he was hoping for with Keiko. Kira and Bareil EXIT. KEIKO (O.S.) Miles? O'Brien turns and sees... 7 KEIKO AND MOLLY Emerge from the airlock. He was so lost in thought, he missed their arrival. O'BRIEN (excited) Keiko... (doesn't know what to say) I'm... so glad to see you. He kisses her hello, but she barely returns it. KEIKO I'm glad to see you, too. I've just had the worst trip. O'BRIEN Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. But now that you're here, everything's going to be great. Keiko nods, but doesn't seem to be buying it. Trying not to be discouraged, O'Brien turns his attention to Molly. He squats to talk face to face with his daughter. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - TEASER 9. 7 CONTINUED: MOLLY Hi. O'BRIEN Hello, sweetie. You ready to have a good time with Daddy? MOLLY No. O'BRIEN Why not? MOLLY I don't feel so good. O'BRIEN Tell Daddy what's wrong. But from the look on Molly's face, it seems like Molly is about to show Daddy what's wrong. 8 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN'S FACE As his daughter, off-screen, vomits into his lap. Off his expression... 9 NEW ANGLE As we hear a familiar voice... LWAXANA (O.S.) Oh, you poor dear. LWAXANA TROI steps out of the airlock, dressed to the hilt. LWAXANA I never should've given you all that candy. 10 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN And as he realizes things aren't working out exactly as he planned, we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - ACT ONE 10. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 11 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Odo is talking to a Starfleet Security Officer, finishing up briefing him on station security. ODO I usually make it a point to stop by Quark's three or four times a day at random intervals... just to let him know that I'm thinking about him. But seeing that today's a holiday, and he'll be busier than usual... I suggest you station a man there full time. The Security Officer nods. ODO I think that about covers it. If you need me, I'll be on the Promenade... LWAXANA (O.S.) But don't call unless it's an emergency. 12 NEW ANGLE As Odo and the Security Officer turn to find Lwaxana standing in the doorway. LWAXANA The constable will be... occupied. ODO (surprised) Madame Ambassador... LWAXANA Do we have to be so formal? She reaches over and envelopes him in a hug. Odo is mortified. Lwaxana looks over at the Security Officer, who is surprised to say the least. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/18/94 - ACT ONE 11. 12 CONTINUED: LWAXANA Didn't they teach you any manners at Starfleet Academy? The Security Officer looks to Odo who nods. ODO Come back in five minutes. The Security Officer starts to leave. LWAXANA (calling after him) Make that half an hour. The Security Officer EXITS. Lwaxana is still holding on to Odo, who slips out of her grasp. ODO (almost afraid to ask) So... what brings you to the station. LWAXANA Officially I'm here as the Betazoid representative to the Gratitude Festival. But the truth is, I came to see you. You poor sweet tortured man. ODO Excuse me? LWAXANA I know the torment you must be going through. Odo doesn't get it. He has no idea what she's talking about. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT ONE 12. 12 CONTINUED: (2) LWAXANA To spend your whole life searching for your people only to discover that they're the leaders of that awful Dominion. ODO You heard about that? LWAXANA When you travel as much as I do, you make friends everywhere. I like to think of Admiral Necheyev as the sister I never had. (sincere) Don't worry, Odo. I'm here to help you. ODO What kind of help do you mean? LWAXANA A sympathetic ear. A shoulder to cry on. (moves closer to him) A lap to melt in. Odo backs away a little. ODO That's very considerate of you, but unnecessary. My people are who they are, and I am who I am... And I've learned to accept that. LWAXANA You brave soul. Why don't we go someplace quiet so you can tell me all about it? ODO Actually, I was planning to go to the opening of the Gratitude Festival this afternoon. LWAXANA Even better. First, a little fun and relaxation, and then we can delve into the depths of your pain. (a beat) I'll freshen up, then I'll meet you outside the Bajoran Temple for the Presider's opening address. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - ACT ONE 13. 12 CONTINUED: (3) She reaches over and caresses his face. LWAXANA I promise you, Odo, it's going to be all right. You're not alone anymore. Lwaxana sweeps out of the room. Odo watches her go. He'd been looking forward to the Gratitude Festival, but now Kira is off with Bareil and he's faced with Hurricane Lwaxana. 13 INT. TURBOLIFT Lwaxana ENTERS the turbolift. LWAXANA Level Twenty-three, Section Eight. As the turbolift starts to move, Lwaxana experiences a brief, stabbing headache. She holds her temples for a second, but it passes as quickly as it came. But even though the pain is gone, there's a moment of panic and worry on Lwaxana's face, as if she's had these headaches before. 14 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira and Bareil are locked in a warm, friendly, passionate embrace. KIRA We need to see each other more often. BAREIL I know. I wish we both weren't so busy. I never expected Kai Winn to make me one of her principal advisors. KIRA I think she just asks your advice so she can do the opposite of whatever you recommend. BAREIL I know you don't like Winn, Nerys... but the office has changed her. The Prophets chose well. But this isn't really what Bareil wants to talk about. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT ONE 14. 