Episode Quotes

Sisko: "Jake, the whole point of the Festival is to put all your troubles behind you and make a new start."
Jake: "I could use one. ...Okay, I'll go."
Sisko: "Good! That's the spirit!"
Jake: "But I'm not going to have any fun."
Bashir: "Oh, nervous and irascible."
O'Brien: "If you hadn't seen your wife and child for two months, you'd be irascible too."
Bashir: "How many games of racquetball have we played in the last two months?"
O'Brien: "I don't know - 15, maybe 20?"
Bashir: "Try 70... and you know what all those games taught me? That I'm a poor substitute for your wife."
O'Brien: "I could've told you that 60 games ago."
Lwaxana: "Odo... don't worry. I'm here to help you."
Odo: "What... kind of help do you mean?"
Lwaxana: "Oh. Well, a sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry on... a lap to melt in?"
Odo: "Ah. Well. That's very considerate of you, but unnecessary."
(Announcing her plans to Odo)
: "First, a little fun and relaxation... and then we can delve into the depths of your pain..."
Bareil: "I never expected Kai Winn to make me one of her principal advisors."
Kira: "I think she asks your advice just so that she can do the exact opposite of what you recommend."
Bareil: "Jadzia, of course. I've never understood how the two of you could be such good friends. She's so... unpredictable. And you're so..."
Kira: "Predictable?"
Bareil: "Well, I didn't mean it like that."
Keiko: "Miles, I didn't say I was going to! I just meant I could use some."
O'Brien: "That's okay. If you need to sleep, go ahead! I'll understand."
Keiko: "No, you won't. You'll be disappointed and you'll start brooding and stomping around like an Andorian bull."
(talking about the renewal scrolls)
Kira: "As the scrolls burn, may our troubles burn to ashes with them.'"
Jadzia: "Morn, It's hard to believe a handsome, fun-loving guy like you could have so many problems! My advice to you is to burn this as quickly as possible and don't look back."
Lwaxana: "Oh, dance with me, Odo!"
Odo: "I'm sorry. I don't dance."
Lwaxana: "Nonsense! I saw you moving to the music!"
Odo: "That wasn't dancing. That was... swaying."
Lwaxana: "Oh, then sway with me, Odo! Sway with me."
Quark: "You hew-mons, you never learn. You let your women go out in public, hold jobs, wear clothing, and you wonder why your marriages fall apart."
O'Brien: "That's your solution, Quark, huh? Treat women like property!"
Sisko: "Dax...?"
Dax: "Hmm?"
Sisko: "What are you doing?"
Dax: "Making myself comfortable. ...Have I ever told you that you smell wonderful? [Giggles.]"
Sisko: "Oh... [Laughs.] Ah- ah- you know, Old Man, I have to admit you had me going there for a minute! [Laughs.]"
Dax: "Benjamin, stop acting so coy, there's no one around."
Jake: "You look like you could use a little cheering up."
Kira: "Jake, do me a favor."
Jake: "Anything!"
Kira: "Leave me alone."
Sisko: "Doctor, I need your help!"
Bashir: "And I need yours, too! You've got to get me away from Kira! I can't keep my hands off her."
Kira: "What's worse, I can't keep my hands off him!"
Lwaxana: (to Bashir) "Zanthi Fever?! Oh, that's ridiculous. Tha- that's impossible. That only affects older Betazoids."
Sisko: "You're saying Dax...?"
Bashir: "Only on a subconscious level. Best not think about it too much, if you ask me."
O'Brien: "My headache was just a headache. I never was affected by Mrs. Troi."
Keiko: "Well, I guess that means you don't have a latent attraction to me after all."
O'Brien: "Nothing latent about it. Or weren't you paying attention last night?"
Molly: "I don't feel so good."
O'Brien: "Really? Aw... tell Daddy what's wrong." (Molly pukes)
Lwaxana: (stepping out of the airlock) "Oh... you poor dear. I should never have given you all that candy."
Jadzia: (after decking Vedek Bareil) "I'm sorry Benjamin, he was just starting to annoy me."