STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "What You Leave Behind" #40510-749 Written by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler Directed by Allan Kroeker THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1999 Paramount Pictures Corporation.All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION March 26, 1999 STAR TREK: DS9 - "What You Leave Behind" - 03/29/99 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "What You Leave Behind" CAST SISKO KASIDY KIRA NOG BASHIR KEIKO O'BRIEN MOLLY WORF GARAK EZRI WEYOUN ODO DAMAR QUARK FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER JAKE VIC FONTAINE COMPUTER VOICE MILA SARAH PROPHET DUKAT WINN ROSS MARTOK JEM'HADAR JEM'HADAR FIRST EKOOR GINGER BROCA Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES MORN KIRAYOSHI STAR TREK: DS9 - "What You Leave Behind" - 03/26/99 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "What You Leave Behind" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE/SPACE BASHIR'S QUARTERS/ ATOLL BEDROOM BAJOR O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS CARDASSIA PRIME/ALLEY SISKO'S QUARTERS DOMINION HEADQUARTERS QUARK'S DEFIANT PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL HOLOSUITE/VIC'S LOUNGE WARDROOM CORRIDOR CAPTAIN'S OFFICE OPS REPLIMAT DEFIANT BRIDGE MEDICAL BAY BAJORAN FIRE CAVES MAIN CAVERN MILA'S HOUSE CARDASSIAN CELLAR DOMINION HEADQUARTERS DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM CARGO DOCK CORRIDOR KAI WINN'S OFFICE WHITE LIMBO DS9 - "What You Leave Behind" - 03/26/99 - PRONUNCIATION GUIDE STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "What You Leave Behind" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ARFILLIAN ar-FILL-ee-an LAKARIAN luh-KAHR-ee-un D'RIDTHAU dih-RID-thow UNGTAE UNG-tay DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "What You Leave Behind" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. BASHIR'S QUARTERS - BEDROOM CLOSE ON DOCTOR BASHIR, sleeping. COMPUTER VOICE Doctor Bashir. The time is oh- five hundred. Bashir forces his eyes open. BASHIR Right. After a beat, Bashir closes his eyes again. Suddenly -- 2 A WOMAN'S HAND reaches over from the other side of the bed and shakes him softly. EZRI'S VOICE Julian... we have to get up. 3 BASHIR turns over to his other side as we ADJUST to REVEAL EZRI DAX, lying next to him. They snuggle for a beat. BASHIR Are you sure? EZRI It's a big day. BASHIR It was a big night. (a beat) It cleared up a lot of questions. EZRI Such as? DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: BASHIR (touching one of Ezri's Trill markings) How far those spots go down. EZRI (smiling) I suppose you're going to want to tell Miles. BASHIR Why would I do that? EZRI Because you tell him everything. BASHIR (thinking it over) True... but this time, I'll make an exception. EZRI Good -- now we really should get going. We don't want the Defiant leaving without us. But Bashir makes no move to get out of bed. BASHIR You know, I've never gone into battle with someone I've slept with. EZRI There's a first time for everything. BASHIR Now that we're finally together, it'd be a shame if anything happened to one of us... Ezri offers Bashir her hand to shake. EZRI Let's make a pact. We both come home alive. Bashir takes her hand. BASHIR You've got yourself a deal. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 2A. 3 CONTINUED: (2) EZRI I'm going to hold you to that. They lean over and kiss. After a moment, they both slip out of bed on opposite sides. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 3. 4 INT. O'BRIENS' QUARTERS O'BRIEN, in his Starfleet uniform, steps out of his bedroom pretending not to have a care in the world. KEIKO is feeding KIRAYOSHI, while MOLLY is finishing her breakfast. O'BRIEN (to Keiko) Now remember, Kirayoshi has his checkup tomorrow morning at oh- nine hundred. KEIKO (nodding) I've already confirmed the appointment with Nurse Bandee. (to Kirayoshi) One more bite... O'BRIEN And try to get some rest... don't stay up too late writing that paper on... whatever those trees are called. KEIKO Arfillian Ficus and they're not trees, they're shrubs. O'BRIEN Right. Anyway, be sure to get some sleep, oh yeah, and -- KEIKO (gently) Miles -- stop worrying. We're going to be fine. O'BRIEN I know. O'Brien leans over and kisses her. Just then something off-screen catches his eye -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 3A. 4 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Molly -- don't touch that! 5 ANGLE ON MOLLY leaning over the Alamo model, playing with some of the miniature soldiers. The model -- as we all know -- is enormous and takes up a large portion of the room. MOLLY I let you play with my toys. O'BRIEN It's not a toy -- it's a model. KEIKO (teasing) Then maybe it belongs in a museum. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 4. 5 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I suppose I could give it to Julian... KEIKO Sounds good to me. Speaking of Julian... have you told him about Starfleet's offer yet? O'BRIEN I haven't had time. MOLLY I knew it. O'BRIEN What's that supposed to mean? MOLLY We're not going back to Earth. O'BRIEN Of course we are. Daddy's going to teach at the Academy -- as soon as the war's over. MOLLY Then why haven't you told Julian? KEIKO (smiling) Out of the mouth of babes... DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 5. 5 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN I'll tell him. (a beat) When I think he's ready to hear it. (to Kirayoshi) I love you. Be a good boy, now. (to Molly) And you listen to Mommy while I'm gone. MOLLY I always listen to Mommy. He kisses Molly and Kirayoshi, then hugs and kisses Keiko. KEIKO Just you be careful. O'BRIEN I always am. They hold each other extra tight. 6 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS KASIDY is lying on the couch, GROANING softly, as CAPTAIN SISKO places a cold compress on her forehead. SISKO How's that? KASIDY It's doing wonders for my head. But it's my stomach that's bothering me... DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 6. 6 CONTINUED: SISKO Well, if it helps -- morning sickness usually ends after the first trimester. KASIDY That's two more months! I don't think I'm going to make it. SISKO You'll make it. Kasidy lays her head against Sisko's chest. KASIDY Promise me something, Ben... (patting her stomach) ... promise you'll come back to us. SISKO I promise. Kasidy pulls away from Sisko with sudden distress. KASIDY I don't believe it... SISKO (defensive) I said I promise. KASIDY (hit by another wave of nausea) It's not that... Kasidy bolts to her feet and makes a beeline for the bathroom. Just then, the door CHIMES. SISKO Come in. The door OPENS to REVEAL -- 7 JAKE SISKO yawning and wiping the sleep from his eyes. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 7 7 CONTINUED: JAKE I thought I'd walk you to the Defiant. SISKO I'd like that. JAKE (looking around the room) How's Kas? A LOUD GROAN is heard off-screen. SISKO That answer your question? Kasidy reenters the room, looking the worse for wear. KASIDY Reports of my death have been exaggerated. (a beat) But not by much. Kasidy lies back down on the couch. JAKE Isn't there something you can take to make you feel better? SISKO She doesn't believe in taking medication unless it's absolutely necessary. She GROANS again. JAKE Sounds necessary to me. KASIDY (to Sisko) Waiting for you to leave only makes me feel worse. If you're going to go -- go. SISKO You're sure I can't get you anything? In response, Kasidy gets to her feet and again bolts for the bathroom. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 8. 7 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I think she's sure... JAKE Times like this... I'm glad I'm a man. And with that, they EXIT into the corridor -- 8 INT. QUARK'S CLOSE ON QUARK as he places a drink in front of WORF. It's still very early and MORN is the only other customer. QUARK You're up early today. WORF I'm always up early. QUARK But this is a special day, isn't it? WORF I don't know what you mean. QUARK (leaning over, confidentially) It's a good day to die. WORF Every day is a good day to die. QUARK But some days are better than others. Like today, for instance. The day the Federation- Klingon-Romulan Alliance launches its invasion of Cardassia. The final push in the long struggle to rid the Alpha Quadrant of the Dominion and save my bar in the process. WORF (calmly) Who told you that? QUARK (re: Morn) He did. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 9. 8 CONTINUED: Worf looks over to Morn who stares back at him blankly. WORF Morn? And how does he know? QUARK (joking) He's friends with Admiral Ross. Or maybe Sisko told him while they were having dinner. I don't know how he knows. He just knows. Worf takes a final sip of his drink giving away nothing. WORF I have to go. Worf gets up from his stool and EXITS. We hold on a triumphant Quark watching him leave. QUARK Good guess, Morn. Today's the day... 9 INT. PROMENADE Worf heads for the airlock when ODO joins him. ODO Mind if I walk with you, commander? WORF Not at all. Captain Sisko informed me you were joining us on the mission. (a beat) I hope that when we reach Cardassia, we find Colonel Kira alive and well. ODO So do I, commander. So do I... Sharing that sentiment, they EXIT into the turbolift. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - TEASER 10. 10 OMITTED 11 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Worf, O'Brien, Bashir, Odo and Ezri are at their stations with NOG at helm as Sisko steps onto the Bridge. NOG Captain on the bridge. All eyes are on Sisko as he stands in front of the Captain's Chair. He looks around the room at the expectant faces of his crew. After a beat: SISKO All right, people... what do you say we end this war? O'BRIEN Sounds good to me. SISKO (to Nog) Ensign, I believe you know the way to Cardassia. NOG If I get lost, I'll just follow the ship in front of us. 12 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) as the Defiant joins a huge fleet of Federation, Klingon and Romulan ships headed for Cardassian space. And on that image, we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 11. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 13 EXT. CARDASSIA PRIME - SUNSET Establishing. 14 INT. DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM - SUNSET CLOSE ON a monitor depicting the Federation fleet approaching Cardassian Territory. 15 TIGHT ON WEYOUN as he studies the monitor, its display lights playing across his face. Weyoun has his game face on, staring at the invasion fleet icons with a cold, implacable hatred. WEYOUN The Federation invasion fleet has left Deep Space Nine. They'll reach the Cardassian border by tomorrow night. ADJUST to REVEAL the FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER, seated at a desk. The changeling disease has her looking as dry and desiccated as we've ever seen. And though her illness has clearly left her physically weakened, her intelligence and intensity remain unaffected. The Breen General, THOT PRAN, stands nearby. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to Thot Pran) Our brave Jem'Hadar soldiers have a motto "Victory is Life." The Breen answers with STATIC. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I'm glad you're familiar with it. Because today, those words have meaning for us all. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 12. 15 CONTINUED: FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (Cont'd) The outcome of this battle will determine the outcome of the war. Either we destroy their invasion force or they destroy us. There are no other options. More Breen STATIC. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Fight well today, and Romulus will be yours to do with as you please. More Breen STATIC. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Yes, yes -- and Earth too. The Breen again offers STATIC. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I assure you, the pleasure is all mine. With a final BURST of STATIC, the Breen steps over to a monitor and begins working the console, ordering his troops into position. 16 WEYOUN can't help but feeling a little jealous at the generosity the Female Shape-shifter has shown the Breen. The Female Shape-shifter notices Weyoun's hurt pride. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Is something bothering you? WEYOUN Apparently, I was under the mistaken impression that all Federation territories would fall under my jurisdiction -- including Earth. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER And so they shall. WEYOUN But you just promised the Breen... DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 13. 16 CONTINUED: FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I'd promise the Breen the entire Alpha Quadrant if I thought it would help win this war. The two stare at each other for a moment, then Weyoun bows his head. WEYOUN The Founder is wise in all things. 16A NEW ANGLE as the newly appointed leader of the Cardassian Union, LEGATE BROCA, ENTERS. He bows reverentially to the Female Shape-shifter. BROCA Founder. I've heard a disturbing rumor about the traitor Damar. WEYOUN What about him? BROCA He may be alive. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to Weyoun) Is this possible? WEYOUN I don't see how. We destroyed his ship, his rebel bases... FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER But his body was never found. BROCA They say he's here -- on Cardassia Prime. In the capital, no less... FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to Broca) Look into this matter. WEYOUN And if Damar is alive... DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 13A. 16A CONTINUED: BROCA ... he won't be for long. Weyoun smiles; he can think of nothing that would give him greater pleasure than the sight of Damar lying dead at his feet. 17 EXT. CARDASSIAN ALLEY - NIGHT Seemingly deserted except for TWO JEM'HADAR soldiers on patrol. Once they pass out of frame, GARAK and DAMAR come out of the shadows and stealthily make their way in the opposite direction. 18 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as they move down the alleyway, hugging the walls. Suddenly, a bright beam of light floods the area around them followed immediately by a PHASER BOLT slamming into the wall by their heads. JEM'HADAR VOICE Halt. Squinting in the light, they see -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 14. 