14 CONTINUED: BAREIL (continuing) So why not leave spiritual matters in their capable hands and concentrate on enjoying ourselves? They kiss, but Kira breaks it off suddenly. KIRA I have to go. BAREIL But the festival won't be starting for another hour. KIRA I have to set up the Renewal scrolls along the Promenade. It won't take long. Jadzia's promised to help. BAREIL Of course... Jadzia. (a beat) You know, I've never understood how the two of you could be such good friends. She's... so unpredictable and you're so... KIRA (smiles) Predictable? BAREIL I didn't mean it like that. (a beat) It's just that she gets to spend so much more time with you than I do. KIRA Jadzia and I have done this for the past two years. It's becoming kind of a tradition. BAREIL I was hoping we could start some traditions of our own... He embraces her. KIRA And we will... (she kisses him, then breaks away) Later tonight. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/18/94 - ACT ONE 15. 14 CONTINUED: (2) Bareil smiles. He knows when he's beaten. 15 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS Keiko comes out of Molly's bedroom and joins O'Brien. She looks exhausted. O'BRIEN She asleep? KEIKO (nods) It looks like the medicine Doctor Bashir prescribed is working... O'BRIEN That's a relief. Keiko looks at her bags, which are still sitting in the middle of the room. She goes to open them, then thinks better of it and just sits down. O'BRIEN Rough trip, huh? KEIKO It was a disaster. O'Brien sits down next to her on the couch and places his hand on hers. O'BRIEN I'm glad you're home. She squeezes his hand. KEIKO Me, too. There's an awkward beat between them. O'Brien isn't really sure what to do next. O'BRIEN We should get ready for the festival. The babysitter will be here any minute. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT ONE 16. 15 CONTINUED: KEIKO (unenthused) The festival. O'BRIEN (quick backpedal) On the other hand, we could spend the day locked away in our quarters. He moves closer to her on the couch and gives her a come- hither look. Keiko considers it for a beat, but the fact is, she's just not in the mood. KEIKO (a tired smile) What I really want to do is sleep. O'BRIEN (his feelings hurt) Then maybe you should. KEIKO Miles, I didn't say I was going to sleep; I just meant I could use some. O'BRIEN That's okay. I mean... if you need to sleep, go ahead. I'll understand. KEIKO No, you won't. You'll be disappointed and you'll start brooding and stomping around like an Andorian Bull. O'BRIEN Look, stay or go, it's all the same to me... just tell me what you want to do and we'll do it. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT ONE 17. 15 CONTINUED: (2) KEIKO Miles, I've been making decisions all day. You decide. O'BRIEN (calming down) Okay, we'll go to the festival. (hedging) But we don't have to go right away. You can take some time to relax, and change into something nice. KEIKO Nice? O'BRIEN You know... like your red dress. KEIKO My red dress? Really? O'BRIEN Something wrong with the red dress? KEIKO If it'll make you happy, I'll wear the red dress. O'BRIEN Forget the red dress. Wear whatever you want. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/19/94 - ACT ONE 18. 15 CONTINUED: (3) KEIKO Look, let's just try to enjoy the next two days. (a beat) I'll change into something nice and we'll go to the festival. Okay? O'BRIEN Fine. Keiko leaves to go change. O'Brien watches her go. He's not enjoying himself. O'BRIEN (to himself, ironic) I can hardly wait. 16 INT. PROMENADE - OUTSIDE THE BAJORAN SHRINE A large crowd, mostly Bajoran, has gathered in front of the platform where Kira stands next to the unlit brazier. Many people in the crowd are carrying paper scrolls and there are baskets of additional scrolls on either side of the platform. Among the crowd are Sisko, DAX, Bashir, Jake, Odo and Bareil. Keiko and O'Brien are standing off to one side, not participating as actively as the others. Keiko is wearing one of her casual outfits (not the red dress). She looks tired and O'Brien looks like a man whose balloon has just popped. Kira holds up a flask of oil and intones an ancient ritualistic Bajoran blessing. KIRA Tesra Peldor impatri bren. Bentel vetan ullon sten. Kira holds the flask high and tilts it slowly. A stream of burning liquid pours from the spout into the metal brazier, setting the contents of the brazier alight. The crowd breaks into cheers. Lwaxana comes up to Odo and smiles as if to say, "Here I am." Odo, who has been watching Kira intently, sighs and tries to smile in return. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT ONE 19. 16 CONTINUED: KIRA And now, I have the honor of placing the first Renewal Scroll into the fire. (formal benediction) As the scrolls burn, may all our troubles turn to ashes with them. She puts her scroll on the fire. The crowd cheers again, even louder. KIRA (smiles) Now, for the next twenty-six hours, I expect you all to enjoy yourselves. I know I will. Dax looks at Bareil and gives him a knowing smile. Bareil looks away, somewhat embarrassed. KIRA May the Prophets walk with us. Some of the members of the crowd file forward and place their scrolls on the fire. Everyone is happy and full of good cheer. 17 CLOSE ON LWAXANA As she gets hit by another quick headache. She rubs her brow. Just then, in the background... 18 CLOSE ON BAREIL Bareil also rubs his temples as if in reaction to Lwaxana's headache. 19 CLOSE ON JAKE Grimacing as he rubs his head. Sisko, who is standing next to him, notices. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - ACT ONE 20. 19 CONTINUED: SISKO Jake, you okay? Jake's headache passes as quickly as it came. JAKE Just felt a little funny there for a second. SISKO You sure you're all right? Something catches Jake's eye. It's Kira stepping down from the platform to join Bareil. Jake smiles. JAKE Yeah, Dad. Never felt better. And as Jake looks at Kira with new appreciation, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/17/94 - ACT TWO 21. ACT TWO FADE IN: 20 INT. PROMENADE Kira and Bareil are walking through a crowd of Bajoran celebrants. The mood on the Promenade is boisterous. Latecomers are taking scrolls from the baskets to write down their problems. The kiosk and Quark's are doing brisk business selling jumja sticks and other treats and there are tumblers and acrobats performing for the crowd. Bareil seems to be looking around the Promenade as if surreptitiously searching for someone. KIRA Bareil? She starts looking around too, wondering what he's searching for. KIRA What are you looking for? BAREIL (distracted) Nothing. Just looking. But he continues to scan the crowd. Before Kira can dig deeper, her attention is drawn to Jake... who appears out of the crowd, carrying two jumja sticks, one of which he presents to her with a goofy grin. JAKE Peldor Joi. Kira smiles and accepts it. KIRA Jake, how thoughtful. Thank you. JAKE (shy) Uh... I know you're busy, but can I... talk to you for a second? DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/17/94 - ACT TWO 22. 