STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Past Prologue" #40511-404 Story by Kathryn Powers Teleplay by Peter Allan Fields Directed by Rick Kolbe THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1992 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION OCTOBER 5, 1992 STAR TREK: DS9 "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Past Prologue" CAST BENJAMIN SISKO GARAK MILES O'BRIEN TAHNA KIRA GUL DANAR, ODO ADMIRAL BASHIR B'ETOR DAX LURSA BAJORAN DEPUTY GUL DUKAT NORIC RAKA Non-speaking BAJORAN N.D. MEDICAL ASSISTANTS N.D. SUPERNUMARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "Past Prologue" - 10/05/92 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Past Prologue" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE PROMENADE (REPLIMAT) OPS RUNABOUT YANGTZEE TRANSPORTER PAD MAIN VIEWSCREEN RUNABOUT GANGES (CARDASSIAN BRIDGE) INFIRMARY WORMHOLE KIRA'S QUARTERS COMMANDER'S OFFICE SISKO'S OFFICE SECURITY OFFICE QUARK'S CARGO BAY GARAK'S SHOP FITTING ROOM TURBOLIFT AIRLOCK RUNABOUT GANGES RUNABOUT YANGTZEE KIANG RUNABOUT RIO GRANDE TAHNA'S QUARTERS DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Past Prologue" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DS9 (OPTICAL) Establishing. 2 INT. PROMENADE REPLIMAT DOCTOR JULIAN BASHIR sits enjoying a tea-like beverage, reading a medical journal PADD... as the large, ever-pleasant Cardassian, GARAK, interposes himself between Bashir and the latter's view, with: GARAK It's Doctor Bashir, isn't it? Of course it is. May I introduce myself? Bashir looks up and reacts... and if this were a poker game... and in a way, it is... Bashir would be at a severe disadvantage. His heart's just started thumping - he's been alerted about this man, never thought he'd come face to face with him like this... BASHIR Uh... yes, yes of course. GARAK (sits) My name is Garak; Cardassian by birth, obviously. The only one of us left on the station, as a matter of fact. So I do appreciate making new friends when I can. You are new to the station, I believe. BASHIR (obviously cautious) I am, yes... A beat as Garak studies him, smiles, waits as a good poker player waits. Finally, Bashir fills the silence... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: BASHIR Though... though I understand you've been here quite a while. GARAK Ah, you know of me, then. Bashir avoids replying. BASHIR Would you care for some of this Tarkalean tea? It's very good. GARAK What a thoughtful young man. How nice that we've met. Bashir tries tentatively to take the offensive... BASHIR You know... there are some who say you've remained on DS Nine as the... eyes and ears of your fellow Cardassians... GARAK You don't say. Doctor, you're not intimating that I'm considered some sort of... "spy," are you? BASHIR (too quick) I wouldn't know, Sir. GARAK Ah! An open mind. The essence of intellect. (rising) As you may also know, I have a clothing shop nearby, so... If you should require any apparel, or merely wish, as I do, for a bit of enjoyable company now and then, I'm at your disposal, Doctor. BASHIR You're very kind, Mister Garak. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. And now, good day to you, Doctor... I'm so glad to have made such an interesting new friend today. As he watches Garak depart, HOLD on Bashir -- his face reflecting an enthusiasm which will carry over into: 3 INT. OPS Bashir ENTERS from the Turbolift at the same time SISKO is ENTERING from his (o.s.) office to oversee operations. (KIRA, DAX and O'BRIEN at stations; Supernumeraries as needed). BASHIR (trying to suppress excitement) You'll never believe who just sat down next to me at the replimat... O'Brien doesn't have time for this kid... continuing his work - to Kira -- O'BRIEN Major, upper pylon three will be shut down for maintenance for forty- eight hours... As she acknowledges... BASHIR The spy! That brings heads turning... BASHIR Garak... the Cardassian... SISKO We don't know for a fact that Garak's a spy, Doctor... BASHIR He's a spy... you should have heard him... introduced himself and struck up a conversation, just like that... he was making contact with me... with me of all people... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - TEASER 4. DAX (seriously) What do you think he might want from you, Julian? BASHIR I don't know. Federation medical secrets... (turning to Sisko) ... rest assured they're safe with me, Commander. SISKO I'm sure they are, Doctor Bashir... BASHIR In fact... Chief O'Brien, I think you should place a monitoring device on me... O'Brien gives him a long, silent look... it's more telling about O'Brien's attitude toward him than any line of dialogue could be... BASHIR (off the look) Just in case... he is... up to something. SISKO I don't think that'll be necessary, Doctor... just be very cautious when you're around... KIRA (interrupting) Commander? We've got a small craft taking evasive action... Cardassian war vessel in pursuit. SISKO On screen. 3A INCLUDING MAIN VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) We see a small Bajoran scout ship... being pursued by a Cardassian war vessel. The Cardassian fires... KIRA That's Bajoran! That damned Cardassian's firing at a Bajoran scout ship in Bajoran space! SISKO Mister O'Brien? DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - TEASER 5. 3A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Confirmed, Sir. They've crossed into Bajoran space. SISKO Open a hailing frequency to the Cardassians... O'BRIEN Channel open... SISKO Cardassian vessel: you are violating Bajoran space. Break off your pursuit. Repeat: Break off now. O'BRIEN No reply from the Cardassians. The Bajoran vessel is hailing us... SISKO Open the channel... The viewscreen fills completely with static. No image is visible. TAHNA'S VOICE (filtered; thru STATIC) ... Space station... Do you read?... Space station... O'BRIEN We can only get audio, Commander. SISKO This is Benjamin Sisko, Starfleet Commander of this station. Who are you? Why are they pursuing? TAHNA'S VOICE (filtered; thru STATIC) ...Please!... Repeating request for emergency docking!... Please! His communications fail... the viewscreen returns to the Bajoran ship... SISKO The Bajoran scout ship is badly damaged. Structural integrity is failing. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - TEASER 6. 3A CONTINUED: (2) On screen, the ship is hit by a phaser blast again -- rocking the tiny craft. DAX He's breaking up. SISKO Get him out, Mister O'Brien. O'BRIEN Aye, Sir... On viewscreen, the little vessel EXPLODES. 4 AT TRANSPORTER PAD (OPTICAL) The scout ship pilot, TAHNA, a Bajoran... MATERIALIZES, bloodied and weak. As Sisko, Kira and Bashir move into the area, Tahna looks up at them, and: BASHIR (to Com) Medical assistance to Ops. 5 REACTION - KIRA As she registers a jolt of recognition. 6 RESUME - SHOT TAHNA (semi-conscious) My name is Tahna... Request... political... asylum... (recognizes Kira; stunned) ...Kira?... And he blacks out, crumpling in their arms. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 7. ACT ONE FADE IN: 7 INT. OPS - AT TRANSPORTER PADD as in Teaser -- except that Bashir and two Bajoran N/D Medical Assistants are now EXITING with Tahna. Kira looks after the latter, as: KIRA (to Sisko) His name is Tahna Los. We fought together in the underground. 8 FULL SHOT O'BRIEN Commander, the Cardassians are hailing us. KIRA Now they want to talk... O'BRIEN They're hopping mad. SISKO Open the channel, Mister O'Brien. 9 INCLUDING MAIN VIEWSCREEN - INT. CARDASSIAN BRIDGE (OPTICAL) We see GUL DANAR on the bridge of his warship. Not happy. GUL DANAR Federation Commander, you've taken aboard a known criminal. You will turn him over to us. SISKO He has requested asylum. GUL DANAR (with concern) You have not granted it... (have you? implied) DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 8. 9 CONTINUED: SISKO To be honest, I haven't decided yet... Kira reacts at hearing this, her face reflects surprised shock... and the beginnings of outrage. GUL DANAR He is Kohn-Ma! Even the Bajorans would not grant his kind asylum... Sisko raises an eyebrow, glances at Kira... GUL DANAR (continuing) He has committed heinous crimes against the Cardassian people... and I demand you release him to our custody... if you do not... SISKO (interrupting) I'll investigate the matter immediately. In the interim, if you'd care to dock your vessel, I'll be glad to hear your explanation for having violated Bajoran space and threatened a Federation facility. GUL DANAR (beat) We have made no threat to your facility. SISKO (small smile) I stand corrected. Sisko out. Viewscreen blanks. SISKO The Major and I will be in the Infirmary. (to O'Brien) I'd like some time to talk with this fellow Tahna. When Gul Danar comes in, it'd be nice if we had a few docking regulations that keep him outside a while. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 9. 9 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (smiles) Understood. Sisko Nods his "Thanks," and enters a Turbolift, followed closely by Kira... as it leaves... 9A INT. TURBOLIFT KIRA (controlled upset) You're not seriously considering handing Tahna over to the Cardassians... SISKO Were you part of this Kohn-Ma, Major? KIRA If I had been, I wouldn't be working with the provisional government now... SISKO No, you'd still be out murdering Cardassians... or even some Bajorans that the Kohn-Ma hold in contempt... didn't they claim responsibility for the assassination of one of your First Ministers last month... ? 9B INT. PROMENADE - CONTINUOUS as they exit the Turbolift... KIRA Look, I know Tahna... SISKO Is he Kohn-Ma? KIRA (beat) Yes... but... Sisko stops... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 10. 9B CONTINUED: SISKO I suggest you get your priorities straight, Major... because I have no room for divided loyalties in this command. And I won't have a Kohn-Ma terrorist using this station as a protective shield for continuing violence. Undaunted, she's right back in his face... KIRA My priorities are straight, Commander; let's not be confused here -- my loyalties are to Bajor. And Bajor needs men like Tahna Los. SISKO His war with the Cardassians apparently isn't over... KIRA If Bajor is ever going to rebuild a strong and independent society, it will require the repatriation of splinter groups like the Kohn-Ma... you have, we have, an opportunity here, Commander... I hope you don't miss it. She moves away from his toward the infirmary... a beat as he reacts - she always gives him something to think about. 10 INT. INFIRMARY Sisko ENTERS as Bashir does reparative procedures. Tahna, on the biobed, is just beginning to regain consciousness. Kira as already reached his bedside. KIRA How is he? BASHIR Second degree burns, lacerations, a minor concussion... Not much compared to what he's been through before. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 11. SISKO (arriving) Before? Bashir opens the torn, bloodied shirt. 11 INSERT - CLOSE ON TAHNA'S CHEST to reveal a series of hideous, deliberately designed scars. BASHIR (O.S.) The most recent of these scars is only two, perhaps three years old. 12 RESUME - SHOT TAHNA (finally conscious) Two-and-a-half, actually. BASHIR It's remarkable you lived through this. Kira eyes the scars coolly -- without expression, as: KIRA It's a Cardassian technique designed to keep you alive. Bashir reacts... SISKO I'm Commander Benjamin Sisko. I have a few questions for you... if you're up to answering them... KIRA (showing her loyalties) Commander Sisko hasn't decided whether to grant you asylum yet, Tahna. SISKO (controlled bristling) Major, perhaps I should conduct this alone... TAHNA (reacts to the rank) Major? DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 12. 12 CONTINUED: KIRA I'm the liaison officer to the Federation here. (beat, toward Sisko) Still fighting for Bajor in my own way. (to Tahna) I'll stop back later. She nods, angry, at Sisko... and exits. TAHNA What do you need to know, Commander? SISKO For starters, why were they chasing you? TAHNA (smiles in pain) You really want to hear the story of my life? SISKO I assume as a member of the Kohn-Ma that you've committed serious acts against them... TAHNA Any one of a hundred that would lead to a Cardassian death sentence. SISKO Any of them since their withdrawal from Bajor? TAHNA (beat) Frankly, yes. SISKO Why would you continue the violence against them now? TAHNA (sincere) To be honest, I'm not sure anymore, Commander... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 12A. 12 CONTINUED: (2) TAHNA (Cont'd) (beat) We say we're punishing them for crimes committed against us for half a century... but... I've had enough of the killing. Tahna is exhausted... Bashir moves over... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 13. 12 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR I'm sorry, Commander. He needs rest now... Sisko nods at Tahna, and turns to leave... 12A INT. TAHNA'S QUARTERS (TIGHT) (OPTICAL) Kira's been speaking with a Starfleet ADMIRAL, whose face we can see on Kira's monitor... KIRA Admiral, I think Commander Sisko's being incredibly short-sighted. He obviously doesn't understand the issues involved... ADMIRAL Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Major. I'll stay in close touch with the situation... KIRA Thank you, Admiral. The image on the monitor disappears. Kira, looking somewhat self-satisfied. 12B INT. OPS Sisko enters... O'BRIEN Sir, the Cardassian warship has docked. Lieutenant Dax is making sure that all procedural details are precisely observed no matter how long it takes. SISKO (small smile) Well done... I have some more research to do on the Kohn-Ma before I see them... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 14. 12B CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (beat) Sir... I don't know much about the Bajoran terrorists, but... (beat) You've never fought the Cardassians, have you? SISKO No. O'BRIEN Well you just wouldn't want to turn a man... any man... over to their tender care, Sir. You just wouldn't. Sisko reacts, nods... as O'Brien picks up a signal on his console... O'BRIEN Subspace transmission from Admiral Rollman for you, Commander... SISKO In my office... He enters... 