
Kira and Dukat embark on a mission to find
lost Bajoran prisoners. On the mission, Dukat reveals that
he too has someone he is concerned about on the ship, a
Bajoran woman with whom he had an affair. Kira learns also
that Dukat's half-Bajoran daughter was also on the ship. |
Indiscretion |
DS9 Season 4, Episode 5
Nicholas Corea
Toni Marberry and Jack TreviƱo
LeVar Burton
First Aired Oct 23, 1995
Stardate Unknown |

BACK TO DS9 EPISODE GUIDE | Season 4 Episodes: The Way of the Warrior, The Visitor, Hippocratic Oath, Indiscretion, Rejoined, Starship Down, Little Green Men, The Sword of Kahless, Our Man Bashir, Homefront, Paradise Lost, Crossfire, Return to Grace, Sons of Mogh, Bar Association, Accession, Rules of Engagement, Hard Time, Shattered Mirror, The Muse, For the Cause, To the Death, The Quickening, Body Parts, Broken Link