20 CONTINUED: KIRA Sure. Jake glances uncomfortably at Bareil. JAKE In private? It's kind of personal. Kira looks over to Bareil to see if he doesn't mind. KIRA I'll be right back. Jake and Kira move off, and as soon as they're gone, Bareil wanders away, still searching through the crowd. 21 NEW ANGLE On Jake and Kira, who haven't noticed Bareil's departure. KIRA So what can I do for you, Jake? JAKE I need some advice. You see, there's this older woman... and I think we're perfect for each other. But... KIRA (finishing for him) But she doesn't. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/17/94 - ACT TWO 22. 21 CONTINUED: JAKE I'm not sure what she thinks. KIRA Well, my advice is to tell Mardah how you feel. That way you'll know-- JAKE (smiling, almost proud) Mardah and I broke up. KIRA You broke up? Then who... ? JAKE You. KIRA (incredulous) Me? JAKE (solemn) I love you, Nerys. (lighter) Want to go out with me? Kira looks at Jake. She can't believe what she's hearing. 22 INT. ANOTHER PART OF THE PROMENADE Dax is sitting by the burning brazier, reading Morn's scroll as Morn looks on. The scroll is covered front and back with a blotchy alien script. DAX Morn, I can't believe a handsome, fun-loving guy like you could have so many problems. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT TWO 24. 22 CONTINUED: DAX (gives back the scroll) My advice is to burn this as quickly as possible and don't look back. Morn nods, that's exactly what he was thinking. He tosses the scroll into the fire with glee and strolls off. BAREIL (O.S.) Sage advice. Dax turns and sees Bareil approaching her. DAX (a greeting) Vedek Bareil, it's good to see you. (a beat) If you're looking for Nerys, she's not here. BAREIL Actually, I was looking for you. (sits down beside her) I owe you an apology. DAX For what? BAREIL I have to confess, I've always been a little jealous of your friendship with Nerys. DAX That's understandable. When you come to the station, you want her all to yourself. BAREIL You have such a wise, generous spirit. I only wish I had a friend like you. DAX I think of you as a friend. BAREIL Do you mean that? DAX Of course. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT TWO 25. 22 CONTINUED: (2) BAREIL I'm glad. Because I was hoping that you and I could get to know each other better. Bareil moves a little closer to Dax and places his hand on her knee. BAREIL (continues) A lot better. Dax looks down at Bareil's hand, then up at him. And off his look of yearning... CUT TO: 23 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL A trio of Bajoran musicians are playing a spritely tune. Some people are standing by listening attentively, others are just walking by and smiling at the music. Off to one side, Odo and Lwaxana are watching the performance. Odo is swaying slightly with the music. LWAXANA I love Bajoran music. It's so intelligent, so vital... It reminds me of you. She reaches out and grabs his hands. LWAXANA Dance with me. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/18/94 - ACT TWO 26. 23 CONTINUED: She begins dancing, leading Odo by the hands. But Odo refuses to go along. He tries to remain firmly planted in one place. ODO I'm sorry. I don't dance. LWAXANA Nonsense. I saw you moving to the music. ODO That wasn't dancing. That was... swaying. LWAXANA Then sway with me, Odo. She tries to take him in her arms but Odo avoids her. ODO I just remembered, I'm needed in Security. LWAXANA I'll come with you. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - 10/25/94 - ACT TWO 27. 23 CONTINUED: (2) She takes his arm and they begin to walk off. 24 NEW ANGLE As Dax approaches. ODO Hello, Lieutenant. Having a good time? DAX No. Odo nods in empathy and sympathy. As Dax walks away, Lwaxana rubs her temples absentmindedly. Dax does the same, but as with Bareil and Jake, the headache passes as fast as it came. 25 INT. QUARK'S Quark is standing by the window to the Promenade hawking souvenirs. He's wearing a Bajoran earring and shouting to be heard over the crowd. QUARK That's right... genuine latinum-plated Renewal Scroll inscription pens. Blessed by Vedek Redab himself... shortly before he passed away. Each pen is engraved with the words "Deep Space Nine's Third Annual Gratitude Festival," today's date, and a lovely portrait of the station by Ermat Zimm. (louder) So get them while you can, they're sure to become collector's items. We pan across a crowded Quark's. All the gambling tables have been removed and the stage is being used by a juggler. People are having a genuinely good time. We pan up to... 26 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL Where O'Brien and Keiko are seated at a table. They're quiet and a little uncomfortable and tentative now that they're alone together. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT TWO 28. 26 CONTINUED: This is a moment that they've been waiting for a long time, and now that it's here, neither one of them knows quiet what to do with it. There's a plate of Bajoran hasparat on the table. Keiko is picking at it to give herself something to do, but O'Brien's not eating at all. O'BRIEN (trying to be upbeat) So what do you say we go walk around the Promenade for a little while? KEIKO I'd rather stay here. (a beat) I never thought I'd say this, but I kind of miss Quark's... the noise, the excitement... our table. O'Brien smiles for the first time. This is more like it. O'BRIEN (proudly) You know, I haven't sat here since you've been gone. KEIKO (happy) That's so sweet. There's a brief awkward silence. O'BRIEN So how's the survey going? KEIKO The terrain's rougher than we expected, and the ecosystem's a lot more diverse than it looked from the orbital scans. All in all, it's been pretty grueling. This is what O'Brien was hoping to hear. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - ACT TWO 29. 26 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Really? KEIKO Don't get me wrong, I'm having a wonderful time. O'BRIEN (deflated) Oh... that's good. Keiko wasn't looking to bring this up, but it seems like an opportune time. KEIKO There is one problem I have to talk to you about. (off his reaction) The project's taking longer than we hoped. O'BRIEN What do you mean... longer? KEIKO You have to understand, Miles, every valley has an entirely different ecosystem. There's a lot of work to be done. O'BRIEN (wants the bottom line) How much longer is it going to take? KEIKO I'm not sure. O'BRIEN (a little agitated) Take a guess. An extra couple of days... a week or two? KEIKO (not happy) More like two or three months. O'BRIEN You're telling me you're going to be on Bajor for another seven months. KEIKO It's either that or tell them to find another botanist. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT TWO 30. 26 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN Maybe that's something worth considering. Keiko is shocked and disappointed by her husband's attitude. KEIKO Are you asking me to resign? O'BRIEN No... But another seven months? KEIKO I don't like this any more than you do. O'BRIEN (not buying it) You just said you're enjoying yourself. KEIKO (sarcastic) Oh, I'm sorry. I suppose you'd be happier if I was miserable? O'BRIEN I didn't say that. KEIKO Sebarr was right. I never should've mentioned it. O'BRIEN And who's Sebarr? KEIKO He's one of the zoologists I'm working with. He warned me not to talk to you about this until after the Gratitude Festival.. O'BRIEN Who's he to be giving you advice? KEIKO He's a friend. O'BRIEN A friend? I thought you were down there working. KEIKO We are working. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT TWO 31. 26 CONTINUED: (4) O'BRIEN With time out for intimate little chats about our relationship? What else have you told him about us? KEIKO Miles, you're acting like a child. What do you want me to say? O'BRIEN (finally spits it out) I want you to say you're not going back... that you're going to stay here with me. KEIKO Right now, Miles, I don't even want to sit at the same table with you. Keiko gets up and leaves. O'Brien loses his temper. O'BRIEN (shouting after her) Fine. Leave. Go on back to Bajor... and your plants... and Sebarr. But she's already gone. O'BRIEN (to himself) See if I care. O'Brien slumps back down in his chair, the most miserable man in the galaxy. And we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - ACT THREE 32. ACT THREE FADE IN: 27 INT. PROMENADE Jake is cutting through the crowd, a man on a mission. His eyes dart around as he searches for the love of his life... Kira Nerys. Suddenly, someone appears out of the crowd and grabs hold of Jake's arm. It's Sisko. SISKO Whoa, slow down. Jake stops but his mind is still on his goal. JAKE Hi, Dad. SISKO I've been looking all over for you. In case you've forgotten, we're hosting a Gratitude Dinner tonight in the wardroom, and I could use your help getting ready. JAKE I'm kind of busy right now, Dad. I have to find someone. SISKO (that's what he was afraid of) Major Kira? JAKE How did you know? SISKO I just spoke to her. JAKE Really? Where is she? He starts looking around. SISKO Just hold on. JAKE But I need to talk to her. You know, you were right about me meeting someone at the Festival. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/17/94 - ACT THREE 33. 27 CONTINUED: SISKO I didn't mean Major Kira. JAKE You like her, don't you? SISKO Of course I like her. JAKE So do I. SISKO Jake, what you're feeling... it's just a crush. They sit down on the Promenade couch. SISKO Look, right now... you're confused, hurt, vulnerable. You miss Mardah... JAKE Mardah was a mistake, Dad. She was too young, too immature for me. Major Kira is a woman. SISKO Major Kira is in love with Vedek Bareil. JAKE It won't last. He's always on Bajor. She needs someone who can be with her all the time. Like me. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - ACT THREE 34. 27 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Jake, I don't want to see you hurt again. JAKE I appreciate that, Dad... but this is between Nerys and me. (stands up) Don't worry. Everything's going to be fine. Jake walks away. Sisko wants to stop him, but realizes that some lessons have to be learned the hard way. 28 INT. PROMENADE - OUTSIDE QUARK'S Odo and Lwaxana are walking away from the window where one of Quark's Ferengi waiters has taken his place hawking the inscription pens. Odo is holding one of the pens and looking at it with a marked lack of enthusiasm. ODO I really can't accept this. LWAXANA But I want you to have it. It's my gift to you. ODO That's very thoughtful... but I have nothing to give you in return. LWAXANA Being with you is the only present I need. (snuggles up to him) Now let's go write our Renewal Scrolls. Odo sighs, beaten again. The two of them walk off down the Promenade. 29 INT. QUARK'S A miserable O'Brien is sitting at the bar, rubbing his temples. Quark comes over to serve him. QUARK Peldor Joi, Chief. (a beat) You look terrible. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/17/94 - ACT THREE 35. 29 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Just a little headache, that's all. QUARK Here... have a free pen. He offers O'Brien a souvenir pen. O'Brien takes it and looks at it. O'BRIEN What for? QUARK To write down your problems on a Renewal Scroll. O'BRIEN There isn't a scroll long enough to hold all my problems. QUARK Really? I thought you could sum them up with one word. (a beat) Keiko. O'Brien glares at Quark. QUARK Tell me I'm wrong. (off O'Brien's reaction) If you ask me, it's your own fault. You never should've let her go to Bajor in the first place. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT THREE 36-37. 29 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN And what was I supposed to do? Force her to stay here with me? QUARK That would've been a good start. (chiding) You humans never learn. You let your women go out in public, hold jobs, wear clothing, and you wonder why your marriages fall apart. O'BRIEN That's your solution, Quark? Treat women like property? QUARK Criticize it all you want. But on the Ferengi homeworld, husbands and wives never argue. There's no divorce, no broken homes... nothing but peaceful conjugal bliss. O'BRIEN If Ferengi marriages are so wonderful, how come you're still single? QUARK (defensive) I haven't met the right woman yet. O'BRIEN (miserable) Well I have. And she just walked out that door. QUARK And out of your life. O'Brien realizes that his marriage has reached a critical point. He stands up. O'BRIEN Not if I can help it. O'Brien EXITS, determined to set things right. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT THREE 38. 30 INT. CORRIDOR This is a corridor just off the Promenade. In the distance, we can hear the sounds of the ongoing celebration. Kira is walking along the corridor. She meets up with Bareil, hurrying the other way. KIRA Bareil. I was wondering where you disappeared to. She goes to kiss him, but he turns his head a little so it becomes more of a peck on the cheek. KIRA (playful) Come on. You can do better than that. BAREIL (trying to hide his discomfort) Someone might see us. KIRA We're the only people here. Everyone else is on the Promenade. Kira senses something's wrong, but tries to push past it. KIRA We have two hours until we're supposed to join Commander Sisko for dinner. That gives us some time to be alone together. BAREIL I can't. KIRA Why? BAREIL I have to find Jadzia. KIRA Jadzia? Is something wrong? BAREIL Not at all. (a beat) Have you seen her? DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT THREE 39. 30 CONTINUED: KIRA She's probably on the Promenade. BAREIL She wasn't there the last time I looked. KIRA Why is it so important for you to talk to Jadzia? BAREIL I'll explain everything later. He starts to move away, then turns back toward Kira. BAREIL Thank you, Nerys. KIRA For what? He pats her on the shoulder. BAREIL For being such a good friend. Bareil walks away, leaving behind a very confused and worried Kira. KIRA Friend? 31 INT. WARDROOM Sisko ENTERS to find Dax setting up the room for a buffet dinner. SISKO (surprised to see her) Dax, what are you doing here? DAX I thought you might need some help getting ready for the party. He goes to give her a hand. SISKO Thanks, but that's really not necessary. Wouldn't you rather be celebrating on the Promenade? DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT THREE 40. 31 CONTINUED: DAX No thank you. I don't want to run into Vedek Bareil. SISKO Is there a problem between you two? DAX He can't keep his hands off me. SISKO That doesn't sound like Vedek Bareil. DAX I couldn't believe it either, but the man wouldn't leave me alone. He's probably still out there looking for me. SISKO (troubled) Have you told Kira? DAX I don't know how. It's going to break her heart. Sisko sits down. This is all very unsettling to him. SISKO Someone has to tell her. (a beat) You want me to do it? Dax sits down next to Sisko. DAX Would you? SISKO If you think that's the best way to handle it. DAX I really appreciate this, Benjamin. I mean, the whole thing's ridiculous. How could I be interested in Bareil? DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - ACT THREE 41. 31 CONTINUED: (2) Suddenly, she leans over and snuggles her head against his shoulder. DAX We both know it's always been you. And as Sisko reacts to this sudden and unexpected display of affection, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FOUR 42. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 32 INT. WARDROOM - CONTINUOUS Sisko looks at Dax, who's seems incredibly content with her head on his shoulder. SISKO Dax? DAX (happy as a clam) Mmm? SISKO What are you doing? DAX Making myself comfortable. She snuggles closer and puts her arms around his waist. DAX Have I ever told you that you smell wonderful? Sisko gently pushes her away and smiles. He looks at her like he's seen through her joke. SISKO I have to admit, old man, you had me going there for a minute. DAX Benjamin, you can stop acting so coy. No one's around. She shifts her position, spinning around and laying her head in Sisko's lap. DAX I've got an idea. Why don't you cancel the party? That way we can spend the evening alone together. She takes Sisko's hand and cups it to her face. DAX What do you say? With his free hand, Sisko taps his combadge. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - ACT FOUR 43. 32 CONTINUED: SISKO (to com) Sisko to Bashir. BASHIR'S COM VOICE Go ahead, Commander. SISKO Meet me in the Infirmary immediately. BASHIR'S COM VOICE I'll be right there. Dax looks up at Sisko. DAX Can I come, too? Sisko studies Dax for a beat. SISKO Absolutely. 33 INT. SURGERY Dax is sitting on one of the examination tables, looking at Sisko and Bashir. Bashir is reading test results from a monitor. BASHIR (off readouts) Her vital signs are normal... Brain activity's normal... no sign of infection or intoxication of any kind... (turns to Sisko) She's the picture of health. Dax jumps off the table and comes to join them. DAX (reprovingly) I told you. SISKO Then why did you put your head in my lap? DAX (smiling mischievously) Julian, you should've seen his face. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FOUR 44. 