
Starfleet orders Sisko to keep the Defiant
at the ready in the event of Dominion retaliation against
the Cardassian/Romulan offensive. Sisko decides to leave DS9
ahead of schedule and retrieve Odo. What he does not know is
that the Dominion has planned for the Cardassian-Romulan
assault for a long time... |
The Die is Cast |
DS9 Season 3, Episode 21
Ronald D. Moore
David Livingston
First Aired May 1, 1995
Stardate Unknown |

BACK TO DS9 EPISODE GUIDE | Season 3 Episodes: The Search, Part I, The Search, Part II, The House of Quark, Equilibrium, Second Skin, The Abandoned, Civil Defense, Meridian, Defiant, Fascination, Past Tense, Part I, Past Tense, Part II, Life Support, Heart of Stone, Destiny, Prophet Motive, Visionary, Distant Voices, Through the Looking Glass, Improbable Cause, The Die is Cast, Explorers, Family Business, Shakaar, Facets, The Adversary
