STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Field of Fire" (fka "The Killer in Dax") #40510-563 Written by Robert Hewitt Wolfe Directed by Tony Dow THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1998 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION November 9, 1998 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Field of Fire" - 11/09/98 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Field of Fire" CAST SISKO ILARIO KIRA JORAN ODO VULCAN BASHIR SECURITY OFFICER O'BRIEN WORF EZRI QUARK COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES MORN STAR TREK: DS9 - "Field of Fire" - 11/09/98 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Field of Fire" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE QUARK'S HABITAT RING CORRIDOR ILARIO'S QUARTERS EZRI'S QUARTERS/ LIVING ROOM BEDROOM PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL VANDERWEG'S QUARTERS SCIENCE LAB N.D. QUARTERS CAPTAIN'S OFFICE BROTT'S QUARTERS TURBOLIFT CHU'LAK'S QUARTERS DS9 - "Field of Fire" - 11/09/98 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Field of Fire" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE RAKTAJINO ROCK-ta-GEE-no FANALIAN fin-AIL-ian GRAMILIAN GRAH-mill-ian VANDERWEG VAN-der-wig JORAN juh-RAN ZIM BROTT ZIM-brot CHU'LAK CHEW-lack GRISSOM GRIHS-sum RICKTOR RICK-tore DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Field of Fire" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. QUARK'S The usual crowd. Several officers are gathered around one of Quark's side tables. Included in the group are KIRA, O'BRIEN, BASHIR, EZRI and a new lieutenant (j.g.) HECTOR ILARIO. Ilario is a likeable young man who's just arrived on the station. He's handsome, excited to have completed his first mission and a bit anxious to be accepted as one of the guys. BASHIR (raising his glass) To Lieutenant Hector Ilario... living proof that Starfleet Academy still produces the finest pilots in the galaxy. O'BRIEN Here, here. Everyone goes to drink, but Bashir holds up a staying hand -- BASHIR Hold on, I'm not finished yet. KIRA Don't spoil it, Julian. That was exactly what a toast should be -- short and to the point. ILARIO (tongue-in-cheek) I wouldn't mind hearing a little more... EZRI Now, now -- modesty above all. BASHIR This is no time for modesty. (re: Ilario) This man... this youth... this mere pup still wet behind the ears -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - TEASER 2. 1 CONTINUED: ILARIO (interrupting) I'm twenty-two. BASHIR I'm speaking metaphorically. This inspired cherub masterfully piloted the Defiant into battle against a half-dozen Jem'Hadar attack ships. And when the smoke cleared, only one ship remained intact. And that ship, ladies and gentlemen, was the U.S.S. Defiant. O'BRIEN (patting him on the back) The kid's a born helmsman. BASHIR And so say all of us. And with that they finally CLINK glasses and drink. ILARIO Thanks. I'm just glad to be here. O'BRIEN There's no better posting in the fleet. BASHIR Anything you need -- anything at all -- just ask. ILARIO Well, there is one thing... O'BRIEN Name it. ILARIO (to O'Brien and Bashir) The next time you two go to the holosuite... I'd like to come along. O'Brien and Bashir exchange a silent look, then turn back to Ilario. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN Sorry. BASHIR Impossible. O'BRIEN Out of the question. BASHIR Can't be done. Ilario looks a little disappointed. KIRA (to Ilario) Don't take it personally. (re: O'Brien and Bashir) They take their leisure activity very seriously. BASHIR It's a great stress reliever. O'BRIEN I recommend it highly. BASHIR Just not with us. O'BRIEN A holosuite visit is a very personal experience. BASHIR (confidentially, to Ilario, re: O'Brien) He's very particular about who sees him in a coonskin cap. You understand... ILARIO I suppose... Just then, QUARK approaches. QUARK (to O'Brien and Bashir) Gentlemen, your holosuite is ready. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - TEASER 4. 1 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR Terrific. (to Ilario) Now anything else you need... O'BRIEN ... you just let us know. And with that, O'Brien and Bashir EXIT up the stairs to the holosuites. 2 ANGLE ON KIRA, EZRI AND ILARIO watching them leave. ILARIO Have you ever gone to the holosuite with them? KIRA Me? Never. EZRI (agreeing with Kira) I know when I'm not wanted. 3 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Ezri and Ilario are walking back to their quarters. Ilario has had too much to drink, but he's trying not to show it. ILARIO I never had real Saurian brandy before. It's Captain Sisko's favorite. EZRI Kinda sneaks up on you, doesn't it? They pass a doorway and suddenly Ilario stops. ILARIO Speaking of sneaking up on you... Ilario then takes two steps backward. ILARIO Here we are. Home sweet home. Ilario hits the doorpad. The door opens. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - TEASER 5. 4 INT. ILARIO'S QUARTERS Ilario manages to make it into his quarters. He's starting to feel a little better. EZRI Are you okay? You want some raktajino? ILARIO I'm fine. Ilario walks over to a picture on the wall. ILARIO (to the picture) I wish they could've been there. 5 CLOSE ON THE PICTURE to see Ilario and THREE OTHER ACADEMY CLASSMATES, they're arms around each other, LAUGHING. ILARIO (O.S.) See me fly the Defiant into battle... 6 ON ILARIO staring at the picture with a smile. ILARIO ... it was incredible... EZRI I should be going. Make sure you get some sleep. ILARIO You know something, lieutenant... you're very beautiful. EZRI And you're very drunk. ILARIO True enough. But in the morning, I'll be sober and you'll still be beautiful. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - TEASER 6. 7 CLOSE ON EZRI She smiles, then she turns to go. EZRI Good night, Ilario. ILARIO Good night, lieutenant. 8 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. 9 INT. EZRI'S QUARTERS - BEDROOM Ezri is lying in bed, asleep. COMPUTER VOICE The time is oh-six hundred hours. Ezri forces her eyes open. COMPUTER VOICE The time is oh-six hundred hours and ten seconds. Ezri GROANS. EZRI Yeah, yeah... I'm up. And with that she drags herself out of bed. 10 INT. EZRI'S QUARTERS - LIVING ROOM Ezri, now dressed in her Starfleet uniform, is standing before her replicator. EZRI Fanalian tea. Hot. A beat later, Ezri takes the mug out of the replicator and goes to the door -- 11 ANGLE ON THE DOOR as it OPENS to reveal FOUR SECURITY GUARDS racing down the hall, phasers drawn. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - TEASER 7. 12 ON EZRI surprised by the sight. 13 INT. ANOTHER SECTION OF HABITAT RING CORRIDOR to see Ezri come around the corner and find a bunch of activity outside Ilario's quarters. She then hurries down the corridor -- 14 INT. ILARIO'S QUARTERS as Ezri ENTERS to find ODO, Bashir and more security officers gathered around the lifeless body of Lieutenant Hector Ilario. EZRI (to Odo; shocked) What happened? ODO Lieutenant Ilario has been killed. EZRI Killed? How? BASHIR (looking up from the body; clearly taken aback) It appears someone shot him. And off this moment, we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT ONE 8. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.) 15 INT. ILARIO'S QUARTERS - LATER Later. CAPTAIN SISKO is being briefed by Odo as O'Brien scans the quarters with a tricorder. Bashir is still examining the body, while Ezri stands off to the side, almost forgotten. ODO ... he was killed by what appears to have been some kind of chemically propelled projectile weapon. SISKO (surprised) A gun? ODO (nodding) Doctor Bashir recovered a single tritanium "bullet" from Ilario's chest. BASHIR He was shot through the heart. Bashir hands Sisko a small vial with a single metal bullet in it. O'BRIEN (re: the bullet) You don't see one of those every day. ODO (nodding) No one uses projectile weapons anymore. SISKO (thoughtful, re: the bullet) You said this is tritanium, right? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT ONE 9. 15 CONTINUED: ODO That's correct. SISKO Chief, did you ever hear of the TR-one-one-six rifle? O'BRIEN (nodding) It was a prototype. Developed by Starfleet Security to operate in energy dampening fields or radiogenic environments. SISKO That's right. Anywhere that a normal phaser would be useless. If I'm not mistaken, the TR-one- one-six fired a chemically propelled tritanium "bullet." ODO You said it was a prototype -- were they ever mass-produced? O'BRIEN No, Starfleet abandoned the TR- one-one-six in favor of regenerative phasers. SISKO That doesn't mean our killer couldn't have gotten hold of the rifle's replication patterns. O'BRIEN But only Starfleet officers have access to those files. SISKO Disturbing thought, isn't it? BASHIR Starfleet officers don't go around murdering one another. ODO (correcting) Not usually, anyway. O'BRIEN (off his tricorder) That's odd... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT ONE 9A. 15 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (Cont'd) ... according to these readings, the "bullet" only traveled eight or nine centimeters. SISKO The killer must've fired at point blank range. O'BRIEN I don't think so... (looking at Ilario's body) ... there are no "powder burns" on the body. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT ONE 10. 15 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR What are "powder burns?" ODO At close range, chemically propelled weapons leave residual combustion products on the victim's clothing or skin. SISKO (to O'Brien) How did you know that? O'BRIEN I read twentieth century crime novels... Mike Hammer, Raymond Chandler, that kind of thing... Sisko looks to Odo, thereby asking the same question. ODO So do I. SISKO (back to business) So if the killer fired at close range, why aren't there any "powder burns?" O'BRIEN I don't know... ODO (off Sisko's look) But we'll find out. EZRI (to Julian) What was the time of death? BASHIR Oh-three seventeen. EZRI That's only ten minutes after I left him. Everyone had all but forgotten about Ezri. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT ONE 10A. 15 CONTINUED: (4) SISKO Was he alone? EZRI I didn't see anyone, but I wasn't here very long. Sisko paces the room. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT ONE 11. 15 CONTINUED: (5) SISKO What do we know about Ilario? Outside of his service record... ODO Not a great deal. He's only been on the station ten days. EZRI As far as I could tell, he was intelligent, dedicated and eager to please. Everyone liked him. SISKO Not everyone. (to Odo) I want to know everything there is to know about him -- who his friends were, if he'd made any enemies. I also want increased security throughout the station. ODO Yes, sir. SISKO And Constable -- ODO (finishing the thought for him) -- you want whoever did this caught. I understand. Sisko nods, and off this moment -- 16 OMITTED 17 INT. QUARK'S It's late night and there are only a few patrons. O'Brien, Bashir and Ezri are seated at a table. The mood is somber. BASHIR Ilario once told me he came from a large family... three brothers, two sisters. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire- REV. V.11/298 -8- ACT ON12. 17 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN I thought it was three sisters and two brothers. BASHIR I don't think so... O'BRIEN You sure? BASHIR Are you? They both look at Ezri. EZRI Don't look at me, we never discussed his family. Mostly he talked about the Academy... or about you two. BASHIR Us? EZRI He really admired both of you. A long beat of silence. BASHIR We should've let him come to the holosuite with us. O'BRIEN You're right, we should've... EZRI I just wish I hadn't left his quarters so quickly... maybe he'd still be alive. BASHIR Or maybe you'd be dead along with him. Another long, awkward silence. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT ONE 13. 17 CONTINUED: (2) EZRI Odo will catch whoever did this, won't he? BASHIR If anyone can... Yet another silent beat. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT ONE 14-14A. 17 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN We really should've let him come to the holosuite with us... And that leads us to -- 17A EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 18 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Ezri is walking down the corridor when suddenly she hears a commotion. She looks up to see -- 19 EZRI'S POV of a phalanx of SECURITY GUARDS marching toward her. Behind them is Odo, leading a manacled prisoner whose face is hidden from view. 20 WIDER as Ezri moves out of their way. EZRI Is he the one we've been looking for? ODO (nodding) Ilario's killer. And quite a clever one at that. EZRI (to the prisoner) Why? Why'd you do it? The prisoner raises his head and we see that it's Ilario himself. ILARIO (smiling) You tell me, counselor. Ezri steps back in surprise. EZRI But you're dead... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT ONE 15. 