12C INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS (OPTICAL) Sisko hits a panel at his desk, the same admiral appears on the monitor... ADMIRAL Ben, that Bajoran woman you've got working for you interrupted a staff meeting to tell me how she disapproves of your handling of this asylum matter... I think you have a problem there, Commander. SISKO (beat, tight) Yes, Admiral. 13 thru OMITTED 15 16 INT. INFIRMARY Tahna is sleeping as Kira ENTERS. She moves to stand next to him; just looking. With the instinct of the hunted, he senses another presence -- and wakens. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 15. 16 CONTINUED: KIRA (quickly) It's all right; you're safe. TAHNA (relaxes; smiles) Strange to run into each other here, isn't it? KIRA It's good to be with someone who knows what it's been like out there. TAHNA Wearing that uniform, I thought maybe you'd forgotten. KIRA Never. TAHNA (slight chiding) Working on the inside hasn't dulled that old fire just a little? KIRA (smiles) Ask Sisko about that. TAHNA Don't get along? KIRA Oil and water. He smiles, but is in discomfort. KIRA You're tired. I should go. TAHNA You think he'll give me to the Cardassians, Kira? KIRA Over my dead body. TAHNA That's the Kira I remember... He closes his eyes... she looks at him with respect and commitment... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 16. 17 INT. SISKO'S OFFICE Sisko Rises as Gul Danar ENTERS. The adversarial nature of this meeting is belied by the mutual civility. GUL DANAR If you require all vessels to endure such lengthy docking procedures, Commander, you're going to have a lot of impatient traffic out there. SISKO I apologize... we're still trying to repair all the damage your forces did before they left... it does create unreasonable delays. GUL DANAR I accept your apology, not your explanation. What about Tahna Los? SISKO Well, we've got a problem. GUL DANAR A diplomatic insult to the Cardassian people would be a problem... delivering a wanted criminal to us would not be... SISKO (seeking a reasonable solution) Danar, in war, both sides commit atrocities... GUL DANAR My "request" for this man is made in connection with an extremely sensitive issue. I can only tell you that we are certain he plans to commit more acts of terrorism... SISKO He tells me that he has renounced the Kohn-Ma... and wants to help to rebuild Bajor... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT ONE 17. 17 CONTINUED: GUL DANAR He committed brutal acts of destruction and murder and he must pay for those crimes... Sisko stands... uncomfortable with his role in this... thoughtfully paces... SISKO I appreciate the Cardassian position... (beat, a decision) ... but I know if a Bajoran freedom- fighter is turned over to the Cardassians by the Federation... that would be a mistake that would undermine everything I'm trying to accomplish here. So, with apologies, I'm going to grant him asylum for the time being. Eventually, he'll want to relocate to Bajor and if you want to pursue the matter with the provisional government that's your business. Danar looks at him with stiff rage, wheels around; storms out. 18 ON SISKO whose face reflects some uncertainty over what he's just done. FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT TWO 18. ACT TWO FADE IN: 19 EXT. SPACE - DS9 (OPTICAL) Re-Establishing. 20 INT. TAHNA'S QUARTERS as Kira ENTERS with Tahna. He's obviously improved considerably... but a few traces of his pain still remain in his walk. There's a bed, a small desk and a chair, a monitor, and various other objects placed to make the quarters less impersonal. KIRA How long since you've slept in a comfortable bed? TAHNA (smiles) I can adapt to that part very quickly, thank you. He sits down. She studies him, smiles. KIRA I'm glad you're here. We need you, Tahna... TAHNA (a calculated "mistake") I don't think the Federation has any use for my particular talents... KIRA I mean Bajor needs you. (beat) If you had the impression that I'm a Federation officer in any way, I promise you... TAHNA I thought you were under Sisko's command... KIRA I am, but... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT TWO 19. 20 CONTINUED: TAHNA (light, smiles) Now that's something I could never adapt to... KIRA (uncomfortable) Somebody's got to coordinate relations between the Federation and the provisional government... at least if someone like me is here... TAHNA Why? Off her look... ? TAHNA Why should they be here at all? What right does this so-called provisional government have to bring them here... KIRA (wanting to interrupted) I know... ("but" is implied) TAHNA (continuing) ... after everything we fought for, Kira... freedom from domination... true independence... No outsiders. No Cardassians. No Federations. KIRA Things have changed, Tahna. Now that the wormhole has been discovered... TAHNA (boredly) Yes, the wormhole. KIRA Look, I don't want the Federation here any more than you do... but they are serving a purpose. For the time being, at least. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT TWO 20. 20 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA Without the Federation, the Cardassians would be back in a minute to take control of the wormhole. And the wormhole is the future of Bajor, Tahna. It's bringing ships and commerce... it makes us a power in the quadrant... TAHNA I don't want to be a power in the quadrant. I want Bajor for Bajorans. I want our homeland back. KIRA We have it back. And as we grow stronger, we'll be able to defend it ourselves... we won't have to lean on the Federation or anyone else. I know it's difficult to see... after all we've been through, we want it all now... but with people like you leading the way... TAHNA You have adapted, haven't you... ? She looks at him, defensive... KIRA (beat, a sudden doubt) Tahna, I've put myself on the line for you here... you are finished with the Kohn-Ma... TAHNA (sincerely) Yes, I'm finished with the Kohn-Ma. She smiles, reassured. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT TWO 21. 20 CONTINUED: (3) KIRA I've been talking with several of the ministers in the provisional government about amnesty. (he reacts) For you and for any member of the Kohn-Ma who follows you. TAHNA There are some who might. If there were assurances... KIRA (hopeful, optimistic) I'm working on it, Tahna. I'll find a way to make it happen. On his reaction... 21 INT. PROMENADE - AIR LOCK AREA - ON N/D SECURITY GUARD He is on the seat of his pants; his back against a support beam -- just recovering consciousness. PULL BACK and WIDEN to discover the two Klingon women, LURSA and B'ETOR (the sisters of Duras), being held at bay just this side of the air lock by a BAJORAN DEPUTY who, though keeping them covered with his weapon, is obviously very intimidated by the two bombastic Klingon sisters. 22 INCLUDING ODO as he arrives on the scene. ODO (to Bajoran Deputy) What. BAJORAN DEPUTY Sir, these two... (beat) ...women... are just arriving. They... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT TWO 22. 