Episode DS9 Chronicles


These are 1-minute intros that were taped by several of the regular cast members. 40 episodes were chosen by the producers, and the intros were included in the reruns shown by some TV stations that run DS9 in a strip syndication package (i.e., five days a week). These intros, however, were only made for episodes in the 1st through 4th seasons.

Here are transcripts of the intros, for those of you who may not have a chance to see them. Each one is done with "Okudagram"-style graphics around the actor as he/she speaks, with a rotating image of the station, and the DS9 theme music playing in the background. The paragraphs in italics describe clips that were shown.

Narrated by René Auberjonois

I'm Rene Auberjonois for the Deep Space Nine Chronicles. What you're about to see is "The Die is Cast", one of Deep Space Nine's most exciting episodes, with some of the greatest battle scenes ever filmed.

Shots of the space battle are shown

One effect, the Defiant slamming through Jem'Hadar ship debris, took four days to shoot.

The shot mentioned is shown

"The Die is Cast" is the second part of a double-header that was intended to end with the first episode. Fortunately for us, the writers couldn't end it, and a Part II became necessary. The script called for Garak, the subversive Cardassian, to torture Odo by locking him in one shape.

Garak seen with the quantum stasis field generator; Odo tries to shapeshift and fails

The makeup department had to show Odo drying up. To do this, they put adhesives all over his face, so as he talked, it would appear as if his skin was flaking off. Definitely one of our creepier effects.

Odo is seen in his parched, tortured shape, standing at first, then slumping to the floor

We hope you enjoy "The Die is Cast".