20 CONTINUED: Suddenly Ilario pushes Odo away and grabs Ezri by the shoulders. ILARIO (intense; re: Odo) Don't tell me -- tell him. Odo struggles to pull Ilario off Ezri. ODO (to Ezri) Sorry, lieutenant. There's nothing more annoying than a corpse with a mind of its own. EZRI (bewildered) What? Odo manages to drag Ilario away as Ezri looks down -- 21 EZRI'S POV of her hands covered in blood. 22 BACK TO EZRI as she looks up in shock to discover herself in -- 23 INT. ILARIO'S QUARTERS -- where Ilario's body is lying as we saw it last. (Note: Ezri's hands are no longer covered in blood.) EZRI (tapping her combadge) Dax to Security -- But no one answers her. Ezri turns her back to the body -- EZRI (to com) Odo? Kira? Anyone there? Suddenly a hand reaches out and grabs her by the shoulders. Ezri whirls around to find -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT ONE 16. 24 EZRI'S POV - PROMENADE of JORAN, a male Trill in his forties with a weathered face, staring at her with a smile. (Joran is one of Dax's previous hosts.) EZRI (O.S.) Joran -- 25 WIDER JORAN You recognize me, how nice. EZRI What do you want? JORAN Respect. Understanding. Love. Suddenly Ezri hears a piano playing behind her. She turns to see -- 27 JORAN playing the piano. JORAN I wish you'd stop being afraid of me. It's not like we're strangers. That worm in your belly used to be mine. Which means I'm part of you... 28 NEW ANGLE - SECOND LEVEL Ezri stands at the railing as Joran steps up behind her. The piano music continues to play. JORAN (whispering) ... and you're part of me. Ezri recoils from Joran. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT ONE 17. 28 CONTINUED: EZRI I'm nothing like you. JORAN Is that so? Joran moves towards Ezri, forcing her back to the railing. JORAN You want to find out who killed Ilario, don't you? Then what are you waiting for? Perform the Rite of Emergence. Just ask for my help and then we can get to work. EZRI I don't want your help -- JORAN Maybe not, but you need it. EZRI You murdered three people -- I don't want anything to do with you. Now me leave me alone! But Joran keeps getting closer and closer. JORAN How can I? There's nowhere else for me to go. I'm within you, Ezri. All the time. Use me. EZRI No... JORAN I can help. I know how he thinks. We can catch him, Ezri -- you and me, together. And then we'll make him pay. And with that, Joran tightens his hold on Ezri and flings himself and her over the railing -- 29 WIDER as they plummet to the ground, but before they hit -- SMASH CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT ONE 18. 30 INT. EZRI'S QUARTERS Ezri awakens in her darkened quarters with a shout. There's no one there. But that doesn't make her feel any better. Because Joran isn't gone. He's still there inside her. Ezri clutches her belly, holding herself and the worm inside of her. Suddenly -- SISKO'S COM VOICE Sisko to Dax. Report to Habitat Ring, Level J Seventeen. EZRI What is it, Ben? SISKO'S COM VOICE There's been another murder. CLOSE on Ezri as Sisko's words sink in. And on that, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 31 INT. VANDERWEG'S QUARTERS Sisko and Ezri ENTER to find Odo and Bashir examining the body of a dead female STARFLEET OFFICER. In the b.g., O'Brien and an ND Security Guard scan the room. (Note: this room is much more lived in than Ilario's. There are personal mementos, photographs, artwork, books, and several orchids.) SISKO (to Odo) Report. ODO Lieutenant Commander Greta Vanderweg. Science Officer. Human, age thirty-seven. Twelve years of service. The last three here on Deep Space Nine. Sisko turns his attention to Bashir. BASHIR Cause of death -- a tritanium "bullet" fired at close range. No powder burns. SISKO Did Ilario and Vanderweg know each other? ODO I'll look into to it, but it's doubtful. Ilario's only been here ten days -- and for seven of them he was on the Defiant. SISKO Why Ilario? Why Vanderweg? Did anyone have a personal grudge against either them? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 20. 31 CONTINUED: SISKO (Cont'd) Or is someone killing officers at random? BASHIR I still can't believe anyone in Starfleet could be doing this... ODO There are over nine hundred Starfleet officers posted on the station. SISKO We have to narrow the field of suspects. (to Ezri) How well did you do in forensic psychology at the Academy? EZRI It wasn't my best subject. SISKO We need to find out why the killer's doing this... EZRI I'll do my best... And that leads us to -- 32 INT. SCIENCE LAB Ezri and Odo are looking at a large odd-looking piece of fruit (not unlike a watermelon) that is resting on a lab table. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 21. 32 CONTINUED: EZRI What do you think? ODO Nice melon. EZRI But what does it have to do with us? ODO I have no idea. All I know is that Chief O'Brien asked me to bring you here. He said he had something to show us. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE O'Brien to Science Lab. ODO Go ahead, Chief. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Are you ready? EZRI For what? O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE You'll see. First put on those goggles that are on the counter behind you. Odo and Ezri look back, find the goggles, and put them on. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Now take a step back -- away from the melon. Odo and Ezri do as instructed. O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE A little further. I've only done this a couple of times... Odo and Ezri step back again. EZRI How's this? O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Good. Here we go... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 22. 33 CLOSE ON THE MELON as it EXPLODES in a million pieces. 34 WIDER as Odo and Ezri flinch at the impact. ODO Are you all right? EZRI Better than that melon. Behind them, the doors OPEN allowing O'Brien to ENTER carrying a high-tech rifle and wearing a targeting device on one eye. A small box-like device has been attached to the muzzle of the rifle. O'BRIEN (surveying the damage) It worked! I was able to fire a tritanium bullet into that melon while standing in the turbolift down the hall. EZRI (puzzled) You fired through the wall? ODO (re: the walls) I don't see any bullet holes... O'Brien taps the box-like device on the muzzle. O'BRIEN I attached a micro-transporter to the muzzle of this TR-one-one- six. When I fired, the bullet was beamed into this room just a few centimeters from the melon... ODO (putting it together) ... where it continued its trajectory. (a beat) If the killer used a similar transporter device, it would explain the lack of powder burns on the victims. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 23. 34 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN And an exographic targeting sensor... (pointing to the eye piece) ... would allow the killer to scan through bulkheads. ODO (a disturbing thought) So he could've been firing from anywhere on the station. (a beat) Can you trace the bullet's transporter signatures back to where the killer was when he fired? O'BRIEN I'm afraid not. The signature's too weak. ODO Ingenious weapon. EZRI Whoever he is... he's smart. And off her somber expression -- 35 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 24. 36 INT. EZRI'S QUARTERS - LIVING ROOM (VPB) Ezri is working at a monitor displaying the pictures and service records of Ilario and Vanderweg. As Ezri scrolls through the information, we can see how tired and frustrated she feels. EZRI (to herself) Nothing... no connection. Ezri sits back in her chair and stares at the two pictures. After a long beat, she sighs. There's nothing new to be gleaned here; she's at a dead end and she knows it. 37 INT. PROMENADE Late at night. The Promenade is empty except for MORN and a Dabo Girl, who walk to a turbolift, arm- in-arm. The doors close behind them. 38 NEW ANGLE to find Ezri, sitting at a table in the Replimat, brooding over some tea. Looking up, she realizes she's alone on the Promenade. Feeling suddenly vulnerable, she takes a last sip of tea, gets up from the table and begins walking down the hallway. After a few steps, WE HEAR footsteps on the walkway overhead, coming from the Quark's side. When Ezri stops, the footsteps seem to stop as well. A moment later, Ezri begins walking again -- this time at a slightly faster clip. The footsteps immediately start up again, keeping pace with her. Ezri then moves to the center of the Promenade trying to see up to the second level -- EZRI Who's there? Who is it? But there's no answer. After a moment, Ezri begins walking again, keeping an eye on the second level -- but it's too dark to see anything. Again, we hear the footsteps. EZRI Quark? Is that you? But there's still no answer. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 25. 39 CLOSE ON EZRI as she races over to the spiral staircase, quickly making it to the Upper Level. 40 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL to see Ezri scanning the shadows for any movement. EZRI This isn't funny. Suddenly, a figure looms up directly behind her. Ezri whirls to face her assailant. Only then do we realize the figure is WORF. 41 WIDER as Ezri reacts with surprise. EZRI Worf! WORF It is late. You should be in your quarters. EZRI Were you following me? WORF It is dangerous to be wandering the Promenade alone. EZRI (surprised) You're worried about me? WORF (refusing to admit it) There is a killer on the station. You have no right to endanger yourself this way. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 26. 41 CONTINUED: EZRI (smiling) You are worried about me. Thank you, Worf. That's... sweet. Worf shifts uncomfortably. WORF You are a fellow officer. I would have the same concern for Chief O'Brien or Doctor Bashir. EZRI (knowing there's more to it) Of course. I didn't mean to imply otherwise. WORF Then we understand each other. EZRI Perfectly. Worf, uncomfortable under her gaze, looks to change the subject. WORF How is the investigation coming? Ezri's smile vanishes; she walks over to the railing and looks over the empty Promenade. EZRI Slowly. WORF (supportive) If I can assist you in any way... EZRI I appreciate that. But I'm afraid you can't. Nobody can. (a beat) Actually, there is someone who could help me, but I don't want to ask him... WORF Why? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 27. 41 CONTINUED: (2) EZRI It's complicated. Worf studies her face for a beat. WORF Nevertheless, if he can help... EZRI It wouldn't be pleasant. WORF Perhaps not, but I know you will do whatever is necessary to complete your task. Now it's Ezri that looks for an answer in Worf's face. EZRI And how do you know that? WORF You're Dax. It's your way. And as Ezri contemplates his words -- 42 INT. EZRI'S QUARTERS The room is dark. A triangular altar sits in the center of the room. In its center, a small vat containing a whitish liquid bubbles over a flame. Nearby, Ezri stands near a wall mirror, staring at her reflection. EZRI I'nora, ja'kala vok... 'za Ezri... zhian'tara rek... pora'al Zheem Dax... Joran Tanas Rhem. Ezri closes her eyes and then opens them again, only to be met by her own reflection. Whatever she was expecting to happen clearly did not come to pass. EZRI (concentrating) 'za Ezri Tanas Rhem Joran. Still nothing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 28. 42 CONTINUED: EZRI Come on, Joran -- don't make me beg. (eyes closed, trying again) Joran Tanas Rhem. Vok Ezri... (intensely) Joran Tanas Rhem. Ezri opens her eyes -- 43 EZRI'S POV (OPTICAL) of her face in the mirror. Suddenly, Joran's face begins to bleed through her reflection -- like an old pentimento -- his features becoming more and more distinct until they obscure Ezri's reflection completely. JORAN You won't regret this, Ezri. Suddenly Joran's face disappears in the mirror. JORAN (O.S.) I promise. Ezri turns to find -- 44 JORAN seated in a chair. Ezri is both relieved to have succeeded in calling him forth and apprehensive at the prospect of dealing with him. JORAN Joran... the forgotten host. The outcast. EZRI The murderer. JORAN I'm sure you never thought that little character trait would prove useful. EZRI It seems so strange... separating you from the others... to see you standing there... JORAN But I'm not really standing here, am I? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT TWO 29. 