22 CONTINUED: BAJORAN DEPUTY (indicates semi- conscious Guard) ... objected to giving up their weapons. LURSA Klingons do not surrender their weapons. We are Lursa and B'Etor. Of the house of Duras. ODO And we have specific regulations. You can leave the weapons or leave the station. Your choice; please make it now. B'ETOR Who are you? ODO I'm the one giving you the choice. A long beat. Lursa and B'Etor exchange glances -- then, reluctantly, proffer their weapons to Odo. Once he's got them: ODO Welcome to DS Nine. Eyeing Odo disdainfully, the sisters move off along the Promenade. And now Odo turns to look after Lursa and B'Etor -- his policeman's interest piqued. 23 INT. SISKO'S OFFICE Sisko works at his terminal. The door CHIMES. SISKO Come in. Odo ENTERS. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT TWO 23. 23 CONTINUED: ODO We have some new guests you might be interested in... (off Sisko's look) Couple of Klingon sisters from the Duras Family... SISKO (reacts) Lursa and B'Etor... ODO You know them, then. SISKO (acknowledges) They tried to grab control of the Klingon High Council... started a brief civil war. They've been out of sight since then... ODO I ran a security check... the Klingons have them listed as renegades... SISKO (nods) We've heard they're trying to raise capitol to rebuild their armies... (beat, musing) So, what are they doing here? ODO Sitting. (off Sisko's look) They went straight to Quark's. But not for the gambling... and certainly not for the food. They're just... sitting. SISKO (beat) I don't like it... ODO Why don't I lock them up and call the Klingons to come get them... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT TWO 24. 23 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO Odo... ODO If they're enemies of the Klingon High Council... SISKO They haven't broken any laws here. You can't just throw them in jail. ODO You know, Cardassian rule may've been oppressive, but at least it was simple. SISKO Keep an eye on them. ODO As you wish, Commander. He exits. On Sisko's thoughtful expression... 24 INT. QUARK'S We look across the noisy place -- where drinkers and gamblers are enjoying themselves -- to see Lursa and B'Etor seated in a corner in B.G.; removed from the goings-on, drinking ales... 25 REVERSE - GARAK watching the (o.s.) Klingon sisters. 26 ANGLE - BASHIR enters, glances casually around, reacts as he sees Garak, takes a deep breath to build of confidence and moves to his table. Trying desperately to be casual and pleasant... BASHIR And how are you this evening, Mister Garak? (catches himself) Oh, excuse me... It's just plain, simple Garak, you said. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT TWO 25. 26 CONTINUED: GARAK Plain and simple. Join me, Doctor; enhance my evening. Bashir sits. Garak continues to casually keep an eye on the Klingon sisters. BASHIR Keeping an eye on the ebb and flow of things, are you? GARAK As a clothier, I do interest myself in what the population is wearing from day to day. BASHIR You... must have to stay abreast of the latest trends, don't you? GARAK Hmmm. BASHIR Of course, I know very little about the latest trends in medicine, comparatively speaking. GARAK Medicine? I was talking about clothes. BASHIR Yes, of course. Clothes. Medicine. Trends. You know. GARAK Klingons have an odd sense of... style, don't you think? 26A ANGLE - INCLUDING LURSA AND B'ETOR Bashir looking at them... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT TWO 26A. 26A CONTINUED: BASHIR Yes... they do... GARAK But intriguing... I say those two... outfits... are worth studying closely... one never knows where the next trend may come from... Bashir glances at him, glances back at the Klingon women... 27 OMITTED 27A ODO is at his regular spot at the bar, also keeping an eye on the klingons... his gaze now shifts from the 28A TAHNA who's just ENTERING to find a spot at the bar. As he looks around him, relaxed, he spots: 29 OMITTED 30 LURSA & B'ETOR who have seen him as well -- and now rise. 30A ON GARAK noting they're leaving... panning to Bashir watching with no sense of what he's supposed to be seeing... 30B TAHNA slides off the bar stool -- moves, still relaxedly, back toward the entrance. 30C ODO watches as... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT TWO 27. 31 OMITTED 32 LURSA & B'ETOR follow him out. 33 OMITTED 34 INT. CARGO BAY - LOW ANGLE The door opens and as the feet of Tahna, Lursa and B'Etor ENTER together... a small rat skitters out of the way through the shadows among the crates and cargo bins. As the door closes, moving up to find them -- LURSA The payment. TAHNA It's on its way. B'ETOR That was not the arrangement. Lursa and B'Etor confront Tahna -- not touching him, but literally backing him up against one of the bins, TAHNA I couldn't stop to get it. I barely got past the Cardassians. LURSA Your safety is not our concern. B'ETOR Your gold is. TAHNA It will be available tomorrow. B'ETOR Good. B'Etor reaches out -- grips Tahna by the front of his jacket, with: B'ETOR ... Because if we've made this trip for nothing, you'll have made a fatal mistake. B'Etor lets go of him. Without another word, she and Lursa simply turn and EXIT. A beat later, Tahna follows... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT TWO 28. 35 thru OMITTED 36 37 ANGLE ON THE CARGO BAY FLOOR (OPTICAL) as the RAT re-appears, and... "SHIFTS" back into Odo. He stands looking after the departed Tahna, as we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT THREE 29. ACT THREE FADE IN: 38 EXT. SPACE - DS9 (OPTICAL) Re-Establishing. 39 INT. OPS Light duty roster... Kira at her station and supernumeraries as Sisko enters from the Turbolift... she turns as she sees him arrive, moves to greet him with enthusiasm... as they walk toward Sisko's office... KIRA I've managed to arrange a hearing of the Ministers' Court... SISKO And predictions? KIRA I have two of the ministers, the smart ones, ready to vote for amnesty... I'm sure one of the others will fall in line... SISKO Good... KIRA And Tahna says two more members of the Kohn-Ma have agreed to come in... as long as you'll guarantee their safety... SISKO Done. She pauses... sincere... somewhat awkwardly, she's not so good with "sincere"... KIRA I have to say this, Commander... when we first talked I wasn't sure you... (beat) ... this wouldn't have been possible without your support. I want you to know it's appreciated. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT THREE 30. 39 CONTINUED: SISKO (acknowledges, pleasantly conversational) Be sure to mention it the next time you chat with Admiral Rollman... KIRA (reacts) Sir... SISKO (cordial, but clear) Go over my head again and I'll have yours on a platter... He goes into his office, stay with her a beat... 40 INT. SISKO'S OFFICE (CONTINUOUS) Odo is there waiting for him as Sisko ENTERS... played as though Odo has previously asked Sisko to meet him. SISKO News about our Klingon sisters? ODO (nods) They seem to make friends easily. SISKO Friends... ? ODO Our reformed Kohn-Ma, for example... SISKO (reacts) Tahna... with Lursa and B'Etor? ODO (acknowledges) Talking about a business arrangement. He's paying them for something. I don't know what. The gold is supposedly on its way... 40A ANGLE Sisko reacts, glances out into Ops to Kira, who is sitting at her station... he wonders what this means? DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT THREE 31. 