19 TWO JEM'HADAR SOLDIERS standing further down the alley, blocking their path. One of them holds a Jem'Hadar palm beacon on them at all times. JEM'HADAR Step forward. Slowly. Garak and Damar exchange a worried look, but they both realize they have little choice but to do as instructed. GARAK (to the Jem'Hadar) Have we done something wrong? We're new to the city and I'm afraid we've gotten lost -- JEM'HADAR Quiet! The Jem'Hadar steps up to get a closer look at the two Cardassians. JEM'HADAR You are Legate Damar. GARAK (to Damar) You see? I told you you looked like him. (to the Jem'Hadar) This isn't the first time my cousin has been mistaken for that traitor. JEM'HADAR (unswayed) He will be taken to Dominion Headquarters. You will die here. The Jem'Hadar soldier points his weapon directly at Garak. Just then, we hear a burst of odd-sounding BREEN STATIC (actually, it sounds like someone mimicking Breen static). The Jem'Hadar shines his beacon on a -- 20 BREEN SOLDIER standing at the other end of the alley. The Breen soldier approaches and repeats the muffled STATIC. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 15. 20 CONTINUED: JEM'HADAR (to the Breen) I do not understand you. The Breen soldier, now only few feet away, lifts up his weapon and FIRES -- 21 HITTING THE TWO JEM'HADAR (OPTICAL) who fall dead. 22 GARAK AND DAMAR look on with surprise. Help from a Breen was the last thing they expected. 23 THE BREEN SOLDIER steps up to the bodies of the two Jem'Hadar and takes off (his) helmet, REVEALING KIRA. GARAK I hope you don't consider me ungrateful, but what are you doing here? KIRA Watching your backs. DAMAR I thought we agreed it would be safer if you stayed out of sight. KIRA That's what the helmet's for. You should be wearing one, too. Every Jem'Hadar and Breen soldier on Cardassia is looking for you. DAMAR If I'm going to lead this revolt, I can't do it hiding in a cellar. I had to attend tonight's gathering. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 16. 23 CONTINUED: GARAK (to Kira) It was a great success. KIRA You can tell me the details later. Kira puts back the helmet. KIRA (muffled) If anyone asks, you're my prisoners. And with that, she marches them down the alley -- 24 INT. CARDASSIAN CELLAR - NIGHT CLOSE ON a pair of feet coming down the stairs. It's MILA, carrying a tray of food, which she sets on the table near Kira, Garak and Damar. The Breen outfit lies discarded behind Kira. GARAK (to Kira) ... the vote was unanimous. The work disruptions will begin tomorrow. DAMAR (also to Kira) Power, transportation and communication facilities throughout Cardassia will be sabotaged. GARAK The Dominion fleet will be cut off from all ground support. KIRA (she gets it) That way, they'll have to face the invasion force on their own. DAMAR And once the Dominion is crushed... MILA (O.S.) Cardassia will be free again. All eyes turn to Mila. DEEP SPACE NINE:'What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 17. 24 CONTINUED: MILA (to Garak) When you were a small boy, I was worried about you. Always getting in trouble. Secretive... so full of deceit. Little did I know you would turn such distasteful characteristics into virtues. (a beat) More tea? GARAK You're too kind. And as Mila pours him some tea -- 25 EXT. SPACE - DEFIANT (OPTICAL)(STOCK) moving with the Federation/Klingon/Romulan fleet. 26 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As before. Sisko is standing between the Captain's Chair and helm, listening intently to a sound we can't hear. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 18. 26 CONTINUED: SISKO You hear that, Chief? O'BRIEN (nodding) Sounds like the Doppler compensators are out of phase. O'Brien begins working his panel. SISKO (to Nog) How's she handling, ensign? NOG She's not quite as smooth as the old Defiant, sir. Feels a bit sluggish. SISKO Chief? O'BRIEN I'm on it. (to the com) O'Brien to Engineering. Recalibrate the inertial dampers and check the plasma flow regulators while you're at it. ENGINEERING COM VOICE Right away, Chief. O'Brien, who has yet to tell Bashir about his plans to return to Earth, isn't in the best of moods. He continues to work his panel. O'BRIEN (muttering) You'd think someone would've come up with a a better inertial control system... BASHIR What's that, Miles? O'BRIEN I said, could you please wipe that grin off your face? You're not the first person to fall in love, you know. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 19. 26 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR I thought you'd be happy for me. O'BRIEN (gruffly) I am happy for you. (to com) O'Brien to Engineering. Now try re-aligning the induction coils. ENGINEERING COM VOICE Will do. O'BRIEN (to Bashir) Look, Julian... there's something I have to talk to you about. BASHIR You're getting pressure from Keiko, aren't you? O'BRIEN (surprised) How'd you know? BASHIR It's a big decision. I'm surprised it didn't come up sooner. O'BRIEN Actually, we've been talking about it for quite a while. BASHIR Well, you can stop talking about it. (magnanimous) We'll put the Alamo in my quarters. NOG (re: the helm) I could still use a little more equalization on the torque buffers. O'BRIEN Right. I'll try to compensate with the impulse response filters. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 19A. 26 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR (to O'Brien, re: the model) That way, your quarters won't be so cluttered and you can still use it whenever you want. O'BRIEN I wasn't talking about the Alamo model. Besides, it's too big for your quarters. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 20. 26 CONTINUED: (4) BASHIR You let me worry about that. So what did you want to talk to me about? O'Brien just can't bring himself to tell Julian the news about his leaving. O'BRIEN It's nothing that can't wait. (working his panel) Is that any better, Nog? NOG (nodding) Torque buffers are stable. 27 ANGLE ON EZRI AND WORF as they work their consoles, side by side. EZRI You're sure you're not angry? WORF Why should I be angry? I've been asking you to tell the doctor how you feel about him for the past month. EZRI Well, now that he knows how I feel... WORF I am happy for you. EZRI That's a relief. WORF (dry) ... but I am going to kill him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 21. 27 CONTINUED: Ezri shoots him a look -- EZRI You're kidding, right? WORF And Jadzia said I had no sense of humor. 28 ANGLE ON A PENSIVE ODO as Sisko approaches him. SISKO I wish she were here, too, Constable. ODO If I only knew where Kira was... that she was all right... SISKO The colonel's a survivor. She knows how to take care of herself. Odo tries to find comfort in his words, but it isn't easy. ODO This war, captain... it has to end. SISKO One way or another... it will. And soon. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 22. 29 CLOSER ON SISKO (OPTICAL) as he leans back in his chair and we push in tight on his face. Suddenly, a BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT FILLS THE SCREEN -- 30 INT. PROMENADE - VISION (OPTICAL) We hear the characteristic HEARTBEAT sound as Sisko finds himself standing before SARAH PROPHET in front of the Bajoran Shrine. SISKO Mother? SARAH PROPHET The Emissary's task is nearing completion. SISKO Are you talking about the war? SARAH PROPHET You have walked the path the Prophets laid out for you, Benjamin. Do not falter now. SISKO I don't intend to. Sarah Prophet steps closer to Sisko and caresses his cheek. SARAH PROPHET Know this, my son. Your journey's end lies not before you, but behind you. And as she lowers her hand, the SCREEN WHITES OUT and we -- CUT TO: 31 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE CLOSE ON Sisko as he comes out of his vision. ODO Captain? DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 23. 31 CONTINUED: SISKO (pensive) The Prophets just came to me in a vision... ODO I take it they weren't bringing good news. SISKO I'm not sure. I suppose only time will tell. And off this moment -- 32 EXT. BAJOR - DAY (STOCK) Establishing. 33 INT. KAI WINN'S OFFICE - DAY KAI WINN is sitting alone in her office reading the text of the Kosst Amojan. We hear the door OPEN. DUKAT (O.S.) Hello, Adami. The Kai doesn't look up, she merely turns another page in the book. WINN You're back. ADJUST to REVEAL DUKAT, still a Bajoran, but no longer blind. His clothes are dusty and ragged. DUKAT Is that all you have to say to me? The Kai looks up for the first time, giving Dukat a quick once over. WINN I see the Pah-wraiths have restored your sight. Determined to get back in her good graces, Dukat hides his anger behind a humble smile. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 23A. 33 CONTINUED: DUKAT They've forgiven me. I hope you can find it in your heart to do the same. Winn leans back in her chair. WINN I don't forgive war criminals. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 24. 33 CONTINUED: (2) WINN (Cont'd) To think I took Gul Dukat to my bed, one of the most hated men in Bajoran history... DUKAT Adami -- I've told you how much I regret my actions during the occupation... WINN (scornful) Of course you do. Dukat looks over at the text the Kai's been studying. DUKAT (glad to change the subject) Have you learned how to release the Pah-wraiths? WINN (nodding) The secrets of the Kosst Amojan have been revealed to me. DUKAT Then why haven't you gone to the Fire Caves and freed them? WINN (with a beguiling smile) I was waiting for you. This is exactly what Dukat was hoping to hear. DUKAT So you do forgive me... She gets up from behind the desk and crosses over to him. WINN I need your help, Dukat. It's as simple as that. DUKAT All you have to do is ask. Dukat takes Kai Winn's hand, cupping it in his. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT ONE 25. 33 CONTINUED: (3) DUKAT Together we'll free the Pah- wraiths so they can lay claim to the Celestial Temple and destroy the Prophets. WINN And their Emissary... DUKAT No -- Benjamin Sisko will be dealt with by me and me alone. WINN Assuming he survives the invasion of Cardassia. DUKAT He'll survive... but I promise you, he'll wish he hadn't. And as Dukat and Winn savor their approaching victory, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT TWO 26. ACT TWO FADE IN: 34 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL)(STOCK) Re-establishing. 35 INT. HOLOSUITE - VIC'S LOUNGE Quark intently studies a hand of playing cards he's holding close to his face. QUARK Do you have any threes? ADJUST to include VIC FONTAINE seated across from Quark, studying his own hand. VIC Go fish. Quark sighs with disappointment and throws the cards down. VIC Don't tell me you're quitting? QUARK It's just not my game. VIC Want to try pinochle again? Quark shakes his head. VIC How 'bout rummy? Or gin rummy? Five card stud? (a beat) Canasta? But Quark doesn't want to play any of them. QUARK How about some tongo? VIC (rhetorically) Did they play tongo in Las Vegas in nineteen sixty-two? DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT TWO 27. 35 CONTINUED: QUARK How could they? It's a Ferengi game. VIC Which is why my holographic program can't create it. QUARK I know, I know this place is period specific. For a hologram, you're not very accommodating. VIC Is that why you dropped by? To insult me? QUARK I dropped by because I had nothing else to do. My bar hasn't had half a dozen customers all day. Everyone's off fighting this stupid war. But Vic knows what's really bothering him. VIC It's not easy to stay behind, is it? Knowing that your friends are out there risking their lives... But Quark refuses to admit it. QUARK They think they have it rough, they should try living my life for a day. The hospitality industry isn't for the faint- hearted. VIC The bartender's life is a lonely one. QUARK That's right. But few people understand that. They think it's one big, happy party. They forget that the person giving the party never has any fun. DEEP SPACE NINE:'What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT TWO 28. 35 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK (Cont'd) He's too busy making sure everybody else is having fun. (a beat) All I do -- all day long -- is give, give, give... VIC Bartending is a very noble profession. And you do it well under some very difficult circumstances, I might add. You should be proud. QUARK You think so? VIC I know so, pallie. But Quark is still bothered by a deeper issue. QUARK I just hope Nog and the rest of those heroic idiots come back in one piece.. Just then, GINGER -- the girl last seen as Vic's date in "His Way" -- approaches, dressed for a night on the town. GINGER Vic, sweetie, are you ready? Jimmy and Pete are about to go on. VIC (explaining to Quark) Sorry, pallie, gotta run. Durante and Lawford are at the Sands. Can't miss that. Vic gets up and walks over to Ginger, who slips her arm through his. QUARK I thought you said a bartender's life was a lonely one? VIC (what can I say?) It is. But I'm not a bartender. And with that, Vic and Ginger EXIT. We hold on Quark for a beat as he sighs with resignation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT TWO 28A. 35 CONTINUED: (3) QUARK (to himself) Go fish. 36 OMITTED DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT TWO 29. 37 INT. BAJORAN FIRE CAVES (SECOND LEVEL CAVES) The caves are hot and steamy, the walls dripping with moisture. Dukat and Winn ENTER. Dukat carries a backpack containing various ceremonial artifacts. He doesn't seem bothered by the heat. In fact, he finds it invigorating. On the other hand, Kai Winn, who holds the text of the Kosst Amojan nestled in her arms, looks like she's about to melt. After a few steps, she stops to catch her breath, leaning against a rock. DUKAT (impatient) Is it really necessary to rest so often? WINN I don't need you to wait for me. Go on ahead... wander aimlessly through these caves for the rest of your miserable life. DUKAT I'm in no hurry. (looking around) During the Occupation, my people found the Bajorans' fear of these caves amusing. (a beat) Yet somehow, none of us ever found the time to visit them. And now, here I am... Ironic, isn't it? WINN I don't care. DUKAT (surprised by her bluntness) Excuse me? WINN I'm sure you have many "interesting" anecdotes about the Occupation, but I have no desire to hear them. DUKAT I meant no disrespect, Adami -- WINN And stop calling me Adami. That privilege is no longer yours. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT TWO 30. 37 CONTINUED: DUKAT (holding his temper) I see. Then how should I... WINN From now on, you will address me as "eminence." Is that clear? DUKAT Perfectly... eminence. And with that, Kai Winn gets up and resumes their trek through the caverns. 38 EXT. CARDASSIA PRIME - DUSK (OPTICAL)(STOCK) Re-establishing. 39 INT. DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM - DUSK Thot Pran stands in front of the Female Shape-shifter, who remains seated at her desk. The Breen General is mid-STATIC. Weyoun stands by a monitor. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to Thot Pran) I see your point. But for two millennia the Jem'Hadar have been the Dominion's first line of defense. It would damage their morale to take a back seat to the Breen. The Breen erupts with more STATIC. Whatever he's saying, he's saying it emphatically. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Very well. In the spirit of our new alliance, I will inform the Jem'Hadar that the Breen forces will be positioned alongside them. The Breen answers, somewhat mollified. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I'm glad that pleases you. But Weyoun isn't quite satisfied with the situation. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT TWO 30A. 39 CONTINUED: WEYOUN (half to himself) I think we have a problem. The Female Shape-shifter and Thot Pran turn their attention to Weyoun. Thot Pran lets out a BURST of STATIC. WEYOUN Our lines are spread too thin, especially here -- (pointing) -- at the center. The Female Shape-shifter slowly and painfully rises out of her chair and walks over to the monitor. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to the Breen) Do you agree? Thot Pran looks at the monitor then answers with some Breen STATIC. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to Weyoun) Notify the Jem'Hadar. Order them to reinforce the center of their lines... DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT TWO 31. 39 CONTINUED: (2) But before the Shape-shifter can complete her thought, there is a POWER OUTAGE that dims the lights and blanks out the monitor. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Now what? The Breen General shouts some STATIC. After a few moments, the lights and monitor come back to life as the emergency backup systems kick in. Just then, a concerned Legate Broca hurries in. BROCA Founder -- I'm relieved to see you're all right. WEYOUN Long range communications are down. I can't contact the Jem'Hadar. More BREEN STATIC from Thot Pran. WEYOUN (peevish) Of course I'll keep trying. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to Broca) What caused the power failure? BROCA I'm afraid it was sabotage. WEYOUN (off his monitor) Almost every Dominion installation on Cardassia Prime has suffered damage. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (a curse) Damar. BROCA We captured some of the terrorists... (nervous) But they're not soldiers -- they're ordinary citizens. The Female Shape-shifter grabs Broca by the throat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT TWO 32. 39 CONTINUED: (3) FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Are you telling me the Cardassian people are rising up against us? BROCA (struggling to get the words out) I'm sure it's only a small number of malcontents... FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER We have no way of knowing that, do we? WEYOUN Founder, may I make a suggestion? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (still strangling Broca) I'm sure Broca is most interested in what you have to say. WEYOUN If the Cardassian people are responsible for these acts of terrorism... if Damar and his fanatics have turned them against us, then it's the people who should be punished. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to Broca) What do you say to that? BROCA (barely croaking out the words) Severely punished. With that, the Female Shape-shifter finally releases Broca from her grip. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I'm glad we're all in agreement. And with that, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT THREE 33. ACT THREE FADE IN: 40 OMITTED 41 EXT. CARDASSIA PRIME - DUSK Re-establishing. 42 INT. CARDASSIAN CELLAR - DUSK The room is dark. All power has been cut off by the various acts of sabotage sweeping Cardassia. The only light source is a small, emergency lightstick. Kira, Damar and Garak are huddled over a Cardassian PADD. DAMAR (re: the PADD) It's been twenty-four minutes. KIRA Not bad. GARAK If the Dominion hasn't been able to restore power in the capital, then the entire planet must be in chaos... DAMAR Let's hope so. Mila comes down the stairs, holding a couple of extra lightsticks. MILA I'm afraid I could only find two more lightsticks. I know there are others in the house somewhere... GARAK Stop dawdling and bring them over here. Mila does as instructed. MILA Ah, how well I remember that tone of voice... it reminds me of the demanding and inconsiderate boy ou used to be. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT THREE 34. 42 CONTINUED: GARAK I haven't changed much, have I? DAMAR (off the PADD) This will send a clear message to the Dominion... the Cardassian people will fight to regain their freedom. KIRA I hope they realize their fight is just beginning. We have to hit the enemy again -- and harder this time. GARAK That won't be easy. They'll have tightened their security. KIRA It doesn't matter -- we can't lose our momentum. Damar smiles. DAMAR (to Garak) The colonel is right. We can't rest until Cardassia is free. (a beat, to Kira) And when it is, we'll have you to thank. Without you, this rebellion would've died in its infancy. GARAK (agreeing) How ironic that Cardassia's saviour should be a former Bajoran terrorist. KIRA Don't canonize me just yet. Suddenly, the lights come back on as the power is reinstated. DAMAR (off the PADD) Twenty-six and a half minutes. Let's see what the Dominion has to say for itself. Garak moves over to the monitor and taps a few keys. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT THREE 34A. 43 ANGLE ON THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) coming to life with the image of Weyoun beginning a planetwide address. WEYOUN Citizens of Cardassia... shame on you. This latest wave of vandalism directed against your Dominion allies must stop. INTERCUT with Kira, Damar, Garak and Mila watching. GARAK I wouldn't count on it. WEYOUN (on the monitor) Let me assure you, we know that these disgraceful acts of sabotage were carried out by a mere handful of extremists. But these radicals must come to realize that their disobedience will not be tolerated... that you, the Cardassian people, will suffer the consequences of their cowardly actions. Which is why I must inform you that a few moments ago, Dominion troops reduced Lakarian City to ashes. (a beat) There were no survivors. Two million men, women and children... gone in a matter of seconds.. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT THREE 35. 44 ANGLE ON KIRA AND THE OTHERS as they react to the grim news. 45 BACK ON WEYOUN (OPTICAL) continuing his address. WEYOUN (a beat) For each act of sabotage committed against the Dominion, another Cardassian city will be destroyed. (a beat) I implore you not to let that happen. Let us return to the spirit of friendship and cooperation that has existed between our peoples, so that together, we can defeat our common enemies... the Federation, the Klingons, the Romulans and all the others who stand against us. Thank you. And with that, Weyoun's image is replaced by the Dominion logo. 46 ANGLE ON KIRA AND THE OTHERS as the impact of Weyoun's words sink in. For a moment, the only sound we hear is Mila's soft weeping. DAMAR I should've killed that Vorta jackal when I had the chance. KIRA You want another one? (off Damar's look) Then let's attack Dominion Headquarters. GARAK (agreeing) Chop off a snake's head and its body dies... KIRA Damar -- for the past two years, you practically lived in that building... DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT THREE 36. 46 CONTINUED: DAMAR If you're asking me if I know a way to get us inside, the answer is no -- not without valid security protocols. KIRA Then we'll have to force our way in -- (to Garak) We'll need some kind of explosive device. GARAK I'll get right on it. MILA What you're proposing... is suicide. GARAK Mila, if you don't have anything positive to say... Mila can see that she's not going to talk them out of their plans. MILA I'll prepare some food. No one should die on an empty stomach. And as she heads up the steps -- 46A INT. ANOTHER SECTION OF FIRE CAVES CLOSE ON Dukat wincing with pain as Kai Winn tries to remove an insect stinger from his neck. WINN (annoyed) Be still. DUKAT I am being still. What's taking so long? WINN The stinger is embedded in your skin. DUKAT (temper flaring) I know that. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT THREE 36A. 46A CONTINUED: Dukat winces again. WINN Does it hurt? DUKAT Of course it hurts. Have you ever been stung by a cave-wasp? WINN Not that I recall. I warned you not to slap at it. DUKAT It was annoying me. Squeezing a little harder, Winn manages to pinch the stinger with her nails and yank it out. Dukat GRUNTS with pain. WINN There. Is that better? DUKAT Not really. This Bajoran skin is so... delicate. WINN Then perhaps you should've stayed a Cardassian. DUKAT Nothing would've made me happier. But I needed to win your trust. Dukat reaches out and takes Winn's hand. DUKAT And you have to trust me. Only together can we free the Pah- wraiths. Winn doesn't pull her hand away. DUKAT You still care about me, don't you? (a beat) Don't you? Now Winn does pull her hand away. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT THREE 36B. 46A CONTINUED: (2) WINN All I care about is freeing the Pah-wraiths. DUKAT That's not true and you know it. WINN You may look like a Bajoran, but your ego is unmistakably Cardassian. DUKAT I'll take that as a compliment. WINN Of course you will. (a beat) Now do us both a favor... next time you see a cave-wasp, leave it alone. And with that, Winn turns her back to Dukat and continues her trek through the cavern. DUKAT I'll try to remember that. 47 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) to see the formidable Dominion, Cardassian and Breen forces, as they prepare for battle. 48 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL)(STOCK) to see the Federation invasion fleet move past in formation. Ship after ship... it feels like all the firepower of three great powers -- the Federation, the Klingons and Romulans -- have been assembled for this last, great battle. 49 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Sisko and his crew staring at the intimidating sight facing them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT THREE 37. 49 CONTINUED: EZRI Sir -- Chancellor Martok is asking to speak with you and Admiral Ross. SISKO Put them through. 50 thru OMITTED 51 52 ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) The image of CHANCELLOR MARTOK on a Klingon vessel appears splitscreen alongside ADMIRAL ROSS. Martok is eager for the battle to be joined. MARTOK Gentlemen! A magnificent victory lies before us. ROSS I trust those are prophetic words, chancellor. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT THREE 38. 52 CONTINUED: MARTOK They are. And I haven't forgotten the promise I made to both of you. SISKO That the three of us would share a bottle of bloodwine on Cardassia Prime. MARTOK A bottle? I brought a barrel of twenty-three-oh-nine -- there is no finer vintage. ROSS Then I'll meet you two on Cardassia. MARTOK We'll see who gets there first. CLOSE ON Sisko's reaction as Martok and Ross end their transmissions. 53 WIDER as Nog works his panel. NOG The chancellor makes victory sound easy. SISKO He knows it won't be. (to the com) Sisko to all hands. Prepare to engage the enemy. And as everyone braces themselves for battle, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 54 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) Mid-battle. 55 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As the crew reacts to the battle. NOG I'll say one thing for the Breen, they know how to pilot their ships. SISKO So do you, ensign -- O'BRIEN (to Nog) Stay with him. NOG I'm trying, but he's slippery... SISKO Mister Worf? WORF Unable to lock target. The Defiant is ROCKED by a series of hits. One of the N.D.s goes down. Odo quickly takes over his post. ODO We have two Jem'Hadar ships coming in behind us, bearing one- three-six mark four. SISKO (to Nog) Evasive action, pattern Delta. NOG Hang on. 56 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) to see the Defiant outmaneuver the Jem'Hadar ships -- destroying one in the process. However, the Breen ship we were after gets away. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 40. 57 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As before. SISKO Well done, ensign. NOG But I lost the Breen ship we were after. SISKO I wouldn't be too worried about it -- there are plenty more to choose from. 58 EZRI turns to look back at Bashir, making sure he's all right. Bashir senses her gaze and looks over to her -- they exchange a quick smile as the Defiant gets ROCKED again. 59 OMITTED 60 EXT. CARDASSIA PRIME - DAY Re-establishing. 61 INT. CARDASSIAN CELLAR - DAY Kira and Damar are finishing up a meal, watching Garak working on a small explosive device. His meal remains untouched beside him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 40A-41. 61 CONTINUED: MILA (to Garak) You've hardly touched your meal. No wonder you don't look well. GARAK Of course I don't look well -- I've been living in a cellar. Mila picks up Damar's empty plate. MILA So has Legate Damar. GARAK What about him? MILA He finished everything on his plate. Which explains why he's such a fine, handsome figure of a man... GARAK I'm not sure I follow you. KIRA I do. (re: Damar) Mila -- I believe you're falling in love. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 42. 61 CONTINUED: (2) MILA I'm old enough to be his mother. DAMAR Nonsense. Mila can't help but being charmed. MILA (to Kira) Politicians... Just then, a warning LIGHT goes on. GARAK Who could that be? MILA I'll go see. Mila heads up the stairs as Kira, Garak and Damar grab their weapons and find cover. 62 INT. MILA'S HOUSE - DOORWAY - DAY Mila OPENS the door to find THREE JEM'HADAR and TWO CARDASSIAN soldiers, weapons at the ready. MILA Can I help you? But before she gets her answer, we cut back to -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 42A. 63 INT. CARDASSIAN CELLAR As before. DAMAR What's taking her so long? GARAK (worried) I don't know... Suddenly we hear the sound of a door OPENING and a shaft of daylight illuminates the stairs. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 43. 64 CLOSE ON KIRA as she readies herself for trouble. Garak and Damar do the same. 65 ON THE STAIRWAY for a long beat, then Mila's lifeless body comes tumbling down the steps. 66 ANGLE ON GARAK leaps to his feet. GARAK Mila! As Garak reaches the body, a small metal device bounces down the stairs. KIRA Garak -- look out! Garak is caught flat-footed while Damar ducks for cover. Kira moves toward Garak as the device DETONATES, knocking them all unconscious. 67 ANGLE ON THE STAIRWAY as the Jem'Hadar and Cardassian soldiers cautiously step down into the cellar and stand over the bodies of our fallen heroes. 68 CLOSE ON KIRA as she groggily tries to shake the cobwebs and crawl to her weapon. But before she can reach it, a Jem'Hadar soldier kicks the weapon away, picks her up by the collar, and tosses her into a chair. 69 ANOTHER ANGLE as Garak and Damar are dragged to their feet as well and shoved near Kira. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 44. 