44 CONTINUED: JORAN (Cont'd) It's all in your mind. At least now I know you're hearing me. I've been ignored far too long... Curzon, Jadzia -- they didn't quite know what to do with me. EZRI They buried your memories as deep within them as possible. JORAN That was a mistake. I have so much to offer... EZRI We'll see about that. Now let's get to work. We have a killer to catch. JORAN Where should we begin? EZRI I want to know how he thinks. JORAN Then we'll start with his choice of weapons. EZRI We already know about the modifications he made to the TR- one-one-six. 45 ON JORAN stepping closer to Ezri. JORAN But you haven't held it in your hands, have you? You haven't looked through the tracking display. Picked a target. Felt the power as you lock its sensors on your unsuspecting prey. (a beat) If you want to catch a killer, Ezri... you have to learn to think like one. And off this disturbing thought, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 46 INT. SCIENCE LAB TIGHT on Ezri aiming the TR-one-one-six and wearing the targeting display over her eye. JORAN (O.S.) Feels good, doesn't it? EZRI I've held a rifle before. ADJUST to include Joran, standing right by Ezri's side. JORAN You mean in combat? She nods. JORAN It's not the same thing. That kind of killing is too random. Too chaotic. (a beat) This is more controlled... you can savor the moment. Now tell me, what do you see? EZRI I'm moving through different levels of the Docking Ring... JORAN (slightly exasperated) He didn't shoot anyone in the Docking Ring... remember you're trying to put yourself into his mind. Go to the Habitat Ring. 47 CLOSE ON EZRI as she redirects the targeting mechanism on the rifle. (Note: to select a target, Ezri points the rifle up and down and/or side to side for direction. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 31. 47 CONTINUED: At the same time, she thumbs a small focusing knob on the side of the rifle that enables her targeting device to search through the station.) EZRI I'm there. In one of the corridors -- JORAN Good. Our killer is a hunter. So start hunting... 48 EZRI'S POV - HABITAT RING CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) We MOVE down the hallway. Part of the screen displays numbers representing ranges and firing angles. A crosshair appears as we move past a BAJORAN SECURITY GUARD. EZRI (O.S.) I see a Bajoran Deputy... JORAN (O.S.) You don't want to be in the corridors -- look in the quarters. We MOVE off the corridor "through" a wall into -- 49 EZRI'S POV - QUARTERS (OPTICAL) They're empty. Whoever lives there isn't home. EZRI (O.S.) No one's here. Again we MOVE "through" a bulkhead and into -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 32. 50 EZRI'S POV - ANOTHER SET OF QUARTERS (OPTICAL) Her sight settles on a STARFLEET OFFICER getting a drink from a Replicator. EZRI (O.S.) A male Starfleet officer... an engineer. About thirty-five. JORAN(O.S.) Good. We have a victim... he's in your sights... how do you feel? The truth now. EZRI (O.S.) Powerful... in control... JORAN (O.S.) That's good. That's what the killer's feeling. EZRI (O.S.) I'm not angry... or excited... JORAN (O.S.) You're calm. Relaxed. EZRI (O.S.) Detached. JORAN (O.S.) Now you're getting it -- you do your killing from a distance... you're cold... methodical... Maybe you're a doctor... or a scientist... EZRI (O.S.) Maybe. (a beat) But why kill like this? Why not choose a victim on the Promenade? Or in Quark's? JORAN (O.S.) If you want to know -- pull the trigger and find out. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 33. 51 WIDER Joran is almost whispering in her ear. JORAN Do it! But instead, Ezri rips off the targeting eyepiece and practically throws down the weapon. EZRI No! Emotionally spent, Ezri turns her back on Joran and leans against the bulkhead for support. JORAN Ezri... the gun isn't loaded. Ezri turns to him -- EZRI Then why'd you tell me to pull the trigger? JORAN (a knowing smile) Do you want to know what the killer feels or don't you? To Ezri, the room suddenly feels very small, oppressive. 52 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Ezri leans against the railing, regaining her composure as she gazes at the passersby below. Joran is at her side. JORAN I'm sorry, Ezri. I didn't mean to push you so far. EZRI I'm not a murderer. Joran's silence says otherwise. EZRI I'm not you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 34. 52 CONTINUED: JORAN (empathetic) Maybe not, but you have my memories... You remember what it was like... (seductive) ... the excitement... the passion... the looks on their faces as they realized we were the last thing they'd ever see... EZRI It had nothing to do with me. You were the killer... QUARK (O.S.) Ezri -- ADJUST to include Quark approaching. (Note: although Joran is still standing near Ezri, Quark can't see him.) QUARK I think you need a vacation. You're talking to yourself. EZRI (managing a smile) Just thinking out loud... JORAN I don't know what you see in this Ferengi. He's repulsive. QUARK (to Ezri) Can I get you a drink or something to eat? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 35. 52 CONTINUED: (2) JORAN (to Ezri) We don't have time -- we have work to do. EZRI (to Quark) No, thanks. I'm not really hungry. QUARK Well, when you are, you know where to come. And with that, Quark turns back towards the bar. JORAN (watching Quark exit) How I'd love to slip a knife between his ribs. EZRI I have a better idea -- let's get back to work. The sooner we find our killer, the sooner you and I can part company. JORAN I thought we were having fun together. EZRI Think again. JORAN I suppose I'll have to be more... endearing. Now, I suggest we visit the victims' quarters -- see what answers we can find there. And off that suggestion -- 53 INT. ILARIO'S QUARTERS CLOSE ON the photograph of Hector Ilario and his Academy classmates. ADJUST to reveal Ezri and Joran looking over the sparsely decorated room. EZRI What are we looking for? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 36. 53 CONTINUED: JORAN Clues, what else? EZRI But we're not sure the killer ever set foot in here. JORAN Both victims were in their quarters when they were killed. Is that a coincidence or a connection? EZRI I don't know... JORAN Think about it -- look around. And remember, whatever you see is what the killer saw. Ezri walks slowly around the room, glancing at the furniture, a few PADDs scattered on a table, and the Academy photo of Ilario and his friends. Joran trails behind her, his eyes coming to rest on the picture. JORAN What do we know about these classmates of Ilario's? EZRI Odo checked with Starfleet Command -- the one on the left was killed in combat five weeks ago. The one in the middle is stationed on the U.S.S. Truman. The Truman hasn't come anywhere near Deep Space Nine in months. JORAN Pity... (a beat) Keep looking. And as they walk out of frame to cross the room, we find ourselves in -- 54 INT. VANDERWEG'S QUARTERS -- to see Ezri and Joran walk into frame. Joran is looking around at all the personal mementos scattered around the room. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 37. 54 CONTINUED: JORAN Greta was quite a packrat, wasn't she? EZRI She was here a long time. This was home. Joran picks up a small figurine resting on a table. JORAN A monument to bad taste. (off her look) Just an observation. But Ezri wants to keep focused on their work. She steps over to a framed wedding holograph resting on a bookcase. 55 INSERT ON THE WEDDING HOLOGRAPH (OPTICAL) to see Vanderweg leap into her husband's arms, laughing. The action repeats itself over and over again. 56 WIDER EZRI Vanderweg's husband is a micropaleontologist on Mora-Five. (a beat) She was married... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 38. 56 CONTINUED: EZRI (cont'd) ... Ilario was single... she was on Deep Space Nine for three years... he just got here. She was a mature woman, he was practically a kid... (with increasing frustration) Besides the uniform, they had nothing in common. Which means they could've been chosen at random. And if that's true... we're wasting our time. And off that -- 57 INT. QUARK'S as a Ferengi waiter walks past a table REVEALING Ezri and Joran, seated. The place is busy. JORAN You're thinking about giving up, aren't you? EZRI (softly) I didn't say that. JORAN You don't have to. You have failure written all over you... EZRI Sorry to disappoint you. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 39. 57 CONTINUED: JORAN It's not the lack of clues that's keeping you from finding the killer... it's you. EZRI Me? JORAN You're holding back, Ezri. You refuse to see with his eyes... feel with his hands... think with his mind... EZRI You want to turn me into a killer -- make me like you. JORAN You are me. EZRI (temper rising) You want me to kill someone? What do you say I start with you. JORAN (pleased) That's the spirit. Suddenly we hear a commotion off screen -- 58 ANGLE ON THE DOOR to see a desperate STARFLEET OFFICER running down the stairs from the Second Level. He's being chased by a Bajoran Security Officer. 58A ON EZRI AND JORAN reacting to the sight. EZRI They found him! 59 ANOTHER ANGLE as the Starfleet Officer races past Ezri's table. Instinctively, she shoves a chair out in front of him, knocking him to the ground. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT THREE 40. 59 CONTINUED: The officer struggles to his feet and tries to head for the door, backhanding Ezri and bloodying her nose. Ezri lunges into him and they go down, grappling on the floor. Ezri manages to get the upper hand, straddling his chest. 60 CLOSE ON EZRI her face contorted with anger and adrenaline. JORAN A weapon... There... 61 ON EZRI'S HAND reaching for a knife that's fallen off a table. JORAN Yes... Use it... now. 62 ON EZRI still pinning the officer, she cocks her arm back to stab him as Joran appears at her side. JORAN Do it! But before Ezri can strike -- a hand grabs her wrist. 63 WIDER to reveal Odo, taking the knife from her hand. ODO That's enough! JORAN No! 64 ON EZRI shaken, she tries to regain her composure. And as she realizes how close she came to killing a man, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 41. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 5 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko, holding the knife that Ezri almost stabbed the Starfleet officer with, stares at the counselor from behind his desk. Joran stands next to a somewhat shaken Ezri. SISKO (re: the knife) Mind explaining this? But Ezri knows there is no good explanation. SISKO If Odo hadn't stopped you, you would've stabbed Ensign Bertram. EZRI I was trying to stop him from getting away. He hit me, I reacted... I guess I overreacted. SISKO I'd say so. JORAN (to Ezri, re: Sisko) He could be a little more grateful, don't you think? EZRI (to Sisko) I'm sorry I let things get out of hand, but Bertram killed two people. SISKO Bertram didn't kill anyone. This comes as a shock to Ezri. EZRI Then why was the Security Team chasing him? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 42. 65 CONTINUED: SISKO Because a month ago, he accessed the Replicator patterns for the TR-one-one-six... without authorization. JORAN Sounds guilty to me. EZRI (to Sisko) Why would he replicate a rifle unless he was going to use it? SISKO He collects weapons. Federation, Klingon, Cardassian... JORAN What a coincidence. EZRI That doesn't rule him out as a suspect. SISKO True. But the fact that he was on Bajor when the first murder occurred does. That takes the wind out of her sails. Sisko studies Ezri for a beat. SISKO You've been under a lot of stress lately... EZRI Ben -- please, don't give up on me. I can find the killer. (emphatic) I know I can. I just need more time. And off that moment -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 43. 66 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Ezri walks with new determination. Joran follows in her wake. JORAN That was close. Not that it matters, really. We'd have continued without Sisko's blessing. Ezri doesn't answer. JORAN Right? Still no answer. JORAN Are you listening to me? Ezri arrives at her quarters and steps inside. 67 INT. EZRI'S QUARTERS Ezri grabs a high-tech lighter, walks over to the altar that still sits in the center of the room, and lights the flame under the vat. JORAN (alarmed) What are you doing? EZRI What does it look like? Ezri closes her eyes and stands over the vat, breathing in the fumes. EZRI I'nora, ja'kala vok... JORAN You think you can get rid of me this easily? EZRI Zheem Dax... nah sass-eye-ahn... JORAN Don't you see, we've made Dax whole again. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 44. 67 CONTINUED: EZRI D'za-oo bah-zheest... JORAN Don't back away now. Ezri steps in front of the mirror -- 68 ANGLE ON THE MIRROR (OPTICAL) to see Joran's image in the mirror in place of her own. EZRI Joran rhee jehr hey-dah... JORAN You won't catch the killer without me! Suddenly, we hear Odo's voice on the com line: ODO'S COM VOICE Odo to Lieutenant Dax. Report to the Habitat Ring Level H Forty- three. Ezri can hear the strain in Odo's voice; it can mean only one thing. EZRI On my way. As Joran smiles at the reprieve, Ezri sighs with resignation -- 69 INT. BROTT'S QUARTERS Sisko, Odo, O'Brien, Bashir, Ezri -- they're all here, including Joran. The group is looking over the body of another Starfleet officer. This time, however, the victim is a Bolian. ODO Petty officer Zim Brott. Bolian. Five years of service on Deep Space Nine. EZRI I knew him. Or at least Jadzia did. He has a wife and co-husband on Bolarus. Two children. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 45. 69 CONTINUED: Sisko scans the room, which looks lived-in and disorderly. Stacks of PADDs are piled up on the table and clothes are scattered around the room. O'BRIEN So much for the theory that our killer is only targeting humans. BASHIR (examining the body) Captain... SISKO The bullet pierced his heart? BASHIR At close range. JORAN (to Ezri) Why am I not surprised. The defeat in the room seems almost palpable. 70 CLOSE ON EZRI as she looks over the stacks of PADDs on the desk. WE PULL BACK to reveal that time has passed and only she and Joran are left in the room. JORAN What happens if we don't catch him... will he keep shooting Starfleet officers until there are none left on the station? Joran steps over to a photograph on Brott's wall. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 46. 70 CONTINUED: JORAN (studying the photo) How could anyone be so happy with such unattractive children? As an idea begins to form in Ezri's mind -- EZRI What did you say? JORAN This photo -- Ezri crosses over to Joran to look at the picture -- 71 EZRI'S POV OF THE PHOTO which displays a happy Brott, his arms around two lovely children. 72 ON EZRI as the coin drops -- EZRI It's the pictures! (pointing at Brott's image) He's laughing! SMASH CUT TO: 73 INT. VANDERWEG'S QUARTERS CLOSE ON Ezri and Joran looking at the wedding hologram of Vanderweg LAUGHING as she leaps into her husband's arms. EZRI She's laughing -- SMASH CUT TO: DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 47. 74 INT. ILARIO'S QUARTERS to Ezri and Joran staring at the photograph of Ilario and his classmates. EZRI That's what the victims have in common. Pictures of laughing faces... JORAN A killer who hates laughter. Who hates emotion... Ezri and Joran exchange a look -- they both have the same thought. EZRI A Vulcan. JORAN All Vulcans distrust emotions, but they don't go around killing people for smiling. EZRI This one does. (theorizing) Something happened to him... something so emotionally painful, it's making him lose control... when he looks through the targeting sensor and sees those pictures... the laughter seems to mock him. JORAN (the proud teacher) You're thinking like he thinks, Ezri. EZRI (to Com) Computer. How many Vulcan Starfleet Officers are on the station? COMPUTER VOICE There are forty-eight Vulcans serving on Deep Space Nine. JORAN Now all we have to do is eliminate forty-seven of them. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 47A. 74 CONTINUED: EZRI I should tell Odo... JORAN Not until we have proof. EZRI Then let's get some. And off that -- 75 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 48. 76 INT. SCIENCE LAB (VPB) Ezri is at a monitor having just scrolled through the service records of the station's Vulcan population. Joran stands behind her. EZRI (frustrated) We still have twenty-eight suspects... Vulcans who have suffered a personal loss of some kind. JORAN We've narrowed the field. EZRI Not by enough. 77 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Ezri is at the railing again, looking at the busy crowd below. Joran, as always, is by her side. 78 EZRI'S POV of TWO VULCAN OFFICERS walking side-by-side. 79 BACK TO EZRI watching them, then looking over at -- 80 EZRI'S POV - QUARK'S SECOND LEVEL to see a Vulcan Officer seated at a table, eating. 81 BACK TO EZRI AND JORAN EZRI There's one thing I don't understand... if he hates laughter, why doesn't he seek out his victims in Quark's or in a holosuite? JORAN Maybe it's not just the laughter... DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 49. 81 CONTINUED: EZRI (thinking it over) You're right... maybe it's the way a photograph freezes emotion... making it seem like the laughter's going to last forever. Ezri looks back out at the passersby... 82 INT. TURBOLIFT as the doors open and Ezri and Joran ENTER. EZRI (to com) Level Twelve, Central Core. JORAN So what do we do now? EZRI We go back over our list of suspects... see if we can't narrow it down. And then proof or no proof, we give the list to Odo. Just then, the doors OPEN and a VULCAN SCIENCE OFFICER ENTERS. VULCAN (to com) Habitat Ring, Level K Fifty-five. 83 CLOSE ON EZRI as she studies the new passenger, who pays her no mind. After a beat, she turns away and stares straight ahead. However, Joran's eyes remain locked on the Vulcan, scrutinizing him intently. After a moment, Joran steps up to the Vulcan and literally stares him in the face. Of course, the Vulcan doesn't even know Joran is there. But before Ezri can stop herself -- EZRI (to Joran) What are you doing? The Vulcan, thinking she's talking to him, looks quizzically at Ezri. VULCAN Are you addressing me? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FOUR 50. 83 CONTINUED: EZRI (realizing her mistake) Sorry. Nevermind. They then both look back at the door. But Joran is still pinning the Vulcan with his eyes. And when he speaks, it's with an intense certainty. JORAN It's him, Ezri. I know it is. We've found our killer. 84 CLOSE ON EZRI as she slowly turns to look the Vulcan. And off this moment, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FIVE 51. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 85 INT. TURBOLIFT As before. Joran continues to stand nose-to-nose with the Vulcan. JORAN I'm telling you. He's the one we're looking for... look in his eyes! Ezri also continues to stare at the Vulcan. EZRI (to the Vulcan, inviting a response) By the way, I'm Counselor Dax... Just then the Turbolift doors OPEN and the Vulcan looks over at her. VULCAN I know. And with that, he EXITS. As the doors shut, Ezri slumps back against the Turbolift wall, unsure of what to do. JORAN What are you doing? He's getting away. EZRI We need proof -- something I can take to Odo. JORAN And while you're looking for that proof, what do you think the Vulcan will be doing? I'll tell you -- he's going to pick another victim. And as Ezri looks over at Joran, fearing he might be right -- DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FIVE 52. 