
Jake and Bashir are returning to the
station when they receive a distress call from a colony
under Klingon attack. While Bashir joins the medics in
saving and caring for the wounded, Jake has his first
up-close experience with the horrors of war. |
Nor the Battle to the Strong |
DS9 Season 5, Episode 4
René Echevarria
Brice R. Parker
Kim Friedman
First Aired Oct 21, 1996
Stardate Unknown |

BACK TO DS9 EPISODE GUIDE | Season 5 Episodes: Apocalypse Rising, The Ship, Looking for par’Mach in all the Wrong Places, Nor the Battle to the Strong, The Assignment, Trials and Tribble-ations, Let He Who is Without Sin..., Things Past, The Ascent, Rapture, The Darkness and the Light, The Begotten, For the Uniform, In Purgatory’s Shadow, By Inferno’s Light, Doctor Bashir, I Presume, A Simple Investigation, Business as Usual, Ties of Blood and Water, Ferengi Love Songs, Soldiers of the Empire, Children of Time, Blaze of Glory, Empok Nor, In the Cards, Call to Arms