70 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) The battle rages on. Both sides are suffering heavy casualties. 70A INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (FORMERLY SCENE 126-132) The ship is ROCKED by a HIT as Bashir works on an injured O'Brien. BASHIR I can't take my eyes off you for a minute... O'BRIEN Just fix the shoulder. The ship takes ANOTHER HIT. O'BRIEN (to Julian, wincing in pain) Careful! BASHIR Sit still or you're going to wind up with one arm shorter than the other. The ship ROCKS as it takes another HIT. O'BRIEN You'd do anything to beat me at darts. BASHIR I haven't lost a game to you in months. O'BRIEN (with regret) I'm going to miss our games, Julian. Another HIT. BASHIR What are you talking about? (re: the shoulder) You're going to be fine -- O'BRIEN I'm leaving D.S. Nine -- I'm moving back to Earth. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 44A. 70A CONTINUED: BASHIR When? O'BRIEN When the war's over. BASHIR Why? O'BRIEN I've been offered a position at Starfleet Academy. Professor of Engineering. BASHIR (taken aback) I see. O'BRIEN Somebody has to teach you officers the difference between a warp matrix flux capacitor and a self-sealing stembolt. BASHIR I suppose so... O'Brien looks over to Bashir, trying to gauge his reaction. But Bashir is playing it close to the vest. 71 ANGLE ON EZRI as the ship is ROCKED by another HIT. EZRI Captain -- I have Admiral Ross. SISKO On screen. 72 ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) to see Admiral Ross. His ship is taking a pounding as well. ROSS The Romulan flagship's been destroyed. Their entire line is collapsing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 44B. 72 CONTINUED: SISKO We'll try to help out. ROSS With what? Ben, we're losing too many ships. We've got to find a way to turn the Dominion's left flank. SISKO It's too well protected, but their lines are spread pretty thin in the middle. The Defiant takes another HIT. ROSS You help the Romulans. Martok and I will hammer their center. SISKO On my way. (to Ezri) Have Attack Wings Six-Four and Six-Five follow us. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 45. 72 CONTINUED: (2) EZRI Aye, sir. 73 OMITTED 74 INT. DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM - DAY CLOSE ON a frustrated Female Shape-shifter. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER What's taking so long? Adjust to reveal Weyoun and Thot Pran studying a monitor. WEYOUN Our engineers assure me that long- range communications should be restored momentarily. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER You've been saying that for hours. Meanwhile, we have no way of contacting our ships... no way of knowing how the battle is progressing. Just then, an excited Broca ENTERS. BROCA Founder -- our troops have captured the traitor Damar. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Finally, some good news. BROCA There's more. Colonel Kira and Garak have been apprehended with him. WEYOUN Even better. BROCA Shall I have them brought here? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER What for? (to Weyoun) Have them executed immediately. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FOUR 45A. 74 CONTINUED: WEYOUN With pleasure. And as he turns back to work his monitor, Weyoun smiles with deep satisfaction. And we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 46. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 75 INT. CARDASSIAN CELLAR As before. The two Cardassian guards loom over Kira as two Jem'Hadar keep watch on Garak and Damar. Meanwhile, their FIRST receives his orders regarding the fate of his prisoners via a com device. JEM'HADAR FIRST (to com) Understood. It will be done at once. The First turns his attention back to Kira and the others. JEM'HADAR FIRST On your feet. KIRA (defiant) Why? The Jem'Hadar First nods to his men, who immediately pull Kira and the others to their feet and line them up. JEM'HADAR FIRST We prefer our prisoners to be standing when they die. Kira, Garak, and Damar exchange a quick look -- does anyone have a way out of this? GARAK Does anyone have any final words? DAMAR (to their captors) You may kill us, but Cardassia will -- JEM'HADAR FIRST (cutting him off) Enough. Final words are not permitted. GARAK How disappointing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 47. 75 CONTINUED: JEM'HADAR FIRST (to his men) Ready weapons. The Jem'Hadar raise their phasers -- 76 CLOSE ON KIRA as she calmly stares death in the face. 77 ON GARAK AND DAMAR displaying equal courage. 78 ON THE JEM'HADAR (OPTICAL) about to pull the trigger, when suddenly, they're struck down from behind by phaser blasts -- 79 ANGLE ON THE CARDASSIAN SOLDIERS who have just fired their weapons. 80 THE JEM'HADAR FIRST (OPTICAL) reacts quickly, FIRING at one of the Cardassian soldiers, killing him. However, the other Cardassian kills the First before he can get off another shot. After a beat, the Cardassian soldier, whose name is EKOOR, moves to stand over the fallen body of the Jem'Hadar First. EKOOR That's for Lakarian City. The Cardassian soldier steps up to Damar. EKOOR Legate Damar -- I pledge my life to free Cardassia from the Dominion. DAMAR With men like you on our side, how can we fail? DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 47A. 80 CONTINUED: Damar slaps the soldier on the shoulder in acceptance. Kira and Garak exchange a look... maybe this is a new beginning for the rebellion. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 48. 81 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The battle continues; the outcome still in doubt. The Defiant finds itself in trouble and heavily outnumbered by Jem'Hadar ships. 82 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE as it ROCKS from another HIT. NOG Jem'Hadar ship off the port bow. WORF Shields are down to sixty percent. Another severe HIT shakes the ship. Sparks and smoke fill the Bridge. 82A ON O'BRIEN as the ship ROCKS yet again. O'Brien grimaces in pain as Bashir continues to work on his wound. BASHIR (re: the ship shaking) This is no good -- I'd better get you to Sickbay. O'BRIEN I'm a little busy right now... BASHIR That's an order. O'BRIEN (protesting) Look, Julian -- SISKO (intervening) You heard him, Chief. O'BRIEN Yes, sir. O'Brien knows better than to argue with the Captain. And as the ship ROCKS yet again, Bashir helps O'Brien off the Bridge. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 49. 82B NEW ANGLE as the battle continues. NOG Another Jem'Hadar to port. WORF Diverting auxiliary power to port shields. SISKO Dax -- we need some support from our attack fighters. Yet ANOTHER HIT. NOG Breen ship off the starboard aft. EZRI Sir -- most of our fighters are either destroyed or under attack themselves. SISKO (to Nog) You're going to have to get us out of here, ensign. ANOTHER HIT. NOG I'm trying, sir. 83 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) as the Jem'Hadar and Breen ships close in on the Defiant. Just when the Breen ship seems to have us dead to rights, it EXPLODES. 84 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) as Cardassian ships FIRE on the remaining Jem'Hadar ships, damaging one and destroying the other. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 50. 85 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Odo is the first to react to the startling development -- ODO Sir -- the Cardassians... they're attacking the other Dominion ships. EZRI (surprised) I think they've switched sides. NOG (gleeful) Yes! SISKO It couldn't come at a better time. (an order) Come about and head for the center of their lines. This is our chance to punch through. NOG Aye, sir. 86 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL)(STOCK) as the Defiant swoops around, and heads for the Dominion lines. 87 INT. DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM - DAY CLOSE ON Weyoun at the monitor. WEYOUN (good news) Founder -- long range communications are back on-line. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER It's about time. The Female Shape-shifter, Thot Pran and Legate Broca exchange a look of relief, but it's short-lived: WEYOUN (off his monitor, shocked) I don't believe it... DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 50A. 87 CONTINUED: FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER What now? WEYOUN The Cardassian fleet has turned against us. The Breen General lets loose with some particularly loud STATIC. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (taking charge) Have our forces pull back and regroup at Cardassia Prime. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 51. 87 CONTINUED: (2) WEYOUN But we'll be completely surrounded. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER There'll be no more running. More Breen STATIC. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (agreeing) We should've rid ourselves of the Cardassians at the first sign of rebellion. All eyes turn to Broca, who suddenly fears for his life. BROCA If I could speak to the rebels... get them to change their minds... WEYOUN Perhaps you could reawaken their patriotic spirit... BROCA Exactly. WEYOUN On the other hand, they're just as likely to convince you to betray us. BROCA Me betray you? Never! FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER You're right. Because we're not going to give you the opportunity. The Female Shape-shifter gestures to the two Jem'Hadar guards, who quickly grab Broca by the arms. BROCA Wait! You're making a mistake... FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I don't think so. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 51A. 87 CONTINUED: (3) BROCA (shouting) But I've done everything you've asked! I tell you -- I'm loyal. I believe in the Dominion! And with words falling on deaf ears -- 87A ON WEYOUN watching Broca get dragged out the door. WEYOUN (matter of fact) I won't miss him. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I want the Cardassians exterminated. WEYOUN Which ones? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER All of them. The entire population. WEYOUN That's going to take some time. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Then I suggest you begin at once. Weyoun nods and EXITS, ready to carry out his task. 88 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Dominion fleet disengages the Federation forces and begins to retreat. 89 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As before. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 52. 89 CONTINUED: WORF Captain -- the Dominion forces are retreating toward Cardassia Prime. A spontaneous CHEER erupts on the Bridge. EZRI Sir -- Admiral Ross and Chancellor Martok would like to speak to you. SISKO I'm sure they would. On screen. 90 ANGLE ON THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) to see a split screen with Admiral Ross and Martok speaking from their respective ships. ROSS I never thought I'd say this, but thank god for the Cardassians. MARTOK As I predicted -- the day is ours. SISKO Not yet it isn't. ROSS Ben, we've driven the Dominion back to Cardassia Prime. We can keep them bottled-up there indefinitely. SISKO But what if they use that time to rebuild their fleet? MARTOK (agreeing) The Dominion has displayed an ability to build ships at an impressive rate. We must continue our attack. ROSS At what cost? DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 53. 90 CONTINUED: ROSS (Cont'd) We've already lost a third of our fleet. MARTOK And we must see to it that those soldiers did not die in vain. SISKO Admiral -- with the Cardassians joining us, we have an opportunity to put an end to this war, once and for all. The Admiral takes a moment to weigh his decision. ROSS All right, gentlemen... we press on. MARTOK My people will sing songs about this moment. 91 ANGLE ON SISKO as the transmission ends. He addresses his crew. SISKO All right, people. You heard the orders. Let's finish what we started. Which leads us to -- 92 INT. BAJORAN FIRE CAVES - MAIN CAVERN (OPTICAL) As a weary Kai Winn and Dukat arrive at the edge of an abyss that stretches beyond them for a quarter kilometer. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 54. 92 CONTINUED: DUKAT Let me guess... we're here. WINN We've reached the end of one journey and stand ready to begin another. 93 DUKAT walks over to the edge of the abyss and looks into it -- WINN What's the matter, Dukat? You look disappointed. 94 ANGLE OVER DUKAT'S SHOULDER OF THE ABYSS (OPTICAL) which seems to plunge away into a bottomless pit. DUKAT I know this sounds naive, but I was expecting to see fire... they are called the fire caves. 95 ON KAI WINN as she kneels onto the ground and opens the book of the Kosst Amojan. WINN And with good reason. The Kai closes her eyes, lowers her head, and begins to CHANT. WINN (reading from the book) Lano ka'la bo'shar lanu no'vala, pahrom carana mokado ba'jah. Ko'se nusso ma'kora kajani... lano ka'la Kosst Amojan. 96 ANGLE ON THE ABYSS (OPTICAL) as it bursts into flames. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT FIVE 55. 97 ANOTHER ANGLE as Winn looks over to Dukat, who stands in awe at the sight of the fiery canyon. WINN Is that better? Dukat, too overcome to speak, simply nods and smiles with anticipation at what is to come. And on that image, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 56. ACT SIX FADE IN: 98 EXT. CARDASSIA PRIME - DAY (OPTICAL)(STOCK) Re-establishing. 99 INT. CARDASSIAN CELLAR - DAY Kira, Damar and Ekoor are making last minute preparations for their assault on Dominion Headquarters. TWO other Cardassians, both soldiers, are also checking their weapons. EKOOR (to Damar, looking at a PADD) According to this map, it's a long way from the cargo door to the briefing room. KIRA That could be a problem. If we get trapped in one of the corridors -- But before Kira can complete her thought, an OFFSCREEN EXPLOSION rattles the walls, startling everyone. KIRA What the hell -- 100 ANGLE ON GARAK rushing down the stairs. GARAK The Jem'Hadar... they're leveling the city, building by building. KIRA (to Damar) We have to go -- now. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 57. 100 CONTINUED: Damar addresses the rest of the group. DAMAR Once we get inside the complex, we stop at nothing until we capture the changeling. (to all) For Cardassia. The others repeat the refrain: "FOR CARDASSIA!" That is, everyone except Kira... and with the SHOUTS still ringing in their ears, Damar leads Ekoor and the two other Cardassians up the steps -- 101 ANGLE ON KIRA about to follow, when she notices Garak standing silently over the tarp-covered body of Mila. KIRA Garak -- GARAK During all my years of exile... I imagined what it would be like to come home... maybe even to live in this house again with Mila. (a beat) But now she's dead and this house is about to become a pile of rubble... (a beat) My Cardassia is gone. KIRA Then fight for a new Cardassia. ANOTHER EXPLOSION -- this one, even louder and closer -- rattles the walls. GARAK I have a better reason than that, colonel. Revenge. And with that, he turns away from Mila and walks past Kira up the stairs. KIRA (to herself) That can work, too. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 58-60. 101 CONTINUED: And as she follows him up -- 102 thru OMITTED 103 104 INT. BAJORAN FIRE CAVES - MAIN CAVERN (OPTICAL) Winn and Dukat stand before the fiery canyon, the red glow dancing across their faces. 105 ON THE KAI as she ceremoniously takes off her cap and tosses it into the abyss. With equal solemnity, she removes her robe and tosses it over the edge as well (Winn is now wearing only a simple penitent's smock). She takes out the pin holding up her hair, which falls to her shoulders. WINN (smiling) I rid myself of the Prophets and shed a lifetime of hypocrisy. She then turns to Dukat, and to his surprise, grabs him in an embrace and kisses him passionately. DUKAT I've never seen you looking so radiant... WINN I feel like a young woman, waiting for my lover to sweep me off my feet... DUKAT Do you give yourself willingly to the Pah-wraiths? WINN With all my heart. DUKAT (re: the canyon) Then call to them. Winn breaks their embrace. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 61. 105 CONTINUED: WINN Bring me the book. Dukat hesitates... he remembers the last time he touched it, he was struck blind. WINN I said, bring it. Dukat overcomes his doubts, picks up the book, and offers it to her. Winn opens the book as Dukat cradles it in his arms. Standing at the very brink of the abyss, Winn begins to chant rapidly. WINN Meek rak dorrah Pah-wran... Yelim cha ono kosst amojan... shay ta- hel ter-rah no'vala de-ram... aka'lu far che... And off that image -- 106 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) To see the Defiant leading the combined Federation, Klingon, Romulan and Cardassian fleet. 107 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As the crew goes about its work, Sisko is pacing the Bridge. SISKO (to the com) Sisko to Bashir. Report. INTERCUT WITH: 108 INT. DEFIANT - MEDICAL BAY where the bio-beds are all occupied with wounded crewmembers. Two nurses assist Bashir. BASHIR Three dead, eight wounded -- four of them critically. SISKO I need every able-bodied crewman at their post. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 62. 108 CONTINUED: BASHIR I won't keep anyone here a second longer than I have to. 109 AS SISKO passes by Nog, he offers the helmsman a gentle pat of support on the shoulder. NOG (re: the Defiant) She did pretty well for a first date, don't you think, captain? SISKO I do, ensign. Sisko steps over to Worf and Ezri. WORF Our phaser banks are fully charged, but we're down to only forty-five quantum torpedoes. SISKO That'll have to do. (to Ezri) How're you holding up, old man? EZRI All things considered, I'd rather be on Risa. SISKO That makes two of us. Sisko nods a smile and moves over to the other side of the ship where Odo is gazing solemnly at his monitor. ODO (re: the monitor) Have you seen these reports? The Dominion has begun destroying Cardassian cities... millions of people are dying... DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 63. 109 CONTINUED: NOG (O.S.) Captain -- we're approaching the Dominion defense perimeter. SISKO Let's see what they have waiting for us. On screen. 110 thru OMITTED 111 112 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) to see a seemingly impenetrable line of Breen and Jem'Hadar ships, defense installations and weapon platforms orbiting Cardassia Prime. This is as formidable and intimidating a sight as we've ever seen. 112A INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE - CLOSE ON SISKO as he takes in the awesome sight. SISKO Now we know... And off his grim expression -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 64. 113 thru OMITTED 115 116 EXT. CARDASSIAN ALLEY - NIGHT CLOSE ON a large cargo door outside of Dominion Headquarters. ADJUST to REVEAL Kira, Garak, Damar, Ekoor and the other Cardassians that make up this assault team, gathered in the shadows. Garak is studying a Cardassian tricorder. GARAK We have a problem. KIRA Only one? GARAK I'm afraid it's a rather large one. The cargo door is made of neutronium. KIRA Then the explosives we brought aren't going to make a dent in it. GARAK You see the problem. EKOOR What do we do? DAMAR I don't know, but I'm through hiding in basements... Garak can't suppress a LAUGH. DAMAR I fail to see what's so funny, Garak... GARAK Isn't it obvious? Here we are, ready to storm the castle... willing to sacrifice our lives in a noble effort to slay the Dominion beast in its lair and we can't even get inside the gate. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 65. 116 CONTINUED: Garak starts LAUGHING again. Ekoor joins in. Even Kira and Damar have to smile. KIRA We could knock on the door and ask the Jem'Hadar to let us in... DAMAR Or have them send the Female Shape-shifter out to us. They continue LAUGHING at the absurdity of the moment, but after a beat, the laughter dies. GARAK Like I said, we have a problem... And off Garak's sobering words -- 116A INT. DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM - NIGHT (FORMERLY SCENE 102) The Female Shape-shifter, looking the worse for wear, stands before Thot Pran and his Breen staff. Weyoun is nearby. The Breen General completes his burst of BREEN STATIC. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER But I've come to depend on having you here at my side. More Breen STATIC. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Your advice has proven invaluable to the Dominion. Another BURST. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Very well. If you feel that the situation demands your presence on the front lines, I won't stand in your way. Knowing that you will be leading our troops into battle is very reassuring. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 65A. 116A CONTINUED: Another BURST OF STATIC, then the General bows to the Female Shape-shifter before leading his staff out the door. 116B ANGLE ON WEYOUN (FORMERLY SCENE 103) who has been watching this exchange with great interest. WEYOUN I still can't help but wonder. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Wonder what? WEYOUN What's under that helmet? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER A braver man than you. (a beat) Though I do find the shrillness of his "voice"... tiresome. The Female Shape-shifter turns to walk back to her desk when suddenly, her legs give out from under her. Weyoun barely manages to catch her and keep her on her feet. WEYOUN Founder -- what's wrong? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (isn't it obvious?) I'm dying, that's what's wrong. WEYOUN Perhaps if you were to rest for a while... revert to your natural state. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I haven't been able to change form in weeks. Ironic, isn't it? That I'm going to die as a Solid... WEYOUN You're not going to die. You're a god. The Female Shape-shifter looks over at Weyoun. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 65B. 116B CONTINUED: FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER My loyal Weyoun... the only Solid I've ever trusted. Weyoun is overwhelmed by this compliment. WEYOUN (bowing) I live only to serve you. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER And you've served me well. (a beat, with some bitterness) I don't mind dying. It's knowing that my entire race is dying of the same illness and there's nothing I can do about it... WEYOUN I would give my life to save yours. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I only wish it were that simple. And as the Female Shape-shifter allows Weyoun to lead her over to her chair -- 116C EXT. DOMINION HEADQUARTERS - CARGO DOCK - NIGHT Kira, Garak, Damar, Ekoor and the others remain huddled as before, still wrestling with the problem of getting inside Dominion Headquarters. DAMAR What if I were to give myself up? Pretend to be your prisoner. KIRA (shaking her head) They'd kill you on sight. GARAK And us along with you. Just then, something offscreen catches Ekoor's eye. EKOOR The cargo door... They all look over to see -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 65C. 117 THE CARGO DOOR has OPENED. Broca and TWO other handcuffed CARDASSIAN SOLDIERS are led out at gunpoint by TWO JEM'HADAR. BROCA (to the Jem'Hadar) But I haven't done anything wrong! I'm not a traitor! Please -- just let me speak to the Founder -- But his pleas fall on deaf ears. As soon as Broca and the other prisoners have taken a few steps into the alley, the Jem'Hadar raise their weapons and bayonet them in cold blood. 118 ANGLE ON DAMAR (OPTICAL) leaping to his feet -- DAMAR No! -- and FIRES two shots, killing both Jem'Hadar. 119 KIRA AND THE CARDASSIANS rise up en masse and follow Damar as he rushes to the cargo door, which has begun to close. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 66. 120 INT. DOMINION HEADQUARTERS - CARGO DOCK - DAY to see Damar, Kira, Garak, and the others make it into the building just as the door closes behind them. 121 ON DAMAR (OPTICAL) leading the charge. But he only gets a few steps into the building when he's HIT in the chest by a phaser bolt. 122 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) to see a HALF DOZEN JEM'HADAR soldiers entering from the other end of the cargo dock and FIRING at the Cardassians. 123 GARAK is bent over Damar's body, then looks up at Kira. GARAK (stunned) He's dead. Kira looks over to see that the Cardassians have taken refuge behind some cargo. She knows that the suddenness of Damar's death has taken the wind out of the Cardassian's sails. KIRA Remember Damar's orders -- we stop for nothing. Garak rises to his feet and addresses his countrymen. GARAK For Cardassia. And with that -- 124 KIRA AND GARAK (OPTICAL) emerge from their hideout FIRING their weapons. The other Cardassians follow suit. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 67-71. 125 thru OMITTED 135 136 INT. DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM - NIGHT A very worried Weyoun is looking at a monitor. WEYOUN (alarmed) We have a security breach. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (unconcerned) The guards will deal with it. The Female Shape-shifter notices that Weyoun doesn't seem very convinced. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Is there a problem? WEYOUN (not an easy admission) The guards... there're only a handful left in the building. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 72. 136 CONTINUED: WEYOUN (Cont'd) I sent the rest... (rueful) ... to help eradicate the Cardassians. The sounds of PHASER FIRE grow nearer. WEYOUN (to two of the guards in the room) You two, get out there and see that no one gets through that door. (to the two remaining guards) You, stay here -- in case they fail. And as the two Jem'Hadar head for the door -- 136A EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL)(STOCK) Re-establishing the Defiant. 136B INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) Sisko is in mid-conversation with Admiral Ross and Chancellor Martok, who are on a split-viewscreen. ROSS We'll launch a three-pronged attack. The Romulans and our new Cardassian allies will engage the Jem'Hadar forces... the Klingons will target the Breen... and the Federation will take on the orbital weapon platforms. Any questions? SISKO When do we go? ROSS As soon as everyone's in position. MARTOK It will be a glorious battle. ROSS But a costly one. Estimates project our casualty figures could be as high as forty percent. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 72A. 136BB ANGLE ON ODO only too aware that his people are responsible for so many deaths. ROSS (continuing) And God knows how much higher they'll go once we send in our ground forces. SISKO The Dominion's beaten and they know it -- but they're going to make us pay for every kilometer of that planet. ROSS Yes, they will... The moment hangs in the air as Sisko, Ross and Martok contemplate the task ahead of them. ROSS Godspeed, everyone. MARTOK Qa'pla! And off this moment of shared determination -- 136C INT. DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM - NIGHT as the Female Shape-shifter and Weyoun listen to the SOUND of phaser fire in the hallway outside the Briefing Room. WEYOUN Founder... perhaps we should consider moving to a safer location. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER And where would that be? Weyoun isn't quite sure, but before he can come up with an answer -- 137 THE DOOR suddenly EXPLODES OPEN. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 72B. 138 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) to see Kira, Garak, Ekoor and one other ND Cardassian rush in, FIRING their weapons -- 139 ON THE JEM'HADAR (OPTICAL) as one of them takes a hit. However, the other one manages to fire his weapon, killing the ND Cardassian. 140 KIRA (OPTICAL) takes out the last Jem'Hadar, then raises her weapon at Weyoun and the Female Shape-shifter. WEYOUN Colonel Kira -- what a pleasant surprise. KIRA The pleasure's all mine. Ekoor moves to a monitor and works the console. EKOOR The Federation fleet has surrounded the planet. KIRA (to the Female Shape-shifter) Contact the Jem'Hadar and the Breen, order their ships to stand down. GARAK And order their troops on Cardassia to do the same. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I'll do no such thing. Taking his cue from the Female Shape-shifter, Weyoun refuses to appear intimidated. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 73. 140 CONTINUED: WEYOUN Tell me, where's my old friend, Damar? GARAK Damar's dead. WEYOUN (smiling) A pity. GARAK He died helping to free Cardassia. WEYOUN What's left of it. 141 CLOSE ON GARAK as his anger boils over. He raises his weapon and FIRES, killing Weyoun at point blank range. 142 WIDER as the Female Shape-shifter calmly looks at Weyoun's corpse. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I wish you hadn't done that. That was Weyoun's last clone. GARAK I was hoping you'd say that. KIRA (to the Female Shape-shifter) This war's over -- you've lost. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Have I? I think you'll find that neither the Jem'Hadar nor the Breen would agree with that assessment. They'll fight to the last man. KIRA What will that accomplish? DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SIX 74. 142 CONTINUED: FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER Isn't it obvious? The Female Shape-shifter, feeling weaker by the moment, moves over to her desk to sit down. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (continuing) You may win this war, colonel... but I promise you, by the time it's over, you will have lost so many ships... so many lives -- that your "victory" will taste as bitter as defeat. The exhausted Female Shape-shifter leans back in her chair, content with the knowledge that the ultimate victory will be hers. 143 CLOSE ON KIRA as she silently contemplates the Shape-shifter's words, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT SIX DEEP SPACE NINE:"What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SEVEN 75. ACT SEVEN FADE IN: 144 OMITTED 145 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (OPTICAL) as Sisko and Odo talk with Kira on the viewscreen. SISKO I'm glad to find you in one piece, colonel. ODO Very glad. Kira looks at Odo, relieved to see him looking well again. SISKO (to Kira) What's your status? KIRA Only three of us made it to the Briefing Room. ODO What about Damar? KIRA He's dead. SISKO Is your position secure? KIRA I don't think the Jem'Hadar will attack -- they won't risk endangering the Founder. (a beat) She's in pretty bad shape. She won't speak to anyone... just sits at her desk, deteriorating. WORF If she dies before ordering the Jem'Hadar to surrender... SISKO (finishing the thought) They'll fight to the last man. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SEVEN 76. 146 ON ODO as he reaches a decision. ODO Captain, I should beam down there. The Founder will speak to me. Maybe I can reason with her. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SEVEN 77. 146 CONTINUED: SISKO You haven't had much success with her in the past. ODO I'd still like to try. Think of the lives it could save. Sisko thinks about it for a beat, then: SISKO (turning to viewscreen) Commander -- tell the Founder that Odo would like to pay her a visit. And with that, Odo heads to the turbolift -- 147 INT. BAJORAN FIRE CAVES - MAIN CAVERN CLOSE ON a flask of wine being poured into a ceremonial goblet. ADJUST TO REVEAL Kai Winn holding the goblet. Dukat stands near the edge of the abyss, still holding the text of the Kosst Amojan. WINN And now we begin the most important part of the ceremony. Winn then holds the cup above her -- WINN Tarna pur-ono ull-kess pah-ran. lano ka'la bo'shar lanu. Winn goes to drink from the cup, then hesitates. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SEVEN 78. 147 CONTINUED: WINN After you. She offers the cup to Dukat who nods. DUKAT I'm honored. Dukat gently sets the book down on a ledge and takes the goblet from Winn. Without hesitating, he sips the wine. Winn smiles with pleasure. DUKAT Now you. Winn, still smiling placidly, accepts the cup. But she doesn't drink it. Instead, she slowly, deliberately, pours the wine onto the ground. 148 ON DUKAT as he realizes something is very wrong. But before he can say a word, a wave of intense pain doubles him over. He tries to grab Winn's arm for support, but she takes a step back and Dukat falls to his knees. Mustering his strength, Dukat looks up imploringly at Winn -- DUKAT Why? Winn stretches out her arms -- WINN The Pah-wraiths demand a sacrifice. Someone worthy of them... (a beat) Who better than you? The Kai smiles -- we've never seen her so happy, so full of love and hate. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SEVEN 79. 148 CONTINUED: And as Dukat falls dead to the ground, the fire in the abyss burns brighter, lighting up the Kai's face. WINN (to the abyss, re: Dukat) I offer you this life as nourishment... to feed your hunger and fuel the fires that will set you free. Kosst Amojan... I am yours, now and forever. And as the Kai closes her eyes in ecstasy and awaits her reward, we go to -- 149 thru OMITTED 150 151 INT. DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM - DAY Kira is pacing, waiting for Odo to arrive as Garak stands guarding the Female Shape-shifter. Ekoor is by the door, holding a weapon. 151A ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) to see Odo MATERIALIZE. Kira rushes up to him. Because of the circumstances, Kira and Odo can't fully express the joy they feel at being together again. ODO Nerys... KIRA It's been a while. (sotto, re: the Female Shape-shifter) Watch yourself. I don't trust her. ODO But you trust me, don't you? KIRA Of course. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SEVEN 79A. 151A CONTINUED: ODO That's all I need to know. Odo approaches Garak and the Female Shape-shifter. GARAK Constable. ODO Garak. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SEVEN 80. 151A CONTINUED: (2) FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER You're looking well, Odo. ODO Thank you for seeing me. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER It's always good to see you. But I have no intention of surrendering my forces. If I did, it would be a sign of weakness... an invitation to the Solids to cross into the Gamma Quadrant and destroy the Great Link. ODO Believe me, I'm well aware that the Federation has its flaws... but a desire for conquest isn't one of them. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER And what of the Klingons and the Romulans... can you make the same claim for them? ODO The Klingon and Romulan Empires are in no shape to wage a war against anyone... besides, the Federation wouldn't allow it. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER The Dominion has spent the last two years trying to destroy the Federation... and now you're asking me to put our fate in their hands? ODO (simply) Yes. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER I can't do that, Odo. I don't share your faith in Solids. ODO Perhaps I can change your mind (holding out his hand) Link with me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SEVEN 81. 151A CONTINUED: (3) KIRA Odo -- what are you doing? FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (to Odo) I'm afraid I can't Link with you. This disease prevents me from changing form. 152 ON ODO as he steps closer to the Female Shape-shifter and again offers her his hand -- ODO If we Link, I think I can cure you. Garak lifts his gun and points it at Odo. GARAK That's a very bad idea, Constable. KIRA (to Odo, re: Garak) He's right. But Odo keeps his eyes on the Female Shape-shifter. ODO Nerys -- I know what I'm doing. (to the Female Shape-shifter) Take my hand. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER And if you do cure me? What will you ask in return? ODO All I ask is that you Link with me. GARAK I'm warning you, Odo... Odo looks to Kira, silently imploring her help. Then after a beat -- KIRA Lower your weapon, Garak. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SEVEN 81A. 152 CONTINUED: GARAK I don't think so... Kira steps over to Garak, and with her hand, lowers the barrel of his weapon. KIRA I said, put it down. GARAK Why? KIRA Because I trust Odo. She looks over to Odo, who smiles with gratitude. Odo turns back to the Female Shape-shifter, extending his hand once again -- 153 THE FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (OPTICAL) looks at Odo's hand, then summons her strength to take hold of it. Odo MORPHS his hand around hers. After a few beats, the dry, desiccated flaking that has ravaged the Female Shape-shifter's body begins to disappear. The regeneration travels up her arms, then her body, and finally her face until she's completely healed. Only then does Odo break the Link -- as we HEAR their hands morphing back to their humanoid form. It's immediately apparent that the experience has profoundly changed the Female Shape-shifter. 154 ON GARAK keeping his weapon on the Female Shape-shifter. GARAK Move away, Constable. ODO That won't be necessary. (to the Female Shape-shifter) Will it? DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT SEVEN 82-83. 154 CONTINUED: The Female Shape-shifter takes a step toward Garak. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER If you'll step aside, I'll order the Jem'Hadar to cease fire. Garak hesitates, looking over to Kira, who nods reassuringly. After a beat, Garak lowers his weapon, allowing the Female Shape-shifter to cross over to a monitor and begin working its console. GARAK (re: the Female Shape-shifter) May I suggest securing her in a containment field. ODO Don't worry. She won't try to escape. She's agreed to stand trial for what she's done. KIRA I would've thought she'd insist on going back to the Gamma Quadrant to cure her people. ODO There's no need for that. (off her look) I'm going in her place. KIRA For how long? ODO (as gently as possible) Nerys... it's time I rejoined the Great Link. And as Kira absorbs this painful news, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT SEVEN DEEP SPACE NINE:"What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 84. ACT EIGHT FADE IN: 155 EXT. CARDASSIA - STREET - DAY Rubble, smoke and fires everywhere. Buildings are either collapsed or burnt-out shells. Bodies litter the streets. 156 ANOTHER ANGLE to see Sisko, Martok and Ross standing amid the wreckage; each holding a glass of bloodwine. In his other hand, Martok holds the bottle of bloodwine. MARTOK This is a moment worth savoring. (raising his glass) To victory -- hard fought and well earned. Martok drains his drink, but neither Sisko nor Ross partake. They're too busy looking at the destruction that surrounds them. MARTOK Something wrong? SISKO Suddenly, I'm not thirsty. ROSS Neither am I. 157 CLOSER ON MARTOK as he drains his glass. MARTOK Before you waste too many tears... remember, those are Cardassians lying dead at your feet... (re: the devastation) The Bajorans would call this poetic justice... DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 85. 157 CONTINUED: SISKO That still doesn't mean I have to drink a toast over their bodies. With that, Sisko pours his bloodwine onto the ground. Ross does the same, then they both EXIT, leaving Martok alone on the street. The Chancellor shrugs, "humans -- go figure." He then looks at the bottle of bloodwine in his hand, tilts it to his lips, and takes a long swallow. WE HOLD on Martok, looking quite contented, gazing out at the devastation. 158 INT. DOMINION BRIEFING ROOM - DAY CLOSE ON a shocked Bashir. BASHIR Eight hundred million dead... ADJUST TO INCLUDE Garak, who's almost numb at the sense of loss he's experiencing. GARAK And the casualty reports are still coming in... (a beat) Aren't you going to congratulate me, doctor? My exile is officially over. I've returned home. Or rather, to what's left of it... Bashir looks to ease his friend's suffering. BASHIR I know things must look bleak to you right now, Garak... GARAK (dry) Some may say that we've gotten exactly what we deserve... after all, we're not exactly "innocent," are we? And I'm not just talking about the Bajoran occupation... our entire history is one of arrogant aggression. We collaborated with the Dominion... betrayed the Alpha Quadrant... there's no doubt about it, we're guilty as charged. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 85A. 158 CONTINUED: BASHIR We both know the Cardassians are a strong people... they'll survive... Cardassia will survive. GARAK Doctor, please -- spare me your insufferable Federation optimism. Of course it will survive... but not the Cardassia I knew. We had a rich and ancient culture -- our literature, music, art were second to none. And now, so much of it is lost... So many of our best people... our most gifted minds... BASHIR I'm sorry, Garak. I didn't mean.. GARAK (collecting himself) Quite all right, doctor. You've been a good friend. I'm going to miss our lunches together. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 86. 158 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR I'm sure we'll see each other again. GARAK I'd like to think so. But who can say... we live in uncertain times. And as Garak gives Bashir one last enigmatic smile, we go to 159 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 160 INT. WARDROOM The Female Shape-shifter, TWO VORTA and THREE JEM'HADAR FIRSTS, are seated at the table signing the official surrender documents. In front of them stand, Sisko, Ross, Martok and a Romulan dignitary. Among the WITNESSES filling the room, are Kira, Odo, Worf, Bashir, O'Brien, Ezri and various other STARFLEET OFFICERS, VORTA and JEM'HADAR. Once the Female Shape-shifter completes the signing of the surrender documents, she stands and hands them to Admiral Ross. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER The war between the Dominion and the Federation Alliance is now over. It's a solemn moment. Ross looks up from the documents and addresses the room. ROSS Four hundred years ago, a victorious general spoke the following words at the end of another costly war... And as we PAN the many silent, somber faces in the crowd -- ROSS (continuing) "Today the guns are silent. A great tragedy has ended... DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 87. 160 CONTINUED: ROSS (Cont'd) We have known the bitterness of defeat and the exultation of triumph, and from both we have learned there can be no turning back. We must go forward to preserve in peace what we've won in war." There's a moment of silence. 161 NEW ANGLE (FORMERLY 160A) as TWO FEDERATION SECURITY GUARDS step up behind the Female Shape-shifter. With her usual dignity, she stands and heads for the door. 162 ON THE FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER (FORMERLY 160B) as she pauses in front of Odo. FEMALE SHAPE-SHIFTER It's up to you now, Odo. Odo nods. And without another word, She EXITS. 163 OMITTED 164 INT. PROMENADE (FORMERLY 162) Worf and Ezri are walking down the corridor. EZRI You're coming to Vic's tonight, right? WORF I will be there. But I will not dance. EZRI Who's asking? SISKO (O.S.) Commander Worf. They turn to see -- 165 SISKO, MARTOK, AND ROSS (FORMERLY 162A) approaching. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 87A. 165 CONTINUED: SISKO Can you spare a moment? MARTOK We've been discussing your plans for the future. WORF I wasn't aware I had plans. ROSS Commander, how would you feel about being named Federation Ambassador to Kronos? Worf looks at the trio to see that they are serious. WORF I am not a diplomat. MARTOK And I am not a politician. But sometimes, fate plays cruel tricks on us. Come, Worf -- Kronos needs you. And what's more, I need you. Worf turns to Ezri. EZRI (re: Martok) You helped him become Chancellor... you can't very well turn your back on him now. Worf then looks at Sisko. WORF My first loyalty is to you, captain. SISKO I'll probably regret this in the morning, but if this is something you want, then by all means... WORF It has been a great honor to serve with you, sir. SISKO The honor was all mine. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 88. 165 CONTINUED: (2) WORF (to Ross and Martok) I accept. MARTOK Excellent. Martok embraces Worf. MARTOK An ambassador who will go targ hunting with me. Maybe being chancellor won't be so bad after all. Martok breaks into a hearty LAUGH. EZRI Congratulations, Worf. Ezri kisses him on the cheek and gives him a congratulatory hug. And off of this moment --- 166 ANGLE ON KIRA AND ODO - SECOND LEVEL (FORMERLY 163) as they walk, deep in discussion. KIRA When will you be going? ODO Soon. KIRA You could come back, you know... after you've cured your people. ODO I could... One look at Odo tells her that's not what he has in mind. KIRA But you're not going to do that, are you? ODO Nerys... (searching for the words) You know my feelings for you will never change... but my people need me. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 89. 166 CONTINUED: ODO (Cont'd) They need to know what I know... learn what I've learned from living among the Solids. It's the only way they will ever learn to trust you. KIRA You don't have to justify your decision, Odo. There's only one thing I ask. ODO Name it. KIRA I want to go back with you to your homeworld. That way, we can spend your last few days as a Solid together. ODO I'd like that. I'd like that very much. And off this bittersweet moment -- 167 INT. VIC'S LOUNGE (FORMERLY 170) The place is lively. PATRONS are drinking and chatting away as the BAND plays an upbeat, jazzy instrumental. 168 ON THE DOORWAY (FORMERLY 171) as Quark ENTERS and is met by Vic. VIC Hey, pallie -- if you're here for another game of "go fish," I'm a little busy right now... QUARK Actually, I'm here for the-end-of- the-war-good-bye-Chief-O'Brien- good-bye-Odo-good-bye-Worf-party. VIC (pointing) At the bar. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 90. 168 CONTINUED: Quark makes his way over to -- 169 THE BAR (FORMERLY 172) where Sisko, Kasidy, Kira, Odo, Worf, O'Brien, Bashir, Ezri and Jake are gathered. BASHIR (decidedly upbeat) ... I'm serious, Miles -- I envy you. Going back to Earth... a chance to enjoy paradise again... JAKE Any idea where you're going to live? O'BRIEN Not yet. Keiko and I are still mulling over a few possibilities. WORF Have you considered Minsk? O'BRIEN I'm not sure that's on our list. SISKO New Orleans is a wonderful city. EZRI Jadzia loved Rio. KASIDY I've heard nice things about Paris. WORF Minsk. ODO (to O'Brien) You certainly have a lot of choices. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 90A. 169 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Too many. WORF Minsk. BASHIR Wherever you decide... I'm sure you and Keiko will be very happy. But O'Brien is already beginning to feel the pain of leaving his friend. O'BRIEN Look, Julian... I know that Earth isn't exactly around the corner, but I still expect you to visit me. BASHIR I intend to. O'BRIEN Imagine, you and me taking a little trip to Texas. BASHIR (nodding) Standing side by side in front of the Alamo... O'BRIEN The real Alamo. (re: their parting) You see? It's going to be great. BASHIR Absolutely. Great. They both nod, trying to convince each other. But they're not fooling anybody. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 91. 169 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK I don't see what's so great about it. Earth's nothing more than a rotating ball of boredom. If you ask me, you'd be better off staying right here -- (to Worf and Odo) -- and that goes for you two as well. KIRA Don't tell me you're getting sentimental, Quark... QUARK Me? Not a chance. I just don't like change, that's all. SISKO Well you better get used to it, because things are going to be pretty different around here. For a moment, that gives everyone pause. 169A SISKO (FORMERLY 172) lifts his glass to his crew. SISKO To the best crew any captain ever had. They all lift their glasses. SISKO This may be the last night that we're all together, but no matter what the future holds, no matter how far we travel, a part of us -- a very important part -- will always remain here... on Deep Space Nine. And with that thought in mind, everyone CLINKS glasses. VIC (O.S.) Ladies and gentlemen -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 92-93. 170 ANGLE ON THE STAGE (FORMERLY 173) to see Vic standing in front of the band. VIC This is a very special night for some friends of mine. They've been together a long time. But like the man said, nothing lasts forever. So... (to the group) Gang -- this one's from the heart. And with that, Vic launches into "The Way You Look Tonight." It's an upbeat tune, but the lyrics carry with them a touch of melancholy. And as we pan across their faces, we see that the sentiment isn't lost on our heroes. 170A ON VIC as he finishes the song. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 94. 171 AND THE GROUP sharing a last moment of togetherness. And off this, we go to -- 172 OMITTED 173 INT. BAJORAN FIRE CAVES - MAIN CAVERN (FORMERLY 164) CLOSE ON Dukat's lifeless body. Off-screen, we hear Winn continue to chant -- only now, her voice cracks from exhaustion. WINN (O.S.) Dorra tolka bre-tri pah-wran... ADJUST TO REVEAL Kai Winn looking sweaty, disheveled, and half-insane. WINN (continuing) Dorra tolka o-chen... Dorra tolka wey-sah shay-hal... 174 ANGLE ON THE ABYSS (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 165) as the FIRES transform into ENERGY PATTERNS that SWIRL overhead. 175 WINN (FORMERLY 166) sees this and her eyes light up with new hope. WINN Ko'se nusso ma'kora kajani... preen dah-ono uka'lamor-eye anu -- (ecstatic) Kosst Amojan -- I await you! Come to me! DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 95. 176 ON THE ENERGY PATTERN (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 167) as it gathers intensity. Suddenly, an ENERGY SPEAR is released, striking Kai Winn in the chest and flinging her against the rocks. 177 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 168) as a different-looking ENERGY PATTERN plunges into Dukat's open mouth. 178 CLOSE ON DUKAT'S EYES (FORMERLY 169) as they pop open, revealing the red-pupils of a Pah- wraith. 179 ANGLE ON KAI WINN coming to consciousness. She looks over toward Dukat -- WINN No... 180 ON DUKAT (FORMERLY 181) as he staggers to his feet. He's been transformed back into a Cardassian and he seems enormously pleased to be his old self again. He then looks over to Winn, who's staring at him with disgust and fear. Dukat smiles at her victoriously. CUT TO: 181 INT. VIC'S LOUNGE (FORMERLY 182) CLOSE ON Sisko dancing with Kasidy. Suddenly, he stops moving, a look of concern clouds his face. KASIDY Ben - what's wrong? A shaken Sisko takes a moment to clear his head. SISKO I understand now... KASIDY Understand what? DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 96. 181 CONTINUED: SISKO What I have to do. What I was meant to do. (a beat) Kas -- I have to go... KASIDY (worried) Go? Where? SISKO To Bajor. To the fire caves. KASIDY I'll go with you. SISKO No... 182 CLOSE ON SISKO as he looks over to the bar -- 183 SISKO'S POV of Kira, Odo, Worf, Quark, O'Brien, Bashir, Ezri... all of them having a good time. 184 BACK TO SISKO as he looks at Kasidy. SISKO I have to do this alone. And with a last look at Kasidy, Sisko EXITS. We HOLD on Kasidy looking after him. 185 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL)(STOCK) (FORMERLY 183) To see a Runabout orbiting Bajor. 186 INT. BAJORAN FIRE CAVES (FORMERLY 184) Sisko makes his way cautiously through the smoky caverns, illuminating his way with the palm beacon attached to his phaser rifle. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 97. 187 ON SISKO (FORMERLY 185) as he enters another cavern, a voice calls out to him -- JAKE (O.S.) Dad... Sisko turns to find -- 188 JAKE (FORMERLY 186) standing among the rocks. SISKO Jake? JAKE You've got to come back to the station with me. SISKO How'd you get here? JAKE It doesn't matter. If you stay here, you'll die. KASIDY (O.S.) He's right, Ben. Sisko looks around to see -- 189 KASIDY (FORMERLY 187) standing at the other side of the cavern wall. KASIDY Our baby's going to need a father. Sisko looks to Kasidy, then back to Jake. SISKO You're not real -- neither one of you... KASIDY But what we're saying is real. JAKE If you try to stop the Restoration, you'll be killed. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 98. 189 CONTINUED: KASIDY You can't defeat the Kosst Amojan. They're too powerful... JAKE Come home, Dad -- you don't belong here. It's not your fight. SISKO I know what you're doing... KASIDY We're trying to help you. SISKO No, you're trying to make me doubt myself... (taking a breath) I won't let you. Sisko turns his back on them and resumes his trek. JAKE Dad... please! KASIDY Ben... don't. But Sisko walks on, ignoring their pleas. 190 INT. BAJORAN FIRE CAVES - MAIN CAVERN (FORMERLY 188) (OPTICAL) The Dukat Pah-wraith stands over Kai Winn, who's still too weak to get to her feet. The book of the Kosst Amojan lies discarded beside her. DUKAT Did you really think the Pah- wraiths would choose you to be their Emissary? Dukat points to the ENERGY TENDRILS swirling over the abyss. DUKAT (dripping with contempt) Soon the Pah-wraiths will burn across Bajor, the Celestial Temple, the Alpha Quadrant... Can you picture it? DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 98A. 190 CONTINUED: DUKAT (Cont'd) A universe in flames, burning brightly for all eternity. Suddenly, Dukat smiles to himself, aware of a new presence in the cavern. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 99. 190 CONTINUED: (2) DUKAT The Prophets have sent me a gift. And with that, he turns to look at -- 191 SISKO (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 189) standing in the cavern beneath them. DUKAT Their beloved Emissary... sent forth like an avenging angel to slay the demon. SISKO I should've known the demon would be you. Dukat raises his arms -- DUKAT Go on -- kill me if you can. Sisko raises his rifle, but before he can take aim, an unseen force yanks the weapon out of his hand and flings it against the rocks. DUKAT Come now, captain... you'll have to do better than that. 192 DUKAT (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 190) stretches out his hand, discharging an invisible ENERGY BOLT which knocks Sisko to the ground. DUKAT This is too easy. 193 SISKO (FORMERLY 191) shakes the cobwebs and gets to his feet. Then mustering his strength, Sisko climbs the rock steps to the ledge where Dukat stands. DUKAT That's right. Come closer. Sisko reaches the ledge. Then using both hands as a club, he pummels at Dukat -- but his blows have no effect. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 100. 193 CONTINUED: DUKAT Satisfied? (smiling) Now bow to me. But Sisko just glares at him. DUKAT I said bow -- And suddenly, a force drives Sisko to his knees. But Sisko refuses to cower. SISKO You're pathetic. DUKAT Am I? Then why are you the one on your knees? SISKO First the Dominion... now the Pah-wraiths... you have a talent for picking the losing side. Dukat stretches out his hand again, doubling Sisko over in pain. DUKAT Benjamin... please. We've known each other too long. And since this is the last time we'll ever be together -- let's try to speak honestly. (a beat) In the past, we've both had our share of victories and defeats... but now it's time to resolve our differences and face the ultimate truth -- I've won, and you've lost. SISKO (persisting) The Pah-wraiths aren't going to conquer anything. Not Bajor. Not the Celestial Temple. And certainly not the Alpha Quadrant. DUKAT And who's going to stop us? SISKO I am. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 101. 193 CONTINUED: (2) DUKAT You? (laughing) You can't even stand up. WINN (O.S.) Then I'll stop you -- They turn to see -- 194 KAI WINN (FORMERLY 192) standing at the edge of the abyss, holding the text of the Kosst Amojan. She rears back to toss the book into the fiery abyss, but before she can -- 195 DUKAT (FORMERLY 193) raises his hand and the book is plucked out of her hand and flies into his. DUKAT (to Winn) Are you still here? 196 ON WINN (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 194) turning to Sisko -- WINN Emissary, the book... But before she can finish, an ENERGY TENDRIL snakes out of the abyss, wraps itself around her and bursts into flames, consuming her in seconds. 197 ON DUKAT (FORMERLY 195) clutching the book and smiling contentedly at Winn's fate. DUKAT Farewell, Adami. And as he turns back toward Sisko -- 198 SISKO (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 196) launches himself at Dukat, tackling him around the waist, and sending them both hurtling over the ledge and into the abyss. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 102. 199 ON THE ABYSS (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 197) as Sisko, Dukat and the text of the Kosst Amojan plummet down into the infinite depths of the flaming caverns. And as their tumbling bodies fall, a bright FLASH of light WHITES OUT the screen -- 200 INT. WHITE LIMBO (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 198) Sisko looks around, trying to get his bearings. His HEARTBEAT and BREATHING are magnified. SISKO Sarah? Are you here? What happened? ADJUST to include Sarah/Prophet. SARAH PROPHET The Emissary has completed his task. SISKO But the Pah-wraiths... SARAH PROPHET You've returned them to their prison within the fire caves. SISKO The book was the key, wasn't it? SARAH PROPHET To a door that can never be opened again. SISKO And Dukat? Is he dead? SARAH PROPHET He's where he belongs... with the Pah-wraiths. (with a smile) Your time of trial has ended. You need to rest now. SISKO I intend to. As soon as I get back to Deep Space Nine. 72:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT EIGHT 103. 200 CONTINUED: SARAH PROPHET That won't be necessary... Just then, SEVERAL FIGURES emerge from the mists behind Sarah. They are other Prophets, taking the form of Kira, Worf, Odo, Bashir, Ezri, Martok and Ross. SARAH PROPHET You're with us now. 201 CLOSE ON SISKO (FORMERLY 199) as the meaning of her words sink in. And we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT EIGHT DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 104. ACT NINE FADE IN: 202 INT. WARDROOM Where Kasidy, Jake, Odo, Worf, Bashir and Ezri are gathered around the table. EZRI We found the captain's runabout orbiting Bajor. WORF (to Kasidy) But when we scanned the fire caves, there was no sign of him. Bashir comes over with a cup of tea for Kasidy. BASHIR Here. Tarkalian tea -- very soothing. EZRI (sotto, to Bashir) Better keep it coming. JAKE You're not calling off the search yet, are you? ODO Not until we find your father. JAKE What about Kendra Province, where he bought that land. Maybe he went there for some reason... WORF Colonel Kira and Chief O'Brien have just completed another scan of the planet. As far as they can tell, he's not there. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 105. 