40A CONTINUED: SISKO (musing) Two other members of the Kohn-Ma may be bringing it... ODO How do you know that? SISKO Major Kira mentioned that they're on their way... Both men realize there is unstated concern about Kira's role in this... ODO You want her to know about this? SISKO (thoughtful beat) Not quite yet. They exchange an uncomfortable look and... 41 OMITTED 42 INT. GARAK'S SHOP As Lursa and B'Etor enter... Garak looks up, does not react... cooly -- LURSA You are the clothier, Garak... ? GARAK At your service, madame. May I show you our latest fashions... perhaps some silk lingeries from Kraus-Four? B'ETOR Watch your tongue, Cardassian. Or I'll cut it off and eat it. GARAK I meant no offense. I have few Klingon patrons. What is it you wish to buy... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT THREE 32. 42 CONTINUED: LURSA We are not here to buy... but to sell... B'ETOR We understand you still... represent Cardassian interests here. GARAK I am only a simple clothing merchant... B'Etor grabs him hard... B'ETOR We have no time for your games... do you want Tahna Los or not... Garak frees himself from her grasp... GARAK You are in a position to deliver the Bajoran to Cardassian authorities? LURSA What is he worth to them? B'ETOR In gold-press latinum. Garak measures them and thinks a beat, and in a true used car dealer way, types a figure on a pad and hands it to them to see... they react with disgust... start to leave... LURSA You insult us. GARAK (stopping them) Ladies, ladies... please... everything is negotiable... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT THREE 33. 42 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK I am only what I seem to be - a merchant seeking to make the best transaction... (beat) Let us... haggle. On their reactions... 43 INT. TAHNA'S QUARTERS Tahna is studying something on a PADD, responds to his door CHIME... turns off the PADD... TAHNA Yes, come in. The door opens to admit a very buoyed-up Kira. KIRA I have the third minister's vote... the hearing is simply a formality now... you're going to receive amnesty, Tahna... He takes a beat to study her... seemingly warm... TAHNA I never realized you were such an accomplished politician, Kira... KIRA (embarrassed) Me? A politician? I don't think so... TAHNA You manipulate Sisko and the Federation... the ministers of the provisional government... KIRA I'm just... determined... (beat) I think they all simply get tired of hearing my voice... Beat... he is really rather impressed with her... and what follows is not an error but a decision to open the door a little wider to her... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT THREE 34. 43 CONTINUED: TAHNA And we expected to find that Kira Nerys had lost the fire in her heart... Kira takes a long beat to react... KIRA What are you talking about? A long silence between them... he lets the truth find her... KIRA You knew I was here before you even came... (he shrugs) Tahna, I've trusted you... And he stands and he moves to her, with steel in his eyes, quiet but formidable -- TAHNA I am Kohn-Ma. I fight for the freedom of Bajor. You once fought for it as well. KIRA I am still fighting for it... TAHNA Kira, stop deluding yourself... you say you don't believe in the provisional government... you say you don't believe in the Federation... and yet you are their... dance instructor. KIRA That's not fair. TAHNA Don't be naive, Major. KIRA I've told you I don't want the Federation here, but for now... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT THREE 35. 43 CONTINUED: (2) TAHNA Once you're in your comfortable bed with the Federation, you won't be able to get out. We won't be able to get out. KIRA If you expect me to help you commit some act of violence against the Federation... TAHNA (massively reassuring) No. The violence is over. That's the truth. No one will be hurt. In any way. I promise you that. But I do need your help... KIRA You've already lied to me, Tahna; I know how the game works. TAHNA (persevering) To do what we plan, we need a small ship capable of warp speed. I gambled that I could convince you to get it for us. KIRA Just what is this "peaceful" plan? TAHNA In one move... and non-violently... we accomplish everything that both of us ever wanted for Bajor. KIRA (very skeptical) How? TAHNA (smiles ruefully) I know the game, too. You know I can't risk telling you that. KIRA How do you know I won't go straight to Sisko? TAHNA If you do, we'll both know where your loyalties are, won't we. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT THREE 36. 43 CONTINUED: (3) She starts to leave again -- is stopped by: TAHNA But I don't think you will. You want freedom for Bajor. In your heart, you know the Federation cannot give it to us. No one can give us freedom. We have to take it. You'll have to make the choice, Kira. Be with us. Or stop lying to yourself about what you've become. 43C CLOSE - KIRA Her face reflects her confusion. What she's just heard was sincere. And on her look we 44 thru OMITTED 49 FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 37. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 49A INT. PROMENADE REPLIMAT Bashir sits relaxedly in his usual spot... as Garak approaches. BASHIR Ah. Plain, simple Garak. How are you, today? GARAK (serious) Being observant, Doctor. BASHIR I'm sure of it. GARAK There's a time for levity, my young friend... and a time for genuine concern. No fool, Bashir takes a narrower interest in what Garak's saying, as: GARAK (Cont'd) ... The arrival on this station, for instance... (indicates) ... of those two Kohn-Ma terrorists. 49B ANGLE FAVORING (INT.) PROMENADE SECOND LEVEL Tahna stands talking (MOS) with two rugged Bajoran Men, KOR and NORIC. 49C RESUME - BASHIR & GARAK as Bashir turns his (quizzical) attention back to Garak. BASHIR (aplomb cracking) Terrorists... What are they doing here... ? DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 38. 49C CONTINUED: GARAK I'm not exactly sure; but together, we might have some success at finding out... BASHIR (in over his head, now) Together. (beat) Garak, I'm a doctor, not a... GARAK (overrides) Once you do have the appropriate answer, I'm sure you'll know what to do with it. BASHIR (starts to rise) I really must be getting along... GARAK Doctor, I think it's time for you to take advantage of my shop. If you'll be there at exactly twenty fifty- five hours this evening, I promise to show you a suit that will make you into a new man. BASHIR A suit? We're talking about terrorists, and you want me to buy a new suit? GARAK Doctor, am I making myself clear? I want you to buy a new suit tonight at twenty-fifty-five. Exactly. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 39. 49C CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR I see. Yes... (finally does rise) If you'll excuse me now... And a Bashir who can't get out of there fast enough, does so. 50 INT. OPS Kira at a station... studying a monitor... no other regulars, supernumeraries as needed... 