33 CONTINUED: DAX (to Sisko) Admit it, you were this far from total panic. BASHIR (smiles, to Sisko) I think we've both been victims of a practical joke. DAX At least someone around here has a sense of humor. (to Sisko) Remember the time Curzon convinced you that the Romulan ambassador's wife was in love with you? (grins) This was even better. (to Bashir) See you at the party, Julian. Dax puts her arm through Sisko's and they EXIT. Bashir smiles and shakes his head. 34 INT. PROMENADE The crowd has thinned out as people have begun going back to their quarters to prepare for private Gratitude Dinners. Dax and Sisko walk out onto the Promenade, arm in arm. DAX I've never been so embarrassed in my life... making me sit through all those tests... Sisko smiles. Though he was worried, the way things worked out, he actually feels like he may have gotten the better of her. SISKO It's your own fault, Dax. You took this one too far. DAX You know, if I didn't love you so much, I'd be very angry with you right now. She leans forward and kisses Sisko on the ear. Sisko reacts in confusion. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/17/94 - ACT FOUR 45. 34 CONTINUED: DAX (seductive) I'll see you at the party. Dax EXITS. 35 thru OMITTED 36 37 INT. REPLIMAT Close on Kira, sitting by herself at a table, looking lonely and depressed. Suddenly someone drops down into the seat next to her. It's Jake. JAKE You look like you could use some cheering up. Kira, who's still hurting over Bareil's behavior, is really in no mood for Jake right now. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/17/94 - ACT FOUR 46. 37 CONTINUED: KIRA Do me a favor, Jake. JAKE Anything. KIRA (stern) Leave me alone. Kira gets up and walks away. Jake sits there watching her, a lovesick smile on his face. He turns to Morn, who is sitting at the next table. JAKE Isn't she beautiful? Morn nods. 38 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS O'Brien ENTERS to find Molly, in nightclothes, playing with her stuffed Targ. O'BRIEN Hi, sweetie. Feeling better? MOLLY Lots better. O'BRIEN Ah, that's what I wanted to hear. He hugs and kisses his daughter. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FOUR 47. 38 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Where's Mommy? MOLLY In her room. She's sad. O'BRIEN Well why don't you play with Piggy in your room for a while and we'll see if Daddy can cheer Mommy up? MOLLY Okay. Molly takes her stuffed animal and walks away. 39 NEW ANGLE O'Brien walks over to the closed door of his and Keiko's room. He starts talking through the door. O'BRIEN Keiko? It's me. Can I come in? KEIKO (O.S.) (through the door) Not now, Miles. O'BRIEN Look, you're right. I'm an idiot, sometimes. When I don't get my way, I can be selfish and childish and pigheaded. I know I've said some pretty stupid things today. I wish I could take them back. (really hurting) But even if it's too late for that, there's one thing you should know... I love you, Keiko. I always have, and I always will. (a beat) Anyway, I just want you to know I've left a letter of resignation on Commander Sisko's desk. I'm ready to move down to Bajor tomorrow, if you'll have me. And after that if you want us to move back to Earth that's okay too. I'll do whatever it takes... I just don't want to lose you. (a beat) Honey, did you hear what I said? KEIKO (O.S.) (through the door) Yes. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FOUR 48. 39 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (hopeful) And... ? There's a long silence, then... KEIKO (O.S.) (through the door) And I need time to think. Why don't you go to Commander Sisko's party? We can talk when you get back. O'Brien looks crushed, but knows better than to push his luck. O'BRIEN If that's what you want. There's no answer. 40 OMITTED DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FOUR 49. 41 INT. CORRIDOR This is the same corridor Bareil and Kira were in previously. Kira is walking down the corridor when she runs into Odo, Lwaxana and Bashir going the other way. ODO Major. Aren't you headed in the wrong direction? BASHIR (off her look) Commander Sisko's party? KIRA I'm not going. LWAXANA Why ever not? KIRA Because Bareil will be there. ODO I thought the two of you were very happy together. KIRA So did I. But it turns out he'd rather be with Dax than me. And to make things worse, Jake Sisko's chasing me all over the station, professing his undying love. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FOUR 50. 41 CONTINUED: BASHIR That's strange. A little while ago, Jadzia had Commander Sisko convinced that she was in love with him. He even had me examine her to make sure she was all right. Apparently it was only a joke. KIRA Are you sure? A lot of people are acting strange today. BASHIR Maybe I'd better take another look at Jadzia's test results. (to Odo) Constable, could you tell Commander Sisko I'll be a little late? Odo nods and he and Lwaxana continue on. Just as she passes out of sight, Lwaxana rubs her forehead. 42 NEW ANGLE On Bashir and Kira. Both Bashir and Kira rub their temples momentarily. BASHIR I should get to the Infirmary. KIRA I'll join you. They begin to walk. KIRA Maybe you should examine Bareil and Jake while you're at it. BASHIR That's not a bad idea. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - ACT FOUR 51. 42 CONTINUED: They turn a corner. 43 INT. SURGERY Kira and Bashir ENTER the surgery section of the Infirmary. BASHIR This won't take long. But instead of moving toward the monitors, Bashir turns to Kira, and suddenly they both throw their arms around each other and kiss passionately. And as the kiss grows more intense... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - 10/10/94 - ACT FIVE 52. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 44 INT. WARDROOM The Wardroom table is set with numerous trays of food. Sisko, Dax, Odo, O'Brien, Jake, Bareil, and Lwaxana are scattered around the Wardroom, eating dinner. O'Brien is seated alone in one corner of the room, barely picking at his food. He looks sad and abandoned. 