
Jake and Nog are rescued by the U.S.S.
Valiant, Nog recognizes the crew of young adults as Red
Squad, an elite corps of Starfleet cadets. The captain
explains that his crew, originally on a training mission,
became trapped in Dominion space when the war broke out. |
Valiant |
DS9 Season 6, Episode 22
Ronald D. Moore
Michael Vejar
First Aired May 6, 1998
Stardate Unknown |

BACK TO DS9 EPISODE GUIDE | Season 6 Episodes: A Time to Stand, Rocks and Shoals, Sons and Daughters, Behind the Lines, Favor the Bold, Sacrifice of Angels, You are Cordially Invited..., Ressurection, Statistical Probabilities, The Magnificent Ferengi, Waltz, Who Mourns for Morn?, Far Beyond the Stars, One Little Ship, Honor Among Thieves, Change of Heart, Wrongs Darker than Death or Night, Inquisition, In the Pale Moonlight, His Way, The Reckoning, Valiant, Profit and Lace, Time’s Orphan, The Sound of Her Voice, Tears of the Prophets