50A THE MONITOR The heading indicates she is in a BAJORAN INTELLIGENCE file... GRADE H-1 ACCESS ONLY. Sub-heading: KOHN-MA ACTIVITIES, STARDATE 46422... a variety of intelligence reports with various reports that we don't need to see... she flips the page down to the next date and another similar file comes up... SISKO (O.S.) Major... ? Kira's hand hits a panel and the computer goes dark... 50B ANGLE - INCLUDE SISKO moving from his office toward her station... KIRA Yes, Commander. SISKO I'd like to meet the two Kohn-Ma who just arrived as soon as possible... KIRA Of course. I'll arrange it. SISKO How do they seem to you? KIRA Sir? DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 40. 50B CONTINUED: In the background, Bashir arrives on the Turbolift... moves toward them... SISKO (measuring her) Do you feel as secure about them as you do about Tahna Los? KIRA Absolutely. BASHIR Commander Sisko... Kira uses the interruption to escape, moves away and quickly EXITS... Sisko studies her a beat before turning to Bashir... BASHIR (continuing) ... I need some guidance... SISKO Yes, Doctor... ? BASHIR It's about... Garak, the Cardassian... I'm afraid this... relationship... has gotten a little out of hand. SISKO How's that? BASHIR He wants me to buy a suit. SISKO (deadpan) A suit. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 41. 50B CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR At exactly twenty-fifty-five tonight. SISKO Why twenty-fifty-five? BASHIR I don't know... but it has something to do with the Bajoran terrorists on board. Sisko reacts... BASHIR He... he says that together, he and I might discover what they're really doing here. (Sisko reacts, muses, a beat) I don't understand why he wants me involved... SISKO Sometimes, communications can't be conducted through official channels. Maybe this is their way of telling us that we have a common enemy. BASHIR What do you want me to do? SISKO I think, Doctor, that you could definitely use a new suit. Off Bashir's reaction... 50C INT. SECURITY OFFICE Odo works at his desk... as Kira ENTERS. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 42. 50C CONTINUED: KIRA Busy? ODO What can I do for you? She moves around in the office, glances distractedly at things, making little adjustments to his monitors. KIRA Are all the security measures in place for the trip to the Ministers' Court... ? ODO I told you they'd be taken care of and they will. KIRA Fine. A beat. Odo studies her. She's about to leave... ODO You know, there's one thing about you humanoids I can't imitate very well... KIRA What's that? ODO Pretense. There's a special talent to it. It's as hard for me as creating one of your noses. She smiles lightly, sits. KIRA Maybe, that's why I've learned to respect your opinion, Constable. Never any... pretense. (he acknowledges) How much do you know about me, Odo? DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 43. 50C CONTINUED: ODO More than you probably realize. She reacts. KIRA I've done some things I'm not proud of. I still have nightmares about the raids on the Haru outposts. But at least I was sure of what I was doing then. He knows where she's coming from... responds evenly... ODO (gently) And there's something you're not sure of now. KIRA (frustration) You have no more love for the Federation than I do. ODO Meaning? She can't yet let herself spew it out. Silence. And then, with his compassion for her predicament remaining unabated. KIRA Maybe there are still wars to be fought and I'm just making a fool of myself doing what I'm doing here. ODO Sounds like you're trying to talk yourself into something. Or out of something. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 43A. 50C CONTINUED: (2) KIRA Either way, I have to betray someone. ODO Only important thing is not to betray yourself. he looks at him... a beat... they both know what they're talking about here. KIRA How could I possibly turn against my own people? DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 44. 50C CONTINUED: (3) ODO Are they? Your own people? KIRA They're no different than I used to be. ODO Used to be. Beat. Looking for some way out -- KIRA I could just refuse to help them. Ignore the whole thing. ODO The Joranian ostrich hides by sticking its head under water. Sometimes even until it drowns. KIRA (acknowledges, sighs) They'd find a way to do whatever they want to do anyway... and I'd still feel responsible for the consequences. A beat. She knows now what she has to do. KIRA It was so much easier when I knew who the enemy was. A beat. He hits his combadge. SISKO'S COM VOICE Go ahead. ODO There's someone down here in security who wants to talk to you, Commander. Off her look... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 45. 51 thru OMITTED 54 55 INT. GARAK'S SHOP - FAVORING CLOSED ENTRANCE as Garak moves from BEHIND CAMERA to unlock the front entrance of the now darkened shop -- and admit Bashir, with: GARAK Doctor, it's Twenty-fifty-seven. You're late. Come in quickly, please. As Garak literally ushers Bashir through the shop, toward its rear... BASHIR I... I was... Garak yanks a jacket from its display mount; shoves it into Bashir's hands, while still propelling him through the shop. GARAK (interrupts) You just try that on as many times as you like, and be very, very quiet. Garak almost shoves Bashir out of sight into his (o.s.) fitting room, closes a full-length curtain in front of him... 56 INT. FITTING ROOM Bashir's just standing there, holding the jacket. He catches his reflection in the full length mirror -- casually holds the jacket up for scrutiny -- then freezes as he hears the (O.S.) SOUND of the shop front door opening and closing, along with: DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 46. 56 CONTINUED: GARAK'S VOICE (FAR O.S.) (thru door) Ah, right on time. Welcome. Bashir moves to listen... B'ETOR'S VOICE Save your "welcomes," Cardassian. Do your people want the Bajoran or not? GARAK'S VOICE I can now venture to say, with some certainty, that you will receive the agreed-upon payment on delivery. 57 INT. GARAK'S SHOP Lursa and B'Etor loom over him: LURSA We will complete our business with Tahna Los in four hours... GARAK And what business might that be? B'ETOR That is not your concern. GARAK If it requires that those I represent must take extra precautions, it becomes my concern. The women exchange a glance -- what the hell do they care? They want the gold. LURSA We are delivering a cylinder of Bilitrium to him. B'ETOR The rendezvous will be on the dark side of Bajor Eight's lower moon. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FOUR 47. 58 INT. FITTING ROOM Bashir listening... B'ETOR (continuing) The Cardassians can have him then. Bashir hears the (o.s.) shop front door open and close again. A long beat... before the fitting room curtain is opened from without by Garak, whom he now faces with: BASHIR What's Bilitrium? GARAK A rare crystalline element, that can be an incredibly powerful source of energy... Provided, of course, that one also has an anti-matter converter. Unfortunately, that's why Cardassians were chasing Tahna Los when he arrived here. He stole one. BASHIR But if he's got both... GARAK Quite right, Doctor. He will have the ingredients for a bomb. A bomb of significant destructive capability. Off Bashir's reaction, we FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 48. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 59 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The Klingon ship is no longer present. 60 INT. OPS Sisko, Kira, Dax, O'Brien, Bashir and Odo all present around the table. Kira is tight, eyes down, already has told what she needs to tell, knows what she has to do next... doesn't need to be told... SISKO (searching for options) We have nothing to hold them on.... they haven't committed any crime yet... ODO Conspiracy is a crime... BASHIR But conspiracy to what? We don't even know what their plan is... O'BRIEN Once the exchange is made, with the Klingons, you've got them holding the components to an explosive device... that's enough evidence right there... Kira looks up for the first time... KIRA Chief O'Brien's right. We have to let them have a runabout. SISKO (beat) Agreed. KIRA And I have to be on it. SISKO Not agreed. Major... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 48. 60 CONTINUED: KIRA Commander, Tahna doesn't know if he can trust me as it is... if I try to stay behind, he won't buy into this. The only way to convince him is if I'm on board. (beat) If Tahna fails, I promise you others will try. At least, this way you can find out what they're up to. Sisko nods, realizing she's right. SISKO Mister O'Brien, you and I will take a Runabout to a point behind the second moon of Bajor Eight to avoid detection. O'BRIEN Aye, Sir... On the move with O'Brien... SISKO (continuing) Dax, stay in touch with us on a secured channel... keep an eye on the Cardassians; they'll be coming to the party too... She acknowledges. SISKO (to Kira) You get him there, Major... we'll be waiting... She acknowledges... Sisko and O'Brien exit... 61 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) 62 INT. TURBOLIFT Kira and Tahna... Tahna carrying two shoulder bags... (CONTINUED) DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 50. 62 CONTINUED: KIRA This'll be the first time a Bajoran officer's taken out a Federation Runabout alone... The door opens, exiting to the airlock... 63 INT. AIRLOCK - CONTINUOUS KIRA It might get Sisko's attention. We'd better initialize pre-launch the minute we get on board... 64 INT. SECURITY Odo looking at them exiting the airlock on a monitor... ODO They're moving into the Runabout... 65 INT. OPS Only Dax present (plus Supernumeraries as needed). She's at station; monitoring. DAX Acknowledged. DS Nine to Ganges. SISKO'S COM VOICE Go ahead, Dax. DAX Major Kira and Tahna are preparing to leave in the Yangtzee Kiang. 66 INT. RUNABOUT GANGES (OPTICAL) Sisko and O'Brien. We may want to try and establish a dark side of a moon out their window. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 51. DAX'S COM VOICE (continuing) They're initializing pre-launch systems now... SISKO Understood, Lieutenant. (to O'Brien) ... Shut down all main power systems. O'BRIEN (working controls) Main power systems down. (aside) ... Dead quiet... 67 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The Runabout Yangtzee Kiang is launched, and disappears into space. 68 thru OMITTED 69 DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 52. 70 INT. YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) At warp... Tahna has opened the housing atop the now completely visible anti-matter converter. It (like the duffel in which it was carried) is shaped like a fat, metallic sausage... but with an attached, hose-like extension protruding from one end. At the loose end of this extension "cord" is a generic "plug" (for insertion into an external power-source "socket"). Tahna's attaching the plug to the interior of a wall panel... KIRA Bajor Eight in one-hundred-twenty thousand kilometers. (tech?) Dropping to impulse. (turns; to Tahna) What is that? TAHNA (holds up "plug") An anti-matter converter... I'm transferring power from the ship's warp drive into the storage cells. KIRA (reacts, off monitor) We've got a Klingon Bird of Prey decloaking dead ahead. Through the window, they see Lursa's and B'Etor's Bird of Prey as it decloaks. She reacts like it is completely unexpected. TAHNA Calm down... we're here to meet them... KIRA Klingons, why? TAHNA You'll know soon enough. 70A EXT. RUNABOUT GANGES NEAR MOON (OPTICAL) We identify Runabout Ganges near a moon. 71 INT. RUNABOUT GANGES Sisko and O'Brien as before, reading sensors... O'BRIEN The Klingons have powered up their transporters... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 53. 71 CONTINUED: SISKO Prepare to go to full impulse. 72 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) dwarfed by the Klingon ship. 73 INT. RUNABOUT YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) Two transporter beams MATERIALIZE into Lursa and B'Etor. Lursa carries a slender metallic cylinder. Tahna reaches for his second shoulder bag -- hands it to B'Etor. She'll immediately examine its contents, during: TAHNA Thirteen kilograms of gold-press Latinum; as promised. LURSA This is yours. She tosses the metallic cylinder, with no respect for its contents, at Tahna who catches it deftly, smiles. B'Etor nods to Lursa -- everything looks okay. B'ETOR (to her own combadge) 'eH. HImaH! And Lursa and B'Etor -- now carrying the "knapsack" -- DEMATERIALIZE. Kira looks at the cylinder... she already knows what it is, but must play dumb. KIRA What is it? TAHNA Bajoran independence. 74 INT. RUNABOUT GANGES Sisko and O'Brien as before. O'BRIEN (off monitor) Bird of Prey is moving off... and cloaking. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 54. SISKO Set an intercept course with the Runabout. O'BRIEN Intercept in one minute, twelve seconds. 75 INT. OPS Dax off controls... DAX DS Nine to Ganges... SISKO'S COM VOICE Ganges... DAX The Cardassian warship Aldara is crossing the border, Benjamin... on an intercept course with the Yangtzee Kiang. 76 INT. RUNABOUT GANGES DAX'S COM VOICE They'll enter Bajoran space in twenty- nine seconds... SISKO Acknowledged. O'BRIEN The Yangtzee's sensors should be picking us up now, sir... 77 INT. RUNABOUT YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) And Tahna has indeed picked them up... they have the Ganges showing on monitors... TAHNA They must've been waiting for us here. How did they know? KIRA (off monitors) We've also got a Cardassian warship three minutes away... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 55. 77 CONTINUED: KIRA (beat) The Klingons must have sold us out... TAHNA Prepare to engage warp engines. KIRA There's nowhere to run, Tahna... TAHNA We don't have to go far. A reaction from Kira... she glances at the wall mounted phaser array... bolts to try and get one, but he shoves her roughly to the floor and gets one himself, points it at her... TAHNA I should have know... (grabs her, pushes her to her chair) Set the course for DS Nine. KIRA No. TAHNA (calmly) If you don't, I'll explode the bomb right here and destroy all six colonies on Bajor Eight. KIRA (reacts) You would kill thousands of your own people for this? TAHNA The question is whether you would kill them by refusing to set the course... She has no choice... she sets the panel... engages warp... 78 INT. RUNABOUT GANGES O'BRIEN They've gone to warp... