
Sisko, Kira, Dax, Worf, O'Brien and Bashir
are embroiled in Bashir's secret agent holoprogram when a
runabout explodes due to sabotage. The Ops transporter is
damaged while beaming them off, but Odo and Eddington manage
to store the patterns... in Bashir's holo-program. |
Our Man Bashir |
DS9 Season 4, Episode 10
Ronald D. Moore
Robert Gillian
Winrich Kolbe
First Aired Nov 27, 1995
Stardate Unknown |

BACK TO DS9 EPISODE GUIDE | Season 4 Episodes: The Way of the Warrior, The Visitor, Hippocratic Oath, Indiscretion, Rejoined, Starship Down, Little Green Men, The Sword of Kahless, Our Man Bashir, Homefront, Paradise Lost, Crossfire, Return to Grace, Sons of Mogh, Bar Association, Accession, Rules of Engagement, Hard Time, Shattered Mirror, The Muse, For the Cause, To the Death, The Quickening, Body Parts, Broken Link