45 LWAXANA AND ODO Are seated not far away. For a change, they're not talking. When Lwaxana finally speaks, after a beat of awkward silence, it's with serious concern as opposed to her usual vivacity. LWAXANA What is it, Odo? (off his reaction) I may not be able to read your emotions, but I can read your expression. Something's wrong. ODO I'm fine. LWAXANA (frowns) I wish you'd tell me what's bothering you. It might make you feel better. ODO As soon as something bothers me, I'll let you know. (gives her a small smile) I promise. LWAXANA Why is it I find stubborn men so attractive? 46 NEW ANGLE To include the buffet table, where Dax is piling her plate full of food. Bareil is standing next to her, looking at her like a lovesick puppy. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FIVE 53. 46 CONTINUED: DAX Would you please stop following me? BAREIL Gladly... if you'll stop running away. I have something important to discuss with you. DAX Discuss it with Kira. I'm not interested. She turns and walks away. BAREIL But I don't want to talk to Kira. 47 ANGLE ON SISKO AND JAKE Sisko is at another part of the buffet table, looking like he's not having the greatest time either as he's being pestered by Jake. JAKE But Dad, you promised that Nerys would be here. SISKO She will be. And stop calling her Nerys. Suddenly Sisko stiffens as he is goosed by someone off-screen. He turns around and sees it's Dax. DAX (mischievous) Peldor Joi. She walks away, looking over her shoulder, giving him a come- hither look. Odo and Lwaxana, who have witnessed this exchange, join Sisko. LWAXANA Commander, I didn't know you and Lieutenant Dax were so close. SISKO (troubled) We're not. (hits combadge) Sisko to Bashir. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FIVE 54. 47 CONTINUED: There's no response. SISKO (to com) Computer, locate Doctor Bashir. COMPUTER VOICE Doctor Bashir is in the Infirmary. Sisko turns to Odo. SISKO Constable, I want you to get him and bring him here immediately. Odo nods his agreement. ODO (to Lwaxana) I'll be right back. LWAXANA I'll come with you. ODO (that's what he expected) Of course you will. 48 INT. SURGERY Kira is seated on a console, embracing Bashir, who's standing in front of her. They are kissing with the frenzied passion of two high-schoolers at the prom. BASHIR I wonder what Commander Sisko wanted? KIRA It can wait. BASHIR (between kisses) This is very embarrassing. KIRA (still kissing) I agree. We have to stop. BASHIR Definitely. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FIVE 54A. 48 CONTINUED: But they don't even slow down. 49 NEW ANGLE As Odo and Lwaxana ENTER. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/10/94 - ACT FIVE 55. 49 CONTINUED: ODO Doctor... Odo stops as he sees what's going on. Bashir breaks off for a second, but Kira keeps kissing his neck. Odo can hardly speak, and if changelings could blush, he'd be bright red. ODO Commander Sisko needs to see you in the Wardroom. BASHIR Tell him... (as Kira kisses him) I'll be along shortly. ODO (stern) Now, Doctor. And there's something in his voice that makes Lwaxana study Odo with new insight. KIRA (to Bashir) You'd better go. BASHIR Right. They walk out hand in hand. KIRA (to Lwaxana and Odo) Peldor Joi. They EXIT, leaving Odo standing there, stricken. 50 INT. WARDROOM Dax is standing behind Sisko with her arms draped over his chest. She's using him as a shield to avoid Bareil. Sisko is trying to extricate himself from Dax while at the same time keeping himself between her and Bareil. BAREIL Please step aside, Commander. I need to talk to Jadzia in private. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FIVE 56. 50 CONTINUED: SISKO I'm afraid she doesn't want to talk to you. DAX You tell him, Benjamin. BAREIL But I only want to give her this. Bareil holds up and beautiful latinum bracelet. SISKO A Bajoran betrothal bracelet? DAX Can I see that? Dax reaches over Sisko's shoulder and plucks the bracelet out of Bareil's hand. Just then the doors open and Kira and Bashir, still holding hands, ENTER, followed by Odo and Lwaxana. Jake runs up to Kira. JAKE Nerys, am I glad to see you. Kira walks right by him. Jake sees that she's holding hands with Bashir. He's crushed. Bashir and Kira reach Sisko, who steps out from between Dax and Bareil. SISKO Doctor, I need your help. BASHIR I need yours too. Bashir leans over to speak to Sisko without letting go of Kira's hand. BASHIR You've got to get me away from Kira. I can't keep my hands off her. Kira kisses Bashir. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/10/94 - ACT FIVE 57. 50 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA And what's worse, I can't keep my hands off him. Sisko looks to Odo. ODO I can't explain it either. 51 NEW ANGLE As Jake sits down next to O'Brien. JAKE She doesn't love me. O'Brien's too wrapped up in his own problems to get too worked up about Jake's. O'BRIEN Who? JAKE Nerys. O'BRIEN You're better off. In the end, they only break your heart. Just then O'Brien's attention is drawn to the door as Keiko ENTERS. She's wearing a beautiful, form-fitting red dress. O'Brien's jaw drops. He's amazed. O'BRIEN (to himself) Although sometimes it's worth it. O'Brien walks up to Keiko. KEIKO (re: the dress) What do you think? O'BRIEN You look beautiful. KEIKO Miles, did you really hand in your resignation? O'Brien nods. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/10/94 - ACT FIVE 58. 51 CONTINUED: KEIKO You'd better get it back before Commander Sisko sees it. (a beat) But it was nice of you to offer. They kiss, gently, intimately, then embrace. KEIKO I love you so much. As they kiss again, Quark ENTERS, carrying a tray of food. He spots Sisko and joins him. QUARK (re: the food) Commander, here's that Idanian spice pudding you ordered... But before Sisko can acknowledge Quark, Dax steps up behind him and takes him by the shoulder. She gently turns him toward her until their faces are inches apart. DAX I want you to have this... (she gives him the betrothal bracelet) As a token of my affection. This is the last straw for Bareil, who is only a few feet away. BAREIL Oh, no you don't. Bareil punches Sisko, who's more surprised than hurt. Quark, who's been caught in the middle of this, tries desperately to get out of the way and avoid spilling the tray of pudding. Bareil unloads with another couple of swings, which Sisko blocks. SISKO Bareil, listen to me... BAREIL If I have to fight for her I will. Bareil takes another swing, Sisko blocks it, and Dax steps up to Bareil and decks him. Quark once again has to make a heroic effort not to spill the pudding. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FIVE 59. 51 CONTINUED: (2) DAX (to Sisko) I'm sorry, Benjamin, but he was really starting to annoy me. QUARK Commander... You throw one hell of a party. Quark offers the tray of pudding cups to Lwaxana. QUARK Pudding, anyone? Lwaxana massages her temples, overcome by another severe headache. LWAXANA No thank you. Quark also grabs his forehead. Sisko and Odo both notice his gesture and exchange a look. DAX I'll take one. But as Dax reaches out for a pudding cup... QUARK (his mind elsewhere) Help yourself. Quark absentmindedly hands the whole tray to Dax, his attention totally focussed on something across the room. 52 INCLUDE KEIKO AND O'BRIEN Who, along with Bashir, have gone to see if Bareil is all right. The Vedek has sat up, but he's holding his jaw. KEIKO Are you okay? Suddenly Quark drops to his knees next to Keiko. QUARK Forget about him. What about me? (off her reaction) I need you Keiko. My lobes tingle at the sight of you... (a beat) Marry me. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FIVE 60. 52 CONTINUED: O'Brien grabs Quark by the lapels and hauls him to his feet. O'BRIEN She's taken, Quark... Sisko and Odo come up and restrain O'Brien. They've witnessed the entire chain of events, Lwaxana's headache, followed immediately by Quark's headache, and Quark's subsequent attraction to Keiko, and they think they've identified the source of the problem. SISKO Easy, Chief. He doesn't know what he's doing. Sisko and Odo turn toward Lwaxana, who looks surprised. LWAXANA What are you looking at me for? 53 INT. SURGERY Bashir has just completed examining Lwaxana as Sisko watches. LWAXANA Zanthi Fever? But that's impossible. It only effects... older Betazoids. BASHIR That may be, but according to my tests, you're showing all the symptoms. (to Sisko) Zanthi Fever is a virus that effects the empathic abilities of... mature Betazoids. It causes them to project their own emotions onto others. SISKO So then Mrs. Troi's amorous feelings for... (delicately) ... someone on the station were being passed along to the people around her. BASHIR Not everyone. Only people who were in close proximity to her when she had an attack. And even then there would have to have been a pre-existing latent attraction. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FIVE 61. 53 CONTINUED: SISKO You're saying Dax... ? BASHIR Only on a subconscious level. (a beat) Best not to think about it too much, if you ask me. This gives Sisko one more thing to worry about. LWAXANA Commander, I'm so sorry. I hope I haven't caused you too much trouble. SISKO I doubt there was any permanent harm done. (to Bashir, hopeful) Right, Doctor? BASHIR A simple wide spectrum antiviral agent should cure Mrs. Troi, and as for everyone else... they should return to normal in a day or two. Bashir puts down his medical tricorder. BASHIR Now if you'll excuse me, I promised I'd meet Nerys in her quarters. As he turns to go, Sisko lays a gentle restraining hand on his shoulder. SISKO I think you ought to postpone that visit. For a day or two. Bashir looks disappointed, but sees the wisdom of Sisko's advice. 54 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE - STOCK (OPTICAL) As usual. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FIVE 62. 54 CONTINUED: SISKO (V.O.) Commander's log, supplemental. I'm happy to report that Doctor Bashir's diagnosis has been proven correct. My son and all the other's affected by Mrs. Troi's condition have made full recoveries. 55 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Odo and Lwaxana walk by the viewports. The Gratitude Festival decorations are gone. LWAXANA Well, this is one Gratitude Festival they'll be talking about for a long time. ODO I know I'll never forget it. LWAXANA I hope everything works out for you, Odo. (off his puzzled look) With Major Kira. ODO I don't know what you mean. LWAXANA Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. After all, I know what it's like to be attracted to someone who doesn't necessarily feel the same way. Odo's silence serves to confirm Lwaxana's suspicions. LWAXANA But if you ever get tired of waiting for her... She kisses him. LWAXANA You know where to find me. ODO (gently) I'll keep that in mind. She smiles and walks away. DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/11/94 - ACT FIVE 63. 56 INT. DOCKING RING CORRIDOR Keiko, O'Brien and Molly are saying their good-byes at the airlock. KEIKO So, you're sure Doctor Bashir said your test results were negative? O'BRIEN That's right. My headache was just a headache. I never was affected by Mrs. Troi. KEIKO (playful) I guess that means you don't have a latent attraction to me after all. O'BRIEN There's nothing latent about it. Or weren't you paying attention last night? KEIKO I was paying attention all right. You've still got the touch, O'Brien. O'BRIEN So do you... , O'Brien. O'Brien bends down to talk to Molly. O'BRIEN Take good care of Mommy, honey. MOLLY I will. He gives her a hug and a kiss, then straightens up to take Keiko in his arms and give her one last kiss goodbye. KEIKO See you in a few months. O'BRIEN I can hardly wait. And with one last look, Molly and Keiko climb the steps into the airlock and disappear down the corridor. O'Brien watches them for a beat, then... DEEP SPACE: "Fascination" - REV. 10/10/94 - ACT FIVE 64. BASHIR (O.S.) Chief? O'Brien turns and sees Bashir standing down the hall, carrying two racquetball racquets. Without another word, Bashir tosses one of the racquets to O'Brien, who catches it with one hand. O'Brien glances at the closed airlock doors, then he and Bashir walk side-by-side away down the corridor. FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END