86 INT. SCIENCE LAB CLOSE ON a monitor screen displaying a picture of the Vulcan we just saw in the turbolift. EZRI (O.S.) Science Officer Chu'lak. Age, ninety-seven. Adjust to REVEAL Ezri and Joran studying the monitor. EZRI Assigned to Deep Space Nine three months ago. Before that, he served aboard the U.S.S. Grissom. JORAN Why was he transferred? EZRI The Grissom was destroyed by the Jem'Hadar in the battle of Ricktor Prime. Chu'lak was one of only six crewmen to survive. JORAN Six survivors out of a crew of twelve hundred and fifty... EZRI He served on that ship for ten years. Those people who died... they were his colleagues... his friends... JORAN That's a painful loss. Even for a Vulcan... EZRI That doesn't make him a killer. JORAN But your instincts are telling you that he is. Listen to your instincts -- listen to me! It's him! EZRI (to the com) Computer. Locate Science Officer Chu'lak. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FIVE 53. 86 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Lieutenant Chu'lak is in his quarters. JORAN (with urgency) Seeking out his next victim. EZRI (to com) Computer. Where are Chu'lak's quarters? COMPUTER VOICE Habitat Ring Level D Twelve. Ezri gets out of her chair and picks up the TR-one- one-six, placing the targeting display over her eye. JORAN (pleased) My thought exactly. 87 EZRI'S POV - CHU'LAK'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) where Chu'lak is seated at a monitor, working a console. JORAN (O.S.) What do you see? EZRI (O.S.) He's studying something on his computer console... Chu'lak's body prevents us from seeing whatever's on the screen. 88 EZRI looking into the targeting sensor, holding the rifle. Joran's right beside her. JORAN Studying what? 89 EZRI'S POV - CHU'LAK'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) as Ezri's targeting mechanism pushes through Chu'lak's body to get a look at the monitor screen. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FIVE 54. 89 CONTINUED: On it is the service record, with photo, of Ezri Dax. 90 ON EZRI as she reacts to the discovery. JORAN What is it? EZRI Me. My service record. JORAN He knows we suspect him. 91 EZRI'S POV - CHU'LAK'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) as Chu'lak gets up out of his chair and crosses into the next room. EZRI (O.S.) He's going into the next room -- JORAN(O.S.) Follow him. But before she can make the adjustment on the targeting sensor knob, Chu'lak returns carrying something wrapped in a Vulcan ceremonial blanket. EZRI (O.S.) He's back... he's carrying something... JORAN (O.S.) It's the rifle... Ezri doesn't say anything as Chu'lak lays the item on a table. He then unfolds the blanket to reveal a TR-one-one-six. 92 BACK TO EZRI AND JORAN JORAN (pressing) Isn't it? DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FIVE 55. 92 CONTINUED: Ezri instinctively grabs a loaded bullet clip, slaps it onto the rifle, then aims again. Joran smiles approvingly; time to take it another step. JORAN Shoot him. But Ezri hesitates... 93 EZRI'S POV - CHU'LAKIS QUARTERS (OPTICAL) to see Chu'lak put on the targeting display over one eye and lift up the rifle. JORAN (O.S.) Don't think about it -- Chu'lak works his targeting sensor -- 94 ON EZRI JORAN Do it! 95 EZRI'S POV - CHU'LAK'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) as Chu'lak takes aim at his target -- Ezri! JORAN (O.S.) Kill him! 96 ON EZRI as she tightens her grip on the rifle -- 97 EZRI'S POV - CHU'LAK'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) as Chu'lak does the same -- 98 ON EZRI as she finally pulls the trigger -- JORAN Yes! DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FIVE 56. 99 EZRI'S POV - CHU'LAK'S QUARTERS (OPTICAL) -- to see Chu'lak hit in the chest. As he falls back, he fires his weapon -- 100 WIDER ON EZRI AND JORAN as a bullet whizzes by them and slams into the bulkhead. JORAN Congratulations. Ezri drops the rifle and removes the targeting sensor from eye. Without a word to Joran, she walks out of her quarters -- 101 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR As we follow Ezri walking purposefully down the hallway. Joran is with her. JORAN I'm proud of you. But Ezri just ignores him. 102 INT. CHU'LAK'S QUARTERS CLOSE ON a wounded Chu'lak as he slowly drags himself on his stomach toward his TR-one-one-six, lying on the floor. Just as his arm stretches out for the weapon, we HEAR the doors to his quarters OPEN. Before his straining fingers can get hold of the rifle, Ezri's foot slides the gun away. 103 WIDER to see Ezri reach down and pick up the rifle, the barrel pointing down at Chu'lak. Joran, as always, is by her side. JORAN (to Ezri) Go ahead. Finish what you started. Chu'lak, breathing painfully, looks up at Ezri. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FIVE 57. 103 CONTINUED: EZRI (to Chu'lak) Tell me, why'd you do it? The Vulcan looks at her for a long beat. VULCAN Because logic demanded it. JORAN (to Ezri) What are you waiting for? 104 CLOSE ON EZRI as she looks down at the rifle she's holding in her hands, which is pointed at Chu'lak. JORAN He deserves to die -- you know that. Follow your instincts... EZRI I will... Joran smiles triumphantly. But his smile is short- lived as Ezri lifts the weapon so that the muzzle points away from Chu'lak. EZRI (tapping her badge) Ezri to Infirmary. I need an Emergency Medical team. Habitat Ring D Twelve. BASHIR'S COM VOICE On our way. Joran shakes his head, disturbed by Ezri's change of heart. EZRI (to Joran) Try not to look so disappointed. And off that moment -- 105 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FIVE 57A. 106 INT. EZRI'S QUARTERS Ezri stands before the lighted altar. Joran watches her, a small satisfied smile on his face. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FIVE 58. 106 CONTINUED: EZRI I'nora, ja'kala vok... JORAN I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed our time together. EZRI Zheem Dax... nah sass-eye-ahn... D'za-oo bah-zheest... 107 ANOTHER ANGLE (OPTICAL) as Ezri steps over to the mirror. Joran's image is reflected in the mirror instead of her own. EZRI Joran rhee jehr hey-dah... JORAN You know you won't be able to forget me... or bury me as deeply as Curzon or Jadzia did. Ezri pauses her chant, knowing she has to have a final conversation with Joran. EZRI (simply) I know. JORAN I'm a part of you now. As much as Audrid, Torias -- any of them. Ezri can't deny what Joran is saying. EZRI I'll have to be careful. And with that, Ezri turns her attention to the business at hand. EZRI Tu Dax noh zhian 'vok... j'zui... 108 CLOSER ON THE MIRROR (OPTICAL) as Joran's image bleeds away and is replaced by Ezri's own image. DEEP SPACE NINE: "Field of Fire" - REV. 11/23/98 - ACT FIVE 59. 108 CONTINUED: EZRI ... Joran Rhem Tanas... Ezri. And as Ezri stares at her own reflection, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END