203 ANGLE ON KASIDY (OPTICAL) She finally speaks, voicing the dread building inside her. KASIDY Something's happened to Ben. Something bad... I can feel it. The Prophets warned us. And as she looks at Jake, the screen WHITES OUT -- 204 INT. WHITE LIMBO (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 209) Kasidy, somewhat frightened and bewildered, looks around trying to get her bearings. KASIDY Hello? Is anyone here? We HEAR her magnified heartbeat and breathing. Then the sound of a VOICE, softly whispering her name in the wind. KASIDY Ben? Is that you? SISKO (O.S.) Kasidy. Kasidy turns to see Sisko, standing behind her. The moment she sees her husband, she rushes into his arms. KASIDY Ben! I was so worried... (looking around at the whiteness surrounding them) Where are we? SISKO The Celestial Temple. She steps away to get a better look at him. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 106-106A. 204 CONTINUED: KASIDY This is scaring me -- let's go home. SISKO I can't. Not now. KASIDY Why not? Kasidy can see that Sisko doesn't have an easy answer to that question. KASIDY Oh, God... this is it, isn't it? The sorrow the Prophets warned us about... SISKO It's difficult to explain... it isn't linear... KASIDY What isn't? SISKO My life... my destiny... the Prophets saved me, Kas -- I'm their Emissary, and they still have a great deal for me to do. But first, there's a lot I have to learn... things only the Prophets can teach me. KASIDY When will you be back? SISKO It's hard to say. Time doesn't exist here. It could be a year. It could be yesterday. (definitively) But I will be back. Kasidy finds reassurance in Sisko's eyes. KASIDY I'll be waiting. Sisko takes Kasidy in his arms and kisses her. And as they hold each other tight, the screen WHITES OUT again -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 107. 204 CONTINUED: (2) JAKE (O.S.) Kas? Can you hear me? CUT TO: 205 INT. WARDROOM (FORMERLY 210) as Kasidy emerges from her vision and looks over at Jake, who seems relieved to see she's okay. The others look on with concern as well. JAKE You seemed pretty far away for a second... KASIDY I was talking to your father. And off the group's puzzled expression -- 206 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 211) Re-establishing. 207 INT. O'BRIEN'S QUARTERS (FORMERLY 211R) As we hear an ORCHESTRAL VERSION of "The Way You Look Tonight," we find O'Brien -- a few BAGS slung over his shoulder -- shooing Molly out the door to join his off-screen family. He takes a last look around the now empty room, making sure they didn't leave anything behind. His eye snags on something on the ground and he reaches down to pick up a FIGURINE from his Alamo Model -- it's Colonel Travis. He smiles, and we -- DISSOLVE INTO A MONTAGE SEQUENCE: 208 SERIES OF CLIPS (FORMERLY 211S) (TBD) featuring O'Brien and Bashir. CUT TO: 209 INT. WORF'S QUARTERS (FORMERLY 211Y) where Ezri has come to say good-bye to Worf. His belongings are packed and ready to go. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 108. 209 CONTINUED: Worf removes his bat'leth from the wall, smiles to himself, and solemnly presents it to Ezri as a parting gift. DISSOLVE TO: 210 SERIES OF CLIPS (TBD) featuring Worf with Sisko, then Jadzia, then Ezri. CUT TO: 211 INT. ODO'S QUARTERS Odo and Kira taking a last look at the various items like the jungle gym that he used to practice Shape-shifting. He smiles at Kira and we PUSH IN on their faces -- DISSOLVE TO: 212 SERIES OF CLIPS (TBD) featuring the history of their romance. CUT TO: 213 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Jake's sitting quietly looking at the model of the house Sisko was going to build. Kasidy, knowing Jake's grappling with what she's told him about Sisko, kisses him on the forehead. She then EXITS into the bedroom, leaving Jake alone with his thoughts. 214 SERIES OF CLIPS (TBD) featuring Jake and Sisko. We see Jake grow from a small boy to a young man. CUT TO: 215 INT. QUARK'S where Quark is behind the bar polishing glasses. We PUSH in on his face and -- DISSOLVE TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 109. 216 SERIES OF CLIPS (TBD) (FORMERLY SCENE 211ZA) featuring scenes that include our entire cast, including the Promenade walk from "Badda Bing," the all-for-one-and-one-for-all moment from "Take Me out to the Holosuite," etc. 217 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR Bashir and O'Brien are standing there, unable to say good-bye. A moment as the two regard each other, realizing that words could never do justice to their friendship. They extend their hands to shake, a beat, then they pull each other into a bear-hug. CUT TO: 218 INT. PROMENADE Worf, carrying a bag and a bat'leth strapped over his shoulder, walks with Martok toward the airlock. Martok is talking enthusiastically about the future of the Klingon Empire (of course, we don't hear any of this -- only the musical score is playing). But a somber Worf has other things on his mind at the moment. Martok steps through the airlock door, but Worf hesitates on the steps, taking a moment to have one last look at the station that's come to mean so much to him. Scanning the area, he looks up to see -- 219 WORF'S POV OF EZRI standing on the second level, watching him leave. After a beat, she lifts her hand in farewell. 220 ON WORF as he returns the gesture. A beat later, he disappears into the airlock. 221 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS Jake, sitting on the couch, places the roof onto the model house. After a beat, he smiles. The MUSIC FADES OUT AND THE MONTAGE SEQUENCE ENDS. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 110-110A. 222 thru OMITTED 225 226 INT. CORRIDOR (FORMERLY 175) as Odo and Kira make their way to one of the airlocks. KIRA Are you sure you want to leave without saying good-bye? ODO Quite sure. I'm not very good at good-byes. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 111. 226 CONTINUED: KIRA A lot of people are going to be disappointed. ODO If they don't know how I feel about them now, a few parting words won't make any difference. Just as they reach the airlock, a voice calls out to them -- QUARK (O.S.) I knew it! They turn to see Quark hurrying over to them. QUARK When I saw the two of you slip out of the holosuite, I said to myself, "That no-good, misanthropic, cantankerous, changeling is trying to sneak off the station without anyone noticing." ODO That was the idea. QUARK Well, it's not going to happen. ODO Apparently not. QUARK So now that I'm here... isn't there something you want to say to me? ODO Such as? QUARK Such as, "Good-bye, you certainly were a worthy adversary" -- or maybe something with the words "mutual respect" in it... ODO No. QUARK No? What do you mean "no?" DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 112. 226 CONTINUED: (2) ODO There's nothing I want to say to you. QUARK You're telling me that after all these years... after all we've been through, you're not even going to say good-bye to me? ODO That's right. Odo and Quark stare each other down for a long beat. Finally, Odo looks to Kira -- ODO Nerys... I'll be on the Runabout. And with a final dismissive glance at Quark, Odo steps around him and into the airlock. 227 ON QUARK AND KIRA (FORMERLY 176) watching him disappear into the runabout. QUARK I guess that's it then... KIRA Don't take it so hard, Quark -- QUARK Hard? What are you talking about? (breaking into a smile) That man loves me -- couldn't you see? It was written all over his back. And with that, Quark heads back down the corridor. And as Kira follows Odo into the runabout, we go to: 228 EXT. ATOLL - DAY (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 200) Kira and Odo are standing on a small outcropping of rock, surrounded by a vast ocean of Shape-shifters in their gelatinous state. We're on the Dominion homeworld -- the changeling planet we saw in "Broken Link." However, this time, the Shape-shifter ocean is discolored -- evidence of the illness that's affecting the Great Link. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 113. 228 CONTINUED: KIRA The Link... it looks different. ODO They're dying. KIRA You should go to them. Odo nods, but he has something to say to her first. ODO Nerys, tell the captain... and the others... I'm going to miss them. KIRA (half-smiling) Even Quark? ODO Even Quark. (looking into her eyes) But most of all... She holds up her hand to stop him. KIRA I know. They kiss. It's a long, passionate embrace. Whatever they have to say to each other, they're saying it right now. Finally, they break the embrace. 229 ANGLE ON ODO (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 201) as he MORPHS his clothes into a tuxedo. KIRA What's that for? ODO You always said I looked good in a tuxedo. KIRA You do. ODO Then that's how I want you to remember me... DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 114. 229 CONTINUED: Kira can't help smiling as she straightens his bow tie. KIRA I'll remember this moment forever. (a beat) I'll remember all our moments... ODO As will I. They stare at each other a beat. ODO Good-bye, Nerys. 230 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 202) as Odo turns away and walks calmly into the sea of changelings. He turns back to look at Kira one last time. 231 CLOSER ON ODO (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 203) as he raises his hand in farewell. 232 KIRA (FORMERLY 204) raises her hand in response. 233 ODO (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 205) then MORPHS into his gelatinous state. As he does, the goo around him begins to softly ripple and change colors, regaining its healthy golden glow. 234 ON KIRA (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 206) standing alone on the atoll, surrounded by the vast undulating changeling sea. CUT TO: 235 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE (FORMERLY 212) The dawning of a new day. CLOSE ON Nog ENTERING with a PADD. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 115. 235 CONTINUED: NOG Today's duty roster, colonel. ADJUST ANGLE to REVEAL Kira sitting in the Captain's Chair. Nog hands her the PADD, which she glances at. KIRA Nice work. (then looking up) And congratulations on your promotion, lieutenant. NOG (grinning) Thank you, sir. I guess putting me in for promotion was one of Captain Sisko's last official acts. KIRA I'm sure he's very proud of you, Nog. NOG I'd like to think so, sir. KIRA Now about the cargo inventories... NOG I'll get right on it. And with that, Nog EXITS. We HOLD on Kira as she gets up from behind the desk, picks up Sisko's baseball and EXITS into -- 236 INT. OPS (FORMERLY 213) where she stands at the head of the stairs, tossing the baseball. Kira looks around the room -- 237 KIRA'S POV - OF ALL THE NEW FACES (FORMERLY 214) manning the stations. 238 ON KIRA (FORMERLY 215) as she glances at the baseball, thinking about Captain Sisko. After a beat, she smiles. CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 116. 239 INT. PROMENADE (FORMERLY 216) Bashir and Ezri are walking down the Promenade. BASHIR ... the thing of it is, I thought the cardiac apoptosis would lead to terminal coronary failure, but in actuality -- and here's the really interesting part -- the apoptosis was part of the normal cardiac renewal process. Bashir ends with a self-satisfied nod. BASHIR What do you think? EZRI I think maybe tonight, after dinner, we could go to Quark's... spend some time in a holosuite. BASHIR I wouldn't mind a little trip to Vegas... EZRI Actually, I was thinking about the Alamo. BASHIR We can't go there. EZRI Why not? BASHIR That was something Miles and I did. (brightening) But we could try a new program I got... The Battle of Thermopylae. (off her blank look) You know, where a small band of Spartans led by King Leonidas defended a mountain pass against the vast Persian army. EZRI What happened then? BASHIR For two days, the Spartans put up a heroic struggle.  DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 116A. 239 CONTINUED: EZRI Until they were wiped out. BASHIR How'd you know? EZRI Lucky guess. I take it we'll be the Spartans? BASHIR Fighting to the last man. DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 117 239 CONTINUED: (2) EZRI Just like the Alamo. BASHIR Exactly. Ezri looks at him for a beat. EZRI Have you ever talked to a counselor about these annihilation fantasies? BASHIR You think I should? EZRI I'll set up a session for tomorrow. BASHIR But tonight... EZRI Tonight we defend the pass. Bashir smiles; this is love. And this moment leads us to -- 240 INT. QUARK'S (FORMERLY 217) The usual midday crowd. Quark places a small vial in front of Morn. QUARK That'll be ten strips of latinum. Morn is about to say something -- QUARK I know, I know -- I'll put it on your tab. Morn then picks up the bottle and studies it carefully. QUARK Don't worry, it's guaranteed to grow hair within a week. Though if you ask me, that dome of yours is hairy enough. Besides, hasn't there been enough change around here already? DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 118. 240 CONTINUED: KIRA (O.S.) Quark! He turns to see -- 241 AN ANGRY KIRA (FORMERLY 218) approaching, holding a PADD. KIRA You mind explaining this? Looking at the PADD. QUARK That's this week's betting pool... KIRA You're taking bets on who's going to be the new Kai? QUARK It's a wide open field. Just between you and me, the smart money's on Vedek Ungtae. KIRA Well just between you and me -- all bets are off. QUARK What are you talking about? KIRA As of this moment, betting pools of any kind are illegal on this station. I catch someone placing a bet, and you'll spend fifteen days in a holding cell. Is that clear? QUARK (dry) Fifteen days... can I bring my own pillow? KIRA Quark! DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 119. 241 CONTINUED: QUARK It's clear, it's clear. KIRA It better be. And without another word, Kira EXITS. We HOLD on Quark and Morn. QUARK It's like I said, the more things change, the more they stay the same. And as Quark goes back to work -- 242 INT. PROMENADE (FORMERLY 219) to see Kira walk down the busy Promenade. The CAMERA slowly RISES above the crowd and PANS OVER to find -- 243 A SOMBER JAKE (FORMERLY 220) standing on the second level of the Promenade, looking out one of the windows. 244 JAKE'S POV -- OF THE WORMHOLE (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 221) which suddenly BURSTS OPEN, allowing a ship to enter. Like always, it's a magical sight. 245 CLOSE ON JAKE (FORMERLY 222) thinking about how much he misses his father. A hand COMES INTO FRAME and lightly grips his shoulder. WE WIDEN TO REVEAL -- 246 KIRA (FORMERLY 223) standing beside him. She knows what he's feeling and wants him to know he's not alone. They exchange a brief smile, then gaze back out the window... DEEP SPACE NINE: "What You... " - REV. 04/26/99 - ACT NINE 120. 247 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (FORMERLY 224) Looking in on Jake and Kira, standing by the window. The CAMERA SLOWLY begins to pull back, past the usual station shot and continuing further and further away... the station becoming smaller and smaller and smaller still... until finally, Deep Space Nine becomes just one more bright, but distant star in the vast, cathedral of space. FADE OUT. END OF ACT NINE THE END