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 56. 78 CONTINUED: SISKO Follow them. He opens a hailing channel... SISKO (to com) Ganges to Yangtzee Kiang. Drop out of warp, or we will open fire... 79 INT. RUNABOUT YANGTZEE KIANG Tahna is in the back, simply inserting the slender cylinder through the open housing at the top of the anti-matter device... and then dropping it into a lower hatch... all the while keeping an eye on Kira with a phaser either in his hand or right next to it... SISKO'S COM VOICE (continuing) Repeat. We will open fire. TAHNA I doubt that he'll shoot with his Major on board. But just in case... Having completed his work... he moves with phaser in hand to a companel... TAHNA This is the voice of the Kohn-Ma... there is an armed bilitrium explosive device on board this ship... 80 INT. RUNABOUT GANGES (OPTICAL) The other runabout is on monitors. TAHNA'S COM VOICE Fire on us and you will detonate it. O'BRIEN If that device goes off while they're at warp, they'll spread radiation across half the system. SISKO (checking monitor) He's headed straight back for the station. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 57. 80 CONTINUED: A quick thought as he punches in a new hailing channel... SISKO (continuing) ... This is the Federation vessel Ganges to Cardassian warship, Aldara... The monitors change to a picture of Gul Danar... GUL DANAR So we're finally allies, Commander. SISKO Gul Danar, the Federation Runabout Yangtzee Kiang is carrying an explosive bilitrium device. Can you intercept before it reaches the space station? DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 58. 80 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (Cont'd) We believe they intend to set it off at the mouth of the wormhole... will you be able to ready them before they get here? GUL DANAR Our time to intercept is two minutes, fourteen seconds... O'BRIEN That's about a minute too late, Commander... GUL DANAR If I may, Commander, take this opportunity to say that I warned you... Sisko switches off the transmission in mid-sentence... the other runabout returns to monitors... SISKO Ready photons, Chief. We'll fire as soon as they slow to impulse... at least that'll diminish the spread of bilitrium radiation throughout the area... O'BRIEN (grim) Aye, sir. 81 INT. RUNABOUT YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) Tahna has completed all that he has to do to prepare the bomb... KIRA One hundred thousand kilometers to the wormhole... TAHNA Slow to impulse... take us within fifty meters of the mouth... KIRA You're only hurting Bajor by doing this, Tahna... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 58A. 81 CONTINUED: TAHNA No one's going to be hurt, Kira. (she reacts, confused) Adjust your course to take a vectored approach past the mouth of the wormhole. KIRA (it dawns) ... The wormhole... it's not the space station you're after... you can't possibly believe you can destroy the wormhole with that device... TAHNA I don't have to destroy the wormhole... I just have to collapse the entrance KIRA You're only hurting Bajor by doing this, Tahna... TAHNA No more wormhole. No more Federation. Or Cardassians. Or anyone else. (noticing the monitors, reacts) Drop out of warp. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 59. She doesn't do it. Brandishing the phaser... TAHNA Now! She makes a quick move and pushes him away with one arm as she slams down her other hand on the control panel, we hear the ship drop out of warp as she twists the helm sharply. The Runabout instantly rocks roughly. 82 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) At impulse. It makes a sharp turn... INT. RUNABOUT YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) through the forward window -- the Mouth of wormhole becomes visible... light engulfs the window... the ship rocks... Tahna and Kira are shaken off balance. 83 INT. RUNABOUT GANGES (OPTICAL) Watching the other runabout on the monitor... O'BRIEN My God, they're going into the wormhole. At full impulse. 83A OMITTED 84 EXT. INSIDE WORMHOLE - THE RUNABOUT YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) in a vague spin... 85 INT. YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) white light outside the windows... shaking, spinning... stabilizers failing... Tahna unsteady, attempts to get to the bomb release... Kira fights him, delays him just briefly enough so that as... 86 HIS HAND reaches out... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 60. 87 EXT. SPACE - THE YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) comes out the other side of the wormhole... 88 INT. YANGTZEE KIANG - HIS HAND - CLOSE UP hits the panel... 89 EXT. SPACE - THE YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) as the ship clears the wormhole which disappears... The bomb is launched forward as the Runabout moves away at an angle... the bomb EXPLODES harmlessly. 89A EXT. SPACE - REVERSE ANGLE - PAST THE YANGTZEE KIANG (OPTICAL) The wormhole opens again... as Runabout Ganges arrives into this quadrant. 90 INT. RUNABOUT YANGTZEE KIANG TAHNA No! (turning the phaser back on Kira) Damn you! SISKO'S COM VOICE Sisko to Kira... are you all right, Major... TAHNA (moves to the companel) No, she's not all right, Commander. And if you want her alive... you'll do exactly as I say... 91 INT. RUNABOUT GANGES (OPTICAL) The other runabout visible through the window. SISKO Listen carefully, Tahna. You can either surrender now, to me... DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 61. 92 INT. RUNABOUT YANGTZEE KIANG SISKO'S COM VOICE (continuing) ... Or you can wait here for the Cardassian warship and I'll let them deal with you this time. Your choice. Tahna looks for another way out... and cannot find it... he drops his phaser, turns his back to Kira as she picks it up... KIRA There'll be no further resistance, Commander. 93 INT. RUNABOUT GANGES Sisko and O'Brien react, pleased. 94 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) 95 INT. AIRLOCK as it opens to reveal Tahna followed by Kira with a phaser on her prisoner... they are met by Sisko, O'Brien, Odo (with handcuffs) and a Bajoran deputy who turns Tahna around so that Odo can affix handcuffs to his wrists. This done, the Deputy starts Tahna toward the brig, as: KIRA Tahna... He turns back... she searches for some words to say... KIRA (continuing) The old ways don't work anymore. Everything is different now. I had to do this... for Bajor... I hope you'll understand some day. He looks at her evenly a beat, before: TAHNA Traitor. And the Bajoran Deputy leads him away. DEEP SPACE: "Past Prologue" 10/05/92 - ACT FIVE 61A-62. 95A ANOTHER ANGLE Sisko regards Kira with understanding and commiseration. SISKO Major... (trails off) But she doesn't want to hear it... EXITS without acknowledging. Sisko and O'Brien exchange a look... and as they follow... 96 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) FADE OUT. THE END